The WHOOSH Bullet Train from Jakarta to Bandung, West Java

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so it is uh 9:12 a.m. and today hopefully  fingers crossed we're going to get the uh   the new whoosh train the bullet train the  new Chinese built bullet train that goes   from Jakarta to the city of Bandung which is the  third biggest city in Indonesia so that's our plan 2 minutes later we've  noticed there is a crash on   our journey you got to contend with  cars trying to muscle their way in be gone right we have arrived halem  station it's not a station I've   ever been to before question is where  do we just go customer service we've   already got our tickets so we should  just be able to go straight through here Okay see we've already  got our QR code can we book the tickets train leaves in 18 minutes scanner look at this model of  it this is what we're going on excited yeah are you yeah so this Train's  only been running for what about a month yeah   so it's quite a new thing looks like an airport it  looks like an airport is there's our train tagala 1020 easy easy I cannot believe we actually  made it here yeah I know I was hopeful though   how taxi driver was amazing I honestly thought  we were going to miss I thought we were going   to miss this but yeah he was a good taxi  driver he realized and he was driving not   like a maniac fast but carefully so give  him a bit of a tip this is a long escalator right hello right so here it is brand new train  and we're in coach 2 we've got economy ticket   which cost 50,000 each so about £750 it's quite  tricky to actually manage to book your tickets   because they're avilable all day isn't it and  you got to do it on an nap they're only they   only come out a week beforehand so yeah anyway  so the train is about to go so I'm going to   get on the right Carriage seline's already on  board let's see if I can find it hello thank you this is what you get for economy got shoed on by a security guard oh did yeah here we are so we you to leave at  1020 and it's 10+ 10 now current speed 0 km an   hour my pants are all wet so I just opened  that and it's spewed out it's all on the floor the my feet is so this is so my camera B for station calling  at the G station is ready to   depart and we're off actually 1  minute early goodbye to Carter I love how they say whoo here it is but total Journey time 45 minutes as opposed to   almost 4 hours so it saves a huge  amount of time who W yes W wuss [Music] wuss the current speed now is 258 km an  hour but according to Google it goes up to 385   km an hour which is 239 mph 24 let's see if  we get there already very fast heading into   East Jakarta so you can see here the different  tickets you can get and the prices so you can   get an economy which are all fully booked out  for 150,000 about £750 business class 450 and   first class 6,30 one way we should have travel  business class our first class but this is all   right isn't it for 45 minutes yeah leg's  really good it reclines really nicely so   it looks like we're going about aage 350 km  an hour and it's really smooth yeah really   smoth really the Chinese Engineers who built  this have done a really good job really good job Countryside you get around here  you got storage VI luggage it smells   really new this train just smells  new let's have a look in one of the toilets what you get clean  nice and look at this stain unbelievable this is bloody quick but one of the most disconcerting things  about the wuss wuss train is is the stairs you   get if you spill Coke down yourself people look at  my face look down there look back at my face and   look utterly disgusted especially since I've just  come out of the toilet so we've only been on for   about 12 minutes and look jakarta's right over  there and then we're already there and there's band w w w yes so we're approaching West  B Padang or something we're going to get   off here and then the woman's just said  we are going to change to a feeder train   so to get to this point it only  takes your thank you 25 minutes   25 minutes we're already in bandang but now  we got to do the other part of the journey right you got it this is well I'm impressed with that W well done T yeah now to the inter city [Music] terrain it's not as nice  as the rsh it's all right though   you got to find somewhere to  sit cuz every seat's full up [Music] and mor this should  take about 10 minutes 14 km   not very far so this is what a normal train looks [Music] like and so 1 Hour 1 minute after leaving  kataa we are in bandong Central [Applause] Station um Engish  isia okay I'm from you're the   driver no I'm okay nice to see you  friendly train guard you sit in b so nice so that's how you do the wuss wuss yeah  train from Jakarta to Bandon I'd say it's a   definite it's definitely worth doing it saves  you so much time you can still see a bit of   the Patty fields and stuff uh comfortable  ride quick easy definite hit who train yes yeah
Channel: Jason Smart Travel
Views: 113,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, train, whoosh, whoosh train, bullet trian, bullet train, travel, 45 minutes, jakarta, jakarta halim, whoosh bullet, what it the whoosh train like
Id: XM-MvgEiXX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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