I Took a Political Compass Test - It did NOT turn out the way I expected!!!

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i can't believe i'm doing this today i'm probably gonna regret i'm certainly going to regret this but uh as many of you know i often talk about leaning a little more to the right but uh also a lot of you have kind of pushed back on me about that and suggested that maybe i'm a little more moderate and center-ish than i realize and i think there may be some truth to that i think especially as i've gotten older and i think this is true with a lot of people um my views have mellowed some i think we become more moderate as we get older i think we we gain wisdom and we gain insight and we realize it's not all my side good other side bad ah so i thought it would be interesting i haven't done anything like this for a long time please don't turn this into something that's about a debate but i'm gonna take a political compass test today i believe this is the same one that my friend matt beat took a while back so it'll be interesting to do this something a little different today and see where i turn out on all this i think i'll probably lean lean slightly to the right i don't know if it's going to come out authoritarian right or libertarian right but i think i'll probably lean to the right a little bit so here we go let's dive into this if economic globalization is inevitable it should be primarily it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interest of transnational corporations wow we're starting with a heavy one aren't we um sure i guess i would agree with that i would always support my country whether it was right or wrong absolutely not strongly disagree with that if your country's wrong your country's wrong nobody's country is perfect and one of the beauties of being an american like in many countries where we have the freedom to speak out we can say so when we think our country's wrong so no one chooses their country of birth true so it's foolish to be proud of it i i i agree with the first half of that statement i disagree with the second half i don't think there's anything wrong with being proud of your country whatever country that is every country's got things to be proud of and things to not be proud of um so i'm gonna disagree but not strongly disagree with that a race what race is that as many superior qualities compared with other races uh no no no no no no no um now there's so many other factors besides just racism that determine those kinds of things um all right the enemy of my enemy is my friend i think politically speaking that's probably true um yeah okay military action that defies international law is sometimes justified that's a tough one because while it's important to have things like international law and have agreements among nations wow ah boy i wish there was like a in between because i don't agree or disagree with that really um i'm gonna slightly agree with that one there is now a worrying fusion of inter information and entertainment oh absolutely true absolutely agree with that all right next page now the economy we're talking attitudes here not the ftse index people are ultimately divided more by class than nationality i think i'd probably slightly agree with that i think that people from various countries might find more they agree with uh based on those things perfect example of that when i was in france recently and actually just talked about this in the podcast i recorded this morning about the lost battalion um i was in eastern france in the town of chateau chehri which is uh where alvin york did what he did to earn the medal of honor and uh i felt very at home there i felt very connected to those people even though we spoke a different language even though they were french and i was american uh i it felt like i was in a small town in pennsylvania in the hills so absolutely i think i felt more in common with those people than i do with people in new york city here in america uh just in terms of socio-economic backgrounds in terms of kind of culture uh it was interesting so yeah i think i would probably agree with that controlling inflation is far more important than controlling unemployment i don't know if i agree with that though i think that's a very general statement to make and i think that could mean a lot of different things because corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment they require regulation um i think that's probably true i think humanity in general if left unchecked tends to err on the side of do what you want and get away with it they'll push the boundaries to whatever you can and so if you don't have boundaries people are there are going to be some companies that are going to do whatever they want and so i think that having some regulations does really matter and is important so i would agree with that i don't know if i'd strongly agree with that but i'll agree with that from each according to his ability to each according to his need is a fundamentally good idea i disagree with that i know where that's coming from because i don't think it can ever be enacted on paper sure but because human beings are involved and human human beings are at their core um selfish people uh it never works out that way so i'm gonna disagree with that the freer the market the freer the people [Music] that's um tough one i agree with that statement in principle but again i recognize the need for regulation because free people tend to stomp on other free people um so you kind of have to keep them from that sometimes it's a sad reflection on our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled branded consumer product i agree that that's a sad reflection on society but at the same same time uh if we didn't buy it it wouldn't get sold you know there's supply and demand and we are creating the demand for that product um so i'm gonna disagree just because demand creates supply people buy stuff and so people sell it if we don't like it we shouldn't buy it land shouldn't be a commodity to be bought and sold i strongly disagree with that it is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society um i guess it is regrettable but it's the system that we live in and um you know so often so much of the problem is not that people take advantage of it it's that we allow them by we create the circumstances in which people take advantage of that stuff um i think i disagree with that protectionism is sometimes necessary in trade yeah i agree with that um the only social responsibility of a company should be to deliver a profit to its shareholders social responsibility no i disagree with that i think companies have an obligation to do much more than that the rich are too highly taxed i disagree that they're too highly taxed um i think we should probably close some loopholes um i i don't agree with the idea that we should that somehow we should just put these oppressively or i shouldn't say oppressively that there should be like obscenely high taxes on wealth because you could take all the money in the world and it wouldn't pay for some of the projects that people have in mind but i do think that there are loopholes that we could close to make things maybe a little more fair because i think it's just too easy for rich people to um get out of having to pay taxes by taking advantage of the laws that there are so um those with the ability to pay should have access to higher standards of medical care um that's a tough one i think it's it's true in general that people who have the ability to pay are always going to be able to access better services um that's a tough one because i'm i'm not a fan of socialized medicine even though i know it works in some countries and works quite well i also see a lot of negatives to it um and i say that as someone who has his own private medical insurance you know i pay for mine myself because i'm self-employed so um i think i probably disagree with that governments should penalize businesses that mislead the public yeah i think that's fair if you're gonna lie you should be punished for that a genuine free market can requires restrictions on the ability of predator mali nationals to create monopoly um listen i economics is not my strong suit but i think i'd probably agree with that okay here we go we are on to section three and this is probably where i'm gonna anger some people we're talking about personal social values abortion when the woman's life is not threatened should always be illegal um [Music] you guys know that i'm a conservative christian uh i understand this is a complicated issue and uh to answer this especially given the political climate in which we are and and decisions that may be coming out pretty soon i know this is going to probably upset some people um but based on this statement the way it's worded um i'm going to agree with that not strongly agree but agree uh this is my personal view on it um it's not something i want to argue about with anybody one way or the other and just understand that i'm coming at this as a conservative christian who has a particular view on life and when it begins and stuff like that so i understand that it's a complicated issue and there are a lot of factors in all of that uh all authority should be questioned strongly agree with that um questioned not necessarily all authority should be opposed that would be a very different statement to make an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth that's an old testament biblical viewpoint strongly disagree with that when we're talking about government [Music] and talking about um people within that government um the the state has a role to play in punishing crime and the punishment should fit the crime i believe but i believe this idea of an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth is much more about personal revenge um and therefore i strongly disagree with it taxpayers should not be expected to prop up any theaters or museums that cannot survive on a commercial basis uh i disagree with that i think there's a role to play uh for taxpayers and taxpayers have the vote on this we vote for our representatives who will then vote on how our tax money is spent and if the people we vote in to represent us uh choose to subsidize theaters and museums i think that's a part of who we are as as a culture is to recognize art and recognize theater and those sorts of things so i got no problem with government subsidy of those kinds of things on a limited basis schools should not make classroom attendance compulsory hmm that's an interesting one i kind of slightly agree with that um i i really kind of feel like that's something that should be left up to the parents um you know if i want to take my kids out of school for two weeks to take them to europe to experience culture and history firsthand i shouldn't have to deal with the school sending me angry letters saying your kids missed too many hours of school which is what would happen here if i did that so i kind of agree with that i think all people have their rights but it is better for all of us that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind i strongly disagree with that good parents sometimes have to spank their children i agree with that i i never really did much of that with my own kids i personally have no problem with that if it's done in what i think is an appropriate manner some know some of you are going to disagree with that um i have no problem with that on a limited basis it depends on the kid right my oldest my daughter we spanked her a few times and you know she looked at us and she's like i bet you thought that hurt uh it wasn't effective with her and so we didn't do it my younger two i don't think we ever really did much of that just because it wasn't necessary uh we found pretty early on that uh our kids our boys especially my middle son caleb who's gonna be 15 this year if you looked at him cross-eyed he would cry um so you didn't have to punish him that way um i think it really just depends but i i agree that's sometimes the way to deal with it i was spanked as a kid a few times not often um there's a there's a fine there there's a line between abuse and appropriate but um it's natural for children to keep some secrets from their parents it's natural for kids to feel that way as a parent i tell my kids all the time there is no such thing as privacy in this house as long as you live under my roof as long as i'm responsible for you you have no expectation of privacy it's natural but i don't know that i agree with it so i'm going to say disagree possessing marijuana for personal use should not be a criminal offense here's how i view that i personally have never tried it have no interest in it never tried cigarettes for that matter um as long as alcohol and tobacco are legal in this country which they are kind of agree that we shouldn't make that illegal either so i'm gonna be a i guess i'll agree with that uh the prime function of schooling should be to equip the future generation to find jobs i think that makes sense you know one of the things i constantly say like with my daughter my daughter was doing all this crazy like algebra and geometry stuff this year and i was i found myself thinking why in the world is my daughter doing this having to do this she is never going to use the stuff that she was doing this year in her junior year she's never going to use any of that in her life she's not going into any kind of field related to where she's going to need to be factoring polynomials it seems completely pointless to me for her to be doing that uh so i i strongly agree with that statement and i also really agree with the idea that not every kid should be getting pushed to go to college trade schools a lot of different other areas we are not going to push my kids to go to college i think probably my kids are going to end up going to college but that's going to be their choice and it's not going to be because i said you have to go to college when you get out of high school uh there's a lot of other ways uh what i'm doing today i'm i'm i'm more successful than i've ever been in my life and it has zero to do with my college education just saying um people with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce i strongly disagree with that we can't be making that decision um the most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline i don't think that's the most important thing for them to learn do i think that's important for them to learn yes but the most important nah disagree there are no savage and civilized people there are only different cultures now there kind of are uh there are definitely certain cultures that are more savage and uncivilized than others i'm going to disagree with that well there's quite a few in this one those who are able to work and refuse the opportunity should not expect society support strongly agree with that strongly agree with that when you are troubled it is better not to think about it but to keep busy with more cheerful things it's a time and place for that but i don't know what this has to do with political i'm going to disagree with that first generation immigrants can never be fully integrated within their new country nah i don't think that's true at all here's how i view that i think if you are going to a new country whatever that country is and you want to become a part of that country you should assimilate yourself into that country's structure society culture while also maintaining a pride and in the heritage that you have so if you're an italian immigrant coming to america become an american but also be proud of your italian culture and if you want to speak italian at home and and you want to you know celebrate your italian culture by all means do that my neighbor across the street flies an italian flag good for him no problem with that but he also flies an american flag because he's an american uh i i don't think you should go to a new country and then expect that country to bow to your heritage i think if you're going to a new place you should if i if i decide to move to germany i should assimilate myself to the german culture while also being proud of my american heritage so um i disagree that first generation generation americans can never be fully integrated or immigrants not just americans what's good for the most successful corporations is always ultimately good for all of us i strongly disagree with that something could be really good for a corporation and make it a lot of money and make it successful but not be good for society no broadcasting institution however independent its content should receive public funding i kind of agree with that that's all i'll say about that one and how you see the wider society our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter terrorism see i'm on i'm one of those people that kind of and this is maybe a little authoritarian in me doesn't really have a problem with that like it doesn't bother me that they do all the stuff they do at the airport if it means i'm gonna be safe right ah i kind of disagree with that like i never had a problem with the patriot act and i know that probably puts me in the minority of people um maybe it's because i've never been on the receiving end of some of that stuff um but like when i was in germany and i got pulled over by the german police and they never told me why and they made me get out of the car and they searched my car that kind of thing would never have flown here in the united states but i didn't it didn't bother me that they did that because i didn't have anything to hide so i guess i wasn't too worried about it i don't know a significant advantage of a one-party state there's no advantages to that is that it avoids all the arguments and delayed progress in a democratic political system strongly disagree i wish we had more parties in the united states than just the two because i hate both of them i think they both suck big time and i wish we had other choices i really do although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier only wrongdoers need to be worried i wouldn't say only wrongdoers need to be worried so i would slightly disagree with that i would say for the most part that's kind of true but i still think we need to be really careful with that kind of stuff the death penalty should be an option for the most serious crime strongly agree with that listen i really i i have times where i go back and forth on the death penalty but then every so often along comes a case that reminds me that some people just need to be removed from this planet as quickly as possible i i had a friend i don't want to get too much into this story but uh a kid i knew growing up his name was ray feife and when he was 12 years old he took a shortcut through the woods to get to a boy scout meeting and he was attacked by two two guys one i think one was 17 one was 19 and they did on horrific things to him before killing him one of them because he was 17 at the time got life in prison the other one was sentenced to death ray was killed in 1985. and the older one who was sentenced to death is still on death row 37 years later there was a story i read one time years ago i remember reading about a woman a guy pretended to be the plumber and he brutalized this woman and killed her and then spent the next several hours with her cell phone calling people in her contact list and telling them what he had done to her in graphic detail people like that i got no problem with executing at all so yeah strongly agree in civilized society one must always have people above to be obeyed and people below to be commanded i don't like how that's worded i agree with the basic principles of it that there are going to always be people in positions of authority um i disagree with how that's worded but uh abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all what's that i don't know what that's got to do with politics but i strongly disagree because abstract art is considered art by some people or again we wouldn't put it in art museums right some people consider that art i might not understand it but that doesn't mean somebody else doesn't understand it so nah i disagree with that in criminal justice punishment should be more important than rehabilitation nah i don't think it should be more important i disagree with that i think there's a place for both i think there should be consequences for people's choices and the crimes they commit but i think there's also a role to be played in the criminal justice system in rehabilitation i think we can do both it's a waste of time to re try to rehabilitate some criminals i think i agree with that i wouldn't strongly agree with that because who's making that decision right who is in a position to decide who it's a waste of time to rehabilitate and who it's not i think after a certain number of crimes you can probably figure out that some people aren't interested in rehabilitation but um so i kind of agree with that the business person and the manufacturer are more important than the writer and the artist nah i strongly disagree because what's the point in making money and having a job if there isn't something to make it worthwhile right uh i think both are are important mothers may have careers but their first duty is to be homemakers no i don't think we're there anymore i'm a stay-at-home dad i mean i i'm a stay-at-home dad who also makes most of the income in the house these days but um that doesn't make my wife's role any less important we both have have a role in home every situation is different i don't think there's a right or wrong way to do that so i strongly disagree um i think a mother and a father both have a role an important role in the home and then how they work out who makes the money and who works you know that's every family for themselves right multinational companies are unethically exploiting the pla plant genetic resources of developing countries i'm not entirely sure what they're after there um but that's a very general statement but i would agree that some are making peace with the establishment is an important aspect of maturity i guess i'll strongly agree with that one too i shouldn't say strongly but agree with that one all right page five if you got through that okay you'll find these propositions on religion a breeze oh boy here we go remember i'm i'm a conservative christian all right so understand that's where i'm coming from with this astrology accurately explains many things nah strongly disagree wait strongly disagree with that you cannot be moral without being religious i disagree i strongly disagree i think every i think morality is based in something and for some people their morality is based in religion other people their morality is based in other things so yeah i disagree with that charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged i wish that charity took care of that stuff so that social security wasn't necessary but i disagree i think there's a there's there's a place for both things some people are unnaturally or are naturally unlucky i just i strongly disagree with that there is luck and i there's a there's a role that luck plays there's there's chance in everything but i don't think anybody's naturally unlucky i think some people naturally make bad decisions um you know i say this all the time you know people say everything happens for a reason and i like to say everything happens for a reason and sometimes the reason is that you're stupid and make poor choices um it's um it's important that my child's school instills religious values i disagree with that um i think it's important for me as a father to instill my religious values on my kids and then let them make their choice because if a school instills religious values who decides what religious values um you know i strongly agree i'm a christian i believe christianity is is right which means i by definition believe other religions are wrong but if i insist that christianity should be taught in schools then shouldn't other religions also be taught in schools and do i really want that i don't know nah i i don't agree that religion should be kept completely out of the public sphere i'm not one of those people but i also don't think it should be established and forced on people all right sex sex outside marriage is usually immoral um interesting one i don't know again what this has to do with politics it's kind of an interesting question because um i agree morally speaking and religiously speaking that that's true so i'm going to agree with that just on a personal standpoint uh do does that mean i think it should be outlawed or banned or anything like that no no of course not um but as the product of an extramarital relationship who therefore grew up without a father in his life uh without his biological father in his life i understand the this that's one of the reasons why i think sex within the context of marriage avoids a lot of issues but anyway uh all right this a same-sex couple in a stable loving relationship should not be excluded from the possibility of child adoption strongly agree with that uh pornography depicting consenting adults should be legal for the adult population i believe that pornography is incredibly destructive both to the women and men who are portrayed in pornography and also to the consumer and i will say that as someone who has overcome an addiction to pornography much younger in my life i to this day deal with the consequences of that addiction even though i'm many years removed from it i think pornography is horribly destructive to society that said i agree that it should be legal i wish it wasn't but that's again personally i think it's terribly destructive and i would do anything to have avoided ever experiencing it for the first time anyway what goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state strongly agree with that um no one can feel naturally homosexual i have my own ideas on how people become homosexual i don't necessarily believe anyone's born that way i believe people always feel that way um but listen that's not for me to decide um i strongly disagree that no one feels natural homosexual i absolutely believe people do feel naturally that way um these days openness about sex has gone too far i would agree with that to a point i think some of that stuff is better left behind the scenes all right here we go let's see where i stand well i came out almost exactly where mr beat did on his interesting authoritarian left okay um that's really fascinating because i'm pretty sure that's exactly where he came out on this whole thing economic scale i'm more i kind of looking at this the starting point of the political compass is in 2001 when we recognize the inequities inadequacies of standard political measure um oh okay so this isn't actually where i am that's the initial thing that it shows okay um so i am actually libertarian left who knew wow i'm not surprised by the libertarian part i'm a little surprised by the left part okay so and i get where some of that's coming from so for example it's probably viewed as a right leaning viewpoint to say that gay people should not be allowed to adopt and i said they should um so i get that so i can see how some of my answers cause me to lean more left so there you go as much as i talk about being conservative politically i actually come out slightly leaning to the left who knew all right that's kind of cool let me know your thoughts about all that uh i got nothing to add to that if you want to see me do more stuff like this if you have a particular one you'd like me to try out another one of these kinds of tests give let me know in the comment section below you can't put a link because it'll get blocked by youtube automatically but let me know thanks for watching
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 224,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: political compass, political compass test, authoritarian left, authoritarian right, political ideology, libertarian right, libertarian left, political compass explained, political compass quiz, ben shapiro show, political theory
Id: c0Q3n3zM-_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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