Falling In Love With Gleam

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gleam is a friendly language for Building typesafe Systems that scale this is a project I've been keeping an eye on for a while largely because as an Elixir Fanboy it's interesting gleam is also built on top of the earling beam runtime which means it gets a lot of the same benefits in ecosystem that Elixir has but it's Focus much more on type safety and its type system whereas alixir is adding a type system and super super focused on the math side there this is an alternative approach to building on top of beam and it looks very similar this code looks hilariously similar to I was used to writing in Elixir but it comes with a lot of the type safety and other benefits that we would expect it does have the same piping functionality and behaviors it has the threads and all the cool Spawn tasking stuff that you can do in the earling beam VM but it gives us type safety as we do it here we see did you mean name instead of Alias no null values no exceptions clear error messages and a practical type system whether you're writing new code or maintaining old code gleam is designed to make your job as fun and stressfree as possible why are we talking about gleam today as I said I've been around for a bit I've been keeping an eye on this thing for even longer why today well gleam version one is finally here what is their version one release like let's take a look today gleam 1.0.0 has been released this is the first stable release of the language more on what that means later as well as a big milestone for the ecosystem it's been a long journey and I'm proud of both the tech and the community that we've built here with gleam thank you so much to everyone who has taken part in any way you've all contributed to the project getting here in meaningful ways of all sizes so what is gleam gleam is a programming language that tries to make your job as a writer and maintainer of software systems as predictable stressfree and enjoyable as possible the language is consistent and has a small surface area making it possible to learn in an afternoon coupled with a lack of magic and strong desires to have only one way of doing things gleam is typically easy to read and understand reading and debugging code is more difficult than writing new code so we try to optimize for that I will say this is very different from the direction we've seen in other languages recently I feel like all the languages people are hyped about and talking about right now are all in focused on performance and that's great there are a lot of things that need really good performance especially in a world where javascript's taken over way too much stuff when you end up running into massive performance issues because the language you chose was JS the thing you want to fix is performance so you look for things that fix performance I would make a counterargument a lot of the time there are performance problems it's not because the language itself is slow it's because the language doesn't have a good way to do concurrency and this is where erlang Elixir beam and all these things have a massive massive advantage they are so good at concurrency their code is still really fast I'm not saying that Elixir and orlang and these things are slow they're not they're not as fast as a language that is memory manually optimized like rust but they're really performant more importantly though they make concurrency trivial to implement so if you have multiple cores lying around the ability to just spawn processes on them and collect them in a map without writing any meaningful code is so comically better that I think for a lot of things these systems are better replacement for JavaScript than something like rust if your performance issue could be solved theoretically by making JS really good at concurrency you might not need to go to rust in the first place and that's why I'm excited here because there's so many problems where single-threaded JS even single-threaded Ruby is obviously not good enough well you don't need to go to rust instead we don't even need to go to goang instead we need to go somewhere that is not going to make our lives harder as devs maybe it'll even make them easier while also giving us incredible concurrent Primitives that have logical behaviors and scale infinitely this is how WhatsApp was would be built with like what five Engineers when they were acquired with hundreds of millions of users that's only possible because the concurrency model of earling is so powerful but yes theoretically on a single-threaded benchmark this is going to be slower than rust complain to my comments anyways gleam has robust static analysis and a type system inspired by languages such as Elm old camo and rust so the compiler serves as a programming assistant giving you additional context to help you make the changes you want to make don't worry about writing perfect code the first time with gleam refactoring is low risk and low stress so you continue to improve your code as you learn more about the problem at hand it's cool that refactoring is like part of their design goals of the language I think that's somewhat rare I'll say rust is good about this not good in the sense that you can meaningfully change the way a code base Works quickly but it's good in the sense that if you make a mistake while making changes you get yelled at a bunch and it helps you think through those things whereas typescript kind of lets you YOLO while also being able to rename things without it all Breaking seems like they're aiming for something between those which is exciting running administrating software is as important as writing it gleam runs on the earling VM a mature and battl tested platform that powers many of the world's most reliable and scalable systems such as WhatsApp I I will admit WhatsApp being our go-to thing to sight we need more we really need more there are a lot more the Telecom world is deep on all things beam in Arling that's what it was built for originally but we need better companies to site here gleam can also run on JavaScript wait I did not read that part what what gleam can run and Ja gleam can run in JavaScript run times huh okay that changes things so now you can run gleam code in browser on mobile or anywhere else here's an example of some gleam handle request request context response use Json wisp cool this is using the Wisp to get Json out of the request let result use data try to decode it the Json as a person is a model that has been imported I'm assuming yeah my app person so we've created this model we're trying to decode the Json as that model then we're trying to insert the person into database and we have the row now okay person. tojson row this is taking that row and asserting that that's okay then we have a result case if okay then we Json respond and if error then we say it's an unprocessable entity using wisp which is I'm assuming their web framework got to love some good pattern matching this is so nice just case result and then the cases are two things that could be the case so okay Json is only true if the Json result is okay if it isn't then error empty is the case instead nice and clear clean good stuff what does gleam V1 include well this version covers all the public apis found in the main gleam git repo which is The Gleam language compiler build tools package manager code formatter the language server and the compiler for wasm apis and JS bindings that's a lot to include in a V1 release it's also really nice seeing the code formatter or and language server being prioritized enough to be in this announcement post especially code formatter huge shout out to go for normalizing this the idea of what if the language just had one way supposed to look so that the developers can stop bitching about syntax constantly we just pick it for them and then it works I love that the this is now normal for new languages is so cool I still remember when Elixir added format and was so so hyped to not have to worry about those things in my code base anymore go was first at this I believe there's some things in R now too but having this be a thing from the official team squashes out so much think about how many videos I've made and how much time I've wasted just complaining about ways to format turn Aries that doesn't happen when you have a formatter built into the language really cool stuff they they also have the language server which is great because this means not only can you have a good experience in whatever editor they chose to support which is obviously going to be vs code now someone like Prime can go build the bindings to use this language server inside of vim and it takes almost no time to do that if you implement the language server protocol correctly which I'm sure they did if they're advertising it here really exciting stuff and also the wasm stuff which we're going to have to play with at the end of this so stick around if you want to see me actually trying it The Gleam standard library and other packages maintained by the core team will be getting an accompanying V1 release shortly afterwards before these are least we will be making poll requests to Popular Community packages to relax their package manager version constraints to ensure that updating to V1 is as smooth as possible for all gleam users that's really cool since they're are 1.0 now it might not be that different from 0.9 or whatever it was on before and a lot of community stuff probably says it requires v.9 which means sver is going to say hey you can't install that on 1.0 rather than just letting that be the community's problem they're going to go file poll requests to those major packages to bump them to 1.0 and make sure they're ready for it so that the packages the community relies on now won't be as painful to install really cool to see but what does V1 even mean for them well version one is a statement about gleam stability and Readiness to be used in production systems We Believe gleam is suitable for use in products that matter and gleam will provide a stable and predictable Foundation gleam follows semantic versioning so maintaining backwards compatibility is now a priority we'll be making every effort to ensure gleam does not introduce braking changes the exception to this is for security and soundness issues should a critical bug of that nature be discovered we reserve the right to fix a security issue even if programs were taking advantage of the bug I've noticed this is a big thing in the erlang community they really hate breaking changes alixir has been considered a completed Language by the core team for a while now and most of the features are fixes to things and like quick API patches to make other people's packages more capable within the ecosystem but they're not adding new language features to Elixir really ever anymore one of the main reasons that they've done that is they built a language that's so extensible that the things you'd want to add can largely be added via libraries plugins and other packages in that just seems like how the earling world Works to be fair they're all running on a VM that's like 30 to 40 years old so it makes sense they want the old things and the new things to run well but it is cool to see all these languages building on top of it maintaining the spirit of never breaking your stuff so what's next for gleam gleam is a practical language intended for making real things so our focus with gleam post V1 is to be split between the productivity for gleam users and sustainability for The Gleam project productivity side they're civically calling out the breaking changes again they'll also be avoiding language blow it's a big thing they call out earlier they clearly are inspired by like go and how simple things are they want there to be one way to do things it's cool that they want to maintain that it's easy to keep adding new features to a language to Aid with specific problems but with each new language feature or new way of solving a problem the language as a whole becomes more complex and harder to understand Simplicity is a feature in gleam and that will not change going forward there is scope adding new features to the language but we will be doing so extremely conservatively any new feature has to be generally useful and enable new things not otherwise possible in gleam while being a worthwhile tradeoff for the added complexity it brings to the language I like that they're calling this all out early like here is how we're thinking of what to and not to add to our language rather than adding new features to the language we'll be continuously improving The Gleam developer experience and enhancing real world productivity initially the focus will be on improving the language server as it's immature compared to the rest of the gleam tooling these really honest call outs are rare and nice I've never seen a post like this just straight up saying this part's not good enough we're going to fix it we also be working on all of the libraries and such that folks will likely want when making production systems in gleam with an additional focus on development of websites and web services makes sense that they're targeting this it's it's cool that they're aware of this being the right initial focus and eventually doing more like microservices scalable servers all those types of crazy things documentation is always a priority we want to have tutorials and guides for all manner of tasks in gleam it should always be easy to find how something is done in gleam so you can focus on achieving your goal here's the sustainability section gleam is not a project from Microsoft or Google it's a community project there's one full-time Dev working on it me I'll get his name right after as well as a number of part-time volunteers who do excellent work with this small team we need to be efficient with our efforts anything we work on needs to be impactful and meaningful to the whole gleam Community we cannot afford to spend time on Niche or unimportant situations I want to quickly call out a couple things first off I want to get the name of that author I should just go back to the blog post to get that at the bottom I also want to call out fly fly's dope I know they're not a thing I talk about a lot I have a couple videos where I cover stuff they're working on but fly has quickly become one of the most important contributors to the erlang and elixir ecosystems by a lot and they're really taking the opportunity here to jump on another thing in the beam world really cool to see them jumping on this and helping support a project like this especially if this project is by poor Lewis all by himself right now so huge shout out to fly for jumping on these things as much as they do and as they say here anything they work on needs to be impactful and meaningful to the whole Community otherwise they can't afford it because they don't have the time to spend on Niche or unimportant situations internal docks are also important so an open source project we want folks to be able to open up the code base and make their contributions as easily as possible so far the feedback has been that gleams compiler and build tools are easy to contribute to that's encouraging and we'll continue to work on this to ensure The Gleam project never gets to a point where only a select few people are able to meaningfully contribute to its maintenance uh let's take a quick look on GitHub first off I need to start this repo because holy this is really cool 6.2k Stars I'm expecting this to be over 10K by the time this video has been out for 24 hours so hit the link in the description go give them a star we need to support cool new projects like this especially when they're being done independently what I wanted to see here is insights that's actually huge obviously he's been working on this forever now but seeing multiple new people coming in with really solid amounts of contributions especially if I was to shorten the dates here which I think is a thing you can do via the URL if I recall okay I can't trivially do that there's some way to modify the URL so it shortens to just be like a Time window but it looks like recently there are some people making massive contributions 139 commits from a third party that that's working on this part-time I he's he's a core team member but it's clearly not his job as well as Anis contributing a ton crowd haer having this many people over 100 commits is nuts for reference here is es build which is the glue holding together a ton of the web ecosystem right now and here you see the next highest number of commits is 16 and then we have seven then we have six here we have significantly more I'm not picking onest build when I say this I just think it's important to understand the different projects in different communities have different expectations around contribution and it seems like gleams made it a high priority to make contribution meaningfully easy and it's showing in the numbers already for something this early that's huge I haven't looked at the code base I can't say for sure but I'll back up the feedback here that it's easy to contribute to seems like people are making good contributions okay this is an important piece last part of sustainability is financial I'm able to afford to work on gleam fulltime thanks to the support of the project sponsors on GitHub sponsors the largest contributor is fly who provides approximately half the funding thank you fly we wouldn't be here today without your support going forward I'd like to diversify the funding with more corporate sponsors as well as other revenue streams I earn less than half of what I would make with the median lead developer salary in London the city in which I live this is enough money for me to get by but I would very much like to earn around what I would if I had some other job this is very fair if you're inventing a new programming language hopefully you can get the sponsors and support that you deserve and again to anybody watching if you have the spare funds to support this developer and you're interested in what he's doing absolutely do that if you work at a company that might benefit from the work he's doing bring that up internally it's always a good thing to have your name in these types of sponsors and it's surprisingly cheap to do we go look at his GI him sponsors I bet a lot of the numbers are public he has a goal of 256 monthly sponsors uh does not have it public oh well regardless as he said he's making around half of what a median lead developer salary would be in London so let's see what this would be about 75k so about 100K USD that's what I was going to guess checks out which means he's making half which is 50k and fly is contributing half the funding which is another half so fly is contributing 25k a year in order to be this giant logo on the homepage do you know how cheap that is do you know how cheap it is to put your logo on a homepage for an upand cominging programming language like that that's insane if you're a company that's interested in the earling ecosystem throw this dude some money it's cheap you get huge positive press and involvement in an awesome new growing project and you're financially supporting it and it's probably going to go way further than 25 with an a traditional marketing budget jump in here it's a huge opportunity and I'm pumped that F taking it and honestly Le I hope that this helps like let me know if in the comments in my DMs however you want to reach out to me if there's anything else I can do to help because projects like this deserve really good sustainable long-term support even call this out here long term you'd like to financially reward the regular contributors to gleam folks in the court team are talented and they should be rewarded appropriately for their work I totally agree and I really hope we can get you some more funding because you deserve it they also have a new mascot well a glow up mascot Lucy's a kind and friendly little starfish who enjoys strawberry ice cream and functional programming honestly relatable the rest of Lucy's story is up to the community to tell thank you to Suppy ly for the wonderful redesign and for starting Lucy's Cannon to go with Lucy's New Look we've also snazzed up the website a little bit and adjusted the colors for legibility we hope you like it that's everything that's really cool things this is the list of all the people who have contributed sponsored and helped good stuff this is so cool thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy gleam enough talk we need to play with this don't tell me they have a whole how do they have a better learning point than most like modern web tools and Frameworks what I want to go through some of the tutorial here Welcome to The Gleam language tour I'll be sure to leave a link to this in the description if you want to check it out hard to put into words how cool it is they have this already for such an early launch like big web Frameworks don't even have these tools yet and this new language by one dude does anything you print using io. printline or i. debug will be shown at the bottom section along with any compile errors and warnings to evaluate gleam code the tour compiles gleam to JavaScript and runs it all entirely within your own browser window cool here's a program that prints out hello Joe that's actually really fast for compiling your different language and then running that's dope unqualified Imports normally functions from other modules are used in a qualified fashion with the module qualifier being before function names for example io. printline it's also possible to specify a list of functions to import from a module in an unqualified fashion such as print Line This is the equivalent in JavaScript of import thing from stuff you could import stuff as like that and then do stuff. thing but their language lets you do this as part of the import syntax going left to right I actually really like this I have a whole video about how we do Imports wrong in JavaScript because you can't autocomplete this if you don't know what module it's part of by putting the module first by putting the scope next and then putting the thing you want third autocomplete can carry you through that well this okay they don't have the auto complete in the browser which makes sense but this has all the pieces they need to do that experience really well cool GLE has a robust static type system as well let's play with the types uncomment okay the keyboard syntax and stuff is not quite as good here it's pretty good overall the language looks phenomenal though and the highlighting everything's solid error type mismatch Source main. gleam IO print line 4 expects a string and it got an INT if I wrap this in string now it's good or I could change it to debug which will take things that aren't strings nice gleam has no null no implicit conversions no exceptions and always performs full type checking the code compiles you can be reasonably confident it does not have any inconsistencies that may cause bugs or crashes that SS like a certain other language that is not my favorite thing in the world it's cool they're doing it here though gleams int type represents whole numbers equality double equals that isn't stupid nice when running in the earling VM ins have no maximum minimum size when running in JavaScript ins are represented using javascript's 64-bit floating Point numbers cool that they have like this explicitly called out The Gleam in standard Library module contains functions for working with ins well they have a library just for doing ins and doing them properly in. Max in. clamps my question would be if I delete this everything still behaves fine yes so these are only you only need to import in here in order to use it for the int Max in clamp in these standard Library functions seems like the standard library is in a good State though soly another thing I can say about my favorite language gleams float type represents numbers that are not integers cool we know what a float is number formats oh yes thank you for the underscore syntax this makes my life so much easier with random big numbers it's really nice you even do floats oh that's really nice gleam has equals and not equals operators cool strings that there a classic concatenate option always cool to see things like this being built in and working all the Unicode escapes all built in looks good to me Bulls either true or false we know how booleans work assignments I have to test something important let fire equal testing no I just wanted one more language that would let me use emojis for variable definitions why can't any language let me use variables that are emojis not asking for a lot yeah only Swift allows this right now it's the one thing that I want more languages to do just give me Emoji support for my variables and Julia does apparently according to chat good to know assignments uh variables could be reused later but the value they reference is immutable nice immutable values we love that discard patterns if if variable is assigned but not used GLE will emit a warning variables intended not to be used the name can be prefix with an underscore so if I just don't use that we get a warning with the prefix we don't get a warning that all being part of the language compiler is really nice type annotations let assignments can be written with a type annotation after the name type annotations may be useful for documentation purposes but they do not change how gleam type checks the code Beyond ensuring The annotation is correct interesting that this is optional they really leaned into the inferred everything which I love it's so cool seeing type inference as like the core of the language try changing this um in cool if I change this to not be underscore name and I tried to change this to name equals 4 nope I'm curious if we can do crazy things with the type definitions Hub type user ID int user ID int cool also able to resolve deep there nice blocks oh oh yes thank you I've had like three problems in code reviews in the last two days that made me want this in JavaScript so badly do you know how great this is to not have to like make a function just to call it to keep variables within a scope what this does for those who aren't familiar is it lets us to find a bunch of in here so if I just was to also do like let Celsius equals some random IOD do debug Celsius just so that they're all being used Celsius isn't touched here even though I defined it there since it lives within this closure it effectively disappears afterwards which means whatever you do at the end here can now be assigned here I can have this little section that goes and does its own and not have to call a function or in line a bunch of stuff it just does it Wonder can I do return they have return keyword they don't that's annoying I hate implicit returns I like explicit can functions return things or is it literally just whatever you put at the bottom is whatever you put at the bottom not my favorite thing fine yeah having block closures like this is so so so so useful I am hyped on this yeah and again the example here is if you uncommon degrees this won't compile because degrees is only defined within this scope it's not defined outside of it so this won't work because we don't have access to it because it was put in these brackets that is so nice the number of random functions I've defined that just call themselves that this helps us Escape magical lists lists are order cool yeah we know how lists work the interesting thing here is that lists are immutable very similar to Elixir I think it's a thing in earling as well mutability is great love this lists are immutably single linked lists the benefit here is you don't have to worry about like running a DOT reverse and it breaking your original list if you want to make changes to your lists you make a new list this is how it should be I love this Nan's the creator of stylex he loves lurking in chat and I trust his takes on language design if the only issue he has with gleam is implicit returns that sounds like a pretty good language to me and I'm thus far are leaning the same way because God this is really impressive the more I look in the more happy I get constants cool we know how constants work but they're actually constants unlike in certain other languages who who would ever make those other languages the FN keyword is used to define new functions the double and multiply functions are used are defined without the pub keyword this makes them private functions interesting oh just Pub yeah that is expected Pub is just to make this exported so other things can access it I thought that was more complex than it is that's really simple and obvious that's the equivalent of like export nice and simple higher order functions nice functional programming languages need the ability to stack functions and it looks like we can do that we have add one which takes an INT and it returns argument plus one that syntax looks really familiar for type definitions ravs must be pumped right now twice argument it also takes in a function into int and it runs this function twice that's cool I would have named this function I'd say past Funk I'm sure I can no hm in GLE functions are values they could be assigned to variables past other function anything else here function add one is being pass as an argument FN is not what I should use there um past function somebody said is it camel case yeah it's a they can't you can't camel case past Funk not a valid name they actually enforce camel case cool I didn't like this being called function cuz confusing cool stuff Anonymous functions again really important to be able to quickly inline a function when you need to shouldn't always have to Define so in this case we Define add1 equal FNA A+ 1 and we pass that as a variable here nice simple to the point cool stuff function captures g a short hand synex for creating Anonymous functions to take an argument and immediately call another function with that argument trying to figure out how to explain this this is an interesting bit Anonymous function can be written as with any number of arguments passed to the inner function the underscores a placeholder for the argument okay so add 1 V2 okay now I think I know how to explain this so if you want to quickly Define a function that is just calling another function if you put underscores for the arguments those become the arguments for your function so if I change this to be a b i no uh random string this variable is never used but if I IO do print Ln random now we're getting an issue that we didn't pass the argument here so I'll pass hello here now we're getting the same thing here the interesting thing with the underscores is now for add 1 V2 I've basically told the compiler add 1 V2 takes two arguments and they're these two in this order so since I put these blanks here it will just expose those in the OD one function so now I can do hi there's more than one argument hole in this function call um I assume you can do multiple oh it's just for one argument okay it makes sense that it's just for one argument limits what you can do with this but it convenient to do something like that where a function needs some things pass but you want to expose just one thing to be quickly called inline it's a quick way to do that be cool if you do more with it but it's a nice quick syntax there's also generic functions you know the thing that go finally added generics in general anyways up until now each function has accepted precisely one type for each of its arguments the twice function for example only works with functions that would take and return ins cool so twice takes in a function with value value value this is a generic though so theoretically you can Define whatever you want this to take we have an add one here where function of X is returning X+ one and exclaim which is function of x x exclamation point so these both are this would infer to a number and this would infer to a string for the inputs here the type variable is replaced by the type int so we're calling twice with the number 10 and add one it knows that's a number the type definition gets handled I change this to xclaim we'll get an error because xclaim been inferred to need a string instead of a number and since we gave it a number in a string twice is smart enough to infer that these things are different that the value and the type definition here is different from the type definition for the function return and since these are different it gets mad at you this is really cool reverse inference it's nice to see this in a language that isn't rust or o camel and my favorite my absolute favorite the thing I cannot believe has not made its way to JS yet pipes it's so good it's so simple there are so many times where you like let's be real who who has written this code before let's say we have const user equals some stuff now we need to do something with the user const off user equals off user then you have your function that actually does something to it like you format it or you process the payment so const processed user equals process off user and then return like process request processed user there's only three possibilities for everyone here either you don't write JS you write JS and you've done this a bunch or you're lying because this is one of the most common things I find myself doing where I'm defining like 15 variables just to use them once as I pass them to the next thing the other option I could have here is I could take this put it here take this put it here take this put it here and no one likes this especially once the chains get big this is the worst What If instead of compromising on both the line syntax as well as from having to define a bunch of variables you shouldn't have to name every single step along the way one what if a pipe just took the thing from the last line and made it the first argument in the next line so here we take one we append two to the end and then after here's where it gets interesting because we have the blank here we're passing one to that spot instead if we don't have that it just goes in the front we get 1 2 three but if we put that blank we also put it here and that's going to be 2 one three because one gets put after two when you put the blank there three blank same deal 312 tell me that's not the coolest in the world tell me that's not hilariously cool going to try one thing I'm actually not sure this will work but I'm so so curious uh hello oh since this isn't a whole argument it's not smart enough to pass it through was worth a shot still so cool I love this so much labeled arguments more really handy useful features when functions take several arguments it can be difficult to remember what the arguments are and what order they're expected in to help with this gleam supports labeled arguments where function arguments are given an external label in addition to their internal name so this is what it's called externally multiply internally it's going to be called multiplier externally is be called internally it's going to be add end cool not super super important but nice documentation comments documentation comments are important they have regular double slash as well as triple and quadruple slash which are used for attaching documentation to code triple slash is for documentation for types and functions quadruple slash is for modules and should be placed at the top of the module so here's the definition for the module here's everything else I would like something different than additional slashes it's a little too easy to like glance over and not notice the difference there but the fact they have Syntax for this built into the language version one is really nice deprecations cool everything should have that case exceptions they have a whole pattern matching section in here maybe a bunch of flow control stuff I could sit here all day just going through the different language decisions I don't want that to be what this video becomes but I do want to take a look at cases and pattern matching so here's a pretty simple case we have X which is a random int 01 or other you pass it it's X let results it's zero we print zero if it's one we print one otherwise we print other I refresh this get different values each time cool last the program to say if this data has this shape then run this code a process called pattern matching I'm going to do something silly I'm just curious if this works 1 2 3 here we can pattern match to say one two we don't care one 2 4 and then here we don't care either int is never used cool first case second case this will be a good example so we'll do 1 2 3 and then 1 2 4 then 1 2 underscore so we're going to hit the first case here cu the array is 1 2 3 and it matches 1 2 3 where things get magical though is you can opt out of certain arguments there's now unreachable cases which makes sense that it's actually really cool that compiler smart enough to notice that so I'll actually delete these other cases because the point of this one is very simple if two is in the middle doesn't matter what the other values are this is what we should run this is so so nice the alternative here would be in like a case true and each of these values would be doing a manually written if check in something like typescript but here it's just built into the language in the case syntax when you pass something like an object or an array the level of specificity in your match is up to you that is so good you could also somebody just said Define a variable here so if I wanted to do first case Fu can I cast this is a string let me import gleam int int. 2 string I'm assuming look at that look at how helpful they little compiler stuff is so now since we bound Fu as the third argument here we can actually pass it but we could also make a case here that's like one 3 4 we don't have that variable so I'll just delete that for now and the magic here is whichever case your code passes first is the one that you hit I change this to 133 it will only match the bottom so we get other change this to 134 it matches this middle case if I change this to two in the middle again even if I have two here it'll hit this first case because it matches and it's going through step by step so it says okay here's the first one we don't care about the first argument two two cool that matches four F cool we can B that everything matches cool run the code wait no it doesn't check the next one this is I don't know how to put into words how much this helps with maintainability it looks good here once you get into function overloads where you're defining the same function four times and defining these things in the syntax for the function definition that's where it gets crazy that's curious if they have function overloading that's the one thing I would really like oh that's the one thing I really want they actually have oh wow they have a whole guide for gleam for Elixir users they're really focused on this stuff that's dope unlike Elixir gleam does not support function overloading there can only be one function with a given name and the function can only have a single implementation for the types it accepts I get it I'm sad but I get it there had to be some negative right couldn't be literally perfect language it's close it's weirdly close but it couldn't be perfect I think I've covered everything I want to here it's clear there's way more I didn't even start going into luster which is their web framework it's not actually by the core gleam team but it is a supported functioning web system for writing gleam in the browser which is really really cool they're already at that point I haven't been this excited about a new language in a minute I'll be honest I am blown away if you haven't already checked out gleam go take a look and if you can support the team making it because they're clearly working really really hard that's all I to say for now until next time peace nerds
Channel: Theo - t3․gg
Views: 193,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web development, full stack, typescript, javascript, react, programming, programmer, theo, t3 stack, t3, t3.gg, t3dotgg
Id: _I-CSgoCgsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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