How we filled this shopping cart FULL of prizes at Play United!

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hey guys today we are at play United and we are going to play until we run out of tokens or until this cart is full all the way [Music] that is the goal so can we do it I don't know we're about to find out let's start filling this card up and oh God I'm like no be quiet it's real name there we go yeah that looks like a really good one there we go maybe Lily that's what I'm thinking all right oh good good these look really high up hopefully Crystal can win at least one of them oh there we go oh gosh you really pushed that fast yo yes humble tumble tumble oh yes oh no now she's trying for a unicorn yeah it's pretty good oh you moved it and you put some air underneath the pearls yes like that yeah oh hell yeah you got the payout hey go ahead throw that in that's only two we still got a ways to go this one has been good to us in the past yeah that's a lot of pugs in there thank you holy Molly oh come on angry pug of course oh goodness look at his face it's so angry that's just how pugs are yeah you got it oh gosh oh yeah all right let's throw it on here I think I can get another one out of this machine [Music] I think he can get it I don't know I think it might be stuck in there Chris was gonna try for this little scuba diver oh not a scuba diver a snorkeler that's where it is yeah I thought it was a scuba diver pull it up and then just drop it yes oh same one but the one oh she's actually swinging this one oh come on come on yes oh it actually did was it stuck in there oh she this way oh yeah it is oh yeah you were stuck in it oh come on that's okay oh yes no no I'm not gonna tell you what to do because then if it messes up it's not my fault oh come on it's so close oh I don't know just don't swing it back the other way please yes good win that's another one inside the car wow we still got a long ways to go to fill this thing up these are really high up compared to where we played it in the past you should be able to get at least that Pichu well she's gonna swing it that that can go bad sometimes just flip it just flip it here flip it oh that's so high up yep there it is there it is yes oh that's another one into the cart I think you might be able to get this one too so that's a Halloween uh Pikachu oh she's going straight for a grandpa on this one too oh I moved it closer I'm just gonna go straight for the grab no swinging okay sometimes that works oh no oh I don't think this one's ruining it though one of the largest ones in there oh come on come on oh you might need to swing it now oh yes get in there you're in there you're in there yeah oh yeah I think it's head it's like hat is actually stuffed down in there maybe she can get a couple of these beavers yeah they look really high you're just going for a grab yes because if it's high up you gotta try that grab oh wow that almost did it there you go there it is there it is nice all right so she got one this one has something a fish on its head dude they can get another one you might need to swing this one yeah oh yes come on pull it pull it pull it oh maybe not oh she's swinging she's swinging oh yes yes there it goes Lift It Up Lift It oh you gotta go again you gotta go again here we go oh yes yes yes yes it's gonna be the one oh no oh you're in the wig you're in the wig you're in the wig oh yes Crystal's weird yes winner winner winner hey you almost pulled that one up a little bit all right that's another one into the cart I'm hungry are you hungry I am hungry noodles those are instant noodles in there it says they're instant noodles yeah they're alive because I've not instantly noodles it's called instant noodles not instant win Angel what is this box back here um yeah because he's in the Attic yeah oh come on oh my God no swings come on come on this is a cool one yeah I like that yeah it says attic because it's part of Andy's attic and his attic has all the toys you just want to go for this vampire bear it looks like it just sucked someone's blood I've seen this bear before yeah me too I'm feeling multiple times what it's from yeah somebody let us know what in the world is this fair I don't know I've seen it a lot of times oh my goodness oh my goodness look at this thing it's like it's actually really solid let me feel yeah oh it is I don't know what's what the name of it is but I've seen it multiple times I think these are reversible turtles so it can either be angry or it can be happy yeah we want to be happy yes nice and I gotta say yes we are we are going to be happy eventually if Crystal doesn't fall into the that was a battle yes here's the same one you just won actually yeah come on do the same thing do the same thing roll it don't fall in there Chris don't fall in oh she knows a technique now she knows how to get out what about that purple one is it too far back you gotta get lucky on that that flick oh I don't know I think you might be able to get that one oh yes yes look at it oh I don't know that one that one actually might be a heavier than the rest because it's not you're not getting a good grab around here oh like that that was a good one oh what we thought it was good but apparently not every time we've tried for this durian we never win we have to win Chris this is gonna be the time oh yes oh no I want this to be one that's stuffed in the cart there we go we're gonna get a good pickup just quick it flick oh eventually I'm telling you we're gonna get it oh wait nope nope nope you're gonna what the one yes yes oh this is where we're definitely Gonna Keep because we've been trying to win it forever I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready how have we not filled this cart up yet come on maybe SpongeBob can help us this SpongeBob has a really big nose what is SpongeBob here SpongeBob what the heck what is this another payout and another machine that Crystal's getting stuck inside the machine come on Chris you can do it oh where is it oh because it has a suction cup on it how the heck did that get suction cup down there well let's go ahead and add it over here this whale is really high up can you get it in one place uh I really wanted to yeah what is that purple thing um scary I don't I don't think I've ever seen it before we've won that before in the past actually pretty small yeah it's perfect size for these I think there you go there yes again what is this so does it have a face underneath it oh no it's actually that is its face we're getting there but we can still fit more in there Chris we have to win more prizes did you just say Blues Clues oh what it does look like the dog from Blue's Clues come on Blues Clues purple Clues whoa does that thing what the heck I think if I get in this donut hole I can win it oh my gosh oh I missed it almost there so if I get into it I think it's a win too heck yeah we don't need to yeah well he's in the donut hole he's in the donut hole I'm a donut Master [Music] let's go over it Angel you think I should go over it okay if this ruins it [Music] look how cute this Pikachu is uh which one do I have one oh my God they're pretty big they are yeah so this one has roses and then there's a Pikachu back there with um like a snowboard I think yeah it's a snowboard I'm gonna go for the snowboard one nobody oh here we go here we go yeah yeah oh my God look at the Pikachu oh yeah come on get around it yes [Music] so this is probably one that's going to take a long time to win oh hey oh goodness okay all right we'll get like hopefully this tips it in oh come on Pikachu we're down to our last three coins guys our last three tokens so Crystal has three plays we've almost filled it up come on come on come on yes yes oh man you know what to do Chris right slam dunk this one has a burger what did the other one have a burger too yeah I think it was it's the same yellow one oh come on another slam dunk another slam dunk oh it's gonna okay this is your last play oh come on just get a nice slam dunk yeah all right that might work it's so close that if it just Falls it might be enough oh yes yes oh my gosh I think you almost broke the claw machine but yes oh it's stuck in there again oh you know what to do Chris okay you gotta swim so I think we almost filled it up all the way I guess if you like them up a little bit it's kind of like full oh heck yes that is a lot of prizes so out of all those Chris which one is your favorite I already know which one's my favorite that is my favorite the little durian [Applause] um oh this is my second favorite I forgot about that one this video has been going on for so long I forgot about that that peach who's nice too so I think what we're going to end up doing though is only keeping a few of them and then we'll put the others on the point as points on the uh the app yeah and then we can actually redeem for those do you want to redeem for it now I think that we have about 40 points now yeah if we have at least 40 points I think we're gonna use them to redeem for some prizes all right guys that's where we're gonna end the video we decided we're not gonna spin the points because we're gonna use that as an excuse about why we gotta come back to Singapore oh yeah we will definitely be back in the future we have 48 points but we need more because we want those good prizes like there's one that I want that's like a hundred it probably yeah it probably won't be here when we come back but it's the idea of getting 100 points to get something really cool and it's so fun to play all these claw machines oh my gosh yeah so we ended up keeping like three of the prizes that we won we kept the durian we kept the Buzz Lightyear in the box and the Pichu yeah so we kept those the rest we put on the um app for the point so we're 48 points halfway to a hundred we got an excuse to come back and we hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 372,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, claw machine, claw machine wins, play united, play united singapore
Id: eusJn7NHhJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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