FAKE Black Friday Employee **ATTACKED**

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I'm gonna take that away from you man hey hey hey hey I'm gonna take this away thing on break welcome back hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving tonight is Black Friday so we decided if you had to do the only logical thing dress up as fake employees go around to a bunch of different stores and mess with the shoppers because I'm Black Friday people go crazy for the deals and make sure you watch to the very end of this video because one of the craziest craziest things happen who our boy Rohan TV behind the cam dude it was crazy I got solar I'm honestly I feel bad for the kid but I'm glad it wasn't me you just gonna have to see what happened but before we get into the video we got a crazy deal going on in the merch link in the description if you buy any two items on the site you get the third one for free if you get a free shirt included with your order it started on Black Friday and it's going all the way through Cyber Monday so if you've ever wanted to get IVP merch now is the time excuse me ma'am do you do you know what you have in your cart you do all right because all these items I'm sorry to tell you but they were actually sold already and we had to confiscate them I like send them back to the back all right repeat all units move in we got to confiscate the items we have the suspect don't let her see the scene we got them repeat we got them I'm sorry I just that's just how yeah my manager told me and we gotta take him I'm just doing what they told me go to her job ma'am you know just a messenger Hey these were actually like sold online and then they accidentally put them in the inventory so everything yeah boom for the buddies [Music] just kidding man we're joking just little just a little things giving joke that's why I have the megaphone check-in equines so if you anchor the code you get 50% off your entire order I can't tell you but I had to let you know I like to have the code so I had to let you know I have the code but I can't tell you the code so don't tell me you know you have been selected for for the game show weed a new cat no no not for a new cat Kathy everything in your cart you could win it for free yeah do this one only once every minute where we picked out whoever we think looks super cool you look super cool cause like I'm looking straight dirty dogs have more fine true that's a true fact the facts so we picked you and all you have to do is answer one simple question everything in your cart for free but you have to answer quickly you accept hit the buzzer if you do okay okay you got it you ready play the music play the music all right here we go here we go here we go what is Obama's last name [Music] I can a dancer okay I really know are you sure you have to close it and say that you know do sorry yeah Obama's last name is Obama is Barack Obama you see Rick I said no simple question I gave you the answer I thought that was even it I'm sorry no I thought it was are you guys really cold he just walking no no no we are like yeah like hire us for holiday shopping you may try to give away prizes I tried I thought it was deeper than was deeper but really the answer was on the surface that's how it goes in life Sunday sometimes the answer is right there but if you don't open it up the orange may never blossom into a flower yep whoa what are you talking about man I'm out man thank you for playing and I'm good luck next time maybe you'll get selected again yeah all right let's go the whole day we're bringing people left and right and as we're bringing them we told them it was a joke right after we got him and they were all cool with it except for this one guy this is where things got interesting to say the least here you go sir can you just use a space you didn't know I could have sworn like two minutes ago you just said like you crapped your pants really bad and you needed him where's that the other guy like healer he had the glasses he had the blue shirt had the super jolt here I'll try to be low-key I got no one needs to know that it happens you know so if you need to just leave him here I got to just in case I didn't know how bad it was should I leave him here you promise no no I'm being serious there was a guy there is it no a guy had like a belt no 100% series get away from me I didn't say nothing boy a sofa nothing I know him but he had a big accident man I'm just trying to say no I'm saying someone asked for it and I don't look exactly like you man up to this point everything was fine and dandy he got a little more upset than the average person be prank but nothing too crazy he was still pretty calm at this point so we started to walk away to go on and prank someone else and then all of a sudden the bud sees me holding the big camera and confronts me like hmm I'm gonna take that away from you man okay hey hey okay I'm gonna take that so waiting on me break why the guy started getting really aggressive started backing me down into a corner saying you're gonna take the camera from me so Roma and whipped out his phone to record just in case anything happened we have proof of it and then the guy starts to go over towards roll on I hate this stupid joke see dude okay all right okay I'm sorry you're feeling - oh you're Felix's right you're doing - I'm saying I'm sitting here I'm standing here that's right sir I'm steady he keeps back in row line down and this is where the situation goes to a whole nother level in all of our days of filming I don't think I've ever seen someone get this aggressive like we've had guns pulled on us we've had security guards tackle us but never has someone been like this upset and taken this much physical action I don't even know why he was doing it - Rohan because Rohan was just filming I was the one who pranked him I'm in the big camera to roam on all the I was his phone but he decided to go after Rohan and just see what happens men shoes water search we're going we're going nope you can't really see it there but the man grabs Rohan by both of his arms throws him against the wall of the store shoo-shoo water and then he starts coming after all three of us submit rollin and I are like you we got to get out of here sorry you're going way too far I mean just a little joke so we all start walking away and then this lady watch we're pretty sure is his wife remorse 99.9% sir and it is says called the police called the police in my mind I'm like ma'am please call the police on your husband I don't know what he's about to do next thank goodness this man didn't have a knife or a gun because who knows what would have happened then we start walking out of the store and the guy keeps on walking he starts coming up to me cuz I was the one who pranked him originally and he tries to grab my phone pin it and oh he tried he did he really did she said we're going we're leaving okay man chill chill chill man whole thing's on then I hope I hope we can shut that off your decided to fill me things on man I hope I hope hose weekend hey let's take you shut that off your show - I'm sort of filming you man shut it off really came up to me all right I'm just want to be after one year it got his phone slapped the heck out of his hand an off-duty police officer came over and he just wanted this situation to be calmed down so he whipped out his badge said everybody chill out go your separate ways this thing is over so that's exactly what we did we tried to get out of the mall as fast as we could making sure we did not see the man in the blue shirt because if we did we're gonna go into all-out sprint yo I don't know if I got that but robot Yahoo halted row row woman got slammed into the wall man I feel so bad for you I guess we're going on to a different store yo dude we gotta leave this thing in the state but I just you know I asked him I thought I thought he was the guy who pooped his pants apparently he wasn't I was just trying to help him out you know if you didn't want to say it to the whole store like I put my pants on I were just gonna leave the toilet paper there and go but this man attacked our TV dude dude he he's literally slaying him I I wasn't trying to hold the camera up and get slammed myself so I was quoting like low so I know if you could see you borrow one he he pinned him like this and the Ruby on the wall dude the wild is that thing up are you are you gonna be okay oh my gosh I'm actually scared to stay this wall right let's leave as you guys can see we made it out of the mall fine and dandy everything is okay the situation has calmed down we're all okay Roman still has a bruise on his arm so go give the butter subscribe for taking one for the team shoutout to the fan of the week right here if you want to be fan the week all you got to do follow us on Instagram we absolutely love you guys and to not wait to post more bang your videos and until next time we have a crazy deal going on IBP merch website.com right nah bro link in description yeah it is linked in description humor site [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 8,898,264
Rating: 4.8069096 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, fake employee, fake employee prank, fake black friday employee, fake black friday employee prank, employee prank, black friday, black friday 2018, crazy shopper black friday, black friday shopping, black friday shoppers go crazy, black friday shoppers, crazy black friday shoppers, fake black friday employee pranks
Id: 2cYEgbmViAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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