I Tested More Viral TikToks- 15 Hour Potatoes, Tanghulu, Tortilla Panini Hack

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today's video is sponsored by our place how's it going peeps welcome back to the channel first order of business thank you so much for 500 000 subscribers that is a number i never thought i'd hit in my entire life you guys continue to blow me away with the love and support you show on every single video i really really appreciate it so you guys are amazing thank you so much more importantly though we got another tick tock test to do i gave you guys four options on instagram that is the one you all chose and in my opinion these are some of the best looking recipes we will have done up to this point for the appetizer we're going to be trying out the million layer 15 hour fried potatoes for the second course and our entree i'm gonna be trying out that tortilla panini sandwich hack and lastly for dessert we've got some world famous fruit tonghulu here's to another five years and the next 500k if we ever get there let's get right into this one although we don't have quite as much as previous episodes we do have a little bit of work today i gotta make a hard crack candy i gotta get these potatoes baked off and into the fridge overnight and then i gotta make a homemade taco seasoning to crunch rapify this tortilla hack and one thing that's really gonna help me out today is my always pan from our place today our place has hooked me up with their brand new always pen i have seen this thing all over my instagram and i knew i had to have it this one piece of equipment can replace eight pieces of cookware including a fry pan a saute pan a steamer a skillet a non-stick pan a spatula a spoon rest and more our place has spent over a year of research to perfect this technology and in my limited time of using it i can already tell it was well worth the time so do yourself a favor click the link in the top line of the description to pre-order your always pan get 10 off of your pre-order and free shipping and thank you so much to our place for sponsoring today's video so first up today are the 15 hour million layer potatoes and you'd think that this seems like a lot of work it'll be a ton of ingredients right well to make it you're gonna need some yukon gold potatoes duck fat and salt i started by giving my potatoes a quick peel and then dunking them into cold water just to prevent um any oxidation we don't want any browning on these right now in the restaurant that i used to work at we always used to joke that certain instruments and kitchen utensils just seem hungry for like human blood the giant serrated bread knife was one of them and uh the mandolin is another so i'm gonna try my best to avoid that today i went nice and slow i used a bit of a claw grip that you would use while chopping so worst case scenario it gets my nail and not my skin i think this originally came with some kind of guard so you didn't have to hold it by your hand but that is long gone i can't find it i should probably just get one of those like slice proof gloves anyway i got all those sliced up no issues i got them down in my bowl with some duck fat and kosher salt you can easily order duck fat online it's in whole foods as well if you have one of those around you and there's really no specific amounts here you just want enough duck fat to lightly cover every single slice now down into my parchment lined bread pan these went you kind of want to interlock these or at least switch up the direction that they're running on every layer this will help with the structural integrity this actually didn't take quite as long as i was expecting maybe about 20 25 minutes and then i covered them up and threw them in a 250 degree oven for about three hours i let this completely cool before throwing another loaf pan on top and then just throwing in whatever weighted cans or jars you have that can go in the fridge and you won't need for about 12 hours and the rest of this is as simple as cutting them into even squares and then frying them in 375 degree oil until they're nice and golden brown just be careful if you're doing this at home make sure to not fill your pan more than halfway with your oil these things have a lot of moisture content in them we didn't pat the slices out there's going to be a lot of liquid in the middle so they're going to bubble up a lot just do a few at a time by the end of this my kitchen was pretty much covered in a layer of duck fat between my cutting board my counter the oven the knives it was just everywhere but by the look and smell of these bad boys i think it might just be worth it so let's give them a shot i think it's safe to say that course number one could not have gone any better we had no grease fires um they smell incredible and look at these damn layers i know i showed you a ton of close-ups already but look at this there's got to be at least like 30 little layers in there oh my gosh i'm constantly blown away by how many different forms potatoes can take and still be equally as satisfying these are so good they're like the best tater tot scalloped potato french fried like potato croquette ever the outside is obviously super crispy the inside is just so soft and i i didn't think you'd be able to tell the individual layers you know when you bite through it but they almost separate in your mouth and it's really weird admittedly though because i've never had duck fat before i can't really tell if i'm getting it or not if i had this in a restaurant i really wouldn't think anything of it so i want to say no if you're scared of your potatoes tasting like duck uh you don't have to worry but don't quote me on that either way these are absolutely delicious and it's a fantastic way to start the day next up today we're gonna be trying out this tortilla sandwich panini hack and because you guys know i am a crunchwrap supreme connoisseur when i saw this variation of the recipe i was all in it has to happen you will need some nacho cheese doritos and onion powder garlic powder and sweet paprika kosher salt and the world's most enormous tortillas some lettuce and sour cream chili powder black pepper and ground beef a block of cheddar cheese some oregano crushed red pepper flakes ground cumin and nacho cheese although i am going to show you all the steps i had to do for my filling it really doesn't matter what we're testing here is the practicality of this hack with that being said i don't know why you'd want to put anything other than what i am putting today if you haven't seen my crunchwrap versus episode i highly recommend you go watch it because crunchwraps are just the best you know especially when you make your own taco seasoning you can control the heat levels i love to up that sweet paprika i will say a tick tock i definitely won't be testing today is the girl who rinsed out her damn ground beef i saw that on my twitter feed a few weeks ago and yes i was just as horrified as all of you were i set my meat aside i shredded up some cheddar cheese and my lettuce i love to use iceberg for this because it's so much more crunchier than anything else and this comes together pretty simply you want to equally divide this into four quadrants you want to make one slice from the middle of the tortilla to the outside and then load up each corner with all your toppings or whatever kind of meats or cheeses or vegetables you want to put in there while i was doing this i did consider how i'd want my layers to be arranged i do like when the colder more fresher ingredients are kind of together on the top and then the more like heavy beef and cheeses around the bottom but you do you whatever makes your little hearts happy i folded mine up as equally as i possibly could and then tried to give each side a nice little browning on my cast iron i'm starting to have flashbacks from a few weeks ago and i'm drooling on the floor like nala so let's give this a taste i didn't think i'd have an excuse to make another crunchwrap and eat it on camera this soon but not about to complain you guys don't really need a review for this one right you know it's good you could just sit here and watch me eat it it's super simple and easy i love that it's fully customizable you can throw any leftovers you have if you have like cold cuts literally anything you can think of you can put in this and i'm sure it'll be great tic toc has really really genuinely impressed me throughout the series they just keep coming through with like one great idea after the next god damn lastly today we are going to try to make this chinese fruit tanghulu which if you've never seen before is basically just candy coated fruits shout out to this legend i'm showing you on screen right now matthew merrill if you haven't followed him on tick tock and youtube i will leave his links down in the description he's been on food network he's killing tick tock and although the bar isn't very high he is my favorite and the best tick-tock chef i have replicated a recipe from so far all you're going to need is some granulated sugar water and then whatever fruits you want to tongue huluify i skewered up all my different fruits i was going to be trying to use the mandarin oranges some blueberries and some strawberries de-stemmed of course now a couple of things with the sugar number one you have to cook this to a hard crack stage meaning it will set up firm on your fruits that's going to be 300 degrees fahrenheit if you do not have a candy thermometer it's gonna be a lot harder for you but the best i can suggest is to cook it at a medium high temperature for about eight to ten minutes and you can test it by dipping a little piece of toothpick or skewer in there running it under cold water and seeing if it sets up hard and also do not mix this once it starts bubbling because that sugar will crystallize and harden up and you'll have to start over and funny enough i'm acting like i'm this professional pastry chef and i screwed up my first batch as well i was having a hard time dipping the stick in the pan so i tried to kind of like spoon the sugar over it uh the agitation made that sugar crystallize so i'm gonna give another crack at it just hang tight this time i did one and a half times the recipe so i did one and a half cups of sugar to three quarters of a cup of water and then do not try this at home but i dumped it into a pint glass so i can try to dip them and then let it drip off the bottoms this is extremely dangerous very stupid i know there's a good chance that this glass can shatter because you're dealing with 300 degree molten sugar but i figured as long as this glass wasn't ice cold and i didn't try to run cold water into it when i was done it should be okay and everything went fine honestly they still don't look as perfect or aesthetic as some of the videos i've seen but they look pretty good for my first ever attempt so let's give them a shot so these have had about 15 maybe 20 minutes to completely cool and solidify and they all seem pretty firm um i definitely hit 300 on that last batch probably was a little bit higher but this does look like some kind of weird alien candy like i don't think i would know these were blueberries in a sugar coating if you just handed this to me that's pretty delicious it tastes like warm blueberries and uh plain candy [Music] one thing i really didn't anticipate with this was how hot the sugar would make it like i know dipping anything into molten sugar is gonna make it warm but these things are warm like all the way through like even to the middle it's it's super soft that hot sugar is just kind of like almost cooking them very slowly and all their juices are being released i don't really like that one i don't know that i like hot fruit skin with my candy this is another one though where the possibilities are endless any fruit you can think of some will be easier or more delicious in this application than others um but i highly recommend you try at least a strawberry careful with molten sugar but yeah these are good two thumbs up for me i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did leave me a big old like once again thank you to our place for making this video possible there is a chance i'm not gonna make any ad revenue off of this because i show the tick tocks blah blah blah we've been through this um but when i get sponsors and i don't have to rely on youtube ads you know i don't mind doing these at all so follow me over on twitter and instagram if you don't already other than that have a fantastic weekend and i'll see you right back here next time peace [Music] [Music] i wasn't wavy but we had a vision
Channel: David Seymour
Views: 485,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wint20
Id: 4mEkqUQvEls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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