Can I Save This $2000 Broken Slab?

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why are you smirking yes oh my god dude last week we fed up and by we I mean me we were working on what is arguably one of the coolest things we've ever built around here and when I jumped up on a table to cut the legs down the length it exploded off of the table in a fit of rage and then blew up on the floor now I was super sad and the rest of the team we were all pretty heartbroken so I talked to Sam and Joe and Chris and we came up with some awesome ways that we think we can fix it and I asked you guys we gave you two options one was to stitch this thing back together kind of like Frankenstein and make it work with bow ties and slats and who knows what else or two to somehow use aoxy to bridge the gap on where it broke that leads us to where we are now and thousands of you have commented on the last video the verdicts in and we're going to pour this sucker now we got to come up with a game plan so the first thing we need to do is grab the broken pieces hopefully Sam's not crushed underneath them too soon because yes he's still here he didn't quit quite yet he's still willing to put up with me aren't you buddy I am but I don't know if you're aware of this or not there's a small crack in this end of the table we may have to do something to repair it we're we're going to repair it I think it goes without saying guys Sam I apologize if I made you feel any way good it's okay appreciate it anytime men okay now that all of our feelings have subsided almost 2,000 votes at the time of when we're counting this for pouring it so we're going to go with the epoxy fix the best way to do this there's actually probably no best way to do this so I think we actually need to do a little bit more damage to this before we can rebuild it what the plan is we're going to use the flat Parts together and kind of eliminate all the parts we curved and pour it flat with a crystal clear River and then try and bend it over a mold while it's still soft none of this has ever been attempted before here so things could get even doubly squirely after well what's already been a ridiculous project so far so I think we need to get a couple hatchets maybe some hammers sledges anything of destructive tools the best part is if anything happens to that side we could just pour that side bend it again yeah yeah try not to break that side this time do my best I mean it was 100% my fault probably catch it with this piece let's grab some hatchets and stuff I'm going to let you have first whack I don't think this going to do much all right I guess we just got to break the curve off gravity will probably help protect your eyes before you break stuff like this all right that was great now I want you to have this oh wow momento just remember our times together nice we just want to get some like what looks like natural breaks on the end we can pretty much go as far as we'd like but anything that's gonna kind of look like this crack wise I think will look good you want to give her the old wacka rusi go ahead let out your anger and frustration you son of a [Laughter] thank God pouring that clean break at least dude couldn't have gone better oh we're idiots Legendary Super Clean we could just glue that back together just add more character to it this is going great I wonder I mean now that it's split in half how we could actually do this to eff good wondering if we should like cut some like reliefs into it and then kind of come back and break it off yeah I feel like that's the move so for those of you that can't see under here is a square cut and that doesn't look natural obviously if you couldn't see the square part that' be kind of what we're going for jigsaw all right we'll break this off put the big girl in there I'm going to let you try all the fun things first on here cuz I'm the devil the devil I think we just kind of throw relief marks into it [Music] okay yeah that's what we're going for should try well it's broken so who cares about keeping it together at this point you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying [Music] I think that's the look we're going for just enough Breaking and stuff so we're going to have to seal this now we got to figure out how to do that side there's only one option we clamp it on the floor going vertical I'll hold it so for the big side I guess we're just going to have to use the jigs saw to give us some relief I kind of like the way that I was able to use the band saw to give us some depth here it looks kind of like a pretty natural break I would I would think there's a lot of splintering there's some parts that I'm going to need to come back and touch up a bit but my thoughts are I'll just kind of cut some stuff out and see how she [Music] goes Sam went ahead and build a little mold here let's kind of just mock it up and show you guys what we're thinking before you get the cocking on so we can't build a traditional mold just because of the nature of having the open end there so we're going to have to like kind of make do with an open mold and prey so this is the vision is that's how much Gap we're going to have what we're trying to do here is prevent bubbles cuz we're pouring this thing crystal clear sure about that I'm going to blow out all these like gaps and stuff and Sam and I are going to come in and just based on a bunch of really thin resin hopefully it holds this thing together and keeps from bubbling this is one of those techniques I developed doing the Burly stuff for the master class and if you want to get all my tips and techniques you can download the master class right now got a link in the description with a special discount code for you guys just for watching this video you save 50 bucks it's got all my tips my tricks everything I know about making Live Edge and epoxy tables all of it we just added glass table let's check it out the next morning this is getting school early oh hey Chris yeah you better run run away everyone thinks I'm the mean one we're going to cul these two down and then clamp them to the table we're then going to run a bead the whole way across on the base on this side and drop it down so it smooshy smooshies on it and kind of hopefully creates some sort of a barrier we're then going to clamp that down to the table hoping to keep all of the the resin inside from there we're going to go ahead and use some gardening Edge trim to make ourselves a dam on the sides here the biggest point of issue or concern is that that be a caul underneath this is not how you want to be able to form and this could go terribly wrong and literally just have all of the resin pour out basically immediately I don't like it but I don't see a better way to do it this stuff just going everywhere it's like not touching the whole I have a very low hope that we don't just dump res everywhere okay so I know I talked about the garden stuff but I realized that Blake has been using 8in melamine in his molds so we're going to try this this is just 8 in particle board that we covered in TC tape my intention here is can we get it to kind of create a flexed mold around this Edge we'll put some spacers and nail them into here and then caul all of it in order to keep all of the resin that we can inside and then just be super super diligent on these edges maybe even go underneath hit it with another beat of caulk just all the caul all the caulk I want it we've only got one shot to make this thing like leak proof which is where most of my concern is right now we've got culk everywhere top bottoms around surround Sam's caulking beads underneath we're going to throw a bead of caul on the top we actually going to use the call as a potential stop because we've got tbec on there to pour up to C on o all around I don't know a better way to do it and so we're just going to wait for this to dry and then we are going to send it Ron you hate epoxy so I can't even ask Ron for help here damn it guess I'll see you guys tomorrow I'll see you tomorrow all right we should be dry which means it's time for the pour we're pouring crystal clear so we've got brand new buckets we've got a couple gallons we're going to get our gallon calculation done here of uh total Bo fathom we've got our degassing ready to rock and roll I'm going to use the epoxy calculator here we're pretty much like 28 in by 35 by 2 which is River length what did I say 28 2 35 enter that says 8.5 gallons damn that's a lot more there's no way I would like you to Crunch those numbers again just crunch them please crunch n gallons for this I mean I guess it's like very similar to like a river all right we've got everything degassed Sam and Chris mixed everything up it's been sitting chilling we're looking crystal clear here I cannot emphasize enough how terrified I am to pour this this is not a traditional mold and everything could go terribly wrong at this point I'm probably the most puckered I've been in a long long time we're going to send it with bucket one check for leaks and then go with bucket two and three Sam would you mind putting on the Hazmat suit preparing for surgical procedures in case of a leak absolutely where do we uh where do we keep that at you're wearing it excellent glove up let's roll you know what I just realized this is the same thing I wore when the slab cracked I intentionally wore it today to fix it I or you know you want to bring those Good Vibes yeah exactly yeah let the glove up and pour this okay all right check for leaks check for leaks trying to avoid any more bubbles I want to pour it on the wood though because of the uh pulled crap off of it cuz our Corner that one damn it yeah right there right next to you John so this is uh my nightmare but also how we've stopped leaks for years that was exactly where we were concerned so the paper towel will slow it down and then the tiac will like stick it on Sam green and I developed this years ago started hit the fan on us on a couple [Music] projects it's pretty small but we'll lose all nine gallons through [Music] it nice bucket got a leak over here where this meets the inside it's like pouring out of there got the you me oh yeah it's over the table now it's on the table it's fine it's fine hot gluc line here to Dam it up we didn't caul this side we should be fine now we get to obsess over the table and any leaks we caught one over there in the corner this is not for the faint of heart we stopped leaking under here for now I think nope we got another one over here um so we're just going to yeah this sucks Sam's using the rest of the resin to fill that we're going to keep popping bubbles now we just have to time it perfectly to where it's hard but not completely hard so we can bend it over the mold to get us that bent leg things are about to get squirely real squirely so we all got alarm set we're going to just keep popping in here over the next you know 100 hours making sure nothing breaks and uh and fingers cross everything stays good one week later she's dry baby look at this you hear that rock hard we were going to try to time it to do the bend when it was like still soft but we really didn't know when would be an appropriate time cuz we were all concerned about the release from the sides and the base so we kind of just skipped that part it is a sunny day so I'm stoked because we're going to put this thing outside and go 100% a completely unique idea to us is to bend this in the sun I've never seen this before nobody's I'm kidding cam pioneered the way doing weird with the sun and epoxy we're going to give that a shot I think that's the best way to do it so the next steps is we're going to roll it over there the guys are going to give me a hand we're going to crack it out of this this is a very unique Contraption we've got two tables and it clamped down we've got to be careful that we don't break it again going to take our utmost care to get it over there we'll take it outside in the sun hopefully we can get a Bend Sam Sam we got to be ready for that next time come on Sam catch it yeah Qui breaks the internet thinks you're weak come on Sam we'll be ready all our training has prepared us for this moment Sam are you ready I'm [Music] ready samam Sam what were you doing working can you give me a hand dude unbelievable dude we we got no leaks well minor leaks from the top here this was the only thing that actually leaked which we just solved pretty quickly so I'm I'm stoked it's looking freaking sick The Hope here is that we can get the bend to start like right here and uh we won't need to do much flattening except for just kind of sanding this down so let's pop her out baby let's go here we go here we go here we go [Applause] clean baby clean Min is that it's not clean we did not do that right cuz we put release on this whole thing right yeah oh no we CK these down we C them yeah that's why they're sticking so hard I wonder if we should flip it and peel that off instead of trying to peel this up I mentioned flipping it and then Sam brought it to my attention that we caulked it to the table just all the caulk all the caulk I'm really concerned about gouging and like breaking the resin in here we got it flipped over and Det hated from the table base because we CA this down and then mold release and probably should have put tyvec down on that piece of melamine here we're going to roll it over to the CNC hang the curly edge off of it and flatten this on there stopping right before we get to the Walnut and the epoxy this is pretty risky we could really have some stuff up here Chris brought it down as far as we're comfortable with we got a little bit of resin coming through which means we get to take the rest off by hand fortunately it's a lot less material we're going Rotex and whatever other I can come up with to get it off I did not anticipate this part as I never do all right guys so John asked me to go ahead and make a bending form so we can bend this epoxy when it's out in the heat so going ahead see and seed out the slap Parts cut down some stretches to go between them nail it together ready to go I have to carve The Edge to match these edges before we put this thing out into the sun before we can try and bending it it's so hot out humid that like I can bend it on my own so hopefully this works look at this I have layers this is insane and I've already had look at all it on the floor I've never had this happen I wonder if it's cuz it's it's really humid in here I believe but looking cool check so I got like a nice matching external profile here I'll bring the sander in touch it up slightly get the other side and we'll be good to go it's bending time you rolling this is it now we wait already going holy holy it's so heavy it's already going I see it move yeah wow now we just got to hope it follows the mold that is crazy I can push on it it's visibly going down like I can feel it going down I feel like I I could break it at any moment and I've already broke it once I should probably not touch [Music] it what's going on oh just doing the same thing on all these Corners here here here here oh it's like cooled at the touch and this shit's like hot up and feel this down here I wonder you think we should get out here with some heat guns ate it be too much it's only been 10 minutes I think I'm just like so impatient cuz it's bending so much like oh this thing should be done any minute is it pushes down breaking more and more oh man this one's like gash Stitch it it's going to bend versus don't you put that on us so it's just snapping off the wood you can like put your finger in it is soft like you see how I can get a thumb print in there go back together damn I thought we would get more more heat down here but it's like all the Heat's focused right here that's cuz all the weight is right yeah I don't know what the we're going to what are we doing what are we going to do what what are we doing this is turning to be the the Damned hardest thing we've ever done looking at it in hindsight I'm like obviously the wood's not going to bend the wood's going to stay straight we should have bent it further away from the wood and poured it longer and cut the bottom off yeah that was stupid damn hopefully we can figure something out to make that look decent it just look looks like now it was going so good the shittiest part about working with resin and doing stuff like this is it's so long to get another chance to fix this is another like week of dry time I think that's the best we can do we should have done that from the first go cuz it's supporting it right where it's cracking if it does crack what if we did throw a couple stitches in there like everybody gets their way everybody with me at the end of the day I don't care what we do as long as it looks cool we could come back and fill that with like a gold epoxy Japanese technique with gold well sweet that was going awful now it's kind of a little bit better than awful I think I have an idea on how to pretty it up with the part we've already broken so because we're idiots Glutton and fans of all things hard we're going to try to fill these cracks overnight here with some resin so Chris just loosen actually I'm going to I'm just going to crack mine slide this down like a quar to a/ inch don't bring in my face oh what happened just so bad right now to save this AB ation I'm going to because we're just completely tearing all of the resin off at where the cracks are we have the pivot point of the bend I'm sure you guys will comment was too close to the wood and so because of that you can see that this wants to rip off down here because of where the bend started the intention for the bend was to be in this area we have that up because we don't know what the hell we're doing nor do I think anyone know what they're doing when they do crap like this we're going to clamp it all back up and we're going to fill it with more epoxy to try and uh save us from absolutely ruining the table so I'm just going to mix up some gold resin here we're going to go with this Roman gold pigment why not we don't want it to be under gold I don't if we're going with that I don't know what that technique's called bunch of guys have viral videos on it we're trying all the techniques in this video after this video I'm making a picnic table on a 2x4 a little longer than a few minutes later she's dry I think so we're going to pop it out of clamps see if this thing explodes apart I guess pop the ratchet this could be it don't hurt yourself you're at sweetheart all okay no extreme popping last clamp everything is making me nervous can we get well we didn't get any spring back which is great now we just got to make it not look like dog I'm thinking once I can clean it up it'll definitely look better I'm really looking forward to the next like 12 hours of sanding so I basically I'm going to clean up the resin and all the stuff that's going on here and kind of make an assessment on next steps once I get it down to like kind of how it's going to look just going to put it on good old workbench getting my ass kicked and Sam had the brilliant idea because he's not a little that if we use a power plane we can get through the epoxy he's actually done this on a few of other projects I actually don't ever think to use that tool he's going to give me a hand here no pressure it's brand new so they want sharp blades on there so we're dealing with a multitude of issues as this entire project seems to be first and foremost we've got to get this sanded and Polished and at this angle it's quite a pain in the ass secondly our resin here sunk and uh we went with like that gold to try and make it look like it's got that like Japanese technique where they fix stuff I think it's Japanese our final decision is we are going to end up stitching it as well so all you that voted for stitching you're going to get your stitches well well well we're going to cut a uh template on the the CNC and should make this fairly quick for us to drop these stitches in get them then all flushed down but in the meantime I've got to put a couple hours into sanding and polishing this we also have to fill all of these so we cut a bunch of wedges that match the grain Direction and green color on here so we got to get all of those glued in that's it appreciate the help guys and that is another 3,000 pairs of shop Shades ready to go for you guys cannot believe how many of you have purchased a pair and supported us in our journey here with our new product these will go fast so grab yourself a pair before they're gone cuz that first 3,000 like that we got a bunch of these sticks so what we're going to do here is more or less layer this thing together in a cool way that makes it look like it got some some stitches done on it the idea is random um so we've got two 3 and 4 in long pieces I got a little template made here it's going to put me kind of to the test but I think to strengthen these gaps up I'll just kind of cut that pocket as best I can and I think this will look pretty cool getting The Best of Both Worlds wasn't intending on doing this so those of you that voted for stitches you're getting stitches I can't just fill it with epoxy well I could but we don't have time for it to dry because we are in a time crunch it's Tuesday and this sucker's coming out for you guys on Sunday so that's a whole day for epoxy to dry so we're going to go and and try to make this work now I just got to do the the resin okay okay we're going to use some 5minute epoxy to put these in because we have to go with epoxy on epoxy now we can't use glue to bond to epoxy that would be a no no we don't feel like waiting till tomorrow for everything to dry this should suffice these are pretty tight Sam cut these all pretty good this in case anyone was curious my vote from the get-go was stitches but I'm an idiot as everyone knows [Music] this is looking awesome little random stitch for you that one went considerably better than when I did the table versus Jordan so now we get into the fun stuff sanding and wet sanding so I'm going to get this uh this is this part's already done to 220 we're going to get it all the way up to 320 dry go through all the Grits wet and we got to do the bottom too so yay more sanding it's funny cuz you're like you just want Perfection and it has no chance you like this whole piece is all about making imperfection beautiful it sets didn't explode it's not rocking at all we still got to cut the feet the length though but we're not going to do anything different this time we're literally going to try the exact same thing all right let's flip it over you guys tell me you think there's a better [Music] [Applause] way no no no no all right so about 30 35 minutes ago everything was fine John went in his uh office do his craft a career and uh this happened we went from having a nice 90° and the Heat's starting to bring it down so ratchet straps to bring it back in but I got faith she'll be back in 90 very far from 9 right long ways so bad this is so bad I'm going to start polishing this Joe's going to put the camera down polish this we could have this table flip back over and very very little all right why are you smirking yes is oh my god dude are you kidding oh my God how is that possible crystal clear though it's long it's clear yeah damn it do you think it's cuz it's 90° in here be hey dude look at that thing I just got in the zone here he came out like 20 minutes later he's like Dam and I look over and it's like this has turned out to be one of the mosted up days in my life so in the final stages this thing could be a catastrophic failure if this doesn't work we're hoping just like gravity flattened it out while Sam was working on it that we can do the same thing with gravity going the other direction we're going to put some weight on this end and let it sit overnight it's like 90° in here right now I don't know about you guys but I don't have a better idea we thought we'd be done with this thing today this is going great you know another couple weeks wasted on something that could just literally not work and it was looking awesome so I guess we'll see you tomorrow see if this works so she survived the night we um hung a bunch of Weights off of it we had to put on a different table CH got weird we got a couple more cracks showed up like these got worse to be honest like the concept ccept of the broken pieces and clear I dig it it's awesome the bending aspect with that is where all of our problems in line but we're in the home stretch we need to cut the legs to length and just a final touch up sand and finish everything went to when we cut the legs to length last time so this could get interesting somehow the table's over 8 ft now it's way higher over here oh boy oh the fireball table's 5x 10 we could put it on there and do this new to boy it's almost 10 ft what's crazy is there's no rock we just need to cut it straight now a little bit of a slant so we only need to cut one side technically cuz this is the one we cut before and then it was we were going to try to cut again and then it fell on the other side and died what we going to use it for I can't believe this thing got to 10 ft remember when I said we should try say when I talking about this try just doing a little coffee table and our team meeting turned into like no we got to send it and we're like let's send it now we're a month into sending it all right let's stand her up a here we go [Music] again let's go final part here ready Bud think we could just slip it upside down and cut it yeah you're probably right hey John why didn't you do this the first time I don't like running the saw at the side because of gravity and then this piece of the wood as I'm cutting it pinches the blade itself inside of it so there's just more potential for things to to go terribly wrong so being able to use gravity your advantage but not trying to drop slabs on people this time here we [Music] go looks way better way better I honestly kind of like how it's beveled on the bottom too gives like a shadow line on the floor gosh that thing pisses me off still looks like it's going this [Music] way all right finally looks like we've got a standing table what are we doing with this thing besides throwing it away that's all that's left is a final sanding and polishing yeah we got to polish this side up I'm for the part that always surprises me for some reason I don't like doing this but I do like the reward I don't know weird we're polishing it with our 3M polishing kit what do you think Joe I said it might be one of the more clear pores that we've done I mean it seems pretty pretty nice yeah we're going to have to work a little bit to get the epoxy out of these like voids that are in there but it is nice and clear cool cuz the little imperfections work with this look from scratch so Sam has asked for the honor to spray this and also came up with a pretty good game plan we're going to Bunk it up so we can spray the bottom and the top at the same time he'll pretty much just be wrapping around it we're hitting it with a two part catalyzed lacquer should bring this thing home and buff it up after that's done let us spray [Music] she's sitting a little low I know this leg bent out again after we got out of finish I don't know what's going on but we're calling it a wrap on this thing you'll probably never see it again and nor will we this was a tough one every about this project was hard really put us to the test was absolutely ridiculous all of you that sent it over to test I appreciate it and thank you for pushing me to be better appreciate all of you guys that tune in every single week to watch let me know what are we going to build next
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 523,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, Epoxy, Epoxy River, Epoxy Table, Epoxy River Table, John Malecki Epoxy, Epoxy table fix, bending epoxy, bent epoxy
Id: RQM77nw6xDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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