I Tested 100 Football Life Hacks

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this is the Ronaldo hot water trip and it is just one of a 100 football life hacks I test it out starting with the helium football so Sean apparently if we fill this football up with this mysterious gas we're going to get all sorts of crazy movement I have doubts but if it does I'm scared so we deflated our football and then it was time to fill it up with helium okay so this is shot one with the helium football I'm excited to see what this thing can do this thing could go crazy so can I did it move the curl brought it in a lot more than it usually would bring it in I'm going to get one crazy knuckle ball with this thing that wasn't so good but with our next shot we hit [Music] this I don't know if it was the helium that was a screamer we were hitting some good free kicks with the helium football but I really didn't know if it was making any difference last shot with the helium football we're really going to have to pull off something special for me to change my mind about this now oh oh all right Sean did you notice any difference with the helium football maybe slightly I feel like the first two strikes with that helium one were just so true but very slightly I also took some free kicks with regular air just to see if there was a difference and uh there wasn't yeah there is no difference with helium this life hack is a no so this next life hack comes from players like venicius Jr and it is this Vapor Rub and Vinnie junr was seen rubbing this stuff on his shirt while playing for Real Madrid so apparently this is meant to help you breede better on the pitch so I guess we'll just try it out so I guess we just take a big glob of it and stick it on our shirt here oh it feels [Music] disgusting the air is spicy to be honest I am starting to notice that I'm breathing better so I guess this stuff is pretty good so for this next life hack we're going all the way back to 2007 because back in his Og man united days it was rumored that Cristiano Ronaldo would wear football boots a full size and a half too small which apparently gave him way more control of the ball so he could pull off some crazy skills and to test this hack out we're all the way back in 2023 with Ronaldo's latest boots to see if this hack still holds up today but before trying on the small boots I wanted to try on a pair of my regular size boots to see how they fit these feel pretty good so we've tried on the size 8 and 1/2 boots now though it's time to try on the size s these things look tiny I don't know how I'm going to get these on my feet and then came the struggle of actually getting these things on I'm not sure if I can get my foot into these and uh it wasn't easy Ronny lad what were you doing back in 07 you know what they don't actually feel awful I mean initially they felt super tight but I kind of like it you know so to test these things out we're going to be trying to recreate Ronaldo's most iconic skill ever to see which one of these performs better and first up we'd be wearing the small size seven boots want you know how it's done you can't stop now it's already begun you feel iter I've been wearing these things like 10 minutes and my feet are already starting to hurt a bit I'm looking forward to getting these off my feet let's try in the 8.5s these feel so much nicer but after I put these things on I noticed something was up right away I'm not sure if it's just in my head right now but I definitely don't feel I'm getting as good control in these as I did with the size sevens even though I was getting used to these boots the control just wasn't as good all right so after trying out the Ronaldo hack with the small boots I did actually notice my control was a lot better with the smaller Boots the only thing was my feet did hurt a lot while wearing them so this next life hack is for when you're struggling to put on your football boots I could have used this 5 minutes ago and it is this shoe spoony thingy I guess I don't know what you call it let's try this thing out pretty good okay Sean so for this next life hack apparently if you kick a divot in the ground before you take a goal kick you can kick it further that sounds very silly and first Sean was going to take a regular goal kick to see how far he could kick the ball do you have any technique for this Sean just hitting hope Man hitting hope and his first attempt went pretty far all right Sean now it's the divot shot let's do it so after kicking a divot in the ground it was time for Shawn's second kick and this one went even further that surely went further it's not that silly I guess it seems to work so our next life hack is yet again from Cristiano Ronaldo this guy loves his life hacks so Cristiano Ronaldo has never worn black boots because apparently they make him feel slow so to see if these black boots actually make us slower we're going to be racing them against the most colorful boots I [Music] [Applause] own as it turns out though we actually ran faster in the black boots so for this next life hack we are going to be using this electric toothbrush and we are going to be making ourselves look like Bobby firmino I'm just kidding apparently though using this electric toothbrush makes cleaning our boots 10 times easier I guess let's find out so to see if the toothbrush actually cleans our boots we're going to put it up against a regular brush so first up we've got the electric toothbrush 3 2 1 let's go after spending nearly 5 minutes cleaning our boots they still look like this but let's see if the normal brush can do any better 2 1 let's go this is already much better this brush was just so much better so after only a minute and a half with the normal brush I think these things already look better than what we did with the toothbrush so the next hack we have is used by players like mbaff and and Neymar and it is a sock hack so they can wear their favorite grip socks with their kit a lot of pro players wear their socks like this because regular socks are just kind of slippy so we cut our socks at the ankles and after putting on our grip socks and shin pads the hack was almost complete and our final step is to add the guard stays to complete this hack so I can see why mbappe and neyar would want to wear grip socks when the bottom of most socks looks like this it's very slippy so we just completed this hat and I have to say I really like this one it just looks tecky as well I mean you look like a baller when you've got socks like this so our next hack is all about goalkeepers and we are going to be seeing just how much grip we can get on goalkeeper gloves and we have three products to put on Sea's gloves to see which gives us the best grip first off water Sean's first couple of catches with the water grip look pretty good oh all right Sean so to be honest the water grip was pretty good I don't know how we're going to improve on that but it looked great simplest is best often on to the Vaseline so next up we have vaseline to rub them together oh that just sticks Sean's first catches with the Vaseline look pretty normal until he did this like Spider-Man but after 5 minutes of wearing the Vaseline gloves we saw something pretty interesting happened o first slip first slip oh second slip all right so after using the Vaseline Shan the grip on them was really crazy but we did have a couple slips in places yeah I feel like initially it was brilliant but then got a good complacent with it all kind of wore off after a while I think so yeah let's try out the glove glue hi Mom all right so finally we have the glove glue and this gives you 25% stronger grip stronger than what I don't know but let's get it on your gloves John this is the only product I have a lot of expectation for it's the only one designed to do this job how's it feeling it's like the Vaseline initially but we'll see if it lasts and the glove glue definitely looked to be the best product yet as soon as the ball contacts your hands it stops spinning makes it way easier to hold it is lasting longer than the Vaseline too I think so after using the three products which would you rate the best uh I like the glove glue the most and then between the Vaseline and the water the Vaseline was good for but I'd say for overall the water so Jude Bellingham is known to cut holes in the socks which is said to put less pressure on your calves in game so we use some scissors and some socks so let's see if judee's hack really works so from all the pictures I've seen of Jude he just kind of cuts holes in the back of his socks where his Cals out which I guess frees up the pressure from the sock onto his leg so let's try it out so as I'm cutting the holes I am feeling the pressure release on my calf so this one is looking good so far after we cut holes in our socks I noticed there was less pressure on my calves so this hack was actually decent so our next hack is yet again from Cristiano Ronaldo and it comes from his time at Juventus and while he was at Juventus Ronaldo was seen wearing these Ultra aggressive studs in training so we're going to put them up against regular studs to see if they help us run [Music] faster and the regular studs came out on top so our next hack is a pretty big one and it is the Cristiano Ronaldo hot water trick 10 years ago this photo of Ronaldo's boots in hot water went viral online and it's probably become the most popular football hack since apparently he did it to soften his boots because 10 years ago boots were Rock Solid Straight Out of the Box the first step to do the hot water trick is to boil some water I then added it to a bowl but I also added some cold water because the water should be hot but not boiling so after holding the boots in the hot hot water for 5 minutes this hack was good to test out so we're back at the pitch with the hot water trick boots now I guess we're just going to try them on and see if there's any difference so first up we have the regular football boot we haven't put this one in hot water so we kind of know what to expect so next up we have the hot water trick Boot and if this hack has worked we should notice that they're a lot more comfortable than the other boot I have on right now this is the big moment let's see if there's a difference I mean straight away I can't feel any difference initially I can't tell any difference I took some more shots in these things and even hit some with the non hot water trick boot but there wasn't any difference I'll be honest with you guys the hot water trick in 2023 is a no for me so this next life hack comes from Gareth Bale and his iconic knuckle ball free kicks and according to Bale if you kick the ball right on the valve you can hit knuckle balls way more consistently so I have no idea why hitting the valve would make your shots knuckle more but let's find out if it works so to start off we're just going to take five regular shots and we hit a total of zero knuckle balls shooting the ball normally so now it's time to take five shots hitting the valve and this is where I guess we'll see if there's any difference so if we hit the ball right here we should be seeing some crazy knuckle balls and with our first shot we did this oh can't lie that first shot knuckled like crazy it could have been my technique but we'll see it with the other four shots we didn't hit any more knuckle balls it seems like we just got lucky with our first shot hitting the valve so our final life hack comes from players like Jack relish and it is of course the small Shin pad hack and a lot of pro players use this because they say large shin pads gets in the way of their control I found the biggest and the smallest shin pads I could find and for this test sea would be passing me footballs to control while wearing both shin pads to see if there was any difference and first I'd be wearing the big shin pads my control with the big shin pads didn't seem to be affected but they did get in the way a couple times but after trying on the small shin pads my control felt a lot better and they never got in the way well that's the best of 100 football life hacks I guess and Cristiano if you are watching this please don't hate me for sharing all your secrets
Channel: DavidMC
Views: 2,444,210
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Keywords: davidmc, david mc youtube, youtube davidmc, david mc, football, soccer, football challenge, football challenges, soccer challenge, soccer challenges, football skills, skills football, soccer skills, skills soccer, football equipment test, equipment tests football, football equipment, soccer equipment
Id: kmAWR8an6Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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