I Took Freekicks With Roberto Carlos

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today I'm going to be taking free kicks with Roberto Kos and he's going to be teaching me his famous free kick tutorial Yes you heard that right I can't quite believe it myself but this video won't end until I recreate arguably the most famous free kick of all time that still confuses the scientist to this day and who better to take it with than the man himself I'll be training for 3 days straight then meet Roberto an attempt to recreate his goal in front of him he'll then give me a brutally honest rating of my attempt if I managed to do it he's agreed to do a signed giveaway for you guys but but believe me you want to stick around because at some point in this video I might have just scored the best goal I've ever scored but for now let's go for our first day of training now most Brazilian physicists believe that this cannot be repeated and describe it as a football Miracle I've never tried this technique before so I want to see how hard it really is okay so I'm not going to be trying this from 33 y out but it's more about just learning the technique so essentially it needs to give the illusion that it's going wide and then comes back in let's get started all right that's 101 let's see how this [Music] goes I just disgrace robotto uh I'm recoiling watching that so after aort start I took a minute to really analyze the clip and realized that Roberto didn't do it as an actual travel but instead almost used the lace area of his Boot and slic through the ball with the outside of his foot so I adjusted my technique here which was definitely needed it was good curve but it was the wrong side it caught me off car right now one thing I didn't tell you guys is that revers has actually sent me the perfect training aid the pro Magnus to help me pick up this technique it's actually his own product that he's bringing out how cool is that now this rotates at 600 RPM which is the amount of spin he had on the ball for his goal so we're going to be testing this product out to see if it's going to help me learn the Roberto caros pre kick [Music] technique so straight away the prom Magnus was definitely helping generate some more more curve on the ball and for the first time I started to gain some confidence not to mention it's super fun to use as [Music] well all right I feel like I'm picking up the technique a bit now they're actually quite hard to save because you can't see the ball until it goes around the wall all right that's enough for day one because I want to preserve my legs to come back tomorrow and take more shots so let's come back for day two and we go again so was back for day two now Roberto told me the idea behind this product is that it helps you get used to the shot technique then once you take it away you'll have improved for when you shoot normally so that was today's plan and I was hitting some good goals despite the occasional howler Oh my days but one thing I've noticed when watching the footage back is although I've definitely improved the goals I was scoring didn't have enough curve on them like Roberto's goal so I need to come back tomorrow and really focus on almost aiming wide to really get that Co [Applause] so back out for day three and I wasn't even really focused on scoring today I was actually aiming away from the goal to really practice getting as much curve as I could on the ball but the problem with this technique is sometimes doing that means you get some of these the thing is with this technique is I can hit one really sweet and the next one could just end up in Rose Edge I haven't got many attempts to impress Roberto so I want to feel well prepared oh that caught me off l oh that one was sweet I gen really thought that was going wise well that's a good sign those ones are the worse so I kept going and going and eventually by the end I was scoring some nice goals so with over 300 attempts across the 3 days I felt like I had prepared as much as I could all right so day three happy with that a bit more curve not perfect but I'm happy with the progression I've had I know it's there so it's possible to do it in front of aoro but it's just the consistency that's the problem with this technique tomorrow it's finally time to meet Roberto and see if I can do it in front of him so I'm going to head back get some rest and I'll see you there before we meet Roberto I just want to let you guys know that my new football game Ben nuttles football Wipeout is finally available to download now on the App Store and Google Play Store where you can play as me through different obstacle courses collecting as many footballs and scoring as many goals as you can it's totally free to play and you can download it using the link I've put in the description so let's go take over the app charts together but now it's time to head to London and meet Roberto Roberto nice to meet you how are you okay I'm ready I'm looking forward to this now it's not every day you get the chance to speak to the best free kick taker of all time so before we got into the shooting I took this chance to start with a few questions I wanted to know about his famous free kick so Roberto when you took that free kick did you do much training for that like were you training that technique or was it just something that came natural kind of spur in the moment so were your teammates surprised when you did that like during the match or did they expect it cuz they saw you training it so do you think you could do that free kick again or was it just an in the- moment thing so who do you think has the best free kicks nowadays in your opinion yeah so to start off Roberto wanted me to take some normal free kicks to warm up okay so not a big run up here we don't need I'm about to take my first free kick in front of the best free kick taker in the world no [Music] pressure what a setup for the man himself got to be perfect [Music] now conf okay so we're testing the goalkeeper here nearly nearly nearly nearly nearly keeping you want keeper you think it's going to [Music] work poting in we take those so that's all well and good and I'm buzzing to score a free kick in front of Roberto Carlos but it's not what we came for now it's time to try what I've been working towards just say Roberto I'm a complete beginner complete novice so over to you hang on can we just take a second to realize Ro just said it's mu fail very easy maybe for you Roberto well there's no pressure now so before we start Roberto is going to show us how it's done he's currently got a bit of an injury so it'll be at half power but he's agreed to show us his technique oh okay okay I like that I like that I like that wow he still got it he had one attempt and produce that even with 50% power it still beats the keeper just from the amount of curve he puts on it but now it's my turn Okay so Roberto has placed the ball for me around this position so it's the perfect place to get that coal around the wall let's do it so another interesting tip he gave me as well was to not focus on Power and just focus on the technique so before we started he told me to take a practice shot with the product but it turns out he was pranking me and did this too good too good it felt like I was doing a free kick routine with him to trick the keeper but before I took my shots I remembered one final question about my runup so I noticed when you took that free Ki you took such a big runup so why did you take such a big run up is any reason they interesting advice so now the talking is over it's time to show Roberto what I've been training for all of my training has come down to this I'm about to attempt the most famous goal in the world in front of the man himself no pressure do you know if that was enough the post that would have been perfect Recreation all right one more so two really strong shots I felt like I'd come on form today so now I have one more attempt I've hit the post I've hit the bar now can I get it in the goal y oh why a 30 y free kick with a 20 yd run up oh my Lord I can't believe what's just happened that might have been the best goal I've ever scored this angle also showed the technique perfectly and the GoPro angle is Sublime too sit back and enjoy I genuinely can't believe it and I'm still on Cloud9 from that goal but I still have to keep my call because Roberto still has to give me a rating and let us know if we won the giveaway I'm confident it will get a strong rating from Roberto cuz it was so top bins but he wants to check the amount of curve it had I so last okay so could we get a rating out of 10 pi b 10 10 you heard it first 10 out of 10 from thank you thank you amazing thank [Music] you thank you wow so a 10 out of 10 rating couldn't be happy with that probably the best goal of my life probably the best person to do it in front of all of my practice is paid off which means I've won a signed giveaway for you guys if you want to win make sure to like the video and comment incredbly the word I'll cherish for the rest of my life and I'll pick a winner at random that was fre kicks of Roberto caros thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ben Nuttall
Views: 1,768,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roberto Carlos, Roberto Carlos freekick, Roberto Carlos freekick France, Roberto Carlos freekick recreation, Robert Carlos Freekickerz, Robert Carlos F2, roberto carlos impossible goal, roberto carlos free kick vs france, roberto carlos free kick goal, roberto carlos goals, Ben Nuttall, Roberto Carlos was an absolute monster, Roberto Carlos freekick tutorial, Roberto Carlos teaches me his insane free kick, Roberto Carlos curl, I Hired Roberto Carlos to Rate My Football Ability
Id: CXzA_ps1chQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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