I Test Out One Of The BIGGEST Mega Ships At Sea! Symphony of the Seas

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Here's the dilemma. I like cruising on small  and medium-sized ships that aren’t busy,   and a bit laid back. But I also love going  to Vegas, with its big brash shows, buzz,   and excitement. So, I decided, to see if a big  resort ship would work out for people like me,   so I nervously booked myself on Royal  Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas,   which at the time was the second-biggest ship  in the world, holding up to 6,680 passengers. Now that I've experienced the best and  worst of a mega ship resort cruising,   I now know who should or shouldn't be  booking themselves on one of these. And why! By the way, if you’re new here I’m Gary Bembridge,   helping you to discover, plan and  enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations. When I stepped onto the ship in Barcelona,  I was hit by a wall of noise, music,   chatter, and crowds. It was almost overwhelming. Although, that freaked me out a bit, and  I will come back to it, before coming my   biggest concern was more fundamental: would  the activities and events be for and catering   for me. I'm older, and wasn't travelling  with kids, teens, or 20- 30-somethings. Here's what I found. First, the entertainment was mind-blowing.  I got to see “Hairspray”, the Broadway show,   a production show called “Flight Dare to  Dream” with an airplane “flying” around   the auditorium at the end, an ice-skating  show, which I'd never seen at sea before,   called 1977, and best of all, Hiro an  aqua show which was just phenomenal. These appealed to me as much  as they did to all ages. The ship had the biggest program  of activities I've ever seen on   any cruise. There was so much to do.  I took a video of me flicking through   the App of everything that was on in  just one day, and it was just a blur. Although to be honest there was not  as much targeted at me as I hoped,   I did appreciate the detail and  scale with everything they did offer. Let me give you some examples. They had an  Embarkation Balloon Drop Party with a staggering   3,000 balloons and live band playing. They did  a parade through the Royal Promenade which had   dozens of crew members, intricate costumes,  choreography, and floats. The themed evening   parties were embraced across the ship. So, on  Caribbean night, even the waiters and barmen in   every venue were dressed up in Caribbean garb.  They ran a family fair on the Boadwalk one day,   with free cupcakes, popcorn stands, face  painting, games, band, and entertainment. Every event was done with detail, clearly  money being spent on them and really done well. Though many of these events weren't for me. I  went just to see the slickness. The parade was   kids and family focused. The parties were  late at night for a younger party crowd.   The balloon drop was at midnight, which for  me is kind of way past my bedtime sorry to   say! But I was in the minority because  the events and parties were packed. Some of the more regular events weren't really  for me either. They had a belly flop competition,   which is not really my taste, and I missed  not having enrichment. There were no port   immersion talks. They did have maybe  one enrichment talk, which was where   the production team answered questions, but  that was sparsely attended, showing, again,   that the people on the ship weren't really  looking for things that I was looking for. As I mentioned, the noise and crowds were  a concern before going and as I boarded,   how did that play out in the end? One thing I really liked about the ship that  helped deal with the crowds was that it had   seven distinct zones or areas, and even  though I was on this massive, big ship as   I went to each of them, I felt like I was going  into almost different ships and experiences. It was clever as they used them  by having activities during the   day in each zone at the same time to  spread the crowds around the ship. Let me explain them more. The loudest and busiest   zone was the Royal Promenade. It had the  shops, several busy bars, Guest Services,   Photo Centre, Excursions Desk, Starbucks,  Sorrento's pizza, and Café Promenade. This   was where the parties were held. It was always  boisterous here. This was the zone I cared for   less as too loud and frantic but was loved  by most as it was the happening place. Central Park was a place that I did  like. They have thousands of real plants,   and it was kind of a quieter space. It was a bit   buzzier in the evenings as most of the  specialty dining restaurants were here,   and they would have a guitarist or some live music  here. It did offer slightly more peace and quiet. The other zone, which was fun,  but not really targeted at me was   the Boardwalk. It was more a family  or teens place. It had a carousel,   vibey dining places like Johnny  Rockets Diner and Boardwalk Doghouse,   rock climbing and the Aqua show theatre. They  held some parties, like the Silent Disco here too. The zone I spent most time in the evenings was  in what they called the Entertainment Place and   had most of what I was looking for. It  had the main and ice-skating theatres,   Comedy Club, and the casino (which  is massive and I'm sure there are   more slot machines in there than  in some of the casinos in Vegas!). The Pool and Sports zone is another  hugely busy one. It was a massive   part of the ship. It was always loud  and busy during the day. It included   four pools (with one dedicated for kids)  on deck 15 with live music or DJ playing,   three water slides (which I did go on and  enjoy even though lining up with mostly kids!). Then towards the rear of Deck 15 was  the famous Royal Caribbean FlowRider,   used mostly by teens and young men  and women, The Abyss, which is a slide   which goes down to the Boadwalk, crazy golf  (very popular with families), the Zip Line,   Sports Court with constant basketball,  pickleball, and soccer, and the Video Arcade. It was a bit rowdy and party for me,  so I did like that there was an adult   area on this deck too, called the Solarium for  16-years and over. This was though pretty much   the only place on the ship that was adults  only. There was some 18+ comedy shows,   and a few events like live big band music in  Dazzles bar that appealed more to adults. But   unlike, say, a line like Disney, there  was no extensive dedicated adult areas. Of course, in the Sports Zone  I should have mentioned was,   a huge spa and then big fitness  area which I used most days. There was a youth zone, which of  course for me was not of any use,   as that's where all the  kids' clubs and things were. All these zones and facilities and the huge daily  program of activities gave me so much to explore I   did something I have never done on a cruise with  ports before, and that is stay on board for all   seven days. I only got off in one port to see  if I could take good pictures of the ship. And   I know I still did not see and do everything. I  wasn’t the only one, every day there were many   people also staying on board even though places  like Rome, Florence and Pisa were on the route. More on that to come, but before  that I want to tell you how two   other big concerns I had before going played out. I assumed that with so many passengers,  events, and venues, I would find service   weaker than on the medium-sized premium lines  like Princess, Holland America, and Celebrity. I was so impressed by the crew and service. They  came across as happy crew, and everyone I spoke   to agreed the service was great. Obviously,  it wasn't as personal as on smaller ships,   though my waiters got to know me and my likes, as  did the Starbucks crew as I went there frequently! So, although they didn't get  to know and personalise things,   they were very friendly, upbeat,  efficient, and seemed well trained. I came to realise that they are clearly  incentivised as from the middle of the   cruise onwards, many crew started asking  me how I rated them and if I would mention   them in the post-cruise survey at the  end. So, the crew are clearly being   encouraged to make sure that they get  good scores, and it does seem to work! That was one unexpected positive, but what about   one of the make-or-break things on a  cruise that I was also sure on a big   resort ship would be below those premium  medium-sized lines I am more used to? But before I talk about that, a quick plug!  If enjoy my content, consider becoming a   Patron to get exclusive bonus content, like live  update videos while I am on trips like this one,   exclusive eBooks and unlimited access to ask  questions. Visit Patreon.com/TipsForTravellers to   find out more. Now, back to Symphony of the Seas. I expected the food on this big mega  resort ship would be average at best. I decided on this cruise I was going to  stick with the included dining options only,   and not spend money on specialty  dining. One reason being I had   booked a suite and so had already pushed  the budget out, the other is I wanted to   see if the included food was poor to  encourage splashing out on speciality. So, I did dine mostly in Coastal  Kitchen, versus the main dining room,   and although the menus were not as large  as I am used to, the food was rather good. I used Windjammer Buffet quite  often, especially for lunch and   really liked the range, and thought the  themed stations and salad bar options   as good as any of the premium lines like  Holland America, Princess, and Celebrity. I tried the pizzas in Sorrento's  (excellent), Boardwalk Doghouse (tasty),   included ice cream (good), El Loco Fresh  Mexican (very tasty), and Café Promenade   in Central Park for sandwiches which were also  good. I liked the wide range of included dining   options (of which there are apparently 9, so  clearly, I missed some!) and found them good. The other thing that I did like about going  on Royal Caribbean, was because I've been on   Celebrity often and it's part of the same group,  my points meant that I had Diamond status, which   unlocked perks. This included the Diamond Lounge,  with continental breakfast and evening canapés,   and four drinks a day up to $14 which  meant avoiding buying a drinks package. I came away from this trip with these big  realisations. First, the resort Symphony   of the Seas ship (and her sister ships) is  not tacky as I probably had serotyped it,   it was vast yes but designed well and with  thought. Second, care and money has been   spent on making this packed with entertainment,  shows and facilities that are well executed and   hard to find on land in one place. Third,  this is absolutely made for families,   multi-generational, young couples and groups  of friends that want to be busy and on the go   in vacation all the time. It’s loud, noisy, and  bustling everywhere. Tellingly I was absolutely   amongst the oldest on the ship. And it is  not really for me. It’s not supposed to be.   I loved trying it out, but I think I’m looking  for something smaller, with more enrichment,   less reason to stay on the ship and more to see  the ports. Though I will really miss those shows! And there is one more thing, I would love you  to see and hear what the suite and premium   experience is like on Royal Caribbean.  I am sure it is going to surprise you,   join me over in this video and hear why.
Channel: Tips For Travellers
Views: 98,415
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers
Id: tnVIHmshKs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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