I SWAP accounts with noob Girl!

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all right guys the funniest thing just happened with parker and alex they played the ultimate prank on me i don't want to spoil exactly what happens in the video but you're not going to want to miss it in fact here's a clip that parker told me he recorded before this prank went down you'll want to watch this so you can get more information about what's going on okay so about i don't know a couple weeks ago tyler pulled the ultimate break on me where tyler logged in and hacked into alex's minecraft account so i decided to do a little bit of a flip-a-roo on him so i logged into alex's account and i had alex log into my account and so she's gonna be acting as parker i'm gonna be acting as alex and we're gonna see if we can uh kind of prank tyler with it so i'm going to be alex i'm going to pretend to be doing parkour and then we're going to get him good all right here we go all right what up guys i'm back on alex's world and i'm here i with alex as usual and it's uh your typical tuesday day and i'm watching her plant flowers all over the place she got a whole bunch of bone meal from some nearby skeleton spawners that we found and i know we're kind of just waiting for parker to show up he was supposed to meet us for a recording right now we had a lot of cool stuff we wanted to show i easy does it all right all right all right all right all right you want the bow you want the bow you want the arrow okay that's what happens when you start playing games like this so alex hold on a second i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna ring parker on discord one second and see if he can pick up all right where is parker um okay click all right so hopefully he picks up in a second here guys because he's supposed to be here for the recording carter i've never seen you spell it like that before it's weird hey what's up tyler yo hey man are you gonna uh join us for the recording uh i i can't i'm kind of busy at the moment doing some parkour things uh but but feel free to go on without me on this one okay what kind of parkour are you doing it's uh it's very very serious parkour stuff i'm practicing for a little competition for later you know some of those mmcs ooh yeah yeah yeah parker's parkour i think you were telling me about that before alex stop she's causing the biggest headache right now parker are you sure you can't join i don't know if i can handle her on my own uh i mean yeah maybe in a little bit uh but but for now i'm not sure uh okay yeah hey no problem appreciate it um alex and i will just keep planning sunflowers i guess or mossy stone bricks where did you even get those um wait what is she doing she's planting like stronghold bricks have you been exploring again without me guys she always just goes and gets diamond uh okay well um yeah anyways parker no problem enjoy your parkour uh uh i'll give you a ring a little bit or you can let me know when you're done yeah all right sounds good man all right cool thanks we'll see ya oh gosh i'm gonna have to handle this recording with just alex alex you are giving me so much trouble right now why you keep punching me easy hey we need those for we stop stop stop stop alex stop we that's what you get that's what you get we need to use this for more strongholds there are so many strongholds in this world by the way if you didn't know guys you can actually pick up this world on the minecraft marketplace right now it's the alex the noob survival world and you can be a part of our adventures we literally play on this world all the time and you can be in the same world as us and you can dab on the haters like alex kind of is right now so make sure you pick it up it would mean so much to have your support and honestly why wouldn't you want this world so you can check out the link in the description but anyways uh dab on the the daters dab on the daters whoa alex you've been dating actually i don't want to know anyways alex you almost over here all right guys i've got a really fun activity plan for alex and i it involves these little blocks right here but i don't want to tell her yet i want it to be a surprise but either way she should be coming around here at some point hey there you are alex we've got some exercise that we're looking to get done whoa you got full diamond armor on i've never seen you wear full diamond before usually you just grab whatever is in the chest huh okay anyways all right alex we've got a little bit of a training exercise i want to get you better and better at your jumps balancing but most importantly you're bouncing so take these and what we're going to do is use these slime blocks to try and land off the top of this mountain just like that ew that's gross wait did you just use a comma grammar come again how did you huh i guess zoom school isn't as bad as i thought guys wow she's actually learning that's good stuff okay well hey give it a shot alex grab the slime i know you want to it's fine and then just take after me just like that we're practicing practicing our bouncing okay can you do it hey not bad pretty good huh okay hold on he stars no idea it's me oh i can't believe this is actually working this is so funny dude it's so weird being alex okay gotta squat a bunch and then i'll say uh do a fleet all right guys check this out i'm gonna see if we can make it from this far up let's see alex wish me luck oh a flip yeah i can do 362. nice nice nice oh there's my 360 and i made it i placed another one down best oh well was not funny not funny okay but it's okay we got some good practicing what'd you think of the experience huh you feel a little bit better about your jumps alex awful periods why very gross she's like speaking in complete sentences something's it's not right here are you i'm just anyways let's chew something else instead this is so funny what my favorite thing is is is i can hear him but he can't hear me so i i can just make him raise what don't you don't don't you wanna don't you wanna help me no i'm so glad he can't hear me uh no oh what why is she being like this get away get back get back oh oh my gosh stop stop stop ah you're acting like parker what acting like we both don't like slime blocks now or something geez oh um killing me right i mean i love them i forgot alex likes slime i gotta jump on your asap this is starting to become ridiculous running out of slime blocks little does he know i'm here the whole time this is fun and just like that nice and complete a slime house don't tell parker he'd probably lose his mind okay what do you think alex it's our new humble abode yeah take it all in big fan if she loves slime she's been bouncing on it she's been watching me bounce so hey hey hey what are you doing what do you why stop stop what what why why i don't what you hate slime hey you spelled all of that correctly too okay i don't hold on i gotta where's parker oh actually he's calling me right now uh what's that guys uh hello parker hey what's up tyler oh you would not believe um alex is well you might believe alex is just being a pill right now as usual she just ruined one of my houses what happened oh no did you blow up a house no not this time i tried to build her uh well don't cringe slime house i know it's not your favorite why would anyone ew dude this life is gross yeah that's i don't know she's acting weird um are you done with your parkour yet uh i mean i'm i'm close i i i guess i can i can hop on now okay uh awesome well we'll see in a second i guess i just don't build any more slime houses okay your call all right i'm gonna have alex jump on the world to like avoid any suspicion so alex is on my account i trusted her with my password which is probably a bad idea so she's gonna jump on the world now so i'll be alex and alex will actually be in my skin this is gonna be real weird all right we're gonna get it on all right parker said he'd be able to join the world really what are you doing over here oh okay okay um uh break stuff i don't know do what alex does break dirt and smack tyler i do like messing with tyler this is real fun i have no consequences either because i'm alex i'm alex um this is so funny okay guys i got parker to join the world i'm in a different discord room than them right now they can't hear me something is going on with these two i don't know what's happening but i'm starting to get suspicious i don't have all the answers yet but i don't know guys just i don't know something's weird oh man alex is on this is so weird to see alex in my account okay now alex i think he might be suspicious because he hopped in a different different server so we gotta act normal all right you gotta act like me i'll like you uh i'll be squatting and throwing stuff let me uh toss on some different uh i i don't know man how do i act like you alex we gotta we gotta play this right stop you i i don't move my head like that you gotta move your head very dignified and then i'll move my head like crazy okay this is gonna work i hope all right sorry about that guys i had to use the restroom really quick um oh i thought that's all right what's up man are y'all are you all good for the recording or yeah yeah let's hop in on to it right that sounds good i'm shaking in my head right now because that's how i say yes to things right right well it looks like you're frankly it looks like you're hanging out with alex a little too much you guys are practical in fact what's what's up with the armor um it's just something i'm trying out right now i just like to uh wear gold stuff and shake my head like this this is a new thing i'm trying out yes oh yes okay okay interesting um yeah because i noticed alex has on full diamond and i've never seen that before oh yeah i gave her some full diamond that's just what's going on right now and i've never seen you wear chain male and gold together at the same exact time in fact it even looks like you swapped out your goggles did you have some problems with your skin lately or oh yeah i just felt like swapping out my skin yep shaking my head just like that yeah this is just something i wanted to try out again uh huh okay sure okay but we've got a lot that we nice oh thanks alex yeah i have a nice skin uh i am punching you now hey take that tyler why are you punching me stop because i'm supposed to be dignified uh but for some reason i feel like punching me right now look i appreciate you defending me alex but parker what has gotten into you man uh nothing i just am having an interesting i haven't slept in 49 hours having a crazy day i'm jumping around in the fields now uh-huh i like to do hey i got an interesting idea okay y'all ever heard of a game called simon says yes i love simon says okay alex simon says jump okay nice job alex simon simon says spin around in a circle okay huh i am gonna spin around in a circle there we go i'm a little late but there i am now spinning i am continuing to spin okay um okay uh parker simon says punch the ground i'm gonna punch the ground right now there we go i'm punching so good okay okay okay alex didn't do it nice job i guess i don't know sorry i i don't know it's just an off day for me or something something's just felt off all day since you guys joined the world no offense i don't know maybe i'm just imagining things it's an off day for me too totally get it totally get it not in my head so how'd the parkour go anyways oh it went really well yeah i've been uh training and doing i'm actually pretty good at parkour these days so not gonna flex on you okay interesting well just so happens that we've got a little bit of a surprise for you then parker oh what is that tyler wouldn't you like to know okay yeah something is up with these two guys i don't know what it is yet i left the room they can't hear me right now but i have an idea okay parker has apparently been doing this ultimate parkour course all day right right well yeah exactly betsy we're gonna get to the bottom of that and see just how good parker is at parkour oh yes exactly betsy well that took longer than i expected but i'd like to show you two something really nice cool oh this yeah this sounds so fun to do take it all in it's uh a parkour course this thing is huge tyler oh my god of course parker because i know you love parkour so much yeah i love parkour i'm pretty good at it yep uh but right now i don't know i might be rusty i've been working at it all day so no you should be perfectly warmed up for it this is your calling parker's parkour it's built into your name practically hey alex maybe you should try it first yeah alex is going to try it first alex can try it first okay let's make alex is normally very bad alex you forgot to jump alex right right oh silly goose uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean i'm punching alex for fun yeah oh i can't alex keeps falling oh okay how about you take your sweet time i know alex you're not normally that bad at parkour so i think you could do it parker how about you show her how it's done all right all right uh i'm just going to focus right now we're going to i'm going to focus right now and i'm just going to just i'm going to make the first jump oh i fell all right it's fine i'm just a little rusty let me make the first jump all right i'm just gonna cheat that's that's the helmet listen i'm gonna sweeten the pot okay at the very top of this parkour is a very special prize item hidden inside of a barrel chest all you gotta do is make it at the top get a free item i'm not gonna tell you what it is alex loves special things right so alex is excited about getting to the top of this thing yeah oh parker uh dude yeah i might be hungry here hold on let let me uh just steal some food from alex no i'm gonna eat some raw chicken apparently that's the i just like eating raw chicken these days parker do you are you forgetting how to play minecraft or something yeah you never eat raw chicken i'm not sleeping very much these days so sure just here show me how it's done master yeah there we go there we go yeah all right i'm crushing it oh look at my parkour skills go dude go you join us as well okay okay yeah yep alex that was close yeah it was pretty close uh maybe alex can do better than i can she seems to be doing pretty good so far look at that that's not bad clutch jump alex it's not bad at all come on down parker jump two let's see it jump two here we go here we go and one two three and okay yes i made it okay okay alex uh you go first right alex made it all right now that's quicker that's good i i mean i'm gonna drop now you got it yes this is working this is working okay together yeah on three alex one two three jump i fell oh okay interesting well i mean uh alex you fell huh right how long did you say you were doing parkour four again parker uh a couple hours so i it might just be my brain's fright of so much parkouring right yeah right right no that makes total sense yep mm-hmm okay okay i can make this i can make this jump uh-huh alex is being a goober again as per usual right right right um oh alex fell again yeah yeah i don't think we're ever gonna make it to the top of this parkour yeah i don't know about that either either boss maybe we should just stop uh-huh um right right right right right well alex actually seems to be doing quite well in fact well she was meanwhile parker is uh you seem to be struggling over one of the easiest jumps i've ever put together yeah having a heart i'm having a hard time with this one maybe i make it a little easier for me because i'm a novice at parkour right okay um there we go that's better whatever you say i uh guys i'm gonna do that tyler i'm gonna i'm gonna use the restroom really quick guys i'll uh i'll be right back the third time in five minutes i gotta go yeah guys something is really weird here but i think i know what's going on and i think i know how to get to the bottom of it i'm gonna go ahead and move back into the room here oh let's grab this and then click over here come on alex we got this dude hey hey um oh hey alex alex i've got some nice dirt here it's all yours alex just as i thought parker dude did you and alex swap minecraft accounts no no oh really yeah yeah we did we did because you pulled a break on me i thought it'd be fun to switch on you and then have alex on my account oh man it's so hard because alex kept being a goober you had me going for a hot minute there man i was like what is she doing she was breaking my slime house she was using complete sentences uh yeah yeah i kind of messed that up there that was too good that was awesome that's a great prank yo you really had me going yo guys let us know in the comments by the way how many of you guys got fooled by it because i gotta say that was hilarious and i'm gonna be thinking really hard of what the next prank's gonna be maybe you guys can help us with that one as well oh gosh alex alex or parker or whoever you are oh man yeah don't worry i'll be getting you two back real soon this is alex alex alex no why are you oh is a noob in fact she's alex dunno and this is her world yeah i know you also wants it based on the popular youtube series featuring her and log.zip you can now be a part of her survival world by actually playing it crazy they might relive all your favorite moments from the videos get up get get up be careful alex alex you just blew up visit all her favorite places collect all her favorite blocks nice there you go or maybe you want to take on the width i really gotta just like we gotta so what are you waiting for you noob get the map today out now on the minecraft marketplace
Channel: Alex the Noob
Views: 245,440
Rating: 4.8898449 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pe, prank, ultimate prank, i swap accounts, minecraft account hack, swapping accounts in minecraft, secret prank, hidden, secret minecraft, pranking friends in minecraft, minecraft pranks, minecraft traps, trick, tricking friends, trick or treat, noob girl, parker plays, logdotzip, secret, funny, tricky, swapping minecraft accoutns, parkour, pocket edition, noob, pro, noob vs pro, hacking minecraft account, secret trick, pranks, imposter, being an imposter, imposters
Id: mz6t8nhU7UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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