I SURVIVED THE CLUB! (Do Not Feed the Monkeys ENDING)

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hey guys welcome back to do not feed the monkeys this is it the final episode before we get to the end of this game I don't know what's gonna happen at the end I think there's different endings and there's so many different achievements and things that haven't got so I just want to let you know that just because we're gonna complete the game today in some way doesn't mean I can't make more videos on this game if you want to see them so if you're someone who's enjoying this series and you want to see more even after I've completed the game once leave a like on this video I can get some achievements and I think there's even cameras that won't always show up I think there's more than 25 cameras that you can get in this game kudos anyway let's continue okay day 14 level 3 master of primatology two days to the evaluation guys only two days left and we need to get three more cameras okie dokie that's right in the last episode we did kill Alice Cassady I didn't think it was gonna happen but it did so what can you do you know what's this okay you're closed cuz you did I still need to do something with Paola oh yeah that's right in the last episode I was trying to call her but she was busy at the time she was asleep or whatever so today we're gonna figure that out so what to do first nothing is happening here at the moment I have like no money whoa hold on hello get lost I do not have anything for you I do not care if this plant dies whatever at this point hello once you got 50% off yogurt okay I just got to check these I got it I gotta see what I can actually get here guys oh these people are talking I'm gonna keep an eye on that you saw that commercial again yesterday I need to know what the toy is and I need to find out where the hell this guy lives so I need the name of the adult males wait the adult male specimen really that's what you want cage 19 I have that I have it right here it's John slender okay alright so that'll make me some money because I really need that I need to get those last three cages in the complete address for cage 15 which is the heavy green Titan thing it might be this one I'm sure how about we give Paola call first and then we'll we'll move on from there oh she's on the phone at the moment hey girl get off the folks I need to call you we'll just wait till she hangs up the phone and then we'll call heard she'll be like wow I'm so popular all right guys I got with 70 bucks for that routine observation we have a hundred and twenty three dollars now that's almost enough for the last three cages when is the landlady coming okay here we go calling a pail or Pio Lee or something she picked up the phone Juuko i'm is okay is this even a real language 6 t su it's so okay this Spang okay words just some words who knows what they mean but there's their words okay I don't know what she said love Oh was that like her secret word was that what I needed to say she sighed at me well hey come on don't be like that what language are you speaking wait maybe I can't let's hang up here and let's take a look at the let's take a look at the prowl Mart okay let's let's see what we got here I don't think any of this stuff matters unless you can like send a big TV to Hitler I don't know but these are the toys there's no educational toy here well yeah there is my first chem lab maybe that's what the kid wants he wants the chem lab but I can't send it because I don't know where it's got to go I don't have this guy's address today I would be buying discount yogurt lots and lots of discount yogurt they're only they only give you one one health each but you know here we are okay that's pretty good spring out I'm almost at 50 percent health now nice I can do a dog walk job for four hours why not at this point who knows what I gotta do so walk went really well isn't that right my cuddly toy wasn't that a nice walk and my Fifi feels very safe with you I can tell isn't that right my furry little friend that Mommy can tell these things come back whenever you want four hours for a dog I love again we're Ted and Amy and I know who you are oh dear how disappointing the plant looks exactly the same as when we brought it to you we don't see a change Ted and I were hoping it will be more beautiful and luxuriant we thought this house is filled with authentic goodness anyway it's a real shame we're gonna take our plant back now and we won't ever bother you again take care of yourself and make Billy Bob's light guide you goodbye all righty well at least they're gone at least they're out of my life I don't know what to do with pale guys I have no idea but I'm thinking should I try this thing here on the column let's call I think we already did that once but let's do it again I love you my happy heart sing oh hello Arthur straw okay I think I think they're happy heart is singing I know what's next while they chase you through dark and light in the garden we're dream spread their wings while the flowers hear the music of your lullaby I don't know which one it is I can't check oh no try this one flowers of music lullaby oh that doesn't sound very good hmm okay that wasn't the one let me just take a quick look oh oh have you green tightened search no no no no no no I'm butterflies flying I happy hard swing in the garden where dreams spread their wings I love you whispers the Sun in the sky will the flowers through the music of your lullaby okay what do we got here you watch the TV you watching TV and nothing else hey we're still getting some stuff from her we got another thing we might finally have all the stuff we need for her tell me your secrets peel the steer mmm cows that was the last thing I thought but I don't know why oh and these people are back on their back patio again okay so this is good everyone let's eat dinner yes let's go ahead do the dinner eating city saddest child oh that's not funny we already have enough problems with that dumb toy he's crying about Oh revenge okay the commercial claims the toy can develop a child's mm-hmm that sounds better than those video games we gave him last month I think the ultraviolent garbage has rotted the little tykes brain yeah probably everyone knows violent video games just make everyone violent but what is he gonna shut up I can't take it any longer I can't take it any longer stop crying already you pygmy or I swear I'll strangle you with my bare hands what the hell calm down we'll buy for him as soon as we lift they lift the fries on our bank accounts okay let's take a look here educational toy I don't know like it brings me here and the only one that I can see is my first chem lab but I don't know where this guy lives I could call him maybe we can get his uh his info there no answer well wait till he goes inside see if we can talk to him before he goes to sleep probably can't I need to get it tomorrow or else I'm not gonna complete this thing and also I should probably buy a couple more cages at least one more okay fine two more I just can't stop buying these cages bro what I like about this game guys among many other things is the fact that it's straightforward enough that you don't need to be a genius to figure it out you know and even if you don't figure everything out it's fine you can play through it and you can you can figure some things out maybe later on if I play the game again I can choose to do some things a little bit different maybe maybe try doing like a good thing where where I don't kill anybody or something all right everyone's asleep I would imagine I can't call this guy but you never know no answer okay well I will either go to sleep or work eight hours jeez I don't know if I get a hundred bucks sure I'll take it probably gonna fall asleep on the job I was gonna drink some coffee first oh I'm still awake oh very tired though very tired okay sleep what time is it now oh [ __ ] it's the next day here we go I'm gonna have to like try and get through this last day here it's it's just the next 24 hours guys Walker re-elected I think it's supposed to say government acquires hundreds of gallons of Correction fluid heatwave claims its 22nd victim the first jobs cruise sets sail okay well what's this oh yeah twelve evaluation reminder I got it 143 bucks now so I can actually afford the last one what do we got here okay therm cam and we've got this guy who dances and sings and all that good stuff and you guys are just singing your happy heart so let's call but hold up what what is this what does this mean I don't know what it is it's lighting up for no reason that's okay I am hungry let me eat a pizza a couple of pizzas drink some coffee destroy my health but we just got the one day so don't worry now let's call Arthur again we'll complete the song properly okay yep Arthur straw in the garden where dream spread their wings that's that song it's starting to come back to me I'm starting to remember I just need a bit more I love you whisper the stars in the sky I love you whisper the stars in the sky and that was while the flowers should the music of your lullaby so what's gonna happen here oh damn it the memory is gone I love you my happy heart sings I love you my happy heart sings what was that about whoa what's this yogurt prices oh wow Oh what is this who was that why was there someone in the therm cam what is happening here that's what I need to know guys what's what makes me sad is the fact that I know I can't get everything scanning who are you people record no recording Adam which probably means there's not really anything we need to do here hey did you read about Cassidy's daughter's accident you can't get behind the wheel drunk that's why I'm never going to get my driver's license by the way I've had enough of these neighbors downstairs to constantly bring boxes of papers blah blah yeah I know dude they're they're probably gonna bust me for my illegal activities or something okay I got a call peel one more time guys and I don't know if there's any way for me to actually find out where this guy lives Oh got another thing yes this this appeal want oh my god who is it oh it's you yeah that's my package what is it dude [Music] enigmatic children stall again the 1970 Jimmy tender hugs model slightly blood-stained great so I sit well Jimmy out and why did he do he murdered somebody well Jimmy you can say with me I got to protect you little guy all right guys we got hatred love cows and sex we look those up I don't know why I want to look that up but oh my god what is this baffling rise in boven oh [ __ ] philia is she above in a file does she like cows hello you again 36 that's not my apartment but you know I you can live with it I don't I don't even want it I don't need the money today it's good here for the rent really oh man I didn't realize you were coming today I barely have enough money I'm so overwhelmed so damn overwhelmed I don't know what this is I don't know why these scans are happening ditz okay so you're gonna talk about that stuff I'm just gonna film you dancing tonight I gotta get going here I got a call pail and I gotta ask her everything that I can come on girl how you doing so first of all a man I do okay love uh-huh but calves is that is that what you want it's okay I don't know what you're saying I don't know I don't know what that means I don't think there's anything we can do here I honestly do not know I died help me seriously okay fine whatever people I didn't even want your help anyway last chance to give me some information here bro come on your child was still crying eh who would have thought oh crap I wasn't gonna call this guy was I was gonna call John slender there's too much going on okay look that guy's going in his house it's not super late so I should be able to give him a call come on John and slender pick up the phone I need to do something hello this is John slender I want to welcome you to the future you're calling the exclusive investor line because you're an investor right investor me well you see yeah I know you don't have to tell me you're not interested in investing are you damn it average ever since my face is all over the front page no one is anyway doesn't matter what is it you want it would do me good to talk to someone who's not a whiny spoiled brat or to my lawyer which is pretty much the same thing I'll have to speak up though I can't hear you over my sons shrieks let me guess do those streaks have anything to do with an educational toy yes that spoiled brat has got it into his head that he has to have one and he's driving his mother and me crazy but tell me how did you know about that let's just say that I hope I have very highly developed intuition wait wait don't try to evade the issue I've got the tabloid press camping out on my doorstep and I had to be sure that you're not one of the soulless vultures answer me how'd you find it my son's toy mmm I live next door to you it's impossible not to know okay oh heavens another indignant neighbor you people call me two or three times a day to complain about the noise my wife and I are really sort of disturb you it's the damn kid and he's got the lungs of an opera singer and he's only seven the thing is we can't afford to buy him that toy he wants and restore peace to the neighborhood until the judge lists of fries in our bank accounts I could get you that toy what did you say dear God if you free us from the shrieking of that spoiled brat my entire tech Empire is yours your empire I'd be happy with something that won't put me behind bars what are you insinuating I'm on trial for my immense talent in my entrepreneurial spirit society should be the one on trial for failing to understand my ideas anyhow I have another proposition for you as I said the judge has frozen my bank accounts but he'll be issuing a ruling in a few days and they'll have access to my funds when that happens I'll be in a position to be very generous with you what are you saying deal well terrific well get it to us as soon as possible we'll be and we'll end up committing infanticide our address is 345 Cypress Valley hurry please I promise to make it worth your while I wish I had time chemistry said I knew that already but thank you very much for that information it's the least okay so so it's for teenagers but the kid wants it and he just wants to shut the kid up I get it for sure maybe I can work for a little bit just enough to make that money here we go it's gonna be too late obviously and I don't know what happens to Muro though is the thing I think the game is just gonna end but I am not completely sure but we can still try it we can still send that to the old chap here we go toys that and boom okay okay nineteen is now pending he's gonna send me some stuff if I send him some stuff even though I don't really have time to deal with it I think this might basically be it guys for this for this playthrough anyway I did not get the horse guy in the office and I saw that in like the trailer and stuff and I was like hey cool a horse guy yeah didn't happen so that's why I think that there's more than just 2025 cages you can get wait 25 oh yeah cuz there's 10.1 and 10.2 is like this says 22 okay um this doesn't do anything but I'm still gonna record it so yeah this guy is the she-wolf of Wall Street and he's a I don't know what he is honestly some sort of like drag queen after-hours something okay yeah let me get that it's a yeah cool so MAME with a wig search that up that's when people died from a wolf man with wig oh just art so if I send this they're gonna say who cares if it's just a guy dancing and singing and stuff irrelevant what's interesting about some random guy singing off-key Walter s is a woman you're right you're right something else is happening though oh really just that I don't want that I don't know what this is and I don't like it what the hell is that is that some sort of like alien inside a person now I'm a little bit freaked out I think I just saw an alien guys or or some sort of creature okay that's it that is like basically it I just gotta I gotta get up tomorrow morning and I just gotta live my life unless I can no I can't do an 8-hour shift I can do a two-hour shift I shouldn't die from a two hour shift 8 hours it's too much I'm just gonna do this and then I'm gonna go to sleep okay I could also sell this doll I don't know if I want to do that I cannot do anything about my health right now unless I go grocery shopping I don't want to do that I'm just gonna go to sleep for 8 hours even though that doesn't do anything for your health which I find really dumb I think it should go up if you sleep but wait look here we go day 16 what what's happened well congratulations you passed your final evaluation you will be receiving instruction soon and how to enjoy your well-deserved reward oh hello apartments 16 a gentleman a gentleman very mysterious give me this for you he is saying something about monkeys I almost know understand so take take okay what did I just get letter from the Club dear member read the instructions carefully so we can still do stuff no no we can't do you remember as you have reached the highest level of the club your monkey vision will be deactivated from now on and for as long as we consider it appropriate you should focus all your attention on strictly following these three rules one do not leave your home and if you do make sure it's only for short periods if you are planning to be away for long periods consider getting a house sitter you can trust like landlady or upstairs neighbor act as normally as possible always try to be yourself particularly when you are in any of the following rooms in your house living room kitchen and error 287 number three try to engage in interesting activities inside your home try to lead a lively family and social life avoid monotony if you are not capable of doing this consider the option of breaking the law or getting a pit break the lot why [Music] finally please remember that when you join the club you authorize us to take the relevant disciplinary measures in the event that you fail to meet your obligations go for it dear member the cage of the great primate is much closer than you think what following the death of his daughter the owner of cassadee hotels created the Alice Cassady foundation for the prevention of fainting spells at the wheel okay my little girl was it Tito ler Tito Tito teetotaler what he claimed her accident was caused by one of her drops in blood pressure oh poor her after the disappearance of Rick Stevens crystal kitchen was torn down blah blah blah we saw that already that's the Ashley Apple nude thing that guy died she rich again and that went on to be a best-selling book you have completed the path of the tame monkey just a just a team guy I don't know what that means but that's okay we did it cool what happens now if I continue will I go back to that last day again or something I didn't even get to see what was in that last you know that last camera okay day 16 came up again and yeah so same thing again guys so there you have it that was the path of the tame monkey I got to that last level I completed everything and I survived maybe I don't know they told me that I can't do stuff they told me to make sure I don't do stuff or make sure I do stuff or something I don't know guys all I know is that there's still a lot we haven't done in this game there's a lot of stuff I want to figure out a lot of stuff I want to complete that I didn't get a chance to do in this playthrough and I want to see what the other two endings to the gamer I think that'd be really cool so as I said if you do want to see some more of this series leave a like and thank you guys so much for just enjoying it it means a lot to me thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you next time good bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MattShea
Views: 280,345
Rating: 4.9569297 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, do not feed the monkeys, dont feed the monkeys, let's play do not feed the monkeys, do not feed the monkeys gameplay
Id: 6FRXeop2_3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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