I Survived 30 Days of Ice Baths - Insane Results Revealed! 🥶Wim Hof Method

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guys this is the ice bath challenge 30 days of ice that's the temperature we're getting into I just did 30 days in freezing ice cold water and this video will unveil all the wild things that happened to me they're gonna send Avi I'm alive but let's take it back to day one when I first got my hands on my state of the art ice bath well I wasn't going to pay stupid money for a purpose-built ice bath was I feel like I'm on Donkey Kong here I picked up this ancient Oak whiskey barrel from Scotland for next to nothing and this believe it or not is going to make the perfect ice bath I've got my dad big dog here to help us turn the whiskey barrel into an ice bath the first thing we need to do is knock off the first two rings to remove the lid I definitely would have used a sledgehammer all right we're going to take the third ring off [Music] amazing craft isn't it whiskey barrels can you just smash this in or [Music] flipping out that is strong smells good I wonder if we've got any whiskey we could drink inside oh my God look at that not only is this going to be a cheap ice bath but it comes with a free bottle of whiskey wait let me let me get a glass first all right kids do not try this at home all right there's so much more than one bottle it's 20 quid yeah there's another two three bottles in there should we give it a taste this probably is not safe to drink just gonna pass this through some kitchen paper just to get rid of some of the bits I feel like I'm like making American like moonshine or something it's working yeah triple distill triple filtered I don't know if I want to taste this I'll taste it that good seen double vision already that is so strong it's nice but it's strong as hell maybe in the battle barrel for so long it's uh increase the strength oh God that is nice though cheers you get free whiskey with your Barrel ice baths the next task is to clean out the whiskey barrel and get any residual whiskey out by using a jet wash we're going to clean it in and outside of it [Music] it's looking pretty clean now so we're gonna make a lovely lid now with the nice side of this lid attach a piece of Batten on the back and then drill some holes and make a handle with some string that'll be a whiskey barrel growing up there somewhere I am zero waste magician this is actually an old plant pot holder tie a couple of knots and then should have a nice handle perfect lid for the ice bath [Music] Dad thank you for your help before we jump in there me and you need to fill it up with water is full and this water is Crystal Clear it's beautiful it's so much cleaner than I thought it would be especially when we first pop the lid on this it looked disgusting but now this water is super clear and it's ready for some ice and it's ready for me to get inside for the first time oh it's colder than 14 degrees oh we're into single figures whoa whoa whoa before I show you what happened when I went into the ice bath for the first time as you know health and well-being is so important to me that's why I'm doing this ice bath challenge in the first place athletic greens has been part of my daily routine for the last few months and one scoop of ag1 into ice cold water first thing in the morning is the perfect start to my day so ag1 is made up of 75 high quality Whole Food sauce ingredients including things like vitamins minerals superfoods probiotics and adaptogens it's carefully created to nourish all the body systems holistically it's actually so delicious and so convenient to enjoy and it impacts things like your sleep digestion energy levels my mood and Immunity plus it's good for the hair skin and Nails Plus so much more so guys if you want to make 81 part of your daily routine too then head to athletic greens.com forward slash Gaz Oakley to get started on your order and athletic greens are kindly going to give my community you guys a free one-year supply of immune support in vitamin D3 and K2 plus 5 free ag1 travel packs which is so convenient when you're on the go athletic greens thank you so much for supporting the channel it means we can continue making this free content for my lovely audience to enjoy so thank you now let's get in that ice bath [Music] thank you one under your shoulders your shoulders in there so my first experience of the ice bath was pretty horrific I am not a big fan of the cold whatsoever and just get my big toe in there was really hard but what I do have is a real strong willpower and determination and I managed to stay in there for 90 seconds on my first go which I was very proud about cold oh my hands are tingling three two one yes day one done actually I don't feel bad now I feel good so it's mainly my hands and feet that were in so much pain and I struggled to get into any kind of Zone that people like Wim Hof talk about because all I could think about was the sheer cold as much as I'm freezing I feel so alive everything looks a bit more like it's in HD like my vision has improved since being in the cold so beautiful look at that wow so as much as it was paying for the europhoric feeling I had after getting out after just 90 seconds was enough to keep me motivated to carry on with this challenge let's see what the temperature is it's not six six degrees we'll do today what would you think the whole time is like you do not want to do this you do not want to do this but I don't really have to think about is how good you feel after it if I can do this I can do anything straightening so the hardest part about this challenge I found wasn't actually just getting in the bath it was being in my warm house and looking out the bath thinking I've got to go and do this but as soon as I built up the courage to step outside my game mind was on and I was ready to get in there and beat it even with the rain hammering down it actually felt beautiful and I was starting to get into this place of mental tranquility [Music] that's five minutes and before I knew it I could stay in the ice bath for five minutes things like the Wim Hof breathing technique and the chanting actually really helped I thought one with the cold which is really strange to see Dave three done get your journals out we put it on the list you're gonna get it done my skin my skin is alive and red I feel your foreign so the motivation to do this challenge came after I read Wim Hof's book I started doing the cold showers first before getting into the ice bath and I started researching more why cold water therapy was meant to be so good and some of the things I found was too good for me not to give ice baths a proper Bill cold water therapy has been practiced for centuries around the world it's said to reduce inflammation improve mental health and lift your mood boost your immune system and deepen your sleep it also improves your circulation and AIDS your muscles in repair plus so much more sun is beautiful it's beautiful after a week or so of ice baths I was able to easily do five minutes even cameraman Tom was joining me yeah feeling amazing now they're gonna stand on me I'm alive I'm alive start your day like this I reckon this would be any depression or anxiety amazing after that Studies have shown that cold water therapy may help with anxiety depression people dealing with grief and overcoming addictions when I got out of the water I felt so invigorated watching back the footage I I make myself Queens because I'm going a bit nutty but you just have this euphoric feeling it's really really strange but I could definitely handle stress better for the rest of my day now I've always struggled to meditate my mind would always wander and I'd easily lose concentration but the ice bath has literally given me the key to access the realm of meditation which I can't believe I'm saying when you're less tense feels easy and feels less cold But first you go in here like 10 steps and you're shivering then when you just relax it feels easier and I forget to do that every single time and when I do relax it feels like a second wind almost but then I'll just focus on my breathing now and then I'll be in a rhythm and the time will just fly by it's Tuesday baby come on seven and a half minutes feel good for the day let's go and do some work that was beautiful it's getting easier and even easier and he's getting more more pleasurable and look at the Mist look at this beautiful day on planet Earth that's how I feel after the ice bath Jim ice bath perfect combination I just want to tell people I love them and hug them I love you guys feel your foreign [Music] minutes feel like seconds the calm that I feel when I get into this meditative Zone in the bath is quite beautiful and magical the sense of cold literally vanishes and my mind is taking to the most peaceful place I've ever experienced I tend to count in my head to ease my mind into this space and just strapped myself from the cold over 10 minutes now come up to 11. it feels amazing the pain that I used to get in my hands is just disappeared I think I'm going to dunk my head today [Music] your ice baths and coal plunges should be under 10 degrees Celsius during the really cold winter we've been having in Wales mine was around four to five degrees Celsius and I didn't think it'd get any colder but it did so I've been doing the ice bath consistently for four weeks now and uh it's getting so cold in the UK that the ice bath is just at minus temperatures it seems and there's even a huge thick layer of ice covering it right now oh it makes getting in it a little bit more challenging because you can physically see the cold look at this that's what that's the temperature we're getting into but the rewards the feeling after it the dopamine release the clarity I get in my mind the will and the drive that I have to conquer my day and work hard it's just it's all worth it foreign so overcoming the daily battle against my mind telling me I couldn't do it was such a great achievement and it gave me some purpose and I feel like that's lacking in a lot of our lives these days is that sense of achievement those little wins that we have throughout the days and the ice bath is definitely a big win at the start of the day if you're having it or even at night time it's such a rewarding feeling getting in that bath and getting out after a few minutes but typical me I always want to try and take things to the next level and during one of the coldest times of the year we drove to the beautiful Welsh mountains to do some wild swimming there's the lake and is iced over oh my gosh we just pulled up to the lake and it is frozen over solid I don't know if I could do this it looks like someone's beating already because there's a patch there that's been cracked so let's go and check it out if Wim Hof can do it I can do it Warrior mindset with myself [Music] guys guys guys guys guys I can see literal ice on top of this Pond here right now and I can't really see the bottom either so it's a little bit freaky for me it's about zero degrees right now in Wales it's beautiful surroundings a beautiful day I think I just need to get get on and get on it I don't that didn't even make sense to sound nervous I am I just need to get in there I don't really want people around either because they're going to think I'm flipping nuts so let's just wait for this man and this dog to go and I'm gonna get my kit off and get in there my heart is beating so fast I just need a sample how cold it is just with my hand that feels [Music] all it comes down to is a Warriors mentality if I got that today [Music] part of me thinks no but the other part of me thinks if I don't do this then I'm a failure my hand is freezing just after putting it in the water so now I'm going to take my clothes off it's this ah guys the last bit see you on the other side guys see you on the other side came in it's not cold it's not cold it's ice literal ice guys his eyes I mean I'm up to my car now this water felt different it was one of the toughest things I've experienced even harder than running a marathon and I do not recommend doing this without building your assistance up first okay I'm done that's different to the power that was so hard my body feels fine it's just my hands and feet it feels so much icier wow ah Warrior mode Warrior mode Warrior oh I brought some tea so I'm gonna sit I'm gonna get my clothes back on and drink some tea and warm up now in this Tom's turn to get in good luck Tommy guys I'm just about warming up now that was so much colder than the the whiskey barrel ice fast that we have at home my feet are in agony just warming up now though should be good to know good I'm back to normal soon but just overcoming the battle in my mind was so rewarding but I don't think I'm gonna be doing it again I'll stick to my trusty luxurious whiskey barrel ice bath so that's the ice bath challenge done I was recently away and I really missed going in the ice bath it was part of the routine and I just missed getting into that beautiful meditative headspace however I found that the ice bath has given me that key now for good I can tap into that meditative space wherever I am even if I'm in cold water or not so I'm so grateful for that outcome and I'm gonna continue using the ice bath all the time because my mind can be chaotic I've got so many things going on so many things to think about and worry about but the ice bath has really helped me have that sense of calm now to conclude the ice bath has been quite life-changing it's something that I'll call upon throughout the rest of my life I'm sure the mental stimulation and Clarity it's giving me is hard to beat the feeling of alertness lasts well into my day it's almost like I've taken a limitless pill and even if I do it at night the drop in temperature helps me go to sleep deeply even my six-year-old parents have given ice baths to go so guys please do your own research and best of luck please support the channel by subscribing liking and sharing the video If you enjoyed it and click join this will really help me and Tom continue to make films cooking shows and videos like this it will really help because the YouTube algorithm does not help us small creators and we really you could do with your support thank you so much I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Gaz Oakley
Views: 204,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, food, cooking, chef, lifestyle, veg, cooking show, avantgardevegan, gaz oakley, ice bath, how to make an ice bath, Wim Hof ice bath, wim hof, ice bath challenge, how to ice bath, cold plunge, ice bath rules, Wim Hof breathing, ice bath benefits, ice bath technique, Gaz Oakley ice bath, why do people ice bath
Id: aZT7uAAHiIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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