AG1 vs Primal Greens - Which Greens Powder Is Better? (Watch Before Buying)

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this video is going to be a comparison between ag1 versus Primal greens now these are two very popular greens powder supplements um and here's what I'm going to do for this video to kind of make it a little bit more clear for you and maybe you get a you know clear picture of which one's probably better for you all right first I'm going to talk about each product I'll talk about the brand of each uh you know each brand that makes the product I'll talk about the formula and I'll also talk about the price I will explain my experience with both to the best of my ability um and then I'll mix them up so you can kind of see the mixability of each and I'll do a taste test I mean I already know how they taste I could explain it but I I guess I'll do a live taste sipping you won't be able to see me do it uh but I will sip it and give you my honest thoughts on The Taste all right before we begin if you want either one of these I'll have the best price in the description box I here's a deal I don't care if you buy ag1 or Primal greens doesn't matter to me um if you're looking for a greens powder supplement there's plenty of options out there you don't have to buy these two but if you narrowed it down between the two and you really like one over the other or you're like me and you want to try a couple of them um I will have the again the best price in the description box okay um so you'll have to go there to the description box to get those links okay let's talk about ag1 uh formerly athletic greens they've rebranded to ag1 um I don't know just what they wanted to do I guess to keep it shorter or whatever kind keep this Primal Greens in the background so you can see it um but let's talk about the brand of athletic greenone they've been around for a very long time I shouldn't say very long a few years you know ever since the direct to Consumer uh brands have kind of really popped up I'd say that was kind of kind of postco years um you know people been buying directly from consumers because they're kind of specializing in certain products specific products and that's what ag1 does they only make an athletic no they only make a greens powder they call it athletic greens well they used to call it athletic greens but they only focus on greens powder they have a um very very legitimate brand now athletic greens or ag1 all right uh they're very transparent with how they do things how they manufacture all right there's all the labels that they have the thing that really sticks out to me the most um and not a lot of green powders have this is it is NSF certified sport okay so it's not part of that band substance list it's all clean ingredients you really can't trust a lot of these companies if they don't have those labels on them especially if you're an athlete competing in sports uh you know High School College whatever uh you're kind of looking for that if that's something that uh you're into um you kind of need that right uh but ag1 has a scientific board it's all legitimate uh again they only focus on uh a greens powder okay the formula with ag1 they they have probably the most extensive um formula for greens powders this is kind of what it is on the back um you know they have the diet friendly daily support for you know certain things they have no non-GMO glutenfree dairy free I mean there's a list of those things right here that you could see if you want to pause that kind of take a look um and then you could see the list of ingredients here all right I think they have 75 vitamins minerals superfoods kind of thing you'd have to go again I'm not going to get too crazy with the formula just want to let you know it's very extensive it's very well thought off thought out um and it comes from uh leaders in the industry could be doctors dietitians again go on their website they have a whole scientific board they test these things thoroughly this is a very legitimate product okay the only caveat is the price all right that's next the price is $99 for onetime purchase if you subscribe I believe it's $79 okay don't quote me on that check the website again I'll also try to find a coupon code if I have one which I think I do you're going to have to look in the description box if that's something you want to save a little bit more money all right um but they used to never do the subscription and it just cost $99 but the problem is is they're starting to compete with a lot of other brands like Primal greens and other ones too U but that they'll kind of wrap it up for that let's go to Primal greens okay Primal greens is by Primal Harvest as you can see right there at the top Primal Harvest is the brand okay Primal Harvest uh I believe is ran by Germans so but they make all their stuff in the United States I know it kind of doesn't really make any sense but that's what it is a lot of people like the Primal Harvest products they got tons of supplements not just greens so that's one thing to kind of keep in mind you know ag1 just focuses on greens power Primal Harvest has a bunch of different supplements it's kind of like a health and wellness supplement uh brand you know they got got collagen they got um you know cleansing pills they got they got a lot of a lot of stuff okay um you know and that that could be pros and cons of things but the good the uh the one thing that these guys do have just like ag1 is a very similar formula it's not going to be as many vitamins and uh minerals uh but ag1 has probiotics and prebiotics so it is primal greens Primal greens also has probiotics and prebiotics in the formula um and here are the supplement facts if you want to check those out um and they have superfood formula as well just like ag1 this is a very comparable uh greens powder to ag1 all right uh I can't sit here and say that it's better because uh it's just a little bit less of uh ingredients all right but as you can see here on here on the front of Primal greens they have a mushroom blend uh the probiotics and they got 51 superfoods all right ag1 has probiotics in here if I could find them y dairyfree probiotics you can see right there all right there is their strains right there okay they also have a digestive blend and they have uh and they got a mushroom blend as well so you got to just got to check that out because uh you know some people don't do well with mushroom Blends like me I don't really do the greatest with mushroom Blends but you know it depends depends like how potent they are I guess okay uh Primal greens price uh I believe is $449.99 and they also have subscription prices so you could get that down to even less again links in the description if that's something you want you're going to save a lot more money with Primal greens over ag1 you're just not going to get the science backed science Advisory Board all this testing that goes into it thorough testing that ag1 does you're not going to get that with yes they do third party testing but it's not as extensive okay okay and they also have a bunch of other products so there's no way they can you know harness all their energy and and put it all towards the grains powder because they have other products that they have to also you know improve on and get better with ag1 is constantly improving again I don't care which you which one you want or if you don't want either I'm just giving you guys um the facts of what comp what contrasts them what Compares them okay differences and similarities all right uh next Let's uh I'll talk about my experience okay let's go over my experience I'll start with H1 then I'll finish with crown greens put that to the side there my notepad my notes all right ag1 um again this is my third bag of it now this is kind of over the course of I'd say at least 6 months you know I don't take this religiously all right but sometimes I don't really like eating salads I don't like eating broccoli I don't like eating vegetables in general leafy greens you know lettuce whatever it's you it's not really I don't love it all right but I know how important greens are for the body also know that too much of it is also harmful right again speak to your doctor before trying any supplement ag1 for me after I take it now this is it's got to be like like a week straight first couple times you take it cuz it has probiotics in it and probiotics will sometimes um upset your stomach it could cause you to go to the bathroom number two um irregular I should say uh but once you take it for a consistent use of time for me it's about a week just kind of goes to the whole probiotics thing um then your body kind of gets used to it and it starts regulating itself again and you know you start to really feel the benefits of a high quality greens powder supplement and what I mean by that is a little bit more energy throughout the day uh you just feel cleaner inside especially in the gut area um you know I have a couple kids I'm always looking for ways to kind of improve my energy because I'm always working all the time and you know my kids are const and I'm I work from home so my kids are constantly coming in my office and I got to take breaks once in a while go play with them outside and whatever you know just trying to be uh there for that I guess um and ag1 definitely I could feel good energy with it again I don't take it all the time because after a while your body will kind of just get used to it and it kind of loses the effect so I just kind of take as needed here with this I know it's not what the directions say but it is what it is again if you want to follow your own system of doing it do it your way or talk to your doctor Primal greens okay to me Primal greens was almost the same as ag1 it it's the you know exactly the same like time frame of how it kind of started to kick in about after a week of consistent use all right I'm off and on with Primal greens as well but I have it and I use it now I did I did feel better energy not as much is ag1 but still felt pretty decent better okay knowing that had my greens and getting a little bit of an energy boost throughout the day especially the afternoon um definitely felt that with Primal greens um just not again not as strong as ag1 but you're saving a lot of money with Primal greens right so if that's something you want to save money probably go here if you if money's not really an issue and you want to kind of get the best of the best I mean it is what it is I used to not really believe that uh some supplements are better than others just because of they had a scientific scientific board and all the testing and quote unquote highquality ingredients but you know after being in this industry for a few years and tasting a lot of different greens powders especially some of the ones that are viral on Tik Tock okay and social medias that people are going bananas over I just don't really compare to athletic reins I got to be honest with it okay but again if you're trying to save money you don't really go with ag1 you go with something else that's going to give you similar results but not as good okay let's do a mixability and taste uh I don't know it's not test because I already did it I guess a retest or an experiment or whatever you want to call it okay so here's ag1 comes in this nice nice Ziploc bag there's all the greens in there with the scoop so let's take one scoop of that I got big hands I mean this Con barely fit my hand in there look at that I don't even have that big of hands compared to some people out there okay directions say to take one scoop right it's it's definitely overflowing on the left side is on your screen um one scoop poured into 8 to 10 oz of water which I have here Here Comes okay let's just wait for that sucker to dissolve as I get the Primal GRE going okay same deal there it is Primal greens inside very similar smell that compared to Green the smell Primal Primal green smells better smells sweeter it's probably the sweetener in it kind of sweetener they got in this thing let's see here I don't even know how you would figure that one out yeah they got some kind of sweetener in missina or something well anyways here's the Scoop here's the Scoop there goes the scoop right in the greens okay uh well let's mix ag1 first with my frother that needs new batteries here we go and uh you don't need a fro usually I use a butter knife I just kind of know that you know when I mix it with a butter knife there's going to be some residue at the bottom kind of is what it is this thing's not bad mixes it in you know no greens powder is going to be perfect when you mix it um I also give you uh a smoothie recipe if you're interested U there's ag1 and here goes Primal let's take a look at this one you could already tell the colors are different it kind of is reflective of the packaging never really noticed that until I put them side by side a1's kind of that darker green it kind of looks like Primal greens is kind of like a lighter greens there and it kind of reflects it on the packaging very interesting it all frothy I guess I don't know okay there you go still some residue in both of them I don't know if you could see that or not use the ag1 okay and the Primal grein can't see you see the bottom there all right let's take a sip of Primal grains here it's very earthy as as a standard standard greens powder with no flavor earthy but has some sweetener in it almost like an ice teish kind of thing here comes A1 going down much Greener but richer richer this tastes more high quality be honest with you can't explain it don't know why but Primal grains is still good definitely a little sweeter definitely a more earthy but very similar to the sweetness too they must have a sweetener in there too well there it is folks that's what I was going to cover today again uh very similar products one's pricer than the other ag1 has more scientific uh backed things like an advisor board and testing they just focus on the greens Primal greens by Primal Harvest um have multiple supplements which can be a good thing right you can go onto their website and get a bunch of different supplements if that's your thing and uh that's going to conclude my ag1 versus Primal greens again I will have the best price possible in the description box in the description box if you want these again I don't care if you buy them or not but that's where it is
Channel: Legit Supplement Reviews
Views: 1,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ag1 vs primal greens, primal greens vs ag1, athletic greens vs primal greens, primal greens vs athletic greens
Id: dLBrJ3fLaos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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