I Survived 100 Days in RL Craft 2.9 (Modded Minecraft)...

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in today's video I survive 100 well spend 100 days in RL craft can't really say survive since we die about 100 times but even with all that dying I still have some goals I have to complete in these 100 days I want to kill a dragon get a rare Mount make some OP armor and weapons and overall just try and not break my computer while playing this game if any of this sounds interesting to you grab some water a snack and get comfy because this is going to be a long one all righty so on day one like any good rlcraft world I spawned in the ocean and was instantly killed by a sea serpent I respawned in another ocean and while swimming around I was once again feasted on this is going to be a fun one isn't it our third spawn point was actually a good one since we spawned right in a village first job in the village was to scavenge absolutely anything the first chest had some iron boots food and enough wood for even ugly people to get laid you see this thing oh you definitely see it no but this thing right here is going to get really annoying because since this mod pack hates fun you have to deal with maintaining a healthy temperature the next loot I found was some more armor and unfortunately we have to get level eight defense before we can wear this so it's going to be a little bit before we can actually use it but it's still good to have in storage after the armor I wanted to try my hand at some blue collar work so I started picking up some grapes once I was done with that I found some leather armor and iron tools in a chest fortunately for us I could actually equip the leather armor and thanks to the new questing system in rlcraft you can get these cool hats so I now officially look like a scholar while looking out of a tower I saw our first dragon which was not encouraging because that means if I choose to live here now I have a very mean and dangerous neighbor even more mean than you Mr Stevens it's not my fault your son was willing to trade all the bourbon in your house for a couple packs of Pokémon cards man okay it's just come on by the end of day one I had a ton of good loot but couldn't use any of it since my stats were all still level one I'm so broke at the moment that days 2 through 4 started with me collecting some rocks I decided to just make a wood pick since mining Cobble is going to be a whole lot faster than just picking them up off the ground and of course once I had that made it was time to mine with my collection of rocks I made a bunch of cobblestone and then made a stone pick alongside a stone Axe by the time I got home I was thirstier than a dude in November so I went ahead and drank some water out of the ground and to the surprise of nobody I contracted malaria and started taking damage I'm definitely going to need to start purifying water soon because this is not good last thing I did on day two was making a stone sa now in the new rlcraft well it was new about a year ago I had to play the new 1 that2 update when it came out and school started blah blah blah blah blah whatever anyways although it was nerfed I still wanted to get the damage absorption since right now we will die to just about anything day three I walked up and killed this joust that was low Health which was pretty convenient next up I started picking up some grapes and then all of a sudden was getting murdered by an insect got to love it luckily I was able to grab my saber and kill the disgusting mirx workers while also spotting a dragon in the background next up was making a stone hoe and farming up this wheat which was surprisingly good for XP after hoing around I began chopping some trees which was very satisfying with the tree fell mod while chopping a tree I heard something behind me and yeah that's a dragon no it's not the dragon from earlier because that dragon's right there and yeah we've been burnt to a crisp the one good thing was the fact that when I got back the dragon had flown away and I was able to get most of my loot back at the start of the next 2 days I found myself back in the Birch Forest chopping trees and there was now a phosphor chupacabra Boss Bar above me which was a little spooky I don't even know what that is I've heard of a chupacabra but I don't know what phosphorescent means I don't even know if I'm saying it right regardless though I started to get really thirsty and at one point my screen started to get really blurry like this is ridiculous and as expected when I drank some more water we got parasites again and this time the malaria actually got us to start day six I used all my birch logs to make paper so I could trade with villagers for easy XP before I could do that I had to kill these disgusting things you just wait because we're going to get to know these things a lot better pretty soon here once I found a cartographer I traded all my paper and got to level seven now I'll be honest I was expecting to get some better XP than that but with my new found XP I leveled up my defense stat as much as I could so I could get that iron armor on me ASAP I was fighting some big fella macas and started to get my kick but was saved by Cactus thank you Mr Cactus the good news for us was the fact that only the Maca Alphas were aggressive so these other ones were a good safe source of food and XP once again water was an issue and just in case I died from the parasites I made sure to use all my XP to level up defense and attack at this point I was on such low health and hunger and barely had any XP so I just decided I drink some more infected water and well for some reason it spawned me at the waist Stone which had no way to get out of and while trying to collect building blocks I fell into a ravine I eventually couldn't find a way out so I just drowned in a random waterfall and successfully collected enough sand to get myself out next time I respond spawn day seven and 8 started with me collecting some Vines and I know it seems random now but you'll see why in a little bit later in the day I made a new saber which was of graceful quality which gave a 15% attack boost I finally decided I wanted to address the water problem so I grabbed some sand made a furnace and started chefing up some charcoal so I could cook the sand all of a sudden while chefing I was hit with hyperthermia so I ran back to the Water by the farms at this point we're only 7 Days in and I am already sick of dealing with the weather like this is just getting ridiculous already and it ends up screwing us over even more I mean I'm not trying to like watch time bait you it's just the truth and it it really pissed me off but more than that later I made a little water hole in my house and used the smelted glass to make some bottles I filled them up right away and started purifying since I was severely dehydrated after that I went ahead and grabbed some more sand and smelted it so we could have a bigger reserve of purified water and the very last thing I did on this set of days was making some bread not the fun kind just the food Kind day nine I found the nest of these disgusting insects and figured I'd give it a shot and I'll be honest I thought it was going to go better than that during a second try my health was basically Machine Gun Down by whatever kind of poison these things inflict try number three had the same outcome and I know what you're thinking why keep doing this the answer ego I used to do this exact same thing when I used to play Call of Duty if a guy killed me at a certain spot in the map you better believe when I responded I was running straight back there to get my revenge I don't care if it took me like four or five lives I would do it till I kill the guy or until he moves either one and I'm not I'm not kidding I don't know if anyone else did this but I did good news though after four tries we were able to kill the MX loot wise we got a mirx stinger and scale which is going to be important for some gear later after that hold debacle I decided it was time to switch to some more peaceful training on cows towards the end of day N I upgraded my defense to level eight which meant we could now equip the iron armor the quality on the pants is atrocious but at least everything else is normal and I mean I guess some Iron Pants is better than no pants after killing this fake dinosaur we hit level five which let me choose a specialization and what grants me more XP I ended up going with the combat since this is rlcraft and I'm not a that being said though I think the crafting specialization is technically the best if you end up playing cuz you can just Spam make cheap items like sticks don't quote me on that though I just feel like I read that on Reddit once but the last thing we did on day 10 was making a stone and iron throwing knife so we could have some cheap yet effective ranged Weaponry day 11 I made some torches and forgot that this mod pack is so realistic that you actually have to light them with a matchbox and to make things even less convenient they actually burn out after a certain amount of time the one good thing was the fact that the matchbox was cheap to make I found a stairway in the ground somewhere and figured it would be a good time to light some torches and explore at the bottom of the staircase there were multiple creepers and at some point they literally started to rain thanks to a spawner everything was going smoothly until one of those superpow creeper spawned and just started nagas saking me once everything cooled down I used a throwing knife to take out a superpowered creeper and then out of nowhere I was yanked down and nearly died to this creeper death trap at this point I just wanted to get out but just in case we died I spent all my XP once at the surface I tried using some plaster to heal me up a little bit but for whatever reason you need to have level four magic to put a Band-Aid on a scraped knee I don't know I really just wanted to put my Hello Kitty Band-Aid on but it's fine it's no big deal fun fact too I actually have a Hello Kitty shirt that I go to the gym in my buddy Josh has another one we went matching at the gym sometimes it was pretty nice shout out Josh anyways day 12 I stumbled onto a villager encampment and of course helped myself to other supplies since I'm the main character here okay I don't care about their survival next to the encampment there was somewhat of an abandoned Fortress which I thought may have some good loot or some interesting mobs to fight but it ended up having absolutely nothing and being completely empty no chest no mobs just an empty destroyed building which was still pretty cool to explore but I was kind of hoping to find something I did however find a battle tower right next to it which of course had both Loot and mobs to kill I still felt super weak at this point with my stone weapons so I decided to just instantly destroy the spawners for some easy XP which ended up going about as well as some of you probably expected just let me tell you this just get used to this trend okay if you are curious on why this video took so long to come out it's because when you're constantly dying trying to complete the simplest task it really makes you it just really makes you want to good news though I was able to get back to the battle in time to get all my loot back which meant it was time to break more spawners and hopefully not get jumped again I used all my new found XP to upgrade my magic all the way to level eight so we could now actually heal ourselves while adventuring I also up my agility to level five which unlocked the Dodge ability which was pretty cool and later on I find out how to speed boost with it I was using the throwing knives some more and kept hitting myself with them which actually really hurt since when do knives bounce like 10 ft back like if I'm hitting him with the blade why is it bouncing back you're telling me this mod pack has me lighting my torches and having them burn out but I can't stick a knife in a zombie and then go pick it up later like pick a lane game either be realistic or don't this is this is getting ridiculous once it was night I ran back to the Villager camp and tried to go to bed until I was almost eaten alive by some random creature but after healing I was actually able to get some sleep on day 14 I eventually made my way home and grabbed an iron dagger and iron sword out of the chest I ended up also making an iron saber since the damage reduction is so important once that was made I crafted a wooden shield and then upgraded that to an iron shield right away and we were looking pretty schnazzy now next up was purifying some water since I didn't want to have to deal with parasites anytime soon I followed that up with some cooking of a bunch of different meats and I made a lot of meat the next two days I decided it was time to face my fears and enter back into the mirx nest hopefully since we have some armor upgrades it'll go a little bit better this time starting off we faced a bunch of of gammites who just kept multiplying like little King Gremlin luckily they didn't do a ton of damage but boy were they annoying and kind of intimidating when there's about 20 of them just staring at you trying to kill you during my long drawn out battle out of all things I die to hyperthermia like game at least kill me with a mob not the weather when I got back to my loot the MX Soldier was nowhere to be found which was good but also terrifying cuz like where did he go I started Walling up the room and in came the soldier however this time I actually won the battle I went back to my little murder drive-thru window and started attacking the mirx queen until she decided to get out of my sword's reach worst part was that she was already starting to regen health so I had to figure this out quick I ended up digging further down and made a more effective drive-thru window the way this thing moved genuinely made me feel like there's bugs crawling on me in real life even though it's just a game it was really weird but midf fight I got this terrifying message so I ran straight home and went to bed before sleeping though I picked up this bronze Hammer I found earlier hoping it would be a bit more effective than the saber once back at my hidey-hole I was just simply playing whack-a-mole every time the queen walked up to me is this a soft way of killing the queen sure but it's also effective and I'm really hoping for some good XP from this thing since it seems like a mini boss after killing the Queen's last Royal I hopped in there and got a grand total of four levels yikes that is not what I was expecting the one good thing from it was all the Mir mix shitten you're kidding right shitten chitten which can be used to make good armor and weapons now that I cleared that disgusting insect bunker it was time to do some exploring which was beyond inconvenient thanks to the hot temperature like literally any time I wasn't in the water I was just dying of heat stroke I eventually made it to a random little Hut and for the literal fifth time since leaving the village I had to sit in a hole of water the chest in the house did at least have some decent loot inside but oh boy do I need some temperature regulating gear once I left the house I spotted a desert Fortress thing a pirate ship battle tower and midi water Castle thing so we got a lot of things to explore L best part is the fact that the ocean water is freezing cold so now I had some relief from the heat I scaled the walls of the castle with a water bucket and went inside to check for loot it was really just starter loot so nothing too helpful but while on the balcony I did get a free SeaWorld show those sea surfing are terrifying but we're going to have to kill some if we want the tide Guardian armor cuz that stuff is op the rest of day 17 was really just exploring every inch the castle to try and find some hidden loot or mob spawners but there was really nothing days 18 through 26 started off with me leaving the castle and heading to the battle tower my plan for the time being was to light up the spawners as quick as possible so I didn't get overran by the mobs while clearing the second floor this cave spider was absolutely abusing me with his parkour skills hopefully we get the Bobble that protects us from the poison soon because it's uh it's tough fighting these right now unfortunately for us both the first and second floor had locks on their chest which meant we got No Loot to try and get by this I made an iron pick and yikes that is embarrassing I decided to make another pick and break the zombie spawners we got quite a few levels so I decided to go ahead and upgrade our mining level so we could use better pickaxes later after that it was time to try this lock picking again I mean to my knowledge it was purely luck based so I didn't have much of a strategy here but we actually ended up getting the chest unlocked this time and well the loot isn't even that good but I guess we unlocked it I honestly shouldn't have even risked a lock pick on these lower level chests because I mean the loot is not going to be good but I was feeling hot man it's like you're hitting something at a casino so I just I figured I'd give it another shot on the second floor and well just like at a casino I lost so yeah just uh quit while you're ahead or just don't gamble at all it's probably better but now that being said I'm not going to listen to my own advice cuz it's a video game so I went back made two final lock picks I could afford and tried my luck once again this time the lockpick actually survived two failed attempts but then failed on the third unfortunately and of course the next lockpick wasn't quite as resilient looking back I cannot comprehend why I kept trying to unlock this but here I was making wooden lockpicks now because I really wanted to get get this chest open and in all honesty with how quick the iron ones were breaking the wooden ones couldn't be that much worse like even if they instantly break most of my iron ones did that too so so really isn't much of a downgrade first pick was a fail second pick actually survived a fail but then broke and finally the third and final lock pick got the chest open and after all that effort all we got was a literal starter garbage but it was an experience I figured next floor would be pretty much the same until I turned the corner and found a sea serpent inside the battle tower can't park there pal of course a Good Samaritan I am I removed him from the tower for the safety of these zombies it seem to piss him off though because a whole hoorde of them just crowded my makeshift window but I eventually dealt with them all if you end up playing this mod pack I highly recommend plugging up the holes in the ceiling of each floor so you don't have the next floor's mobs just raining on you ceilings of each floor that just doesn't sound right anyways the third chest of the battle tower had more garbage you really got to get to the top floors to get get the good loot so we're slowly making our way there the next level of the battle tower had this spooky skeleton with four different superpowers one of which lit me on fire thankfully I got this water bucket but otherwise this would have been a pretty big problem while peeking the window one skeleton shot the other which caused a massive Friendly Fire battle I know I already referenced Cod but this also reminds me of when I would play hardcore as a kid and if I accidentally shot a teammate and killed him you would instantly run back and find me and Blick me even if it was clearly an accident or even if they'd run in front of you while you're shooting they'd still just take it it never made sense to me but I probably did the same thing too I'll be honest I poked another little window and found a zombie with enough effects to literally fill a page in the dictionary then all of a sudden I started to drown above water and the mega zombie somehow snuck up behind me which led to me just sprinting past and Walling them off that was definitely a close one just in case I died once again I spent as much xp as possible on my skills at this point I thought it would be a good idea to run home and while doing so I spotted a pyramid and more importantly another Dragon I swear there is a dragon in every sing think of Direction I run these things are like the Starbucks equivalent to the mod pack just like every corner there's one I I I I don't get it I don't know after dropping the loot off at home it was back to fighting this battle tower at this point I was mining the spawners from the floor below to make the process a little bit easier and it was basically just rinse and repeat while spending my XP on skills as I leveled up while going to the next floor I got hit with a sneak attack from a spider and was about as close to dying as physically possible in this mod pack I was out of healing Supply so I just threw all my loot in a chest spent all my levels in in intentionally died to regen my HP I found the spider camping in a corner and killed it it actually dropped the Bobble I referenced earlier which meant we were now immune to poison damage another bonus was the fact that it was of graceful quality which meant it gave me an additional 3% attack speed after killing that I saw a literal Army of spiders in the corner which made me want to burn my entire computer and here's a loot update at this point I was not the last two levels of the battle tower however I can't open the chest since if I do I'll piss off the battle tower Golem and he will destroy me so we got to get a little little creative here step one was running home to do some crafting just to clarify the big boss at the top of the battle tower won't wake up until we either get too close to him or open a chest too close to him but there is a loophole which leads us to step two which was making a barrel step three was making a hopper and finally step four was just hooking up the hopper and Barrel to the unlooted chest and we can now safely get our loot we got some fire loot like diamond Pet Armor emeralds a diamond chest plate a temperature regulating armor upgrade lapis a recall potion and Diamond pants once at the top floor I hooked up the hopper and it was of course locked so this method would no longer work then and probably the most boneheaded play in ARL craft history out of habit I tried to open the chest that I had already looted and now the tower Golem was awake and he was not happy I instantly just jumped straight out the tower into the water and this guy must have been related to Obama with the way he was just sending these air strikes at me I mean he was ridiculously accurate once I had gotten out of his aggro range I dug myself a hole and spent night in a 2x1 box the next morning I came out of the ground to a surprise creeper which was quite the way to start the day I know what you're thinking why aren't you going home well you see I got a plan most of the time when these battle tower Golems start attacking they blow up a bunch of stuff around them including the ground they stand on so with that hopefully being the case we should in theory be able to make a sky Bridge back to the top of the battle tower lockpick the chest and get that loot safely is there a chance we just get sniped off our bridge by Obama man yes but I'm going to try it all that being said I broke the leaves of the tree to get a bunch of sticks to make a bunch of wooden lockpicks to get into that chest in true rlcraft rash though you cannot do anything in peace let me just go ahead and Replay that last line in true RL craft frash and though you cannot do anything in peace eventually I made nine lockpicks then Min some Stone to make a stone shovel so I could gather dirt for the bridge now it was time for the Moment of Truth see hopefully he fell through that big hole right there and we're in the clear boom look at that the plan actually worked unlocking the chest ended up only taking two total lock picks which was honestly pretty surprising loot wise we got a half full XP Tome a bunch of valuable ores a Charged emerald and some recall potions which are really convenient when you drink them they basically take you back to your spawn point I went ahead and sorted through all the loot I wanted and ran home I used the XP tone which got us up to level 25 and then spent all of my new levels upgrading my magic skill up to level 12 which now allows us to make an enchanting table the next 5 days started off with me exploring the desert Fortress it actually ended up being a bit anticlimactic to start since none of the spawners were working due to the daylight the spawners were at least easy XP though loot wise it was just a bunch of mid-tier Loot and a horse spawn egg of all things after poking around for a while I ended up finding a dark basement looking area that had a bunch of melee skeleton spawners while trying to clear it out a blight skeleton spawn which is basically like one of those superpowered Mo but on 12 lb of crack I kept awkwardly fighting him on the ladder and when I thought he was finally going to leave me alone to heal for a second he started rushing me out of nowhere this led me to panicking and just Spam punching him so he couldn't get off the ladder then while trying to switch to my sword I grabbed my bucket which although unconventional actually worked now that I had this water pushing him back I could grab my Pike and poke him to death from a safe distance the BL skeleton got me all the way to level 30 which allowed me to upgrade my attack and defense twice each to finish clearing out the basement I went ahead with my patented drivethru window method so I could do this in a less stressful way unfortunately there weren't any chests inside to loot the next morning I upgraded my defense once again and then found a random ladder down towards lava when I open the chest at the bottom of the ladder it was packed with iron emeralds gold and diamonds this was obviously a trap but thanks to the water we had no issues was that pure luck totally but I'll take it I found another chest with some more diamonds and gold and another Tower while running around the beach the next morning I saw a small Dragon corpse which got me three dragon bones and a dragon skull while looting it I did accidentally drink the ocean water but at least I didn't get parasites dragon bones can be used for making dragon weapons and once we kill a live Dragon we can make either flaming or icy weapons which are awesome next structure I explored was this random pirate ship started off with breaking the spawners then cleared out any mobs left in the hole honestly the ship was pretty lame but it was some easy XP with all my new found XP I upgraded my attack up to level 18 which got us a little bit closer to being able to use dragon weapons while sailing over to a Flo Castle I spotted a big platform and some mermaids singing in the distance so we'll definitely have to explore that inside the castle was this big open room with spawners and a floor that is almost guaranteed to fall from under us if we break the wrong block the big question being what block is going to be the bait Bob wise it was skeletons and zombies for the most part with that ugly Brown thing sprinkled in things started to get a little hectic but I was able to spam some Torches by the spawners to prevent more mobs from spawning I of course broke the spawners and it looks like the bait block is an emerald block the chest loot was pretty mid however we did get some iron blocks and avoided the Trap when breaking the emerald while looking around I spotted a wither skeleton skull which was super surprising I'm assuming it came from the weird looking Brown thing I snooped around some more and found some more spawners one of which dropped a diamond once again I had accumulated quite a bit of XP so I leveled up my attack once again kind of random but one awesome thing about rlcraft is the static animation that plays when Enderman are close to you it's a tiny detail but it's for some reason just really cool also this clip right here is just a tribute to how awesome Shields are after clearing this place out my inventory was getting pretty full so I decided to use a recall potion just to teleport home real quick so I could store all my goodies then I was right back to exploring when going back to the water platform I noticed the mermaids despawn which was both good and bad good because they're annoying bad because we need their scales to make serpent armor later or Tide Guardian armor is technically what it's called but whatever you want to call it we're going to need to kill some mermaids later the big water platform was completely passive and would honestly make a pretty good starter base if you didn't have to worry about sea serpents just jumping up and killing you that being said loot wise there wasn't anything too crazy next up though I found an underwater structure which was awesome inside I thought we found something cool with the flare gun but unfortunately you can't use it for some reason kind of weird that it's in the loot table but here we are on day 32 I ran into a beached sea serpent while running around and started smacking the thing with my Pike however midf fight I heard a dragon and of course when I turned around there was indeed a dragon was far too close for comfort and to make things even better as I was running away I spotted a second dragon when I finally did start attacking the sea serpent things didn't go quite as planned and by the time I got back to my loot the sea serpent had migrated far enough away that I could get everything back safely and it was time to actually kill this thing this actually took quite a while since it was such a large Serpent and Midway through I had to take a little bath so I could cool down before finishing the guy off wait pause hold on good news about killing such a large serpent is the fact that we got 10 sea serpent scales which is enough for a little bit of armor the next thing I did was crafting a heart container which increases your max HP by one heart in two different body parts when I did end up using it we got it in our head and left arm which honestly I'll take cuz we could have easily gotten it in just both of our arms after this I did want to heal and since I only had two levels I decided to just burn alive from the temperature once I respawned I made a bunch of insect treats since I needed to get myself that rare Mount so I could explore more efficiently and the mount I wanted was both fast and is literally part machine gun and hand can run on water and no it's not rainbow Jesus okay it's called an aired and you know you are all craft players oh that's not rare well I'm going to try and find one of the colorful rare ones hopefully the gold one that'd be awesome before I could do that though I needed to craft a soulgazer and Soul Stone and once those were made we were now ready to get ourselves that rare Mount the rest of this time was spent looking for the right biome and while searching I found a massive underground dungeon that had multiple bosses inside which was a little bit spooky while exploring on day 35 I saw two Mega bills right next next to each other which looked insane unfortunately I was low on purified water so I had to use a recall potion to go home so I could make more worst of all is the fact that the heat is just getting ridiculous the second I hopped out of my little water hole I got hypothermia again someone turned theam AC on out here please it's just it's bad eventually I swam in a river to finally cool down a little bit before I went back to those Mega structures while looking for them I saw a pyramid and of course another Dragon because why not at this point once it was night in aired spawned and we got lucky enough that it was a rare golden one I I don't know the odds on this but uh I'll take it I force fed it a bunch of treats put the saddle on and used the Soul Stone and now we had ourselves a rare Mount so check that off the goal list the best part of having an aede as a mount is the fact that it was a walking machine gun like I mentioned the next six days started off with me making another Mirch saber followed by a diamond helmet honestly don't know what happened to the one I had 2 seconds ago cuz I recorded this like 2 months ago but yeah new saber woo while exploring on day 37 I fell in love with a fish woman and then decided to be a bigger tease than that hot Mormon girl at your school because I'm not exploring these Mega structures yet next thing I found was an awesome looking village with a giant buzs saw in the middle not quite sure what it's used for cuz there aren't really any trees but man it looks great what's not awesome is this Dragon burning this town alive I mean I literally just can't escape these flying flamethrowers at this point I'm not even surprised totally random here but like do you honestly think dragons ever existed cuzz like every civilization has some sort of depiction of dragons like even if they're across the entire world from each other in different time periods they like talk about dragons I don't know it's weird to me probably don't but it's something to think about there was a battle tower out of the range of the Dragon camp in the village so I spent the next 3 days clearing it out on day 39 I decided to kamakazi and light every spawner up with a torch so I spent all my levels and used the strategy and as expected I eventually died but the mission was still a success I went back with the last spawners and went to the top floor no clue what I was thinking here but it leted me take a gravity elevator to my death when I respawned the Golem was kind of just chilling up top so I grabbed all my stored Loot and put it in a chest outside the tower I then went through and Min all these spawners for XP because I wasn't planning on coming back here after what I was about to do as I was doing this I looted the chest and got some pretty good stuff once again I put everything into a chest and went home made a barrel so we could finish the chest at the top two floors assuming they weren't unlocked the first chest went well once again but I open the chest out of habit and pissed the tower Golem off again so I just kned out of there I still wanted the loot at the top so I might up a bunch of materials to perform yet another Heist and with some incredibly dumb luck the tower Golem didn't blow up the entire top chest the loot wasn't anything crazy but it still felt good to get when I got back down I loaded up a backpack to take home with me but the thing was completely bugged and I literally spent the entire day trying to pick up the stupid thing at one point I somehow rotated it and finally just decided to break it and make multiple trips to get the loot the next 5 days started off with me looking at all the bobles I can make with glowing inkat and there were some sick items here after that I needed to do some Brewing specifically heat resistance potions because I was sick of dealing with the weather and the last thing I need while exploring the mega structures is to die of hypothermia while getting railed by 40 zombies I decided to enter the Big Greek looking building first and broke a spawner sitting on a throne and for whatever reason a lot of these spawners weren't spawning mobs but as I was trying to break another spawner for the cinder spawned and must have mistaken me for a stripper for making it rain on me so much once I took those out I made sure to get rid of all the fire in the room so that didn't happen again but of course once you take the light source out of a room the spawners start working and yeah we were one shot by a wither skeleton luckily it wasn't too hard getting my loot back thanks to our Mount after I got my loot I watched my aede 1 V1 a trumpet wielding skeleton and Then followed that up with using my personal Minun to clear mobs inside the main entrance then it was time to clear the last room which was actually spawning mobs which got a little hectic with all these magma cubes and of course we die so once again I ran back grabbed my Loot and got back to work except this time I was actually using my sword until I got scared and swapped back to my machine gun one thing this area was great for was gaining XP we got an absolute ton of it and by the end we were level 30 so I leveled up my defense twice which meant we were one level off of wearing sea serpent armor day 47 I went back to the dungeon and started mining up all the golden Emerald blocks that were in the walls of the build until my pickaxe eventually broke day 48 I went home and made a reforging station so I could fix my bad quality armor and tools after that I made a dragon bone Pike and man we were looking snazzy last thing I did was also making some gapples at this point I wanted some endgame enchants which meant I needed to find some Villages so I could trade with some librarian while searching I once again fell for a couple thirst traps and when I actually found a village I fell for yet another thirst trap and this one decided to full on break my screen I found a crate inside the village which is really nice because this is basically a poor man's Shuler box after that I go to this library for every single book I could find because I was going to need a lot soon day 51 I boxed a librarian into a corner and after trading a few times I got an Adept one trade which is awesome because if we trade for a bunch of these we can get up to an Adept three book which will let us earn a bunch of XP day 52 I traded for a total of four Adept books day 53 I boxed up another librarian and traded with him the First Enchanted braid was a cursed book of holding which is absolute garbage however after some more training the next enchanted book was Advanced mending which is easily one of if not the best enchants you can get so that was awesome and the last thing I did was trading for four of those Advanced mening books figure I might as well pick up a bunch now since I'm for sure going to use them later the next day I went ahead and labeled signs near the the waist stones in each Village that had villager trades I liked next up was fighting a beached Hydra which took an absolute eternity granted this thing was absolutely massive now when this thing did finally die it gave me 17 scales which is honestly ridiculous after the sea serpent I found this big Stone structure and used my aired as a walking minigun I went in to check out the interior and I'm not going to lie this place really wasn't that cool that being said this was incredibly fun now even though it wasn't the most exciting of places I did stay for quite a while actually most of the set of days just farming XP and looking back I kind of wish I stayed there longer since the minute I left I got one shot by a dragon swimming in the ocean luckily there was a way Stone relatively close so getting the gear back wasn't all that difficult since Dragons sleep at night or at least that's what I thought yeah no it kind of happened again too day 58 I decided to just say screw the gear and move on since I had some extra diamond armor at home anyways yeah we lost the dragon Pike but at least it wasn't Enchanted since we lost everything I also had to make some new bottles so I could restock on purified water then the last bit of rebounding was making a new iron shield and then the last last thing on day 58 was killing yet another beached sea serpent the next 3 days started off with me finding what seemed to be an abandoned Village there wasn't really much there but this floating house which was quite interesting I cannot lie later that same day I was exploring a desert and found this cool looking Temple thing that gave me a free block of lapis when I went inside there was a staircase heading down into spooky darkness and in all honesty I have no clue why I decided to turn around here but I did I found a buried battle tower and figured an easy way to farm all the loot and spawners would be to just mine out the floor of each level so there would be enough light from the sun to prevent the spawners from working as always though things did not go quite as planned as I ended up getting knocked into the next floor once the room was cleared I looted the chest and got a pretty good enchanted book it did have a disenchantment on it but if I use it on a tool it really shouldn't matter matter the next chest wasn't quite as good but still some useful stuff the following level got much more intense with my head becoming one shot at one point luckily I was able to sleep to heal back up now at this point I was kind of done with this battle tower so I decided let's just leave before I actually die now the next interesting structure was this thing honestly don't even know what to call it but it looked cool so I made my way in and once again it was pretty empty I don't know why a lot of these are so empty inside they look so cool outside but then it's empty that being said in the distance I did see this massive spiral structure that I just had to check out when I got up to it this weird looking Aether thing started coming at me which kind of scared me since I didn't know how powerful it was and because of that I ran away honestly once again I don't know why I ran away like instantly but I promise we do come back to this pretty soon like you won't have to wait long the next cool thing I stumbled on was a mushroom island with another big fortress on it this was kind of a weird site since mushroom islands are supposed to be passive and I already know these fortresses aren't going to be kind to me once I do check one out I just want a couple more gear upgrades before I start going in these cuz these get intense I've watched dudes play this mod pack before these get a little spicy day 62 I went back home and did some loot sorting from the trip after sorting the loot I went back to a village with a library and found a tiny dragon skeleton out front which just proved knowledge is power if some nerds are killing dragons outside of a library I'm just saying since this was the case I figured I'd Heist a bunch of books and ended up finding a secret hidden chest with some enchanted books in it there was also a chest upstairs that was absolutely packed with even more enchanted books and another chest with even more the last chest was the best one with an inv venomed to enhanced Vitality one book then once again it was sorting loot with all these books we got this diamonds everywhere enchant looked pretty awesome as well too bad I don't really plan on doing a lot of mining so it's not going to be super helpful but the enchant idea itself is pretty cool day 63 was pretty tame until I found this absolutely massive Mega structure with walls that must have been over 100 blocks tall like I was on a tall house on top of a tall mountain and the walls were still the same height as me when casing the perimeter of the structure there was a bunch of cacti acting as a sort of natural defense but uh it really wasn't all that effective I really didn't know what to expect when entering this place but it was basically just a giant Oasis of passive mobs and expensive building blocks or maybe it was some sort of cult cuz there was a weird circle of beds floating in the water regardless though this place was absolutely Ely gorgeous and here's a fancy cinematic and I mean the details on this place are so cool thought about mining all the gold and emerald blocks but just decided to leave them until I needed them solely due to the fact that this build was just too cool to break I needed to get Enchanting soon so I went home and made an enchanting table so I could start doing exactly that I cleared out the fireplace downstairs and threw in the enchanting setup too bad though uh we're kind of missing levels to you know actually enchant I did start combining a de book so we could get ourselves a de 3 soon so we we could then level significantly faster I haven't explained it yet but Adept basically just makes you earn more XP when killing mobs I was short on XP to completely get up to AEP three until I remembered I had some bottles of enchanting stored which got me the two levels I needed to make the book the last thing I did was using even more bottles to get to level 9 to then put a de three on our diamond sword not much happened on day 65 so I'm not going to spend a lot of time but I did find a massive Dam which led me to a village which also had a pirate ship next to it oh and this absolute creep watching me sleep I mean dude you are just absolutely messed up you got to stop looking at me like that I discovered some brief witchcraft after breaking this Anvil which made me skeptical of this Village I cannot lie now right next to the Village though was a stone battle tower which with our new Adept sword was going to be great for farming XP now I feel like I've been through about 20 of these at this point but the XP and loot is so good I can't pass it up and honestly they're still kind of fun just cuz they're so HEC that being said though I will kind of skim through a little bit quicker and just show the highlight so this video doesn't become too redundant and the first highlight came early when a zombie flanked me and sent me to a massive group of zombies that made me feel like I just got put onto a casting couch this battle tower was also in somewhat of a weird spot since my body temperature would actually drop too low which was vastly different from what I was used to at this point I went home Midway through the day and ended up cycling some useless enchants I did actually end up taking a vampirism 2 enchant on the Pike even though it was only a tier 2 now the reason I did this is because I wanted a super super life steal weapon and I thought this was a decent start then it was back to farming XP this time I brought that old XP to so I could store my XP for quicker leveling and safekeeping in case I die while cycling more en chant I picked up an advanced sharpness one book it's honestly a long shot if we end up getting a bunch of these but you know if we get lucky we could get a nice Advanced sharpness book cooking but the odds aren't in our favor needless to say though this cycling session didn't go all that great day 68 I was back at the new Village trading with a librarian to see if I could get any crazy enchanted books and we actually ended up getting Advanced mending 3 which was pretty insane the final book we got from the guy was curse of holding 2 which has got to be the biggest scam ever seen on the planet I mean just look at that price day 69 I got into a fight with a blight zombie which for those that don't know can be one of the most terrifying things in rlcraft but thanks to my shield we actually made it out all right when going to store the loot I tried throwing a looting three book on our XP farming sword but stupid rlcraft prevents this from happening which is lame like game just let me put whatever enchants I want on the sword please are already mean enough I found another librarian roaming around the village and traded with him until I saw his enchanted books and boy were they awful I mean death Strider can actually be pretty good with the tied Guardian armor but still this is not what we were hoping for Day 70 it was straight back to the battle tower during the tower I found a blight spider this time and things didn't go well just like a lot of this video quite as planned uh we died once again and getting the loot back was quite the process I did at least figure out how to do this though so that was kind of cool this is that Dodge boost thing I was kind of telling you about earlier it's uh it's really fun I can't lie in even better news though I was able to get all my gear back this time without dying granted I did have to do some swimming to get it back while clearing an upper level of the tower I got this stacked chest which was pretty exciting one thing I had to constantly do was heting myself up with this lava bucket in between floors cuz my guy just got too cold I got yet another chest that was pretty stacked with a good replacement gear which after what happened earlier isn't too bad yet this though yeah I was pissed about this I somehow found a way to die while running down the stairs right when I hit Level 30 I mean I really amaze myself sometimes now once again I was too afraid to fight the boss on the top of the tower I am going to kill one I know I should call this like the RL crap because I've been playing so scared but here we are so once again went to the Tower and it was Heist first chest loot was pretty respectable nothing too amazing but still some decent loot nonetheless than it was time for the final heist except this time I was really making sure to not open the chest right next to me the top chests loot was pretty awesome with the Highlight being two entire blocks of diamonds and Bam we were done with this battle tower day 73 was a bit of a weird day I kind of just ran around a lot until the end of the day when I made a full set of sea serpent gear now it wasn't completely matching but lucky for us that didn't matter for the set bonus which was water breathing in strength four when standing in water and hey even with our unmatched armor we were looking snap azy random story here but back in middle school I had PE for my last class of the day so at the end of class when we all would you know change out of our PE clothes and into our normal clothes we would just stand around outside the locker rooms waiting for the final Builder ring and one day this girl and I got into a huge debate on whether or not my clothes match I mean it's borderline argument you see our PE shorts were this bright powder blue and it wasn't uncommon for dudes to go home in their PE shorts on Fridays and well this Friday I was wearing a blue shirt and the bright powder blue PE shorts they were two completely different shades of blue blue but to my sixth grade mind I was ready to die on the hill that blue matches blue so I literally started beefing with this girl I barely knew when she was clearly right but anyways back to Minecraft I ran into another one of these fortresses we saw earlier in the Mushroom Island and this time I decided I would at least check it out a little bit just as a little scouting mission for the mushroom I started off by basically volleyball spiking the mobs over a fence the first spawners I ran into were skeletons but I could hear illers in the distance which honestly was a bit scary cuz those big nose boys hit like trucks one tried to Ambush me but thanks to my water bucket on the ground I was able to keep him Out Of Reach while hitting him with 22s the strength forward from the sea serpent armor is absolutely insane things weren't always perfect though because these banshees started spawning and made things a thousand times more hectic at this point I was sitting at level 35 so I felt like it was time to get home and try to do some enchanting before I die with all these levels again once home it was time to cycle while trying to enchant the armor I for whatever reason felt the need to take a depth Strider enchant which ended up giving blast protection as well don't ask me how I forgot I literally had a trade for this because I don't know but by day 76 I had failed enough cycling to store my levels in an XP to and try some more later once I was done with that I made my way back to the Gant spiral build with the sole goal of reaching the top to see what was up there there was nothing but hey there was this nice little pool up top for you bougie people out there it's time for another battle tower boys this time I thought it was going to be smooth sailing until I once again died from the weather and of course we had 31 levels on us I was also back to freezing to death by the time I got back to the loot on a trip home to store loot I went ahead and made a poison Stone the poison stone is a crazy strong Bobble that makes me immune to hunger and poison and more importantly gives me a 20% chance to poison enemies and also makes me deal 50% more damage to enemies when they are poisoned and to make it even better it's crafting bonuses were plus two Max health and plus 2% attack damage I also tried making some armor line to help with the temperature but I didn't have enough materials so that was kind of unfortunate I started the next 2 days off by completing a bunch of quests that gave me a bunch of cosmetic hats from the quest tree I showed you earlier I will say this massive Steve head was beyond hilarious it's pretty nice though cuz this mod gives you an extra inventory that is solely used for the hats now while storing them I went ahead and tried on a bunch of them leaving the ones I liked in my inventory then I went ahead and had a personal fashion show you guys tell me which one you would have went with I lowkey really like the bandanna over the mouth since it made me look like an assassin and I mean the horse one's just funny cuz it's a horse face on my character however my final horse was the massive Steve head I just couldn't say no to something so classic after the fashion show I took a chance on an Unbreaking three enchant on my Guardian chest plate and got magic protection with it which was cheeks the next morning I grabbed my XP toome and started cycling enchants until I saw something that intrigued me which ended up being protection 4 on a pair of pants it also came with Advanced Thorns 2 which wasn't too bad after that I threw Advanced men ending on the pants then Unbreaking three and advanced mending on the dragon bone Pike also realized I could use skill points to unlock stuff which I did for defense this undershirt skill prevents me from getting completely one shot like that sea serpent just did to me which should be a little helpful I also unlocked wall jump which sounded pretty awesome day 83 I found myself falling in love with a mermaid and oh my God this thing hits harder than Chris Brown and what year did Chris Brown hit Rihanna 2009 this new Pike had me wishing that sea serpent would try me again cuz I was going to Merk this thing if he showed up again I mean I literally felt like a demig god at this point and ran straight up to the battle tower Golem it's time I was ready for a big battle but just like me and the sheets I was in and out quicker than the fast food restaurant I forgot that Tower starts to fall apart so I panicked and started grabbing as much loot as I could and started running down the tower I was scared to jump in the water because I didn't want to fall into a random sea serpent since I was such low HP but of course we get blown out up thank God this air PE can just hop on water otherwise I don't think I would have ever got my loot back once I got everything back I popped a recall potion and went home so I could store all the loot I scavenged from the tower also I somehow forgot to highlight me making a heating coil to help deal with the cold weather at this point I felt it was time to really try and take on one of these fortresses so now it's time to do exactly that walking in I was greeted with these beautiful garden and then The Vindicator started spawning in I'll tell you what this Pike made clearing stuff so much fun just because it hit so hard like I actually felt confident in here and then I got the RL craft experience and I was basically one shot I guess that trait I unlocked earlier uh didn't feel like activating so and this I mean this goes without saying but this loot is not going to be easy to get back the first attempt I at least got my pants back however now the spawner had plenty of time to cook up a gang of them so I had to try and run as far away as possible so I could get them to despawn and it actually worked and I got my stuff back by the time I got my loot back some of it seemed to have despawned because when looking in my inventory my Pike was gone it was gone Just Breath day 86 I was back farming a battle tower until I got knocked into the water where this big sea serpent from before came and killed me again I mean you actually cannot make this up it kills me once I get some better weapons I want to fight it again can't find it so I can't get my Revenge end up losing my new weapon that was like my trump card to kill it and then the stupid thing comes back ends me again get real game get real oh and while trying to run back you know to try and get my loot back I get Bill Cosby by cockatrice and die was able to make my way back to the battle tower and go diving for all my gear I did go so deep I was honestly expecting to find the remnants of the submarine implosion from a couple months ago but uh didn't see that down there once I had the loot though it was back to getting XP and hopefully remaking a super strong Pike granted that one wasn't that strong but it still sucks losing it I brought an anvil an advanced mending book with me so I can throw it on my training sword while I was at the battle tower I also just realized I put vampirism one on it at some point look I'm sorry I forgot to mention that scripting this video has been really hard because I lost all my notes on what happened on each day which means I have to tediously scrub through every bit of footage so I missed a small things here or there like the heating coil and now this at this point I wasn't even breaking the spawners I was just waiting for them to break on their own so I can maximize the amount of XP gain from this place because well I just wanted XP and by the end of the battle tower we were level 46 and since I was 46 and didn't have my nice Pike I did not fight the Golem I'm sorry but I just I can't lose these levels man I'm so down bad at this point day 89 I decided it was time to make a new chest plate in Boots since their en chants were pretty booty on the boots I got protection four and lightweight 2 which lets us jump higher the chest also got protection four alongside Unbreaking three in advanced Thorns to now both our pants and chest had Advanced Thorns which basically made us a walking Cactus which which is pretty hype I also decided to throw feather falling onto the boots to help with our higher jumping then finish them off with Advanced mending some of you may have noticed the poor quality of my chest plate giving me minus one armor so I tried reforging that and kind of moved horizontally sure we didn't lose the armor Point anymore but now we were just 10% slower day 90 I was just perusing the ocean and out of nowhere my aired just got launched into the Sky by the sea serpent and it actually fullon ate it luckily I was able to get my revenge on it and was rewarded with a bunch of scales after that I fell in love with some more mermaids and ended our relationship in what I would consider a civil way I found another one of these dams which once again had a pirate ship inside of it and this time I wanted to check it out now I'll be honest I don't think it's a good spot to park but that's okay inside of it I found a bunch of bandages and ancient Tome don't ask me what TOS do cuz I have no clue but I also found more importantly a bunch of TNT and flint and steel which gave me a great idea I just love the way the TNT kind of bounces around when you place it it makes no sense but it looks like it's made of Jello-O or something it's I mean it's awesome once all the TNT was placed I lit it in after a little firework Show the ship kind of uh just disappeared not far from the ship I found a house and went inside to check it out I will say they had some great kitchen appliances and a fully stocked fridge I thought the place was completely empty until they found this wizardy dude who kept pulling out his voodoo magic on me until I killed him once he was gone I checked the chest in the attic and found a strength potion inside which was pretty nice I guess I stumbled into another Village that had another Library so if we're lucky we can get some cracked enchanted books the secret chest inside had a sharpness four book and efficiency 5 ancient tone I also found a sword inside which kind of makes me wonder about the safety of this Village if the librarian is keeping a secret shank inside of a bookcase um and that was kind of the only highlight of the village next thing I did was head home and make a new helmet since my old one was completely broken after that I wanted to go trade with a new librarian to see what enchanted books he offered before I traded I mined out the floor behind the desk so he would be stuck forever and well I got distracted so he escaped but uh gotta pal the first book was upgraded potentials which lowered cost of combining at anvils which is honestly a pretty good enchant but not really what I'm looking for right now preferably we'd get an advanced sharpness or vampirism or life steal but I will acknowledge that that's not a bad book now I can't say the same for the next book offering curs book should honestly be illegal for these Librarians I found another librarian hiding upstairs but the two books he gave me were pushing in advance Smite which meant he was of no use to me day 92 we did a lot of cycling with no success while running around I found a little pixie Village and decided to just absolutely demolish the buildings and population I mean I'll be honest this was just a pure evil action but I wasn't even sorry this mod pack had done me so dirty to this point that I just had to take my revenge on something next up I found yet another Village and this one had some crates in it which would have been awesome to have earlier when we were clearing all those Battle Towers since they are the poverty Sher boxes but I guess we got some now guess what found another village with the library and still no insane enchants unfortunately like we're getting decent ones but nothing crazy op so I wasn't satisfied this librarian offered me an evasion book in lesser fire aspect so he was once again useless and I traded with yet another librarian and got even more garbage and another one the subject English enchant was at least interesting but still no good for us and our last enchant for the set of days was actually a usable one but I'll be honest probably not picking this up I was running around the ocean on Day 94 and basically looked like I reached the edge of the world until an entire Port Town just spawned in where the unloaded chunk was I ran around for a little bit and wished I could have spawned near this place at the beginning of the video because not only was it awesome but there wasn't any stupid dragons around and it was safe from sea serpents if I live in the middle don't worry I'll get you guys a full cinematic on day 95 so you can see this place in all its Glory because it's actually ridiculous I somehow managed to Loop all the way back to the mega desert Greek looking Temple thing and had to go inside to make sure it was the same one from before and here's that promised cinematic this port city was absolutely massive and had so much detail in it it was actually insane the next day I was back home trying to enchant my gear and got protection for on my helmet I also made a heart container which once again added a heart to my head and arm then I was back at the Port City just running around checking out all the buildings while doing so I found this big staircase that led me up to a throne room with a throne made entirely of emeralds which meant we just got more trading ammo last thing on this set of days was clearing out another one of these ships day 99 I went to get some XP and found myself in a bit of a situation after this first blight I figured I was safe but then another one decided to spawn and scare me now with all our gear at this point being enchanted with protection 4 these weren't too scary but they can still be deadly I know what you're thinking dude you're doing another battle tower but at this point with this armor and the life steal on the sword you can literally just run in here like you're playing play Doom Eternal and just freak Havoc I mean it's awesome like look at all the arrows stuck in my body right now and I'm still at basically full HP this stage of the game it actually becomes less frustrating and much more fun like this was the most fun I had this entire video so far just mindlessly killing this battle tower I was having so much fun to the point that I actually decided to go past 100 days to see what else I could do day 100 was more enchant cycling because I really wanted to get this Pike up and running again I finally found a life Steel Two enchant and took the chance on it and it unfortunately came with Smite 5 so not exactly what we wanted but we'll make it work for whatever reason I was still able to put sharp four on the Pike so kind of salvaged this a little bit and then after that I threw on in venom 2 onto it which would pair perfectly with my venomous Fang Bobble and now we just needed XP to put Advanced mending on it since it didn't have Unbreaking at the moment and I did exactly that on day 102 which means this thing should be safe from breaking then I went and picked up Advanced looting from The Librarian from way earlier and tried to put it on the Pike but it was too expensive day 103 I found this massive jungle temple thing with these super cool statues up front however when I went inside there was literally nothing which was a bit of a bummer I didn't have any torches on me so I don't know if there's like a secret entrance inside or like a staircase but I guess we'll never know later on I found a massive dragon skeleton in the desert which gave me a ton of dragon bones day one4 I was clearing out a nether themed battle tower seriously fighting like this I can't explain how fun it is I ended up getting a mod that would let me enchant things even if they were too expensive so now my Pike had Advanced mending and looting on it and it was time to fight the big fellow up top my water bucket here is actually hurting me for a minute since I couldn't reach the guy but once I was in range it was a piece of cake and thanks to my boots we actually didn't die when we fell like eight stories so that was awesome right next to the battle tower was a Greek looking building that I knew had the Medusa boss in it from experience playing other mod packs while trying to get inside I was jump scared by a BL spider which wasn't very nice I went downstairs and made sure to look at the floor so meduso wouldn't turn me to Stone I then popped a golden apple and had to basically quick scoper when attacking and uh the pike ended up like four shotting here and Absolut we got her head so easier than I thought I can't lie to start the next two days I found another dead dragon and really wanted to find a real one at this point because I wanted to take one out myself to end the day off I traded for a bunch of adept books and combin them to get adep three with the hopes of putting it on the Pike but unfortunately the game wouldn't let that happen day 108 was finally the day I spotted a dragon ate a golden apple and started going in on this thing with all the visual effects and the fact that it kept picking me up I barely knew what was happening but I actually kicked this thing's no issue I grabbed the fire dragon's blood with some empty bottles then looted its bones flesh and heart which makes me sound like Jeffrey dmer at this point I wanted to keep on playing so I went on my community tab saying I was going to go past 100 days and then this happened I literally have no clue what happened differently from the first dragon fight but here we are I mean the second dragon even looks smaller yet it still killed me quicker needless to say I quickly deleted that Community post cuz it was literally minutes after when this happened and uh yeah we're going to end it here because now my loot was completely lost like as in I don't know where it is and it's being puppy guarded by a dragon so it's gone but there you have it one 100 well technically 109 days spent in rlcraft I'll still probably call it survived in the title for the algorithm sake and if you don't like that sorry but deal with it and continually logging on this mod pack felt like survival anyways so there's my justification all that being said though this was a super long one so if you made it this far thank you very much and if you haven't and you'd be so kind please feel free to like the video and subscribe if you aren't I would super appreciate it if you would do both but if not thank you for just watching to this point most importantly though stay safe other people we live in some crazy times these days so just try and enjoy life
Channel: Waffles
Views: 178,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 100 days, i spent 100 days in minecraft, waffles minecraft, waffles 100 days, hardcore minecraft 100 days, 1.20 100 days, hardcore 1.20, minecraft 100 days trails and tales, 100 days in minecraft 1.20, rlcraft 2.9, 100 days rlcraft, RL Craft, Waffles RL Craft, Hardcore RL Craft, RL Craft 100 days, I survived 100 days in RL Craft, Minecraft modpack, 100 days minecraft modpack, hardcore minecraft modpack, 100 Days RLcraft modpack
Id: qa8-Gdhjkhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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