3000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft - Full Movie

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hi everybody wax fraud here we are about to slide into day 3000 in our hardcore series an unfortunate event happened here I'm sorry about that squid we recently just finished episode 21 and it's looking like we're on day 2998 sliding right into day 3000 we got some things to do something over here I thought was kind of peculiar on our little Watchtower right up here if we if we take a look I think we got a new friend up top so I'm gonna go ahead and take this name tag We're Gonna Fly Over Yonder and locate the third man on top of this Tower because you guys know we of course have the Watchman we have the watchman's Watchman and then this guy right here this third Unknown man we have the Watchmen of the watchman's Watchmen so we have three of them up here now and uh hopefully uh there's not any more because uh I'm gonna start running out of name tags going back to the new La beach house I'd like to bring some lays back kind of all over around town and wait a second whoa did I see what are you doing in the boat here sir what what are you doing wanted to walk into the new tower though and get a nice little uh duplication system going here so we're gonna get a music disc I got the scariest music disc unfortunately but I'll take one lead and we'll plop that guy in and we'll go bam and we'll take the duplicate right here no wait get nope right here oh God that's scary it's so loud dragon this away all the way back to the starter house over here and I think they meet they're making some nice decoration we already put another layer right over by the farm to pick up some wheat that we happen to drop and now we're gonna have this guy just as a I don't know just a I don't know let's just chilling in the front not serving really any function and what's all the commotion over here there is okay all right what's dude what have you done why why are you in here with the cows why do I need to come over here every so often and just take this out so all the cows can get up come on everybody can there we go single file one by one why is everybody stuck in here you know better than this Samuel but yeah I really just wanted to thank every everybody for watching the series up until right now I can't believe we've done 21 episodes but I just wanted to go back and look on this 3 000 day adventure that we've done so far and you know what here's to 4 000 days let's see if we can get 1 000 more past this this is actually the most I've ever done in hardcore the longest I've ever done in our first series we did 2997 days we're at 2998 days uh but yeah I got a couple things to do here we're gonna hit day 3000 in just about a minute and uh yeah let's uh let's see what we've done until now everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to the hardcore let's play series we're on episode 14 man I can't believe it we recently did a couple of long plays first one here we did make a nice little glow Berry Farm here it's nice and uh compact basically kind of hung them all up kind of like how we make the farm like the the scarecrows we recently hit 2 000 days in that 2000 days video just came out so feel free to check that out if you haven't yet but what we're in right now is the glow Berry Farm that I just made on the long plate actually just came out the other day and appreciate you if you watched it this one was really fun to make just nice and compact here they're gonna have the glow berries that are growing it's not going to be like the most efficient thing ever but I just like the way it looks we kind of copied the way that the scarecrows look and instead of using the carved pumpkins I just used a little bit of shroom lights and then for some additional lighting I also hung some of these Ender rods out on the side and there's a little bit of a entrance here in the center but I mean really it doesn't matter you can enter from anyway also did want to apologize for my voice I am a little bit sick it is a little chilly where I'm at it's been snowing like five days straight where I'm at and the weather sure is getting to me I kind of a gnarly cold right now but in the other Long play that we did before record ouch before recording this episode we uh we made the spiral cave staircase and I just wanted to bring more life to this little hole like I said I was going to in the last episode and by the way in the last episode I appreciate you for watching we made this nice little melon and pumpkin farm right here what's going on my dude how you doing but this dude on this has been making a lot we have a lot of pumpkins and a lot of melons and I've already taken a lot on stream and by the way twitch.tv slash fraud feel free to come by anytime we stream every single day there but yeah I've been getting a lot and I've already traded a lot look at all this I'm I have already traded a lot of these this is just oh man this just keeps filling up but yeah I really just wanted to bring some life right to this little cave here and this guy this guy's perfect Manny I love this guy he's bringing himself down here we also have a leather worker down here somewhere he was working at these cauldrons um he's got to be my dude what are you doing what are you doing my guy hold on a second can you get out of here now yes please sir oh my God if he falls he's oh my God sir just come on oh we have a zombie village oh my God he's a master farmer are you kidding me my guy came down here as long as he stays in the water he's good actually I hope he stays there and I hope that guy stays there to keep this no wait we gotta we gotta cure this guy coming to save you zombie let's go okay so we're now on a rescue mission where did he go he's right here he's ready okay come down here let's throw the splash post and a weakness on you wait come up here a little bit I need to get a little bit closer you get a little bit closer to me there we go splash potion a week did you get it did he get it he got it okay and eat that Apple let's go yes this is beautiful he's back all right sir come on back up here let's go let's uh let's get you back up here can you wanna come back up you're gonna probably just you're probably just gonna start getting zombies to come this way and that's not good man all right you are good yes just stay here actually I wish I had a I need a boat this guy I gotta get this guy back up because got some cheap trades now and that's kind of nice gotta get this turtle out of the boat and we'll get this boat and oh my dude why hold on let's grab this why does this keep happening what is wrong what's not why is this Village oh my God there's two of them out here again I literally brought some of these guys back already and now they're just swimming away and oh my this is absolutely insane actually I'm pretty sure I left a guy in a boat out here somewhere also on stream is he over here he's over here in a boat let's grab this guy at least dude I don't I actually don't understand why these villagers keep running away from home it actually it's not making any oops there we go it's not making any sense to me at all sir I hope this is the last time I have to take you home please stop trying to get out into the ocean and just go this way I don't what's wrong why why are you doing this some people have suggested actually making a like an Island City out there so that these people have like these villagers have a place to go once they get lost at sea so maybe that could be nice but I really do not know what I'm gonna do with it and how do these guys keep getting in here I thought I took every way out hold on there's got to be some trap doors that I accidentally left on here and actually this is probably it right here uh nope actually there's two trapdoors and there's a trapdoor right here cannot forget these oh how do these villagers keep getting stuck in just everything all right we have a bun oh my God we have a we have a bunch of farmers in here let's see if we can just open the gates and just let them out okay one we got one guy yeah there we go buddy no no no no no sir no no no no no no no no I'm trying to get you to leave sir okay the cleric left I guess that's you know what that's good for now they for some reason the farmers will know get out come on no never mind these free roaming villagers around here are just kind of oh my God they just really they don't know how to behave they really don't know how to behave let's grab this guy over here sir uh please don't walk away from me I'd like to get you in into the boat right here in the police sir right here right no yes there we go gotta go all the way out to sea and save these villagers out here again I don't I don't even know how they had the time to get out here I don't know how I didn't notice them either let's just get you in the boat push the boat towards you let's nope let's go this way dealing with all these villagers is making me want to just do something crazy right now we have a lot of Wither Skeleton skulls what do you guys say we just go get another let's get another Beacon wither skeletons come to me come to me right now we're gonna get three of you and then we're gonna hop down we got our second oh my God I can't leave beat why am I leaving gates open like this we got our second Beacon though during the 2000 days video right at the intro there and uh we're gonna get our third Beacon right about now there should already be a bunch of chickens in there though because I had to threw a bunch of baby chickens in there and I mean they should be a fully grown adult chickens by now give us a bunch of Wither roses yep it is looking like all the chickens are adults down here it's uh sorry that you guys had to meet your fate kind of like this but we're gonna go boom Bop and Bam and we are just gonna scoot ourselves down here we're gonna wait for the Wither I think it's about three two one oh God I was off shoot you with the arrow keep shooting you with the arrow I'm gonna keep shooting you but hey come try to get me I'm in this little cave over here and boom I gotcha boom gotcha boom gotcha boom gotcha wait one more gotcha wait one more and got myself one more another star let's go dude these are these Rock and I wonder how many wither roses we're gonna end up getting here oh that's a lot taking a quick stop here I think I lost my silk touch shovel I'm always like to get up all the fortune three guy out right now I'm always losing tools on this world I don't know what it is about this world but lately I've just been forgetting where I'm placing stuff and just putting stuff in random chest is anybody else always losing their stuff because lately I have just been losing a lot of stuff in this game climb into the tippy top though and oh my God it's night time let's take a nap but uh let's go ahead and see what's oh what's going on my man to get a job get a job let's go ahead and see what's on this goal board we have a couple more left to complete and then we should be good to go oh we got pumpkin nice and oh yes we got the melon nice we have not finished Rainbow Mountain Brewing potion Tower archery range and apiary you know what we need a home for the bees look at this we have bees everywhere like uh yep there's four of them right here on top of my house there's another ouch there are another group of four no there's actually a group of like eight right here we have like one two three four five six seven this is nuts I don't know why all these bees choose right here to be uh bees but maybe I should just get some leads and get them all out of here but people always say put the string on here it's like I I know I I know I could put the string here but I just don't want to see the string so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna make a nice little like it could be like a honey farm too because we don't have any I want to make more candles and I want to make more big honey blocks used up a lot of end rods on that last build so I'm gonna go ahead and take these trees down probably a couple times before I start building the town is looking absolutely magnificent and we have our Beacon all the way over here in the water next to the sheepsharing wall Farm also we added these little twisted Vines and all the way throughout the town they're growing up nice with the bamboo it's kind of cool having these like little cyan Twisted vines in the Lime Green Bamboo growing up next to each other but I'm thinking about putting the apiary right behind and next to the sugar cane Farm but right behind the glow Berry Farm that we just worked on in the Long play right here I'm thinking this little space right up here maybe I could even put it up on the hill but this little space right here is looking great actually you know what this Beacon might be in the way also might not be though since that one has a magenta little tint to it let's go ahead and put an orange tint oh that's looking nice looking good let's go ahead and give ourselves some speed some speed too turn this beacon on and we are dude this is amazing we are running fast as far as this apiary goes though we I mean we could build a dome we could build a structure with out of wood and glass like bricks and glass I've been waiting to use bricks so brick might be kind of cool I feel like a mixture of wood and brick might be good as well I need to sleep actually you know what might as well throw a park bench down here and people have actually been asking me or been telling me that they love the park bench idea and I actually might as well I mean if you guys haven't like caught me on a live stream I tell this to the live Chatters often but I was watching a flip stream flip it's a very popular content creator very awesome go check out that channel if you can but I was watching their stream one time and they were making these park benches that looked just like this and I've been adding it to my world ever since I think what we're planning on doing now is I'm probably gonna go just up in this direction I want it to be a little bit higher up in this world so I'll probably go right up on this hill but I do want to make a sphere a giant sphere so I'm gonna go ahead and probably build like one or two maybe three up and uh we're gonna go with the sphere actually uh two up seems to be probably about right and uh I just need to lay it out here starting this off right here with four blocks by one block and then by four blocks I decided to move it a little bit closer to the terraced Kraut farm and the glow Berry Farm we're gonna Nestle this right in between this path because I think it's gonna go up pretty gradually so so when you're next to this path over here it's going to feel like you're pretty close to this bee farm here and if anybody is wondering how I'm making this sphere here I actually just found a nice little schematic on Pinterest and I'm using that as a nice little map to help me build this and it'll actually just help me save a lot of time and I'm gonna actually put the link in the description down below so that you guys can see the exact picture I'm using in case you want to build this yourself well we did it we went live on Twitch and we went ahead and by the name of that picture we built the Dome dude the Dome is complete and it's a little hard to see from far away but if you look at it from behind us nice dude look at this man River solves a nice I've never built a dome this is looking pretty cool a little hard to see because it is just clear glass but from right maybe right down here nice dude this is spectacular I am loving this though I'm really hoping the bees love this too because this was not the easiest thing in the world to build but yeah again thank you everybody who joined on the live stream while we built this this was really I mean I did say it was hard I mean yes it was difficult but it was really fun to build as well one I want to get a couple more of these I think these big spheres are pretty cool it'd be really cool to put a lot of these up in the sky as well I might even make one of these an AFK platform back in the nether to grab some ocher frog lights for this Farm on the outside decoration gonna say what's up to my nether cleric what's up my man we found you you made your way back in and now you're stuck in the boat for now I will leave you there we will we will bring more friends eventually but right now we got to worry about some other things I'm gonna take the boat all the way down to the Frog Light Farm might as well get a couple extra frog lights while we're chilling here you get gone you get gun you get gun and we'll go run around here and then sir you can get gone gonna be a couple more down here if we can just open this up yeah there's okra frog oh my God ocher frog lights everywhere we're gonna have to definitely spend a little bit more time here and making some uh more frog lights because now that we've used all the yellow we definitely have a lot more uh verdant and pearlescent frog lights than we do ocher frog lights but it's all right we'll spend a lot of time in the Frog fly Farm on stream or something like that to get them back now what I'm going to do is find myself in the middle of this Frog Light Farm here and I'm going to actually just put a row of two all the way around directly in the middle here should be right in the center actually if I fly away just to take a look yeah I should be able to make a ring right in the center and there I go I'm glad I went far away because that's just definitely not in the center and go down here I think and then we go wait we have one two three four it's literally right here and down one more okay so we were going this was we were going the wrong way 100 let's go right here here place a couple more here before I double check oh man I hope that's right please ah that should be let's put one there fly away take a rocket out and let's turn around and that ring is looking like yep it's dead on Center let's go thinking what we could also do is just so this fear right here doesn't look like I mean because if you walk over here it looks like it's floating so I don't necessarily if we don't want it to look like it's floating what we could do is have these honeycomb Towers coming up we can make it look like it's being held up by a bunch of sloppy looking Honeycombs so I'm not going to necessarily uh build up in here but we might just Tower up with the Honeycombs on the outside because we can do that come down like this and who knows we can make this look like it's kind of drizzling down the hill a little bit we're gonna fly over here grab me some of this yellow we can use some of the orange wool too and we can definitely slap some of that in there let's take a look here we can probably play some every once in a while get like an orange one right here get it yeah that's you know that's not looking too bad honestly this whole list will look better over time we'll just have to keep placing it here and through then I thought it might be a good idea if we went ahead and put some of the deep sleep right here I thought you know it might be it'd be kind of cool to like put it on the underside of it as well just trying to put the Deep slate slabs there but I don't know if this is looking good I guess we'll just we'll just have to wait and see see but I mean I was trying to get some yellow and black blocks here but I'm not sure if this is the way to go you know what right now actually seems like a pretty good time since we got the sphere all the way done let's get some leads on these bees and let's see can we just take them out can we you guys want to follow me or they just are they actually because they're actually stuck I think these guys are just stuck forever this is far too familiar I can't we have definitely done this before um oh God no get out of the fire b b get out of the fire right now I don't have a shovel I don't have a shovel big it's like these five bees right here will have to do they're the bees are actually a little harder to pull on leads than I thought they are constantly trying to fly away from you all right bees one by one let's get you all up in here now this right here should work flowering Azalea I'm in here guys come on get on in here flowering Azalea come on I Know You Want It All right we have a We have basically all right we have our B population now this is perfect let's uh let's take all the leads off we don't need these oh man it's kind of sad seeing the bees move with nothing else in here we got to get him some grass we got to get him some flowers we gotta get some trees in there man wow okay first try we got ourselves a beautiful jungle tree right in the center right in the center a nice four by four so man this is already working out pretty well let's get these hanging root out of here first we are going to add a nice little row of campfires down here and I'm sure you can guess what this is gonna be for but a bunch of bee hives right on top of this that way um it's gonna be ultimately smoked out we can always grab some Honeycombs from here whenever we want I I think we may have made too many bees we we have a lot of bees there's there's 100 a lot of bees here so we don't need this many but we sure have them but uh it's a good time we can always just make let's just make a bunch more of these uh we're gonna be in here collecting a bunch of Honeycombs for a while I don't have a redstone system set up and I don't know if I'll do that in this sphere I think this fear might just be for show like not really for functionality uh but we do I mean it still does look at this we can still have a lot of honeycomb production in here we can get in and out pretty easily but yeah I didn't really know exactly what to do as far as decoration in here though so I think I'm just gonna make some rings of azalea bushes kind of like this right here because there's going to be a lot of bees they just kind of need a systematic area to go to and so I think I'll just give them that you might notice that there's a little bit of more light on the outside and I'll go show you that real quick but in order to show you that I have to go through the way to get in and out because uh you might notice that over here I did have a bunch of of those like honey blocks towered up here along with that little wool area and it wasn't gonna work out it didn't look that good so here's what I did is going to be a little bit better the door through the tree can take me down here I put the honey block on there's more Honeycombs put the honey blocks down here and actually hold on let's go ahead and make some more of these real quick and yeah there's 26 more now we have a little bit of a pathway going out to the outside that we can create here didn't really want to uh build up with Honeycombs right in this area again I don't know it just it didn't seem right so I think we're just gonna take this out and by the way taking out these honey blocks what's the best tool to take these out with because it feels like it's all the same like you can't is it it's not the shear it's not a hoe like what what is it regardless we're still going to use a bunch of Honey blocks though and we're gonna put them all back in here oh my God is that a cape yes that is a cave I must have been there before but we're gonna make this a nice cohesive path on the way out uh to the side of this path right here because we can go right here and so this takes us up from the globerry farm we can either go up straight to the sphere here or we can go over here and what I think I was gonna do is we have these ocher lights as you can see I will fly away here I decided to take the ring and put it around three different sides so now it looks like this on the top it specifically does I didn't do the bottom because I wanted to show you how easy it was to wrap it around basically you just go up to the side I can take the Deep slate and go right nope the lilacs in the way wait where's the Deep slate all of the deep slate is just in my there we go there it is okay so go up here take deep slate tiles and you just wind it up the top like this and then you just place the okra lights like this it is literally it's just as easy as this and it just adds so much character it makes it seem a lot more thick a lot more like I don't know it just gives it a lot more depth of it just take that out and take this out I can probably just add them here and here Perfection and we'll take these down we'll go all the way down not that guy you can be gone we'll go all the way down here bring that back up looking good looking great Bing Bang Boom and Bop pick up the scaffolding down here not looking too bad yeah this sphere is looking crazy especially at night hold on let's grab the Rockets let's fly up especially at this thing is looking cool because you couldn't really see you can't see the glass really from far away but now that you can see the lights and the Deep slate wrapped around it I don't know I like this a lot it makes it I don't know it just gives it a lot of character I need to run over oh my God the speed boost it's like it makes me feel so slow when I'm not in the speed boost this is bad like if I start a new world and I don't have this speed boost on me this is just a it's not gonna be good man I'm gonna start I'm gonna start getting a little impatient with the movement whoever said we can't just go back in here and make some more bees why don't we just do that seems to me like these bees are pretty happy they're they're all they're all just kind of spinning and uh you know what that that's making me pretty happy honestly I think I'm just gonna play some tough around the edge here to kind of make it a nice little cave entrance it's not going to be anything too special might place a little bit of like cobbled slabs around here as well that's that's definitely not what's gonna go there but a little bit of cobbled slab action around here just to help out and um yeah honestly it's not going to be much else but uh once we go in we'll probably just have the Connie comb start like this maybe bring a little bit more tough in like this to make it seem like the tough has just been kind of engulfed or it's just an entire cave entrance like a really Rocky cave entrance I actually might work out pretty well what I don't want to do is have any dirt exposed right here so we'll probably take out the dirt because that's going to make it seem a lot better actually let's put some Cobblestone up in here that's gonna look nice nice okay we'll go here we'll go here and then I think we have a little bit more tough to put nope not that one but we'll go right man why am I not using my shovel I have no idea but now we can walk through we have a very squishy hallway to walk through it's very weird but uh let's go all the way up here let's sleep very mom proof because it's all glass and leaves and ears I don't think anything can ever spawn in here unless they spawn on top of the beehives but I don't think that's possible because the campfires are providing too much light let's go ahead and take a sleep I want to show you guys a weird sound that happens as soon as all of the bees spawn out of their beehives it's kind of crazy yeah right there that was nuts very loud but yeah guys that is going to be it for today's video thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it I'm Gonna Keep building on this as time goes on it's a very very large build so I think I'm just going to keep adding plants soon just as time goes on as I see it I'm like I could add something here I could add something there we'll just see what happens I was gonna start doing the intro for this episode and um you know what I just I just I was thinking right now I I would really like to get these three iron golems out of here they're always in the way every time I'm trying to grab something they're in this hallway or they're in this hallway so here's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna shoot you real quick and then I can go around this way oh God I need to run I'll shoot oh whoa whoa whoa definitely just run don't be opening things we'll open this door we're gonna shoot him even more and then if I can get like over this guy I can shoot that guy over there too oh this this is actually Perfection I feel kind of bad but I also don't let's get that guy right there and then does this guy know that he yeah he knows he 100 knows where are you at bud come at me come at me okay wait don't come at me that fast let's go this way I'm gonna open this door and you are going down sir I'm really sorry about it but you are taking up way too much space this last guy right here sorry about it dude all right you go this way and I'll keep going here and boom we'll keep going here and boom and boom and I'll go outside One Last Time open the door come on it's probably one more yeah the iron all in the name of good nice even space out in the second floor man look at all the space we have here this is beautiful and by the way guys wax fraud is my name and we are on episode 15. thank you so much for popping in it means a lot to have you guys here and it is uh very nice it's very breathable in here now man I do want to thank everybody for popping in on the live twitch streams by the way it is twitch.tv wax fraud feel free to come by anytime we stream every single day but we worked a lot on the streams to get the glass part done and then a lot of the rest it was done a little bit on YouTube and yeah for the most part it was on Twitch but man this was a really good time I had a really good time building this and I'm loving the speed with that new Beacon we have three beacons here now actually only two of them are open we have one that's just chilling in the shulker box but I love being able to just go right through this thing down here we have a nice little hallway that we can go to have right on up we can say what's up to the bees anytime I I man I'm loving this by the way yeah thank you if I didn't already mention it thanks for watching episode 14 guys really means a lot while we're in here we might as well make one more baby b let's go come on and baby b time let's see it right yeah there we go what's up little baby b and we'll feed you one little poppy there we go it was a nice little addition to the world I think it's just it's more like futuristic looking than most of the other builds um for the most part everything kind of just looks like you know what we did in episode 13 here with this melon and pumpkin farm it's all more or less like the same kind of designs on everything here there's a lot of Mangrove if you go this way but we're starting to Branch away from that when you look over here but it's a big futuristic build um I also had a long play and thanks for watching this video if you did this is uh I'm having a really fun time with this I'm just been coming back here regularly to kind of add some stuff and one thing I actually did forget to add was the sea pickles to all the pumpkins to get the little stems on here we can put the stems over here and I'm pretty sure I have some melons throughout here as well I'm not sure where I put the melons but Yep they're over here we can put the stems on the pumpkins and melons some reason these guys are in the boat let's uh let's take them out I don't know why they chose to be in the boat but I don't even know why I have a boat here let's just open these up so they have no issue why do the villagers do this they just love being in the water why do the villagers always want to be just like in the water there's there's perfect there's so much look at this why are you doing that so much land here why are you going around there's come on man where are you going but yeah I hope you guys like this it's kind of like a village that's uh just in the middle of nowhere this is for all of the ocean villagers that were stranded out at Sea I don't know why but for some reason they want to leave here sometimes and they fall all the way out here I figured you know what let's give them a little bit of a home and we'll stem these up right here but I decided to put a little bit of a wall here for some reason one of them is hanging out outside I don't know yeah this guy right here he will oh my God they're all hanging out outside why why is this why are villagers so weird this is just this is so strange and I wanted to work on Rainbow Mountain right now and I figured you know what might as well update let's go ahead and grab I believe we are on purple also on the way out gotta say what's up to Daniel and Daniel's friend how you guys doing what is go you know what actually while I'm thinking about it we haven't said what's up to Daniel the farmer Farmer Dan where are you at there you go farmer Dan come here how you doing buddy how you been he's kind of I don't know he won't look me in the eye I think I've been neglecting him for a while you know what you just stick to your farming and yeah you know there you go he just wanted me to open the gate my bad dude you're all good also let's go say what's up to John oh man we haven't been we haven't said what's up oh wait John you happen to just be right next to the door how you doing my man what is going on wait it's true as is tradition we got to break some of the bamboo we're gonna toss it come over here but yeah eat Everybody Eats such a sight to see I'm loving this you know what we need to make more Panda exhibits like if we have one panda sanctuary we could make more Panda sanctuaries because if we fly out here we have those one pandas that look at these guys they're chilling they have been in this area for so long and they've been migrating they're one Panda that's been making his way all the way out here I'm not sure exactly where he is he's here somewhere but if you look through here there's one pin wait bound you bud oh what's going on yeah these guys are just everywhere what's up little snotty Panda Knight is upon us though as we approach this thing has been getting very very large we've been making this part right here as steep as we've been pretty much making it as steep as I can without making it too steep but I'll probably have to start making it more Steve because it's supposed to be as far away as possible from this raid from here but I hope it ends up not messing up the raid farm and if it does I guess we can just move it somewhere else trying to beat the sun here though and here we are this is where we left off with the purple we have so much we have so much to do it's always nice and relaxing to do this though I love doing this on stream this is actually probably one of my favorite things to do on stream and I hope you guys enjoy it too those of you that have been there for it yeah it's just it's just extremely relaxing you just get to place this over and over and when the sun sets it starts to look beautiful when the sun's Rising it looks beautiful and you just get to see it take shape over time it's just it's fun thing to do there are these villagers over and over this this Village is so big there's like a there has to be a hundred villagers in here now and they're making one more right now those are gonna be a baby oh never mind we need more beds probably that also might explain why some of the villagers are running away that feel like they might feel like they don't have enough beds because we do have a lot of trading calls here there's like 20 villagers underground in that library right there we have the fishing Hall over there plus the farmers up in here too so we have three trading Halls right in this vicinity and all of these guys around here also maybe some more of the park benches are in order but you know what I'm also noticing right now that I have three rockets and that's all I have left let's go see what the creeper Farm has been up to I wonder how many creepers we have been uh decimating while we've just been chilling it's been like at least three maybe four episodes since I've gone down here I have gone down here a couple times on stream and uh taking all of this so that's actually not bad dude we have like what is that six seven eight Stacks not bad last episode we were just saving a bunch of bees from the rooftops from the campsites and all of the different rooftop like trap doors all the different blocks up here that travel for some reason these just get trapped on trap doors I don't know why I guess that's why they call them trap doors but let's go over here B you are now free please don't let me catch you up here again go back to your little nest and do what you got to do every now and then I go back over here to check up on the frogs because I mean they're missing I don't know what happened to them if you didn't know if you didn't see the last episode all the frogs I had like 50 of them and we even named like 20 of them after a bunch of chatters because there is a channel Point Redemption on the twitch streams where you can get a frog or you could get a frog named after you still can but I don't know what happened the first wave of them all of these frogs are still here we have a bunch of orange frogs now which is great because we need a bunch of ocher frog lights anyways we'll be taking these guys to the nether pretty soon but yeah the first wave of frogs they are missing minus like three of them is a couple like I'm pretty sure this one in here still called noodles and I think ninty is still in here AJ is in here still and then I believe there might have been Shin Bob but I'm not entirely sure but dude yeah it is it is a tragedy there's so many frogs missing right now I have no idea where they are they could be out in the wander like in the wilderness they could be out any anywhere man they could be out anywhere let's hop right over to the goal board though to see what we got going on because we've been doing we've been taking care of a lot of the goals in the last few episodes so let's see what's next I do know we have finished Rainbow Mountain Man I I've been working I've been working on it I know I have to get it done I've been working on we also have archery range and a brewing potion Tower you know what I have actually made both of these in a hardcore series before so I'm gonna wait on that real quick there is something that has been on my mind though and I kind of I'm just gonna do an audible real quick so here's what here's what we're doing these two spruce trees these have been here since episode one or episode two I have just been leaving these years for so long this is where I gather all my spruce whenever I want any Oak I go over here whenever I want jungle I plant a bunch of jungle trees out here I need a more systematic way of getting trees and so what I think I'm gonna do I think I'm gonna take these down real quick and I might actually just make a tree farm and I think I might make the tree farm out in the ocean kind of a big floating block I think that's going to be a pretty fun idea I always forget that we have complete night vision down here and I always forget that the tunnels down here too we got to do more stuff down here in this conduit it's just so breathtaking looking at this thing look at it look at the conduit but yeah let's uh let's get away from that for a second I'm gonna take you know what let's take down these trees and then let's set up a nice little perimeter this thing's gonna be huge because I want to I want to have it set up to where we can have like I want the building to go over as big as like the jungle trees can go and as big as the spruce trees can go taking these spruce trees down is always so relaxing too I always forget about this I haven't needed Spruce in a long time because there was one stream where I just I got screws for like an hour straight I was like you know what let's just do this we don't need it for a while and it's straight up I think it's been like it's been a couple weeks man I haven't gotten to get this for a while and I still don't eat it the only reason I'm gathering this right now is because it's in the way of the potential build while I'm taking these out I guess I have a little bit of time to think about the block like palette that I'm going to be using and you know what I haven't used any of those bricks yet I think we need to use those bricks man so I think let's do it right now bricks might look good with a little bit of deep slate maybe a little bit of stone but I think bricks and deep slate I think I might mix the bricks with some Granite as well to kind of give it a little bit of texture but the Deep slate with maybe a little bit of black Zone and then a lot of bricks with maybe a little bit of granite I feel like those two will give it kind of more like of an industrial look also I have no room for anything because I picked up all of those gun powders and I didn't put any of them back let's just try to shove all of these in here can I pick up oh my God I have I have no room for anything what is going on let's just take all this out here and boom and then actually I might just use this real quick to kind of start off with a new little I'm just gonna use this right here to make a perimeter I have a lot of dirt here it's gonna take a lot I want to you know like I don't know maybe 50 by 50. I wanted something divisible five by five at least an odd number but divisible pod five and an odd number so that's definitely not 50 I guess maybe like 55 or maybe 45 all right so I'm actually starting to think that over there is a little bit too close to all the other builds so just to give it a little bit more breathing room in the water maybe we might put the corner of this build over here and then we might start going off that way so a little bit out of the way of the ocean campsite and we have a little bit more room this way basically infinite amount of blocks to go this way and with an infinite amount of space and an infinite amount of time you get beat about a boom a big old cue with a lot of decorations it's a it's a lot of deep sleep it's a lot of sandstone I said I was going to use brick and granite but uh you know what we decided against that on stream and we built all of this live and we went with Sandstone instead because we did not have near enough brick that I thought we were gonna have flying out this way to get a better look and Bam it is it's weird it's nice and futuristic I wanted the sandstone in the Deep Sleep to kind of snake around here and as we go in and out you'll see on the very tippy top it goes like this as well it's a little bit of a deep slate cube out in the corner but something I did just notice as I was trying to show you guys this this little showcase it's kind of getting interrupted by these guys are these guys trying to escape from this island or are they escaping from the main land I actually don't know are these villagers leaving this island because there's one two three actually wait a second there's still four people here whoa that means there's brand new dudes that are trying to leave why why would you hang out right in the middle just choose one or the other what are you doing you guys we spent a little bit of time on Twitch building this and I'm gonna put the description down below for the picture that I used there's like a toy or like child's toy or something like that on Pinterest that I had found it looks just like this and I kind of just used that and then I kind of blew everything up by five 5 little mini blocks I'm thinking that I'm gonna go down here though okay no that's not good but uh I'm thinking I wanted to put something right here so I'll probably break this down just a tad appreciate you guys for bearing with me through this cold also my voice is almost back to normal but uh it's not quite there yet I've just been battling a cold for like maybe a week or two now now is actually just go right onto the corner go one two three four five one two three four then you give it a bang and give it a bang give it a boom and you give it a Bop and this is gonna be done right here now we have a little bit of a Sandstone Cube on this side kind of like how we have a deep slate Cube up in that corner but right here guys this is where we're gonna grow all of the trees does look a little bit awkward on the edges over here so what we might do is just go down and probably yeah let's use the stone bricks we have a lot of them from all of the mining that we've been doing especially in that cave but uh yeah I feel like this is gonna look nice and bring in a nice amount of color I'm gonna get some extra glass smelting over here probably going to trade with some clerics for some glass as well but let's just go ahead and grab some of this here for right now and fly back over I wanted to use a little bit of Glass on the inside just to make it uh just so that there's a barrier because if we're going to be growing a lot of big trees in here they're going to be growing on the outsides I don't really want the bushes to go or the leaves I mean to go on the in betweens here so what we're gonna have to do is just build up with some glass so we're gonna make a nice old perimeter here and this is probably going to take like a couple double chests worth of a bunch of stacks of glass so here goes nothing man putting down the glass here and I can't help but think about these guys that are floating out the ocean oh my God all right so let's just to get them off my mind real quick let's just fly back grab the boat let's save them real quick about to go do this for the 1000 and maybe 16th time or maybe one thousand seventeenth time I'm not entirely sure but uh one thing that is becoming uh very clear is that these guys do not necessarily appreciate what they got going on over here I don't know why they just don't like this home I'm gonna hopefully break this boat here and he takes a step back on the land and goes and finds a job go get a there's a bed literally right here look at that that's perfect I'm gonna go get your friend and hopefully he appreciates this home as well actually here's what we'll do I'm gonna take you over here I'll get you in the boat go bam and I'm going to take you to the new camp Island over here so uh actually you know what you can hang out in the dock as well let's just put you right there have a good time right there bud you are going to make a beautiful decoration you know what you could have been a part of the thumbnail right here you should have been a part of a thumbnail and actually you know what I just noticed it's Christmas or around the Christmas Hall it's all it's not really Christmas it's just the holidays but uh all the presents are still looking like they're gift wrap I love this it is night time though and now I'm thinking that this thing has zero I mean zero Lighting on it and I can see a little skeletons spawning where they at yep I can see a lot of mobs spawning actually this is not good this is basically a mob farm right now so what we need to do is add some lights in the last episode we did use a lot of the yellow or the ocher Frog lights I'm thinking this one we might use some of the verdant frog lights um through though and we can take a look here wait no no no take oh my God why can't I oh of course it's gonna be the last Barrel that I check let's go through here we have two stacks that's not gonna be enough probably to the Frog Farm we go I've actually been going here quite a bit recently and uh yeah now oh God I am I'm glitching through the boat let's go this way there we go that's a lot better sometimes I get out of the boat and I'm just completely stuck but we're gonna hop down here I'm pretty sure that the green frogs have been putting in a lot of work over here and there's at least like maybe three or four Stacks in here let's double check one two three four oh my God we are set out of so many we should be good I'm gonna use hopefully all of these I mean not all of them I'd like to use them for different builds but if we do use all of them we'll just come back put these guys to work again because these guys you know what they love it they love doing their jobs so as the sun is rising it's still looking like it could use some more lights and I'm thinking actually you know what the best place for some of these might be if we just do this right down the middle on all of them you'll notice on the inside I actually have the Torches in there so Nothing's Gonna spawn on the inside of these but we could put some ocher lights right through here and yeah I am aware that I mean if you place it this way it's going to be a little bit different because I mean it looks like it's going north south and east west but really when you're far away it doesn't really matter all that much I think we're going to keep is having them all like the frog life specifically only start two out and why would I just do that that was very strange let's get I don't have any Sandstone let's go ahead and plop this right back there so we're gonna do two every time just to keep it consistent also only one Frog Light is going to go on the end of each of them we'll go right here as well we'll actually just slap all of these out I don't know about you guys but the sound of placing these frog lights is pretty nice it's one of the better sounds that comes from this game take a quick step away from here I just wanted to it's always nice to take a step back oh my God actually that's making it look a lot more futuristic this is kind of cool if you take a step back here take that right here nice and yeah just having it one down perfect yeah this little cube right here is going to be a little bit weird because we can hop right here only this one right here that's gonna be it and then if we pop down get that third one in the middle right here nope that's not it but this one right here is and then we go bam and that's it perfect back in the nether because these magma cubes they uh you know they have they deserve their punishment right now and also we ran out of frog lights we were using way too many and also it'd be like we were using so many that I'm using the pearlescent ones now too sandstone and pearlescent deep slate and verdant I think is what the the plan is gonna have to be hey what's up big dude you uh you may have accidentally fell into the battle arena but it uh it was it was fate I'm pretty sure well smack you we will smack you oh God I'm gonna smack you got another big boy over here we'll get you down go bam and get in the arena a couple more per lessons to put in and that might have closed it off right there oh that's kind of cool it looks like a spaceship but if we hop up and fly away most of it should be lit up if not all of it I do believe we got every side here actually took a couple more than I needed back home but this ah there we go see you're always looking always running into things that you didn't do already there's also a spot up here some yeah I believe it's down here this whole glass area is pretty much done I'm gonna drop in here I have a nice little sandstone platform to finish this I had to run out of class earlier and boom boom I believe there is a nice smooth ceiling a nice glass ceiling let's actually take all of this out we don't want any Trace now we're gonna need some water sources here uh for everything to be flowing into the middle here so basically all of the tree saplings and sticks everything maybe the apples everything you can think of that falls from any sort of tree that's what's going to be going right into the middle here we're gonna have to set up a little Hopper system well I accidentally flooded the place so now I have to soak everything up with sponges this is great oh wait all of these water sources oh God this is going to be difficult let's block everything off with some Sandstone why did why am I doing this why did I make this so difficult okay well bing boom and Bob okay that's how we're gonna do it doing some Sponge parkour here and almost done and almost done stop performing please just stop forming okay so now all the water's in and I'm thinking we let's all right so let's start this I'm actually just going to start a little chest system right here if we can and will break these two Hoppers right here so we can get them actually in the right spot we'll start this guy in the middle and oh why is this what's happening I'm stuck then we can you know just put all of The Hoppers from here on out going this way we actually have a nice little pattern that was made with all of these little water flows and when it's in the form of a hot you know it kind of looks like a waffle like a big gray like burnt waffle I guess now it's time to make our second platform so we're just gonna use the grass and I'll break that that should go down we're just gonna break the grass and make enough room so we can plant some trees what I'm thinking I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a little bit of a pathway over to this little chest over here I want to make a storage system or a way for me to walk over there so let's just make I mean this is oh man this is going to be tough I'm gonna definitely have to bring the sponges back down here for sure I'm gonna go ahead and put ladders around the side while I'm thinking about it just so I don't forget because this will just be a little easy way to get up I don't really care about using like a bubble elevator to get to the top and build down I actually kind of like building up to the like chopping all the wood up to the weed to the top and then chopping it back down it's just kind of fun so I like doing it like I did go through here come on now there we go I might leave this open there I need a way to get in and out so I might just leave this open and like leave a like a like maybe just some doors here like some trap door right here in here so a bam bam that can be in the official door and I can just climb in and out like this I really am not sure exactly what I should do but now we do have this getting that in and out I use the ocher Frog lights for this so now we have all three frog lights on this location and Bam look at this nice little storage system for all of the tree saplings and sticks and apples anything you can think of that will go down in there we're gonna Spruce it up here and this is going to be the chunkiest tree that ever lived we have five uh four by the two by twos here so far and uh we can just basically Go endless classic stuck inside some leaves what's going on here where are the saplings ah there we go come on let's get the yeah there we go and I think we have another set there we go that is going to be it for today's episode I am actually really proud of this build I've never done anything like this this is the strangest Cube that I've ever built and again I will put picture the reference picture that is for what I was looking at while I was building this and all the trees are in here looking mighty fine we can hang out up here and I'm pretty sure this is spawn proof as well I don't think any mobs are going to be spawning here which is absolutely A-Okay with me and by the way guys feel free to follow on Twitch it's twitch.tv waxron that's where we did a lot of the work for this build thank you for being a part of the patreon if you are a patron thank you thank you thank you very much and we are almost at 10 000 members in the Discord so join the Discord if you want to be a part of the first 10 000 people hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to episode 16 of the Hardcore Minecraft let's play series we are just gonna get right into it we got a lot to do today actually you know what we're right next to the panda sanctuary let's go say hi to John real quick what's up John how you doing is this John John where you at nope John is this you John are you here where's John which one of y'all is John I found you hold on let's break this real quick Everybody Eats Everybody Eats let's go nice by the way guys if you want to catch a live stream it is uh twitch.tv wax fraud so feel free to come by anytime and sorry about my voice that is a little bit harass me I'm not like sick I'm probably coming down with a cold though because my voice is just not 100 normal it's a little hoarse um you know it's just I'm not sure what's going on regardless though I am trying to get recording because I mean I waited a couple days for my voice to get back to normal and it's just not getting back to normal what's up Garrett how are you doing it's been a while since I've seen you but uh yeah I mean I just couldn't wait to get recording so uh I mean my voice is at like 80 right now but I figured you know what it is time to just go right in and uh let's start recording and get back into the swing of things because oh my God this guy has taken a beating let's get some iron and fix him up I was out on a trip with uh some friends of mine and uh it took a little bit of time off and it's just really good to be back in this Village man where's my guy at there you go don't get beat up anymore man you just you you protect the village came back though I did a stream there was one thing that I noticed yep it's this guy I don't know how this guy right here ended up on the roof I know we've been having a bee issue like we got this B right here maybe get this guy actually you know what this Bee's pretty easy to push out let's get you over here come on come on come on nope never mind but this guy right here what's I mean like what are you doing let's just push you off I'm gonna keep going this way don't go anywhere don't go any goodbye you know what Digger job dude what would you what do you want to be when you grow up anything just be anything wow we're down here I did want to go to the goal board so let's actually take a look over this way Hoppity do and skippity Bop over on here and I believe there's a we have a finished Rainbow Mountain not there yet we oh what's up dude we have uh yeah we're definitely not there we're not even close that's gonna be taking a couple more months at least archery range and Brewing potion Tower you know uh you know either of these could be done we could combine the two as well that might be kind of cool thank you I am not sure what just happened there that was absolutely insane I almost just died what just happened there that was what oh my God I am quickly running back over here to grab a totem because that that was just insane I don't know I just died to kinetic energy and whoa dude that was whoa not uh yeah let's be careful popping totems this early in the episode is not the way to go let's uh let's be a little bit more safe trying to scout out a little bit of a new place to build I kind of want to go over here there's two things that we did while you know like in between the episodes we have this nice little diagonal bridge I wanted to start a nice little cozy area over here to encourage myself to build over here this used to be a nice big like the kind of a weird Jagged hill now it's more flat area I used a lot of but Moss take that out pretty quickly but this bridge it's nice and cozy to a lot of spruce a little bit of stone a lot of campfire as well but man I gotta be careful with these Rockets I should just keep them in not even in the hot bar but yeah it's right in between the creeper farm and the iron farm that you can go into and now I got a little bit of an access to the uh the other side you can also jump over here there is another thing that I did in a Long play while I was gone I have a conduit over here oh I've always forget they're so nice what's up this is yeah this always looks so good anyways you go down here I made a ravine coral reef I hope you guys liked that long play it's pretty cozy I always love making these because you can just I don't know you just Glide right through it's just a little jungle that's underwater and with the conduit you can just be under here forever because you don't have to breathe I have this going all the way to the other side over here I believe if I start going up through here yep and this is the end and it just pops me out right over to the whale system I'm gonna have to make a couple more mini Bridges right here but that bridge was super fun to make it only took me about a hour and a half to build that's why I did it on camera but yeah these little mini Bridges I might end up just doing that on stream because they're I don't know they're going to take about 15-20 minutes each since we are going to be building in a new place it kind of was maybe thinking we start uh building with some new materials as well we have a lytra now we have a lot of rockets we can go pretty far I wonder you know what let's kind of maybe go to the Mesa or at least somewhere else yeah let's go to the Mesa trying to get some new blocks here there's a lot of terracotta that we have not mined yet and if we bring it back we might be able to make something cool oh my God Rainbow Mountain Man this is it is nuts it is nuts we have it going all the way around now because we did a Long play of Rainbow Mountain as well where I went all the way around a couple different times and now the bottom layer is over here this little orange layer right here that is the least tall layer that we have going on man this has been taken way longer than it should but oh my God wait I forgot about this light blue down here too this light blue that's that's the smallest layer oh my God just lion here right on camera I cannot wait a rainbow Mount to be finished I love just gliding past it because when it's done just like all of the cliffs everything just just all comes together and feels great especially when this side's done too when the Rainbow Canyon is finished man that's gonna be something else so we have the Mesa right here and there's some Mesa Towers not bad I wonder I don't know I kind of don't want to take this out right here these are kind of nice and uh we could use these as a structure later on but I wonder there's got to be a Mesa somewhere else beyond the desert one thing you guys might have noticed on stream is that I spent a while kind of just eviscerating the other coral reefs that I could bring it all back home and kind of nice seeing another one over here that we can eviscerate I love the way that these look but I also really love bringing the coral reefs back home these blocks I mean you can't just grow these little blocks on trees unfortunately I mean you can grow these and these and these but you cannot grow the block so it's always nice taking them home oh okay we're seeing a little bit of the Terracotta okay we big Mesa big Mesa and maybe some Badlands up here too I kind of like setting up a house in the Badlands ago it always looks kind of cool oh these are big mountains this is actually where Rainbow Mountain originated the first Rainbow Mountain I ever did was in the Mesa that looked kind of like this uh we can't wait to go in all right so we're gonna probably take a little bit of this yellow a little bit of this orange get the regular actually wait hold on what do we got let's take this this oh I might need to bring a uh Beacon out here and speaking of beacons dude I have a lot I have a lot of Wither Skeleton skulls we could just get another Beacon right now if we wanted to um you know what maybe let's do it let's see let's just do that come back into the house and you know what let's take these don't need to be decoration anymore let's take them down let's get another Beacon we have we have so many schools in here we have one two three four I think we have five six we have enough to get two more beacons Also let's just let's take it easy one at a time grabbing all the eggs possible shut the door and oh yeah look at this guy I have a frog over here that is uh he's being held captive because I don't all the frogs they all escaped don't know where any of them went they're all gone but uh this guy right here found him wandering around found a couple others wandering around too they're all tied up for the time being I'm gonna keep finding them and hopefully the rest of them can be found as well because there's like 50 unaccounted frogs all the baby chickens they can go in here and come on bud get down get everybody in there now all right remember you're training let's do this remember you're training remember your training all right let's go come on now let's do it let's go oh whoa got a little bit too close to that one almost happened again dude that's how I died in the last series I need to be careful I need to be extra careful man I just wow I can't believe that [Music] and it's time for the sword let's go here here here here here here and whoa I am withering away let's eat a little bit of a carrot the nether star all right let's grab that let's all all right we're good let's put a little bit of some torches down wow when the weather hits you with some wither what is oh it's wither two yeah I'd last for a while that was like 30 seconds the other ones were not lasting that long but this one did with the Roses okay we should be good let's go back we got another Beacon and up we go make ourselves a nice little Beacon I love this this might be like my favorite crafting recipe I don't know got the iron and of course it's raining so let's uh let's go ahead and let's go to a place where it's not raining oh a nice little Savannah Village over here might have to take some oh wait I think I did already take some of their stuff yeah we're gonna you know what also this right here this is a little bit of an area that I thought I was gonna preserve but after discovering a giant Mesa biome with a couple more Mesa Towers I think I'm just gonna set up a beacon right here and we might have to just take this down let's go right about here and plant our little booties looking nice and shiny might look a little bit better with uh let's put that right there oh a little bit of a light blue tint that's nice let's go up here let's start uh with the tallest one let's let's take it all out I did not fly as tall as I wanted to but let's go up here start uh ripping it up from the top ah man haste too it's so satisfying to use extremely satisfying I'm gonna have to bring a couple shulker boxes back with me well we did it the entire column over here is gone the only thing that we did was uh I mean we accidentally sacrificed one of our pickaxes this one right here we still have it but our silk tucked pickaxe that thing is gone forgot about the durability while I was taking this thing out live on stream and what do you know it it's gone that's it's the first time I think we have enough supplies back at home to possibly make an Ingot otherwise we'll have to go search for some more netherrite but oh man yeah ancient debris hunting is not the most fun thing to do we'll see if we have anything else back home take you off there we go another right scrap okay we have pretty much everything we need let's actually smelt this real quick we need four netherite scrap we're gonna need four ingots of gold one two three four and while that's burning we actually have over here okay so we'll put these two together we have efficiency five Unbreaking three and Fortune we'll go ahead and put a mending book on here bam that's all good run back down this stuff should be smelted there we go let's see what we can do over here we got another right Ingot okay let's put it in the smithing table being Bop and boom okay we got that fixed I'm actually kind of surprised we haven't named these yet let's go over here we have the silk touch guy oh no it was the fortune one that we broke not the silk touch I misspoke earlier let's just let's name this guy selky and the fortune guy let's just name him bartoon the names are what they are and you're gonna like it let's actually do a little bit of uh mending here this uh the selkie over here this is not uh it's almost done it's not holding up too well let's pop over here sell some melons saw some pumpkins these guys actually buy them for pretty cheap which is pretty nice let's grab some of these here go right in the middle wait hold on bam there we go and start oh I forgot to put this up there we go trading is definitely the easiest probably most fast way to get your stuff minted if you don't have like a gold Farm or an Enderman Farm which is what we're about to do pretty soon in this series I don't have any farms in the nether there or any farms in the end Dimension so that that's going to be coming don't you wait you know before we go back might as well while we're naming the tools let's name this guy ax fraud I feel like that's kind of an appropriate name for the ax lying back to pick up the shulker boxes we we collected an immense amount of materials like where we didn't even need to take these out because we had a bunch of white gray brown red orange and yellow terracotta I mean look at all of this it is non-stop Bing and boom and yeah this is this is quite a bit of stuff so let's just take it all back home and probably smelt some of this maybe not all of it because I mean all these different colors can be used for quite a bit of stuff we can leave this Beacon here because we have a lot of them now because we've I think what is it like four Withers that we've killed we can get two more but we'll save those for a little bit later in the series Rainbow Mountain is looking delicious on the way home I do tell you that but as we're coming back home I do kind of want to get back to the Deep slate Roots I'd like to kind of on the other side of this bridge right over here on this little island that we haven't worked on yet I guess is it an island I guess it's technically an island whatever backs up into Rainbow Mountain over here in the distance I'd like to just put a brewing Tower right here I feel like it's a nice open area we can put some more dirt back here to make it a little bit more flat but for the most part as we get up here I feel like there's definitely enough room so I'm gonna go back we're gonna grab some deep sleep let's you know what let's use this bridge I built it let's start using it I'm gonna go grab some deep slate we'll bring it back probably get some glazed terracotta and a mixture of regular terracotta for the decoration as well all right well this is this is definitely starting to become too many let's grab at least like a stack of each of the colors here we have yellow terracotta somewhere there we go uh we can probably throw this in at least like a stack of each of these if we can start oop not that I guess that's where the Orange is going but yeah if we can get at least a stack of the glazed each that'll give me a little bit of materials to play with and uh I don't know then we can start to work around what the decorations are going to look like but it is going to be deep slate for the most part so might as well go upstairs probably fill up an entire shulker with the Deep slate tiles I am learning right now that you can't glaze regular terracotta I guess it doesn't work in the furnace wait does it work in the blast furnace let's double check and it looks like it does not that's strange I guess terracotta is I mean if you don't like the color then it's kind of a useless block but if I guess we'll have to find somewhere to put it because we have a lot of the regular terracotta this is probably for the most part gonna be a pretty like Square design it's just going to be a pretty like basic Tower I might end up actually taking down yeah I think actually if we take this out it'll probably just give us more room in general instead of having to add more dirt blocks we'll just take this away and not only have to worry about anything because over here is definitely quite a bit of room go ahead and start our big Square though I think it's probably going to be around like maybe 20 21 blocks wide um we'll have to double check but and we'll just go block by Block it's gonna be it might be be look a little bit circular when it's done but it'll be more tall than wine for sure this is going to be just one kind of one basic Tower I love going into a build with just zero plan there's a lot of people that ask like if I plan out my builds in Creative or anything like that and I'll say it again I just do not ever do that I don't really feel like I just don't have time I I honestly derive a lot of joy out of just building something just out of nowhere also just something that comes straight from the mind and doesn't really take any planning sometimes that's a lot more fun but it is also sometimes fun to look at like a picture or something for inspiration as well but sometimes you know just going off the Noggin and see what's seeing what you can do that's uh it's pretty rewarding you know I feel like it's uh yeah it's just pretty rewarding well I did say it was gonna turn out to be a little circular it's it's not too bad I'd say let's actually get over here in the sun in the background not looking too bad it's starting to look a lot more like castle-like but it's just one singular Tower as you can see on the sides I decided to go with the typical you know just the wall to change main defense to Lantern action over here with some flower pots that'll go up right here I honestly think this is going to look really nice but we'll probably continue this on every side Bam Bam we got that we got that and we got the lanterns here too we did have a floor here that we excavated and we I know we have a lot of this like glazed terracotta that we ended up smelting and it's it's pretty fun you can actually go around here make some pretty sweet designs with the red here if we had enough red I'd use red for the entire floor because it looks pretty cool but there's also stuff you can do like with the yellow right here if you wanted to go and like this you go bam patterns like circular patterns like this too so if you wanted to do this on pretty much every side you can I like the orange glazed terracotta because when you put it in circles like this it starts to look like little orange slices kind of same like how the the yellow starts to look like beehive flowers but this isn't it's Pig you're in the you're in the wrong spot get out of here this light gray is pretty cool too if you start to just put it in One Direction it's kind of nice I like these the brown glazed terracotta is kind of strange though let's put this here bam bam oh wait bam and Bam we kind of gets some star motions wait that's wrong and there we go nice I'll put that in the corners next thing we gotta do now that we have a floor that we can actually get the villagers on is get some villagers over there we need to get some villagers that are not clerics yet we have one cleric and another we have another cleric that's over here somewhere I'm not sure where he is but we need to start moving these guys because we have this guy right here and I mean oh wandering Trader okay I think tulip got some good stuff here honestly I'm probably just gonna buy the stuff from him because it's always fun use this guy for a quick shovel mend real quick hey get over here let's see what you got give me the pink tulips I'll take the flower core blocks to the horn coral blocks don't need the pumpkin seeds but we got them take the Brown die and I'll take the gun powder too sir now that you have uh you've done your job I'm gonna thank you very much goodbye goodbye goodbye wow you spit on me you spit on me get him with the pickaxe get him get him no one's helping me get him I had to do it myself this guy's just stuck behind the shulker boxes dude I'm I could help you get out and nope he just he's stuck he prefers to pretend there's an issue got my main Grove boat in his town to find a villager that doesn't want his job hey you do you want a job you don't you get over here how about you nope let's push into the boat there we go let's just take you away and uh let's turn you into a little bit of a cleric man it's like a 150 blocks diagonally through all of this stuff and um and it's going to take a little bit of time to get all these guys over trying to get at least 10 clerics over there if we can so yeah this is for sure gonna take some time I think for right now we'll drop in the water and we'll just pull up right here we're gonna pull up this is gonna be the shore put a bunch of villagers right here I'm gonna I'm gonna stack all you guys up you're gonna hang out it's gonna be chill I think I might have found a use for these oak or frog lights because I mean last episode we used a lot of The Verdant and a lot of the pearlescent frog lights if we come up here now through the window I bet we can get a nice luminous looking window actually let's take that down one come back down here Bam Bam Bam Bam and Bam and I think we take that one out if we pop back through here Ah that's not bad at all putting a lot of potted plants with just the azalea bushes right here but uh I figured a little bit of variation could come a little bit of good from these plants over here so you have the potted plants into the dead bushes right here a little bit of a flowering Azalea cubed Bush right here I don't know it brings out a little bit more depth with the the green on the side started using oh my God can't believe I fell started using some campfires I'm gonna use some gates over here as well for just a little bit more block variation we'll do this again we're gonna go campfire camp Oh beautiful let's hook up let's go this way once where's the campfire at we'll go campfire and then we go down boom boom boom bang bang and bang bing bing and Bing then we got a bop bop and Bop and I got some I got some I got some materials I gotta pick up got a lot of this decorated for the most part on the tippy top we made it look like little mini castles on all four sides will finish putting these up over here we got a lot of plain azalea bushes I actually need to finish this as well well put an upside down stair here and this is just to make the top look a little bit more like a castle we'll put this over here and that's not that bad it kind of makes it look like all the other sides except we'll go here and we'll go bam bam that way it wraps over and we also have this to put right here because this is going to match the four castles if I take a rocket we'll go and we'll fly right up and this is what it looks like we got this right up top there shouldn't be anything spawning up here because we used a bunch of slabs right here and it's at the slab height and all of this is decorated back to our deep slate Roots this has gone basically just the above and beyond with all of the Classic Materials that we always use and the way that we always use them we have the chain to fence to wall and to Gates and it's just it's all over the place we can look down here and Bam we got a nice looking little floor it's uh it's all right it's doing okay we can go down here I used a lot of the glaze we have orange red white light gray right here we have yellow and then Brown I'm going up with the ocher lights over here actually did not finish that yet we can go up get a nice view of what we got going on with all these patterns the glazed terracotta just it really brings out almost like any build that you do it's it's kind of nice and you might notice there is a spiral staircase right here I started building that up so that we could have a second level that kind of reaches up here but I didn't want to do that until I kind of did this first and whoa I need to be careful stuff could have definitely been spawning here that's uh that's nuts I'm going to plug this up real quick we'll just go bam bam and then can I get this if I fall oh I missed I should just get a stone cutter and bring it over with me because I have been been flying back here for just about everything right now I just literally come back here for I think about like 13 I think maybe 14 stairs and uh we're about to just do this right here you know what let's just do that with the rest of them yeah I'm just I don't know why I'm just been I've been making a lot of trips back and forth but it is pretty fun oh wait we can get a good view of this look at that what a beaut got a nice little castle in the distance I started getting like a little moat of a dirt path around it I'll probably have to build up the dirt path over on this side a little bit because it's uh obviously we can't just use this well so we'll probably go over right about here and have a little bit of a dirt wall and look at these guys there's like nine of them here we're gonna probably build a barrier around them so their only path is to get on right here let's go on up though we need to continue this staircase until it gets to the level of right there now we can connect everything make ourselves a nice new little floor over here this is gonna be nice gotta do some light work on the pathways with the spruce a little bit of Oak here and there never hurt nobody if I can place it right what we've done over here is made a pretty big pathway for these guys all you hear is the Hunts I'm gonna hop down let's just uh get this guy out of his boat this guy out of his boat let's just go this way let's just see how far we can go this way I don't want these guys to be able to even go under so let's just try to block them right here too we've got one boat we got two boat reboat four boat and five boat let's start pushing a couple of these guys out to the land nice not bad uh maybe if we get the bed over here they might want to start moving up here just open the door come on guys all you gotta do yep yeah there you go oh maybe he wants to oh wait we got our first guy no way we got our first cleric okay is it happening it's happening it happened let's go okay it's working it's working we got a fisherman doesn't want to be a fisherman he wants to be a cleric get in here I'm gonna start blocking these guys out like this real quick then uh they're not gonna be able to get out pretty much anywhere let's just put you guys this way I'm just gonna keep pushing them until they all become clerics all right well we got a lot of them pretty much locked up in here let's see what can we trade we can trade a little bit here okay you're for sure cleric now forever you're for sure a cleric now forever what do you got you're for sure a cleric now forever got another guy over here you are for sure cleric now for let's go dude let's go I kind of like that they have a lot of space to roam around too this is actually a lot of fun but the one thing that I'm thinking is maybe giving them like a couple stalls to roll through I know we'll have to we'll have to think about this I'll definitely get some more villagers in here as time goes on I love this staircase I actually replaced it with the there's the middle column was replaced with some shroom lights so that it has some light all the way up these guys do not have a way of getting up here uh because otherwise they would fall so I'm actually just gonna go bam that way nothing can actually come up we could uh yeah no let's just do that actually yeah this is going to be the best way for nothing to come up but this is okay yep we already have a guy up here this is not good I knew one of them would actually try to come up here okay well I guess you know what he might be stuck because there's no way for him to get really down unless uh he gets hurt or I could take him down with the boat possibly hold on a second let's try this wait get in the boat sir get the boat nope yeah get in the boat let's see what happens if you are in a boat that ends up falling down like oh no let's like okay where are you going and oh he's okay he's perfect oh my God I'm always accidentally letting these guys in all right so okay then oh my God this is you sir are making you're making a mess let's get let's get you down I'm gonna go this way and you're gonna go that way hold on we're gonna push you down and now I'm stuck hold on you're going this way no sir you're going in yep get in there the interior floor is done in the exterior like is basically it's all done up here and uh I mean there's really nothing else to do I mean we could put some of these Brewing potion stands like out on pedestals but there's really nothing I kind of don't want to mess with the the design of the floors we might just kind of keep them spread out and evenly next to these frog lights and it might just be A-Okay these guys are still fishermen for some reason or and Farmers too they'll come around eventually but what I want to do is come outside and finish the ground we have a lot of stuff to do here we have some concrete or not concrete it's Cobblestone that we can put down we also have some tough that we can put down over here I think it's time we get some lamp posts up in here you can put this up we'll go bam one two three we'll go bam and boom and drop down with a Bop get some melons over here probably out in the distance as well we got to save room over here we're probably gonna do a nice build behind this guy this little Tower over here um but yeah we'll get some pumpkins in here as well and actually you know what yeah we're getting a lot a lot of the hay bales I've been getting a lot of wheat production going because I've been trying to get a lot more of these little towers going right here because if you Lantern on top I don't know it just adds a lot for decoration around town then we just go absolutely Bonkers with the bone meal we're just gonna go absolutely crazy with this actually you know if we can get some trees out here too kind of make it seem like this land has been grown into a little bit I mean we got to save some room for the the thumbnail though probably get a tree out here yeah let's get some we're just gonna grow everywhere I need to get some grass going get some flowers out here too we'll add some nice acacia trees out here to replace that giant jungle tree that was here ooh some corn flowers though let's get the creeper grass out of here man I love it when natural corn flours come in and oxy daisies getting a little big variety out here and you gotta come in with the classic four right here so you got the sunflower you got the rose bush you got the lilacs and you got the peonies uh this is all it all comes together to make a nice rainbow uh landscape looks like more of them are starting to come around let's see yep I haven't traded with you yet let's go let's see over here I haven't traded with you yet oh we got some permanent clerics this is amazing I decided to go with the Brewing Towers on let's just leave them on the ground for now I'll start to move some of the Brewing stuff in here but I figured you know at the starter house we have all of our storage back there so I might just keep actually Brewing the potions back at home and just kind of make this our cleric trading Hall instead so that's kind of just what this turned into and I can keep moving more and more villagers in here if I want to the more clerics the merrier I'm in but seriously guys thank you so much for watching and thanks for your patience on episode 16 I know it took me about two weeks to get this one out I went on a trip and then I've been kind of sick during the entire recording of this episode so that's why my voice has been a little raspy and I've been doing quite a bit of rambling it's just man I'm just in a brain fog right now but thank you guys so much for watching I do appreciate it we stream every single day on Twitch it's twitch.tv wax fraud if you want to join thank you so much to all the new patrons I appreciate you guys we got 25 patrons now so thank you guys all the names that you see at the end of every episode those are everybody that is a patron there so thank you guys for all your support there we got 10 000 people in the Discord which is just absolutely insane thank you for joining the Discord and feel free to join the subscriber server if you're subscribed on Twitch that is nuts we had a big old subscriber server Community girl in there and uh man this stuff is nuts uh hopefully by episode 17 my health will be back to normal and I'll be able to record back in uh just you know just like a normal time frame but until then you're gonna see some more long plays some more live streams and I'm just gonna try to get some good rest and uh you know just come out with episode 17 and you know it's as fast as I can but until then just take care of yourselves and do something nice for somebody hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to episode 17 of the Hardcore Minecraft let's play series thank you so much for joining today we're getting right into it right now I'm actually going back home because I just even though I have a gunpowder farm and I have a lot of gunpowder I just even with the smallest amount of like materials I'll come back here and put it in the barrels I just killed one creeper got one gunpowder but I don't know why I just can't like waste materials anybody else like that anybody else like sticks and bring it back to the stick Barrel or pick up like a slime even just one little slime and bring it back to the Slime Barrel I don't know what's wrong with me I hope other people do it too because that's I don't know but yeah guys thanks for popping in also thank you for joining on the live streams again it is twitch.tv slash wax fraud feel free to join for any of the live streams we do stream every single day also thank you to all the patreon supporters appreciate y'all thank you so much for popping in when you do I am going to go over here though I wanted to do a little bit of decoration with these cat tails I'm actually just I'm loving these this is like one of my favorite things to do now so I'm doing a little bit of decoration here here oh nope that's wrong here bam and then we can go up one more we'll get a brown candle right on top there we go we got a cat tail I love these these just add so much depth to the beaches so I'm gonna keep adding these to like little Pond areas too because we could actually you know what let's fly over here um we could add them to the back Waters I already added some over here but if we added a little bit more like yeah we have some right here but if we went to the other side I'm gonna go one two put one right there nice yeah this is at it yeah just adds a lot of depth I did want to thank you guys for watching episode 16. appreciate y'all for waiting for it I know it took about like two weeks to get it out I was a little bit sick and it was on that trip but we got this whole area decorated now we can walk in and around I got a bunch of acacia trees we got the foliage up and running got the benches got the lights everything's looking nice and cozy we can walk in here I didn't really set anything up for these guys to be chill and there's no beds or anything it's just cleric it's all work no play it is time to trade and actually I don't think any of these guys are Masters yet they all look like they are experts so let's just get a couple of these right oh no not even a close well let's uh let's go back we need to get some emeralds good thing we have a couple different trading Halls now to be able to get the fisherman's Hut we have the farming trading hall right here we have the Librarians underground and now we have the clerics but actually you know what that's only four that's actually not that much we could hop over here we need to get something for these Masons these guys the Mason trading haul that would be pretty nice we also could use a shepherd's trading hall because we have a bunch of wool from that wool Farm we could be we could get like unlimited emeralds I guess we do need to use that for Rainbow Mountain for right now so I guess maybe let's wait on rain until Rainbow Mountains done and then get one for the Shepherds melons right now though easy easy way to get emeralds and we just got a stack like it was nothing oh there's a cat oh got a flying a little bit too quickly there's a cat right here it's like a white cat I haven't seen one around what's up little cat how you doing bud it's funny he's just running with absolutely no never mind he's got he's out he's zooming Doom if we hop over and check the goal post we might be able to see I'm pretty sure the last one is just archery range I think that's the last goal on the board if we do the archery range that would be like a Fletching like a Fletcher Training hall a Fletching Hall Fletcher trading Hall whatever you want to call it um let's see here uh yeah we did the Brewing potion Tower it's called cleric trading Hall more like it finish Rainbow Mountain that's just I don't think that's just ever gonna we're gonna keep you know what I'm tired of looking at that we've been doing that let's go do archery rain let's we can do archery range we'll get that done this one's happening we have one Fletcher his name's Jonathan Stickman we do be trading sticks with this guy getting a lot of good trades but we need to move a bunch of these Fletching tables into a trading Hall that's probably you know that is actually what we're gonna do today but uh we do have some other things to get taken care of first we're gonna fly past the panda sanctuary you know what we can't fly past the panda sanctuary without saying hi to John we've been doing a good job of saying hi to John Lee for a while we were neglecting John but now we're back we're gonna say what's up to John whenever John it's front and center that's what I'm talking about you want some bamboo let's go dude Everybody Eats let's go but I did want to complete the task here of making a couple of these clerics some Masters let's roll through and go this way we got Bam Bam and Bam Bam where my experts at let's go okay you got boom and now you should be a master let me see that diamond yeah let's go and we can sell netherwort now the two we can get another what work Farm going sell a bunch of that you sir would you like to be a master it let's go these guys are always in here they never leave I don't know why they just they just absolutely will not I could even try to open this up and nope never mind all right you guys are stuck let's turn some of this into paper before we go down and then we'll get a couple of the emeralds this actually might not be enough to get the emeralds we will have to see let's just trade some paper that's that's plenty that's that's plenty right there hop over to our man I think it's this guy that nope never mind it's gotta be this guy does multi-shot infinity hold on we have one there's a guy that does flame and it's this guy and it is not is it this guy right here we have protection depth Strider is it this guy with the flame let's go this place is absolutely hectic we have not finished this trading Hall yet I've been doing it slowly but surely getting these guys in a place but I kind of only come back here when I absolutely need the books and I don't need any really really any books right now so that's why I'm going to continue to leave these guys free range their free range Librarians until I get them into place oh we gotta what are you guys conspiring about we got oh my God so many farmers every time new villagers come in they just the majority of them become farmers and they're making more they're making more villagers this is fantastic what a time to celebrate what a time to be alive let's go upstairs though we need to combine this stuff I don't know why I went to this one specifically we'll go power five with this so I've got power five Infinity punch 2 and I'm breaking three weight does this cost less this way nope costs way more so let's break 11 and then we'll get the flame book on here that only costs three and Bam we officially have a backup bow with the exact same let's go dude this is gonna be great brand new day let's go ahead and fly over and oh actually we need to go in and grab our fancy pants off the wall Also let's go to the Nether Portal bam grab our Fancy Pants slap these guys on throw them here we are set all good to go let's uh all right so let's go to the nether fortress real quick hop out over this way oh wait looking the wrong way and Bam let's go in the boat go supersonic speed over here and yada Binga bada buma couple bams Bings Bops and Booms later and then you're right here this place is always fun always filled with a lot of fun look at this we got two little guys immediately we got you over here we got you over here shooting flames at me immediately what's up dude what's up well right off the bat we got some blazes also be gone sir ah created a lot of space for spawning here so we've got magma cubes we got even more of these guys my goodness oh there's four of them right here all chasing me down let's get you right here look oh my God we have so with so many Wither Skeleton skulls this is absolutely insane we just got one we have enough to have seven beacons now and more blazes okay this is great this is actually you know what this is why we brought the bow we can go bam and go bam go bam and go bam and we don't have to deal with them anymore let's go back to the blaze spawner so we have to deal with these guys I need to make like a safe path to get in and out of here though because if I keep having to run back to this area we it's possible we could die I've popped a totem out here on stream before because uh where the skeleton skull just came up right behind me it was it's no good it is no good let's go this way though we have a little bit of ways I'm pretty sure we can lock ourselves in right here and we're good to go I need I should probably get rid of some of these skeletons let's go bam let's go Pam and Bam sir I'm gonna have to ask you to be gone hold on a second there's my sword to be gone please get out of here there are so many of these guys what how are there so many Wither Skeleton skulls here this is insane spawn rates right now but what I really wanted to do is come back to the actual spawner right here we'll go Bam Bam let's get one you guys ouch sir right here bam okay we're all good let's get some torches out here let's make the spawnage minimal as possible this is not going to stop it but at least it will minimize it because I mean these guys just these guys spawn like crazy but what we need to do is start Excavating this out a little bit because uh we oh God there's more of them yeah as long as we as long as there's a bunch of torches it should be good there should only be like one or two that spawn at a time but uh we need to excavate this we have to go like a pretty sure 13 blocks each direction or not like it's it's one block in the middle six blocks each direction for like a total of like a 13 by 13 Square so you need to make yourself a lot of space man you need to make a lot of space also just be careful if you're on Hardcore you gotta be careful these guys are always spawning also there's other mobs in the nether at all times you just see look at that guy he just spawned right on me punch me right in the face I will come back in though and punch you right back goodbye sir goodbye they just spawn non-stop though so it's just it will take a little bit because uh you're gonna have to always keep your sword out but as long as you stay diligent just keep uh just keep getting them keep getting them good you're it's gonna be all right and we definitely did that so popping back in here from a quick little stream that we had done you can see the glass over here we wait do we have our Fancy Pants on so we do look at this got a nice blaze farm they are spawning some of them go down straight into it but basically we just got this lava going up over here it's it's pretty easy it's an easy design you just gotta put the lava on all four angles and you keep a slab on top there so nothing can spawn and hang out there but then uh yeah you got a little hole that you can go down to and I'll show you that right now I feel like next though we gotta get this Wither Skeleton Farm working that would be amazing because we got we got a lot of these guys over here but uh it'd be nice to get them all like in a controlled space where we don't have to just keep running away from them if we can get a bunch of them down in a slot kind of like these Blaze Farms right down into here and oh God wait no I meant right down into here we have our Crimson doors we can open and now we can chill and we got the blazes they're chilling they can't see us so now we have unlimited blaze rods that we can get basically whenever we want seriously after chilling here for like maybe 10 minutes we have already a stack and almost two stacks after just chilling for about 10 minutes getting some blazes and there's already some more coming down it's this is amazing we have spent a lot of time in the nether it is time I think it's time to get out of here I oh my yeah too much time in another makes me want to just get like go work on Rainbow Mountain for a little bit go build some other stuff in the Overworld like there's there's just too many things to to take care of I'm gonna fly up actually with the only one rocket left I should probably work on taking the boat there's what's happening there's so many what's happening over here that was nuts there's too many people let's see if we can hop up get this good come on yeah give us your skull get the blaze can get away I don't want that but I do want the skull come on down Bud come over yeah no skulls been getting really lucky with all the schools we have like three beacons still to get we have three Withers to fight we could fight them at the same time actually no that's that's a terrible idea let's not do that let's just fight them one at a time I kind of want to do a Long play to make it with a make a beacon Tower there's a YouTuber that goes by the name of Master majesty and they I don't know if they've posted in a while on YouTube but they used to make these really cool build tutorials and I'll probably do a Long play on the beacon tower that they had made okay time to take these fancy pants off and actually I do want to show you guys something that oh I forgot I don't have any Rockets left well actually before I show you guys something I'm gonna have to go make some Rockets Dolphins Grace Let Me swim over here so fast basically flying over here with the dolphins Grace Dan thanks dude I feel like we have enough gunpowder now to Let's actually do this real quick I feel like we have enough gunpowder now though uh left over and from the gunpowder Farm itself to just make some uh type three Rockets or level three rockets whatever you want to call them so paper one two three you have flight duration three there we go and these just get you going let's actually use one of these real quick to fly on over to the gunpowder farm and yeah these are powerful I'm actually already there right now hop on down what's been going on for the past week or so all right let's get over here I haven't really spent much time on this side of the map except for the long plays that we had done with this bridge I guess actually never mind we did do episode 16 right over there so this thing's been collected we got a lot of gunpowder I also wanted to show you guys a quick little build that we made on a Long play recently and thank you guys for watching it oh God I have to delete I need to get rid of these dirt piles oh man yeah that's a little embarrassing we'll get rid of these pretty soon but I have this right here this little Nether wart Farm because we had recently made that cleric trading hall right on the other side of this Mangrove and jungle biome trees over here but we have this nice little Nether wart Farm it's kind of just a tower hooked up to a bridge hooked up to a house that has just a bunch of Nether Warts so this is this is basically it right here you can not Sprint in this house no matter where you go all of the floors are the Soul Sand so it's just a big old netherwort Farm just only for producing the Nether Warts you can't go you cannot there's no sprinting in here there's no working out it's just producing Nether Warts only can run upstairs and Bam got more Nether Warts what do you know what do you know about it no sprinting allowed Zero's printing loud but yeah this is the build probably should shut the doors right here I hope you guys enjoyed this uh Long play I left a flower pot right here by accident let's take that but uh yeah I thought it was kind of I thought it was kind of sweet uh just nice little farm I wanted to make it nice and cozy make it seem functional it's got a little bridge that you can walk under and I don't know I thought it was kind of nice thanks for watching the video if you did I'd really appreciate it it's kind of it was felt kind of good to make this area back here behind the sugar cane Farm a little bit more lively because now we're just pushing back a little bit more to the north we've been building a lot on the south side of this Village but now that we have some stuff on the North side we are good and I cannot absolutely just not look at these anymore I can't believe I left these here let's go ahead and take this out we'll land and we'll take oh my God my bed is over here too what was I thinking give me my bed back I think over here though you know what we're probably going to have to take all this out um yeah we're gonna have to flatten this this beach will have to be flat oh here Dolphins what's up dudes how you doing where's my dolphin at where's hey what's up my man how you doing but yeah I think it is time to take this out and do a little lamp a little bit of landscaping we uh we've been doing a lot of landscaping recently but I think this might be the most like minimal amount that we'll be doing uh for an episode because I mean over there we took out an entire flight an entire Island I think right here we'll just go out level by level we'll probably take this out because I did want to build that like Fletcher trading hall or archery range I'll mix the two up and but be most likely just calling it a Fletcher trading Hall but uh the archery range sounds cool too yeah we'll take this out this should give us plenty of room to build back here and then actually we can start building along this Coastline right here fly on up and this Coastline all the way back here because I remember you guys remember episode one when this entire four is this in forest was huge the forest went all the way basically like right here where this was and uh that little farmer trading Hall and so now we can go all the way back here and we are we basically built on half like the surface area over here look at oh my God look at all these cows down here when did all these cows get back here did I just like let all the cows loose recently what is going on there's like 50 cows I swear to God anyways let's let's not get distracted by the college but yeah dude there's a lot of surface area that we've already taken out but we are going to just build up on this little corner over here and probably work our way to the West over there to keep on building with a little bit of being a little bit of boom and a little bit of Bop we were able to take this entire field out we even went all the way back into the jungle a tad bit and we even made this beach a little bit smaller and a little bit smoother over here on the edges but smaller I mean we brought the grass all the way out here because I'd like to be able to put a big big Fletcher trading Hall here with an archery range on the outside and I was thinking about using this space over here maybe a little Beach area I might bring out a little bit more for a like a target range I thought that might be kind of cool and what we also did is on a live stream while I kind of flattened all that out I went over here and added a little bit of you know just a couple of details here and there we got some nether blocks coming around here I actually built a path going around the iron farm for the first time we're able to walk all the way back here safe and sound and you know what it's I like this it's not too bad all it needs is just a couple extra blocks we have the allium over here that we can toss around the Imam is just so rare I need to go back to the flower biome and and the flower Forest by I'm sorry and go actually uh bone meal a bunch I know a lot of people in the comments keep telling me that I can bone meal the allium's like you can't do that you can only bone meal the large flowers in the version that I'm playing on so I'm not sure what version you guys are playing on for those of you that are trying to give me advice but it's uh it just it's we're not playing on the same version apparently let's make these guys a little taller while we're here we go so I really like what we did on the Long play build for the another wart farm with the block palette here and I mean on the bottom with the cobbled not the Cobble just actually the regular bricks for the stone and the actual stone itself I really like that as a base for the build I don't think we're gonna do Mangrove and Oak this time I think we're gonna do two different builds or two different woods man I wish I could speak a little bit of English better slap these guys down on the beach over here but we're gonna take some jungle logs we're gonna take some birch logs and uh we're probably gonna use some deep slate on the roof as well but if we get started here we should be A-Okay I kind of want to move the archery range out towards the beach a little bit this is going to I kind of want to make this a bigger build I haven't made like a pretty big trading Hall all the trading Halls that I've made are kind of like a smaller size I guess except for the cleric trading Hall but that just like is tall this one's going to be pretty wide I haven't made like a pretty wide build ever since like the Ertl sanction oh my God I can't I was I'm literally talking about pandas and for some reason I'm thinking pandas but for some reason the word Turtle came out of my mouth speaking of turtles I should make a turtle Sanctuary but uh we're not there yet I have a frog sanctuary and a panda sanctuary that are more wide than tall and I think I'm about to do that here as well so it is night time and this bow is actually down to one durability this bow did a great job over the years but it is unfortunately time to go what do we got over here that's just a cow is that uh we got more cows back there okay waiting for some mobs we could take some Rockets out over here fly out real quick let's go this way and where the mobs at where the mob's at I see it okay oh let's get a spider get a piece of straw ring for the last little bit over here hello sir don't make me miss on my last shot oh my God he almost made me miss that wasn't even the last shot we still have another one where oh should we do it on a creeper I feel like we should just do it oh he tried to move he moved oh never mind he's right here and this guy is the winner no I wanted to go on a kill oh it did go on a kill let's go and now for a fact I kind of want over here to be like a Target area so I'll kind of set this up maybe a little bit remotely we'll just get two spaces in between one two right there I don't know how many target areas but we'll have but we are gonna have more than one on the last archery range I did we just had one little area that kind of backed up into the building and um I'm not sure we'll have it make this like an open space we'll have to count an automatic blocks this might not be the permanent location but I'm gonna have some Target blocks out by the beach as well because I feel like you know this is why not get some target practice with a nice view can never forget the potted plants but actually this time I think we're gonna go with a little bit of Acacia plug up all these little windows with a bunch of jungle wood here let's decorate this a little bit I feel like let's get some ferns right down here we'll get a window set up right here let's get the Axon and chop this right here with the glass panes in we use the Birch for some shutters right there not too bad we're gonna use that right there and boom right there not too bad up a nice little acacia tree right there and we'll get some jungle trap doors here because those never hurt nobody will slap them up at the top too get a nice little Birch button Bam Bam and Bam Bam Bam then we just gotta hook this up with the vents to chain to link up here we got bam and Bam and Bam trying to figure out something for the entrance here so maybe this something like this maybe something like this as well some of these down maybe get some ferns up here and boom and boom and maybe put that in the middle and that's that's not too bad now we just need to add some slavage up here we're probably just gonna every other one okay and as soon as I see how many we're gonna do I seem to be messing up let's go bam let's go bam and that is it let's pop out over here and take a look a little bit further back and this is not too bad a lot of the detail here is very repetitive but uh it is what it is if you walk on in the interior is pretty much uh not them yet we don't have any of the we don't have anybody moved in I hear the llamas I hear the wandering Trader he is here somewhere he's up there okay well let's uh let's go ahead and fly up I actually don't have any stairs yet I've just been using scaffolding by the way the roof maybe ignore that it's not entirely done yet I didn't actually want to show you oh he's in here what's up my dude hold on okay Coral oh ferns okay this is good got some good stuff going on but yeah ignore this uh roof for now it's almost done been working on this a lot on stream and maybe just focus a little bit more on this Tower the tower looks fantastic We're Gonna Keep working on the roof over here but we'll work on the roof over here as well we're probably going to get a set of like three Windows either two fat windows on each side or three medium sized Windows I'm not entirely sure which we're gonna do yet bing bang and Bop and I'm actually not sure if I've mentioned this before but putting the jungle trap doors up on the roof just like this and then flipping them up uh it makes the roof it gives it so much more texture I'm not sure if anybody else has been doing this but this is what I do to my roof every single time flip them on up here and I mean obviously you're going to take some out when you make some windows but that just it just adds so much more character looking at it from over here it's not too bad the tower on this side is not too bad as well I'm gonna go down actually forgot to make most of the windows on this side so we'll go Bam Bam and I forgot to get the uh the stairs so we'll just have to make some in that stone cutter and boom and then we go boom we can go bam should walk around here nice got some windows on this side go bam probably get one right here I assume that's the right spot it is probably go here on this corner and over here on this corner then we'll back up boom he takes a right turn we go we make some stone brick stairs we shut the gate I don't know why we have to shut it but we have to we go bam we go Bing oh no that was upside down we can't go Bop until we go Bing and Bob the building is fun and I'm really enjoying this we do have a little bit of a bridge right here sure I might have shown you guys already when I was looking at the llamas I might take these leaves without having to kill the lawn is nice but uh you know what we got to do if we're gonna have a trading haul we have to be able to get everybody in here and across the village there's so many villagers over here and I'm just gonna show you guys the new little Watchtower that we built in a Long play while we're over here yeah this was uh yeah feel free to check out the Long play if you haven't by the way but this was something that we built in about you know almost like two and a half hours I'll show you right over here and Bam we got a big old Watch Tower right in the middle of the town now it's pretty fun but I'm going to perch up here just like a bird and yeah we got a lot of guys right yep we got two guys just chilling right here live back in Target acquired and Bam over here oh wait that you're a master farmer we can't take you you sir are just of novice fisherman so I can definitely take you wait wait hold on wait wait where are you going where are you going get back here come on whoa whoa whoa whoa where you go yep there we go now we can take you it's time let's go have a good one and we're here let's go okay so after I mean that took about maybe two minutes so I mean that wasn't that bad we're gonna have to get a bunch of these dudes over here and we're also gonna have to figure out a way to kind of get them in I have stairs that's gonna go up there but I'm not sure if I want to have these guys fenced in or if maybe there's a town center over here so these guys kind of just stay over here anyways but uh the thing about that is the iron farm is right there so if we get a village too close to it then iron form could stop working because we got to make sure that that thing is far enough away from everything so that that Hall over here I almost built this a little bit too close to the iron from I think so these guys will probably end up setting them up all the way back along this wall right here because it uh I mean it only makes sense if we if we get them up if we get them set up over here then we might mess up that iron farm so we're not going to take any chances with that I almost forgot we need to come down here I'll take a landing up here like a little pigeon and there he is Mr Jonathan Stickman you sir let's go this way thank you sir just stay right there I'll get your Fletching table right over here I should have grabbed it with an ax or something get you in the boat and we got to get Mr Jonathan Stickman over there because uh it's it only makes sense okay we got a guy right here you know what um Jonathan Stickman you have to wait for a second this guy is never gonna do anything so let's get you down there you go let's get you into the boat right wait wait wait get into the boat sir sir get into the boat sir you're not in the boat there we go we're gonna take you all the way out here's two because uh for some reason you just like literally hanging around this guy's just hanging around doing nothing it's offenses time to move Jonathan stickman in here real quick before we do anything else because I mean we might as well we have an established uh flasher already let's get the Fletching station you know let's just go right there for oh wait I literally just talked about not doing this let's go ahead and just not do that so uh we'll bring Mr Jonathan Stickman over this way and this right here will probably work we got to make sure all the fences are done oh my God and now we're done okay let's get that taken care of right here and and go to your station sir please and thank you and I'll be trading sticks with you very soon thank you Mr Jonathan Stickman I'm back home real quick I wanted to grab some of the courts we'll grab well that's exactly 16. I think that's exactly what I needed we'll go right here we'll go bam go over to the stone cutter we go bam turning in to slap it then we can walk out the back door take a little flight all the way to the back of the town man it is we got some long flights through the town now it's kind of fun then we can try to perch up right here like a bird and it worked we're a bird the squad is growing the squad is growing very very strong these guys are they're gonna be they're gonna be good Fletchers I can feel it we're gonna do the windows right here these look like pretty much all my other windows I got some gates got some fences and these are Birch this time with the Deep slate right there we do the same way every single time we also have some buttons to put here for a little bit extra texture and that my friends is the way it goes we're gonna go up here though one more thing that we gotta do other than this roof this roof is actually pretty much done now all the detailing is there I got all the trap doors up we're going to go over to this one though because I've been trying to work out how to get this roof to look better but it kind of it's a little difficult so it's just gradually moving up I got one two three right here I might uh go up like one two right here um yeah it's always a little bit difficult but the more like the square roofs are always a little bit more fun to make because they are just they're they're a little bit different every time when I do these rectangle roofs right here these always pretty much more or less look the same uh because and that's my fault I always just make them look weird but uh and I think I might have put them a block too high I think I probably should have brought them down by one but it's all right it's a little bit too late for that I'm gonna grab a little bit more jungle wood hop back up here and let's go man these are like these the level three rockets are absolutely insane they really make you go a lot faster but uh see now this is starting to come together we'll go like this and make it so we can go up one two two one two three one two one two three and then we'll see if we can get one in the middle that even looks good all right hold on I can't see it let's fly away and act like nothing happened very smooth and this is not bad not bad at all we'll go here and we'll probably have to make it a little bit wider a little bit taller but you know what I like this while I'm up here I'm also thinking since these guys are here I could probably start mapping out a little bit of an area where they're gonna stay in they need to be trapped a little bit so I'll probably maybe go along with this Edge right here but I'm probably gonna move the targets themselves in the uh the blocks can stay right here we'll go every other one take this guy out thank you for your service we'll go here here and Bam probably gonna line it up some way over here every other one it'd be nice if these guys could be free range but uh unfortunately it's just it's it is a little bit better when they are in their own little slots well all right it's not looking too bad over here I might end up putting some buttons on here but for the most part all these trap doors are doing their job I did not put a trapdoor right here I'm actually realizing right now hop down here actually I might as well show you I started building a little bit of a gate want to build like an awning over here so everybody can do a little bit of building and that's something I don't want actually I could put some targets down there too just for a little bit of variation here we could put one down here we could put one down here we could go one here as well let's go in and fix this guy before I forget right here okay that should be the last trapdoor I'm pretty sure we trapped door and everything never mind we didn't get this one man we uh we are not doing very good or this one and that one it looks like okay we should be okay here now these guys I kind of want to start taking them out of the boats because I think we I think we closed all the gates if there's any Gates that they can get out of then they should be good let's break all the boats hopefully they don't start just hopping into other boats let's go this way let's go bam and ooh don't make me smack you and and there we go all right you guys let's be Fletchers let's open the floodgates you guys can go in take your jobs run in everybody go in now go go go go honestly I might just leave these gates open so that they can run out freely we had some free range Fletchers let's go Gotta make some paths over here so that it can look like people are actually doing their practicing got some couches here so people can sit and relax and watch back as people try to shoot the targets so while I'm over here I might as well show you we did complete the stairs actually except for one thing I have the glowstone I meant to do this earlier but here we go might as well do it now I kind of wanted to get this place a little bit more lit so we're gonna put glowstone right there and we're gonna do that on both sides just so that this little pathway over here has some more light as well because where the path used to go around the Nether wart Farm I mean now it's just kind of obstructed by the stairs so it's going to go right in here right this way I planted some jungle trees all the way in the back as well so it looks like it's kind of more cozy up in the jungle here we also have a nice little fireplace here actually wait we have another one on the other side over here looking good these always just add a little bit more uh light to places that needed it that didn't have it it's free-range Fletchers are looking so good there's actually uh one thing that I needed to do it oh God ow one thing that I did not want to forget were these back here let's place these dirt blocks and that way we don't forget I'm actually gonna get some plants up in here wait a second nope there we go let's go Bam Bam and we'll get these white tulips I feel like white tulips are the way to go well the BAM we'll go bam and Bam Bam also going to use the Tulips for the inside here we have Fletcher tables but uh they don't have any decorations so I decided we're gonna put some white tulips on all of them I'm gonna let them be free range so I don't need to like spend a lot of time decorating little pockets for them to be in but uh these guys can at least have a desk in the middle here start adding a little bit of a side here so let's go Bam Bam and Bam and I don't want the sides I don't want the like the fence to be too tall because then you won't be able to see like or appreciate the outside because I mean it's it's a little bit tall but it's not that tall so if we just keep this area a little bit shorter the awning won't take away from the build as much I left a gate open this guy tried to escape actually wait he's already he already turned back into a fart no no no come on buddy get over here nope get in the boat get in the boat yep you're coming back with me how dare this guy tried to escape how dare you now I think it just needs a little bit of the gate action here nice little bit of gates these always make everything look a little bit more nice now this looks nice when you go in here I mean it looks like nice and cozy now it looks a little bit more enclosed but I kind of wanted to like put a campfire here instead for a little bit of extra character on this little line up top I feel like that actually does a lot of work there of course it's raining it always is when I'm trying to record and we actually got this place kind of figured out I got some lanterns hidden with some trap doors here and I give it a little bit of more color here that the acacia hooked up over here and everything's looking a little bit decent like the I don't know it looks like it looks more fence posty a little bit more worn down with all of the gates opened up also what I'll do I put all the scaffolding away so I'll have to fly out here real quick and show you bam we had put a couple this is not gonna line up perfectly because I don't know why the first for some reason the way I built this the door has to be one to the left of the one that's actually right on this side uh the interior here I'm gonna start moving a couple more Fletchers upstairs so they can have their spots up here but I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with this big old room here yet I haven't decided quite yet because all of the Fletchers were able to fit downstairs so that was kind of nuts what I am thinking though is also get some azalea trees for a little bit of decoration if we go right here we can go Bam Bam right there go put that right there that's perfect pop around this way we can put one over here as well and boom yeah and go over here even and give this one right here a boom also I think we got ourselves a nice little Fletcher trading all over here this is not too bad I place a couple more flowers over here for some decoration and there we go I think we're all good guys thank you so much for watching today's episode episode 18 will be coming out very soon I do appreciate you all for watching this one's a little bit longer I know these at last two have actually been a little bit longer and I'm gonna I'm gonna continue to try to keep doing that feel free to keep joining on these streams it's live at twitch.tv wax fraud every single day feel free to join how does this keep happening there are so many villagers out here why I'm so confused what does my Village not have that all of these villagers do like this I'm so confused man there's look at this guy all the way out here look at you wait a second are you a he's a master I've oh my gosh my guy all right we'll start with you we're gonna get you we're gonna get you out of here we're gonna get you oh my God I don't want to trade I just want to get you in the boat come on get in here there we go let's uh let's just go this way guys well that's a that's a great way to start the episode I guess my name is wax fraud if you haven't been here before welcome back to episode 18 of the Hardcore Minecraft let's play series man I am excited to get this one started but we kind of ran into a little speed bump here for some reason we have so many there's so many villagers that just are not here they're just they just for some reason are not here they seem to want to chill in this part of the ocean I got one two three four five and then six including the guy that I got in with me right here but I'm not sure what they want I really have no idea what this part of the ocean brings uh maybe it's rich with nutrients something that I haven't discovered yet maybe I should do more research thank you guys by the way for watching the recent long plays I do appreciate that we do have the Watchtower over there this guy was pretty fun to build and we did do a couple of edits on stream so that was pretty fun by the way it is twitch.tv wax fraud if you want to join on stream anytime we also had a really fun Long play where we went over here and we built it we just then we didn't build anything actually we dug a giant hole it's right here if you go straight down there are there it's just lava it's so much lava and uh we it took about it took almost four hours to do this whole video and I went almost all the way down to bedrock and I figured you know what I have so many materials I don't necessarily need to go that far but yeah we got a nice little lava pit now I need to do some decorating around this I'll probably end up doing that on stream as well got some busy work to do over here but this is just tantalizing look at that it's just it's mesmerizing so many different words you could place there we did get a bunch of materials though because we have all of these hooked up like all of these barrels are filled up with Cobblestone Cobble deep sleigh got a bunch of shulker boxes filled up I even actually ran out of room at one point during the video and I put a bunch of stuff over here and yeah I'm pretty sure all of these are filled up bam filled up with stone filled up a stone build up with a bunch of granite and diorite and Amethyst as well cobbledon why do I say these things Cobblestone also what's going on Daniel and what's going on Daniel's friend hope you guys are doing well something that I am glad that we have in this world now is the spider farm so I can almost get that one done we'll go what just happened there something just smacked me I wonder what the heck that was but let's go this way and Bam we have a nice little spider farm here I got a lot of string we got a lot of spider eyes as well I've been taking a lot of the string back up to make all the scaffolding and candles we need a lot of candles to make those Cattails from last episode also uh just candles in general all the way around but just and then they're good for decoration spider Farms also make for a pretty good experience Farm as well but not nearly as good as the blaze farm that we have against as I'm bringing all these guys back I do have a couple ideas of some goals that we're gonna end up putting on the board because you remember from last episode I mean if you do we used up all the goals I mean except for finishing Rainbow Mountain we have we have not got that done yet so we're gonna make some goals and they're not gonna involve Rainbow Mountain but it's probably gonna do let's just do like nine things that we want to build return to your job sir return to your job also this guy what are These Guys these guys are hopping on my pumpkins for some reason and this guy back here is just stuck in the fence also I just remembered do you guys remember this guy it's from like episode two or three maybe this desert uh villager he's just he's been stuck in the stairs for like maybe 15 episodes now this is great but this guy you know what you're staying here man you're staying here I'm collecting you guys I'm collecting you first things first hey what's up pup all you doing we gotta take out the archery range sign and Bam we got 9 new goals I'm thinking first Let's do an armor trading haul I think that is gonna be good then we need to do a Shepherds trading Hall it has been requested that we make a turtle Sanctuary I feel like we gotta make a masonry we have so much iron I think we have more iron than like any other item in this game because that iron farm has been running strong since episode five so we really should just get a weaponsmith a wet poinsmith no weapon Smith trading hall because then we can start trading all that iron getting a bunch a bunch of emeralds we gotta get a butcher trading hall or a butcher shop man I really cannot type while I'm talking multitasking is not it's not my strong suit and I mean we do have a lot of trading Halls pretty much all of these are trading Halls except for the turtle Sanctuary so we should get like we should get another animal sanctuary also I'm thinking uh oh actually wait before we get the another animal sanctuary let's get uh let's try to get some purple blocks did some course like a chorus fruit farm and then for the animal we can do like a fox Sanctuary I feel like next we should do we don't have a farm yet I guess we have a coarse Fruit Farm well you know what let's do another one let's do like a simple one like a bamboo Farm we don't have one of those yet not looking bad though we have a bunch of trading halls and that's not even all of them so the next goal list we'll get a bunch more trading hauls Turtles down here are finally gonna get a little home that's gonna be nice we'll still have a lot of these guys getting caught in the boats but uh for the most part they'll be at their little sanctuary and then they can they can just be free be free in my turtles I was recently going through a bunch of blocks that I'd had and didn't have and I noticed that I was running low on and that by running low on I mean I don't have any of the jack-o'-lanterns so I would like to light up the town a little bit with a bunch more of these guys right here and so in order to do that I need to kind of just fly out somewhere with a pair of shears that I do not have on me that I thought I had on me but we'll come back around here and probably just put yep there we go go right here I'm gonna fly out to just my own little area right next to the dog Sanctuary you know what let's say what's up to these pups real quick how's it going pups I haven't been here in a while what's going on pups y'all being a bunch of good boys this is good this is good let's actually hop down here real quick and let's just pumpkin it up I'm probably just gonna go straight this way and uh we're just we're gonna line it up and it's just gonna be all jack-o-lanterns from here on out now we just shears all we're gonna do is shears we're gonna get a bunch of pumpkin seeds which would be nice get a bunch of bone meal from that because we don't really need the pumpkin seeds now that we have a pumpkin and melon farm we kind of just have infinite pumpkins now we can slide into the house here go grab a bunch of torches and now we can use a bunch of coal or the Torches because we have a bunch of blaze rods that we can now use as a fuel source check it out boom we got a bunch of blaze rods here now because the blaze farm does its job and now to place a bunch of jack-o-lanterns we have a lot of areas that need the jack-o-lanterns let's go back here we have the flower garden back here we got a bunch of bees but we have we have no jack-o-lanterns let's go bam and Bam these are really good at just lighting up spaces that need lit like that right there doesn't really need to be lit up like that but I mean look at this we got bam now we've sure that no mobs are going to spawn back in places where they might have I love decorating with these little things it always brings life to the little areas back here that you always forget about oh God I'm just I'm just breaking the breaking the terrain now and even put one on the beach and I'm always putting sea pickles on top sometimes I forget but you always gotta remember put a sea pickle on top hey a little bit of shade back here might as well throw a Jack-o-Lantern right there and we can also make a little space for them up top because we have all of these random blocks here that we've been making space before we can go over here let's actually just grab this and bring it over to the other side I think it would make sense because over here we got a bunch of terracotta that we've been lining up we have a lot of terracotta by the way but I think over here we'll just do the jack-o-lanterns and Bam it'd be cool if you could actually make a Jack-o-lantern out of a melon too that'd be that'd be pretty nice that'd be that'd bring a lot of life to different areas as well it's bringing all the pumpkin seeds in for the bone mealing doing all this decorating with the jack-o-lanterns around town makes me kind of want to build some more of those old Wells so I got some materials here and actually you know what I should do is just build it next to what we did in episode 16 over here with the cleric trading Hall and you know what I haven't said what's up to these guys in a little bit what's up clerics how you guys doing over here hopefully y'all are chilling hopefully everyone's behaving I hope everyone's being clericy and just you know just being just doing themselves anyways I kind of wanted to hop somewhere like right down here and go ahead and make a design that we have made quite a few times on this world and I thought it would just be a good idea to bring it on this side of the map it'd be kind of we probably should get like maybe three or four additional after these we'll get some buckets of water in here too this thing's always nice it just brings a little bit of extra detail to uh the like surroundings because we have a bunch of big old buildings but we don't have a little we don't have a lot of little buildings roofs all done got a little bit of campfire action going on up there but got lights on the four corners and uh that's a little bit of detail to the world you can put the fun part down here so it is in the well unless you got the water coming up from somewhere so you get five chains going down to the bottom and you're good to go looking at it from the bridge nice looks good over here man looks good now that we have been around episode 16 build for a while this uh that little cleric Farm is nice but this Fletcher farm this is the new one if you guys watch this episode I really do appreciate it thank you so much for the support on that episode and uh oh yeah look at my my helmet take a look take a good look at the helmet but uh but yeah this one this one was super fun to build I.E this might be my new favorite build right here and it's the best place to get a little bit of mending going especially on this little silk touch pickaxe that I used a lot on that uh big lava pit Long play but it's nice to turn a lot of these guys into uh not journeyman's but uh Masters and experts because then we can get some good trades but yeah I love coming here because the blaze farm is nice but when I don't feel like going to the nether what's up Jonathan Stickman how you doing when I don't feel like going to the nether I can come here and get some good trades in I also have that string farm that I oh yeah the string only yeah look at that a little bit less than the sticks too so I can definitely sell some string over here too get a bunch of mending going night time and I forgot my bed all the way over here at the little pumpkin area I really hope nothing's spawning that also might be some of the reason why some of the villagers are leaving it might be like night time and I'm building some stuff and something like that spider or a zombie might come running over at them and they have no choice but to go out into the ocean I'm really not sure though so I was thinking with all of these new materials we just like don't really have room for a lot of these I mean we can take these shulker boxes back home um but I mean if we look at all of the barrels for a lot of the materials we have we're running low on room in this uh starter house that we had and uh yeah so I'm thinking I know that um an auto storage system sounds nice but I can't really put it in the village because last time I did that it just wrecked my FPS it absolutely wrecked it and I don't want that to happen so I might have a system that I like where I can drop off the materials and it takes it to a far away a place maybe like 200 blocks that way kind of close to Rainbow Mountain but if I like drop some of this stuff off here I mean I have a bunch of Cobble deep slate that I can put back Cobblestone though let's just double check it you need to get out of the way sir we will uh yeah see cobblestone we are completely booked we're like there's no there's no vacancies that Iron Golem had to go um I am going to put the evidence away iron go back and Poppy you just turn into bone meal so this little area right here where this guy is this I guess the smokers here so this butcher decided to take over this little spot I'm probably gonna remove that smoker get some of these pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns out of the way and we're gonna make this little spot where I can just probably just put like a shulker box down put uh another one next to it we'll have a hopper system right here with some dispensers or droppers that will basically take everything out of the shulker box and pump it down into a system so in order to make that system probably gonna have to build a small uh you know like little Aqueduct system that goes underground here and I'll probably have to replace some of this with some dirt but I'm gonna have it gradually go down with water so we will keep going this way over here and I know I'm gonna wreck the beach probably but water travels about eight or seven or eight blocks I can't really remember but it can go pretty far it's it's uh pretty resilient here so if we just keep moving this way now that exactly we're just we're taking up the beach right here but if we keep moving and then once it stops we go down one more it's basically endless so in order to keep this moving I'm probably gonna have to just block that right there and we'll keep on I mean no items are gonna get stuck I'm pretty sure if they do we'll we'll figure out a way to get this fixed well so this is it we got ourselves a little area here if we pretend that we ourselves are the item we go all the way down this little slide it's pretty fun you can uh you know you can just pretend like you're having the best time of your life when you're down here but it just goes and goes and goes you can't even have like a 14 15 render distance so what's happening why am I hopping so much 14 to 15. I need to just swim I need to hold on let's be a fish there we go it's fish time let's go in time to be a fish we swim fast down here now so we have ourselves a room that we have started to dig out a little bit this right here goes all the way up into the sand like all the way into the desert right next to Rainbow Mountain Rainbow Mountain is basically like right here at this wall but I figure weird since this thing is pretty far away from the starting base we can we can take advantage of this area now so let's start to plop all this out all of this Stone we're gonna have to use to make a bunch of repeaters and a bunch of comparators because for this auto storage system oh my God we're gonna need thousands I mean not thousands maybe hundreds but it feels like thousands last time I made an auto storage system I remember using so much Stone so much quartz a lot of redstone I might have to go digging for some Redstone again too I'm probably gonna run out don't really want to die of kinetic energy again so I'm just gonna go back up the long way and dude I got so lucky the auto sheep shearing wool Farm is right here look at this it's boom that's this is the bubble elevator I got so lucky I would have had to take out some of the sheep farm or like move this thing to the left or right got very lucky right on the DOT kind of want to show you guys what's going on with the Redstone here so I'll actually hop back down and get some materials out of the way right here so I can go in and show you so we have the dispenser right here all the Hoppers we can place any of the shulker boxes we want right here it's going to take all the materials down and go right into the dispenser which will in turn go bam right here all everything is going to go out so if I throw these right here they're going to pop out of the dispenser like so and they're all gone the way this works though is we have a comparator that's pointing right into the dispenser here we have over here another redstone block that goes all the way in the back the Redstone goes all the way through the repeater right here and there we go we have that able to go through put these back here but this is basically how we're going to be getting in and out from there and I kind of want to make this look a little bit nicer so I was thinking we kind of put this up top here we can jump over here luckily we have a little bit of an area to go through use some jungle fences right here never hurt nobody there we go and then if we jump up we can can use some of the campfires if I can pull them out we got that we can jump we can jump and keep hurting ourselves it's the name of the game get that that that that that that accidentally placed too many so we're gonna go here Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and we are good I've never really done this I've never used shroom lights as a Ruth borders but I mean that's what we're gonna do today that looks good I actually placed another one right there and I should have used silk touch but that is gone the charcoal is gone that's how we know this is working so this turned out to be not too bad we got the hanging roots for the decoration pretty much everywhere and actually you know what I did forget we got to get the two last little plants we'll just use azalea bushes because they're already right here but we got mushrooms and flowering azaleas on the side this is not too bad it's nice and cozy and it's right next to the starter house which is A-Okay with me because now anytime we need to drop stuff off we certainly can't and actually right behind it we have the Redstone hookup I actually forgot what it was like to make an auto sorter but pretty sure I mean The Hoppers are backwards so they should to be facing this way so don't mind that but the comparator is facing outward from the hopper going out to Redstone into a redstone down here into a repeater that goes into this block that has the redstone torch going up into this block right here up into the comparator so I'm pretty sure that is how it works fine back down here and Bam we actually have started a quick little decorated area I don't even really have a lot of room to look around here let's actually make ourselves some room over here we can step back right here right now there we go okay so I mean that didn't really help at all but you know what it doesn't matter we have this and I figure this is just nice it's simple for the decoration for right now and I started with some of the blocks I got the stone collecting right here we have the Cobblestone that we've been getting a lot of well we've been taking this out at the stone bricks I got chiseled Stone and smooth Stone but I'm starting to think that maybe I should just do these three and kind of maybe take these out because I never use these blocks maybe if we use something like dirt instead started put some dirt up in here and we are going to do that I'm so we'll put the dirt right there and I'll actually show you guys for those of you that have never made an auto sorter before it's a little easy I mean so it's a little hard but once you get used to it it's pretty easy very repetitive lots of redstone hooked up here as you can see there are item actually wait I forgot to put oh I have four items left I call them items because that's just I don't know that's just what we call them on stream but one two three four as long as you have the redstone torch hooked up to the comparator it should lock these four items into place and you need to do that for everything because that's uh that's how you get it all here so you have boom you have the items and you have these Stone items and you have the Cobblestone we have the stone bricks and the chiseled stone bricks but we're going to replace that right here and this should actually filter down until it hits the number 41 and it's if it's still working there we go so that's how you tell it's still working all the Redstone is hooked up you got the repeaters in here probably end up putting Cobble deep slate and regular deep slate maybe some grass blocks right here oh probably sand instead of the regular deep slate the the most used blocks are probably going to go in the first one but just in case we can see if this works and you can just kind of toss all the items in here whatever you need just throw it all and it should all kind of go in and now some of them are sliding past which is uh maybe that means everything's moving a little bit too quickly or we can have everything loop around so it can just get shuffled around this way if it actually ends up going all the way around it can just keep looping until I don't know that it all ends up in one chest most of it should end up in here but in case uh it doesn't we'll probably end up having to Loop it all the way around we have a lot and I mean a lot more Stone to take out we have so much we need to make ourselves some room getting a little bit of claustrophobic over here but if we're going to end up making a big enough room for it to Loop all the way around I think we're just gonna do a Big C formation or maybe not even a c like a big U but a stretched out you will have it go down uh eight chests every single time and I'm using the Deep slate and the spruce the very classic mixture but uh yeah we'll have to bring this down who who knows how many blocks this is probably going to stretch all the way past the desert because we're in the desert right here this thing goes up into the desert looks like we did forget a couple of things to do here though get some chests in and I completely forgot about the little Hoppers back here so that would have completely messed that up while I'm actually building it though might as well come back we can get the third set of eight things set up here so we'll go Cobblestone right here because it doesn't matter get this stuff out of the way if we can we're going to set up the comparators facing out this way place all the Redstone in all of existence here then you just gotta slap the Redstone torches on the bottom and that'll lock everything in place now that we have the Redstone hooked up we actually have some oh God did I just what happened here what's going on that was that was insane now that we actually have that hooked up we can come back we have some chests here completely filled up with stone and Cobblestone so let's actually take all three of these and do a little bit of an test I know this dispenser can only shoot out one item at a time but if we can just hook this up here hook this up here and hook this up here I think we'll have a lot of stone and a lot of cobblestone just getting shot out pretty much endlessly so if we just yeah that's uh it seems to be working so I'm gonna do okay just keep on flattening myself there let's get out of here for now let's uh let's leave this be if I just take my rockets and fly this way I'm gonna go see if everything happens to be flowing all the way out oh I used some level three rockets and beat down in mine never mind I was gonna say I beat the items but they are here and I'm collecting them and I don't want to let's let them all come down oh they are rolling in now we got them all okay they're all coming in some of them might slide past which is uh I mean not okay but some actually never mind I don't think any of them are sliding past I think I might have put in too many at once but as long as only one at a time is going through this Hopper seems to be catching all of them which is nice hold on let's go down real quick just want to make sure everything is being collected in the live time and it looks like wait a second oh wait it is and the ones that get sent past are actually collecting in this one the first one that doesn't have a live one so actually that means we have to get an item right here but guys as I am down here and uh working on this I am coming to realize that this project the auto sorter might be a little bit too large for one episode this might have to be something like Rainbow Mountain that we work on a long time over a bunch of different episodes like I I'm gonna probably gonna work on this a lot on stream because there's no way I can get this done in a couple of days for the uh for episode 18 to come out so we're gonna have to probably work on something a little bit easier this thing is going to be way too big I've been working on this for an entire day already I only have this right behind me I have over here right behind me we have everything that you see that's excavated it's just this is going to take a lot longer than I thought the blocks are just getting straight up siphoned out of these shulker boxes which is nice means we're gonna have a lot of more shulker boxes breed up so we don't have to actually go back to the end to get more shulk boxes in general but this goal board Let's uh we might I think we're gonna tackle one more thing and you know what this coarse Fruit Farm I think we're going to tackle that because it's something that I've been meaning to do now we can make I want to make more end rods in order to make land rods we need to make a farm for these guys right back here first things first I am gonna have to fly back because I'm gonna need oh the town looks kind of nice from back nice the skyline of the town is looking beautiful now but yeah I'm gonna have to go back to the end room all the way over here because we had to go to the end the dragon's gone so we can safely get a bunch of End Stone from that little area in the beginning pop down right over here well we haven't been here in a very very long time yeah this place you know what we should do is re uh yeah this looks this is beautiful I love looking into this thing it is just so mesmerizing but this place needs a revamp we're gonna have to we definitely need to redo this room I could definitely use the con the mossy uh Stone but the uh man the rest of this is you know I've never made a cool end room we should definitely make this look a little bit more modern and get ourselves some End Stone we're gonna hop this way let's just pull this out do not look up do not look at any Enderman I do not want any trouble let's just find a quick spot next to the portal and just kind of start digging away at this let's maybe get a couple stacks I don't think the area that we're gonna use for the farm is gonna be that big like I think maybe a 10 by 10 farm would be nice I think we might end up making a cube of some sort we'll have to I mean ah no because we can make it we can do a more interesting build than that let's grab a couple stacks of End Stone before we go back and then we'll figure out where we want this build to go I don't quite have a build on the other side of this creeper Farm yet we have been doing quite a bit of building on the other side of town but not necessarily over here there is a bit of space we were able to use it for the uh the pumpkins but it'd be nice if we could use it for an actual build actually this little area right here kind of just in the ocean there's you know what there's not much going on right here uh we uh you know what I think right here is actually the way and we're gonna do it I think right here uh we can put a little Hopper mine cart system right under it so that we can grab stuff we don't necessarily need to use a flooding system like I've seen other YouTubers do let's just take some of this out and just kind of start building up a platform somewhere out this way with the End Stone we can just go out yonder like right here [Music] [Music] actually I'm gonna go down and start a platform that is basically at the length of the water kind of just making a little End Stone Island then well we have ourselves a little bit of a building here and sorry about that we accidentally I lost uh two files of footage just accidentally deleted them I don't know exactly what happened so I'm gonna have to skip ahead just a little bit I also did a stream where we worked on this a little bit and it's pretty simple it actually is just glass and Redwood uh not Redwood and the mangrove wood I just call it Redwood what's wrong with me but we do have water set up here so when the plants are formed we can actually just go ahead and put them through here and bring them down into a hopper system that we should make so I have two redstone blocks right here I should get some sand out because I think I'm gonna put the minecart system just on this and voila not too bad got a little bit of Hoppers here so it can go through let's see if this Redstone ends up working and will it get sent uh it looks like it's not getting sent for some reason is wait is that Redstone locking this one and play hold on let's double check and voila we got this thing moving actually I should probably break this wait where's the End Stone there's one in here I've got the last guy right there and now we got a little bit of a hopper mine cart system moving ah wait I know what happened here the two red stones this is bad so this thing paused because I did not have a redstone going back like this is this thing just catching stuff it is so we'll go with the Redstone right here instead but yeah back on the outside we are at the moment just working on getting a couple of these trap doors back in place for the decoration here gotta place them on the roof as well it was just thinking of a way to get in here and I'm probably gonna build a path that leads into there from right here right around this area because uh we can set up some campfires to set up a little bit of a pathway as well this kind of this could this could look nice we're gonna have to see then what I was doing I was thinking that the uh the stone bricks right here might add a little bit of character on the bottom I mean it just needs I need something to walk on down here and also it just I don't know it just looks like it was floating so if we have this here this is nice if we go down the inside of the collection system looks kind of nice too I might end up putting some trap doors down here we are out here placing buttons for days actually wait right here is uh I completely forgot this is where the trap doors go how could I have forgotten this then the buttons go in between there we go buttons and more buttons all we're doing right now is buttons it's just a bunch of buttons next thing on the docket we got to get the plants up here so we got pots up here we'll probably put some propagules right here gets the flowering azaleas down there not too bad not too bad now we got to do that all the way around slap these down here these make it look just a little bit nicer also should probably get some plants up at the top up here just so that you know just like so it looks a little bit more colorful on the roof it's pretty rare red black and you know like the color of Oak up here too because yeah we yeah we definitely need more these dogs are living life on the edge look at them they're just on the edge of the roof they don't give a damn they don't they don't give anything flying around this thing I'm starting to look at the sides and the windows are pretty plain like look at this look at the glass windows here I don't know I feel like we can add more color down here too so I've decided as you can probably already see we got pearlescent verdant and ocher frog lights here so we're probably just going to put them all the way down the sides like this and once I get down to the bottom there's actually a little bit of a void that I have left right here uh so it's kind of perfect for me to be able to put something up there and uh we'll just go up we'll probably just go purple green yellow and repeat that pattern all the way throughout this I hope this ends up looking good purple yellow green oh nope that is wrong green purple yellow green purple yellow green I'm about to I'm about to drive myself insane doing this nice even in the sunlight it does look a little bit cooler I guess we have the uh a little bit of a frog light line going along it makes it look a little bit more futuristic here something else that wasn't added before I am noticing that there are some buttons that we did not do on this side this is bad we got to get all the buttons in no button left behind we're gonna go up here I believe it is on this side over yet we got right here we got bam and Bam and we also got bam I think if we go down a little bit we forgot to do Bam Bam and if we go down here oh my God I didn't put one here didn't put one here way too many forgotten buttons no button left behind turned off the Redstone so we don't have to hear it at the moment but I'm going to go ahead and just place a couple of these down right here maybe they'll start growing maybe they won't grow my trees grow they are growing actually I decided that this doesn't look as good as it could the glass back over here and then I'm actually just gonna bring it up in little columns all throughout instead of using these little rows here finishing up the orchard that's called as a porch I meant the dock over here for the end because it'd be nice oops oh my gosh I'm trying to strip the wood that's all I'm trying to do uh apparently I can I'm still terrible at multitasking I can't get any of that done just got to put a little bit of spruce trap doors here for the fence and we are A-Okay I think that'll be our little intro into here and we probably can get some lanterns over here but that is going to be it taking a look at these trees they are going mighty fine you can take them all out with your bow and arrow if you so happen to choose take these out here take this out there and then also you can just swipe at it like that everything's gonna go I actually forgot to turn the Redstone back on so I'm just here collecting it all myself but this is it this is the farm and then once you gather some you can replant it and they'll regrow back up this is I am loving this so glad that we finally have a place for the chorus fruit to be growing specific place to be exact and guys that's gonna be it for episode 18 here thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it we are going to be getting episode 19 up and running very very soon thank you all for joining the patreon if you did thanks for joining on the twitch live streams every single day twitch.tv wax Rod if you want to join feel free I always put the link Down Below in the comments so in like the pinned comment so feel free to join anytime I can't believe the pandas have gone all the way out here what's up my dude we have a panda that's gone all the way out here to chill with this pig and this cow we have another Panda oh no that's a piece of sand um is that a panda no that's Birch I thought there was more pandas first oh there is a panda right okay I hurt myself right right here we have pandas everywhere over here got pandas right here too what is going on and it is nighttime I probably should sleep what is going on everybody Welcome to episode 19 of the hardcore let's play series again my name is wax fraud and welcome back to the series it is good to see you guys here we are at what we built on episode 18 we have a big old course Fruit Farm this thing is fun I should probably pull out the bow in order to display what's going on you can pull these down you can go bam got a nice Redstone system that's going to catch basically everything that lands over here and it added a nice little cozy element to this weird uh like unspaced area we had a nice dolphin jump in what's up dolphin hold up I'm not about to miss out on this dolphin's Grace let's go what's going on I might as well say what up to Daniel and Daniel's friend what's up Daniel and what's up Dem almost messed up your name what's up Daniel's friend thank you guys for joining on all the live streams again that is twitch.tv slash wax fraud we stream every single day there so feel free to hop in also thanks to all the new patreon members we are at the most patreon members we've ever had so I really do appreciate all you guys everybody that gets their name displayed at the end of every video that's all you guys so shout out appreciate you we are actually over here on the bridge because I wanted to display another build that we did in a Long play in between these episodes I'll jump on The Cattails or over them and we have a nice little uh Mangrove house here it's a little Swamp House I put Cattails basically everywhere there's lily pads everywhere um I have mud bricks with campfires on them I don't know I just thought it would bring a lot of ambiance to the area you can basically walk over here through the swamp or you can just go in but it's a little house this is the smallest house that we have on this world now I decided Let's uh you know let's go back to our roots and let's get just a nice cozy house going everything in this world is just very big we have a lot of big builds a lot of stuff with functionality we don't have anything that just you know is there to just look nice I mean we might have a couple things like that but nothing like a house you know we should move a villager or two in over there they wouldn't have a way to get off of the little island but uh because it's pretty much there by a boat and they would probably end up just getting stuck in the boats kind of like these guys right down here these guys are always stuck in the boats I don't know why I don't know why they just they love the boats I'll break the boat and they'll get back in it once I place it there uh once they lose their jobs are you do you need help sir come on up there you go do you need help get up here and uh you can get a job back they get stuck on the campfire it's kind of like the bees and then they can't like take a job while they're on the campfire there you go buddy oh he decided he's gonna go around no no there's only only two people can fit in the boat sir you can't what are you doing I'm gonna carrots there we go and as you guys can see we are on the Cozy campfire Island here where the villagers moved in and uh we have some power lines hooked up that connect here and the main island and I kind of like it we did this over another long place so feel free to watch that if you haven't yet a lot of copper we finally found a use for the copper and we have a lot of lightning rods here that can hopefully just catch some lightning a lot of the copper has actually turned into an oxidized version of itself you can see it's all like kind of the lime green color or the completely oxidized color just pretty cool in the video it was all copper like just the regular copper color and now looking back on it you can really see how it's aged but yeah I hope you guys liked this video here let me know what you guys thought about this I'm trying to do more long plays like this I can do like different type of stuff I actually found a picture on Pinterest that had some power lines that looked kind of like this and I did put that picture in the description of that video if you want to check it out because as soon as I saw that I was like dude this is It's just so different I feel like it I just had to put it in the world it just added a little bit to I don't know it just added a lot of lot more Ambiance to this area finally found a use for the iron trap doors also we hadn't been using those on absolutely anything and now we have them on the tippy top and they have these little generator boxes and the chiseled Stone chiseled stone blocks we don't really use those for anything but now we got them here while I was recording a Long play recently I did notice something pretty funny I'm gonna go over to this Watchtower real quick and show you what I discovered if I land right here you'll see there's a villager right down here I don't know how he got up he must have climbed up these stairs because you can technically go all the way up these stairs I don't know maybe a villager did it maybe sometimes villagers like to pathfind up here but he must have gone over here fell and now he has absolutely no way down I could probably like get some water right here we didn't connect this build it is for the most part pretty much separated these two builds so we could drop some water down and send him down but I kind of like him up here he's kind of like our watch villager so for that reason we do need to give him a name I'm gonna run in and get a name tag real quick rolling back with our Rockets here the only oh my God I missed hold up hold up rolling back with the Rockets here the only way the only name I could think of wow this is messed up I messed this whole thing up dude just take the name Watchmen watch man's gonna watch over the village dude hey don't fall if I if I come up here and you're not up here one oh my god dude get away from the edge you know what I need to do I need to get away from him I'm I'm just I'm leading him to uh an unnecessary Zone I wanted to give a small update on the auto sorting system so while we've been live there's been a couple updates that I made and it's all been changed 100 to Hoppers if you go all the way out here it's just Hoppers all the way 400 blocks that way and I'm telling you we used that many Hoppers to go all the way down to the desert basically where Rainbow Mountain is is where the auto sorter is telling you hey we got the pandas down there but I'm telling you if we got uh yeah we got The Hoppers all the way down right over in this area the auto sorting system is right down here and we is a lot of them people were telling me on stream that it is going to cause a lot of lag because apparently Hoppers are always searching for an item to be sucked into it and so if you just you just get composters on top of the Hoppers then it kind of reduces the lag but I haven't seen a lot of lag in this world yet I will probably end up seeing little black so I'll probably I'll probably have to get to that let's hop over here though I think I have a pair of shears let's get uh the rest of this done I don't even I don't know why I didn't finish oh wait no I did finish it I just laid some more of these down I've still been going around finding a bunch of places that aren't really well lit up enough and just going around placing a bunch of these jack-o-lanterns because I don't know I feel like you can never have too much light in your village there's always going to be a place where a mob can spawn that you're not really expecting like over here there's not much light let's get this going I feel like on this side also we'll just get another Jack O'Lantern behind this bamboo bam better to be safe than sorry you know we have a cleric on the loose what are you doing buddy what are you doing out of the cleric quarters what is going on how are you doing and what are you doing I need to know these questions you're an apprentice I could actually keep you around town he's probably ended up over here at there is a Yep they're not yep there's a brewing stand right here that's probably what he's doing this guy's out of place also what are you doing taking a swim buddy what are you doing speaking of taking a swim with these axolotls we're gonna have to make a like we're gonna have to make an actual Sanctuary for these guys we do have a pond right here but it's kind of a lot of them I feel like we should make a big big big aquarium for these guys quick side note here if anybody is wondering how Rainbow Mountain is doing it's uh it's going pretty well we're up like three maybe four layers almost and uh it's going pretty well I have to say we are getting a lot done on stream and it's starting to take shape it's starting to look pretty beautiful and we can see the outer edge here and we're all caught up we're on the same ring all the way around of the same color working on the blue right now this is just uh man it's just such a vibrant color all these especially with the complementary reimagined shaders we were doing this once with BSL shaders and once before that with another version of a BSL shaders but right now it is with a complimentary reimagin shaders and it is just it the colors are just so vibrant I'm loving this build back at this sheep shearing Farm I'm with these shulker boxes these are all empty now I just actually brought these back because we finally got everything out of them and brought back into this little suction area for the auto sorter system but actually wait while we're over here quick side note let's take off this coarse Fruit Farm you done there we go but returning over here I we used up these pretty quickly so that got me thinking we might need to go back to the end real quick because we did go last episode to go get some End Stone let's go back to the end one more time let's go get some more shulker boxes I feel like we need to maybe double up on the row here and just get more colors and yeah we just need more in general because we filled up very quickly we have ourselves a mighty end City this is a pretty big one it looks like and we have a nice little ship there's a shulker if the dragon head is still here then I have it yes it is all right dragon is right there that means we have not taken the elytra here yet which means we haven't rated this oh God I uh there we go dude you need to back off hello hello hello thank you oh okay you hit me uh there we go we're good let's just float over this way real quick I'm gonna pick up a dragon's head and then I'm going to see how many shulkers I can get from this city and maybe a couple other little ones use some End Stone that we picked up to go over here because the dragon's head will flip and fall into the void if we are not careful and gotcha and gotcha and sorry shulker that's down here it's time for you to go you're guarding the wrong pair of elytra today but I want that yeah we got more shulker shells let's get as many of these as we possibly can the first victim sorry dude sorry dude okay he dipped so then we have another first victim you hopefully will not uh dip like the first one you'll be less cowardice let's go okay we got a bunch of them in here and okay he smacked me already do we want to go in I haven't eaten all my food so you should probably wait a second I'm out of here oh wait no I mean you're out of here is what I meant to say get out get out get out get out how many sword swipes does it take when you got your armor on dude get out get out get out big on dig on oh my God and he went over here and now he's done no the shulker shell no it might have landed it actually hold on it actually might have landed on some of the ends Stone let's go down here and give it a double check it may have it might have and if it didn't oh it's right here right on the edge that's perfect about to just break in through this one I don't think I've been in here yet is there shulker boxes yeah oh God oh God Yep they're shulker boxes in here let's run in can I just smack you no I cannot so I'm gonna use my bow because oh and he's blocking it I'm just gonna do this big answer get out I have so many shulker shells now it's okay okay we'll come back we'll use this sir I don't want I would like to just not be floating right now there's so many bullets chilling on the outside okay got him there's one right here we'll go okay I'm pretty sure that fell I'm gonna go in and get all of you guys as soon as this is done as soon as I can not be floating okay I don't want to float I don't want to float there we go I'm just breaking in the side like this we're just gonna go in we're gonna go bam there's a couple of them over here I can see let's go bam okay I can't do that so I'm gonna keep running around we're gonna go bam I'm not gonna use my bow I'm just gonna charge I'm gonna charge I'm gonna go oh yeah 51 sugar shells right now which is crazy and oh I see a guy on the wall let's go over here let's actually you know what let's smack right into nope I thought I was gonna get on his territory wait hold on he's just gonna beam me up to him are you just gonna beam me up to you dude okay you're done I got your shell now this one right here I'm coming after him he doesn't see me I'm a snake in the grass or or a snake in the sky rather and I'm gonna come down and he's done dude as soon as I'm done as soon as I'm done floating let's go in sneak attack sneak attack sneak attack hold on he saw me coming he saw me coming okay and we did it and now that we got 54 let's go dude okay so that's that's like 27 new shulker boxes I believe and we are gonna fly all the way back home I'm glad we got these level three rockets because we'll get there in no time well I mean not in no time what are we at like 1200 negative 2200 we're pretty far away still from zero zero but we're gonna be getting there in a couple minutes hold on a second I am flying over this is what is happening do you have you guys ever seen this there is an entire section of this end boat there's an end City over here I haven't seen this end City yet don't believe I have rated this because there's just it hasn't doesn't look like I've touched it all the purple blocks are still in place still shulkers on this city but dude there is no elytra what happened why did it get cut off what's going on here there's no dragon head or a lytra here or a loot just what is going on this is a very strange one this is weird I mean we still got this here just the whole top half of the this whole like front half of the boat is gone this is strange man home sweet home man this place is this is an ugly looking survival little area over here I can't wait until this little uh end area is just I need to flatten this out or maybe just obliterate all this when you just take TNT to this real quick take all of it out and just redesign it and I'm gonna go back home and we're home it is good to be back here and in a big old place that's just not entirely purple this is nuts back home we can run past all of these like stuck villagers there's more and more of these guys that are getting stuck so you know what we'll let you guys you can get out I'll let you out these two back here they are they're not allowed to get out so uh we'll just run back we have a lot of loot that we got from that giant Ender City and did I say Ender City and City uh yeah we got a lot of loot um so we can probably smelt a lot of the iron tools and a lot of the diamond tools we got some iron I have another shulker box filled with some stuff but I mean we have a lot of iron speaking of that so I mean look at look at this we have a bunch of blocks of iron almost too much that's just one barrel full if I fly all the way back to the iron farm we we have so much and this is just I mean we've traded a bunch already too with some of the weaponsmiths that we have back at the house but if we go in here I mean it's just it's non-stop we have so much iron well we have poppies too but since that is the case uh we just have an abundance of iron so we're gonna run back to the goal board real quick I know we took off one already let's look I think the weaponsmith trading Hall that's what we're gonna do right now I'm gonna take it off preemptively we're gonna get that done this episode we need to start trading all of this iron where to build this trading Hall you ask um I do not know we've built a lot of stuff out in the ocean recently we have two more trading Halls on that side of the town now you can see the cleric trading all rolling through we have the Fletcher trading Hall back there we also built this Watchtower I kind of want to build something up nice and Tall but up on the hill and so if we're going to do up on a hill we'd have to go back into this area right here where there's a bunch of trees and a bunch of cows all this cowage down here man what's what is up with this if I bet if we if we get rid of all these trees we'll find out what's up with all these cows we have an ocelot back here too oh wait this is one that I already tamed what's up my dude how you been yo we have so many cows that are just trapped down here what's that no come on now guys what are you doing down there let's get you out let's get you out let's get you out and the cows now are able to path find their way out of there we have I can see a cow all the way down there I'm thinking what we're gonna have to do is start taking out this portion of the Jungle because we have these trees to take down we have some Oak and birch trees to take down I think if we just make a nice flat area start taking all this out we'll be able to gauge how big this build is able to be I'm probably actually gonna have to take down some of these dirt layers as well I know we've been doing that but this level that I'm on currently is probably going to be as high as I'd like the town to go I don't think I need to go up with the Landscaping any higher than this take down all the trees until it's nice and clear and then I'll get back to you guys I'm not going to make you watch me take down these trees except on a live stream if you're there for a live stream then I'll make you watch me take down some trees for sure and voila we officially got this place uh completely landscaped it took a little bit we did about a three hour stream in order to get all this taken care of found a nice little hole here so we probably need to start filling this in but uh maybe let's explore just a little bit if we go this way a little bit there might be some creepers I'm not really sure let's take a look down here I do hear a zombie or three I also hear a dog so I'm trying to figure out where this dog whoa whoa buddy hold on oh hold it whoa hold up you come up with me let's do this real quick is anybody down is anybody down here I need some free coal not bad I'll take that all right pup Let's uh let's get out of here I don't know how this pup got down there but he okay I guess you can go up first but uh let's uh let's close this hole up now remember there is also a little bit of landscaping to do right down here so this is yeah I feel like we need to probably just get the beach kind of just plugged back in right oh Pop Pop you need to get out of there I don't know what you're doing right there but you need to get out of there let's just probably do this right here so there's uh there's no confusion about what is what I haven't used this palette uh specifically just deep slate in a very long time like since the mob farm on the last hardcore world before this one uh what we're gonna do is do an interior base wall of Cobble deep slate and then we'll surround the outside with maybe one type of wood maybe two I'm thinking about Spruce and Oak this time just bringing it back to the basics hey what's going on dude and then uh we'll probably put the Deep slate tiles and deep slate bricks on the outside of this because it bring it makes for a really nice palette especially when it's a very large build and I kind of want to make this more of a castle build it's going to take a little bit of time I'm going probably enough to spend a little bit of stream time as well building this let's put the tiles here so now you guys can see I've done this before but go one two three one two three now this looks pretty nice it all comes from the same material but it's so different in color that the the texture ends up looking pretty nice here okay step one complete we got too many Towers here but in order to make this look I guess just a little better we probably want this Tower to have a little bit more character probably bring out some sort of structure on each four of the sides here next I think it is time to start thinking about the bridge I'm gonna jump down just a little bit here I'd like to get uh probably around right there this is the height I think it's probably okay to go at we're gonna use I think this is about 15 blocks wide but this is about where the bridge is gonna go I need to figure out how to make this thing look nice as well because I don't I don't want to just be a regular bridge we're going to go down it's going to be arched and it's gonna look good I hope using end rods for lighting over here on the bottom and we are also doing the classic wall to fence to chain to a lighting Source pattern here deep slate tile is actually working pretty well in contrast to the cobbled Deep slate here and never have too many ferns I swear on the sides though instead of a fern I was thinking we'd just go in here with an azalea bush and popping down here if we go into the window obviously we gotta put the glass panel put one on the other side just to make it a little easier for myself later but in the windows just so we can see a little bit better let's put the fern instead and on the sides we need to hop down and I'm going to put a little bit of shutters I can't do that I need to get over here jump back okay yep all right so it's starting to look a little bit decent let's go Bam Bam Bam and flip those down break that one if we jump back there we go that's what all of the windows should look like on stream we actually did bring out a little bit of the area so there's a mini castle that comes out on this side actually if we go over here too there's a mini castle that comes out this way we used a lot of scaffolding I'm glad that we used glass glad that we have that spider farm now though because we have a lot of scaffolding that we can use now this was probably the biggest build here so far and used a lot of materials we're almost out of Cobble deep slate so we're gonna have to go on another stream Adventure where we uh we pretty much get uh we replace all of the Cobble deep slate because we are we're out man I was thinking of doing something different for one of the layers I have Azalea parts right here but if we go up here I can go bam into the stick into flowering azalea leaves and if we put that right on the top it uh yeah that's kind of nice it leaves it a little bit more blocky at the top and we have more of a castle structure on the roof now I haven't really figured out exactly what to do with the roof obviously I need to fill it in still a little bit but this is nice I might just make it so there's a big chimney up here with smoke coming out of it and this bridge is finally complete as well but we just have it's very incomplete rooms right now made out of this actually now that we're out here what I kind of want to do is Bam and okay this just made the balconies that much nicer let's go if I was to take a break from building it would be to do one thing and that is to start transporting some villagers so I think we do need to do that let's uh let's get some of those guys over here got me some boats let's hop down here and okay yep there's a gang of fishermen right here let's uh let's just pop one of you guys actually one of them will walk to the boat we guarantee it wait you're already a weaponsmith wait get in the boat hold on you sir you actually wait uh armor no I don't want either of you hold on a second uh let's get this out right here there we go all right you sir we'll get you in the wait nope yes right here and yes okay I'll take you away right now well this is absolutely perfect we got our first weaponsmith already and he's a master weaponsmith all of the sudden we have 12 villagers just chilling here in boats I don't know how they got here but they ended up here somehow just very magically it was it was magic that's what it was let's go ahead and start popping them out of the boat so I'll go bam get you out they're gonna start hopping into each other's boats though unfortunately that's just usually how it goes but let's start getting you out oh bam and Bam go take your jobs buds there's a bunch of uh oh wait they're already starting to walk up that was pretty easy the clerics took a lot more time to get in are these guys gonna start taking their jobs gonna make sure they don't go straight for an exit though all right so you got a grindstone right here you got a grindstone okay this is this is perfect and this is what I'm doing for the Interior right now I kind of want it to be a little bit more futuristic mixed with like a more medieval type look so I got the Cobblestone and I have the Frog lights in here I still am adding some other stuff like right here I have a just one door I might just connect these with some of the walls thinking putting these right here one two three four okay this might be looking kind of strange what if we go up like that actually no that'll be fine do we have a chain on us no we don't but we could put an end rod in here with the End Rod even fit the End Rod would fit that kind of looks cool yeah not too bad that gives the corners a lot more space here and actually let's just get the rest of these guys up in here don't want them oh man they're gonna start crowding the boats no no no no no let's grab these boats here let's go bam you guys get out you guys get out there's no escaping now you guys are going to go in there and get on them grindstones and you're gonna get to work I'm sorry my bad dude I'm so sorry one by one they filter in get on in there but oh no okay I guess okay you go in oh never mind this they're a little confused on what they want to do let's just uh let's go out this way there's a couple things that I wanted to show you real quick we got for the most part the decorating done it's a very very symmetrical build the interior here is loaded up with the uh the Frog lights as you can see on the inside of the windows there is nothing but frog lights it's pretty cool there because I didn't I don't know I just felt like dark but now it just seems like there are there's like a big bright Factory inside almost forgot to put the doors on the bridge here we'll go in here actually let's go in here like that that's perfect and we got some frog lights on the bridge here to keep this lit up at night and the grindstones at the very top of the end rods actually just sticking right up I thought that might be kind of oh wait do I have the fence gates on me I do I have just the right amount so we're gonna go bam and then if we run back here we can go Bim and that is looking nice we have trap doors we do there's a cup there's always just a little bit of decorating that I forget to do right until the very end let's go right there and we'll get right there look at these little rats in a cage what are you guys doing down here why aren't you moving what I should do is actually take some of the dirt do I have some more I could just start taking some of this outside stuff and start or these ones right here and just kind of start moving in on them so they have less room to move oh wait there they go they're all moving in let's go of course when the exterior is done anywhere and for the most part I'd say this interior is done I like to keep it like more modern I'm trying to go a little bit different with the way I'm doing the Interiors now and I try to give these villagers more space I don't know it's just kind of weird just leaving them all just in in one spot where they can't move around I like the liveliness of them walking around and having some freedom in here but yeah now that the exterior is done I can walk around kind of bone meal up this area and I kind of I cannot wait to get some builds back in here we are getting oh man everything back here is starting to look so like put together because we this this used to be a giant forest back here before we started putting anything like the Frog Sanctuary pumpkin and melon farm the bee sphere now we have something all the way back on the other side of the mountain this is just this is unbelievable it's always raining when I'm trying to do something fun especially like when I'm trying to do some foliage outside but I think this Hillside let's turn it just let's just turn it into some Moss oh that was bad I should have done I think this was still dirt let's do I have any dirt we can just turn this into that and that that's that's perfect I took down all of the trees so I kind of wanted and I forgot to do this side of the small Tower too so I need to get the uh the jungle back the jungle I took it all down over here so we just gotta we gotta replant the jungle we gotta we gotta replant the forest man let's go oh my God that was a huge one right off the bat all right so we'll get that guy in let's go up on this hill maybe we can get a tree right here if we get some bone meal and going oh my God look at that I don't know what this is also I think on stream a creeper tried to uh attack me I'm not sure exactly where it came from but hold on do I have any dirt I do not have any dirt but I have a lot of coal and I just got even more coal but for a good reason because now we can go in now that all these guys are in here we can start making some trades uh for the most part this guy just needs that what are you doing sir are you okay you all right sir there we go uh let's see yep get you some coal right here and then as soon as you sell them enough coal they can start trading for some iron let's see right here and boom iron and now finally we can after like what is this like 14 episodes later we finally have a trading Hall to get rid of all of this iron we have way too much it's just actually spilling out up there we have all right let's just take all of this we're gonna start probably having to come back here you know what I never did the interior of this place ever uh let's just ignore that for just a moment but we're gonna run back and we have so much iron to sell I'm so excited let's just let's go right now let's use a rocket unnecessary but let's do it let's go over here Bam Bam and uh let me in you get some iron and you get some iron and wait a second you up there you get some iron you get some iron sir you over here you get some iron even and you you get some iron you over here sir you you do not get some iron I don't what are you doing over here you're a farmer and why I think I punched a couple of these guys by accident because all of their trades got a little expensive I'm gonna have to probably ring some of these guys in with a zombie so I and get some extra cheap trades this master over here just gave I I wonder how long he's been the master sunflowers over here never heard nobody no no no no no no no no get out get out okay now I'm On Fire come on now dude some lilacs out in the front of the small Tower too I want to finish bone Milling up some areas and get some Azalea trees in here too like maybe if we just like put one out on the outskirts kind of get a couple of these going here I feel like yeah azalea trees always just make everything look better I don't know that's that's just my opinion what do you guys think I think I mean obviously these bushes putting these around looks good too if you just put these out everywhere but I think as an azalea tree every once in a while it just makes everything look way nicer going back in for a quick sale I got a bunch of iron what do you guys got nothing what do you guys got iron let's go give me that come on yeah let's go give me that and I got dude so many iron I mean so many emeralds so quickly oh hold on I have to figure out which one this guy's working on so you're a novice and you need to go this way because sometimes they do not have the ability to buy coal from you immediately so let's see if he goes over here now he can buy some coal but pretty expensive why does he do that it's so expensive we just got over four stacks of emeralds so fast that's insane dude I am I am loving this this build it we just we built it right in to the landscape very well I think um in my opinion so now we just got to start building some other small stuff around it I'm definitely gonna do a Long play pretty soon where we do a crane right here so we can get that worked in that's gonna look nice but yeah guys let me know what you think of this build I know it's a like a more of a darker castle look but I know since it's a weaponsmith like an arm not an armor but it's a weaponsmith trading Hall uh I just wanted to be to have that more dark look oh actually you know what we could do is the chimneys on top like I said I was gonna do came back to get the campfires these dogs just got pushed and are you okay dude these dogs just got pushed up into the corner let's get them out of the house actually so I think when the dogs like in the dog Sanctuary when they fall off the dog Sanctuary they just like somehow just teleport back to me because I've just been having dogs pop up absolutely everywhere hold on but run to me so I can sit you down and please sit you guys just sit here feel like we could get a nice chimney going over here let's just probably just go one two let's just get like a four by four on maybe both sides but this can be a little bit taller like that and we only really have to do two of these in order to get a nice effect so I'll get those then we can make a nice outskirt here flip these bad boys up and we got ourselves a nice little uh a chimney I'm not sure why but up on the smaller Tower I thought just putting an even bigger chimney might be kind of cool so if we just do that on all four sides here actually we can put one in the middle too we'll just go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam so it's easier for us to lay the ouch hey not too bad we got the chimneys here brought a little bit more color because it's cobbled and the dark gray on the gray looks nice yo this is not a bad looking build at all I'm loving this we had a nice addition to the world here nice dude all right guys thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate you this was episode 19 episode 20 is right around the corner thank you so much to all the patrons everybody who joined the patreon Recently I do appreciate you and everybody that's been joining for the twitch streams we do stream every single day on Twitch it is twitch.tv wax fraud thank you for joining with us if you do but yeah that is gonna be it for this episode guys uh episode 20 like I said right around the corner let's get to it do something nice for somebody guys and just take care of yourselves until next time now there's an old saying that goes who watches the Watchman and on this Watchtower we do actually have a Watchman and uh the question has been long running who does watch The Watchmen and uh it looks like we found somebody there is another villager that walked all the way up here we have Watchmen over here but we have another one looks like we do have a watchman's Watchman even got a handy dandy name tag you sir now have a name we have Watchmen and we have the watchman's Watchmen guys get ready for episode 20. this is gonna be a good one and thank you for tuning in to episode 19 where we built the weaponsmith trading Hall it's gonna be right around the corner over here if I can fly a little bit faster bada bing and bada boom this Castle is large and the interior is kind of cool I like the way that we made the interior floor here all these guys can just roam free and do what they gotta do now these guys get to roam entirely free which is great but if I pop around this way there is something that I noticed on stream if I can just fly through the trees so there is this hole remember the Long play that we did there's a lot of villagers that are down here and they seem to have gotten stuck like if I walk down here let's see we got well first of all there's a guy right there's two guys right here that I can see then we look right there there's two guys right there sounds like there's more all the way down here all I I just hear Yep looks like there's two right there we even have one still chilling in the boat over here this is just kind of crazy so that does have me thinking um after making this long play we do have a nice pathway down here what I could do and I here's a skeleton that's not very good but I could build a city down here thinking later on ah I fell later on but not right now I'm thinking down in this cave we could we can make a pretty nice Town let's get out of here though I have a couple things to do also actually the long plays in between these episodes thank you for watching those if you did I really do appreciate that one of them that we did was this over here let's fly in nice safe landing and right next to the starter house over here oh my God there's so many people that are stuck what is going on hold on a second let's just break this maybe that'll help okay that didn't do anything let's get the ax out and I guess let's just do that okay that I don't what happened why was everybody stuck there confused it how they even got in if they're not even able to get out oh they fell in like this that's how they did it anyways right next to the starter house we have a brand new tunnel I will actually take myself down here got a nice Frog Light tube system that's going to light us up all the way down and as the magma block pulls us down to the bottom we are here in our tunnel we can hop in and this is it this is absolutely it and uh we're having a good time I hope you guys like this tunnel the like of it I try I can only really go this tall because we have the spider farm that kind of blocks it right there we're about to pass it right here but yeah the spider farm unfortunately only allowed us to go about three blocks tall on this but we ended up making the most of it and it kind of looks it's nice and overgrown got the glowberries making sure that there's no mobs that are gonna be spawning and this thing can take us all the way down to the auto sorting system which is like a couple hundred blocks away and only a matter of like a couple of minutes so we leave that right there and this is only really what we've got done so far of the auto sorting system I know we said this is gonna be a big Mega project I'm gonna have it looping I'm gonna have it basically just be one big hallway maybe I'll have to be like a cross shape or a plus sign shape or I'll have it go down this way and have it go very far down to the south and north right now North I meant to say North but right now it's only going to be going One Direction which is uh that's that's the plan right now at least been spending a little bit of time taking out all of these blocks on stream because I mean we have a we have a little bit more to take out obviously we can't just have these like 24 blocks ready to go there are hundreds of different blocks in this game or items in this game and I'm trying to collect them all so yeah coming up here and taking out from the ceiling down it is definitely a piece of work but it's very rewarding because at the end of all of this we'll have a bunch of building blocks like a bunch of building materials and we'll have a nice big tube to be able to put all of our storage we will finish the rest of that on stream it's just it's more fun to do that on stream honestly when there's a live chat by the way it is twitch.tv wax fraud if you want to join on any of those live streams feel free to drop by anytime back at this haul I can't I still can't believe all of these villagers are just stuck down here there's one two three four five six seven I think there's seven villagers down here which is nuts I also forgot to mention we do have a nice water well system that we had set up I found a couple cool pictures of some wells and inspired me to make something that looked a little bit like this where just a little bit more industrial we have smaller Wells that we built around town but this is definitely one of the larger Wells that I've seen or built so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the two long plays this one was pretty fun to do as well because we had built this one uh nestled in in between the pumpkin and melon farm and the new Watchtower where Watchmen and the watchmen's Watchmen are up at now but we also have this one over here by the B sphere kind of making this area over here look a little bit more cozy now that we're back here though by the beesphere we have a lot of work to do I finished last episode without kind of decorating the outside I bit a lot of flowers everywhere as you can see there's every type of flower and I hear a zombie coming at me but I don't know from which direction and hello sir you need okay he be gone to himself but uh the reason I brought this brown sugar is because it has everything we need so I mean we have the white beds for the park benches that we can put around everywhere so so for instance actually if we want to be able to sleep in between we can just put a bed right here and then go behind it Go bam bam oh my God there's a spider get out of here what are you doing finish it off with the sign wait finish it off with the sign right there and then we finish it off with the sun right there and Bam Bam easy as that we can thank flip for that park bench idea I love that so much and next we're just gonna have to start putting some lamps everywhere because this is what just keeps it lit and I do not want for instance like that spider that just spawned and it probably wouldn't have spawned near us if we had these lamps everywhere so let's go here and Bam then for some extra lighting and Decor we're just gonna put some hay bales around to make it seem like I don't know honestly these this is just nice for color and decorated pretty much everything around here it's it's looking pretty full for the most part we're gonna get some like Wells and flower shops like it's just set up around here just because that makes everything always look a little bit nicer but one thing that that I have been kind of lacking on is the the fire camps around here you know like the little spots where you can just sit around and watch the fire I need to break this open break this open let's go here I'm gonna get the Cobblestone stairs in because I used a bunch of deep slate on this build so it's gonna make it pop just a little bit more and we'll get a campfire in and we gotta get all of the oak signs on all of these just to make it look like it's just a little bit more cozy to sit in this area over here is looking nice and cozy but I'm pretty low on Rockets actually only have three left so what we're gonna have to do is just fly on over see you later iron farm and hello creeper Farm we don't spend too much time over here and we only pretty much fly over it so I don't expect too much to be here and actually that's not that bad at all Let's uh let's load this up do we even have room in here let's see wow I am not doing very good at organizing there we go we definitely have room in the brown shulker box Let's uh let's grab as much gunpowder as we can make as many Rockets as we can not too bad we actually got an entire row of flight duration three rockets over here with two gun powder to spare let's uh let's just smack that back hey you actually know we got four to spare what do you know starting a brand new collection but we've been getting a lot of the trading hauls done and uh all of them filled up there's been one trading Hall in my mind and it's this library because uh not we we almost got it done it's almost filled up except for a couple of these spots there's one right there and then there is I believe two right there I think we have to get two more I think maybe three more down here and uh if we can just do that we have one yeah maybe just two more down here if we can get them down here that would uh that would just like that would be nice hello does anybody over here want to be a librarian you are a farmer we have way too many of those Let's uh get just okay come on one of you guys get in the boat somebody yeah all right you sir let's get you you're you're a librarian now how do you feel about that so many villagers right here this is insane uh let's just take one of you guys all right let's go that's perfect this is awesome and sir how do you feel about becoming a librarian all right so we are here let's head down to la biblioteca let's uh take this here bam and Bam let's uh just go down the stairs real quick it's going to be no big deal we'll stop you right there we'll take this left right here gotta make sure no one runs down here it's gonna be difficult it's a little difficult to get villagers in and out of through those Gates home sweet home all right let's get you parked over next to the other empty Spa we already have the other empty spot set up so we'll go here and back into the back corner you go wait I hope you're not an actual like Apprentice all right I've never traded with this guy so let's get into the boat a little bit further this way I am stuck I hate getting stuck uh at least we have a lytra so we are going to do this the easy way and this is the way I've been doing it so we're just gonna Walk This Way boom you are you have this guy has nowhere to go I'll grab that and even the lectern is good right there grab that water and run back to this side right here and boom break that you sir you're no longer going to be a fisherman it's time to be a librarian and boom and Bop and we are we're pretty much set to go once these dudes convert into librarianism we uh we should be I think that's it that's all the Librarians this is okay this is nice we officially have everything set back into place it's nice to have all the trading halls in order especially the one that's so close to home but uh for right now I know we used a lot of Cobble slate on the last episode so we actually need to hop down to our little Cobble slate mining area that we've been digging out on stream for a couple months and we really need to get get to it because uh yeah we used pretty much like three double chests worth of cobbled deep slate on the last build episode 19 took a long time to build and we spent like four or five streams doing it um but uh yes I mean it's not that hard to get all the materials back it's pretty fun spending a little bit of time on stream getting all that back to just get some tough get some Cobble deep sleep get some gravel while we're down here as well ever since we got that trading hole for the Fletchers though we have been eating up all of the wood in order to uh trade for sticks and I just spotted another villager all the way out here why are you out here dude what is going on why why do you wait hold on I have the boats with me still so let's get you in a boat and let's return you to the home at what you came for yeah there you go let's I'm gonna assume that you came from this island and I'm just gonna slap you up right over here where you belong let's park you right oh you made me break a lily pad sir I'm gonna Park you right next to this little open spot we'll break the boat and you have a new home and get it no wait wait come on get in there yeah get in there sir take a job any job take a job any job he's a farmer what do you know only one thing to do but to find that Lily Pad wherever it went did it actually just go all the way down nope where'd it wait I have found the lily pad located it and we're gonna put it back here right now anyways what I was trying to say was uh regarding the tree farm we have a lot of wood that has been used in order to just be like a sail for sticks and so uh now I'm gonna get back in here for a couple of other reasons and that is for building once again and oh my God why I actually I this believe it or not this is the second time this guy is here I I took this year he's from the island he's from the island over there I actually took him out of here got him out with some water buckets it was pretty easy I'll do it again actually you know what you stay in here you can stay in here now push you in even further Bud yeah I don't know why he decided to come in the only way in and out is through this little glass hole and don't mind the textures on the the continuity mod I accidentally I deleted it for a second I was trying some other ones out and uh just went back with zero continuity at the moment so this kind of looks kind of it looks kind of crazy going back to the regular textures without anything connected but yeah if anybody is wondering the reason everything is connected usually is with the continuity mod because I use fabric to play I don't use OptiFine or like Forge or anything I do use Fabric and oh a tree just grew right there but yeah fabric is amazing that's why I use it but the continuity mod I just have it off right now I should just turn it back on I have it on for all thumbnails and usually all gameplay and right now as I'm in here I'm realizing that I have it off currently it's no big deal and not really affecting the performance too much and probably honestly increasing my FPS a little bit for the recording right now it's time to become a lumberjack and take all this stuff down and uh we're gonna be using a lot of spruce for today's build Smackdown as many of the saplings as we can I'm I'm not going I'm not wasting anything we are planning as many Spruce trees as possible in here now we have been dealing a lot with uh just random Redstone farms and with the Villagers especially I mean not these finish these fishermen have been giving us a lot of campfire so appreciate you guys good job you guys keep doing your thing but in general we've been dealing with a lot of villagers and a lot of redstone stuff so I kind of want to do a build involving some mobs or some animals at least that we enjoy uh me personally my favorite Minecraft mob I might have mentioned this before but it is the turtle I love Minecraft Turtles and that's kind of sad honestly we do not have a turtle sanctuary in this world yet so I think it's about time we get that done walking over this way the correct way instead of walking backwards now let's go oh what's up Turtle speaking of turtles how you doing bud he's just he's he's chilling uh we have Fox Sanctuary coming up soon Shepard's trading Hall armored trading Hall Masonry or a Mason trading Hall Butch trading Hall bamboo Farm all of that stuff is just stuff we've been working on a lot of trading Halls a lot of redstone stuff but uh I kind of want to do this Turtle sanctuary I'm gonna take it out because that's what we're doing today did you hear that Turtles we are uh we're giving you a home you guys are all getting a home this is gonna be fantastic man we do actually have a lot of turtles down here so this is a much needed build that's coming where to build it though is the real question because we can I mean we can fly out here maybe a turtle Sanctuary out on the water would be kind of nice like a floating island for them um the only place that I would think to build something is right on the beach and if we're gonna build something on the beach it would be over here next to the Frog Sanctuary but I don't know if I want to start building over here yet I was hoping to build a big old Tower over here after long deliberation I'm pretty sure that this spot right here is gonna be the best I think if we just kind of go up and away a little bit we can look at it from right here this is a beach it's nice the turtles like to beach on land there's a lot of sand they like to place their eggs on the sand and there's a lot of water they like to swim around in the water and there's a lot of turtles over here so if we had Turtles uh just kind of migrating this way just a tad I feel like that wouldn't be too bad also this over here is just a little bit of a dead area we don't really have much going on besides all of these trees that we had grown over here oh my God I planted a bunch of acacia trees because we were running low on Acacia trap doors for the nether Highway that we are still working on by the way we actually needed a bunch of different types of wood this is actually becoming a common theme we're running low on pretty much everything we just got the spruce we have Acacia now if I go through here hey yeah we were planting a bunch of birch trees which is actually in turn kind of a great idea for making more beehives because we have more beehives popping up left and right we also have the handy dandy mangrove forest over here actually right I mean you can see okay never mind it's not just the mangrove forest we actually planted a long strip of uh two by two jungle tree so we get more jungle wood we actually have an acacia I mean not Acacia azalea tree Forest that we planted down here that I need to start taking out because I need more of the decoration this is not more for the oak wood it's more for uh just taking the hoe to this real quick and getting more azalea bushes the main Grove though that is the one that we are needing the most we are actually running very very low and it's one of my favorites to build with so it's sad that we're running out so that's why I I have my no Redstone way of going through here and getting all this taken down actually using the shears is better because I mean I've explained this before you can go through and pretty much if you're not going to use these uh mango leaves for anything you can just turn them into bone meal so might as well collect them if you have an iron farm that is if you have unlimited shears then you might as well make some extra bonus no more distract actions though we will come back to the mangrove forest as soon as we need some extra logs right now I do want to focus it's a lot of Mangrove and deep slate uh heavy in this area so I kind of wanted to bring some Spruce over here we have some Spruce and deep slate right there but that's still extra deep slate heavy on that dog Sanctuary so we are going to have to just let's just focus on Spruce today let's uh go I mean let's make these divisible by three when we go out let's kind of get a grid going for this and build up and then we'll get a roof going let's just get a basic structure and then we'll start making it more unique once we at least have something to build off of now this right here is a color palette I have not used before brick with stripped Spruce I have some Oak buttons here as well I plan on using some Oak we have these Spruce stairs spread out about five blocks apart to make a structure here and we are going to use the wall defense to chain to Lantern action going here but I think I'm gonna use some brick and granite mixtures here in order to make a nice little roof here but I think I'm only going to use this for the edge of the roof I think the rest of the roof will probably just be spruce wood or oak wood or a mixture of both actually I really don't know what's going to look the best but we're going to start out making the edge of the roof with a bunch of brick and a bunch of granite I just I haven't used this yet and I think it would look pretty nice over here but we'll slap this in here slap this in here and then we're gonna make the roof kind of go up if I can get that in we're gonna make the roof go up join right this way and the roof is also going to go up super tall over here so what we're going to do is probably get some Granite blocks brick stairs and go up slowly with another Granite block and then we might just from here on out we went up two so I think it's about I think we probably should just use the stairs instead from here on out so it doesn't get too tall actually now that we're up here I'm thinking that this would probably look better if we kind of gradually turn this into slabs it started out with planks turn it into stairs go up by about three and then probably about here we'll go into slavage uh let's go down I'm probably gonna just start putting the interior filling all of that up with glass as usual actually right here probably won't do but one two three one two three let's just get a nice glass barrier going this will help us uh figure out what the decorations on the walls are going to look like actually if we come over here this right here is going to be a pretty good example of up one two three and let's just fill up this wall real quick because I already have some fence gates and I already have the wall to fence to chain to Lantern action going right there okay so that's not bad at all the wall ends up connecting to the glass makes it look a little bit thicker and I like that a lot I might end up putting some light source right here or maybe some trap doors right here I'm really not sure what is this we could I mean no we'll just leave it glass for now and I'm actually glad that we got the glass up in there because now that this right here looks a little bit more structurable I can actually put a plant there and that looks not too bad I wonder what it would look like if we put a brick wall here too that's not terrible but it does look a little bit out of place I'll leave it there for now until I can think of something cooler a little dock over here this is going to be a little bit weird to make I think what I'll have to do is since we have the stairs right out here I'll probably have to start taking out some logs and or some planks because we don't have to be too decorative under the water but we should bring them down here so it looks like that's sitting on a nice structure turtle's already taken interest over here nice we got some of the floorboards kind of worked in over here I'm starting to get the sand up in here too actually now we have some sand I went into the desert to get some I started packing some into here because I didn't want any Turtles to swim back into this area this is probably the the area that they they don't need to be in this is this is probably the worst place for them to go back there is a big old cave so we're just going to keep on placing some sand here uh in these little crevices and pretty soon it'll just be A-Okay for all the turtles I ended up putting some trap doors over here to make it seem like there was a little bit of an area to go but what I might do is this as well let's see if is there a place for me to put that that there we have one solid Beam for structure right in the middle and I'll come back here and now on the roof as you can see I started uh I started trying a lot a little bit of uh Mossy the Cobblestone uh some Mossy bricks and some Moss itself down here as well just to kind of bring out some colors we have the bricks with the granite mixture oh actually I need to get a lantern right here I'm glad that I pulled up this thing's starting to take shape it's starting to get a little bit bigger than I thought it was going to be but that's not necessarily a bad thing let's hop over here though there are a couple details that are missing if we go right here let's go up to the tippy top I'm probably going to put some stairs on that side and on that side buttons never hurt nobody we got some walls we'll put right here we have the granite we do have Granite walls put those right here we got the fences we have more chains and guess what you you you're never going to guess what goes next it's a kit it's never going to be some lanterns slap some plants right all the way up top here and that's looking pretty nice but I think we're gonna need some trapdoors around the ones on this side that's just going to make this look a little bit better if we pop right here and get another one of those light fixtures on the side over here so it looks a little bit better I also decided down here I was going to put azalea bushes and instead of the brick walls down here with the Azalea pots I decided to just do the mossy bricks down here sorry not Mossy Ray Mossy Stone figured that actually just but I don't know it looks a little bit better coming over here though I decided uh just to put the composters on top of the trap doors we'll put that here and then we can slap some of these guys actually wait that is wrong we'll slap that there I'll take that out we'll slap that there then we can put them up here we already have a little pathway going right into the door and you already know what I'm actually gonna do right here that is oh and I'm glad that I thought of that we'll get the azalea bushes here too I don't can't believe I didn't remember that okay now we have a path to get in and might as well put some more azalea bushes on the inside while we're building there's actually something that I thought we probably should do and that is going to get some turtle eggs and we need to we need to actually make some turtles so 32 is quite a lot let's just take 16 we'll take half of that we need to go down and plant some of these Fellers right in through here let's just go to the Sand Bar right here and you know what this is where this is where these Turtles are going to be from now we got the dock that's missing the azalea bushes too let's go at the top here placing what we need to I believe this area over here is pretty much fully decorated let's take this out take that out bang and Bop we'll get out here let's blast off a firework real quick and do a quick turn around all right so look at this we have ourselves a nice little building here am I able to perch here there we go so this is looking A-Okay it looks like it's overgrown with some Moss here a lot of cobblestone a lot of Mossy bricks and mossy Stone and also we're using moss itself I actually really like this roof I'm glad that we were able to get all of these colors together on this side here I built a path that kind of goes around the side I don't know if we're gonna end up doing a dock here but I mean we could actually build a dock here for now though what I wanted to do was let's hop in and grab some of these I wanted to decorate instead of using big Coral blocks I'm just going to use the coral fans decorate this everywhere that way the turtles can have some color in and around their home going in side yeah we'll just go Bam Bam look at this this is absolutely beautiful also on the inside I have started decorating the nature part is okay I brought the water in a little bit more so when these turtle eggs hatch they can have a little bit more of a homey space I decided to have a little bit of End Rod action going on here I wanted some stuff to be hanging from the ceilings because we don't really do that very often so here's what I was thinking I'm gonna pull some chains out and some end rods out and we're just going to start making everything hang as pretty much far as it can and I'm probably gonna put these everywhere and now it kind of looks like there's a like a starry night sky in here I'm kind of liking this a lot actually wait there's a missing there's a stair up there that doesn't belong let's go up here real quick get you on out of here bud what do you think you're doing over here we also need to put one last trapdoor right there and I'm being a detective I have a fence and I made it perfect we have a fence that was open let's close that let's pop through here let's break all these we have we pretty much I like this there's stars in here the turtles all they need to do is hatch and then I hope hoping they like this place oh yeah also we have some friends now we have buddy we also have friend we have uh we have guy and we have pal we have a four llamas I I don't know why I haven't been collecting them but we're collecting them now the wandering Trader at uh it's a kind of sad we we take his stuff and then uh you know we just kind of off with him you know and then uh that's it we should probably just like take care of the llamas actually as we were finishing the interior I remembered that we had in the last episode not even built ourselves in like an official path over to the course fruit farm so now here we go we finally got one in and and now all we have to do is take some away kind of like this so that we can finish the path as usual with Spruce Spruce will go Oak and then oak and then we'll get some deep slate up and back over here this thing is looking nice and cozy we got some mangrove trees plant in here we got the campfires on both sides everything is lit up with The Verdant frog Lights Under the Moss here this is kind of nice and hidden got the jack-o-lanterns over here we even got some nether plants up in here to make things look nice this is looking nice and cozy I'm thinking here if we take a rock it will probably be able to uh just to double check to see if this build is done I'm trying I'm starting to think it is we have done what we needed to do guys thank you so much for watching episode 20. appreciate y'all for being here this was such a fun episode I am going to start next episode with the turtles that hatched and oh God I fell no oh my God look at this this is a travesty oh my God the uh lightning must have hit this house I need to start putting some lightning odds everywhere this is this is awful I I'm lucky that the entire house didn't get taken down I'm also lucky that I didn't like cover up too much of this with uh decoration because that could have been a lot of time wasted I'm yeah wow the roof is done but uh let's see are all the villagers here did the roof get taken out I think over here is okay okay this is starting to look good the oh my God that was insane Fletcher's you look okay and we're about to get into episode 21 let's go guys thank you for watching I really appreciate it guys I really do appreciate you stopping by for episode 21 and thanks for stopping by for all of the twitch streams it is twitch.tv slash wax fraud in case you want to stop by anytime we do stream every single day in between episodes we have been working on a couple things and uh the previous episodes I know we had been working on the exterior decoration uh after the episode but if we walk in I did a little bit more to the interior decoration just because I don't know I started to feel like some stuff was getting empty so I added some more stuff in here because we're spending a lot of time in here trading all of the iron getting all of these weapon Smiths up to Masters and I you know I mean we just we need this place to look a little bit nicer since we're spending more time in here and it has been long requested we're gonna fly over there now the iron farm we are almost there it has been something that we neglected the interior was just basically nothing for a very very long time but now the interior actually looks kind of decent so let's walk in we spent an entire live stream pretty much making this area look decent and hey we got a guy that's already walking in here you know what you make it look nice they uh you know if you build it they will come got some iron blocks up top got some chests over here actually filled up with some iron if we end up needing to get some extra this thing is always filling up but I decided to get some actual like natural lighting hanging from this is some end rods and then the rest of it is going to be some lanterns I might have overdone it with the lanterns but it is what it is and there goes another victim right now sorry about it dude but thanks for doing what you're doing used a lot of azalea bushes in here too a lot of plants just made everything look a little bit cozy and even decorated the ceiling I don't know I just I wanted this place to look a little bit less empty hey this guy's back in let's go what's up my man you can this can be your home I don't want to move a bed in here though because that might I don't know if a bed in here would mess up the iron farm I really don't know can't believe we have to make this roof all over again this is just this is just bad we uh yeah lightning rods I placed around on the beaches and stuff I would be cool to get some actual structures that could hold some lightning rods I've never really thought of doing that before but that would be pretty cool if we did that and before I forget I am going to show you the build that we made on the previous episode let's go right boom we have a nice little turtle Sanctuary would you look at that would yeah just look at it and I know I said that I was gonna start the next episode with some turtles hanging out right here but dude they are just not hatching I've spent a couple nights in here they're cracking but they're not hatching I don't know what's going on and I think a zombie came in here and just stepped on a couple of these or a villager came in here because there was four of them that were right here and now they're gone or they turned into Turtles and the turtles just left but no way that happened because I don't see any Turtles yet but regardless we do have a nice Turtle Sanctuary now so when these guys finally do pop out of these eggs we'll have some nice Turtles hanging out here and it's gonna be awesome now these reptiles over here got me thinking of another Sanctuary that we have kind of been neglecting and that is the Frog Sanctuary I mean we didn't neglect the build the build has a lot of decorations but uh we I mean all the frogs are gone I mean we had like 50 plus frogs and we even named them and they're all gone I don't know where they went this place is did not mean to do that this place is absolutely empty I even took out the doors but some of these here this is a mystery a flat out mystery we know we went around this on stream and I looked around everywhere back here and I looked around to make sure to see if there was any openings in any of these glass areas and there's no openings but no also there's no frogs out here so I just don't know what's going on man this is I don't know what happened to all the frogs but they just appeared if we go around the side though we do have a friend we have one frog left it is one frog that I found and that's one frog that we still had named it's shmatty p93 and uh yeah we we still have to find some more frogs in order to do that we're probably gonna have to go to a swamp and that Mangrove swamp I know that I took out all of the frogs and probably the first three episodes and brought them all here so I'm gonna have to go to a different swamp I know for a fact there is a swamp out this direction uh south of the town whoa wandering Trader okay hold on a second what are you doing here bud let's see okay some Nautilus shells you stay right here do not move and I will be right back I kind of want to take those llamas too and kind of join them up with the other llamas coming back real quick for that quick trade do not go anywhere my dude all right let's trade this thank you very much I want pretty much everything you got I don't really need the Birch but I'm just gonna take it for the XP just because Actually I don't even have enough so what we're gonna do quick is I'll just do that and that this guy's gonna start spitting at me but I'll get you down oh wait wait no no he's gonna fall on the oh he landed he was okay and he's still trying to spit at me okay so this I don't even think this llama saw me do anything so he's not gonna try to spit out be cool perfect so this guy's name is dude which is great then damn that was crazy that llama fell all the way down and didn't take any fall damage barely so this is dude right here I'm gonna push him down uh should hopefully not take any fall damage go down you're all good my man oh it's perfect so then we'll go down here we have dude and then this other guy that's spitting at me uh this is for uh this guy's gonna be from the UK his name is mate uh mate seems to be spitting on dude right now so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take dude and me and dude are just gonna go this way for a little bit uh mate can just be chilling back there and dude and I are just gonna go to the other llamas sometimes I totally forget that I built this little underwater base here I love this but I will never forget this underwater tunnel and believe me we will I still have plans there will be on the other Island that's all the way that direction I will be getting something built over there stuck Turtle alert we have a code red we have a code red and the turtle is unstuck we are clear on stream we actually did end up making a little dock over here right next to the turtle Sanctuary I forgot to mention that and that was right after the episode and look even we have a lightning rod all the way out here just in case we are planting those things everywhere because you can never be too safe what's up chicken how are you surviving all the way out here I didn't know we had chickens all the way out here wild chickens are rare I did away with a lot of those in the first five episodes um but uh yeah they seem to be they seem to be coming back the population is rising all right dude you can join a friend and Buddy over here we have what do we have we have guy and pal back here all right so let's go get a lead and then let's bring let's bring mate over there too there this guy where oh my God okay so look at this Lily Pad there we go what are you doing what are you doing and what are you doing why are there so many villagers that just keep on escaping to this island then they realize that a life on this island is not that great either and then they just start escaping to the middle of everything and they're like you know what I'm just gonna chill right here in where where I can just be it's like they're like in neutral ground they're like you know what I just want to be far far away from everything I want to be equidistant from everything I'm everywhere but I'm also nowhere all right we're taking meat back here and we're gonna link him up on the same poll as pal and guy and uh we have we have acquired six llamas this is nice we get a couple more we have enough for a llama Sanctuary this is gonna be great so now that that distraction is over let's uh let's fly out of here I kind of want to go towards the South a little bit we'll take a nap right on top of the tree farm real quick but let's go towards the South a little bit I need to put some of that wood away too um yeah let's go get some frogs and uh then we'll bring them back here we basically need to repopulate the Frog population uh the 1.18 mountain landscape never gets old and The Meadows too honestly one of the best biomes that were added to the game okay looks like we have a Pillager Outpost Let's uh you know what actually wait no why wait we have never I've never had alleys in this game I've never seen allies in this game let's go okay let's go to the tippy top up here and let's just break one of these off and use it wait what's happening let's use this to just kind of block the staircase so they can't get up what's in here oh I think I thought there's gonna be a goat horn that would have been cool I'm gonna take you out I'm gonna take you out I'm gonna take you out this is great well I actually I probably shouldn't have drawn attention to myself that probably wasn't very smart but let's just do that I'm gonna just fly down here real quick let's just do this and let's break these guys free let's do this right here wait can I just throw that at you wait boom gave it to you wait be gone sir oh sir dude wait stop stop stop the other Olay is gone already hold on I want to give you something real quick dude yes let's go do not shoot the Lays I swear if you should okay let's uh let's get out of here as fast as we can I don't know if they can follow me while I'm on the Rockets I gave them some uh dark wood real quick okay let's uh let's just run up here get away from everybody and dude let's let's go we have a lay number one hold on where's the other guy he's right here we have two lays yo this is okay this is unexpected I'm loving this and they just do they just follow you they just follow you yes let's go dude okay so we can still get the frogs let's stay away from The Outpost we can still get the frogs with some alays but we might just need to run there instead okay now I'm just thinking about all of the uh the storage stuff because I'm doing the auto sorter with the storage I wonder how I can use these lays with uh with the auto sorter there's so many things that you can do with these guys grab some coal while I'm out here you can never be too far into the game to grab some more coal I don't know why every time I see it I'm still gonna grab some I keep looking back to see if I lost the Alas and every time I turn around and I see one just kind of just peek away and then the other one's gone but always comes around yep there it is what's up my dudes how you guys doing I have spotted the swamp this is great hey yo we have some crazy big uh looking mountains over here big spruce tree Cliffs that's kind of a cool looking structure that'd be cool to have a house coming out of the side of that let's not get distracted there are too many distractions on this trip this is awesome I love having we it's like having two little buddies on a little Adventure here this is great let's uh all right let's go to the swamp we need to get more buddies in by that I mean we need to get some frogs we need to yeah we need frogs like right now hey what up my turtle how you doing it's good to see you all the way over here in these parts we just traveled like 3 000 blocks to get over here but hey it's no big deal okay we can do this let's find a frog they're gonna be orange and they're gonna be doing a thing called a ribbit I saw one hopping from so far away I just out of my good corner of my eye I saw one hopping and he's right here yes my dude all we needed was okay okay tried to I tried to escape but nope you're coming with me uh if we can find one more then that'd be cool but I mean it really doesn't matter now that we hey this is actually probably where I went to come during the flower garden episode and wait oh yep I was here there's wheat seeds this is where I planted all those blue orchids again okay I'm really glad we got this guy we really only need this one frog because now we can go back and get some tadpoles take them to different uh different biomes and ah man I'm glad to see you man it is good to see your face now the only thing to do is travel all the way back home we just went all the way over here and we traveled like two-thirds of the way with elytra uh before we went to the Villager Outpost and got our Pillager Outpost and got these guys but uh now we're gonna have to walk all the way back this is gonna take a solid half hour so let's uh let's get to it buddies Let's uh let's get you over here and where's the other frog over here I need you guys to make some more tadpoles eat some slimes make some tadpoles this is the way it needs to be we already got some tadpoles in here let's uh let's get you back and let's get you back here and let's get you back here and let's get you in here it is good to be home I'm glad we got a bunch of tadpoles now we gotta oh wait there's one more still in here it was hidden hold on let's grab him real quick and we'll go bam all right we'll get you back up and put the tapple right there I got a little frog enclosure here right now because I just need to obviously we need to repopulate the frogs there's no frogs in here don't know where any of them went but yeah they're they're all gone now we finally are gonna have a bunch we just need to take these guys all the way over to the other biomes and uh before we do that I just wanted to check up on the alays real quick we dropped them off when we got home and we ended up putting them right over here next to the starter house now they're kind of just chilling here chained up they don't have any jobs yet but we'll give them jobs we we're gonna have to give them some jobs it's time to leave home and let's go to the snowy biome and let's go to a swamp biome because we got to make some green frogs I'm going to make some white frogs almost there what's up polar bears how you guys doing over here it should be right around the corner on this set yep there it is all right so we got about nine maybe ten of them in here we're gonna get a bunch of them and they should not be able to hop out of here give them a little bit of torch but uh we're gonna take this and uh let's head over to the mangrove swamp real quick and get some white frogs too got my render distance up on the way out here cause I am kind of on the lookout for some more outposts I want some more alays now that I have some I've never had any and they are kind they might be my new favorite mob I've on I like them a lot they're really cool they're bright colored they they just bring a lot of more Ambiance to the world that was much needed got a White Frog over here that went away okay perfect we have a bunch of white frogs with us I mean like I think we have like 11 maybe and I'm trying to bring them all up here to meet up with the okay perfect to meet up with these guys so where's the HOA let's go here we have a bunch of white frogs we have a bunch of green frogs that start taking them out one by one just get you on some leads guys okay so now this right here is way more frogs than any one person should ever have I uh I'm not gonna say I regret it oh there's one that we left behind how did he what how'd that happen hold on Buddy get over here oh never mind there's more than one that we left behind hold on a second we gotta get you and there's just too many frogs we got hold on we got you wait no we got wait okay finally all right so now we can go let's just make the Trek home let's just do what we all right let's just take there's so many frogs let's take these guys home and then uh let's get some orange frogs too it just it sounds like it's raining when you're pulling all of these frogs behind you it actually sounds like it's raining just listen to that it's nuts man that's nuts boy is it good to be back I have an entire thing set up over here set up for all of these frogs we have like there's like oh there's at least 20. we have like 20 new Frogs we're moving in here we're gonna have a good time I have a nice little shroom light set up here for them and we're just gonna see if I can just put them all up on here are they are they all just gonna fit on one okay that's kind of cruel I guess this guy can just chill on the boat that's insane okay they can all just chill over here if they want and these guys should be orange and okay these guys are white and uh the reason okay yep we're in the jungle so yep they uh okay forgot about that if they're not in the swamp if they're also in the jungle they're gonna turn white just like in the swamp so what I did right over here was build another temporary little pool and we got some tadpoles these guys are gonna be the ones that turn into the orange guys and while we are waiting for those to turn into frogs those tadpolios they sure do take a while we'll let them take the time uh but while we're waiting there is something that we found on stream and uh it's something that actually is very it's very nice it's it's it's very exciting we got the one Outpost right here and then we'll have to fly a little bit past the other side of Rainbow Mountain bada bing bada boom we have ourselves another Outpost I'm actually gonna go up here I hope there's a goat horn and oh dude okay we felt yes what what noise does it make that's that's what I'm talking about dude that is exactly what I'm talking about take all the other goods from here real quick and we'll do the classic that and block you guys from being able to come up I'm not seeing many pillagers but I do see some olays down in here so I'm just gonna hop in as fast as I can without being spotted hopefully let's just go here you sir just let's just be gone please be gone and oh oh it's a captain I'm not trying to start a raid right now so I'd rather just not mess with any of the captains um here's what I gotta do though I gotta give this guy that please don't shoot any of the alas sir let's give you the fence and let's run looks like there is a little bit of something over here that we can take real let's just do that and let's just take this and let's oh God please don't shoot the olays let's just keep running see you later suckers actually I kind of wanted to get that crying obsidian it's all right we'll come get more um all right the we have two more lays dude we officially have four olays now all in one episode we definitely have to make an LA Sanctuary now like there's there's no way around it is that what I think it is we got a nice little Rainbow Mountain coming up in the distance right through the fog and the alays are still following me nice right behind there perfect it's always cool when the Rainbow Mountain just appears out of nowhere and guess what this is it's like not even as not nearly as tall as it's going to be it's going to be probably where that sun is right now it's probably going to be where the peak is going to oh look at the water reflection over here this is great oh I just got hit by a puffer fish or something that was okay that was kind of crazy it looks like the water's all oily too this is I love that it's amazing I think another uh blowout of the horn is due because it took us about 20 minutes to get back here and we are back and man it's time to celebrate all right let's run back to the middle of the village here probably just gonna end up putting these delays on this Lamppost right here buddies where are you at why don't you get down here so I can let me take this fence from you come here thank you very much let's get you on the lead and put you right here man we just have we have we have way too many frogs we literally went from zero to 100 I mean like zero to a hundred frogs actually so yeah there's a there's a bunch we have a lot of white frogs we need to get more green and more orange frogs for sure and actually while I'm here I might as well uh remind you guys if you are ever live with us on the twitch streams definitely uh feel free to stick around you can get a frog named after yourself same with the bees I started naming bees after Chatters on the live twitch streams as well we don't pay too much attention to this B sphere anymore like on the videos but on the streams we are going in there and getting these little guys named after you let's Coast over here and kind of start getting a build out it would be really really cool to get something out on the town over here maybe just maybe just a tower right here would be kind of cool no matter what we do we just got to start getting a pallet going and just a basic shape for the building so we'll go here and what I meant by inverted of the last build was this so you have the Deep slate right there one two three go up like this you get the Cobble deep slate on the outside one two one two got the Cobble deep slate right here and you have a nice little textured wall you can start taking some of these out kind of planning what the wall is going to look like the windows are probably not going to be that small now that I'm thinking about it we'll probably end up making them too wide so this whole area over here is pretty much cleared out it it's just one big flat piece of land which is what I wanted and I'm glad I did I actually brought a little bit of pathway down here so we can kind of maybe get a beach house going down here because I I was thinking I wanted an LA beach house I want the olays to live in a house on the beach and I but I don't think it's going to be this area I want a bit something else here something huge I think that my mega build actually might end up going in this area so I'm probably gonna end up taking these blocks down I was trying to put some stuff and take trees out and kind of gauge to see one would look good over here I just can't see the build looking good in this area so what I'm going to do is actually fly up over here over the B sphere and I'm going to go to a nice little familiar spot where we built this Fletcher uh trading Hall and the cleric trading hall right there right in between I think I'm gonna put an Olay beach house right here all we got to do is jump on down here and just take out these trees and this will be a nice cleaned up Beach I'll probably it might be this this it won't be as big as the last couple bills I want to make it nice cozy a little bit smaller so I can focus on some of the details we have a nice walkway out on the beach oh we can have a nice little windmill type thing that's like a very Sawmill type thing that's like carrying water into it I don't know just to make it seem functional we're gonna make the olays have a really nice area to live cleared up some space back here and in front um decided to get a nice little build going uh I have a rectangle right here and then a small little Tower with some Cobblestone that I started building it's just a pretty basic setup so far if I actually walk around the side I didn't really give myself some room this is pretty much it and I mean I started working on this for about about an hour on a really late night stream I just kind of just hit go live and I just wanted to start building and just kind of get a a feel for what the building might start taking a shape as and I think this is going to be the final shape but I'm gonna have some sort of windmill or some sort of Mill right here just to give it some sort of function I want a big room I think I might actually load up some diorite right here and then down here is going to be a bunch of campfires for this dock because we have this building that you can walk into I have all my building materials in my bed in here so far and rods to keep it from any any anything from spawning in here but if we walk out I want to be able to walk out and have a nice little platform go down like this and keep walking down like this I want the I want it to feel like the olays have a nice little beach house over here should start loading these guys up with some stairs to make the curvature like yeah make it look like it's arched over here make it look a little bit more homey as far as the outside balcony goes I think just putting some trap doors there would be cool put one right here as well maybe slapping one up right here would be appropriate but if we walk down here I kind of want some ouch that's that's gonna hurt I just want some campfires down here just to make it seem like we have a uh I don't know it's just it looks more like a beach once you have uh more like wood to stand on that's not just planks came back here to get some calcite and some diorite and one of the Lays is missing I complete I don't know where it is I had one of the other ones was on stream I found it right over there on the barn but one of them is gone but luckily I didn't I didn't know you could duplicate them but viewers on stream told me that you can actually just get them to dance near a dude a jukebox you don't even need two of them you just need one away get an extra jukebox get them dancing and throw an amethyst Shard at him there you go that's basically all you need to duplicate one but I want to fly back here now I haven't used calcite and diorite on a build in a very long time it's been I don't think since that like villager breeder that we made like three four months ago maybe but let's go in like this probably just coat this one up right here with some diorite as we go lower and then more calcite towards the top feel like this might be tall enough let's walk over here next to our newly placed lightning rod because for some reason buildings just like to go down in flames but are Up in Flames rather but look at this uh not not too bad we can start to get some windows piled up in here too if we fly on over here let's and there we go nice and safe probably end up putting a window wait we have one two three four five six seven let's go one two three four right in the middle take these guys out not too bad I'll probably end up taking these guys in the middle out too and fix the back side up over here I actually decided to just do a little bit of decoration here we're using a lot of different colors of blocks with the oak we have the stone deep slate Mangrove and some Spruce with a little bit of green and red with the pot and the plant that's in the pot we're gonna finish this off with some chains and some end rods over here as you can see we already have the wall to fence to chain to End Rod action going on over on every single side and I'm just doing this on yeah all four sides here just to make it seem uh pretty even on all four the roof itself over here is all studded up with the trap doors the buttons and the campfires so it's got a bunch of texture going on over here and decided the bottom over here we're going to turn all of this into sand I'm just tired of looking at the grass if we just turn all of this right here into some white looking sand over here this would uh I don't know I feel like it would just make it more bright and it'd just be more like a beach house if we wanted it to be because there's a lot of grass around here and I don't know who wants who wants grass on the beach I think I just want some sand what we're gonna do here is on the beach a nice little shaded area so we're gonna go actually wait let's put the blue in the middle we'll get white carpet right here but we can't do that because we need to use some trapdoor there we go so we'll get trap doors on the bottom we'll get the blue right here the white right here see now we got a nice shaded area then you can lay out some a little bit of towel spaces down here probably go right there instead but yeah if you have some towel spaces over here you can lay down some other stuff we can get like a potted plant I also forgot we have a jukebox in here I haven't done any interior designing yet um but the it will it will come all I know is that in order to duplicate them we had to have a jukebox right here put a music disc in it which I will not do yet once I bring the Lays over they should start duplicating when we get the amethyst shards up in here but uh yeah I also haven't showed you guys really much of this outside this bump uh front porch here we got anvils everywhere uh this color right here is looking nice and we have the the water well kind of like the front of the house uh on the the starter house we made in episode one we'd actually done a long play where we made the pond took us about three hours to build it and it's right here so we basically just duplicated this guy right there that I just smacked into and that we brought it all the way over to the other side of the map Over Yonder and this thing's looking nice so far I I really like this it's looking a little bit more unique than the other builds if we pop down here this is what's making it uh extra unique we have a large a large system for I I don't really know it's just gonna be pumping water out of the ocean and I don't really know what reason this serves for the olays and their beach house but I know that that this is going to be a functioning build it'd be cool if this thing could actually spin but it won't I really need to uh work on this side anyway so we'll go over here one two three we got one two right there and then we got one two again one two three we go up one two three four five the wheel done put some trap doors on here for a little bit of extra texture do I have any buttons with me I do not have to come back with some of those Bam Bam come around the other side over here lace them down and it looks like this guy got flipped up which he should not have been and now here we can go Bam Bam one more time and then get one right there as well and we have ourselves a nice little wheel system we need to make some spokes going diagonally too I've been spending a lot of time on this front side though too oh wow I almost completely slammed right into that wheel but if we go around the back side it looks almost the same but uh there's one thing that I forgot and that was a lot of campfires we actually ran out on stream when I was working on this build but uh went back to get some Fisherman's uh trading going and we got ourselves like three more stacks of campfires here so we are good to go but I think I only need that last one right there and that might have been it if I have this guy wait where's this all you got to do is if you have any campfires they're using for like a roof system or an awning just to put some gates hooked up with some stone walls and some other fences below them to make it look like a nice structure and you got yours I don't know I just that's what I always like to do it just looks nice and I kind of like how the path is going through the awning now I could go around but I decided to go through because we do have this front door to go in and out uh there's a path right here that I had to light up with some jack-lanterns but we're just going to go around this way and have it kind of entering down from the beach we can take this guy out but down from the beach we go bam and we're here I love this we just need to kind of get this a little bit more decorated probably get this wheel right here finished too but yeah the whole system is brought in with the grindstones and we have a bunch of anvils that we use I used weight like there's a this was a pretty resource intensive build even though it might not look like it there's a lot of anvils grindstones everywhere a lot of random stuff let's work on the spokes just a little oh okay I'm falling and oh oh wait nope and I okay I almost fell on the other side that was just very hectic for no reason at all let's go here let's get this up this is a little bit awkward you got to put a stair upside down on the plank right next to it and then just keep going up side to side as long as you put a plank right here it should start to look okay I just gotta make sure if we go in one more right here let's put that there and double check to make sure that looks normal and Bam that's not too bad this wheel has so much decoration we use to trap door Galore on this they are absolutely everywhere I don't think we missed a beat on that one oh God I can't I missed the route I I definitely missed a beat on that one right there oh my God I 100 forgot we actually have a Long play that came out uh two days before that this episode came out and what we did during that long play was this giant farm right here I 100 forgot about this yeah this is a nether tree like the Crimson tree and uh all the other nether tree farms like it's basically all the wood that you can get from there I decided to uh decorate everything up here with some shroom lights which you can also get from this farm and make a giant Tower you can take a left over here get some of the Crimson stuff you can also get the another word over here it's uh or the wart fungus it's I mean it's this is just nice man and I tried to get the villagers to stop going into this bubble elevator but unfortunately before I put those Gates there two of these villagers had made it up this Mason I had tried to uh become a master oh God be okay sir you're gonna be all right let's uh let's just make a little bit more of a platform if these guys want to be up there that's totally fine I'm gonna allow it because I think it's funny but uh what I'm gonna do is just make it so they are a little bit more safe up here so I can just put that there that there let's get one two right there and then one two right there now they have a little bit more of a platform where they're a little bit more safe and they don't have to push each other off but yeah the bubble elevator is meant so you can come down here come over here and then take your whole try to get some shroom lights if you want there's a stream light right here bam and then yeah that's that's basically it I'm not taking anything out right now because we got a bunch on stream and in the Long play itself but I'll just put some of the materials right back here thanks for watching that long play if you did I really do appreciate it we're gonna hop over the swamp house that we had built too uh I have some drip Stones here or drip Stone spikes that I would like to put here I just kind of want to put like maybe one on the beach two on the beach right there I like the way that these look that they bring a little bit of a texture out in places that do need it we'll go bam uh we'll go over here we can get one like bam and will won't bomb while we're down here we are I figured we could use some of the quartz that we use actually for the flag up top there and we could use it as a pillow on the beach over to this side as well and by the way I hope you guys like this little uh awning that we had made for the dock I thought it was nice and cozy and Amethyst uh just a little like I thought it was appropriate since we need to use that to duplicate everything here but let's go ahead and just put some spike right there and right behind this cozy little fire I think we'll just put another Spike like right here just to I don't know I feel like the spikes are just going to be a little extra decorative but that one right maybe right there back home looking for the olays and just gonna check and see we have okay yeah but I did have to tie up two of the frogs that spawned early but uh did the rest of them spawn are you okay sir just just contemplating life still out in the middle of the ocean that's right I'll just leave you oh my God they just they're multiplying they're absolutely multiplying you know the LA is about to be multiplying too these frogs definitely multiply there's there are so many we have orange frogs we officially have all of the colors of the frogs again this is gonna be fantastic we had drip Stone out here too man we got drip Stone everywhere now let's roll through this way I would like to grab the olays let's go over here and get them off this fence and onto this way actually let's grab you wait boom not gonna lie these actually might be the easiest mobs to pull on leads these yeah 100 they just float there they go the exact direction that you go and they don't get stuck on anything like all of the other moms do this is Phantom in fact I'm getting more stuck on stuff than you get these guys are and I'm going the wrong way that's uh this is great I want to take one of them and just kind of have them out in the front so let's just take oh wait no that let's take your lead off and your lead oh God does bad and then we'll put the lead right here and where are the other guys where'd you fly to let's put you back on the lead and the other guy right there let's take you guys inside officially so we're gonna walk you guys up through here let's go through the campfire and walk up the porch over this way come on now don't get caught on the various amount of block details let's go this way and the door shut on itself come on in the building guys let's get in here please yeah we got you flap this one on this side all right dude we officially have two lays in here now if we want to start duplicating them I have the shards with me and we have a music disc we could put the music disc in and we could just give them a Shard like this like that and like that oh my oh my God and they duplicated immediately no way that's insane Hold On Let's uh let's take the music disc out that was loud dang okay well that was crazy okay so we just made two more LA's like that so we can put you on a lead let's get you right here let's get you on a lead so you don't fly away but you right here and wow I didn't I did not know that that would happen so easily I just flew right up to me he's looking at me like what why why are you looking at me like that can I just give you this oh I can just give you that to hold I guess you can hold that for sure but actually if I give you that to hold then he's gonna break the lead so I'm gonna take that back from you wait I need to let me take that back from you thank you very much guys thank you so much for watching this episode I really appreciate it this was one of the more unique builds by far that we have made and I'm really excited about it I've never done anything with these mobs before so I'm excited to have them all around town by the next episode we should have them up around town which you know what I said about the turtles I said by the next episode The Turtles would be on the uh on the beach in the sanctuary and what's up Llamas how you doing dude thanks for popping in dude and oh my God the turtles have not hatched yet I don't know what's happening it's been like 40 Minecraft days and they just haven't hatched I don't I don't know what to do I really don't know what to do but guys yeah I really thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it thank you so much for all the support and that is it for the 3 000 days video we have so much more to do in this town we've done so much already but definitely plenty more to do I'm gonna hop down in the water and uh hopefully we can get on moving to episode 22 here let's uh let's do something for The Foxes from the polar bears we have a lot more mobs to take care of as well uh but yeah guys thanks for watching I really do appreciate it take care of yourselves and do something nice for somebody see you guys thank you
Channel: WaxFraud
Views: 1,473,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore let's play, lets play, survival minecraft, hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, hardcore survival, hardcore minecraft, chill minecraft, minecraft starter house, minecraft longplay, minecraft let's play, let's play minecraft, minecraft building, peaceful minecraft, minecraft 1.19, 100 days, 1000 days, 100 days minecraft, 1000 days minecraft, trading hall, minecraft interior design, full movie, 3000 days minecraft
Id: 4ZI-zTIwoBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 13sec (14053 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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