I Survived 100 DAYS in an ANIMAL World in MINECRAFT... Here's what happened

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what creatures lurk in the deep ready to leap onto their prey these infamous animals are none other than the blobfish and the platypus welcome to 100 days in an animal plus world being an animal lover i had so much fun making this video here are the three main mods i used alex's mobs consist of neutral mobs which when attacked will attack back but also some extremely hostile mobs like crocodiles but these dangerous animals are not the worst this mod also adds some legendary monsters especially in the nether but also in the overworld i'm also using the biomes or plenty mod because it adds loads of awesome new biomes and to challenge myself a little further i added the genetic animals mod this mod basically adds more realistic farm animals you can only breed males with females pigs can attack back animals don't get babies instantly the animals sleep etc etc if you'd like to see a tutorial on how to download all these mods you can check my instagram i hope you will enjoy this as much as i did let's get straight into the video so i spawned in a savannah biome right next to messa and the first animals i saw were some kangaroos and honestly they were super well made i opened the book i had and saw that there were some blobfish and that's when i knew that this mod was going to be great i then read that kangaroos could be tamed with 10 to 15 carats so i knew i had to find a village to get some of course i got some wood and then i had a look around and i realized that there's actually flies in this mod i needed to find some food and i knew i wouldn't stand a chance against kangaroos so thankfully i came across some gazelles at one point i noticed that there was a mummy gazelle and her babies so of course i let them live i then came across some cows from the genetics mod and they all had very unique patterns as the sun was setting i came upon an animal i'd been craving to see the elephant that night i heard some scary noises but they actually came from a tasmanian devil after getting some colon iron i went back to the surface on day two i had a look in the animal dictionary to see if i could tame elephants i wanted to see how realistic the mod was so i approached another bear and our cubs and it was not a good idea and then this strange mob that looked like a sandstorm attacked me it would actually send me flying in the air in circles thankfully they didn't do much damage because i had no armor on me but they were still quite annoying they were mainly in biomes like the desert and the mesa so i knew i was not going to live in either [Music] on day three i managed to kill a fly to see what it would drop and it's basically a maggot for all you snake lovers out there there are actually snakes in that mob which is so cool i then saw a giant insect flying in the distance so of course i decided to attack it and it was the worst possible idea i've ever had you can try running tootsie you're dead from now on i only had five minutes to find all my items and of course it was night time and i did not have a bed so yeah i had all these wonderful mobs attacking me there was actually a snake next to my items so i tried to kill it but i didn't know it would go so fast on day 4 i ran away from the desert into the safe savannah or so i thought even the gazelles were attacked by the sandstorm thankfully i saw a village in the distance there was even an abandoned portal so i took the gold block i was a bit disappointed that there weren't any carrots so i decided to tame an elephant instead basically acacia blossoms would rarely fall from the trees elephant with tusks cannot be tamed unless they are a baby when i found an elephant without tusks i gave her some acacia blossoms i named her henrietta and i could even ride on her back on a more serious note in the real world elephants undergo abuse when they are taught to carry people so try to avoid riding elephants when you go abroad i expect if you're watching this video it's because you're an animal lover so i think it's good to raise awareness by the end of day 5 henrietta and i left the savannah to find a new place to live i got my first three diamonds in a village chest and to celebrate i decorated henrietta with a carpet and it gave her sunglasses and a creeper banner on her back that's when i noticed that the genetic animals mod makes animals blink on day seven we arrived to a swamp and we saw a strange bird called a shoe bill this bird actually fishes for items and i managed to get a bone i suddenly caught a glimpse of a crocodile so he fled these crocodiles were extremely well made and i was so scared when i approached them [Music] on day 8 i found a nice place to settle down so i made a pen for henrietta and started farming on day nine i returned to the swamp biome because i thought it was beautiful and i actually discovered that there was a mud block [Music] i started making a tiny hut to be close to the shoe bill to get some of their items on day 10 i continued building the little hut and i realized it didn't look like much on day 11 i woke up to discover that the birds had vanished and then a crocodile lunged at me it was impossible for me to get out of his jaw you know the outcome [Music] i discovered that the birds had met the same fate as i did all that was left was a feather once again the crocodile lunged at me but i lured him away to be able to get all my items [Music] i returned home to henrietta on day 12 i had a look to see what other amazing animals i could find [Music] i then went over to the village to bring back two sheep [Music] on day 13 i realized that some animals were starting to spawn around my area so i got some pigs and some cows on day 14 some adorable baby piglets were born that same day i decided to start a mine on day 15 i did a bit of wood cutting to build the future animal pens i then stole a few carrots at the village and made my way over to the savannah i managed to tame a kangaroo and named him alanza which is a spanish name that means ready for battle and you will soon know why on day 16 i decided to bring back two very unique pigs because the ones you find in the wild are mainly pink and i wanted to change it up a bit and as you can see i did not struggle at all and if you're hearing some background noises it's because there's a ton of cicadas outside which in french you would call sigel what happened here was i accidentally hid a pig and he was not happy at all and i have no clue how i managed to prevent the pig from getting out to make them forgive me i made them a huge and cozy pen i wanted to say i'm extremely sorry if the sound isn't always the line with the video but basically my recording or editing software is just not working properly so i'll try and lower the game sounds a little so that it doesn't bother you on day 19 i was finally able to bring all these little guys into their pen and you can see they were quite happy i tried to make the pen nice and large and decorated it so that it would feel like home on day 20 it was time to start making the cow pen i made a large roofed area that looked a bit like a horse stable and then i made a little open area in the front on day 21 i was delighted to discover that kangaroos could actually wear armor and hold swords alanza was now truly ready for battle that evening i went to get the remaining animals at the village and that's when i discovered that animals actually sleep at night at least the ones from the genetic animals mod it took me the whole of day 22 to bring the animals back and sped up sheep sound like cats and cows sound like dogs of course at one point i had to avoid bears and a crocodile and it felt like the sheep and the cows were even harder to lure back home than usual minecraft on day 23 the wandering traders spawned and we all know how it goes the sheep enclosure was a large fenced area which was meant to represent a pasture by the end of the day i wanted to find alanza a friend so i went off to find another kangaroo on day 24 i found a mine shaft in a mesobiome so i looted a few chests and then i found a kangaroo so i tamed him and i called him floyd [Music] on day 25 i collected a few emu eggs and then i spotted a sheep that had some awesome horns i saw that you could make some special boots from runner feathers and i killed one and instantly regretted it i then tried to tame a baby elephant but i was unsuccessful i then decided to kill a nimu just to see what it would drop and elanza was really into it on day 26 i bought back a cow because it had a very unique coat and that cow could also move while it was sleeping [Music] on day 27 i decided to put henrietta in a much larger pen but it seemed like she really wanted to go back to the other one i have no idea why i then started making a pen through the kangaroos and that's when i noticed that a sheep and henrietta had managed to escape i put henrietta in the sheet pasture instead and was hoping that she wouldn't get back out but she did an adorable baby emu was born in henrietta's old pen on day 29 i finally found some chickens i don't know why it took me so much time but i got them now and once again i found some nice unique cows so i had to bring them home and trust me bringing back so many animals at the same time is quite tricky and the cows would actually get stuck in some of the trees like for no reason it was it was quite annoying but i managed in the end so it was all right seeing all these different animals and biomes makes me wonder what will the next update be i think it's going to be swamp and i really hope that it's going to look like the biome so plenty swamp because it really looks so cool an irish girl can't go anywhere without her shamrock as you can see i ended up in a four-leaf clover field but luck wasn't on my side tragedy struck as i stepped too close to a bear i ran away quickly when she hit me but when i turned back i saw that alanza had killed her a poor baby cub was left orphaned i couldn't just leave him there so i took him under my wing i decided i would find him some honey to make him feel better that's when i met the most confused bee in minecraft that bee wasn't just confused she was lost it took me a whole day just to find her nest and i actually had to lead her over with some flowers for her to get in thankfully i found another bee and i made them have a baby thanks to that lovely baby i was finally able to bring some honey back to my cub in honor of this awesome mod i called the bear alex when i came back to alex he was no longer a baby so i give him some honey and then some salmon and then we finally became friends and on day 36 i finally found floyd again who had just wandered off we all started to make our way back home and then suddenly alex got attacked by an alligator turtle i jumped off his back to kill it [Music] and i quickly gave alex some salmon so that he would feel better [Music] on day 37 i continued my way home on alex's back and of course i had to bring back two horses on day 38 i tamed a new bear called patricia after putting her in with alex i decided to breed alanza and floyd alanza was a very proud father i love the fact that the baby was in floyd's pouch floyd and elanza decided to name their baby girl anya by the way there was no sign of henrietta from day 39 to 45 i decided to go back mining i turned these subtitles on to help me find some caves and i heard some water so i followed it and found a cave and in the cave was actually a mine shaft at least this was an easy way to get lots of string but i didn't know what i would be doing with this string i then found this huge lava lake so i poured a bit of water on it to look around and i found my first diamond well at least diamond in a mine because the other three were in a chest here's a bit of minecraft asmr for you [Music] so basically i mined quite a bit and found a few caves but i didn't find any more diamonds [Music] on day 46 i found out that patricia had died and i couldn't understand why because i don't think alex was hostile or anything i then started getting some obsidian to make an enchanting table i bought alex in the sheep pasture in case something was suffocating the bears in the other enclosure i found a fox but it was on his own so i had to put him in a hole in the ground or he would just run away on day 48 i have no idea what i was doing i just put some crows on a leash and then it started raining the next day i saw an insect swimming in the distance so i ran after it but i lost it and i looked in the animal dictionary and saw that it was a cockroach i then wanted to tame a raccoon and i saw that you had to give it a chickens egg so i tried to but i kind of got it wrong i then bred the chickens and nothing happened but later on they gave me a fertilized egg and this cute little chick was born [Music] i then saw a crocodile on my farm and yeah i ran it was now time to build my own house and if some of you guys are wondering why i live so close to a swamp it's because i kind of like the danger for the next few days i basically just worked on my house so i'm going to stop talking for a bit because i find minecraft building is relaxing [Music] and voila the results now that my house was done i decided to go on an adventure through the swamp i somehow managed not to get eaten by crocodile i thought it was adorable because when i was in my boat my kangaroos would just follow me in the distance i saw a completely new biome the rainforest and that's when i saw two hammerhead sharks there was an item floating in the water so i quickly swam up to it and it was actually a shark tooth i then found a couple of cappuccin monkeys and their babies so of course i wanted to tame them but for that i needed bananas and i could only find them in jungle leaves so i started off looking in the wrong tree and then i started chopping down every single jungle tree on a more serious note about 17 of the amazonian rainforest has been destroyed over the past 50 years and losses recently have been on the rise from days 59 to 62 i went back mining again because i wanted to find some diamonds and instead i found a skeleton spawner i decided to mine around to be able to block the entrance and guess what i found some diamonds after blocking off the entrance i was able to kill off the remaining skeletons and i opened the chest the enchanting books weren't that good for example i got looting too but i didn't mind i kept mining and i was hearing so many zombies so i thought there might be a zombie spawner and i also found more diamonds i was at level 11 and i suspected they would be above me so i'm mined up and guess what i was correct there was a zombie spawner and the subtitles kept saying i was weak i made this time lapse because a lot of you like to see the mining i was delighted to find a vein of eight diamonds and they were actually right next to where i had been mining that's why it's super important to strip mine with a two block gap between the two corridors oh and i also found a vein of eight diamonds right next to where i was mining for obsidian on day 65 i almost got killed by some pigs i think that's my proudest moment in this video it really shows how much i'm a good player i then got some sugarcane to make some bookshelves and i finally had the enchanting table ready i usually always get terrible enchantments when i start off but there i got power four for my bow so that was pretty cool i went down to the skeleton spawner and the zombie spawner and i started hitting the mobs look at this look i got power 4 and infinity that was so so cool my first enchantment i actually thought that i could go from one spawner to the other but guess what they were too far and there i got efficiency for fortune 3 and unbreaking three out of 16 diamond oars i got 35 diamonds i had the satisfaction of making a full diamond armor set and i showed off a bit i did a lot of afk where i was just in my hole and then hitting the skeletons and i didn't do things properly because the skeleton came out at some point but it wasn't too bad i managed to get looting three on my sword which was cool but i got knocked back with it so it was a bit disappointing but i mean losing was a very good thing i decided to go on a little adventure with my kangaroos and also with my horse paddy but i had to leave him behind because it would have been too difficult to travel with him i soon arrived at a large swamp biome and the grass was so tall that i couldn't see the crocodiles so i decided to do a little bridge over i mean better safe than sorry come on to be honest i actually didn't want to lose my 25 levels because i wanted to continue enchanting so yeah i was really careful after picking up some crocodile scoots i made a little run for it to the redwood forest and i almost died lovely i killed another crocodile to get some more scoots i don't know what i was going to do with them but i mean it's one less crocodile i've just realized i keep saying i a lot but i don't know what to do like a lot of people comment it but i mean what am i supposed to say am i supposed to say we i don't know i found some pumpkins and some of you had suggested that pumpkins means there's a village nearby and you're right i had to leave a landslide floyd behind because i was going to sail away in the ocean when i arrived in a deep ocean biome i decided to try and get some blobfish this may seem a bit cruel but i needed four blobfish to make some fish oil so that i could tame an eagle by the end of the day i reach an island with a very new biome which was i think a maple forest guess what animals were sunbathing seals [Music] after getting some salmon i gave three fish to a seal and he went digging for me but i mean he gave me some sand but it was still nice to watch i tried this again with another seal and he gave me a sharp tooth so i mean that was much better as i came out of the water i saw a beautiful orca in the distance i really really love that moment i don't know why but the orca was so well made and i really loved when he would jump out i then saw a huge pumpkin in the distance so i went to get some pumpkins and i heard some noises there were actually two platypus or platypuses but i don't know so let's say platypus if you give them some redstone they will dig for maggots so of course i went down and got some redstone i gave them some redstone but nothing happened do you want to know why because there's meant to be some clay they only look inside clay blocks when i saw that you could actually pick them up in a bucket i did that immediately and i knew that like the 1.17 axolotls you could actually rename them in an anvil i started to sail back home and i came across this wonderful island it's a volcanic island with loads of volcanic ash in the air i thought it just looked great i returned home to my kangaroos and found patty where i left him and we all went home on deity one i wanted to start taming some crows so i gave them some pumpkin seeds [Music] i was struggling a bit so i started to think i'd done something wrong but then suddenly a crow was tamed and he was on my shoulder so i guess i managed crows could actually be extremely useful um basically you could set them to gathering items and they would help you just gather some items and put them in chests so i really wanted to try that the next day i wanted the crows to help me a bit with gathering items but i was missing too and they were actually in the house they couldn't get out so i made a little hole for them and then they just started stealing the blocks from my house it was actually way more complicated than i had expected i lost two of the crows so i ended up with one crow having to sort out everything the next day it was time for a new adventure and this time i would try and bring paddy all the way i found a desert temple so i decided to go in it but i was careful to block the top because i did not want a surprise cooper the loot was okay i mean nothing crazy you know and then i got some diamonds so the loot was great more seriously i was quite happy to get a golden apple because i could use it for the ender dragon fight at night i realized i did not have a bed so i had to kill the poor sleeping sheep and he didn't even drop any wool so this was a nightmare trust me it was only the beginning so i found this village and i thought oh i am safe so i went in and it started lagging basically it kept bringing me back out and that was so scary i mean i was in that house and i couldn't break the bed and then i started taking some damage i couldn't understand why i really really hated this lag when i say that my pc is a bit old i mean that like these kind of things happen and it's a bit scary i mean imagine this happens in hardcore um i would not be happy if i died like that in hardcore thankfully at one point it stopped and i was able to sleep in a bed i thought there would be monsters nearby but i guess i got lucky the next morning i saw a spider that was upside down so yeah that cheered me up a bit paddy galloped away until we arrived at a spruce village the nightmare continued when paddy started taking damage from a campfire [Music] i placed my bed next to my host but then i heard there was a zombie outside so alonzo and i took care of it and i was able to sleep sorry if my game is a bit laggy but basically i found some mooses and it was really funny because two of the dads were fighting and there was the baby that was like oh no stop hit a moose to see how much damage it would do and they can kill you i think it's highly possible especially without any armor we continued on our way and then i found a pillager watchtower you know how i am with pillagers i just went straight to the tower when i came back out i realized that paddy was nowhere to be found i ran around in circles but in vain and then i saw a snow leopard more and more pillagers were spawning so i knew we had to get out of there because alanza was taking too much damage and i simply couldn't find paddy i continued looking looking and looking but couldn't find him so i thought maybe i might find him on the way back i then found an igloo but sadly it led to nowhere by the way if you didn't know not every single igloo has an area with a villager that has to be cured i then saw these beautiful mountains and flying in the air were some majestic eagles i used some fish oils to tame one i named him aldo which is a filipino name and then we all went home the next day guess who i found henrietta i was so so happy i thought i completely lost her but i was really delighted this time i wasn't going to lose her again so i put her in a little pen the next day i killed some mobs again to get a bit of exp so it was really really super interesting i got feather falling on my boots which i thought would be great for the nether if i ever fell and i got protection 3 with it which could have been better but i was still quite happy and then look at this helmet oh my god i know this pen isn't very big but i mean i didn't know what to do after losing henrietta i just did not want it to happen again i then made another portal and i thought it would look cool if i incorporated it in the tree but it looked ridiculous i wanted to take alanza with me so that he would protect me in the nether but i didn't manage with alex's mobs the nether was even more difficult i got attacked by some drop bears and then a bone serpent like okay so of course i knew that the safest thing i could do was build a large cobblestone hut around my portal the hut actually wasn't very large i then killed this bone serpent thinking that the drop would be amazing but it was bones you know i should have guessed it i decided i should start mining until i find a different biome but when i found a workforce biome there was lava above me but i managed to get to it in the end i then saw this glowing frog in the distance and she actually looked super cool and then she just jumped into lava but i think you can tame them i then did a bit of shooting practice on some skeletons you know because i wanted to be well prepared for the ender dragon fight in these 100 day videos i can easily edit out you know when i miss but honestly i'm not that good with the bow and i need the practice especially with moving targets i am terrible i was walking through the forest and this happened i mean what there wasn't a fortress i looked everywhere it's the first time that happens to me you know finding a fortress without actually finding it i arrived in a strange biome with eyes on the blocks and then i went down to the fortress then my game started lagging like really really bad i couldn't open my chest when i broke my table it disappeared so i decided to stop the game but then it crashed so i was so scared i would have lost everything but thankfully i only lost the table and the chest and i had all my stuff on me this portion of the video was really depressing to edit because all the sounds aren't aligned so i don't know what to do so i think i'm going to bring the sounds down hoping that it doesn't bother you too much but i actually had a terrible terrible idea i wanted to do the sounds myself like for a joke but it might be a bit too ridiculous but i mean i can try for a bit if it makes you laugh it's worth it i then started finding some chests but the loot wasn't that good this is so hard i then wanted to find the blaze spawner so that i can get loads of blaze rods spin spin spin and suddenly a crimson mosquito attacked me but thankfully i managed to kill it i'm so sorry if you've been traumatized by my terrible noises i even used my dog's food packet you know so i then started silently hitting the blazes you know you couldn't even hear the sound of my sword oh now you do i'm really really so sorry about the sound like that i really don't know why it happens or what to do i know i will have to change pc soon because the editing software i'm using lags a lot with this computer for change i had some fun killing off loads of endermen and with my looting 3 sword it was super easy to get loads of ender [Music] pearls when i had more than enough ender pearls i decided to go home and this drop bear attacked me but it wasn't a big deal i then realized i'd built my mine entrance the wrong way round smart move tootsie very very smart i then started smelting all the gold i had gotten in the nether i added sharpness 4 to my sword and then of course i had to name the platypus so i named one patrick and another susan and then i made some name tags for henrietta and alanza [Music] on day 96 i was delighted to officially name alanza and henrietta i then hatched a chick and i accidentally hit him it was horrible and then i placed the happy couple in their new pond and of course i gave them some clay this time it was quite funny because it was quite funny because when they were it was quite funny because when they were looking for clay they actually looked like they were listening to heavy metal after killing off some phantoms i was able to one make potions then i made some golden apples and then i decided to throw my first eye of ender that i actually lost yeah i really couldn't find it no idea why but i had more than enough so it wasn't a problem i've been recording all day and i am getting a bit hungry so i'll be back i'm back so i followed the direction of the pearl uh the eye sorry and there was a crocodile in the middle but i used my mighty bow to get rid of him and then at that point i realized that the pearl was indicating the opposite direction which meant i had actually passed the stronghold i saw a bunch of cows at the top of a hill and in my head just for just for a joke i thought imagine uh these cows are actually the guardians of the stronghold and guess what they actually wear the stronghold was just beneath me and what was cool was that the stronghold was super close to my house but it wasn't actually close to spawn so i had actually made my house at the perfect area once again the sounds are not aligned i mean if someone in the comments know stuff about premiere pro please tell me after looking around the stronghold for a bit i found a chest and then i found the portal so of course i destroyed the spawner because i did not want some silverfish to spawn it was time to defeat that dragon i was really really happy that i spawned in a platform in the island because i usually spawn outside so yeah that was a bit less scary i accidentally stared in a few eyes but it wasn't too bad and then i started destroying all the ant crystals a tip for beginners you can actually destroy the crystals that are in a cage without needing to go up and break the cage to destroy the ant crystals on the very high towers i had to start piling up with some cobblestone [Music] i'm not sure why but i managed to destroy that crystal without it exploding like it just shut off for some reason as you can see i'm terrible at shooting at a moving target but i need to practice when the dragon flew down i of course drank my strength potion and started hitting it here is a great example of what i usually edit out just me missing and then just staring at an enderman what a cool moment and i mean for once the dragon helped me because he killed the enderman that was attacking me so thank you dragon i always hit the dragon from behind because then if i'm in front he can put dragon breath on me this is the first time ever that i actually couldn't watch the dragon dying in the sky because two endermen were savagely attacking me nevertheless it was time for me to collect my prize the dragon egg and i fell into the portal great day 100 i got back up to the surface and went home this adventure has been so so cool i really recommend all the mods i used they were super well made thank you so much for watching this video i really really hope you enjoyed it and i cannot wait to see you in next monday's video love you
Channel: Tootsie
Views: 507,250
Rating: 4.9514503 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, minecraft 100 days animals, minecraft 100 days zombie apocalypse, minecraft 1000 days, minecraft 100 days hard mode, minecraft 100 days zoo animals, minecraft 100 days in animal world, minecraft 100 days one block, Minecraft 100 days hardcore, Minecraft lets play survival, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days modded, minecraft 100 days ldshadowlady, minecraft 100 days zoo, pewdiepie minecraft, minecraft, geminitay, jwhisp, 100 days girl
Id: ahsKtBhylmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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