I survived 100 Days In Jurassic World (Minecraft)

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today i am stuck in the jurassic world dinosaur theme park and i was enjoying a nice and peaceful vacation when suddenly all of the dinosaurs escaped yeah so now instead of sipping on a root beer by the pool i'm having to find a way off this island or risk getting eaten by a dinosaur oh and best of all the military said they're going to be bombing this island in 100 days meaning i have 100 days to get off this island or it isn't going to end well for me [Music] nice afternoon nap let me just go ahead and check my phone see what's going on alert alert dinosaurs have escaped evacuate the island when was this this was sent over three hours ago i'm supposed to be evacuating the island oh god dinosaurs escaped okay okay just it says evacu it says meet at the docks okay so we'll just we just what was that noise i don't like the sound of that it says everyone's evacuating at the dock so we'll just evacuate with everyone else that's a t-rex hello mr t-rex how are you i have to go that way the docs are this way you're not gonna hi pretty don't worry about me i need to go that way okay wait maybe not maybe there's someone inside the visitor center that can help me i'm afraid to walk by him ah okay we're going we're gonna go we're gonna swim across i didn't wanna have to do this but i gotta do what i gotta do this is just great how am i supposed to evacuate to the docks when there's a t-rex blocking my path okay well either way when i first got here there were tons of people in the visitor center so i'm sure i can find someone there who can get me to the boat so i can get off this island let me just grab some sand here okay now let's get out of here okay go find some help real quick i cannot believe there was a t-rex outside my hotel what is this anyway let's go find out what's going on here so we can uh get to the bottom of this whoa hello it appears to be empty okay let me go upstairs oh wait no i see someone hey hello hey you wait wait up hey hey i'm gonna punch you oh what the heck who are you you're not a dinosaur are you do i look like a dinosaur no i guess not okay uh uh names are formality right now come on come with me what why what excuse me what is going on i just woke up from a nap and there was a t-rex outside my hotel oh and i got the text message to evacuate yeah well uh i see you didn't do a very good job of doing that wait wait wait did they already evacuate without me yeah i'm the only person left on the island wait what yeah and i'm trying to sort this mess out now i gotta babysit some some taurus oh look what what's even happening what happened i saw that obviously the dinosaurs got out but i'm trying to figure out i've been running around frantically looking at all of my messages and my papers and all the security cameras i just can't figure it out all the dinosaurs escaped even though all the procedures were in order so wait what happened then ah between you and me i think somebody may have set this up probably those government suits uh right anyway so how do we get off this island if it's just me and you left there's got to be a way off right yeah i guess we could probably i guess what i need to get you off the island before i continue my research on trying to save this island in my precious work right so how are we going to do that the comp setting the comm center yeah the comm center so basically all we got to do is just pull up google maps all the way over there it'll probably be a bit of a trek over there but it'll be no problem i could just drive us to the comm center drive how big is this island it's really big uh didn't you see the overview map when you came in yeah but i didn't think maps aren't to scale yeah well of course listen okay i need to get you off this island so i can keep working on what i need to work on okay let's just go to this comm station then and get me out of here because i do not want to become t-rex food yeah oh neither do i but i also need to save my precious babies from extinction yeah okay just get me to the nearest place where i can get out of your way and get out of here because uh more important things to do my name is dr unicorn man by the way you can just call me dr unicorn i thought names were there was no time for formalities what's your name ryan well ryan i it was nice meeting you but hopefully i can get you out of my hair soon okay i'm a little nervous there was a t-rex back there and he's gone oh no he's there if you move very slowly it won't be able to see you well i punched it and it didn't attack me thank god now listen ryan okay this is very dangerous i need you to stick close to me and we'll uh we'll get you out of here and you can enjoy the rest of however many days off you have your wage sleeve okay so we drove for days trying to make our way to the coms tower and it was not an easy drive a t-rex chased us while we were on the road we had pterodactyls flying overhead waiting for our midnight snack and just to add to our lunch we popped our tire yeah great i know so here we are now stuck on the side of a road on a dinosaur-infested island and unicorn suggests we go on foot from here unfortunately i don't have any better ideas so we walked the rest of the way to the comms tower run run unicorn run i am running run faster i don't have little nerdy scientists oh there's a bunch of them there's a bunch of them [Music] get to the cops facility i mean unicorn what are they great now we're stuck inside some bathrooms is that what these are here let's break the wall in between our bathrooms that way we can at least see each other we have to get to the main comms part how do we how do we get there okay okay we just need to get upstairs okay there's a oh he can get okay so there's a double door directly to my left okay we need to get in there to your left oh i'm going hit the button i'm in hello [Music] oh my god i'm literally panicking okay i'm in i'm in the comms office i'm at the security building oh my god that was awful oh wow okay security office should have something we need here so we just need to reach out to well whoever someone to get me off this island okay admin password yep all right oh no what uh it seems like the communication tower doesn't have any power what do you mean it doesn't have any power i mean it doesn't have any power the backup generator for this place is going up but i can't get a signal outwards without that tower up so what are you saying we came here for nothing no no we kinda look okay we just need to get the tower power back up we need to get what what okay so you're saying we need to get the power back on to use this place yeah yeah basically and how do we do that uh you're not gonna like it but um you're gonna have to go all the way across um island across the island i thought you said this place was huge yeah it is huge it's gonna be a bit and we don't even have a car no oh my god so we have a wind turbine farm that powers a lot of the stuff around our facilities uh all we gotta do is reset that because i can only theorize that that's not working at the moment yeah and then we come all the way back and then we can get ourselves a signal fine let's get away from these raptors and then let's go to the power station so with no car we had to walk to the power station on foot unicorn estimates that it's gonna take over a week to get there so using the bunkers around the island in the different stations we walked past we slowly made our way across the island to the power station however when we were about halfway there we ran into our first problem unicorn run it's a t-rex such a fantastic specimen i don't love stop looking at it quick there's a button oh my babies come on i don't care there's a bunker up ahead quinn gets it oh he's coming quick oh my god you know i was a good season first but kind of glad we put these in now yeah you know just as a little back up idea oh there's a gun in here and there's all other necessities you think the gun could hurt the t-rex oh no give it a shot but don't don't hurt her too hard unicorn i'm more worried about our lives right now which is beautiful oh it barely did anything okay no i'm not gonna be able to kill it with that all right well we'll just use it more as a um back off kind of thing so yeah we were stuck in that bunker for two whole days till that darn giant reptile finally decided to leave and once he was finally gone we quickly got out of there and ran the rest of the way to the power station it only took us a few extra days to get there but we did make it however the power station was crawling with dinosaurs and it seems like a lot of the electrical work might be messed up hurry okay good good we're in oh i just feel safer being in here than i do out there because at least we're fenced in now oh well i mean fenced in is a relative turn but right i don't see any dinosaurs here so at least that's why these wind turbines are cute yeah they're noisy too wait hold up hold on what there's one right there they're asleep the dinosaurs are asleep right now we should take a serendipitous opportunity and sneak around them yeah uh i agree so whatever you do don't shoot that gun i'm not shooting the gun i'm just i i just see your finger on the trigger okay yes it is i i also want to be prepared in case there's a dyno attack oh they're blocking the road do we want to go off the road up here yeah yeah off road let's go up here who could have done this to my poor babies look i don't know all i know is all your dinos are the ones that escaped so yeah but obviously all my uh security measures were in place but somebody must have tampered with them oh my god there's the things look let's just get in okay three two one it how'd you get in through the door okay power station so what do we got to do how do we get the power up and running so we can get the comp station back up and get off this island all right uh this wasn't really my department so let's look around for our manual or something okay oh hey a manual turbine restart manual okay step one first you must manually start each turbine core at the base of said turbine okay what's that mean uh let me yeah it definitely looks like it okay so basically what you i need you to do and i'm saying you because you have the gun is i need you to go out to the base of east turbine and just simply flick the core switch you need me to go to every single turbine and flick a core switch yeah it should just be at the base oh they're all waking up now um well good thing you got the gun buddy go down and get out of there oh i'll make sure i'll i'll keep the place nice and safe down here okay sounds like a plan okay i'm ready yeah all you got to do is run out there where's the exit oh it's this way right out there flip the switch at the base and then on all of them so your first one's right there okay you got it dinosaurs don't see me okay turbine core reset okay i got one done okay off to the next one where's the next wind turbine we're doing great so far yeah i can see you in there doing all the work all right oh i'm bringing the manual okay [Music] okay gotta keep going okay two down a couple few more a few more please just leave me alone cool do you want to hurt me okay no it seems like they don't want to hurt me well that's great news oh and here i was thinking we had killer dinosaurs outside okay here we go turbine core reset how many more of these turbine cores are there oh that's the last one cool all the turbine cores are reset oh no it's attacking unicorn oh they're definitely not friendly definitely not friendly stay back oh ow i can tell oh wow oh you know what's weird those things were friendly literally the entire time i was doing that up until the end it's probably feeding time so um dinosaurs have a time where they like to feed uh in time where they remain faster but especially smaller ones because anyway one let's suck it through okay but more importantly i went i got him i got him okay okay we're in the basement what's that oh it's dark down here what do we have to do next to get the power up and running all right first things first did all the poor resets yeah all the cores are on all right step two insert ignition cubes for all six turbines okay i think it's an ignition cube oh run i believe the efficient cubes are an insertion device that they put towards a turbine connection i don't know what that means but okay to simplify it's like connecting wires insert okay the light didn't turn on oh no we're missing ignition cubes what what does that even mean uh it means that we need to put the same things that we just put in the first two turbines to the rest of these start looking around there's got to be some around here okay oh i found upstairs i found one down here that's two how many more do we need uh two more oh i found one oh nice i got an idea so you know how there's a dead guy out there yeah presumably he's connected to this place uh watch it go check the seat's got the ignition cube on his body oh of course i have to go out and check you got the guard what do you want yeah yeah okay don't make the dinosaurs man he has one he has one ah okay i got it i got i got two all right come on oh no i have three perfect that's how many we need okay all right let's start pushing them in all right okay step three activate the generator motors okay i think i saw a motor up here okay uh left motor okay right mode all right step four run a diagnostic report it's boring is it working or not let me check oh yeah oh yeah power grid's back up oh thank god now we can go back to the comms tower yeah in about 20 minutes so his turbines should be um up and running to full power well at least it's up and running again come on we need to get back to that comp station well work out more i don't know what to tell you wow so now that the power is back on we decided to make our way to the comm station there was just one problem we don't have a vehicle and it's on the other side of the island meaning it could take weeks to get there on foot luckily unicorn knew an area where we might be able to find some vehicles and if he's right we can get to the comp station much faster so it's 100 worth checking out okay unicorn we have no vehicle to get back to the comm station but the power's back on so we should be able to communicate with the outside world where do we get a vehicle to get back because i'm not walking two to three weeks just to get back there uh well let me pull up my map here uh oh oh there's old vehicle port where we store old vehicles nearby uh are they gonna be working well i mean that's just the gamble we're gonna have to make when we get there okay so we're going to an old garage for old vehicles that may or may not work look dog all right it's either that or no vehicle at all you got a point let's go get a vehicle we walked for a few days till we made it to the garage luckily there was a working truck in there so we grabbed it and decided to drive straight to the comms building it was a long drive since it was on the other side of the island but it was completely worthwhile when we arrived at the comm station on day 31 the power was running and we were finally able to use the radio hello hello come in come in hello hello is anybody hearing this hello come in come in uh come in come in hello is anyone there uh hello hello it's me this is major armstrong with the united nations who is this uh i am professor unicorn man you can just call me professor unicorn we're stranded on the jurassic island and i i need to get a civvy out of here we will not be coming to save anyone on the island the island has been deemed inaccessible and will be destroyed by the united states military in under 70 days what no you can't do that to us that is all over major armstrong you got to help us out here what did he just say unicorn uh it's so staticky i i'm struggling to understand him he said that this place is gonna get nuked in 70 days excuse me well maybe not nuked but like on that scale so hold on let me talk to this guy scoot over scoot over hey hey you major armstrong loser hey pick up i already told you this is major armstrong of the united nations we are not saving anyone on the island i repeat we are not saving anyone on the island if you would like to survive recapture all of the hostile dinosaurs remaining that is your only hope major armstrong over and out they're actually gonna destroy this place uh they're actually gonna destroy this place my life's work okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on unicorn unicorn think about it there's no way off the island anymore um meaning we kind of only have two choices die or recapture all of the hostile dinosaurs wait that that's great because then i can save my work and we get to live i don't know if that's great because either way i'm pretty sure we're gonna die but it's better than a guaranteed nuke death yeah i'd rather not get nuked why did you do it like that sorry i uh the word new kind of puts me in like a mood let's make a game plan figure out what we gotta do and go from there sound good oh yeah okay so yeah the u.n and the u.s are gonna bomb the island in just under 70 days meaning unless we can capture all of the hostile dinosaur species this island is toast unicorn man told me that there are eight total hostile dino species on the island that we have to worry about there are two t-rex ten velociraptors four allosaurus eight spinosaurus six pterodactyls twelve arson oitheriums four ankylosaurus and one mossasaurus if we can find a way to capture all of those dinos back in their habitats we can save ourselves and the island all right here we are check it out so which pin is this one this is uh the velociraptor pin okay or uh pen that's fine pin pen whatever uh we got one inside i think he wants me though oh yeah he super wants both of us but he's gonna want you more in a second because i have a plan what do you mean a plan well you see how uh the raptors are out and about out there looks around doesn't see a single i hear them i don't see them which makes me nervous there's a few in the trees no you'll find them okay listen okay do you know what velociraptors really love we found this out there no i don't research they love honey so what you want me to like put some honey in there and attract them all in no no no no they won't smell it from there you'll have to pour some honey on yourself and bring them over are you crazy uh you want me to pour this honey over my head run out there like a a dummy and attract them all in here and basically more like me yeah bait dummy bait same thing is that the only only idea you have the only strategy uh oh okay uh this should help you stay alive okay so basically nothing you got nothing okay well if i die it was nice knowing you i guess go get them tiger okay let's pour the honey over my head okay honey lathered on my head and in my hair now i need to get all how many of these guys are there again roughly ten pretty sure ten ten velociraptors okay here we go oh wow how many of them are there i know that four five six six so far oh there's a lot cut put the door in put the door in it's in okay okay hold on okay i'm back out yeah i'll just have the door ready for you how many are out there are in there uh three four five six seven i got seven three more to go okay i can do this maybe velociraptors you got this oh he sees me oh open it up and open it ah come in come get me there's no one out there open it oh my goodness okay hold on oh there's more out here quick open it again okay come on in fellas the water is great hey you come here come on come on guys just go in there's only one more out here come on buddy okay ow these guys luckily only pinch oh they're okay another one's in shut it shut it i think that's ten there's probably nine and there's one tiny one in here with me he's like really tiny you're gonna have to shove him in there [Applause] oh okay i only see one other out here and he's stuck okay well that means they're all trapped at least okay unicorn that means we got them all great all right awesome well that's 10. we got 10 velociraptors we did it oh thank god and i smell like honey um yeah you're gonna need a shower chief yeah uh i would love a shower anyway where are we going from here after we were able to secure the velociraptors inside of their habitat we decided it was our best bet to try and get the four allosaurus that they have on the island back to their habitat unicorn told me that this time i wouldn't be used as bait so that's good but i really don't know how we're supposed to get them back into their pens i guess i'll find out when we get there okay so unicorn what is the your actual plan here ah well right you know where we are uh the staff only building uh well kind of correct this is the allosaurus holding pen the allosaurus holding pen that's one of the dinosaurs that we gotta get basically do that get it over there yeah clear his back go find some allosauruses and then bring him right through that gate okay shut him in how are we supposed to do that i'm not i in fact i as i went over i refused to be bait this time uh don't worry we're both going to be bait this time what well kind of more or less our car is going to be big okay what are you you're gonna have to explain here please allosauruses have a really high chase drive what that means is when they see something going fast they gotta chase it so they're basically cats um so if they see us driving by real fast in our truck just maybe we can lure them right in there and close the gate on i mean it's worth a shot yeah i mean it's either getting nuked so yeah i mean we don't have many options here so the velociraptors were near their pen so i'm assuming the allosaurus can't be too far off either no they can't be too far off they um they usually like to stick around their usual areas and whatnot you know that's you know that's the one nice thing about animals get oh no they're coming oh they're deadly okay quick turn turn we have to go in this pin lead them in here when they see okay they're coming they're coming driving okay uh are we good run unicorn turn around okay okay now drive out we'll shut the gate on them quick quick quick quick oh jesus okay how about i'm gonna have it ready and do it do it i got them they're in they're in we got two of them did you say there was four though yeah we got uh yeah you two more oh look at that alice okay we find how many more two more you have four okay so two more allosaurus they're probably not too far off let's go find them i guess here we go okay we need to find two more allosaurus okay doing that doing that up uh two more two more two more two more two more there's the other two oh these ones are coming in fast these ones are coming in fast like really fast okay they're coming all right open it open it okay and uh go you drive them in you lead them in they have the chase drive go go go go go go get in one and two they're in unicorn they're getting shot come back quick oh they get shot okay yes yes yes oh we got them we got them unfortunately i don't have a chase drive and that was really adrenaline inducing oh well four ankylosaurus caught we did it now there's only like a billion more species we gotta catch so yeah we got all the allosaurus inside of their pen but while doing so it seems like we may have damaged our car because it doesn't work anymore which really makes things hard because there are still tons of more dinos that need to be captured if we're somehow to survive anyway without the car it is taking us even longer to get from dino habitat to dino habitat and it takes us a full 11 days just to get to the next one and what is the next dinosaur we tried to catch you might be asking well it's none other than the spinosaurus okay so we're here um we're at the spinosaurus area i mean their gate is oh yeah it's right there so how are we going to get the spinosaurus into that gate because we have to capture eight total right yeah yep sorry i'm just enjoying being back here it's been a bit since i've been at the spino pen that's great how are we catching them all right ryan probably wondering how we're catching these spinosauruses yeah so i'm thinking we bait them in all right just so happens uh i got some of them spinal foods on me i actually picked that one pink wool this is not pink it's actually condensed pork chop check it out oh it's actually a compact raw pork chop i thought you were lying to be honest with you all we got to do is put a little pink pork chop trail all the way into there and you know just kind of scatter out about a bit you know so that uh we attract as many spinos as possible and then finals very simple as making a food trail and watching them go in yeah basically you know dinosaurs aren't too complicated okay well here give me give me some of the food i'll go i'll go make a bait trail all right here nice and easy okay you watch my back from the observation tower make sure no dinos are sneaking up on me please yeah you got a chief okay i just gotta go make a bait trail that spinosaurus is gonna want to follow into its pin let's just set a few out this way one there wait oh my god that's depressing there we go they're still oinking doing good down there do you hear these yeah yeah yeah we added the oink feature because uh it helps them get their appetite going got you okay make like a little mini mountain in there a mountain okay i'll make a pile over here okay i made a pile okay it's ready the bait trail's ready so now all you do is sit back and wait right oh yeah okay simple enough unicorn they're all in that was the eighth yeah what the heck it's the fastest way to break the glass they're in we did it can't just destroy property like that unicorn it's either two pieces of glass or the whole island i'll remember this yeah okay after capturing the eight spinosaurus we decided our best bet was to try and catch the mosasaurus next since the water dyno was going to be extremely tough to catch overall we wanted to get it out of the way now they only have one mosasaurus on the entire island but that one mosasaurus was gonna be extremely hard to catch ah i've been here in a while what is this place this is the lodge which also happens to be the saurus pen the what the mosasaurus pen what the heck is a mosasaurus um do you know what a megalodon is yeah the big shark yeah like that but bigger bigger okay uh so where is it i mean i'm guessing it's supposed to be in there just kind of idling around but uh i reckon i'm guessing the the open gate over there is not supposed to be open uh no it looks like our master swords friend may have left probably looking for food oh because nobody's even defeated right right okay well if he left looking for food then we need to go actually capture it correction you need to go and capture because i have a fear of the ocean of course you can are you gonna be doing anything while i'm having to do this well i've been i've been doing a lot of things you're just gonna be shutting the gate yeah yeah i'll shut the gate yeah there you go now you can feel like you're doing something important fine i'll go capture this thing what it should be somewhere in the bay past the gate unfortunately i don't think we have any boats on reserve so oh right a boat well look here let me just what are you doing cutting down a tree is that a problem uh i'm just wondering why you're cutting down a tree uh so i can make a boat oh that's a good idea i'm not i'm not used to rudimentary stuff okay anyway i'm gonna go find this thing i'm gonna go hop in the water find this mosasaurus and then try to lure it back in and when i scream that's probably the sign to close the gate okay i'm in the water i'm gonna go through the gate over there and i'll let you i'll let you know what i see okay so we're looking for a mosasaurus okay i'm through the gate okay so it should be somewhere in this bay over here if i were a monstasaurus where would i hide oh wait wait what was that oh that's definitely it what it oh my god look at it oh no it's definitely not but look at the size of that thing oh it's so big oh hello mr mosasaurus i'm gonna call oh you want me oh he definitely wants me that is a big fish come here big fishy yup you just keep making those scary spooky noises and just follow me i'm just a big tasty snack that's all i am big tasty snack uh with your name on it come on this way big and tasty that's right ryan you find it yeah hold on almost almost oh wow it's following you unicorn closed the gate oh yeah is it in yes it's in it's in oh wait wait was that you oh wait what the heck i didn't even see you bloody okay here let me get out of this boat okay thank god we caught this thing oh what it's huge cutie that thing is enormous uh yeah and also cute whoa okay get a little too close for comfort yeah i i don't [Music] let's get back yeah let's go so after basically playing marco polo with a mosasaurus we were luckily able to lure it into its water den that's the fourth hostile dinosaur we've captured meaning there are only four species left to capture and the military isn't gonna bomb this place but of course the four remaining species were not gonna be easy for obvious reasons we were saving the two t-rex for last but it was becoming harder and harder to decide which one we picked next and after some pondering we decided we needed to capture the six pterodactyls that were left around the island you know the flying dinosaurs yeah those somehow we have to capture those things and lucky for us unicorn has a plan so why exactly are we going this way again um well one i'm getting a little homesick with the research lab and two so we're looking for pterodons yeah yeah pterodactyls i guess i mean i thought they were called pterodactyls but you keep calling them pterodons so look why would there be pterodactyls in here wouldn't they be in the sky or something oh well actually we like to keep them in the aviary which is a dome-like structure you know why because pterodactyls love domes i don't know why that's that's great anyway why are we going to the visitor center that still doesn't explain that well i haven't seen any pterodactyls flying around so i'm only inclined to believe that maybe the pterodactyls went to the visitor center specifically in the tourist that's the stupidest thing why would they why would pterodactyls go to the visitor center uh because it's happened before oh so this isn't even a first incident of dinos escaping no well kinda okay let's go to the visitor center and you said there's gonna be pterodactyls inside uh there should be okay well let's go let's go find them okay you might be right okay yep they're flying around oh my god how are we supposed to catch those things oh i got an idea right this way which way how are we supposed to get these things watching behind you should be around here somewhere i have a tranquilizer gun i can't hear you over the dinos you have a what i have an officer on him with a tranquilizer gun oh here we go that's great hold on wait can i have one uh no only one tranquilizer gun and you have the regular gun so and that's fair enough okay well let's get in there let's tranquilize these things you got a chief all right watch my back okay i gotta get the right spot come on come on buddy mark over here uh unicorn you keep missing oh i got it okay okay that's one there's five more in here ah they're all underneath me quick get them they're i'll bait them all out come here friends hey youtube ah nice one more one more did you get him yes yes you tranquilized him all nice unicorn nice note to self things that fly are insanely hard to catch luckily for us they were trapped inside the visitor center so we actually stood a chance with that tranquilizer gun from here there was only three species remaining that needed to be caught the t-rex the ankylosaurus and the arcino ethereum unicorn wouldn't tell me which one we were going to next which was probably a bad sign that we were about to go to a really dangerous one and my hunch was correct okay hey we're making progress there's only a few more species we have to actually capture yeah we're doing pretty good we might be able to okay wait hold on what what day is oh it's day 81 we have less than 20 days to do this to capture the last species that we're gonna you you're stressing too much about the details ryan i mean yeah we still have three more to capture we have one and two others we're gonna have two more actually i don't know if they escaped their gates still closed yeah yeah this is the arson oi therium arsenicarium pen arsenoid therium pen i say that through those faces yeah uh could you do me a favor yeah could you do me a favor actually and just kind of like hang out in there for a bit why what are you doing unicorn look right i just need you to take a head count there should be 12. well okay because they don't really like to leave their pen but there might be a strayer too so we might even have to do a work here okay i'm just gonna climb up here one two three four five six seven i see eight over there uh nine oh wow they're almost all here uh eleven there's eleven eleven okay we're just missing one then one how many babies do you see one this one yeah i also see a dead i also see a dead body i'm sorry what yeah there's dead body back there should i worry about that yeah go check it out okay please don't murder me please don't murder me please over to me uh he says hello and he has a shotgun okay coming back you better open that gate uh yeah yeah just squeeze on by excuse me coming through shut it okay well it doesn't seem like they're too hostile so arsenal ethereum there's only one we're missing they're only mad when they're hungry they're probably not very hungry uh yeah only one and i'm pretty sure it's a baby so all we have to do is imitate a mother's call that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard that's not gonna work uh okay mister i'm a dinosaur scientist fine i don't know just do your thing all right just gotta limber up oh [Music] okay just make the maiden call or the wait motherly call motherly waiting oh my god right there's no way that works you're literally just screaming you are literally just screaming oh my god luke it's right there unicorn it's literally right in front of us unicorn lead it in lead it in lead it in go in go in go in little arson little guy i'm pushing him i'm pushing him he's heavy oh oh i almost got him i almost got him ah there we go i got him all right we did it with your real mom okay well hey arcenoid therium checked off the list and now what there's only like two more species right just the t-rex and the ankylosaurus oh yeah t-rex and the oculosaurus you know which one we're going for first uh no i'll let you pick lucky for us the arsenal etherium stayed mostly in their pin and didn't travel around the island though there are only 10 days left to capture the two t-rexes and the four ankylosaurus that remain and ten days is not enough time to capture two different species or that's what i thought anyway but unicorn luckily had this all planned out from the beginning you see it actually turns out that the t-rex will not eat the ankylosaurus the ankylosaurus happen to have this hard armored shell on their back that protects them so if we're gonna survive this we can do it by capturing them in the same exact pen at once and even more lucky for us it turns out that the t-rex and the ankylosaurus both love one thing strawberries strawberries what what do you mean strawberries uh i mean strawberries but i thought t-rex is like only ate meat and stuff how are we supposed to get a t-rex in here with strawberries well t-rex's are primarily carnivores but um that doesn't mean that they don't chomp on some veggies for fillings over here and there you know what i'm saying like the gravy yeah oh dude whatever look okay as long as it's gonna get t-rexes and ankylosaurus in here we're gonna be fine yeah just just plant a few of these around okay you know make like a little trail i'll make a bushel on the inside okay you make the bushel on the inside i'll make a trail leading to this area and hopefully we can catch the remaining dinosaurs because i'm not gonna lie really don't want to get bombed by the military it doesn't sound too pleasant no no me neither me neither i'll put some on the other side of the road too just to make sure to guarantee that this dinosaur comes okay here we go get all these here start making a little more bushy up towards the gate okay strawberry bush is planted all right now all that's up to do is to wait ah that's boring we're gonna montage this right uh only if we have the funding too let's hope we have the funding unicorn the first uncle look at that uncle source is coming there's an anki out there did you just call it an anki yeah well that's what that's what you called it right did i i hate myself if i did okay let me just see he came in okay we got the first one we got the first ankylosaurus yes oh yeah baby there's plenty of strawberries for him to munch on okay let's hope his friends follow soon let's see i don't see any unicorn unicorn wake up there's another one coming the last one the last ankylosaurus is on its way finally oh my god yes it's the fourth one that's the fourth one to enter now we just have to wait for the well let's see if he enters first just in time too i'm starting to get bored yup he's in he's in okay now we just gotta wait for the tyrannosaurus rex's to appear oh yeah [Music] unicorn unicorn it's coming it's coming the t-rex just one i don't see two i only see one right now he's coming as well t-rex i can't believe it worked wait it's a male t-rex yeah yeah yeah it's a melty record how do you know tell it because it's small yeah it's actually really small is that why its legs aren't moving mm-hmm oh well actually no i don't think that's why i think i think that might be a cerebral problem i don't know no gotcha well that's one t-rex got wait shut the gate shut the gate shut the gate shut the gate he'll escape otherwise because t-rex is love to explore okay give it a shot nice there we go all right hello mr t-rex you are now stuck oh wait but there's still one more oh no i think i know where it is where are you telling me you have a lead on the t-rex actually yeah when i exited my hotel originally uh well i kind of got almost eaten by what and i think every time we pass there i've seen it in that area it's a big green t-rex uh it's over by the visitor center well we don't have a whole lot of time to be talking about t-rex we gotta go be capturing that t-rex let's go okay okay careful unicorn it was right up here it was right in front of the hotel literally like right here are you sure i'm not seeing no dinosaur it was definitely here i'm positive ah all right fan out then there's got to be somewhere okay or she depending on the size uh it was big and green oh definitely is she definitely a mama dino okay well maybe it's in the visitor center perhaps there's plenty of space over there to possibly be here we'll go in the side entrance just to be oh no that that would be the dinosaur right there oh oh she's magnificent yeah that's great that she's magnificent but we have to capture her how we oh we're good oh for a second there i thought we were going to have a struggle use your tranquilizer gun uh i'm out of ammo so you're still on the pterodans if you don't have a tranquilizer how the heck are we supposed to capture a t-rex uh we'll just use the strawberries i don't have any strawberries on me do you have any spare strawberries i have two but not enough to make to lead them all the way to where their pen is uh okay i'll just brainstorm for a sec okay brainstorm for a sec i can't think of anything it's too huge man i know i'm supposed to capture that i unicorn i'm gonna need you to sit down for this okay i don't know if we can let that dinosaur live what i'm just being honest saying you want to neutralize my life's work no i'm saying i want to neutralize that piece of your life's work because if we don't you're going to lose your actual life and your actual life's work but but look how beautiful she is she's just standing there minding her business we have to do it because you know what we have to do i don't know i know what i have to do i don't know if i have the strength to do it well if you don't i will or i'll die trying wait ryan you can't uh we have to unicorn we have no choice oh it's coming in you better help me okay i'm distracting him you better help me i'm trying this thing only has four shots at a time oh god well hurry up hey nice nice we got him oh i'm so sorry isabel that's the name i just gave you look we didn't we didn't want to do it we we had to it was for the it was for the greater good unicorn when i see that major armstrong guy i'm gonna shove my scientist foot so far up his butt he's gonna he's gonna taste dirt [Music] we defeated the enraged t-rex and even though neither of us wanted to have to hurt it we did what we had to do to save this island and all of its inhabitants when i first got here i really didn't care for the lives of the dinos at all and i just wanted to save myself but after working with them over the last 90 days or so they've really grown on me anyway there was only one thing left we had to do to save this island radio major armstrong hello hello anybody there this is major armstrong who am i speaking with major armstrong it's me it's it's professor unicorn man professor unicorn how goes the mission on the island how the dinosaurs been captured yeah yeah yeah they're they're captured all the hostile ones good work your work has not only saved your lives but the lives of the dinosaurs as well mission accomplished over and out wait that's it we're we're good yeah hi i guess i'll be sending a rescue team we should probably make our way to the airport i guess so well that's it it's officially day 99 it'll be day 100 meaning this challenge is complete i've officially survived 100 days in the jurassic world mission success i'm sorry 100 days don't don't worry about it you're not going to understand you're a character what
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,461,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, 100 day minecraft, unicorn mann, minecraft roleplays, roleplays, roleplay, daycare, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, 100 day dinosaur, minecraft jurassic, 100 day jurassic, minecraft dinosaur, minecraft custom build, 100 days in minecraft, ryguyrocky 100 days
Id: tKvg-QM_6ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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