I Survived 100 Days as SPONGEBOB in HARDCORE Minecraft

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on day one i spawned in a spongebob oh no i forgot i gotta get ready for work wow look at the bikini bottom it all looks so cool i got to the krusty krab and said hello to both squidward and mr krabs oh mighty whatever spongebob right before i can get started an explosion happened plankton broke into the restaurant and started to yell at us krabs i will have that recipe if it's the last thing i do you'll never get the recipe plankton i'm going to blow this place sky to get it no not me money plankton blew up the krusty krab it sent me flying straight out of the bikini bottom on day two i landed in a strange area i'd never seen before who's gonna feed gary oh no i gotta find him before it's too late i was surrounded by trees and i wasn't sure where i should start i decided to chop some of the trees down to make a crafting table next i used some of the wood to craft a set of wooden tools suddenly i heard a scream that was close by oh no i think that's patrick calling for help i ran toward where his voice was coming from finally i saw patrick and he was being chased by a fish monster i jumped in to help him and started fighting him with my sword he hit me but look at that i think i had natural resistance wow i guess being a sponge really does have its benefits a few more good hits in town he went patrick pal are you okay spongebob boy am i glad to see you i was under my rock eating mayonnaise when suddenly i shot sky high to here same buddy we need to make our way back to bikini bottom also i found this while i was out there patrick threw me a piece of paper in a bottle wait a second not just any piece of paper it was the krabby patty secret formula wow could find buddy we can't let plankton get a hold of this or who knows what's gonna happen we made our way back in the direction of the bikini bottom on day three patrick and i were on our way back to bikini bottom when suddenly we spotted doodle bob how did he get here and what is he up to me homie doodle bob ran up to a fish and used his pencil to trap him in a drawing whoa that thing seems really powerful what could he possibly want with that fish we didn't have time to worry about it now though so he went around him and made our way toward bikini bottom finally we arrived but it was in total ruins most of the buildings were partially destroyed we returned to where our houses were and my pineapple was on fire i put the fire out and started to rebuild it with some of the wood and stone i'd gathered inside my pineapple i used some of my leftover wood to craft a chest and hide the recipe inside of it wow it feels like we're starting to get some stuff back to normal the rest of the bikini bottom was definitely going to need to be rebuilt as well on day 4 i decided it was time to return to the krusty krab to see what was left of it i made my way down the road and eventually got there i noticed across the street the chum bucket was completely undamaged from plankton's explosion but the crusty crab was in ruins i made my way into mr krabs vault to see if anything had survived the explosion but there was no money left luckily in one of the chests i found my trusty stone spatula wow i was really starting to miss this i also found some bread which was great because i was starving i then searched the freezer to see if there are any ingredients so i can use my bread to make a krabby patty but to my surprise all the ingredients were missing they must have been blown away in the explosion as well oh man as i was getting ready to leave a robot gold showed up at the krusty krabs he must be one of plankton's creations the golem attacked me but luckily i found my spatula i was able to use it and take him down wow that was close i headed back toward my pineapple to go to bed for the night on day five i had the strangest dream i was in front of a giant chum bucket with a huge robotic plankton [Music] spongebob i told you i would get the krabby patty formula now the world is mine you will never get the secret formula plankton i won't let you it is too late spongebob i have it and i was able to engineer it so that all of the bikini bottom is now under my control i looked around and he was right all the fish were wearing mind control chum buckets being controlled by plankton oh hail plankton you are sick plankton bikini bottom will never be yours i'm gonna stop you sorry spongebob but the world is already mad you're too weak attack a group of robot withers appeared behind plankton and they attacked me who woke up oh no plankton he has the formula i rushed to the chest to see if the formula was there luckily though it was i can't let plankton get a hold of this i think it'll be better if i keep it on myself than hide it in this chest i better be careful on day six i searched the rest of bikini bottom to see if gary or anyone else had made their way back i looked all over but couldn't find anyone i even went to the jellyfish fields and saw there were no jellyfish anywhere wow where did they all go i decided to start looking elsewhere to see if i can find gary i traveled through a forest biome and noticed something orange i ran up and saw it was a piece of my pineapple that had gone missing i quickly used my spatula to mine up the piece now i can rebuild my pineapple to its original glory right when i was getting ready to return to my base though i heard a group of sheep calling for help i saw they were being attacked by a group of jellyfish that's where all of them went i jumped into action to help the sheep i started to fight them off with my spatula but their stings hurt they seemed to be able to penetrate my resistance after a few more hits i was able to take all of them down whoa that was a close one are you guys okay i decided to take the sheet back to the bikini bottom with me when i arrived i made them a quick pen right next to my pineapple afterwards i took the time to fully repair the pineapple with the missing piece i'd found wow i'm so glad i found that it was getting pretty late so i went to sleep for the night on day seven i woke up to the sound of screaming outside i ran out and saw doodlebob hey doodlebob what are you doing spongebob bad doodlebob good people like doodlebob moore seemed like he was upset because people like me more than him you won't make a lot of friends by kidnapping them you know make um bikini bottom everyone loved doodle there doodlebob then drew a mop using his pencil and he began attacking me he was tough he summoned kelp from the ground which did damage a few good hits from my spatula and down he went wow noodle bob is super powerful with that pencil he mentioned he's creating his own bikini bottom so that people are gonna like him i'm gonna have to find it i was really sad about the krabby patties and how all the ingredients had gone missing i decided i would preserve them in a statue i used the wood i left over to work on the bun and knew i would need to gather some of the wool to create the rest of the krabby patty that was another day's story though first i really need to find gary and doodlebob's base on day eight i traveled back to the strange world in search of gary and doodlebob's bikini bottom i knew both of them had to be somewhere out here i searched a few biomes i was not able to find either of them i was starting to give a pope when suddenly the king jellyfish approached me he was angry that he was not at the jellyfish fields anymore and seemed to blame me for it i told him that we all got separated but i can sure take him back he started to look very angry though oh no i have to run i ran away and while i was running back to bikini bottom i ran directly in a piece of patrick's house wow how convenient my friend is gonna be so happy with this i mind the piece of his house and took it back to bikini bottom hey patrick look what i have is it my mayonnaise collection no buddy but hopefully we can find that too it's a piece of your house oh boy that's great we got to work rebuilding patrick's house wow look at that it looks so good on day 9 i woke up and decided i should go find some more material i wanted to find gary so badly and i was worried i was not strong enough because of the king jellyfish but i traveled into a cave and searched for iron i was able to find some with the iron i was able to upgrade my spatula to iron wow check it out it's so shiny now i used the other iron i had found to make myself some iron boots and pants as i was getting ready to leave i was attacked by a group of zombies in the cave what are these monsters i fought back against them using my spatula my resistance helped whoa that was a close one but then i realized i'd eat my last piece of bread from the krusty krab i left the cave and started to punch some of the grass to collect seed so i can start a farm once i had enough seeds i gathered a bunch of dirt and returned home to my pineapple i used the dirt to lay the foundation for my farm since i was underwater the water filled the holes next to the dirt without me having to use a bucket i then crafted a stone hoe with some of my leftover stone and wood i used the hoe on the dirt so i can plant the seeds now all i need to do is wait a little and i'll have a ton of bread on day 10 i traveled back into the world in search of gary and doodlebob i was looking through a desert biome when i saw squidward leave me alone you freak i will get that recipe from you squidward i jumped in to stop plankton i used my spatula to flip him away from squidward curses spongebob i will get that formula from you if it's the last thing i do he ran off suddenly a villager walked up shut up the villager ran away scared and i asked squidward if he was okay spongebob that lunatic thinks i have the krabby patty formula he explained to me that after the explosion plankton has been chasing him all over the world trying to get the formula from him ah shucks buddy i'm sure glad you're okay i am not your buddy spongebob me and my best friend squidward return to the bikini bottom and i helped him rebuild his base luckily nothing was missing from his house and we were able to easily put it back together the secret ingredient for the krabby patties is still missing but worse my clarinet it's missing too don't worry friend we'll get them both back on days 11 to 12 i set out in search of the secret ingredient as well as gary i miss gary so much while i was searching i came across a very scared baby cow as i approached the cow she ran off terrified i was about to catch up to the cow and explain i was just trying to help she told me that someone who looked like me attacked her village and she was separated from her family this must be doodle bob he's attacking people in this world as well as the bikini bottom i need to stop him the cow and i searched the forest and were able to find the other cows i reunited her and her parents and they were very grateful i explained to all of them that it was not me but a monster that looked exactly like me i asked the cows if they could tell me where their village was and they pointed me in the right direction i set off towards the village on days 13-14 i arrived at the village and saw all the villagers were all completely trapped inside of drawing cells i rushed up to the villagers and explained it was not me but a monstrous drawing of myself the villagers were relieved and explained that doodlebob had returned and continued to take them back to his base i tried to search the village for anything that could help break them out of their prisons but the village was completely looted i tried to use my spatula on the cells i was unable to break it i felt bad but i had to leave the villagers trapped i knew when i had doodle bob's pencil i would return and free these villagers i returned home and talked to patrick about what doodlebob was doing we need to stop him spongebob think of the mayonnaise the mayo can wait buddy we'll have to find his base and steal his pencil first things first we need to find out exactly where he lives since squidward was back i needed to expand my farm so we would have enough food while we waited to find the krabby patty ingredients on days 15 to 16 i woke up and went outside and i saw plankton in a hot air balloon no doubt he was trying to steal the krabby patty formula he flew overhead and he started to drop tnt on my pineapple and blew the roof clean off you'll pay for that plankton there's no way you'll get that formula from me that's where you're wrong spongebob the formula will be mine he started to drop another tnt but before he could a large gust of air hit his balloon and sent him flying the other way haha plankton you'll never get this but i do have something more valuable to you than that formula what could he mean by that after plankton's attempt to steal the formula was so close i knew i needed to get stronger and more upgrades i set off to the mines to hopefully find enough iron to complete my armor set i crafted myself an iron chest plate as well as an iron helmet finally my iron armor set was complete i returned home and gathered some of my wheat so that i would have food on my journey to doodle bob's bikini bottom on days 17 to 18 i was out searching for doodle bob's base when i was attacked by the king jellyfish but i was stronger than i was before with my new armor his stings dealt less damage and i was able to fight back much better i was able to take him out suddenly i changed whoa i have my jelly fishing outfit now and i had 15 hearts i definitely thought i was ready to take on doodlebob now i continued to search and i ran into a fish who was running away in a hurry hey slow down man what's the rush the fish explained to me that he had been captured by doodlebob but was able to break free do you know where his base is he pointed me in the right direction i thanked him and set off toward doodlebob's base on days 19-20 i arrived at doodlebob's base the first thing i noticed was there was a drawn version of my pineapple doodlebob wasn't kidding he's making his own bikini bottom i looked around and noticed there are fish trapped in drawn prisons oh no this isn't good just then doodlebob came out of his pineapple and he walked up to one of the fish he threw him one of the nastiest looking krabby patties i'd ever seen eat now he forced a fish to eat it and suddenly the fish died doodlebob looked very angry that he didn't like the krabby patty and stormed off i made my way to the fish making sure doodlebob was still gone and tried to break them out using my spatula again but it was no use i promise i'll get you guys out once i'm able to get the pencil away from doodlebob okay the fish told me they were starving and i knew i had to do something about this i'm gonna come back with food for you guys you have my word i set off back toward my base on days 21-23 i returned to my bikini bottom and started to think of a way i can make all the fish food i wasn't sure how it was even going to be possible oh you should make them all pizza everyone loves pizza that's a great idea buddy i should get started right away i went to the farm and gathered as much weed as i could i put the wheat into the furnaces and knew i would have to wait a little while for the pizzas to be done cooking in the meantime i decided to add a bunch of chests to my base so i would have more storage for the items i would be collecting on my journey next i started to work on my krabby patty statue it was really starting to come together once i finished my statue the pizzas were all done cooking i grabbed them and i was getting ready to set off when i realized i wanted someone to come with me i asked my best friend squidward to come and he was very reluctant at first but eventually he decided he'll go along for the journey if it means you will shut up for a minute that's the spirit squidward we set off toward the villages and doodlebob's bikini bottom on days 24-26 squidward and i made our way across the villages i'd seen and delivered each of them pizza so they would have food while they were trapped there were so many villages already affected by doodlebop and i knew i had to put an end to this madness as we were making our way to doodlebob's base we were suddenly ambushed by robot golems again the golem started to attack us thankfully i upgraded my spatula to iron and i was able to take them down with it we made our way to doodlebob's base and made sure the coast is clear he was nowhere in sight so we used the opportunity to deliver the final pizza to the fish here you go guys this should keep you fed while we figure out a way to free you the fish were extremely grateful and i was getting ready to leave but one of the fish stopped me he threw me a bunch of seeds for some of the krabby patty ingredients wow we're one step closer to making crappy patties again we headed home knowing that all the prisoners would be well fed for now on days 27 to 29 squidward and i returned home to our houses and i got to work expanding my farm next i made sure to plant as many of the lettuce onion and tomatoes as i could patrick came up to me and told me that he had seen this massive factory pop up in bikini bottom i knew that this had to be from plankton so i quickly made my way over there the building looked like a giant burger factory he must be trying to get ready in case he was able to steal the formula i made my way inside and was attacked by a giant flying robot the robot started to shoot particles at me but they weren't that hard to avoid i tried to use my spatula when i got close but he was able to knock me back i knew i would have to be fast and hit him quickly i rushed into him and finally was able to get a good flip on him i heard a familiar meowing gary is that you i saw gary was trapped in a cage hanging from the ceiling you too buddy i quickly broke gary out and we made our way back to the base we made our way inside our pineapple and i made gary his own bed i was so excited to finally be reunited with him on days 30-32 i rushed outside and saw plankton with a giant krabby patty monster i was trying to create my own krabby patties but i made this instead look at my masterpiece plankton what have you done it's a mutant krabby patty get the recipe for me the mutant krabby patty attacked me he was incredibly strong the mutant krabby patty attacked my pineapple and started to destroy it no stop just then doodle bob showed up he jumped in and he erased the krabby patty with his pencil curses doodle bob the recipe was almost mine spongebob mine to destroy me high plankton fled with doodlebob chasing after him i took the moment to rebuild the destroyed parts of my pineapple wow that was a close one can't believe i'm saying this but thank goodness for doodlebob on days 33-35 i woke up and realized i needed more upgrades in order to defeat plankton and doodlebob i headed out and found a cave to look for diamonds after a bit of searching i found a huge mine shaft whoa look at this place i was about to give up hope when i found some i mind them quickly and use them to upgrade my diamond spatula it was a good thing i upgraded it as well because i was then attacked by a group of robot endermen of course plankton was still creating more robots to try and steal the formula they were quick and attacked fast after a bit of fighting i took them down get flipped guys i returned home to my base and gary was waiting outside the pineapple for me hey gary what's going on gary that's amazing we'll be one step closer to making krabby patties again on days 36-38 i came across another village but this village was different it was completely drawn i entered the village and was looking to find more villagers that were trapped but none of them were they were all drawings the drawing villagers spotted me they started to attack and i tried to use my spatula but i was unable to damage them at all oh no this isn't good i had no choice but to run away things are definitely starting to get worse with doodlebop i need to find a way to steal his pencil so i can erase all of his drawings and reverse this and started looking for any signs of the diver who took the seeds like gary had mentioned i then came across a fishing workshop this must be where he lives i made my way inside and started to look through the chests i found them the krabby patty bun seeds score i made my way outside of return home when the diver showed up he started to attack me summoning diver drowns the drowns are no problem for me but the diver was fast and right when i thought i defeated him he made it start raining which regained his health oh no this guy's super tough i continued to fight and finally was able to bring him down just then i felt myself changed and i finally became the home monitor i had 20 hearts awesome i started to make my way back to bikini bottom on days 39 to 41 i was making my way through force on my way back to bikini bottom when something jumped out at me oh spongebob i am glad to see you sandy you look uh different i'm not sure what you mean spongebob this is how i've always looked i was trying to get back to bikini bottom but i got lost i'm actually headed there right now i could take you with me if you want before we returned we stopped to grab some sand because i knew we would need some glass to repair sandy's tree dome we returned home to bikini bottom and we rebuilt the part of sandy's tree dome that was destroyed from plankton's blast i then went and added some more dirt to my farm and planted all the krabby patty bun seeds i had one step closer to krabby patties i then returned to sandy and explained to her that plankton would stop at nothing to steal the formula from me sandy told me that she had a plan for him i think we can make a rocket and truck him into it then we can send him to the moon and he won't bother us ever again that's a great idea sandy i also heard about this cheese biome that might solve the crab fatty cheese problem if you bring me iron for my rocket i'll tell you where i think it is of course sandy wants me to get things before helping me on days 42 to 44 i set off to a cave to find as much iron as i could once inside i started to mine all the iron i can see along the way i found a few diamonds which i used to make a pair of diamond pants and diamond chest plate i was starting to feel like nothing could stop me i returned home to sandy's tree dome and gave her all the iron i found while in the caves this is a great start spongebob now can you tell me about the cheese biome of course it's not too far from here actually sandy explained to me where the cheese biome was and talked about the cheese cows that inhabited the area i thanked her and got ready for my journey before i set off i decided to work on my krabby patty statue even though we were getting closer to finishing the krabby patties for real i wanted to make sure i had something to remind everyone how good they were before i left i collected some of the regular wheats and used it to create bread for my journey i said goodbye to gary and headed off on days 45 to 46 i arrived at the cheese biome it was like nothing i'd ever seen before i started looking around when i spotted a herd of cheese cows i approached the cheese cows and explained to them that i was trying to find cheese for my krabby patties and how they would be a big help they explained to me that they were being attacked by someone who looked identical to me they must be talking about doodlebop they said that not too far from here he was capturing cheese cows and taking them somewhere else i set off to find him i hadn't traveled very far when i saw the cheese cows trapped in a drawing with doodlebob hey leave the cows alone spongebob bad he started to attack me using his pencil but it seemed like it wasn't as effective because of my diamond armor i realized maybe my spatula would be able to hurt him now i flipped him over and to my surprise he dropped the pencil before he can get it i picked it up i was getting ready to try and erase him but he ran off barnacles i almost had him i used a pencil and was able to erase the bedrock that was trapping the cheese cows the cows were extremely grateful and thanked me some of them agreed to return to bikini bottom with me so i can use the cheese they produced for the krabby patties wow thanks guys together we set off back toward bikini bottom on days 47 of 50 i returned to bikini bottom and headed to the krusty krab i started to create a pen for the cheese cows i used some of my wheat to give them a few hay bales so they would have something to eat i then started to realize how close to making krabby patties again we were i was really excited but then it hit me i knew nothing about running a business who was gonna operate the krusty krab while i made the krabby patties i needed to find mr krabs so i started to search the krusty krab to see if mr krabs is anywhere i went to the vault where he would always count his money but didn't find him i started to look in the freezer but he wasn't there either i then searched his house to see if maybe he would return home but he also wasn't there i didn't know where he was i made my way back to the krusty krab when i thought i heard mr krabs i heard the distinct sound of a penny rolling on the floor followed by plankton must be holding mr krabs in the chum bucket i made my way over to the chum bucket and got ready to go inside on days 51 of 53 i entered the chum bucket it felt cold and laboratory-like nothing like the krusty krab that's for sure i started to look around for any sign of mr krabs when a robot started to attack me i was ready for him though i started to fight back using my spatula and eventually he went down i went deeper into the chum bucket and i finally found him mr krabs spongebob me bob get me out of here i was unable to break the cage he was in but realize there might be a key to unlock it i then notice a chest that was labeled not key for cage chest so i decided to open it and it had the key wow i guess that sign sure was misleading i ran back to free mr krabs and we started to make our way to the exit when plankton showed up in a robotic suit where do you think you're going spongebob out of this terrible place you call a restaurant plankton tried to trap us but we were able to dodge it i then used my spatula to knock him out of the mech so we could run for the exit curses crabs i will have that formula on days 54 to 56 mr krabs and i made our way back to the krusty krab spongy boy me bob the grusty krab is in ruins don't worry mr krabs i have the material to build it back to its original glory we spent some time rebuilding it and it looked as good as new goodies new spongebob me money was taken when i was blown away oh no how are we gonna survive without your money magician took all me money he's somewhere in the dark forest i landed in well don't worry mr krabs i can go back and get your money and i'll bring it back to you i mean we're gonna need it to run the krusty krab right that's the spirit me boy i'm not paying you for this either take this i found it in plankton's chum bucket mr krabs threw me a potion of swiftness that's more than enough payment for me good now double time spongebob time is money i drank the potion and ran off towards the dark forest to find that magician and get mr crab's money back on days 57-59 i made my way into the dark forest biome and i came across the theater in the woods oh no this has to be where the magician lives i made my way inside and the theater was completely empty except for a magician standing on the stage no i'm actually here to get my boss's money back and he's not paying me for this so can we uh get this done in a hurry the magician started to attack me he threw cards at me and i had to avoid them i tried to attack him but then he went invisible he moved around the theater pulling bunnies from his hat and they started to attack me too every time i fought them off he would pull more out to attack me so i had to pull out doodlebop's pencil and used it on him i completely erased him from existence i felt myself starting to feel strange whoa i'm ripped and i have anchor arms i searched the magician's theater and found the theater's back room it was filled with gold blocks this must be mr krabs money i mined all of it up and started to make my way back to bikini bottom on days 60 to 62 i returned to the krusty krab and helped mr krabs load all of his money into this vault don't get any ideas spongebob this is my money of course not mr krabs just happy we're back together in the krusty krab i then headed to sandy's tree dome to see how the rocket was coming along sandy told me she was going to need a lot more iron and some redstone to power the rocket i headed back into the mines and mined all the reds in an iron i could find i even found a few more diamonds i used the diamonds to finish my diamond armor and then headed back to sandy's sandy and i started to work on the rocket and it really seemed to be coming together i figured this is a good time to work on my krabby patty it looks great now but just wait until it's fully done i returned to the krusty krab to see if mr krabs needed anything else while i had some free time i asked mr krabs if he had any idea where we can get patties for the krabby patties of course i do spongebob i always get me patties from the ancient paddy mines not too far from here an ancient patty mine okay i'm not gonna ask any questions mr krabs gave me the coordinates and i set off to the mind to grab as much of the patio as i could i'm not paying you for this either on days 63-65 i made my way to the ancient paddy mine that mr krabs had described i was inside and saw a massive lava pit it looked like there were structures i could jump to so i was really careful and made my way across the lava pit carefully jumping from structure to structure on the other side i found a ton of patios i started to mine them and they dropped uh minced meat okay i didn't know krabby patties came from the ground but i guess that's why they're so delicious once i had mined all the crabby patio ore i could find i headed back home to bikini bottom when i arrived at the krusty krab it was under attack by doodlebob in some of his drawings i took out my pencil and began erasing as many of them as i could turning them back to normal fish before i could erase all of them one of them destroyed part of the crusty mihoimi neuman spongebob bad doodle gun he ran back to his own version of bikini bottom i started to rebuild the krusty krab it felt like we had just finished it and now we're rebuilding wow no matter i restored it to the sweet greasy glory it was it was getting late though so i went to bed knowing i would get doodlebob tomorrow on days 66 to 68 i woke up and prepared to go to doodlebob's bikini bottom and put an end to him once and for all i set out on my journey to his base and along the way stopped to free all the fish and villagers that i came across all of them were so appreciative that i came back for them and freed them like i had promised don't sweat it guys i made my way to doodlebob's base and was getting ready to free the fish when doodlebob himself showed up spongebob doodle one friend this is a bad way to get friends doodlebob if you were just nice to people they would want to be your friends as well now doodlebop attacked me and i started to fight back against him i took out the pencil and used it on him i looked i noticed part of his face was a race i ran at him trying to finish him off but he ran off i let him go for now i knew he was powerless without his pencil i then took the time to make sure i erased all doodlebob's bikini bottom and finally freed the rest of the fish that were at his base we all started to make our way back to bikini bottom on days 69 71 i returned to bikini bottom with all the fish that had been freed from doodlebob's base the fish started to settle into their homes i found a great spot for my krabby patty statue to stay now everyone in bikini bottom can see it i was almost done admiring my work when plankton showed up with an army of robots he was inside of a giant mech suit you are going to give me that formula spongebob never he and his robots started to attack i defeated all of them once so i knew i could do it again i thought they would be no match for me now that i had old diamond armor and the pencil but there were too many of them i was beginning to be overrun when plankton stepped in with his mac he hit me really hard and i can barely move he then grabbed the formula from me no i have the formula now and the krabby patties are mine i was helpless as i watched him walk away with the formula how could i have let this happen on day 72-74 i made my way to the krusty krab to tell mr krabs the bad news mr krabs plankton he stole the formula and i wasn't able to stop him oh no me boy this is very bad i know but we need to get it back me boy if not to lose all my money that's not even the worst part he will know the secret ingredients mr krabs this is going to change everything me money is more important you need to go and get the secret ingredient before he does spongebob but where do i find it mr krabs you're the only one who knows what it is i get the secret ingredient in skull rock you'll have to go there to grab it before plankton figures out where it is mr krabs gave me the coordinates a skull rock so i could retrieve the krabby patty secret ingredient for the krabby patties i grabbed a few things and then left to go on days 75-77 i arrived at school rock there was a giant shark head on the front of the huge castle i made my way up the large staircase and entered a dining room i looked around and finally i found some bottles and a chest labeled secret ingredients this must be the secret ingredient for the krabby patties i was getting ready to leave when suddenly a group of lizard people started to run at me i was scared so i started to hit them with my spatula they attacked me at range and then would get close and knock me back they were no match for my diamond spatula though take this down they went mr krabs never mentioned it was guarded by lizard people i wonder why he left that out anyway i had what i needed and started to make my way back to bikini bottom so we can start cooking our krabby patties again on days 78 to 80 i returned to the crusty crab with the secret ingredients i handed it to mr krabs and he was extremely happy spongebob me bob you did it did you say hi to my lizard friends for me they don't get company often uh yeah you're friends they were like great oh no i ran back to my farm as fast as i could to gather the other ingredients for the krabby patties i guess those lizard people were mr krabs friends yikes i started to harvest all the lettuce tomatoes and onions i could carry i then grabbed all the buns from the special seeds i stopped by the cheese cows and they gave me a bunch of cheese it was cooking time i started to make as many krabby patties as i could and as fast as i was able to in no time the delicious smell of krabby patties was filling bikini bottom and fish were swarming to the krusty krab like anchovies we were selling them so fast i could barely keep up the krusty krab was back in business the fish weren't the only ones who noticed because in no time plankton was at the krusty krab krebs why is everyone eating these and not mine you must have the secret ingredient he started to attack mr krabs but i stepped in high the secret ingredient i started to fight him off while mr krabs ran off to the vault to hide it i was able to distract him long enough for mr krabs to get away curses spongebob i will get you for this he ran back to the chum bucket on days 81-85 i started by repairing the part of the krusty krab that was destroyed by plankton i was just finishing up when doodlebop showed up and started to yell at me behind me why people like your patty and not mine because olives are made with love and a secret ingredient doodle people should like doodle bob you don't have to be bad you'll never make friends this way but he didn't listen he was so filled with rage that he started to attack me i feel really bad for him stop doodlebob don't make me do this dude oh god i used this pencil and embraced him for good i felt really bad about what i had done just then a group of fish arrived and started to cheer for me i still didn't feel great about what i had done but it seemed to make everyone else happy on days 86 to 90 i returned to sandy to see if she still needed anything else to get the rocket ready for plankton yes we need to create fuel cells bye she started to go into detail and i really wasn't sure what she was explaining so i daydreamed about jellyfish and the jellyfish fields so i need you to go get me some more redstone and a few diamonds uh uh i'm on it sandy no problem i headed back into the cave and found more red zone and gathered five diamonds i should have listened more to what she was saying i hope it's gonna be enough i returned to sandy and gave her the redstones and diamonds this is perfect spongebob i was worried you were daydreaming about jellyfishing and didn't listen but me the daydream about of course not sandy i was 100 listening sandy began working on the fuel cells while i finished up the rocket for she added them and the rocket was ready for takeoff now all that was left was to break into the chum bucket and steal back the krabby patty formula on days 91 to 94 i snuck into the chum bucket i made sure the coast is clear before i entered the lab where i assumed plankton was analyzing the formula as soon as i entered i saw him dang it how does krabs do it where is the ingredient i rushed outside hoping he didn't spot me i had to come up with a foolproof plan to distract him before i could steal the formula back i had it ah pizza delivery it's about chime i ordered this about 31 minutes ago he rushed out of the lab and headed for the door of the chum bucket i quickly ran inside and grabbed the formula hoping i could get out before you return i spoke too soon because alarms in the chum bucket started to go off plankton came back rushing in spongebob i should have nailed it he hopped into his mech suit and started to attack me luckily for me i was fast and was able to get out of the lab but he was right behind me i used my pencil and hit his mech totally destroying it take that plankton curse you sprung bob i ran into the krusty krab and hit the formula into the vault i knew you could get this back for me on days 95 to 99 mr krabs and i came up with a genius idea to trick plankton onto the rocket i went to my farm and gathered some regular wheat to make some bread afterwards i grabbed some onion from the crusty crab freezer with the wrong ingredients we created a fake krabby patty and it looked just like the real thing there's no way he can resist this everyone knows a krabby patty needs lettuce onion and tomato as well as a secret ingredient but plankton didn't know that i then went to sandy to make sure the rocket was prepped and ready i knew we didn't have long he would have another giant robot ready in no time we're almost there spongebob i just need a few more days for the fuel cells to stabilize and be ready to go since i had time i decided to check up on patrick squidward and gary i delivered a krabby patty to patrick and then i spent some time with gary i then knocked on squidward's door why do you want spongebob i know i never found your clarinet so i decided to make you one here you go this is just a stick yes but it's the thought that counts he slammed the door in my face and went inside classic squidward this is it day 100 we moved the rocket outside of the chum bucket and got it prepared for lunch good to go spongebob i threw the fake krabby patty on the rocket and went over to the chum bucket i knocked on the door and plankton answered what do you want spongebob we know you wanted a krabby patty so we left one over there for you oh thank you he ran over and before he grabbed it he realized it was fake cursed spongebob suddenly he transformed into his giant robotic mech oh no plankton and i started to battle spongebob give me the formula never plankton we started a fight i had to weaken his robot suit so i would be able to get him on the rocket he was hitting hard but i'd come a long way since the first time we met i was able to weaken him enough to use my pencil in a racist suit you'll never stop me i will come back for the formula good luck coming back for this i had him with my spatula and flipped them onto the rocket now sandy danny closed the doors of the rocket and initiated the launch sequence curse you spongebob and that was it we officially saved the bikini bottom
Channel: Fozo
Views: 1,151,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days In Minecraft, Minecraft Spongebob, Spongebob Minecraft, 100 Days Spongebob, Minecraft mob, Minecraft mod, Spongebob Minecraft Gameplay, Spongebob 100 Days Minecraft
Id: BOU6WLx3Xeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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