I studied Atheism for 1 month. I fell in love with a bird.

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I spent one full month studying his religion atheism hello my name is Yuval Noah Harari and I am an atheist he does not believe in God but I do so what can I learn from him for one full month I read atheist books I talked to atheist Scholars and I even got on a flight and traveled all the way to an island in the middle of nowhere here to study this one bird Yep this is the bird that inspired millions of atheists just one bird in the galopus island this is the bird in the wild right there can you see it it's so beautiful but first some background I am on a six-month challenge to study the top six religions one every month Buddhism Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam and even atheism this is what I learned from [Music] atheism first of all atheism is not a religion I agree but it is a movement more than 1 billion people are atheists they do not believe in religion many of them believe in science instead I think that being a good person has nothing to do with God you can believe not believe it doesn't matter uh being a good person is about liberating yourself and others from Suffering The Atheist movement exploded in the 1850s when this exact book was published it's called the Origin of Species by Charles [Music] Darwin Darwin Darwin was a British scientist who sailed for 5 years to study the world one day his ship arrived right here in the very very remote islands of Galapagos Ecuador Ecuador eador here Charles Darwin noticed something weird he noticed that the same bird changed based on the island it lived in in one Island the bird this one had a big mouth and was vegetarian in another Island the same bird had a small mouth and was not vegetarian the shape of the bird's mouth changed based on the environment this shocked Darwin why did the bird evolv and that is when Darwin made his biggest Discovery he discovered that animals are not born perfect animals evolve over time their wings color and size change over Generations in order to survive and if animals evolve then maybe humans do too maybe we were not born per perfect like Adam and Eve maybe humans evolve from monkeys a lot of small changes create a very big change so if people ask where did humans come from we didn't come from this one big magical moment that God created people over billions of years a lot of very very small changes became us that is how Darwin came up with the theory of evolution this Theory shocked the world it was against everything religion taught it was against Christianity it was against Islam but Darwin's theory was based on evidence that you can measure and see with your own eyes it made people believe Less in religion and More in science it made atheism explode even though atheism existed way before Darwin Muslims have the Quran and Christians have the Bible what is your book this the universe Darin for instance went to the Galapagos and studied a a bird so who knows what other Mysteries are there if we study this tree or this stone or this butterfly science is better at giving answers because it is willing to admit its mistakes people think that if you never make a mistake that's the best thing it's the worst thing now religions refuse to admit it even when they admit it they blame it on somebody else now stop for a second millions of you are religious and believe in God I believe in God too I'm not an atheist but there has to be something we can learn from atheists even if we disagree with them what can we learn learn from them well I think I found the answer the answer is simple curiosity curiosity and courage courage atheists think that you should be curious in other words you should think for yourself question everything investigate and seek knowledge it's easy to believe what others want you to believe it's hard to say I don't know what to believe but I'm going to be curious and find my own answers Darwin sailed for 5 years searching for answers he studied thousands of animals and wrote many books because he was curious the first thing you can be inspired from atheism is just to be curious that you ask a big question you look for answers and if somebody tells you you know you this is the answer and you are not allowed to question this answer then you go on investigate today because of curious scientist we can measure the exact speed of light we can measure the exact distance to the Moon we can sequence the human genome we can build cars that drive like us and AI that can think like [Music] us you can be curious and still believe in God even Darwin himself was not fully atheist but he did not rely on faith tradition and Authority he relied on science evidence curiosity atheism is the most spiritual path there is because it encourages people to ask any question that seems important to them and to follow that question wherever it leads you don't have to accept anything just because somebody said so [Music] except atheists also have courage Darwin was attacked by many religions and so was Galileo in the 16th century religion believed the Sun moved around the Earth but Galileo discovered that Earth actually moved around the sun he was punished for this and sent to jail for the rest of his life but you know Galileo had the courage to not change his mind eventually he was right now we all know that the Earth moves around the Sun thanks to Galileo it takes courage to follow these big questions it takes courage because a lot of people will try to intimidate you if you refuse to accept their answer but at an even deeper level it takes courage to face the world and say I'm not sure like where did we come from what what why are we here in the universe I'm not sure and what happens when we die I don't know it takes courage to stand up to what you believe in even when everyone says you're wrong even when you're sent to jail atheism is not against spirituality it's against the rigidity of religion there is nothing wrong in following a particular religion and atheists don't don't don't want to forbid religion if religion helps you and following that religion helps you in different ways without harming anybody that's great after studying atheism for one month I got inspired I got inspired to become more curious about the world I got inspired to find my own answers I got inspired to have the courage to stand up what I believe in even if everyone around me disagrees just like Darwin I was inspired by this small bird to seek the truth and nothing but the truth that's it about atheism see you next month for a video about Judaism [Music] what an incredible challenge I learned so much in such a short time everyone should do this check out n./ religion if you want to do this with me now I'm ready for the next one
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 359,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nas Daily, Nasmeanspeople, 1minute, Travel, Nuseir Yassin, Nas Studio, 英語学習, people, Nas Academy, Lesan.io, places, country, Atheism
Id: qcg56mhMKmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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