I Stream Sniped My Girlfriend.. She RAGED! (Fortnite)

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in today's video I scream slap my girlfriend samara i've streamed slapped her before but this time is totally different and the best one yet this time she rude here's a little bit of backstory Samaras filming video where she had to do everything I said for 24 hours now I mean everything since she couldn't say no I told her to play solace on stream even though she hates solo this was my one opportunity after a couple hours I managed to get into a few of her lobbies and things just kept getting crazier each time you're like button he's all gravy and broken but you can fix that by hitting the like button the next three seconds let's try it out three two of you also make sure you use code typicalgamer no spaces in the item shop wait isn't this one pretty rare hold up I think I have like one rare ish skin sparkle specialist my Sparkle specialist you can type it oh all right I'm going to hit start I did I don't think I got it from the battle pod skin I think I got it from Fortnight choose a different skin he's yelling to choose a different skin are you actually joking me different skin because I say so but I like this skin it's oddly right he's doing this on purpose honestly he's a little bit suspicious right like he's a little bit fake he's like honestly a little thing I think I got it I think I got into our lobby there's no way I got into our lobby oh wait is that her oh that's definitely her oh she's getting streamside okay we got to make sure that were the one the stream Snipes here okay so I think for the first one I'm gonna be friendly and then I'm gonna turn it up each one see I'm gonna die should I don't like she I did the wood factor okay she marked it she marked is she in the other now you know we have their first of all I know for sure I have a better car I'll in there see what it is there's no there's a bunch of ways this is her where she banana somebody literally on me I don't like that yeah go over there please oh she did she did oh my god hopefully she survives because she moved over a little bit oh wait I'm going I'm going she's getting stream sight by like a lot of people let's see if she won't notice me she wouldn't know it's me I'm gonna be friendly to her and see what she does I mean we're gonna have to take her out eventually but I think for this one we're just gonna walk up to her and see if we can build art oh I think is this Erica I built her heart no turn around coming it's gonna like fish in peace for a little bit I think oh I should get into the zone oh she's running away she's run away I'm scared oh there is oh gosh there's somebody there please oh my gosh what I'm doing ma'am stop running I'm just running away leave me alone stop running leave me alone I want to build you a sign like this how [ __ ] it oh I literally just want to talk I just want to talk I have to kill him I love your heart you scared me there for a second I bet you're gonna party me well do it maybe it's so well but I like your heart we have to kill him we have to kill oh okay should i okay I'm gonna let him finish this thing and then I'll get love I loved that thank you those amazing that was so violent perfect now we can suicide Oh No he's getting a body he's gonna wall run please that's not a ball is it wait what you see how people build you hard snap uh-huh that's what they do to me this cute I like it I just want to show you that you could use code typicalgamer no spaces in the atom shop if you'd like to should I get some air in the skin yes because I was not getting newer games I need her to cue like I need her to rekey or else I have to wait all this time so I'm gonna go ahead and just give her it so I could have pulled her out of the lobby you know I'm gonna gift her the skin and boom scented please do I'll do customs after I'm gonna do like a couple there we go so that's gonna be my excuse every this is gonna get expensive every time I need her to be cute and I don't want to wait I'm just gonna send her skin so I actually notice that I have anonymous mode on I'm actually gonna turn it off so she knows it's me all right let's see if I got in I don't think I got in let's go lads let's frickin go lads didn't get their game again two hours late oh I don't think we're in we could be though now we're definitely not in people and for tonight leeches shell thanks they just need to show it like just a little bit I don't know people stream snape me every time because like I've got in their game like once okay otherwise I'll have to put a delay on this and then it's just like not gonna be fun for anybody wait for her to click it come on three two one let's frickin go lads alright I clicked exactly what if she clickers how does she hope I think I'm in I think I'm in I think I think I'm in I think I'm gonna think I'm in Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Ocean I don't shoot don't shoot at him oh gosh she wants to fight me box box box here I say I'm ready I'm ready great come on in come on in boy oh gosh she's really in who's really yes are you freaking kidding me I'm absolutely school are you kidding me good job I'm so proud of her what I show here for a second yeah built out of metal just a me no oh my god Go Go Ram RAM ramp ramp build build oh yeah not yet wait I don't know what you're saying Andre good you're doing great what you're doing good what you're doing good I don't know what you're saying should I launch it to them or something oh no no he's dead it's 1v1 oh he's dead launch [Music] I'm hoping we end our game I'm I'm in I'm in I'm in I think I'm in I'm not in not in just texted me it's a bleep quick like I don't even want to be doing solos like what do you want from me literally what do you want from me why oh he said he was gonna do but he needs to do one thing for his video so you don't want to do it right now no oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't wait I changed my mind I changed my mind what I changed my mind leave wait you wanna do do else absolutely I said I changed my mind leave can you talk and chat like I don't know what you're saying sorry do one more solo should we kill him should we kill him I finally got it oh shoot okay she hit her screen while landing because a lot of people is trained sniper I do have anonymous mode off now so she should know that it's me I'm Holly hedges I might just go for the helicopter directly but people are doing that oh my gosh everything's random on me actually my my look looks kind of cool okay she hasn't said where she's landing it I'll uh show you guys the screen again one side just give me a minute Sheila nice what he says she landed her sweaty Sims this is not a joke the dingo ate my baby baby is with her oh you know what to make things fair I use a pistol had the killer guy ah here a helicopter it's chosen retool people she hasn't noticed I'm gonna get a bit of mats then I'm gonna go to her just get a bit of maths but she's in sweaty sands Oh Gabriel fighting oh she's shooting at someone I like that I got an idea this is gonna be me I where is she where is she we're gonna find it this is so mean okay I think she's in this bill is this chest like I have no idea but I need bad she's in here she's in there we hide for a second about minis okay I [Music] can't tell this floor she's on okay at least you do ah stop running Stephanie I have a family [Music] I've renegade Raider just try to scream sever [Music] I almost got her I almost pick a taxi [Music] freaky yeah well you know what you ain't never seen a player like me that was I thought I was dead for sure honestly whoever came in and backed me up there I would have died without him because while he was backing me up thank you I popped that kid without that bad kid I would have been dead just know if I ever see you safe you again okay I get what tre you ready you can't say that one big wedding you boy count it down no you can't do that count it down big boy that's against the rules three two one you can't do that yelling you can't do that I can get a helicopter here or helicopter I'm gonna go here and get a helicopter she wants to meet you you know what I'm gonna stream site the heck out of her net now I'm gonna try I'm gonna fly to her with with passion with the Sardar I will take her out I don't know if I'm in her game I honestly don't know I think I've been a minute I'm not even gonna kill I'm missing a gopher I need some mass though where is she oh I just have no materials I literally up not I'm transferring cyber but I can't know what building just Oh shrimp my way it's gonna be like sweet how do I I thought you're supposed to go up oh there we go I went up okay I'm going then where's she going she's going up here yeah I know she is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] she turned off my PC but you know what she got bodied she did she was all cocky after she killed me when I was trying to pickaxe her I came through and I only use the heart food to take her out here we go that's my best video ever and I don't know if I can ever top it but if you have any ideas on how I could stream snipes ameri-ghen make sure to leave them in the comments below also while you're at it why don't you check out one of these two videos I picked them both for you I think you're really gonna enjoy this one but you can pick this one too but just pick one of them cuz the video is about to end in like three seconds so pickle nap okay I'm gonna go now so bye
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 8,371,516
Rating: 4.9397964 out of 5
Id: fUvwU5jd_I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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