Would You Rather Challenge with My Girlfriend! (Fortnite)

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today airplay would you rather with my girlfriend Samara in fortnight to make things even more interesting Samara mixing some of her own spicy questions which may make or break our relationship so make sure you watch until the end I know what you think about these questions too so make sure to comment your answers down below and if you like this and wanna see me do more would you rather videos make sure to thumbs up the video also don't forget to use code typicalgamer no spaces in the item shelf hello Samara how are you I'm sorry I didn't even know I could okay meet Samara here on a would you rather map and we got a pic what our choice would be out of two options and then it shows us what they most popular choices if you get it right you get a point so essentially there's a right answer for each well I mean like there's a more popular answer for each it doesn't mean it's right but we're gonna see who chooses the more popular answers and then at the end Samara has told me that she's gonna ask me some of her own questions yes and these are gonna get spicy you said not even give me a preview okay okay let's get let's get this started here there we go would you rather have 10 fake friends or have one really good friend wait wait okay let's be honest having 10 frames was suck it would just be like nothing right no I think for sure that you would have to choose have one really good friend I'm gonna go into it so we just go in I think we just run through it I think we just run through there we go look so all those like it shows it shows so 95% people chose the one real friend who chose the 5 percent the fake friend now when they say Harry Oliver is alike spot the arts supposed to have hair have hair [Laughter] you but completely ball that means you wouldn't have eyebrows you don't have anything I think I'd rather be hairy all over but you would rather be hairy all over okay okay look listen listen Linda honey you don't have to choose the same answers me okay if you if you feel okay if you feel like I know I'm not enough not enough no no I don't know what happens if I die please let her be okay like okay like if you want to be completely you know what do it for science what happens okay look you don't have to choose the same answer but if you'd rather be Harry Oliver okay let's go what what what it was wait it's not let me go back no you can't get the good it doesn't even let me check the answer we need to slow well what the answer was more people want to be completely bald all over we're just kind of whack all right hit me with this one okay I already know which one I'm gonna choose being the richest person in the world that's a lot of money you nobody needs that much money but you could if you were in possession of that much wealth make the world a better place if you want or you could just buy like a million yachts and like a billion cats and like for me having a superpower of your choice is a no-brainer I would choose superpower any day of the week you could do anything you could fly you could be invisible you could do anything you can only pick one which one would you pick probably flying honestly wait wait what's yours I'm scared of heights so I wouldn't I want to be able to talk to every living creature so I get assemble an army of cats and we would have come attack you wait hold up does my characters mouth move if I talking game look this is my character's mouth move look my character's mouth it doesn't move okay go to it okay no no no I wish it did okay I think it's pretty obvious look and even if you wanted money you could choose superpower and you could like use that to get a lot of money for sure 100% pretty famous would you rather have 1 billion dollars or have World Peace like like World Peace like like peace in the world all right I got my answer like I mean if I didn t 2 percent people chose be a billionaire over World Peace that is Wow would you rather spend a year in a desert or live in Antarctica for a year are we tired why are you getting me listen listen okay okay okay you stay over there Samara a desert is not gonna be Arizona or something okay no no no we're gonna consider a desert to be like the Sahara Desert something something really frickin hot okay you know what are we go ahead and choose Antarctica yes 65% 65% would you rather become stupider or become uglier stupid is not even a word okay yeah that one's gonna be like a 50/50 to me I don't even know what I'd pick okay now this one's interesting cuz you could man white wouldn't become someone else so like you could become Kevin Hart you could become the rock you could yeah you could choose who you become but you become that person so you don't remember anything you don't remember your family like their families your family now like their experiences are your experiences now do you stay yourself or become someone else you're contemplating that's right at the same time 3 2 1 okay 67% there you go 67% I'm happy to see that I'm happy to see that would you rather be a billionaire or know the truth how do you know exactly where it is like in can you say it one more time like that just like that don't move okay this was tough a billionaire is a lot of money that's a thousand millions so imagine having 1 million dollars now multiply that by a thousand that's a thousand millions a billion dollars a billionaire is like if I were to take my money and double it oh so you have five hundred million dollars why don't we go on vacation every week this is bull why don't I have a better you surprised me with the better PC okay which one would you rather pick I I want to say the knowing the truth like you could do so much with a billion you never would have to worry about money ever again which is fantastic but the truth about aliens yes the truth about aliens would you be able to see them or you just get the not like you just someone tells you this is what the truth is I think you would get to know the whole truth throughout the galaxy if there's any aliens and if any a visitor to Earth you'd get to see a photo Oh with smears right on the line she doesn't know what to do Oh [Music] oh I'd rather know the truth about aliens listen if I'm a billionaire I'm just gonna pay someone off to tell me like you're gonna turn down a hundred million dollars to not tell me the truth like yeah right well this one this one Sameer is an animal lover so would you rather all cows become extinct or all chickens become extinct [Music] it's man okay well you gotta pick one no cries only only Jays I heard you like dad that cheer you up oh okay I think that's a cow oh I'll pick all cows too honest oh no I know I know I feel like people pick that because they like burgers oh but people I thought people like chicken nuggets more I'm gonna be honest see I really like eggs and I really like fluffy chickens I love cows too yeah but if I had to pick one I want a fluffy chicken we got to put some pictures of the fluffy chickens on the screen right now that's that's what we gotta do I think you do it and then you run jump don't you make it oh you didn't make it oh oh oh this is the end of the map now Samara has her own questions that she wants to ask me question would you rather keep our cat Miku or yep 1 billion dollars keep her cat Miku or get a billion dollars what would happen to her like would she go to a loving home never know okay which ones which blue is which one reservation give me give me Q okay no come back okay all right all right all right that's question one out of three of Samaras questions okay never play for tonight again get the quit delete your account never play it again or we break up so I have to delete my four night account or we break up yes let me just say I'm a man dedicated to the people I'm a man made for content got a breakup [Laughter] [Music] okay lady with the last one oh my god yeah I would totally fight for him again oh yeah don't worry about it it's gone yes drink whatever you want for the rest of your life you can have a variety of drinks but you can only eat one food item okay same every single day for every meal or blue you can eat whatever you want but you can only drink water oh my gosh guys I don't know if you know me I love drinks that are I love water - but I love drinks that aren't water red you can any drink you want but only one food item or blue any food you want but only water okay you would definitely pick blue oh I love water I'm about 50/50 on this I love you but I love birds honestly I don't know I'm really thirsty right now so I think I'd pick this one right now all right thanks for playing with me Samara oh my god I had a lot of fun recording that video with Samarin I hope you did too if you did drop a thumbs up on the video especially if you want to see more and don't forget to check out one of these two videos I hand-picked them myself for you I think you should pick this one pick this one and I'm gonna go now two seconds all right pick it quick bye
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 13,723,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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