How Many Weighted Blankets Until I Can't Get Up?

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[Music] well hello everyone it's me christine again and i've been feeling a bit stressed lately haven't you recently i got a weighted blanket and it made me feel a little bit better so i thought if one weighted blanket helps just a little bit then 14 weighted blankets would solve all of my problems right according to research weighted blankets help with anxiety so i said to the store i'll take everything you have please apart from seeing how they helped me manage my anxious thoughts and feelings what i would really like to know is how many weighted blankets does it take until i can't get up and would that make me more or less anxious we'll find out today on simply now logical the nail art channel just quarantine things but first let me just briefly touch on what is a weighted blanket how much does it weigh and why do we want heavy things on our bodies weighted blankets are blankets typically made with plastic poly pellets or glass beads inside of them that gives them their heavier weight they are marketed as therapeutic blankets that help relax the nervous system by stimulating the feeling of being held or hugged and if you add your cat on top of the weighted blanket it's a weighted bonus how many cats until i can't get up that's my next video he's still sitting down most adult weighted blankets weigh between 10 and 20 pounds and generally manufacturers recommend that you pick one that's about 10 of your body weight 10 percent not a hundred percent is the recommendation weighted blankets are also pretty expensive many are a hundred dollars or more for just one and i don't know if you ask me that's pretty pricey for something that just lies on top of you and does absolutely nothing kind of like a bad boyfriend maybe after this video i'll do a weighted blanket giveaway the ones i bought came with instructions so let's read that first to make sure i am not in compliance the weighted blanket is filled with hypoallergenic non-toxic odorless glass beads engineered to be around 10 of your body weight to provide deep pressure touch stimulation without uncomfortable restriction see that's what i'm going for the uncomfortable restriction part do not force one to use it ben sit down do not cover users face or head with the blanket glass beads are non-toxic however should not be ingested don't eat the blanket prevent the cat from prevent the cat from scratching the blanket and avoiding sharp objects and piercing the blanket i like how they know i have a cat all right um they don't say this but i will don't do what i'm gonna do at home not that you can anyways because you don't have 14 weighted blankets or i hope you don't so just for demonstration purposes i'm gonna take a nap no i'm just kidding i'm gonna show you how easy it is to get out from under one weighted blanket because i've done this before and i'm like that was too easy i need a challenge ready too easy so the ones i bought say that they're 15 pounds each but i weighed them and they're 18 pounds so i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for this before i stack them on i think we should predict how many it will take before i can't get up ben what do you think you could at least lift your body weighted blankets i would think right don't tell them how much i weigh i bet you could lift like even 150 pounds of blankets so how many 18 times six seven or eight blankets seven eight you could lift eight blankets well here's the thing are you lifting it or are you like wiggling out of it like a little weasel good question we have to qualify this experiment so i count it as completely getting out from under it but i can do that however i want so i think i'm going to go like this with my upper body and then probably squeeze them out with my lower body so i don't have a reference point for how many blankets i can lift because that's not something i've done before but i do know that i can bench press a hundred pounds but that's lifting like a metal bar that's perfectly positioned in like the ideal situation to lift the bar in now with the blankets they may be 15 or 18 pounds but they're evenly distributed across my entire body and then some of the weight is overflowing onto the floor so it's not really the same thing as lifting this way but if i had to guess and approach this mathematically i think you're overthinking this based on the footprint of my upper body on a single blanket i estimate that i would be lifting approximately 50 of it because as long as i can get it off the top half of my body i'm pretty sure i could weasel out my bottom half from under it or at least use my upper body to help me get it off my lower body so 50 of what i thought was 15 pounds is 7.5 and if i can mention 100 pounds and 7.5 goes into 113.3 times that suggests i would not be able to get up at 13 blankets [Music] good thing i have 14 blankets to make sure that i can't get up if you're just weaseling out i bet you could do all four no no you can't change your guests no but if you're lifting them off i bet you could lift eight i bet i can lift 13. okay and 14 will seal the deal and make sure i can't get up because that's what i'm ultimately after i don't want to be able to get up like i i don't i want to lose this competition all right you have fun yeah i'm gonna have fun you need to be here for safety that's 14 blankets times if they're actually 18 pounds that's 252 pounds that's a lot of pounds good thing i ate my protein oats this morning all right everybody welcome to the world championships of napping good night uh okay that's one blanket ben i guess i'm gonna need you to help me with every blanket because i can't get up it's heavy not really it's really not heavy when it's evenly distributed across from you it is if you're carrying them upstairs like i did to make this video i carried them all by myself upstairs well don't throw it up all right two no problem no problem [Music] don't put it on your face oh yeah all right so you want me to lay it on you lay it on thick baby that's right pack that picnic actually this feels nice my cat ears need to come off this is really just a trick to get you to work out today you know you need to just call this video a hundred layers of weighted blankets right well i don't have a hundred how much that would cost a hundred times a hundred dollars it's a lot of money is this what it feels like to have the weight of the world on you is it starting to be a challenge nope it's like a weighted crunch essentially what you get yeah i'm gonna get a good core workout okay more more okay two at once six this no it's starting to get hard now okay i had to exhale on that one hello taco i'm a holo taco i know what i'm getting my entire family for christmas this year give me seven seven minutes in heaven baby another one dj khaled hey how does that feel this is how the delivery man felt it was carrying up all my packages you know they had to deliver it in like a bunch of separate boxes because it weighed too much but even still they had to put heavy stickers all over them so eight times 15 would be 120 pounds okay so at least 120 pounds ready nope i don't know if we have enough blankets you're gonna have to lie on me help i need to get something off my chest nine nine nine and feeling fine [Applause] guys i have to tell you something this channel weighs very heavily on me no problem give me more oh the camera's still rolling because i wouldn't want to miss this historical moment all right that's 10 you want 11. you know how they say as a youtuber you feel a lot of pressure yeah yeah well yeah look at me now 11. how much weight do you think it takes to crush the human body and other things i googled in quarantine i actually did google that and apparently in the 1700s as a measure of torture they would put a bunch of rocks that weighed up to 700 pounds on someone and it took them half an hour to die so i think i'm fine so i'm going to be waiting how long 12. i need to take a deep breath in this is at least 180 pounds of blankets but evenly distributed across my body and the floor yes dear i'm trying to make it sound like a lot i'm so strong okay ready we need four blankets blanket mountains how you feeling more or less anxious than when you started i just feel like i'm really anxious about getting them off of me well that's not good you're supposed to pep talk me aren't you my coach let's get it lightweight okay so 13. lucky number 13 will it'll get me in the grave i'm done four right you having any chest pains just a little but it feels kind of nice all right 13. the last blanket help i've fallen under 14 weighted blankets and i can't get up i have to say that i can feel this in my butt like not in a good way because now my butt feels like it's under pressure being squished into the floor like if you had a glass a piece of glass under my butt and you were looking at it from under it would be really squished right now so this is what having the weight of the world on you is like eh this is at least 210 pounds probably more like 250. if it's 18 yeah it's more like another pounds another 12 pounds hey buddy he's so proud he's trapped as human ready [Music] [Laughter] are your legs [Applause] i feel like i'm floating now so i think we've concluded that i'm just too strong yo this is a new challenge instead of 100 layers of nail polish 100 layers of blankets was this everything you hoped it would be no i was hoping for it to be heavier okay but i have an idea [Music] oh my god my i my anxiety is gone ben you're sweating you're for it lifting all those blankets i don't think you're going to be able to get up 14 waited like it's plus then okay ready yeah yeah let's see i can't even laugh [Music] victorious if you haven't noticed we're kind of losing our minds in quarantine oh no i lost the slipper oh no she must be saved you'll never see it again she's been crushed you wanna have a sleepover is your anxiety cured you know it was actually really nice and i think i've concluded at least that one weighted blanket isn't enough for me like i think i need at least six so you won't be giving these away you need all of them i hope that you enjoyed this video i hope that it answered some really meaningful life questions for you uh if anything now you know that if you have any other interesting research questions about the meaning of life please comment them down below because i will try them all right everybody thanks so much for watching and i'll see y'all later bye [Music] which is kind of weird though i have to pee i have to pee
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 4,786,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, diy nail art, simply nailogical, cristine, weighted blanket, embrace, 100 layers, 100 layers of blankets, blankets, challenge, 100 layers challenge, blanket mountain, polish mountain, anxious, heavy weight, weight, how many, 250lbs, can't get up
Id: gVkwHZMsgg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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