i stayed at the worst reviewed hotel in the UK..and this is what happened | clickfortaz

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that's blood us a hundred us on blood it seems to be a lot of privately here I don't know how safe this neighborhood a the Sun is like right on my taste right now I have been blessed it's true it's happening that you should Philip solo TV pretty much started this trend but see not a lot of people do we reviewed food nail salon hotel things like that and usually it's within the city so I thought I don't want to give away the name of the hotel the name of the hotel wait why are you bleeping me out the name is are you serious fine whatever I don't want to name a shame that's not the point of this video it's mainly for entertainment purposes I basically managed to find the waste reviewed hotel in the UK normally people rely on reviews this please had articles written about it the hotel had an overall score of 1.5 well that's just great it was clear that I needed to prepare myself so I got the essentials face mask overalls and a candle I have just popped out like luckily there is a McDonald's just this so I'm gonna have a McDonald just to set me in to the moment of this whole trash experience so I feel like trash while I'm living in trash I will be spending one night in the Wiz reviewed hotel in the UK I just said out loud and it's like oh I'm doing this okay wish me luck the route to the hotel room was one of the most complicated and convoluted things I've ever experienced you could tell the place wasn't at its best as soon as you walked it everything about the place screamed run far away and don't come back they were paper signs on the doors but getting around was so confusing there were so many different teens scary corridors dead ends you would go down the stairs only to then go back up the stick and then later go back down and then up we did all of this just to get to a hotel it was a mission to the point where when we finally got to our room I wasn't sure if we'd be able to find our way back out I cannot remember how he got here you asked about this going in because no way I guess we just starve in here now are we working wait they don't wallpaper on the ceiling this wouldn't Madras and all that hate to commit murders oh no it's also bad it's quite bright in here they got toilet paper design they're going to be the hot water oh really Amanda's that opens it's an access for someone to come through Bonnie I'm not kidding you outside that's it every house has that but no about their bed I didn't think you liked you is she serious right now how did she go from being scared to an actual idiot in two seconds you know what if she's that dumb she deserves to die it's a very high genic I don't know when was the last time these were cleaned I don't think they're uh I don't think he's a double oh wow he's actually this actually come off these two okay that's great that's just great that is we are going to be spending one night in this hotel whoo oh we brought our own bottle of water on our own plastic cups so we're gonna drink water like this the convent carpets why would you choose red carpet I think that's why they do it they choose red carpet because blood easier to cover it why did they feel they need to wallpaper the ceiling what was underneath it beforehand why are there any lights on the ceiling why have they only provided us with two loves and also what the hell is that wide open why am I gonna be sleeping directly under it to mine so many unanswered questions so many things that don't add up let's not have too much we're gonna rush in this houses a whole day we can only have a quarter cup I'm not even a cop drinka this could be our last free favor that's not full shadowing that's just a joke that's not bad not bad view it costs thirty pounds for this room so 15 pounds each that's not bad I don't know why this rule gives me major room behind I'm not taking any chances I don't know if it's become apparent but I was clearly on the edge by this point and just didn't feel very safe in the room I did my best to handle the situation but things only got with this seems to be a lot of privately here yeah I don't know how safe this neighborhood is one thing I did in preparation for this video is I bought a black night talk shows if there's any hmm it shows basically any foam or doggy liquid so this like you write on the walls at SEMA and anything like that they'll show up with this light so I kind of wanted to go around and see if it shows so like that shut up right so that's some dodgy former liquid oh my god there's quite a lot on this okay I do not want to know what that is look at that the door is riddled with stuff let's see the bed because that's the thing I'm most scared about it seems to be okay the bed needs to be a-okay I mean what's going on here what's this about how did they even happen there's a lot of damp from the wall what oh I cut this so much stuff yeah okay definitely using my feet to open the door there are a lot of unknown liquid in this room it's also weird to say about the bed seems to be okay unless the maintained question like I just don't want to sleep on some dodgy stuff the bed is in all clear I can live with that I'm just not going to touch any of the doorknobs so I've come to the conclusion that the TV does not work great okay time to use the toilet they haven't provided us with any soap or anything like that like this it doesn't this doesn't work but they've been very gracious to provide us with toilet roll there is not a chance in hell that I'm gonna be sitting on my side table makes me look like I'm some form of serial killer I'm not I just really like Heidi just to clarify I'm not seeing a killer here also I'm gonna have nightmares about this thing I can't believe these things actually happen what is there to speak tonight since I had a few hours to kill I decided it would be a good idea to head out and join civilization now we have come to the cinema oh I spent all my money on overpriced food and drink we watched a lego movie - everything is over but hey they had the shining seats I set to half of the movie next up I go to the arcade ready to spend all my money on arcade game [Music] oh my god I came long run on them I'm like how am i a break that's all I can deal with being average [Music] we got some tape boys we literally brought our own oh I just we bought our own peer plates and knives and forks because we're classy like that you know we have some right fresh nah onion bhaji chicken curry and then we also got some chips popcorn chicken probably would have been easier to eat out but I wanted to have the true hotel experience I don't know what she's doing to that but there we go okay this is the true dining experience right here you have a bit of everything oh my lips are burning so sweet so spicy I forgot um talk about the food so how did the Indian food was really good master thumbs-up and the rice was so good I love rice but this is really sad and disappointed the moment we've all been waiting for it's time to sleep veggies myself who's watching that's why you know I mean I don't understand why that's clearly a Squatch why do you think there's a hole in that wall we know everything oh oh my god I didn't see something you haven't seen that for a long time what's the blood are you kidding what is that no I didn't notice this hole right there's literally a siren going on at the back run that's clearly blood right that's tissue and blood must be really tight myself in how we like it oh thank you so much that's poop just cover it back up oh my god what is that that's blood that's a hundred percent blood right what else could that be look cover I'm not touching man that blood is right below I'm just trying to connect the dots look that's all I'm trying to do there's few things in this room they're suspicious that's all I'm saying and that has been investigation we're tasks there's nowhere I came prepared cuz I was like I don't know what I'm gonna sleep but I don't wanna risk it so I brought a sleeping bag [Music] [Applause] this is how I'm gonna go to sleep tonight I'm just gonna sleep like this that's gonna come yes I feel like a cocoon I'm a cutter pillow cocoon I'm a cocoon before I turn into a butterfly no germs is coming in here me I'm not getting anyone elses bodily fluid liquid on me I'm a human condom right now literally no diseases for me thank you very much I want to stay alive by the end of this catch you guys on the flip side I survived the night I lived to tell the tale [Music] [Music] just another thing that doesn't work in this room oh it's the next day we'd been really cheeky and we got McDonald's breakfast I also brought myself some coffee because I did not sleep much last night actually doc my coffee in fact it gives me a bellyache I hate coffee but it's the only thing that keeps me awake when I'm driving oh nice I didn't see very happy great start to the day forgot myself egg bagel hashbrowns this trip was not as bad as I was expecting like I thought I'd be freaked out by I wasn't I don't know why maybe I'm like secretly hardcore and I just didn't know it but I want to go back out and call them play hide and seek because it's like the perfect place to do hide and seek because you never find them there's so many different corridors and stuff it's amazing all in all it's not he not been a bad trip there's McDonald's right next door so this was the equate granted it was for two people by steak with unit a B and B's for that and you can get back to the whole place so in that respect many wise I don't know hygiene wise is debatable but I'm trashed so it's not that big of an issue for me if this is a worse hotel in the UK it's not that bad I don't know if I like this or not mm-hmm tastes like heartburn overall I would give this a 5 out of 10 it's been a positive experience for me it's just nice to do something different right I hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me thank you so much for watching let me know why should try next and that thank you so much watching love you lots and I just he died next time wait what's for watching I hope you enjoyed the video I remember to click the top
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 839,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hotel, worst reviewed, uk, vlog, funny, shane dawson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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