I Stayed the Night in a Haunted Japanese Inn

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For some reason i thought it was a good idea to watch it at night

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Savio_Almeida 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
you know what I think a road trip should have three things number one delicious mouth-watering food number two exotic beautiful locations and number three exotic beautiful travelers and I think I think we've got all three over the years I've been lucky to stuff myself with almost every cut of Wagyu beef in all of Japan from Kobe beef the most famous to master SATA beef or the most expensive but there's a cut of Wagyu beef so rare but not even I've got my hands on it until now a cut of Wagyu so rare it makes up just 1% of Japan's supply it's even been nicknamed phantom Wagyu because some say it doesn't exist one of the reasons Tong kaku beef has eluded so many is that it's located in the most rural region of Japan second-biggest Prefecture or what it and so to get there we're going on an expedition a two-day road trip in search of what's rumored to be Japan's juiciest beef along the way we'll be staying at a legendary haunted in known for its numerous ghost sightings brilliant and exploring a stunning remote coastline that most people never get to see and because I'm too lazy to drive myself I've enlisted a reasonably priced Japanese driver as well as an experienced local guide from an exotic land to help show us around it's quite the blizzard out here here in North Japan today good morning we are a hey making me a standing here for like half an hour yes I did film the opening quite a few times if you are gonna stand and film in a 2,000 year old house with a bonfire going probably go out of it quick because it's a lot of smoke this is a Jomo near a house it dates back about 2,000 years this is a sort of house someone like Rio would have been brought up in all those years ago and the realtor is the driver fraud trip but who is our guide he's holding the camera let's introduce him good morning Quinn hey good to see you I promised you exotic beautiful people Quinlan it's from Wisconsin if that's not exotic I don't know what is Quinlan's very much the expert and all things North Japan he's lived here what 20 years now this is my 23 years in Japan you might have seen Quillin 3 years ago used in a video didn't we yes we did he gave me a tour at Morioka City and we talked about the differences between American and British culture apparently Americans are friendlier than British people can you really argue with that no not really completely accurate to be honest good man alright let's get out the snake yeah this bloody cold and so a hundred mile journey across the mountains of North Japan is underway in search of the mysterious hunk of beef where we off to next a Quillin where's our first stop tomorrow we're gonna find that amazing Wagyu beef as well as the rugged abandoned coast of you want it but it's a bit late and so first I'm gonna take you to meet a six year old boy those meet a six year old ghost we're staying a haunted in oh no you're staying at high noon Oh a huge day partying the holiday in the Haunted in where's each day I use with you it's getting worse by the middle I thought was the host thing that's holding it getting worse by the minute it said in Japan that when a child dies within the family home they returned as a spirit known as a zashiki warashi sworn to protect the household a zashiki warashi is a playful guardian spirit which brings good fortune to those who catch sight of it although if the spirit is ignored or unloved a terrible curse will befall the household over 600 years ago a six-year-old boy traveling through otter died of an illness and centuries later after the Ryoka Fuso Inn was built upon the site where the boy passed away it quickly became one of the most haunted places in all of Japan on account of the numerous sightings of the boy wandering through the Inn at night such was its reputation that many of Japan's only traveled north to stay overnight at the inn and try their luck everyone from former Prime Minister's to Soichiro Honda the founder of Honda if it worked for them well hopefully it worked for us so just checked into the room yeah and gonna go and look at the shrine outside the shrine where it said the boy likes to hang around myself first stop and then we're gonna come back in here into the or come and look at the foyer and the main area and the main room after about nine o'clock I think nine or ten they turn all the lights out and they've got little lamps and things on but it's pretty dimly lit so you can get photos and go and have a look around so we're gonna do that ready ready three cold outside that's going look at the shrine in 2009 tragically a fire burned down a great portion of the early aquifer so in however none of the staff or guests were injured it said that the spirit watched over them before escaping to the one part of the in left completely unscathed by the fire apparently destroyed after a fire is the place whether the spirit of the boy escaped - this is the only place I wasn't burned and some say that they still see the spirit boy history here speak repin it inside the torii gate done here something a little bit yeah I'm talking about this kind of things and then suddenly there's air I know it's for those situations where you don't want to look too much because you just think you might picture a little boy running through the trees or running around the shrine or between the gates even though we feel this creepiness here but the spirit here is actually a good spirit right so I think we should be you know more welcoming more welcoming yeah gonna bash out a song or just be more welcoming if I was a six year old boy and you turned up at my shrine I would do everything in my power to get you out of here I'll be frying rocks at you right now hint hint it's freezing outside pretty boy so cold reason the boys probably thinking I'm not going to go out there let's go back inside this is where the boys spirit of boy appears so these are the toys have been left here by people stay at the hotel it's actually a sign here saying it's all right to leave your toys here but there's a scheme or actually but when you leave the hotel take your stuff with you otherwise this is gonna be a massive pile of toys here as there already is now as a 650 year old six-year-old boy what if he's confused by some of these toys I mean obviously back in the 1300s there would have been police cars or maracas or you know fried potatoes I'd like to think the absolutely loves this stuff after like 9:00 p.m. they turn all the lights down in the hotel and it becomes like hide-and-seek in the join like traditional Japanese Inn see they give imagine those days I think he had this it found this maracas you know it's just kind of what what you would do with it is like that so yes exactly that's exactly why you would date so this is a note the visitors here people who stayed here she left notes that experiences and then are just kind of greeting some really strange comments I'll thank you for playing with me last night it was fun it was fun like flying the toy planes and I'm coming back again last night when I was asleep I heard some like strange sound and like I couldn't move my body and I heard someone like kind of standing on my chest chest and then and Shh and he or she whoever touched my cheek and then like tapped my forehead sounds a little bit dodgy to me yeah and I couldn't see him with her it's been said that you know the spirit a boy tend to tends to appear in front of you like around 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. oh it's gonna be disappointed because I plan to be fast asleep or 2 a.m. but I don't know I'll wake you up yes and just drag you down here yeah I just leave you here asleep and see what's gonna happen he'll be joining the boy I'm gonna beat you to death with a shape that's creepy quit filming no I wasn't filming fuck typical isn't it the one creepy thing that happens what this bird just fell down off the off here we're about to do some b-roll it creepy well that's Susan b-roll shots for my shots of these dolls and I was I was holding this light he's holding the light I was gonna film it and one of the birds just fell off this little bird it's pretty heavy we're watching it we were like no I mean right there about a meter away when it all fell off I know I went read into that too much if he's if he's still here do it again please do it again this time let me have the camera rolling Benet the bird fell off read into that whatever you will there you go I wouldn't want to sit in this room on my own not gonna lie I wouldn't do it since now half-past twelve and the otros gone for the onsen gone some late night hot spring relaxation whilst I'm doing some work on the laptop and yeah I mean I don't believe in the paranormal but you know when somewhere like this has such a strong reputation for hundreds of years it's hard to ignore that it's hard to just walk in and dismiss something and and yeah it is a little bit unnerving walking down the corridors at night but actually it really helps just appreciate the atmosphere of the inn you know walking around it you spend more time looking around it I don't really walk around these traditional Japanese Inns much when I get here I usually come in sit in a hot spring a bit dinner and then go to sleep but because it has the history and there's ask you what actually it helps you to appreciate it more you go out at twelve o'clock at night and walk around the corridors and look around and sit in silence and for that alone it's a really cool kind of backstory to have the only thing I am worried about is apparently at night the boy comes to your bed and lies on your stomach he lies on the stomach of the guests at the hotel especially adults I don't want that to happen I've got to get up pretty early tomorrow if you are listening ghost boy don't do that don't cross the line I'll be really angry other than that great place see you tomorrow morning [Music] so we're back on the road and look who we've just picked up there are larger and quillin's back in the car hey ding Qin I'm doing great how was the hotel we had a little bit of a weird experience with that I was getting something like verge of these little toy birds and we're about a meter away one of the birds just fell off the shelf randomly one word you are I don't like to read too much into things but that was odd I thank you for you that pounces solid proof that counts of solid crystal absolutely little doubt without a doubt no pigs and no Japanese allowed to enter so I'm not allowed to enter you and Quinlan why is that we just stopped to the middle of nowhere literally the middle of nowhere on route and there's a sign saying caution no pigs and they Japanese but foreigners okay you can't come here stay back unbelievable good bad they're good we're because he's a pig [Laughter] after a lengthy drive across the mountains and through areas that even Japanese people appear to be banned we arrived our destination one of the few restaurants in the country serving phantom Wagyu so it's 11:30 we've just arrived the restaurant about to go in the kitchen to watch the beef be prepared everyone's favorite bit you ready I'm ready are you ready yeah let's go let's go this short horn beef tongue Kikuyu and some say that you know for argue is whiter the better some people like it white sense the fattier spot this is not it's really but it is some say it's a lot better than a mob would be LSE [Music] Wow just amazing it's very juicy the main thing that makes a big difference is the seasoning if you saw in the kitchen there was no shortage of seasoning and he did it there was like snubbing this is um guilt-free I think because I'm I've been on hikes where you as part of the hike up the mountain there's pasture land and so you passed these Tom copy of you the short horn cattle and they're very Catholic racing and so I don't know it's not a factory part at all this is really naturally pasture raised as much as beef can be environmentally friendly this is environmentally friendly people I think I've eaten more like you than what I know Japan has lots of different varieties every town every city every region this is the first time I've had beef in Japan Wagyu beef it is different because of the fact that it is mostly meat rather than fat so is it the rarest beef in Japan today yeah definitely rarest yeah and like it's fun too because it's gone let's find your one's not because equivalent Quinlan's taking is time of the baby I'm not a big stick for civilian I I haven't had a steak in 10 years to be totally honest what this is like the first take off for ten years yeah first take up at in ten years but if I'm gonna have only one steak every decade this is the steak of a day is it an anniversary eh it's one of the best beefs I've had in Japan it's low in calories high in protein low in fat and juicy and juicy as hell bloody brilliant well that was one hell of a meal thank you Quinlan that was thanks to him his idea he told me about this beef and I owe you a great debt now because that was one hell of a meal we're in the middle of our Alpine kind of resort area but where we're heading to next is the coastline which is well known for being one of those beautiful coastlines in all of Japan will they call it the Sanriku calsilica coached and luckily well Rio is driving so we can have a map on the way [Music] well hey we've arrived thank you really for driving the last two hours I had a wonderful map most wonderful sleep good job this silence has everything we needed to next up on our hit list is a handcrafted cave hand-carved tunnel hand-carved tunnel we lead the way this is adventure this is cool it's so adventure I can't even see what's going on so you come here a lot Quinlan I do what do you feel when you come somewhere like this I usually go into the mountains and so for me coming to the ocean gives me a different kind of massive power of nature basically this place is spectacular and I can't wait to get a car in a few months and actually start coming here more often well it's been quite the adventure across the water from Rios former house to the rugged Pacific coastline and the terrifying sight of a bird falling off a shelf forever ingrained in my mind if you're interested and visiting any of the places we explored on our road trip or finding restaurants where you can get hold of ton coffee fans of beef as always you can find the details in the description box below but that's all for now folks we've had a lovely time eating tongue cocky beef seeing Quinlan's face it's been magical if you like Quinlan he has got his own YouTube channel going off Japan talking about life in North Japan because a lot of mountaineering trekking he's very outdoors person somebody I should probably spend a bit more time with but for now guys as always hey thanks for watching and see you next time do the drone Quinlan here the drone beat the drone let's get full drone shot like in the films we've been exploiting Quinlan's brand-new drone we'd get the money shot now taking off across the sea to try there we go everything with Japan in it it's gonna crash do they see the drain the drone is about to crash the geofflove sea go [Applause]
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 819,646
Rating: 4.9556475 out of 5
Keywords: japanese room tour, japanese hotel, wagyu beef, japanese wagyu, rarest wagyu, haunted japan, traditional japanese inn
Id: Qk7IipIQipE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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