I Stay In A Jumbo Jet Hotel!

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hey everyone welcome back so today I'm in Stockholm to go and stay in that that is the 747 jumbo jet it's a real plane it's been around the world and it's now been turned into a hotel but tonight I am your captain I think I'm the only person staying in the hotel we'll see if we can see any more people in there I'm staying actually where the captain would fly the plane I've also got a VIP section this hotel is crazy let's go and check it out come on I don't know if the camera does it justice just how big this plane is if you've ever been up close to a 747 wow so reception is just up the top there but uh before I go and check out my room I just wanted to walk around the plane it's just crazy you can even stay in the engine room now these are like little capsule kind of rooms I don't think there's anybody in there at the moment but there's a there's another one over there as you can see they haven't modified it in any way it is still the same size as the original look at the size of the wing I don't think I've ever been under an aircraft before what have you got to do you got to kick the tires haven't you I mean everything is real about this plane nothing about it is fake and you are actually staying on the airport here in Stockholm Sweden why that literally just on the edge I mean you can see some other aircraft over there even comes with the little baggage buggies in fact can I get in this will anybody mind pretend to be working at an airport this is the closest thing you're going to get to it that handbrake and everything not quite sure what happened to the window look at this right at the back of the jumbo jet I mean it's I mean it's breathtaking it's insane and hey for kids there's a swing you can see aliander airport just there here in Stockholm I'm not over exaggerating when I say I think I might be the only person staying in here tonight we'll have a look a little bit later we'll come back at you when it's dark to see if there's any lights on I just can't get over these engines look there's even little windows out the back I wonder if these are well insulated oh no one's in there and just coming around to the front of the airplane now this has been open a few years I've always wanted to come here and I was thinking to myself this will probably shut down by the time I get a chance to come but yeah it is still open look at that the front wheels mental let's go up to reception now this also includes breakfast which I'm excited about get a better View of the the wing here I also have a personal little Gantry as well so I've got a code to get in hang on a second I'm going out on the wing this is crazy yeah it does need a little bit of a paint job there's there's some benches out here where you could go and and sit and have a drink in the summer but I'm walking out on a 747 Wing this is just crazy there's not many people that can say they've stood on a 747 wing it's amazing actually how big the wingspan is here I am look right on the tip on this wing of this 747 right let's head in and see what it's like inside because there's a there's a cafeteria in here I've also got my own bedroom in the cockpit I've got a shower ensuite and also a little private VIP area too you can actually see all photos of this airplane as you go up on the lift all right I need a code to get in obviously I'm not going to share this code on camera I always knock on aircraft as I go in set in straight away look got some merch if you wanted to buy some T-shirts cups or some old safety cards from this Airline we'll sue here is this just like office oh hang on wow this is this is cafeteria so apparently from 3 A.M you can come in here and get breakfast are these locked up oh my God they're not does that mean this is available I could have it now it's already laid out for me choice of cereals tea hope this works this work yeah it does work look at that I've Got Tea cereal a few sandwiches hey I'm not seeing things ah it's padlocked it says some beer in there breakfast is set from 3 A.M to 10 A.M but look at that you can see all the details of the old aircraft where it's been the history of the airplane is truly amazing once owned by Singapore Airlines Pan Am look all through the different decades look at these little seats isn't that amazing so you can sit in here look you can even take in The View of the sunset here in Sweden and also bearing in mind what this must have been like back in the day when people would have been sitting in the first class area look some of the original seats would have these been first class or I guess now premium economy yes in fact actually very much like premium economy I think I flew on Virgin once and it was very similar to this premium economy by the way this video is not sponsored by jumbo Hotel is the reception so if you have any problems you literally just call them so these are some basic cabins down here I don't think there's anybody else staying in this hotel right now all the lights are coming on look at this you can actually see the photos that was the front cabin where I just was when it was literally being Decked Out and changed into a hotel so it's really amazing to see all of this seeing how it was all laid out it's a backdrop room where the emergency exit is it's kind of spooky I can't be the only person in here I really do feel like I'm the only person staying in this hotel tonight I can't be surely but it is January in Sweden let's do a test hello hello that is pretty silent and nobody's answering me it's up here an ironing board and all of these are more toilets and showers there's like there's one there there's another one and another one well with towels ready to go just think these are still the original size windows you can imagine literally just sitting here and looking out your window as you're taking off crazy here all right fire exit I think look at the door It is Well heated because you might think look you can actually see the outside of the cabin crazy you would think it's probably not very warm in here but it really is so I've gone up the whole length of the jumbo jet see right now it doesn't feel like you're in a jumbo jet does it you're just in a normal corridor I can't get into any of these rooms to show you what they're like but they're like a basically just a very small double room but tonight this is where I'm staying up here this is the most expensive room in the place and it is literally just for people that reserve the cockpit Suite welcome Upper Deck first class well opens that's a bad idea it actually opens outwards rather than inwards so I'm considering this is pretty tight anyway so this is all for me then I will show you into the first class Lounge in just a moment there is the main cockpit in my bedroom this is a little VIP balcony with some deck chairs [Music] and literally that is where I am sleeping tonight in there this is crazy just a little bit worried about security because anyone could just come up here right I said there's a oh no I just realized this is shut from the inside I'm gonna have to go back downstairs again hang on it's gonna be a bad idea if I forgot the code look at that from 2005 just before it was completely changed there is the original cockpit here it is been turned into a bedroom this is crazy it is a double bed as well I'll do the bed test in a minute satellite I've got another one over here and I don't know whether you can actually sit in the front let's go have a look hang on I guess I'd have to climb over the bed in order to do it wow as I open up the curtains I need a torch hang on that is crazy and there's also there's also a TV up there so I can actually lay in bed and watch TV although it's facing the wrong way it's a shame that the TV is not on that wall really but look at all these buttons can I press them this is your captive speaking make sure you strap yourself in it's gonna be a bumpy ride wow this is just like a childhood dream being in a cockpit and no one telling you that you can't touch anything I think I know what I'm doing here so with the engines is that like the parking or something I don't know and then accelerate I don't really know what I'm doing look leave the flaps look at that that works as well you can actually press all the buttons and you won't get told off I am a little bit worried so I'm actually going to put that back in the uh in the normal position but wow look at this this moves and everything you can imagine what the pilots must have seen and the travels this plane has been on mental and it's actually so high off the ground as well look at that some of the original signage is still up here as well and as I pan around this is probably would have been where the other Pilots would have sat doing the controls this is the sweep from this angle we'll go and check out the bathroom in a minute but it is heated look there's radiators either side keeping it nice and toasty and all the displays have been taken out these are all kind of just like colored photos although some of these still work there's still some switches here and they still have the pedals and the trim look I know my stuff shame they're taking the seats out because that would have been nice but but for now I just have to sit on my pillow this is just crazy I'm flying my own aircraft I am the captain tonight I feel sorry for everyone who's on board let's close the curtains so it's nice and cozy and let's go and check out the bathroom and get round this is tight as I shut my door this is very cozy and very quiet right let's go and check out my ensuite no way there's a shower in here what the heck pretty big size mirror with the light as well so I guess this is like a a wet room huge sink I've even got window just out there but yeah this looks pretty good shower head like to check it out so it's like a wet room but what a nice little ensuite I've got this is obviously the only room in the hotel that has got the ensuite bathroom but also as I come out here this bit is also amazing now this is just for people that are staying in the cockpit you get exclusive access to the first class Lounge clip a bell of the sky look this is what it used to look like and the original seats are still here this is crazy so all this is complementary and it's look well the food used to be served in fact I've got some complimentary beer and with a beer cap as well got myself a kettle I've got an espresso coffee machine a couple of glasses on my own little bar how cool is this and if I've got friends here I can invite them up here to have a seat there's also a huge TV this this is just for me look at that the old signs no smoking fastened seat belt this is absolutely insane look at that dinner oh my God and I've just realized whoever's been up here recently has has been shopping in Primark because there's a Primark sticker there's even still old bits of cigarette Ash in these little cigarette trays that was comfy your little audio section as well where you could listen to your favorite music or or video crazy the lights are still here and even the little air conditioning Vents and the blinds as well there's lots of books on uh Aviation down here as well I can relax watching TV oh with my feet up by the way if you're liking this video do give it a thumbs up and drop a comment below yeah I've got TV I've got tea coffee wine beer well I've got wine I've got beer um I'm probably just gonna have a shower um and retire for the evening and it's really warm up here I don't know how I can control the heat but it's like really really warm so I think I might struggle um in that bed tonight so I just had a shower it took a while for the hot water to come through and then eventually when I did have the shower well it was difficult to kind of get washed properly because it was just a trickle more than a proper you know shower so I kind of had to take it off and just move it all around me anyway in bed the bed's interesting because as you look around the bed as you take some of the covers off um you notice that the bed is also being held up by some books which I thought was an interesting touch it is very comfy you really do sink into it it's two single beds pushed together and there's some kind of like strip or divider in the the middle that keeps moving and you sink into it certainly is interesting looking at it from this angle it's quite cozy actually except that's a little bit concerning all that metal and I can certainly feel a draft from the back but then I guess I can't moan because I'm sleeping in a cockpit right I'll let you know how well the Sleep goes in the morning night morning well I have to say that was the best night's sleep I've ever had I would say in an aircraft but anywhere that bed seriously is just super soft and super comfy yes it's it's a very weird setup but wow super comfy I'll get down these stairs now tight just me for breakfast then I'll tell you what this plane's history is totally amazing and um if you look at some of the photos around that what different companies have used it Pan Am Singapore Airlines you've been used by the president and NASA it's absolutely crazy I love these mugs as well weird no handle fortunately I can't get it covered here because the hot water thing doesn't seem to be working at the minute I think it's just warming up if you ever come here and stay work your way up because you can stay in the engine rooms you can stay in the Wheelhouse which actually has an ensuite as well or one of the many other bedrooms and then work your way up I think if I came back here again I'd have to go back up there and the best night's sleep I think I've ever had if you like the video please make sure to give it a thumbs up hit subscribe I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 1,570,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 747, panam, pan am airlines, pan an 747, stockholm, jumbojet, jumbo jet hotel, hotel, plane hotel
Id: TrDNul5tQPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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