We Try A Jet 2 Holiday? - Are They Any Good?

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morning so this will be a very different video to normal because as you know I travel and most of the time I do travel alone Gabby does come with me sometimes but it's not very often that the whole family comes with me Gabby's driving the time is literally at about ten to four we left the house at three in a blaze of craziness having a little baby boy as well crying because he wants his milky and we've got him up early he's never a good thing but he's in the back he's asleep Holly's bought a cushion along she's asleep and me and Gabby need to stay awake so the first thing we're going to do is grab a coffee it's never too early for a coffee is it never that's the reason I got up this morning so we have this weird tradition I don't know where it started but um whenever we've been on the road to go to the airport we always grab a coffee and it always has to be a wild being because they're good coffees the paper if you work in the night oh that's good then yeah well at least you get a little something for it the lack of sleep thank you when you go to a coffee shop you don't get they advertisement glasses but you know you're good to make them look like same with Starbucks isn't it however the ones that are advertising glasses do look pretty Swanky so I think while being above their game a jet2 holiday it always feels warmer though when you come out of air conditioning all right we just arrived at long stay car park the flight goes a half past seven it's actually ten to six so we're a little bit um in a rush I know it doesn't look like it we're trying to get everything out the car trying to deal with a baby as well this is not sponsored by jet2 holidays just must make that clear we'll tell you how much we paid because we've got a really good deal as always we're going to take you through the airport on board the aircraft because this is the first time that we've actually done a package holiday with jet2 so this includes of course flying with jetsu holidays the private transfer I'll explain that later and also staying in the accommodation all provided by jet2 holidays so we're going to take you on the whole experience on board the flight and apparently you get Yorkshire Tea oat milk this is the burning question I'll get the bags and I'll get the baby let's go three cases a teenager a wife and a baby and a baby should we go are you excited let's go let's go that's it Holly well done she wanted to do both cases for a workout we're always rushing for the bus always have to remember which bus stop we're at as well welcome to London Stansted Airport long stay are you ready Casper I would say that Gabby's got the easy job not carrying any cases but she's got the baby very happy chappy there for Ryanair you don't normally see them smile that much I was supposed to get through there that way that's where you get off the train I've actually never been into Stansted Airport this way you forget all this is here big cue for jet to check in straight away there's a massive difference with jetsu because there's like little palm trees around there like pop-up banners little palm trees Okay so we've checked in online so all we need to do is the bag drop and what is great about jet2 holidays is your 20 I think it's 20 kilogram bags three of them are included in the price but the only caveat to that is that they now charge you to sit on the plane as well so with other aircraft they charge you for the seats and the bags uh jet2 they don't charge you for the bags but they do charge you 10 pound per person each way to choose your seat cabbie's just got the toilet so I'm trying to do all of this on my own actually help Holly that's a really cute so this should be as simple as scanning my boarding pass oh so all we do now is literally stick this on here and then we uh press this button bye that's weird doing that isn't it it's like you're working on an airport yourself there's nobody sitting here now foreign I should have laid that down actually hopefully that will fall down oh no it's gonna get caught stuck why is it not moving [Music] because it's on Wheels I should have laid it down I need someone else to put their bag on it to work to push it yeah yeah I didn't read that properly obviously Lay Your Case down don't have it stand up like that the bags are dropped which means um now we might get time for a bit of breakfast or a cup of tea why is it then when you drop the bags off it's like dropping the kids off at school yeah it feels like that we've got to go through security now but we'll see on the other side look at the way that Casper is sitting even if we put this bar down he still wants to put his legs up always a little bit stressful going through security with a baby but he's happy now because he's got a rust but obviously you have to take the baby out of the pram and you have to take all the food and put it through security we actually went quicker than Fast Track security which is saying something right because normally other people pay for that or get it free but it wasn't very fast today even fans had to walk through security on his own Holly is getting hungry I hate spinning doing his rust so we're at gate number two Gabby's not happy because um she's just encountered a very rude woman in the cube it was actually a real world and even though he only made a remark he said I could go in front of him and I just like almost very patronize it and I was just like oh that's all right then everyone can just walk in front of everyone that's been queued for ages we're trying to feed Casper a little bit of breakfast is it stressful when you travel with a baby I'd actually have to say no not at all Casp is actually a really good little boy I mean right now and we haven't been able to give him his breakfast just because we're traveling but he's happy having one of these little pouches that we bought from boots and it works and also it's breastfed so if we have to put him on the boob we can Mission the gates one to 19 only the only other thing traveling with the baby is that we can't go on the escalator so we have to go on the lift not a bad thing oh it's opened what did you just say unless someone's fighting not unless somebody I guess the good thing about going in the lift you feel like a VIP because there's hardly anywhere else in here nobody's pushing well all the apps actually are just so crammed at the moment yeah but once again morning flights from Stansted on a Monday because I've done it quite a lot this year I always visit how long does this lift take it's only going up that small little let's go I guess we should tell you where we're heading to but we are heading to Menorca sporting and in and out W.A Smith [Music] at the gate did you hear what they just said last call Gabby and Holly don't know the meaning of the word hurry I've just got in the toilet they've got the last call for the board and gate so it's just me and Casper we just head in there on our own hold the plane so there's the newer aircraft I think we're going on a slightly older one so for our first time on jet2 this will be interesting so this is the problem now we've got a baby it's funny they've got no little lift down here so we have to break that down obviously take the baby bag take the baby more stairs hang on I've got it come on Casper are you ready look how happy he is more stairs it's hard to believe I'm doing all of this one-handed definitely looks like an older aircraft though doesn't it we're on the back Gabby where do we leave the I believe over here that's a writing it is that not okay leave it there this definitely looks like an older aircraft I don't know someone will tell us I'm sure in the comments because there's a newer jet2 aircraft over there and an even newer one all the library looks new anyway look how excited he is I would say that was quite hassle-free going through the airport actually apart from the steps at the end it was quick but again my five people being rude a bit of a problem yeah this is not a normal jet to blame them hello one in someone's biting is he baby 35c m it seems this is actually quite an older plane but I don't think Gabby is bothered babies and randomly when we've flown with Cass before when we're up in the air this is actually a perfect spot for him to be quite content because he just stands there for ages playing with my seatbelt [Music] [Music] the takeoff is that all right for you I don't know I think it sounded like a rocket so I'm a bit like see what's available food wise I'm pretty limited I think but they do do bacon rolls so that's good what on Earth is that that doesn't look appetizing hopefully we can get a bacon roll and a nice cup of Yorkshire Tea Casper is fast Sleep listen Gabby's tugging into a what is that a tuna roll yeah I think I'm a bacon roll like what to do because it's got butter in it I've gone for a cup of Yorkshire Tea a KitKat and a bacon roll so the bacon roll is about five pound wow I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I actually miss the Ryanair and cheese croissant because this bacon roll is a bit by eating cardboard [Music] you put the swing inside that's so bad thank you last one off thank you it's walking Daddy okay so we just gotta wait for our bags and if you've got a toddler running around and you're like where on Earth can I put this toddler they've got these little pens that look like where you put sheep but you can put little toddlers in there that look like they're gonna run around everywhere are you right in there Casper Gabby's just shoved him in there how is you with the landing well it was a little bit wobbly I'm not gonna lie you do know you shouldn't be sitting on there they always tell you not to sit on there now like any other package holiday when you arrive on the other side you normally get a transfer to your hotel we were going to get a transfer bus however when I was booking it gave me the option to do a private transfer get this for minus 59 Pence so we took it now whether we get it just us or we get it with one other family we don't know let's go and check it out on the other side our cases came out there but apparently the push chairs came out on another belt altogether all the way down here and here's ours why they've just thrown it on here most of these get broken you know yes thank the Lord this is ours but they've put the handlebars of somebody else's oh no I don't know but you just have to kind of like go underneath the hatch and just shout for someone hi uh what can I get your hotel here maybe the stance did on the birminghamsted okay so okay so this is your driver Jose and he's going to take you now I know you don't want to know this bit yet but this is the pickup time for the return okay so that information is on there okay and there's 24 7 telephone number there's also a WhatsApp connection if you need um to contact us through that all the information is in the envelope for 15p less than a normal coach transfer we've got a private one with a gentleman carrying our cases I'm not who says you can't get things for free well it's included in the price but you know what I mean blacked out vehicle for a pop star as well we can say you very posh wow this is nice and we're on the private transfer bus Mercedes emblems in the back very Posh if you ever do jet to holidays and it comes up as private transfer and it doesn't cost you much extra or actually in my case cost you less than do it so we've got details about the transfer home in this envelope your holiday starts here excursions well we're here I'm talking to everyone Grumpy's like huh the baby's asleep thank you check it in please 22A we've arrived wow this is an old door from so here is our room it's got a kitchen it's got a little kitchenette living room bedroom bathroom a clean kettle why have you checked it already I've checked it wow in the fire that was the first thing I did even though the microwave looks a little bit uh odd the front of the microwave yeah but let's just check the inside Rusty but clean hey ask it's been worse so yeah self catering so we can do a little bit of cooking it's got a fridge for me Tim the the dining area is interesting hard little bench there it's quite nice very Church so obviously that's Holly's bed we've got a separate sofa as well we don't have much of a view a garden View as they call it but actually pretty huge balcony the bedroom looks nice and fresh nice and clean although I'm not a big fan of the Vans when you're abroad but we've got a pool view from the from the bedroom which is kind of nice a bathroom pretty nice huge hair dryer [Music] oh it's been a bit warmer nice big shower though so we're going to get settled in and we'll see you in the morning so I thought just before we go to breakfast I'll just quickly show you through the hotel so you can get an idea about where we are we turned up yesterday it was quite quick bar and a restaurant here is quite nice a lot of people staying here are all inclusive we're not however we can get breakfast from the all-inclusive Buffet for 10 euros a day however if we booked it when we checked in we could get it for eight Euros a day but we've decided that we're not going to necessarily have breakfast here every day obviously we're self-catering so we'll go and get breakfast somewhere else occasionally cold meats on offer cheeses fruits so I'm going to get an orange juice coffee can get a fried breakfast so we've come fairly late again around about 10 o'clock so there isn't much left here's my breakfast there's Hollies Gabby's not currently up yet Casper's ready for his breakfast it's gonna be weird because this little boy Gabby's up what do you think of the breakfast well actually as far as I quite like it Casper's decided to not to eat his breakfast and send it upside down and make a mess luckily here's some I provided earlier well it's fair to say that Menorca has some beautiful beaches but I don't have the luxury of Car Hire this time on this trip so the actual Hotel provides a free bus service down to the nearest beach which is actually around about a 10 minute coach drive away so let's get on that coach and check out the Beach come on just need the rest of the family if they're getting ready yes please I think we should just stick some straight in the back Casper's ready to go down to the beach and we don't have to pay for this either no this is complimentary not not that it's included in the price for Jetty holidays well I guess it is because the hotel provides it so it's pretty good thank you we must just mention that obviously um there isn't really a beach near our hotel and the nearest one let's say is about 10 minutes away but you know manoka is quite quiet so there isn't too many restaurants here but we'll have a look around we've got a holly on um babysitting duties well not really babysitting Duty she's pushing the pram so it was good to have a beach day isn't it I'm looking forward to it just chillaxing we're just hoping that there's a beach bar here really so this is Punta Prima or Prima lovely Beach actually a few restaurants down there I think we need to go and get some water first should we get some water Gabby what'd you think when you said that no does it not no I don't suit hats I think so maybe this one have I got it on right you look like you're from the Village People Beachwear in here I don't think this is a shop that does water really it's all more like souvenirs Aqua sync gas Papa one Euros 30 here by me it's quite expensive for water in it they're nothing like mine mine are Hollister I like these ones although the Hawaiian ones the black Hawaiian ones they're kind of trendy quite trendy one thing about where we are is because there's so few shops they charge quite a lot of money for pretty much everything so did you see the Willies the phalluses is that we call it yeah but it's quite popular in these Nation why there was lighters there were straws there was toys well I don't think it was toys did you see the drugs on sale as well by the till that you could smoke no you know I did well you know what I'm not a fan of that smell anyway let's head down to the water so thankfully we found our way down to the beach on these wooden slats I don't know how far it goes though otherwise it's the right job trying to pull the pram across the sand it's not the best beach on the island and there's one thing that the baliaoc Islanders do have problems with especially in the summer and that's jellyfish and we saw this flag and was like oh it's just like a flag and then realize what's on the flag pictures of jellyfish hence why no one's going in the water and probably because it is quite rough today ready all right so we got a little bit bored of the beach and we've managed just to find a little cafe restaurant which has this cool little children's play area thumps is cooling off in the shade and Gabby's enjoying the water oh it's like a vision of beauty we've managed to find the only little bit of shade for Castle drinking his water are you liking it thumps drink it properly then he absolutely loved that the only problem with that is it's salt water which means you burn a lot more don't you a little bit of a sunbed and then we'll go for a cafe so let's find somewhere for coffee the only problem is a lot of these look like proper restaurants where they won't really give you just a coffee they want you to eat for lunch all eating paella here you go Gabby I'm the one on the end cocktail there's not much to choose from really is there really lovely view though can't be a nice coffee I tell you what though I love that smell of seafood it was a cheap deal a late deal but we really are literally in the middle of nowhere there's our hotel there's just Countryside and then there's sea and rocks and we're quite high up here although you wouldn't think here great thing about this part of the island though there are loads of these caves see you down there so I'm trying to look for a shop I think there's one down here actually a little Spanish Town very small little urbanization here love the little Spanish houses it doesn't look like there's much open around here at all let's go this way here we go oh so as always we need Essentials we're looking for Sangria where's that Don someone sangria this is the brand I'm after but I can't see any sangria there it is this stuff is so cheap but if you like sangria put it in the fridge and it cost you just over two Euros I think I should get to have one of those herself I'll get two smoothies for thumps because it's quite hot rather refreshing lemon beer for the walk back great thing about these apartments and we didn't know this when we booked there's this little mini water park that Casper absolutely loves he literally will be in here he'll literally just be walking around here for about an hour at a time foreign [Music] this spins around in fact actually if we spin this around our ears Casper what happened what happened Casper sorry darling so right now I am Treading Water because I'm so short but Tim can actually touch the floor just literally above my neck but this water's Lovely isn't it so don't expect me to do too much talking I might run out of puff usually it takes me quite a while to get into a pool but I can just walk straight into this because yes it cools you down but it's not freezing you know it's just ideal there's one thing we haven't done yet well that too but um we haven't done any night swimming I love Night Swimming when you're on holiday but you won't do it with you well you'll be on your own with that one mate depends on how many beverages I've had to be honest oh are you getting tired oh and by the way if you want to know how much we paid for this holiday the price will be coming up at the end and we have to reiterate that this is not sponsored by jet2 holidays and we actually haven't even seen a rep have we I know there's a rep that comes to reception but we haven't needed one they gave us a welcome pack and you know all the information is on the um on the app as well so it's really good they did say to us when we got off the plane if you do need to get hold of us the number is in this pack we're gonna have a sunbathe and we will see you later this evening for some food let's do it all right so it's been a busy day doing pretty much nothing really um Casper's in been enjoying the water you've been enjoying the water we've needed to enjoy the water today it's been baked it has been really hot and we're starting off with our drink of choice whilst on holiday if you've never had this then you're missing out cocktail wise uh Malibu which is obviously rum and coconut isn't it Ramen coconut yeah yeah and uh orange juice the only problem with this hotel is that there's no other restaurants around anywhere apart from one restaurant down near the very little mini Harbor if we don't go out of the hotel because for the last two nights we have been eating here and it just gets a little bit monotonous doesn't it yeah I think I've tried everything on the menu and this this is yeah I know and this is the thing right if you are booking holiday in late deal um try to do a little bit of research which I normally do but because it was just a very quick thing um we didn't we're in an area that is very quiet um it's a residential area so there isn't too much choice so we don't know whether this restaurant's going to be expensive or whether it's not whether food is going to be good or whether it's not but we don't have any other choice so the Sun is setting apparently there's a little free train that goes from the hotel down there as well which runs every 20 minutes but we've got to make sure we come back before 11 o'clock so we thought we'd take you with us for dinner come on and of course we've got a uh a toddler running around so we need to get him ready for the evening which normally consists of basically giving him some food check which we've done getting him dressed for the evening as well got to be done and to be honest it's so warm he doesn't really need much I'm busy and also some some milky which comes from Gabby later on every time Casper looks in the mirror at himself oh [Music] now he stops [Music] and here she comes dressed in black look at that sunset tonight through the palm trees anybody would think we're color coordinated well the entertainment here is pretty limited to say the least it's kind of just whilst you eat your food Gabby you could have got a gig here singing I wonder I love that smell of seafood at night waiting for the train about eight to ten minutes apparently it's not quick enough it's not long enough for a drink is it I don't know I'm a bit I'm a bit you'd have to have a shot Gabby likes the idea of a shot first don't always get two Melodies and one orange juice whatever you want to do Gabby was trying to order a drink from the chef sorry I just missed all that you spoke in Spanish that really can you just say again what you said says which means they don't overly do the Spanish portions either who's in the canaries right now they'd fill that halfway up oh the train is outside is it okay [Music] um what are you gonna do okay you just have to just quickly put a tiny little spit in there and I'll have to just quickly drinking a plastic glass oh yeah plastic glass please yeah thank you that was the fastest eight minutes of my life it felt like a minute it's the shortest tutu train in the world as well once again there's not many slopes around is there it's not very busy tonight Polly's chilly and it's 27 degrees I'm gonna try and stick this up here somehow thank you ready to go so we've got to wait for a few more people if any more people will turn up otherwise we've got the train to ourselves we're off on the choo choo train do you know what they've got one of these trains at Great Yarmouth but I've actually never rode it before what have you done you said you've never been on a tourist s oh no the end of the world has happened sea winner residential area it's just Villas after Villas everywhere and we've arrived where the action is not happening one bar there yeah and then there's another bar so it's simple there and there's only one restaurant here which is where we're going to this is more life than we've seen in the past two days by train Gabby's still got a drink I was hoping to go for a cocktail at this beach bar but it's closed I know so literally what it is is that train runs through to three or four of the other hotels and apartments that are all owned by the same company the only problem is is like this one here doesn't have a restaurant it just has a bar and um there's a distinctive lack of restaurants here there is only like one that we've seen and uh it's kind of like just hidden around the back here where I went shopping earlier today so would you say it's quiet around here Gabby if it's grown on me though like I quite like the fact that you could probably go for a little popsicles around the hotels actually this is the would you call it a seafood in fact the beach we went to to just around there where you can see that Lighthouse but yeah there's not much house here so the restaurant we're going to is just further up there I know this is a very different video to what I normally do but what would really help me out us out be if you could hit that subscribe button it's free to do doesn't cost you anything and also don't forget to hit the thumbs up even though we're in Spain doesn't this remind you of um Shirley Valentine a little bit I don't think it was filmed in Greece I don't think it was I think it was I don't think it was this is it we need to go down here yeah down this one but I do love these Spanish streets don't you love them I think there used to be more life around here than there is now though this is one of the only restaurants in town it's absolutely packed we've got to try and find a table by the window you're okay little man well there's certainly lots of Choice Pizza Seafood salads steaks as well steak here 22 Euros here we've noticed massive problem with mosquitoes and they've just given us this well it it repels mosquito I'm trying to read it to see if it's something that we've put on our bodies or just something we put in the air around I think you probably spray it on you but do we have to pay for that we should have bought our own stuff really it goes quite far I wouldn't spray too much because it's like I've got mosquito on your head I didn't have any hairspray tonight so right there you just you just touched it there you go it's gone it's really weird [Music] I've gone for a basic Pizza Gary's gone for mussels very nice Polly's gone for um she's chowing down on Bolognese Gabby what Gabby no they fly what are you doing what do you do what are you doing [Music] Gabby no they fly man no we say fly no don't the only downfall is is that the little train finishes at 10 o'clock it's now 20 to 11 which means we've got to walk around about 15-20 minutes back to the hotel uphill but it is a nice warm evening it's like she's she's making out like she's freezing but it is such a warm evening isn't it it's really lovely Holly Holly is very Mediterranean blade I don't know if you can see that look palm trees and the moon after being so hot today this just feels so nice it's still about 23 degrees you know what's wrong with Holly my dear she spent all day every day on that sun bed not shifting so she's going to feel eventually so we're here in the capital of manoka Mahon we're going to have a take a look around we're trying to look for breakfast it's around about 11 o'clock we're a little bit late actually not looking good but we're trying to find the port so I'm using Google Maps to the best of my ability and all at the moment we can find at these side streets we were dropped off by a bus station which was in the center Gabby is getting hungry and so is Holly so we need to find somewhere for breakfast we just have to navigate these um little Spanish streets thank God for Google Maps eh so we come to the end of this street to just be met with pretty much the same as what we've been looking at and then a right love these little Spanish streets see in the summer because it's so hot you keep your windows and your your blind shut it can't be nice to be inside the house because it just must be quite a very dark place right I know like reinvesting Conservatory so they invest in shades on the lookout for a harbor but we've found an old church should go in Gabby wow look at this for a second I thought that was like a real person yeah it looks really true to life yeah it does but like what you said Jesus wasn't put in a glass ah you can see the port obviously needs to go down there the temperature's around about 31 degrees today and there is a really lovely Breeze but there isn't a breeze walking down these side streets but luckily we can walk in the shade which is quite nice but yeah we can't see any signs of any kind of restaurant at the moment or any property of life we're walking in the completely wrong direction we're trying to go down to the harbor which we just saw even though we did see like a glass bottom boat I don't know if we saw many restaurants if failing that fell in that we'll have to go into the center because I'm sure there must be some stuff there but we thought it'd be nice down by the water hmm this is going to be hell to get up well at least it's a slope but oh dear there's steps oh no epic foul the steps there we can't oh really yeah yeah we came here in December years and years ago for a friend's wedding and it just raining it was nice though yeah it wasn't there it was nice did it feel festive was it because it was at the end of November and Christmas was coming and there was Christmas trimmings up I don't know if you could oh yeah I do remember that I think this is like a Pandaria Gabby so this might be a good bet there's no seating outside there unfortunately seen anything you like hello [Laughter] well he's happy every day aren't you aren't you so for breakfast we've gone for a range of patisseries and Gabby's gone for like a ham on was it what's it called well it's just a warm um cured ham sandwich yeah it's nice though it's that Spanish Amazon cappuccino and a water yeah like a spider's web I know you don't usually it talks with the eye and that's like a chocolate syrup rather than dusting we've got the bus here quite early this morning so we've got to serve him his little breakfast and we're serving it in a um in a cup we've asked for some milk we bought some Weetabix and um yeah he seems happy skin everywhere a nice light breakfast for a change rather than the full English I know it's quite nice to get a Pandaria every so often actually I kind of like that we peaked too soon though we saw the first one and went for it and there's there's now loads of them down here which is so typical great way to keep the sun off you have a little Boutique shops Beachwear voila Gabby look at these shoes for thumps need to choose fancy a bag a wicker bag I always want a bag it's quite quite a few of them these little bags here is you put well I don't know about these particular bags toiletry bags whatever you can put in your swimsuits in them when they're wet that is a candle that's an actual candle that is mental I don't know if they're candles that is just so weird can you imagine having that as your centerpiece for a party we have no idea where we are it doesn't matter though does it really as long as we find the the bus station again to get the bus back later this is the first time in a long time when I haven't actually hired a car and I kind of don't like it I feel naked because I hate being restricted to time you know especially when you're walking around and exploring but we try to do this holiday the cheapest as we could little Park very little park for some reason We've Ended up in a car park and what looks like um Guy Fawkes Night bonfire night back in the UK do you know what this is about then no I know it looks like they're building a bonfire it's a little bit like what we have in the UK with bonfire night and uh Guy Fawkes but someone to tell us in the comments oh wow I feel like walking in flip-flops is not good in here because you need to be quiet this is a market here you can have a look around what do you think yeah yeah I think that you'd look better in like the blue though that is that is nice although I don't know it looks a little bit there's a button all the way down though no that's what I mean that one's nicer Gabby's got her eye on her summery white linen dress that is really nice how much is how much is that so this 32 5 I like this yeah that's cute yeah that is nice isn't that a funny looking banana it's a huge banana that is absolutely massive Casper would like it enjoy aren't they I don't think they're dry because they've got normal bananas down there that's just because the bits come off the ends and the dry bananas you know Spanish what does it saying well I can't read the chalk but it says is it patano which is banana right I can't read that right she's got it going on look at that for a mannequin see something Gabby can't have look at this cheeses that uh fresh sausage oh it's not fresh see we definitely peeked too soon there's so much food options we just saw the first place we came to I don't understand are these hats no they're they're like they're lamp shades I thought these were hats so I think there is a lift further down there but because we've got to get the bus at two it's now 20 past one we've got to walk back to the bus station this is why hiring a car is so much better because you can explore at your own pace rather than when someone else tells you am I right you're right well I think it's time for a coffee con leche I don't know why but when you talk Spanish you really make me want to love you even more mohan's really lovely in it it took us a while to find because where the bus dropped us off to where the center was was quite difficult to figure out and unfortunately yeah because we've got to go back to the bus we haven't got time to go down to the harbor which is a bit of a shame we'll get this coffee down us and we'll go back to the bus yeah we've got five minutes quick it's like stir you got this oh no it's really windy as well it's not as romantic as it looks so that's what I mean people don't when they take these Instagram photos it doesn't look like that real life started off all right we came across this tiny little piano with this little stall and it's the perfect size for Casper is our little busker we might get some money too [Music] bless him that's it Casper go on keep playing people will give us money so the Sun is setting on our jet 2 holiday was it the jet2 holiday that I thought it would be well let's start first of all with the fly I think um I didn't get the full jet to experience that I've seen a lot of people get even though it was jet 2 staff they weren't overly that happy on the flight coming out were they um and obviously it was quite an old aircraft too so we didn't get the same experience that my sisters had for example and a lot of our friends have had traveling rejected but we did get Starbuck coffee now obviously it's like any holiday just because it's jet2 have we had a better holiday because of that well no it's been no different to any other package holiday that we've had in the past and actually it doesn't feel any different the only option is is obviously jet2 are there if you need them for support and obviously to help out with excursions I personally feel like the whole booking of the holiday was a better experience when you go to book your holiday with jet2 automatically your bags are included as well and your trans Spurs so that's quite nice sometimes when you book other holidays you have to add that on and do it all yourself but it's nice that it's all in with the package and because we did book quite late five days prior to coming we did get ourselves a last minute deal as well and also it's really good that we've got the option to do a private transfer for like less than 30 Pence which was really random but it was actually quite nice because we didn't have to wait and do all the coach stops with those other people we had to yeah we literally got on and then came straight here I also found as well that when we did go to check in check our bags in the whole Ambiance of where you go to queue is so much nicer it makes you feel like you are actually on a holiday it does have like fake palm trees around so it gives you that holiday Vibe whereas with other airlines you don't really get that it's quite basic and also when we landed and when we got off the plane they did say have a nice holiday which you obviously don't get when you travel with EasyJet or Ryanair mind you probably because they don't know if you are I'm actually on holiday even if you're offline to a destination like a holiday destination yeah so how much do we pay we paid literally just under a thousand pounds for one week self-catering uh that's three adults and one little baby obviously we don't really pay for Casper now we didn't care where we stayed but we are in a very quiet area there's a pool there's one restaurant there's one bar and then it's basically just self-catering Apartments but that's what we wanted so tell us what you think if you had a jitter2 holiday with your experience bad or good I'm gutted that we didn't get the full Airline experience that everybody Raves about with jet2 the only issue I found was the luggage obviously was free but you had to pay to sit on the plane it was 10 pound per person that was a little bit of a sore point to be honest so it's like you pay for the bag it's great that you don't pay for the bags that's free great oh hang on but you pay for the seat so how is that different to paying for luggage and the only question that I ask in reference to that is hi I know that money I know it's a money-making scheme but why on the seats and not something else when I've been looking for deals I've always found personally jet2 quite expensive but on this occasion this occasion it was a good deal so we would probably look at them again maybe in the future yes doing a late deal normally isn't very cheap but maybe it is also because we do have a little baby now so maybe that's why the deals are coming up better prices with jet2 than other companies that we have flown with before tell us in the comments if you think jet2 holidays are great this is not sponsored by jet2holidays just our experience you might have had a better one you might have had a worse one tell us in the comments give the video a thumbs up make sure that you hit the Subscribe button and of course click that notification Bell we'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 960,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 60W1LH6FTxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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