I Started My Own FAMILY on the GIRLS ONLY Server.. SHE Got JEALOUS.. (Minecraft)

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so is this crazy man chica says so the entire girls Squad house has been redone and re updated on the girls only server owned by happy hopper 16 happy can a bit advocate please pinky you are so mean you will you will not be out of it ladies job and we're back on the girls only minecraft if you ever see episode wanna go check it out right now here's a clip I'm excited come on pinky are you scared so I'm pretty much joining the happy i 416 girls only minecraft server and let me tell you things got interesting and I just came back on after after a couple of days and things have been definitely updated for sure so I wanna go to check out everything that we got on the server you two can't be rude quickie okay happy sorry I mean quack or whatever so Bruce never let me cheat let me show you what's going on here so happy ever said she up to you the entire server happy when did you update the server question mark everything completely redone it's like a whole time new neighborhood system over there car dealerships apartments the ball has been extended this is our place it's like completely new and the girls only server is the only getting better but the question is what's the poor's only server out man we go we got to get a boys-only sir come on guys let's check out the mansion go quacky okay let's go alright so anyways I gotta see things are definitely phenomenal a lot of those places everything's just you think I like blue well yeah you're the point we have the linen girl Wow very nice very nice 10/10 okay well so we got the kitchen state-of-the-art kitchen full of girls squat house yeah state-of-the-art and we have a little cage area here which is pretty squishy and dining in next room sink what's this stay away do not enter nothing to see here uh what's this what's down what's down here dude you can't go in there what oh I live here though that's top secret can I know the secret your official secret your official now yeah only new I'm in skin oh okay take it man come on girls wait so have you ever 16 is keeping some kind of secret down there I don't know what that is but there's something down there and we're gonna figure it out what the heck it is I'm sorry okay anyways let's go all in the back upstairs and let's see what we got over here oh do you know another living room area lobsters let me show you my room we could be roommates yay this is pretty cool oh and you got a closet of stuff very nice very nice alright and a view of the neighborhood that's sick okay now also we have which over here oh it's bathroom never happening what the heck what did you say pinkie say to my face this is a shared bathroom okay I make sense it's gonna get disgusting good I'm good bro I'm not sure no bathroom with nobody alright so where else do we go what's there alright nothing else that's all come on if in the future we can always renovate rooms here for sure I'm excited so the future baby ladies and gentlemen they're probably gonna renovate some stuff and they got added some more rooms cause I don't see not really enough space for everybody and I'm pretty sure happy wasn't expecting to have some people join the server so it's definitely definitely expanding for sure okay so anyways what we going next so we've seen all the stuff over here the girl clubhouse members-only now I saw as a brand new car dealership over there there's also a playground it looks like let me give you the tour of the new updates first sure happy I can't wait go to the mall awesome so I rent it up it pretty much happy so this is a brand-new family opti on the girls only server so pretty much it's supposed to be family-oriented me tweeting you I think it was like pets and stuff like that so Happy's gonna give us the full tour right now she's gonna explain it to us you guys have already seen a lot of it yes we got all the outfits but there is so much new stuff okay so this is the hair salon we've been in the hair salon before yup we check that out we've seen the outfits of course now over there is the dance more off that's right I'm pretty sure there's more outfits gotcha alright new outfits Grover East oh wait a chrome corporate grocery store that's pretty cool eNOS you come over here you buy your groceries and stuff is that by me nice love it look at this you can buy some food and walk away and do whatever you want that's sick okay so we'll definitely go grocery shopping wants to get like a brand new location or a place to stay out no stealing allowed gotcha alright what's this so rent a husband and adopt a baby wait one rent two husband huh ladies job and we could rent a husband on the server and adopt a kid oh my god I want a baby oh jeez what is going on oh my gosh let's jump this is not what I expected but I guess it's a lot of girls only server okay Papac Kiki let me Harold's what is this here you can rent the kid or husband how much is it part date one emerald do you have a kid for a day look how many animals I got at sixty four days right there bo probably this it's a full year almost look at that a husband and you can't wait he have filled your husband and a villager kid oh man cannot say that rules this is hilarious but don't you need your own house to have a kid and a husband that makes sense alright so anyways all those that ladies gentlemen I want to see no no guys allowed saw oh wait no guys are loud so we create our own make sense I don't know what that means that's okay not unless you want to be homeless oh okay all right so what's over here jewelry store Oh ladies Elvin we all get iced up in here Brock looks for harder brushing okay ready boom we got the nether stars we got the gold and we got diamonds as down was everywhere earrings and stuff oh this is crazy man like it hey here are you gonna rent oh wait you can rent the house or buy a house I will show you in future awesome and here is the jewelry store sick dude somebody get our own jewelry Odyssey man I just won the lottery pretty much you know I'm saying I'm I got ton of money over here some thinking yo why don't we just feed ourselves to something nice right how am i yeah I made our time machine about what girls love diamonds what alright anyways I want a diamond earring how much is it gonna cost we have a shoe store in the corner look at this is jamun shoe store oh wait rainbow price 30 would chickasaw I love them Joe wow that's super expensive so you need hundred thousand emeralds to buy these shoes what kind of dude how much don't even have I mean obviously God that is insane okay well ladies gentlemen that's a whole of the level of emeralds how do we get so much now I see there's a brand new second floor upstairs over here they haven't added in the new stores just yet but definitely expanding for sure what's this husband's one other husband's over here okay am I gonna question it whatever all right anyways I'll take your diamonds for any shoes you want okay we renovated the pageant area nice there's a brand new pageant area ladies gentlemen oh that's how we were last time we won the pageant we made a ton of money and pinky that's when we found a nice she's crazy but she's definitely crazy it's pretty cool you got armor and stuff like dads yeah all the clothing oh yeah the auditor Mary the walkway is perfect okay now moving forward it's a brand new location nothing is in there okay girls right guys come in okay the best stores no way yo you can't I know there's a pet store I can get a dog and a cat all right and a parent what's the matter man the upstairs this it's amazing I love fence how much for a dog and a cat and a inning and an affair I want all three of them for I would have all the ferrets and animals and cats and dogs and na Bella all right you can tame any animal from the right right way for the right price a lot of money all for just 30 animals what 30 animals that's it dude I want a pet right now are you kidding me that's crazy mm mm I was 250 animals what you're tricking me pinky yo pinky's lying through his gentleman she should act like she's the cashier but she's not what the heck look a hundred animals Joe I gotta get one of these guys well I I gotta get this one oh that's so cute no no I'm not I promise what about the parents don't you have the parents still we still gotta put bunnies for sure that would be awesome well for now I'm gonna buy a cat once I get my house okay so ladies gentlemen the objective is now we gotta go check out the houses and go purchase one cuz seriously we need our all place honestly okay so speak out how that all works so we can get herself a kid a husband a pet and all the kinda stuff that we need to survive in this game what's this over here what's this wait bear please thank you oh it's like a food area let's take a restaurant nice come on quacky quack eh come on okay quack look stop so are we adding to next we saw the Starbucks over here we all the drinks now what's distant oh we have a state-of-the-art burger restaurant nice love it I love big this perfect oh look at this spa power brick so if we're ever gonna go to the spa there we go everything else is the same and I saw this over here there seems to be a lot more outfits so if we want to go buy some more they got it all here 20 mm old 59 was 25 nothing else is new gotcha what about the houses and the car dealership quacky what where's everybody going I'm so confused man I must be legally oh hi Kabir sorry okay so the next location is gonna be the neighborhoods so where we got neighborhoods are to the right a car dealership is to the left and the girls club house is forward let me get let me get to that get everybody listen up okay gotcha so part of our new update happy you got to work on your spelling is you can start a family yeah the brand new family up dealers gentlemen so happy opera 16 has added in a new family update on her server with the help of her admins and her team members and server members in order to do that you need a baby and a husband and a car at a house Wow that's live so we gotta get a baby a husband a car and a house in order to fully have a family I'm guessing what about a pet do you need one I think I may be putting up two to a my shirt in order to do all that you need a lot of money so how do we get a lot of money did you implement jobs yet your city of pet got you so pet uh a husband a kid in a house and a car so those five things will be the requirements to start a family on the server officially so you got to do all that to start your own family you get advanced on the server which is a lot of dollars big prices you've got to work gotcha so pageants are the way to make money you gotta order pageants you gotta make money through that and they're gonna probably implement new jobs I don't know wins whoever gets down family first wins what $10,000 wait so whoever completes the family challenge first on the server wins $10,000 let's do it okay so ladies jobbing let's figure out how this is all gonna work because I only have I gotta first Oh calculate all the money that I want I completely forgot what the exact number was but we got a calculator money get all the stuff set and we'll be good competition begins now show us the house is first I want to see please were they good everyone's like running off okay well anyways I guess I'll check it out myself so that's the playground over there now this is the cardia dealership I have not seen this just yet but let me show you guys so Oh Lamborghini through it a thousand three two thousand emeralds red edition then you have the fought another the pink edition its Lima pink the pink edition okay the Bugatti is coming soon Ferraris gonna be three on a grand and the motorcycle won $50,000 yeah we can't afford any of these cars once come to the right of the mall on my way very modern but they are so expensive Oh check it out so get your clean show ID you can either buy or rent huh mansion oh you can either fire rent so mansions and then modern places okay so let's check this out so this is the neighborhood apparently and let's see all this stuff with the heck for the big man at the end is $1,000,000 when it comes to the husband insane no hitting that's crazy what so you could buy both of these houses or rent beautiful fountain till wow this is crazy so ladies gentlemen all these passes over here how much are these things let's see half a million dollars oh it's a hundred dollars to run daily got yourself yeah yeah because like the entire area and do everyone so it's gonna be a hundred dollars a day so we're gonna be renting for now on cuz we can only afford a house the husband works for you to get you money nice okay so ladies gentlemen if you buy the million dollar house which is better to work towards you get a free husband and to rent it it's three hundred dollars daily so if you rent that thing the Oz we can make you money and I do have the money right now so I couldn't really rent it so I'm wondering how much the husband's gonna pay off so I guess we're gonna probably go for that house right there that modern mansion over there oh that's gonna be crazy well temporarily until we do buying a big house we need to rent again smaller location so I say we go with the basic houses to see how things go okay I don't want to rush it to fall on the server I don't want to spend all my money on one thing and then go broke I got a diversify we gotta we gotta have vestments on the server ladies gentlemen so the car dealership over here I already showed y'all and Happy's gonna show us once again this is so expensive I saw the prices here's a car star threw out a K for a lamb ball how are we supposed to get that got the most beautiful cars ever go $300,000 that crazy lady's yelling through it a thousand animals pretty much so that means one dollar is one emerald on the server yeah it's super expensive you can't even rent them or lease or finance well you gotta work so getting a family's not gonna be so easily jealous I want everybody to hit that like button subscribe and stop the bail of course okay hey mo show me don't forget to comment down below the timestamp of when you see the Moose and any emoji in this video and I'm gonna give you guys a shout out right over here to all the people so it's pretty lit man okay what do I supposed omen I think it's time yeah okay we all have to have our own gotcha so anyways let's start the challenge so everyone's got a pretty much by the king just ripping together so you can just have your friends come on and buy the same place so Italian cars with Italian leather Wow gaudy that's gonna be insane a million dollar car like what alright happy countdown to start the challenge okay I'm ready to buy I'm ready to rent a house $400 a day 3 - wait - - what's she doing what is she shy Frankie whoa go go go go go go go ok here we go for something a little bit the first house right now and we're getting a furniture for it ASAP so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rent this corner house right over here so I can see this house and get motivated so I'm gonna write this one read around here so for sale found 1,400 hours daily renting this house gonna put the money in a chest gonna make a mailbox happy could I get crazy to build my interior all right so ladies shopping now the only thing is they don't only have furniture on the server some like that so I'm not sure exactly how we'll be able to do all this or do I have to buy all this stuff yeah Gregory set goals and achieve them girl power what what's going on okay wait I'm out a lot to have it sure is that a yes if you rent all of it at once I'm renting right now why don't have creative for the interior okay so that's the one I want to rent now should just play regular survival and get my own interior built or I mean I I can do is I don't big deal to me of course all right well awesome that's what it is I'll do it here we go I guess well you don't have any money for furniture right now this kind of sucks ladies gentleman but it's what it is it's okay we have designers okay still don't know what that means but okay you can pay money to make a design ah gotcha how do i commission that okay so pretty much I can pay designers do it but for now we're doing this the old-fashioned way of course okay so gentlemen let's start everything we need in order to make a house better now let's go ahead put down anything over here this is gonna be our mailbox okay I'll be a designer don't pinky he's trying to troll me or something I don't trust her bro oh I just been a Waterpik ex what am i doing bro boost what are you doing your nub oh my gosh dude what is this you know what forget about it I'm sure to find the server yo I don't trust the man I'm telling you pinkies up to no good I think she's super jealous of something but I just got a bad feeling man I really got a bad feeling about her for sure there we go got all this stuff over here perfecto and oh we got it yes so ladies gentlemen let's make our house super amazing and work on our interior and also go ahead and rent a husband and adopt a baby on the server well we'll probably do that in a future episode but for now let's get ourselves a husband so let's do this let's make the sign so we're gonna make what are you doing mousse I'm a sea captain up there we go so we're gonna put it probably over here so let's get ah sticks and let's make a fence pull there we go okay so we're making our chests right now that's our mailbox happy hoppers house renting there we go perfect so that's gonna be $100 a day so we're gonna put a lot of dollars in here so 64 and let's put down a 64 so we're gonna need about four more so there we go that should be exactly what I need a hundred perfect so that's one day covered weary quacky I'm at my house y'all want to check it out I'm about to start interior decorating perfect wait what is she talking about how did you buy it I improvised and made a chest and pull money in it wait I think pink is upset piggy says wait you're Navy oh jeez I did say I was gonna I was gonna use pink e-service per interior design I thought you're just lying wait thank you are you an actual interior designer how'd you get so much money I won the pageants how did you forget this stuff I'm so confused right now okay I guess have it is not the best memory all right there we go so y'all discovered what huh yes I'm certified wait but the pageant is only 1500 exactly I'm renting for 100 daily you know I think happy hoppers jealous or something I don't know man what the heck is going on oh that makes sense are you jealous Congrats Thanks okay ladies gentlemen happies act it up but I'm right behind you okay hey pinky come to my house I want a new floor and kitchen plus living and master bedroom ladies gentlemen we're gonna get ourselves all the living space we need right now so we're gonna put that everything in here just she's gonna hook us up with all the stuff that we need so this is gonna be our upstairs we'll get up with a double bed in here okay it's a double bed we'll put the closet in here bathroom in this corner close it off and then at the bottom we're gonna have the kitchen over here TV set up right over here and then we should be good to go awesome and not like a dining table in this corner so I'm excited that this is gonna be so late okay now on the side I definitely want to get myself a car but that's pretty expensive so we don't win more pageants therefore we should definitely be working on upgrading our outfits okay I charge ten elbows for every block in the room what that's way too expensive give me the blocks I'll buy the blocks off you I will buy the blocks of you it's an expensive service are you guys serious just something's fishy on PR oh I think so far this is jealous about this I I have a feeling that's some funny somebody a little bit jealous happy looking at me like all sketched out or something boom there we go awesome that's how it works whatever you say pinky $10 a block ladies gentlemen is it crazy I'm cutting a good deal okay fine all right we're gonna make a deal with her we're just gonna buy the furniture the stuff that we need okay simple is that can I place it can I place it myself now trust me she's gonna mess it up in the charge more money I know for a fact all they're always sketchy with that kind of stuff you're gonna run out of money whatever you say happy whatever you say okay all right so ladies gentlemen let's get a few more blocks right now I'm gonna get everything I can't possible okay um and there we go tons of diamonds more dollars we get the better we better we become awesome okay so we have a total old 42 diamonds so we'll just go ahead and use that for other things all right so ladies gentlemen I now have a bunch of money okay I have a bunch of like diamonds and stuff so I can do whatever I want with that and I'm gonna start getting all the blocks of the interior designing now she said $10 of block it's very expensive so everyone's a little flooring it's gonna be ridiculously expensive so we're kind of in a tough spot right now ah but regardless of that we can't let that slow us down on the server so let's go ahead take our diamonds and let's make ourselves a axe all right there we go now let's chop down a bunch of trees and start working on the interior all right so ladies gentlemen I am starting my interior decorations right now there we go your pinkies like dodging me or something I know she's not responding to me at all this I'm not sure was a little supposed to do about that um oh yes that's a that's a downstairs oh wow whoops I've been doing this entire time oh my gosh sorry job and ice breaking the entire crown right now we're gonna take all this out and put down the wood of course okay um and then the next thing is gonna be to make the kitchen over here so we're gonna buy little blocks for pinkie she's apparently on her way right up to her house so we should be good to go okay there we go come on come on come on let's pick all this stuff is does it stop bad this is tough oh wait there she is well it's happy just happy cooler look at my stuff quacky great house thank you pretty nice but change the sign what talk about it says my name what this is your house not mine what are you talking about on the mailbox happy our house oh I'll date that's have been happy Opera House quacky Sally house renting hundred dollars a day okay so ladies jaalin we're working on the interior things are definitely getting better and better just fill your house I didn't a steal my gosh pinkies always trying to start something I don't what's wrong with it bro she always oughta start some sassy stuff phone should be called like sassy pink you're soft and I don't know man hey stop it what thank you she doing hey back off hey series it's not what you want this no stop it oh my gosh who shot me she she's gonna mess something up right now why she so hard to work with I need two beds just two beds got it and two furnace no no let's just a little and a fridge I yellow bed and also a pressure plate cauldron tripwire hook what's she doing what okay that's that's HAP I mean that's her interior decoration services over there whatever so pinkies she's making a sandwich bro she just goes on into my house like I feel like she's like the owner and stuff like that mess it on my interior it's not cool at all bro it's so annoying pinkie keep doing pinky Tommy okay anyways we're gonna start working on house again let's see what we got so we took care of all this now we definitely do need some more chests for sure and that's gonna be four little storages store stuff that we need there we go now let's get a she's done she she's serious right now if she's she's super serious are you kidding me Hagar just keeps on messing with my stuff it's so annoying okay so that's done and you like it yeah love it so how much please bro she's ridiculous all right there we go move shot me we're good to go okay um and there we go all right perfect let me count the blocks in this room hey you can't do that are you serious what are you doing what what's she doing ah she's so in the link she is so annoying right now do this bed it's my bed okay so that's gonna go over here ha and we're gonna make 30 times for what you gave me only five blocks no four blocks what are you talking about I think she's actually mess with me like what part of 20 emeralds for four blocks I'm not paying that lady's Java she thinks she can charge me that much money for four blocks are you kidding me she's serious right now how about this I gave you 50 emeralds and you get on my house okay whatever lady's coming she's just annoying man I just don't get it like she hates me like for no reason at all okay we're just gonna give her only 50 animals 70 and I'm out whatever whatever 70 and she's out right I'll give you a huge disc out next time take it no I need one pressure plate that's iron to finish my build all right so ladies job and I need some more trees are now and I want to finish up my interior so we can be set and ready to go so let me stop me I bought a bunch of new things off of pinky again and Happy's not chicken out my house and off so let me show you what I got first of all we can now make a bridge hey yeah hey what does it call them a fridge and fridge what just happened there so we can make it fridge now you're being arrested cracking what huh what I being arrested for it I'm sorry sir confused you stole my money what no I didn't I've been here what you're talking about okay I think Happy's losing or something there we go and let's do this okay perfecto awesome put down a couple slaps here you're arrested stop it I did nothing stop will you do it pinky he's blaming me lady's job and I'm soaking shoeless card all right now Happy's arresting me I'm trying to build my family right now look what what do you mean there's some of money me my house restaurant well I did no such thing happy she stole your money check her inventory and go to her her house I can't get arrested are you serious right now hey Sullivan happy Shawn arrested because well she thinks that I swore money but it was definitely pinky obviously I mean you guys saw uh I haven't stolen anything I don't even have a house so I've been working just on my house I walked into the wrong house my money's in the safe happy you're crazy ladies gentlemen she just tried to arrest us because she walked into the wrong house ladies gentlemen happy offer he's something else for sure okay anyways what even goes on anymore sorry girls it's all right for scared he's so badly like what that was terrifying I thought was actually getting arrested I was okay I'm not trying to go to jail I just started this game man okay so wait a shaman I have my kitchen now set up it looks pretty good happy city has a limit of a haunted transactions per day gotcha who's Cindy with Oh Cindy gosh that make sense now I need to go ahead and set up my TV so I'm thinking of something like this okay set up the note blocks in the middle let's put that a couple bonds like this all right now let's take out the black concrete and make a giant screen okay with speakers on top perfect look at that it's beautiful that is beautiful now what watch you change this out real quick we're going to put out books they're awesome and perfect so that right there's a TV now lays Javid now we of course need a couch I sure want to decorate the upstairs real quick I'm gonna make my bed look all fancy we're falling now yeah that's what I'm talking about boom bookshelves here okay do this very nice very nice alright now we talking oh look at that that's a five star bed Cindy's broken again oh geez Shirley except six diamonds my gosh okay so I have a cobblestone wall I could make this a little bit fancier by doing that okay like so and then I can pull it more emerald blocks that's what I'm talking about wow that's crazy so I have a couple more blocks now and I'm gonna go ahead and make a dresser in here and then an office set up in this corner so let's go ahead and build that dresser real quick okay get that all set up nicely get the corners get it over here put down the stops on top so our juicer is not complete okay so the next thing we need I want to get an anvil set up so it's gonna be two things here when I put down a chest here and also over here for future reference and we'll just put down a quick crafting table on both sides there we go and let's do this okay so that's covered now a coupe without a lever on top but suddenly necessary so we'll just leave it as it is now the gaming setup has to be in here so we'll do like a very basic cheap gaming setup hey pinky where are we keeping the bunnies interesting boom so this all we need bookshelves oh man oh we totally got to do this we got to put bookshelves here all across and then the gaming setup can be here yes all right so my gaming setup so officially completes and I got a few more things now so I want to finish off by decorating each of these corner pieces over here with a flower so let's do this perfecto okay now we have a flower pot from some other location so we'll put it some around here all right now I do want to start decorating the interior so I'm probably going to go buy some more things off of pinky I do want to get a couple things real quick so I'm thinking of getting a couch set up I also want a dining table set up so we'll need a little bit more core stairs we'll definitely go for like a course design here we'll put it like this and what can eat towards the wall so be like this line it up and then eat towards the wall here so be perfect I thought about it I have a better idea what I want to do now so first of all let's go ahead and set up our couch setup okay so the couch is super-important we got to make it be a very big couch okay so there we go it extends out all the way over here now the next thing is to put a flowerpot down this corner and I want to decorate it with just a simple tree all right just like that's now over here is going to be our little small area for eating so that just like this kaboom and put down just two simple chairs and there we go that's gonna be the food eating area got it and that we can also put down an anvil on the corner like that with a flowerpot we can put down a flowerpot unfortunately so we leave it as it is the slabs go here and that makes a couch perfecto will clear up the space here okay and lastly we have everything we need actually so we're like definitely doing much much better so I'm gonna put the yellow over here and then we're gonna mix it in with some pink so boom clear this is now look at that it's spotless bro actually spotless boom and cover it all up with pink carpet perfect now we talking look at this this place is beautiful you see it looked it looked bad but we redid it we paid for it and it looks great so now I'm completely fine with renting a house like this unfortunately future what we do buy a house we're gonna lose all this progress of course um but it's not that much it's not that big of a deal so we're good to go and that is gonna conclude all of this so the house is officially complete I'm trying to think of what else we can do Oh a fish tank yo we should totally go fish tank that'd be sick yeah let's do a fish tank okay I'm excited for that I have an anvil here too so I guess I'll leave the anvil like this show on and then I'll put one in this corner okay so fish tank where do we put the fish tank do we put it here look good put it here well then we gotta close all this off oh it's could be interesting actually you know this could be very interesting let's try this out I'm down like that and then we gotta put glass paint around it and that's gonna make our fish tank well better yet let's see if I let's see we're gonna put it somewhere else I'm kind of interested to see that um we could put it downstairs you can put in this corner over here all we need is a little bit of space and then we'll be good to go you can either break this down can't we we can oh we can't break down all of it oh wait you know what I could totally just extend it out yeah let's do it ladies gentlemen we're just gonna extend it out and there we go I mean it's not like anyone's gonna know all right come on we're gonna be fine right okay all right hopefully no one buys I did that okay so we're good now we need to give her these two blocks all right you just get rid of complete all that we have it broke all of it oh no okay we're good we're good we're good got really sketch right there boom got it and kaboom nope okay sick let's put down the terracotta blocks here okay thank you it's gonna go like this nice and we'll put down the glass panes right over here so let's do this real quick all right we put down a glass pane all around all right there we go really sketchy okay this is definitely really sketchy got it yeah I got water I don't have enough resources honestly for the water I mean for the UH Oh No what'd I just do dang it oh my gosh are you serious right now ah that's the worst that's actually that triggers me so much oh my gosh that's complete moves on me now it's time burners timer we get ourselves something new something different now to get a family to fully complete the family challenge we gotta have a house the house is checked it's all point okay we got a house we don't really own it fully of course but we do have a house so quacky Sally owns this house okay now moving forward for this house this is happy hopper Salus I haven't seen this yet let me see this knock knock can I come in come aside hi yo she's got a husband already a serious what you got a husband since when Wow how does he walk through the house here but she's got a husband huh look at me she's falling out okay in that case I gotta go get mine hey since like 10 minutes ago okay uh I want to run out of here I'm out of here I'm gonna give myself a husband okay and then we gotta call this video here it's a lady's job if you guys do want to see another episode on the girls only server let's get three you don't want not three come on we can smash he doesn't like no problem let's get 10,000 likes Mousavi everybody hit that like button subscribe and sansabelt join the Moose army of course and share this video with your friends Italian but let's get 10,000 to this video so we can come back onto the server hey can I buy a husband I need one okay so rule cuckoo moose are made we gotta get ourself a husband ASAP okay over here there we go let's pick yet picky working husband Wow just take it okay just just just grab him here and go let's go let's go follow me you just right-click it wait what sir see oh that's it Thanks renting me I will love you forever that's it like oh hey pinkie hi I got a husband whites that's awesome so we'll come back from the kid in a future episode depending on what the moonshine wants to see so let me know what you guys wanna see little girls only server okay nice husband thanks come on buddy let's go okay so we officially have a husband we just got it for one ever loved date we're gonna leave him in my house and we're gonna get out of here who shot me we're gonna finish up today I gotta move on bro I gotta get some sleep whoa come on I'll be let's go let's go over here okay so that we are boo sorry now the husband is in our house and we are done hey bro come on it's not playing a right kick in here bro what are you doing dude stop it oh my gosh what a knob dude go wait what I'd only his husband's that smart come on let's get in here go get get get it get in yes finally and you stay here and and you stayed you just stay dumb OOP oh my gosh I took forever all right so first I'm in my house officially complete I just wanna say thank you guys so much for watching I hope y'all didn't jealousy tomorrow the ranted episode leave a like and have a wonderful rest of your day I'll see you tomorrow with a new video
Channel: Moose
Views: 435,982
Rating: 4.9170408 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, family, family friendly, kid friendly, girl, boy, server, moosecraft, moose, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, girls, only
Id: xc4QKMLKcpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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