OWNER Trapped HER On The MOOSE HATER Server in Minecraft!

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happy opera I'm here what's going on what is going on can you please explain to me I joined the server you're talking about what do you mean wait what are you messing with me are you sure your childlike crank me something I'll be the last slightly told me dad dude you trap me down a secret base that was yours and then any job will be a prison what you crazy hey stop with the bodies these bodies are evil geez happy hour just just give me a second let me talk to the Mousavi Mousavi let me tell you what's going on right now so the answer to who happy hopper is I met her a while back on a moose hater server she used to be a moose hitter but secretly was an actual huge squad fan a fan of me unspeakable and on a shock point now turns out that after she didn't gain my trust and summarize it helped her break out of prison on a Raymond server she joined a brand new minecraft server and turns out she's trapped it's another moose hater server she's going undercover for me to support the moose army of course they're gonna leave a like 10,000 likes per episode up with two but moose army this is some serious stuff right now check this out this is the most cruel moose hater server we have joined just yet they actually killed mooses on the server look total moose is killed today 1902 rule number one must kill 100 moose is a date okay rule number two must hate mooses no mooses banned on sight women must hate mooses no moose is banned on sight rule number three moose heads equals money okay happy hopper 16 are you ready to become a real hater that's the that's the only way I'll let you out happy I wouldn't what is going on Eid who is this person who's moose Spaghettio what I want to help but you don't want the budge where's your timer you joined this moose hater server and you just pretty much got trapped in a prison okay I can't really trust you yet you know you try to travel in your base and what am i you're not even a part of my agent we don't even work together you're bad for the server why don't I get bad it's cuz I'm a moose so I got banned for being a moose oh my gosh hold on a gentleman I have to rejoin now on a fake account a bareback no happy opera back on the server okay but this time I have I have a very hilarious disguise and my name is sue good evening all right we're good hi welcome to server Hey I've new what's going on how how does one hate moose and kill moose I like to hunt moose Hey so I'm gonna be a complete nub on this server and I'm gonna see if we can get moose SpaghettiOs trust and break happy hopper out of prison all right what do we got my hottest one hey moose okay yeah yeah oh yeah boo tater just like this like what okay we're good to go so this guy knows that we're a moose hater now we're set so right over it Oh what is that animal what is heel did you see the owner what is this person that's a hippo hey thanks dude how do I work question mark I kill moose help let's do this okay there we go we have to actually with complete nubs here's a good sell this dude over here moose SpaghettiOs the server owner absolutely hates everybody on the server that's a moose lover and despises everybody yes there are several ways are you owner do you eat moose question bark yes is kind of crazy they actually kill $1,000 to mooses is that real that's messed up so what are they doing how do they even find out that you're like a you look at moose lover or like a moose fan or whatever you want to call it really that kind of make sense okay they more moose ads you get the more money you make I eat moose SpaghettiOs for big fees there is a tip catch it Wow I was a I was a pretty good bet for a second I got a say over you're working on it alright so anyway it's got you come on come on okay you'll lead away I follow and kill things turn around alright so pretty much everyone is a prisoner that draws a server as a happy hopper set until proven wait what's this tip you can get moose heads from the mine follow the path oh snap look at this so you're over here and wait I don't have any I don't how do you think I need thick that go yay yo this is so messed up you just see this stuff look crush what does he do oh you just killed things you look oh I don't know you if anybody asks I don't know you alright you're the san come on happy hopping you you don't act like you know me because if he finds out he's gonna put both of us to prison and I can't break you out of there okay alright what do I do and who'd this who'd the girl why is she in prison watch this video guys comment down below what should we do next and how can we take down this moose hater server I need some ideas okay we gotta change things up a little bit because we gotta go back to Raymond's server and completely blow up with TNT this week so get excited for that alright moose fans go to jail are you a fan or not no I am NOT fan I promise for real okay I I'm not a fan I don't know who this happy hoops girl is Mary Jo are you okay is is everything okay there how'd you get in here okay thank you getting a little bit angry you're getting really hungry and angry at the same time just just just escape okay all right it's good oh oh this mess stop what the heck okay I'll let you out only if you prove it to us that you are a real hater okay okay type use your fingers come on happy whoops master mu SpaghettiOs talking to you come on I feel so come on tell him tell him come on you gotta get on the side you gotta get his trust okay it's how it works okay you stay here forever yo now if you go free happy happy you gotta fight for your own case there's only so much I can do okay I'll let ya if you can prove it to us okay it's enough I think the old Achilles would happen Apple we gotta create a plan it's gonna be key submit the creative plan now who let you out we get to prove that you're an absolute moose hater so you have to show it okay got to show the hatred exactly follow me all right come on come on come on let's go fun acts like you're not free can you put you back in prison any time are you going oh my gosh all right whatever all right we're happy hopper so how does this all work shortly hopper I think it's talking to you [Music] you gotta do it oh my god so much done help what the heck [Music] wait we're out here in this existed here is an actual definition Jeff cover your eyes Jeff Jeff moose calf cover your eyes this is disgusting this server is absolute disgusting this very cruel you awful okay so things are not going so well all right good job hopper you gained his trust hopefully all right this is cruel I'm gonna stand up for the mooses even I'm sordid booty and I'm still gonna stand up I've seen some things these guys show exactly what I just saw look a bit beautiful this is how that cruel it's how solar works okay weird man you want an event no I know been you been did we get you in confusion we can use the element of it's working confusion is king confusion newb is key I know but what I do now question mark all right what's this ah kill those guys oh um go kill the boo skyfest oh they're so innocent and there's some beautiful other your new browser they're weird noses and their heads and stuff dad I'm so sorry I do this once on Raymond's server I gotta do it again hey guys all right for the previous verse any server we had to build the moose killer death the Tron thing 9000 it's the only way I'm so sorry no I have to do it kill mooses okay I have to act evil or I can't blow my cover I'm an actor that's the whole point I'm gonna make sure I hate these mooses all right don't kill the buscar fans I'm waiting nice that was pretty entertaining amazing what else is here man this server shows you several ways to kill a moose okay so what's the point of killing mooses what do you gain oh nice there you go happily opera so we're gonna do Boogedy all right you can try each one of them what are you gain I don't get this person's attentions he created an entire server that kills mooses I haven't seen it they like this little JIT fooly cooly mooses and they're counting it like what look this is a moose cut to jail another bunch up in jail you're better prepared when you see the real moose craft what would you do to the real moose crafts question mark you know exactly how to kill him that's that's best stuff though this person is super evil happy hopper I don't know what what kind of generation I've created with all these hater people out here this is not good man this is not good at all kill him duh okay all right so uh all right anyways show us around it I I will pass on the killing I don't think he's gonna like it if we don't try all these things on pressure is gonna force us to try everything out you're gonna forces all different ways to kill a moose and look-wise obsidian lava no you want to try everything happy hopper you're up I can't kill a moose I'm an innocent yeah I had too much blow my hands here all right or be banned fine [Applause] that was so harsh what's that no no they're slowly dying in lava oh wait oh they're using arrows press only once um that was that was so evil that's how you kill a Moose's barriers your turn swiggity all right here I go I gotta do this I'm not gonna look I'm not gonna look okay all right here we go [Music] there's suffering there is suffering you deserve this I'm sorry just I got a guy in there suffering right now I'm so sorry no I'm so sorry guys no I have to do it it's it's way it's better this way they'll be trapped in there forever this is a school yes okay just a freak man look at it this guy's freaking out of stuff he's all happy what would you say yeah it's disgusting look at that ill what happened to him it was like like stitch alright um cool what's next hopper or you're a real hater now he's asking a question tell them bad tell them okay you got it yet you can't hear you obviously you got a tie-pin oh it's true okay listen you gotta act like you're like a super evil hater like you want to keep killing all right this is the only way you'll gain is trust don't hesitate don't hesitate Moose's this versus this this is for the cause we have to save them this is the only way we have to gain this trust and take power why they're suffocating give them in obsidian this one is the funniest this is about stop we're just shedding hair and letting him destroy everything we can't do anything we can't overtake him we can't break things we can't ban him Mousavi we're innocent you're innocent [Applause] I'm sorry must've spotted just just don't look guys that's why I wasn't so bad they went a lava they kill them with magma cubes they have every type of way to kill them let's just do oh my gosh go go go get get in there this is the only way I'm sorry it's over it's over this is nothing I'd say just fixes it was so messed up congratulations now what is there more I kill everything I want Bowers and admin you have become official boost haters let's do this once was them that's so cruel and this was spawn Saudis all around them like what there is so much stuff I don't want to try that sounds awful wait what [Music] okay guys so just reading my microphone happy hopper is still talking and doing her thing but uh what she said right there that's that's not good she actually wanted to kill the moose and see so you die in a different way I I think this is getting to her alright guys calm Adama what do you think about that I think that's uh water now hey how do you stop what are you doing what's wrong with you are you serious I got you enjoy killing them in different ways [Music] okay okay whatever all right listen this is just oh don't lose sight remember you're not a moose hater okay you are your squad fan and the Moose supporter and plotting the Moose on me you can't go against them [Music] okay well fair enough if it's not a moose then it's fine I guess alright moving on where we going what's next I think it's a little bit angry that you're only killing them like you're only killing zombies a little bit a little bit angry that's that our two supposed to work now look what you did now he wants you to kill different ones I kind of Dority but I think I know this is pickaxes for he gave me this stuff Lucas this what crushes the Moose's it's so much stuff this was so it drops in like what oh sorry guys look no your duty as a hater is to look out for the musket and moose fans okay sir so your sir we do what you say we kill all moose fans and Kjell then wait jail then kill maybe you can play around me did you put it on the server gotcha why do we have pickaxe look a few so anyways we have a pickaxe ooh what's this right here not the black market keep out so you can mine what does mining do for us I'll leave you to it okay happy hopper is our chance member we don't know each other just I'm gonna go mining you go explore but do not let moose Spaghettio see you doing anything suspicious you got that do not let him see you there hold shift or something all right you do not want to go back at the prison right after killing all those bushes it's not worth it anymore so you're in a black market room right now right than that at the iron door he's still watching me I can't do anything don't worry I'll be fine in mind what I look for and no matter what don't go in the room next to mine okay where's your room don't worry zoom is not my room like what is he talking about this masseuse Spaghettio guys so confusing through mix of the mind got you okay so happy opera I'm sorry to tell you but he might be coming into that room so be very careful cuz apparently that's the secret room so yeah okay oh you messed up you messed up so badly come on do not let him see you I have to disconnect for a little bit I'll be right back okay I kill mooses all right so he wants us to get moose heads and also mine forever collect the resources so we're kind of like as little little minions so we have to be very very doing whatever he asks for what's up yeah you get a mine here maybe we can find a way to get out of here all right come here you can stop to take a stone pickaxe and just keep mining straight down and see if you fire at me all right [Music] yeah wall things are kind of over I don't think she's leading anywhere can we my now to here probably could right can I get out you found city in man's best bedrock every we can't even get out of here it's fully bedrock underneath the heck are we like looking for a dinosaur well I don't understand what are we looking for okay you know what we might enter the plan all right I'm gonna go to the black market room and I'm gonna go check it out all right just just stay there and let me know if you see him we buy TNT at bedrock turn and stone no I don't get it what was that wait ten stone equals obsidian 15 dirt equals T and T this is a little bit confusing wait a happy happy let's see let's let's listen listen so all this stuff from here there's a reason why he wants all this stuff do you get it now we trapped two moose villagers and they trade secret stuff to get it they trade TNT for no no sorry they they chess they trade stone for I believe obsidian and they trade dirt for TNT so that's what is one of us in there a prized possession but let's get a bunch let's go too much a dirt okay and then and then that way we get TT but I don't know we're gonna do with it though we can't really pull the server up cuz like half excited half red rocks on I don't know what's gonna happen but we can get obsidian I guess I don't know what that's gonna do either it's kind of a risky move here I I'm gonna go grab ok I'm gonna grab all right now we go here we go all right ah that's it one T and T oh my god what'd I do with this we're gonna put this down right I got a TT block yes I don't know I've no idea but sure even sparking like I want to get banned I don't want to get banned at all I want to like at least hit the server down so we got to work our way up like look how we did on Raymond's serve remember yeah but we'd have enough resources and he's gonna be back any minute we only have 7 dirt dirt that's like two pieces here T will give me at least a hundred pieces of TNT to do this so gonna be of grinding for a day so it's gonna work this is tough trying to thank you well I know what the Obsidian is Forks we can't really smell cobblestone to get you know like the stall and saw maybe like look around see if you can find secret or something I'm most out of food yeah I'm looking around like the the prison cells I don't see anything at all there's a bun here there's shops and mousses okay this crushes the Moose's this one kills them I don't I don't see anything oh don't want you going back you're going back you're making master master mousse I have found what you need master boost question mark yes I found what you want cobblestone what else do you need you know the only thing is if you if you once in my the resources for us the issue is he's gonna take everything from us you get it what did you need question Mike he said cobble so question mark wait what then he wants to get cobblestone or do you wanna Mooseheads I want dirt and moose heads how to get moose heads how are we supposed to get moose heads I will get dirty so do you have alright because we're gonna do here just just give me all your dirt possible I'm gonna cut it in half are you join the server to help you out and that band in two seconds okay alright fine take it back swiggity come all right come on hurry just give me this stuff give me this stuff hurry up he's gonna find out thank you not like Rolly one by one no my gosh we're gonna do good we're gonna all thank you here we go what really rule number one what is the same must kill 100 mooses a day okay I did but they no drop heads question mark octal you kill them make sure you say they make sure if he asks you and I kill the verses you say yes all right can you let me kill the husband a day Jesus is a mess taking this disgrace this is a disgrace completely give me this I'm keeping these yes you did hopper Oh kill me now geez nice congratulations yeah yeah big boy okay all right master what you need I have your dirt what now all right I gave him all that are unfortunately happy this is the only way yeah but you want to get banned he's gonna he's gonna jail you don't don't all OH drop it hurry hurry dropping he's gonna tell you what now oh he just goes happy hopper this guy's are you back in a prison cell oh you're changing okay how dare you take my dirts this guy's not messing around okay happy uh you do think I'm letting I mother like the mining I go back to mining do you need proof of killings I think he might approve which is the only part like he's definitely gonna need some proof or something oh my gosh how do we get you proof he wants us to kill a hundred musu the day I was supposed to get him proof for that understand I didn't see it I'll supervise dang it are you serious now he has to watch his kill hundred missus fine and if I don't listen reacts it's nothing we can do a happy hopper we're kind of stuck here with his big ears we had to paint let's just do what he says so this way we can get on his good side all right we gotta play by the rules in order to destroy this server it's the only way okay so grab everything you can just keep getting stuff it's okay you try it tomorrow I will expand the mind okay where do we go now maybe you can help bring more haters to the server I can make this happen we can we can jail and kill more moose haters all right there we go remember see something it's like evil you have to get on his good side I have a master at being on this date of service [Music] it doesn't do anything Oh Mike I don't scare him making dinosaur sounds and stuff right getting me okay let's see a maybe come out with more ways to kill a moose I know one you put in jail and you starve them to death there yeah lit like it's to get it you gotta play evil in order to get you know anything so it's the only way you can just keep on killing Carlos the Moose's you never know you can get up to kill your thousand thousand boosters a day are harder the thousands of mooses and then whatever gonna do wipe out the population of mooses of course now we have to go and play by the rules all right gonna play by the rules just just keep grabbing dirt to get a bunch of TNT and we can destroy at the end and then we find any type of situation if you ever jails you for any reason from not completely one of his tasks then it's simple alright you got a TV break you out do you think you'll be able to reach your moose kill quota I don't think so it's a lot not enough time I am getting dirt for you master moose okay there we go how we have 21 dirt both going what's worse it might not call me that sorry master moose sucks Wow hey kill me with that just kill me [Music] why no all happy he's gonna put you jail do not try to break out happy stop it happy he's gonna put you in jail you wanna taste my sword to know you that guide you evil you know respect us without us your server crumbles like your hearts there we go your main man yet stand up for a but this is knock it off listen still we have to play by the race what the heck just happened he's crazy he's look what you made me just Dow was all you you you just destroyed that entire Jill so look at that it's completely gone oh it's gonna break out now but you iPhone oh you made me angry it doesn't look so happy at all he may want to sneak inside of here real quick in the black market oh no it's gone the girders are gone for a week we've done goofed sorry this is this is a complete mess look at him he's super angry oh geez rebuild an entire prison he's gonna blame it on us and mistreat us all right we gotta figure something out RV we gotta figure out a way to light a TNT so look around for a type of like a source what what but me no not wrong I'm not a big baby why you called can we just stick to the goal we hadn't let you see a deal alright leave it what would you just call me I'm sorry it would be dead oh what'd you do what'd you do kidding me hey Gary get me out of it hey I don't think it was you that he's gonna tear inventory you're not worried that he's gonna get away from you hey listen do not give it any you see not guess what he's gonna do the same thing to me look what you did look what you did now we got no charity we got an old dirt we ain't got no cobblestone al we ain't got no way to blow this place up if we want to skip a cut on that wood is built out the issue is we gotta pull this place up all those crazy travelers and killing mooses we're gonna be sitting here like like like ducks wait to see all these debts and stuff it's not good now you can't destroy anything well ladies job and thank you so much watching I hope you all did enjoy itself we're gonna subscribers at the battle leave a like hopefully in the next episode we're gonna get some dirt or something or restart or find a way to break out of here we'll not really break out of here but get the resources that we need to get the TNT and blow this place up into smithereens okay so move so I mean thanks for watching I hope you all did enjoy I'll see you tomorrow comment down below what you want to see next and help us out give us some ideas what can we do okay you have double it up tomorrow we have to kill 200 mooses tomorrow you serious okay fine and if we don't push your mark happy hopper won't even find the server if you love it if you don't go back in here tomorrow question mark it's not good if you don't want to come back in here tomorrow get get to the point you talk too much [Music] why you'll be jailed again we already in jail Oh el badi ah all right whatever fine well in this video that was a moose shark unspeakable and of course a happy hopper emoji happy hopper gets her own emoji in this video so the I saw a comment down below the timestamp we'll see you tomorrow and move summary please to give us a plan on how to break out of this prison what can we do and hopefully we in this guy's trust and especially witty creative mode or opie to fully destroy the server and take it down completely alright I'll see you tomorrow everybody's video happy hopper and I are out please
Channel: Moose
Views: 672,570
Rating: 4.8980308 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, family, family friendly, kid friendly, girl, boy, server, moosecraft, moose
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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