I started a new Animal Crossing Island

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I love Animal Crossing New Horizons even though it's a dead game however I get so bored of the game sometimes that I spontaneously delete my saved data and start fresh on a brand new island yeah after giving my name selecting a map and barely avoiding getting detained at the airport I was ready to begin Animal Crossing for the eighth time I don't really care about fruits I don't care about flowers I don't care about villagers so let's see how this goes ooh okay pears I like pears pears are great shout out to all the pairs my official starter Villages for this island are you tell me you were leaving to want to get left behind let's go sorry sis I didn't mean to do oh my God Tank's here too okay the introduction to the game is fairly simple place down your housing plot alongside your two villagers collect sticks and fruit for Tom Nook because he told you to and get turnt at the bonfire to celebrate All leading up to the most important part of the tutorial naming your island name that I'm planning of calling this island is Camp ratic I guess this kind of spoils the theme yeah I'm planning on doing a summer camp Island woo there's a specific inspiration for why I'm doing this well there's two one boys Crossing on Instagram who literally also just started doing one so kind of funny how we have the same brain when it comes to Island themes I love that for me because that means I can copy their Island but more importantly uh the Quarry there's a specific element to said game that I feel like doing in this game if you know you know and if not we'll figure it out as we go on Nook Topia dang it he was supposed to say Nook tits whatever Nook tits and after crashing into bed and hallucinating a Converse station with the pop star you wake up on your first day ready to start your adventure which requires you to immediately start off by paying bills because even in Animal Crossing nothing's free and with all of that out of the way all I have to say is Welcome to My Island real quick please subscribe to the channel I'm super close to 100K and I want a silver plaque also comment down below if you still play Animal Crossing in 2023 just to prove Twitter wrong it is officially day one on the new island whoa we have a lot to do but before that I want to talk to you yo this that spot you found for me is just incredible that's what she said I do not plan on keeping tank in the long run I will be honest but he'll be fun to have for now I've never had him before so can't wait to see what he'll bring to the island maybe he'll be exciting but with this flop out of the way we have my girl where did she go hello Quinn hello oh there you are my God quinifer what are you doing all the way over here yo this I'm getting a real good vibe from the tent plot you picked for me thanks you're welcome we gotta look out for each other here if you ever need anything don't be shy eggs even on a brand new island she still has my back because she is my stepsister this is me and Quinn we're like sibling Bond here you know we're able to talk but we still have each other's back when we need them um it's day one what do I do on day one oh we have to talk to Tom knock hi sir hi Tom Nook how you doing as you can see it is quite cozy in here it's funny how cozy doesn't always mean comfortable yes it does if it's not comfortable it's not cozy it's just cramped you can say it we won't care and don't mind me as I skip the dialogue because I think I would rather explain it than Tom Nook we're gonna start off with our Workshop right over here I see that you've discovered my DIY workbench yes yes the workshop each participant will make and keep their own tools and receive a set of recipes we're gonna learn how to build things by gluing things together and using our Hammer all it requires is that you grab things to make a thing and today we're doing a fishing rod which requires three no five branches we have to work super duper hard to grab five branches I have no idea how long this is gonna take 12 seconds later oh my God five wow that was so hard it only took me like three seconds and now we craft our fishing rod somehow he doesn't tell us how to do it we just do it I guess we follow the recipe on our own but it's kind of funny how we use a hammer and a wrench to create a fishing rod where does the string come from where does the bait come from how do we do that with just five branches I don't know but that just shows how talented we are as villagers further proving my theory that Animal Crossing villagers are the strongest characters in the Nintendo Cinematic Universe I was about to say speaking of fishing and then this stole my line Tom Nook let me say it shut up speaking of fishing oh my gosh he's giving me a fishing tutorial but I think we should use this time to catch things for Tom Nook there's a specific reason why so we might as well just do it but I'm gonna craft a net first because I'd rather get some bugs as well because you know they're easier to catch since you could see them blah blah blah oh and speaking of my girl Quinn came clutch and gave me the oh my God I just took in the fact that I only have 20 slots again my own Pockets I have to pay to have more room in there if that's not the biggest scam in the Animal Crossing Cinematic Universe I don't know what is Nets crafted and ready to go um this is a fun mission that they don't actually straight up tell you it's just kind of alluded to but you need to catch five Critters in order to unlock a special character here's one Critter right over here the first official bug on the new island a yellow butterfly shouldn't all butterflies be yellow okay Tommy hello my boy oh this it's great to see you that campfire was a lot of fun we're keeping resident surfaces open at night so feel free to stop by if you need to talk about anything so when do you go to bed you're like 12. here's another Critter my second one a common butterfly and here's a fish right here I am pretty good at fishing but every time I'm on Camp every time I'm on camera I always fumble case in point I want to see if I can catch a special bug one bug that spawns in a specific spot oh my God and it came right as soon as they talked about it hi and just like that I already caught a wasp and the best part about that is no what I thought you get no miles for that oh you get Nook miles for getting stung by the Bee ugh now I have to injure myself in order to like financially help me that seems also kind of up here's another butterfly Bam um I'm only catching but okay you I'm only catching bugs right now which um poor blathers because blathers is who you unlock he hates bugs so I think it's really rude of me to only give him bugs in order to like move him onto this island hi Quinn oh my God look at us twinning with our Nets this is like sibling energy right over here all right I think with this I am going to have enough bugs to give the tomnook right one two three four no only four I'm stealing tanks bug from him because I just feel like doing that oh he's pissed he's pissed off look at him walking away he doesn't even want to look at me because I just stole the bug from him all right speaking of we only need one more bug I don't know where or I guess I could get a fish you know what let's try again let's see if I can catch a nice big juicy fish to donate to our good friend Tom Nook um I could catch the fish or I could get that grasshopper that just hopped on by and really piss off blathers by only giving him bugs as a way to promote him to move to this island I found a creature oh Splendid let's have a look I forgot that I'm pretty sure I have to do this one by one oh God but at least with our first donation we have another app the Critter pedia it's funny how like you unlock apps on your phone by you know doing things instead of just buying them I'm surprised there isn't a Nook Phone App Store honestly honestly in the next game what if they brought an app store and like you were able to get like optional apps for like specific things like maybe like a social media style thing and maybe with that social media Style app you're able to find where your villagers are on your map or like you're able to just text them and be like hey where are you and they'll be like Oh I'm over here by the way I just literally lied to Tom Nook he asked me if I was playing with the DIY Workshop I said yes even though I clearly haven't and look at him lying again I have seen you tinkering around a bit over there Tom Nook is just lying straight to my face that's why he's a billionaire but at least I got more DIY recipes out of it hell yeah hold the phone someone calling I finally donated all the bugs by the way lathers is that you oh what's Splendid timing oh my God and just like that we have blathers on the museum what I mean on the island I know how to speak and immediately Tom Nook has me doing Free Labor once again because I need to find a spot for blathers to live on the island and we have to use our big juicy brains to think of the perfect spot where blathers should live I'm gonna do that later let's just put him on the beach uh yes we're just gonna shove blather's tent here for now oh my God Quinn move I just killed Quinn oh no she's over there she's here she's fine sorry sister I didn't mean to do that but with that out of the way though blather's tent done and if you only mean big mission that I have left to complete on day one is to pay off my house with 5 000 Nook miles and currently I have a thousand Nook miles oh wow I'm actually making good progress we only need 4 000 more so let's do that first things first I'm gonna take this photo bam and with that I get 300 enough miles we have a lot of things here that we can do flower power I can plant 10 flowers and maybe get some Nook miles with that let's put all the flowers over here well unfortunately the Nook twins only gave me five so at least they'll make some progress another good idea right away I can put something on the bulletin board um let's create a post post there that's my first post on the new island boom 300 more milk miles oh we can just shake some fruit and sell them that might work and also clear out some weeds and maybe craft some more tools yeah I'm gonna have to craft a shovel at least so we might as well grab some things and do that I got more points for using my phone there's some benefits to that those damn phones aren't ruining our lives look at that I just got 300 more miles I need to craft an ax so that I can chop down some trees for more Nook files that requires one stone right over here and some branches please can this tree just give me five branches so I don't have to run around one two three four I just need one more please one more oh it came while I was sneezing I didn't realize five branches yada yada yada there are some fish here oh wait the oh there's the fish should I try catching the fish will I actually do a good job this time oh I got it yay and it's a black bass foreign ly grab some more pairs and then we're going to sell them off to Timmy and craft an ax and then I'm gonna come back out here and just chop some trees down and see if I can get no miles basically I'm trying to get Nook miles I think now is also a great time to admit to the entire world um I don't plan oh why am I what oh because I have to talk to him about blathers right I forgot about that okay I don't really plan on like cheating on this island as in you know usually when I like reset and start off I try to like quickly get to three stars as soon as I can just so that I can start designing right away but I think this time around I really want to try to like actually play the game every day and like not time travel at all and try to like earn all my bells earn all my Nook Miles by myself without like Treasure Islands or whatever just for the first two weeks just until I get to three stars and then after that I'll start cheating again I have sold pairs to Timmy what are they going to do with those pairs I don't know that gave me some enough miles how much did it give me 300. all right let's craft an ax real quick wow that was so quick thanks editing and I guess like we could access this machine right now before I forget um Tom Nook you don't need to explain to it to me I will explain it Nook shopping is a personal shopping service and the ABD is where you can put all your Bells does it give you Nook miles yes it does you can get only 50 on your first day but at least that's that and I think if you buy like five items you can get duck miles so what if they just bought the cheap items right now because I don't have a lot of bells 40 Bells dang it I'm gonna have to sell more things to get things oh wait I got Nook miles already oh you only needed one for the first one okay there we go we are at 29.50 Nook miles I basically need 2050 more let's get to chopping some trees I don't know how many I required for the first miles reward thing but let's see I'm just gonna chop all the trees down first and then we'll just come back running around and picking them all up just you know to make things a little easier oh and I'm pretty sure I can at least try of course the first one was the money Rock and I did I'm not gonna get enough Bells from this one dang it I don't know how many do I have to chop down with these trees to like get no do you you do get no miles for chopping down trees right oh there okay bam that's 300 more it is nice though can I just say that like it it really is nice I talked about it before this is the first island I've had um I'm literally wearing a shirt that I got back in 2020 when I got my vaccine so it's very strange how like nostalgic Everything feels right now although granted you know when I played the game for the first time I had no idea what I was doing and now I know literally everything about this game literally everything this is gonna sound Shady but like every single time people comment like giving me advice in my comment section I'm just like I know and it's like thank you I know you guys are just doing that to be kind and like I appreciate it anyways I've been playing this game since launch I know way too much about the series as a whole keep commenting advice if you want because like if I'm not gonna hear it maybe there is somebody in the comments section who would appreciate it so do it for them but just letting you know I know okay I don't know how to say that without sounding Shady so let's just move on from that I'm gonna collect some weeds I think if you collect like a lot you can actually get a lot of Nook miles from selling weed to Timmy and Tommy let's see how many weeds have I collected so far 30 so I guess if I could get 69 you know I can just sell like a full stack and hopefully that would give me some Nook miles I have some pairs in my pockets as well that I'm gonna sell and we're gonna do that how many trees do I need to chop oh my God a hundred I have to chop 70 more times in order to get another Nook miles reward I have no idea by the way how long it's going to take me to get these 5 000 miles this is like the one part of the game where you can't really like cheat to get the 5 000 miles you have to kind of do it on your own terms there's no way to like rig the numbers which I am grateful for that because that makes it a lot harder when your games are challenging that's what makes them more fun and more enjoyable to replay every now and then that's the main reason why I love resetting I love change I love trying new things and doing things differently I hate sticking to one routine that's just how I am I don't know I've always been like that I hate falling into a routine that's like one of my biggest fears in life too not to get like sentimental right now on the main is just like falling into a routine and just being stuck forever so that's that love to see that it reflects in my Animal Crossing experience as well because I'm someone who is known for resetting I haven't been this excited to play Animal Crossing in so long who would have thunk that reset setting was what I needed to do so sorry to all the willow stands but I needed to do this y'all want more Animal Crossing content y'all want me to keep Willow or y'all want me to make more Animal Crossing content because it's one or the other at this point oh wow I picked way more weeds than I needed to I said I was only gonna pick night 99 of them okay we have 99 plus 50 wait 51 let's make it 150. I'm gonna sell all of those and maybe I can buy some things let's see what Timmy and Tommy have in store all right first let's sell our weeds and also the fruit that I've picked up I'm pretty sure I picked up a few we'll sell that that oh we can sell her beehive to 3 000 bells and with said 3 000 Bells what do they have for sale do they have exciting items oh a beach ball I guess I should buy some flowers as well I'm gonna buy a watering can um I know I can just craft it but we're gonna buy some flowers as well let's see tulips Rose or lilies I'm gonna grab the Tulips because I love tulips and we can buy some recipes right now too we might as well get this DIY set might as well buy this camp stove I mean camp stove hello I'm making a summer camp Island this is the perfect item for the eyelid and I only have 900 Bells left so I guess I will buy the slingshot recipe I literally just said I know everything about this game but I don't remember if you get the if you get the recipe for it by yourself but who cares it's fun to have right now I can craft a slingshot right away oh if I sell 50 more weeds I can get the next achievement so I might just go and collect some more weeds we have how many Nook miles I only need 900 more so I think if I collect 50 weeds I might have enough but let's see what else am I able to craft right now maybe I could do some crafting oh this is me being big brain I'm gonna craft some log steaks right now and just have them ready to go for a specific event that happens later on if you know you know how many do you need I'm just gonna craft four of them I have enough to make four so let's just do it pro tip if you're able to if you're also on day one of your new Island right now just craft them right now do it do it because I say so I can craft a slingshot bam I already have a slingshot that's exciting and I can craft a watering can I already have I already have one oh right I bought one let's craft this washed up I don't know I don't need a wash tub right now I have a washing machine but it's still fun to have and did that give me miles how many miles did it give me please tell me it gave me 900. nope only 300 okay it was worth a shot oh we have a nice big juicy patch right over here hopefully this is 50 weeds um even if it's more than 50 weeds I might as well hey like what if I just cleaned up the island thank God that they got rid of the whole weeds ruining your Island perfect score rating thing in older games like weeds would affect your Island rating and like you had to have zero weeds on your Island in order to have a good star rating not in this game I don't know if people know this but like you actually don't need to pick your weeds you can have a five-star island with a bunch of weeds everywhere the only reason why people say have under 150 is so that they're able to grow because you need under 150 for them to start growing I don't know why I guess it's for like performance you know the game performance maybe if there's too many weeds and they're all like fully grown it like causes lag that's most likely why Animal Crossing New Horizons not my favorite animal crossing game but I will still defend it with my life if I had to choose one thing only one thing to say that they did right in this game it's the weed designs like look at this look how sexy these weeds are I forgot that I have flowers in my pockets um where is my flower garden that I've started we might as well continue it let's plant these five more weeds hopefully these give me no Kyle's rewards we'll do a perfect square and then I'm gonna plant this last one over here far away from everybody else because it's an outcast I forgot that the watering can only Waters one square at a time at the beginning oh my God it's like stardew Valley we got 300 from this one and this one gives us 300 oh my God just like that I already have 5 000 miles I did not mean to water the resident services tent that's not how you upgrade it sir I'm gonna sell my my weeds real quick to a 12 year old and then we shall do what we've been waiting for oh you'd like to pay your moving fees very well you owe me 5 000 miles yes and just like that I'm free and clear of debt I am able to upgrade my house so we might as well do that I hate that you have to talk to him again though to upgrade your house because like upgrading your house is mandatory right so it's like if you're ever interested please do come see me like you have to upgrade your house in order to progress the game why can't we just upgrade our house in this same text bubble instead of having to talk to him again I never understood that Animal Crossing please make things more seam line in the next game yay and now we have Nook miles plus features whatever the word is a very underrated feature in this game honestly because Nook miles plus is the easiest way to grind to grain like look at this you can get 600 miles no more than 600 300 700 1100 700 you can get 1700 miles just from doing all of these catching bugs selling shells catching a carp catching five fish and earning five thousand Bells from selling things those are all things that are so easy to do you kind of just do them as you play the game and you earn miles from that shout out to the Nook miles plus feature now registered for Miles Redemption Services thank you what does that mean oh I can do this what can I oh right you can get a Nook miles ticket you can get the tool ring and upgrade your pockets I mean like I I might as well just get a tool ring right now shout out to the tool ring I never really redeemed for this on the first day because I feel like it's worth it to just save your miles and spend it on other things touring isn't like an essential thing it just makes the game a lot easier I got it anyways I should have saved those miles for something else but who cares but just like that day one is officially complete for me at least that's all I like to do on the first day um yeah and that's the end of day one how exciting we're now moving on to day two which for me will be in 24 hours but for you it's going to be in 24 milliseconds and we are starting off bright and early in the morning with some announcements hi sir hi Daddy I will be honest I kind of prefer when Tom Nook gives announcements over Isabel not because of Tom Nook himself but just like this overall setting seeing Tom Nook in front of everybody outside it just looks so much more fun compared to when Isabelle does it indoors how cool would it be if Isabelle did her morning announcements in a different location every morning that would have been really cool that was kind of a missed opportunity anyways Tom Nook is talking over here um blathers is here yay that's fun also the airport is open that's even more exciting we'll get into that shortly why do I keep hitting my microphone hi Quinn hello sister how you doing oh hey proper what brings you here I think you're better at this morning thing than I am proper then why are you up you could have just went back to sleep my house is fully upgraded and I think it's so funny that the other two are still in their tents those slackers get to work pay off your Nook miles Quinn I believe in you what do we have in store first things first we got some miles right away ooh what a great way to start things off also ooh our Nook miles plus things ready to go we might play around with those later I guess the first thing I should do immediately is say hello to Tommy hello my baby this congratulations on your new home a home is sure to open up so many more opportunities for you I agree like I can have walls now Timmy and Tom Nook are chatting away what did they have to say let's be nosy so you see since the number of homeowners is increasing I agree that we need to build a shop when it comes to building supplies our customers home should take priority this man is betraying his own Sons his sons need help building a shop and he said no he's making sure that they are not growing up to be nepo babies I can actually respect that Tom Nook I was gonna talk about that but like maybe he was ahead of his time with that and now it's day two so day two missions great oh and just like that Tom Nook gives us our first Nook miles ticket because the airport's unlocked if you're not new to this Channel and you've seen my many reset videos before you would know what that means and although we do have a lot of missions that we need to do right away like unlocking the shop and such actually I guess we should talk to Timmy Timmy is here this poor child needs help with something his own father won't even help me so he's crawling over to me the new guy The Stranger in hopes of me helping him out we need to get a shop on this island you know so we can buy things and sell things that's what you do at a shop and of course that means we need oh God I just remembered how much we need 30 pieces of each wood and 30 iron nuggets they have you working hard on day two of the new island I can respect that but at the same time can't you at least help out a little bit what do you want I'm watering him I didn't mean to do that I heard you're getting stuff together to build us a shop I found something that might help oh he's giving me iron oh five iron nuggets already from tank why thank you kind sir that's very kind of you I forgot how many items I have in my pockets oh my goodness let me just quickly clear out my pockets and now while I'm out here first thing I shall do is go and say hello to blatherers my baby and yes I know that I could keep him in a tent because the tent is very aesthetically pleasing and I feel like this is actually a nice spot for like a Beachside Museum research station but I want to upgrade my museum because I want Brewster on my Island and also I just like the museum a lot but lathers is here and we have another mission on our hands on day two lathers is gonna talk a lot but let's just skip the dialogue we need to donate 15 Critters and fossils as well so thankfully because of that I have a pole vault and a shovel now that's how you unlock those so I guess we'll get started on that mission alongside our other Mission alongside another mission that I'm imposing on myself first of all Jacob here gave me a DIY recipe the first bottle shout out to Alpha rad I need to construct some tools first this and this which thankfully for me I have enough materials for that already and with those crafted we can now travel to the other sides of the island but before we do that there is a little thing that I want to do first ignore my fan it's really hot don't judge me it is day two and I said before that the airport is fully unlocked I say this every single time I reset my Island you're able to go villager hunting as soon as it unlocks and since Tom Nook gives us one ticket for free um we still need more tickets because I don't think one is going to be enough my rule for my first ever villager hunt on the new island always I just kind of like to take the first three villagers who I find so for that I'm gonna need two more tickets which means we need 3 000 more miles so we're about to do a lot of grinding we might as well start off with all these Nook mile plus rewards over here that could be fun just group scratch stretching I know to speak hitting rocks chopping wood planting and catching bugs what a fun day for me so far we could do it right away here's a butterfly already making some progress actually the first thing that might be easier to do is to just chop all these trees down okay never mind that works out anyways um I got Nook miles for breaking the tool so that's fun okay we made progress yay for me there's a money spot right over here I'm like 90 sure you can get Nook miles for planting a money tree plant it yes and you do get Nook miles for that see my big brain I remember things I'm so smart I need a stone and I mean I have a shovel on me so we could just hit this rock right over here another cute Pro tip that I do I always like to dig two holes right there to use them as an anchor just so that way I'm able to hit this rock eight times and actually get all eight items that spawn out of it and it's great too I got two more iron nuggets out of that as well did I get more Nook miles oh I did for hitting a rock I forgot you do that as well that gave me 500 whoa I already have enough miles for one ticket I only need a thousand and something more for the second one can catch some bugs right over here I think I needed five for some Nook miles so let's see that's bug number one bug number two oh Queenie hello what's up I heard you were getting stuff together for a shop thanks for doing your part for Camp Braddock yeah I'm doing my part what are you doing oh oh my God wait she gave me a shovel oh never mind sorry for complaining she's helping me out thank you Quinn and Beck to grinding up for miles I am gonna start off by chopping down some trees and getting some wood because that's a very good thing to do and while I'm at it um let me just quickly do this because I'm pretty sure you get miles for getting stung by a bee very masochistic if you ask me but yeah I'll do anything for coin wait I didn't get miles for that don't you get miles for getting stung by a bee do they just get stung by a bee for no reason okay ooh but if I place down one more furniture item I think this bug should count yes you get Nook miles for placing down 10 items boom 300 more we only need 1100 more miles so we're getting closer and closer to the end goal I just chopped down trees and I got 300 more miles I need to catch two more bugs to get some more so let's go hunting for some bugs right now there should be a lot it's summertime honestly I feel like summertime is the best time to reset and play it's just I don't know summertime like I said Animal Crossing is a game that you can play all year round but for me I feel like summertime is the best time to play days or longer there's more Critters spawned everywhere I feel like especially in New Horizons the island just looks better in the summer time the summer weeds are my favorite it's just cute overall so yeah I hate summer in real life as I've said many times on this channel but shout out to Summer and Animal Crossing it's a win for me I just realized um I sold 19 bug or 19 weeds to Timmy when I was supposed to sell 20. I thought I had 20 weeds in my pocket what the hell how did I miscount that ugh now I have to pick up one more weed and just go back in and sell that to Timmy just so I can get some more Nook miles so I can go on a villager hunt we need to get 400 more miles 400 and right away I can do the little exercise thing I haven't done it yet oh this is gonna be my first time doing it on the new island it's gonna look so weird because there's only two villagers why is it just tank and Quinn and it's so uneven I mean I guess I'm over here so I could do it with them I'm the fifth person joining them today here we go we stand up no I'm kidding I'm not gonna stand up whoa whoa I'm joining these people on their exercise oh God now I have to spin okay here we go I should have done motion controls for this instead of buttons because now I have to do them both nope this way go that way I'm so off it's awkward whoo whoo oh God now I have to touch my toes okay here we go ow oh God now I have to jump jump jump jump and just like that we're done our first ever exercise to I'm out of breath oh my God that was a bad idea 300 more so I only need 50 more miles 50 more miles what could I do oh I can plant a fruit where are my pears wait I got more miles oh I got Nook miles just for earning miles and just like that we have four thousand my I'm out of breath from doing the exercise hang on we need a breather finally we get to do a fun thing we get to redeem for two Nook miles tickets and Tom Nook over here gives us one more Nook miles ticket for free with Orville we have three tickets so we're able to go on a villager hunt for our first three villagers right now ooh this is exciting we get to see the first three people who move on right away this is like basically Auto filling but I'm also getting to see who they are before they come onto the island just to prepare myself so without further Ado we're about to see who the first official villager moving on to the island is in three two one oh where are they hello oh my God it's that girl with the Bob Miss Felicity Felicity is the first official villager wait I accept this and this is kind of exciting for me too because this island that I'm creating Camp ratic is a concept Island and even the villagers I really want villagers that fit the summer camp Vibe spoiler alert um there are going to be horror elements like I said this island will be inspired by the Quarry so I think I want to try and find villagers who sort of fit that summer camp horror movie as well as werewolves specifically wolf villagers um yeah so maybe Felicity here will be a victim on the island if she moves out oh I just figured that out every time I kick out a villager they can just die oh because I'm planning on doing a graveyard on this oh my God I love figuring things out as I go okay so Felicity if you ever do get kicked off the island um you are going to d word just be prepared but she does look like someone who would be in the Quarry right um shout out to the Amanda files who's also doing a horror theme Island right now so taking inspiration from her to hey bestie how's it going oh my gosh look how many iron nuggets I just got from this rock gray while I'm on this island as well we might as well Harvest all the rocks in the trees that's the other reason why I like to do a villager hunt on the second day just so we're able to finish the shop as soon as we can um oh no I'm gonna actually die this time wait oh okay I got the WASP I did not want to pass oh but you get Nook miles for passing out that's what it is you have to get stung twice die and then you get the Nook miles oh well it's too late for that I don't need the Nook miles anymore I'm already villager hunting and here we have some coconuts as well so we can plant those back on the mainland and get even more Nook miles out of that [Music] unfortunately though I don't have a ladder so I'm not able to go up to that Cliff yet but I do have the welting pole so thankfully we can just chop all these trees over here there's a lot over here anyways so it's all good plus we get some free pairs is it worth digging up the lilies uh nah I mean if these are my sister flowers I can always get them later on I just chopped down all the trees that I could until my ax broke so now I'm gonna need a tree branch to get another one shout out to this randomly placed workbench that was just here even though this is an uninhabited Island ax is crafted and back to grinding I'm almost done chopping all these trees down I don't know how much wood I have left but or how much would I've caught but we'll see in a bit ooh ooh first of all I've chopped down every tree and look at the progress I made wow 24 pieces of wood already that's surprising 19 softwood 17 hardwood so we're basically halfway there that's good I caught a bottle oh I wonder who's in this bottle three two one Shep shout out to Shep the second bottle of the day and an acoustic guitar ooh I was debating on doing some fishing while I was here for blathers but unfortunately I only have two spots left in my pockets so I guess we're gonna have to do that another time maybe when after the shop is done the Island right now is pretty big anyways so I guess like we could just do our Critter catching back on the mainlands all right I've hit this rock and I actually managed to do it eight times in a row too that's great and with that it gave me 20 iron nuggets just off one Island alone so I'm making some good progress already we might be able to finish up this shop immediately we have made it to the second island and the second villager moving in is so you I forgot he was a lazy villager oh my God it's the snitch this is a horror themed Island he is definitely going to be the first victim anchovy you are gonna die as soon as you move on to the island to the anchovy stands I'm so sorry expect his grave to come soon this confirms that there will be at least one villager hunt in the near future because best believe I'm kicking this man off as soon as I can this man is gonna tattle on me he is gonna snitch to the Wolves a hundred percent he would turn into a werewolf on purpose just so he can kill people that's the type of person anchovy is he would think it would give him some risk I cannot wait I cannot wait for this man's downfall anchovy haters rise up oh my God and of course my shovel breaks on the island I'm with Andrew like of course it does of course I am angry that anchovy has to move on to my Island in case you can't tell hopefully I'm gonna be able to chop enough trees down on this island Island to get everything required for the shop so then we can just take it easy on the next Island but let's see wow I already got 30 wood it's so strange to me every time I get the wood first because remember the days when the wood was like the rarest one out of all of them and it would never spawn nowadays I feel like it spawns so much easier for me like I get more wood than I do soft wood which is so strange I feel like they did something behind the scenes to fix the ratio but they just never made it public data miners can you do your research and see if that's true did they fix the odds of wood okay wait what do you mean my pockets are full already these are iron nug do I have 30 oh nice that's one more completed so all I need are soft wood and hardwood a few moments are you kidding me I chopped down every single tree and I got 29 pieces of heart I need one more hahaha one more are we sure that I've chopped down every tree I need to double check did I get this one back here yes oh my God one I just need one more piece of hardwood onto the next Island I guess hopefully I find it over there my pockets are full too so I'm clearly in struggle town right now here we are the final Island and the normal girl that's moving on to our Island is she has to move back into my life oh my God see like I'm fearing for my life right now but at the same time the way she works perfectly for my Island oh sorry I didn't mean to do that sorry I didn't mean to stop attacking her oh my God just say hi I wasn't Coco in your Viss from Camp Braddock I'm glad you stopped by to talk to me one thing I love about traveling is a chance to make new friends oh my God the way she can literally be the demon that causes people to turn into werewolves she's coming back into my life y'all remember her from El Nu all the drama she caused over there the fact that she was literally accused of murder before she works perfectly Coco's back angry coconut and Coco reunited oh right I need a hardwood oh my gosh please please please oh thank you and just like that I have enough materials to donate to the shops as well so what an exciting day this has been so far I have every single thing all at once ready to go and they're making me pick the location and if you've noticed the trend so far with my buildings you probably know where this is gonna go on the beach far away from everything so I can figure out where I want to put it later on ta-da and just like that nook's cranny officially unlocked the villagers that are moving onto the island are already here but we won't be seeing them for a few more days because you know that's day three activities I still do have to catch and donate my 15 Critters and fossils to the museum but honestly I think I'm gonna hold off on that for now just because I am debating if I even want to upgrade my museum the more I look at it the more I fun I think it would be for it to just be in its tent right over here in this thing especially because like I have my museum on the other Island anyways so what's the point in having two of them this is their chance to try something new I don't make any promises though because if you do see me upgrade my museum in the future Pretend This Never Happened I think day two is officially complete and that means we're moving on to day three which will be in next week's video because my gosh I have to edit this and get it out on time so yeah I'll see you all next week hopefully things will get even Crazier by then because we get to see our three villagers move in as well as the campsite villager which I'm so excited for please please Animal Crossing Gods give me Pietro that's all I want
Channel: angry coconut
Views: 123,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing speedbuild, animal crossing island tour, animal crossing: new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, animal crossing speed builds, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing build, acnh speedbuild, new animal crossing, animal crossing ideas, animal crossing speedbuilds, animal crossing let's play, let's play animal crossing, animal crossing design, animal crossing designs, anch
Id: 6ChScFoTQ-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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