I Spent the Night in an Abandoned Building & It Was Scary AF (Sleep in a Haunted House Challenge)

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(intense music) - You guys just keep giving me these suggestions for videos. I see them. I do read like almost every single comment. And I'm doing them. I'm doing what you guys are asking. And today, you just keep asking me, to spend the night in an abandoned building, on my own. I really don't want to do this. You've been asking for this for so long. I've just kind of been ignoring it because I don't want to do it. But I know I've got to do it. You want to see it, so I'm gonna... I'm soundin' like a hockey pitch, I don't know why. I think it's a hockey pitch. There's not even anyone playin'. It's just me here. (laughing) I look a bit weird, let's go. (grunting) I'm up a skate ramp. I ain't even got a skateboard. So anyway, I've had an haircut. Looking fly, what do you think? I think it's dope. I'm gonna go spend the night in an abandoned building. I've gotta go buy supplies. We're gonna go do this thing. I don't know what supplies to take. I'm running out of idea for supplies, without taking the same stuff. I might take some canned stuff. You know like, cans of beans, weird stuff, and a spoon and a can opener. I don't know what the hell I'm saying. (laughing) So in the next town from where we are right now, we've found this perfect abandoned building. Me and Moon were looking around early, trying to see what we can find. And we found this perfect one. It's huge. It's like a factory. It's an old factory. It's got like three or four stairs. There's like an underground bit and then there's upstairs and an upstairs, and an upstairs. There's a roof. It looks awesome. So our deal is, we'll go. We'll buy the supplies. And then we'll go to the place, I'll show you around and stuff. And then I'll attempt to spend the night. 7:00 p.m. 'til 7 a.m. I've not got my watch on. I think it's about 5 p.m. right now. So I got two hours to go get the supplies and go to the place. This is gonna be awesome. This is gonna be awesome. Let's go! Oh and I almost forgot, go follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Link in the description below. My user name's @KILLEMFTW. I'm really active on there lately. Replying to you all. Following back and everything. So make sure you go follow me. On my last video, the last video I did is doing awesome. Getting loads of views. Thank you so much to everyone who's watched it. If you haven't already, go and watch it. I spent the night in a spa, steam room, it's not a steam room. Sauna. I spent the night in a sauna. And it was insane. Seriously, I think it's dangerous AF. So make sure you go watch that if you didn't already. But don't leave the video just yet. There's gonna be a link to that video right at the very end of the video. There's gonna be a link to a playlist of all these spent the night videos. So you can go through, watch ones that you've missed, or whatever. Or if you're new, welcome! Go press subscribe down below. Or if you're already subscribed, make sure you press that bell icon right next to the subscribe button down below, and you'll be notified every time I upload. It's as easy as that. Enough of me talkin'. I'm sick of hearing my own voice. I'm sure you are. Let's go get some supplies. Alright so we're in the shop. And I am gonna do the canned theme. I can only buy food if it's in a can or a drink if it's in a can, anything in a can. That's like the idea. So let's see what we can get. Should I get some beans then. Ah, chilli flavour. Why? Let's get barbecue. What's Gemuse Tortellini? Moon face reveal in three, two, one. Shall I get Griessnockerl suppe. or just canned tomato? Tomato. I'm gonna have a little can of sweet corn, just to keep me going. Oh, this one's cheaper. I will have that one instead. Filth. - Filth. (laughing) - We didn't even mean to. It just happened at the same time. I guess some fruit as well. I'll have something like a puddin'. What about oranges? Orange? Same thing. We can choose drinks now. Can section over here. I think I need this. But this is just six. 12? 12. So I'm in the, what's this isle called? Like intercontinental? International. I'm in the international isle. And we've found this can. I think it's Chinese or something. I can't read what it says. So it's like a little surprise. I'm gonna get it. I don't know. See what it is after. I don't know, I can't read it. I'm not racist. I'm not promoting racism. I don't think it's funny. But, how? How can you call some sweets this? I tried looking for some other cans with weird things in. But I can't find anything. I think we're done here now. So we're gonna go back home and gather all my supplies. I'll show you what I get, put it all in my bag. And then off to the abandoned building. I think we've got an hour, so we're gonna have to be quick. So we're goin back at home. Time to put my things in my bag, and we gotta go real quick cause it's actually gettin' dark real fast. Okay here we go. Coca-Cola. All my cans. Torch. Camping light. Duct tape. A spoon. A cat. No, no, no room for a cat. And a sleeping bag. And that's everything we need. The place is a few miles from here. So Moon's gonna drive me there, drop me off. And then she'll be there 7 a.m. to pick me up. So come on we've gotta go real quick. We runnin' out of time. (hiphop music) This place is huge. This place is so big. I don't even know where to begin. People live just across the street from here. People's houses are around here. I can't go too close to there, in case they call the police or something. And I can't walk around at night with a torch in this area. Whoa. It's an elevator shaft. There's graffiti everywhere. What? Whoa. That's a big drop. I can't explain how big this place is. Like, you see that was just one room. There's upstairs, another upstairs, there's a basement. I mean it's just gone seven. And I think it's dark in a couple hours. If I'm walkin' around with a torch, people who live in the area are gonna see me from the outside. They're gonna call the police. Then I failed this challenge. I cannot fail. Seriously. So I've gotta be as quiet and discrete as I can. We're gonna go have a little walk around the area right now. And then we'll find the best place to set up camp. We'll get the sleeping bag out. We'll get all the supplies ready. And we'll spend the night in the one room. But for now we've got to go on like a little tour. So let's go see what we can find. The attic. Just completely empty. Huge. That could be a good place to stay. It's really out of the way. It's dark. On one can see me. I'll keep on lookin' but I feel like that is gonna be one of the best places to stay. I've really got to stay away from the windows. I cannot get caught. Just think if the police come, I'm in Austria. I can't speak German. If the police come, what do I say? How do I explain what I'm doin'? The sun is really going down low now. It's gonna be dark real soon. Kill you. What? It's dark over here. Very dark up here. It goes up into the, ah what? What the hell is up there? No way. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. No joke. There was a bang in the attic. In the very highest attic. I don't think I'm alone. It could be anybody. It could be a weird crazy psycho guy with a gun. If there's someone up there, who didn't want you to come up, they would bang to scare you away. I actually feel like there's someone up there. I'm not even jokin'. I cannot. I can't do this alone. This is freaky AF. This is freaky AF. There's just two rooms I've not been in. That attic and the basement. The basement. Here we go. What? Oh my gosh. What is that? It sounds like it's running. It sounds like it's on. (grunting) This is steep. The stories around town, is that somebody actually died in the factory. That's why they had to shut it down, years and years ago. And the fact that there's still a ring on like the signing board, that is scary, that is just creepy. That's all a machine. That's huge. I'm surprised it's still here. I wonder what's in there. What's behind that door. The street lights are on now. And it's gettin' really dark. So, wait, wait, wait. I don't wanna blow my cover by swinging a torch around and attracting peoples attention. So what I'm gonna do, is before it gets completely dark, I'm gonna go up into that first smaller attic. And I'm gonna spend the whole night up there. Let's go. (church bells ringing) This is where I'm gonna stay. No way, can you hear them church bells? Just as I came into the attic. Church bells start. You couldn't write that, that's just freaky. This is where I'm gonna be staying, definitely. I wish I could block this off, so no one could come up. It looks like there's mouse droppings. There's mouse droppings, there's broken glass everywhere. I might just go in this corner over here. Okay so I don't know if you can see me very well. I don't know if the lighting's very good. But I've got my little glow light. What I'm gonna do is, I'm just gonna keep this here. So I can see. And so you can see me on the camera. And I've also, I've got my torch set up, pointing right at the door where I came in. That way I can keep an eye, on if anybody comes up through that door. Or so if anybody does come up, they can be blinded by that light, cause that is a very strong light. They're gonna be confused for a second you know, and it gives me some time to think what to do if I get in a real bad situation. I've got straight into my sleeping bag. This floor is just so filthy. I didn't wanna lay on it. You know so I'm just straight into the sleeping bag. So I'm gonna get everything out of my bag. I'm gonna get all set up cause I'm here for a long time. So I've got everything laid out, ready, set up. I forgot to mention earlier that I also have extra battery for the camera and I got a power bank. So I'm gonna be using my phone as entertainment. When I get hungry obviously, I'm gonna tuck into some cans, have my drinks. I mean this is it. I'm not moving from this point, no way. I thought I saw something move. What was that? Something moved just there. Is there a rat? There's like a little table. I'll just put my camera there for a sec. Alright. So I'm gonna open the mystery can. I don't know what it is. This has just got pictures of dailies on there or something. It could be good, it could be bad. I haven't got a clue. (gasping) It's that stuff. I love this stuff. Oh what is it called? Milk, conden. Evaporated milk! That is gorgeous. That is gorgeous. That is so nice. It's just so sickly, you can't eat that for long. Oh wait let me just put that there. So the thing is, with this building being so big, that makes it scarier. If it was a small house, the someone comes into the house you'll hear it, 'cause it's not far away. But with this building being huge, you don't know if there's anybody else in here with you. You don't know if you're alone. You don't know that someone's just entered the building five minutes ago at the other end, you don't know. And I really don't like it. I'm just hiding away in this attic, hoping that if someone does come into the building, they don't come up here. It's just a big old boring room. I don't know if you can me. It's actually. I keep hearing stuff. I keep hearing stuff. It's just that the sun went down a couple hours ago. And I've just been sat here on my mobile phone, drinking Coca-Cola. It's starting to get real cold. It's like as soon as that sun went down, it was freezing. It got cold real quick. It's just that we're in the attic so, the heat's rising, it's going straight out of the roof. It's not very well insulated I'm assuming with it just being a factory. It's gettin' real cold quick. I keep hearing noises. I'm not even joking. It's Friday night right now. That means Friday night you know, it attracts the. I don't even know what I'm saying. It's just so cold. I just wanna. It's got a lot colder since I last spoke to ya'. I've not eaten anything. I'm just really not hungry. And not when I'm this cold. I need the toilet. I really need the toilet. I'm not leavin' this room. I've heard a lot bigger bangs. I can't do my toilet business in this room. It's just gonna stink the room out. I'm stuck in here. I just really wanna go. I really want to go. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I'm just saying that I'm not afraid of ghosts. I don't think there's ghosts here. I'm more afraid of the living in this situation. I don't know why I'm laughing. I'm just. I don't wanna be. I don't wanna be here. Hello? Who's there? I'm just. I'm just freaking out. I'm just freaking out! I really don't want to do this, in a corner. I'm just feelin' so vulnerable. Anybody can come here any moment. I don't. Anyone could come here any moment. And there's nothing I can. (grunting) Nothing I can do! I just! Come on. I'm not feeling this. I'm not feeling it. I've got to stay. Just wrap up in here, to stay warm. And ignore everything. Just close your eyes and fall asleep. Come on Thomas you can do this. You can do this. Don't give up just yet, come on. I'm just on Instagram right now. Just update, lookin', updatin', I'm just falling asleep. I just want to sleep so bad. I wanna just get through this as fast I can. I cannot get comfortable, my elbows hurt, my knees hurt, my back aches. I just wanna sleep so bad. I just can't fall asleep no matter what I try. I just gotta fall asleep. I'm not hungry. I'm really not hungry. (phone ringing) Who's that? Hello? Moon? - Hello. - Moon. - [Moon] Hello? - What's up? - [Moon] Are you alright? You sound asleep. - I'm trying to fall asleep. - [Moon] Alright, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? - No. - [Moon] Just wanted to be sure you're okay, because I can't sleep. - I just heard an absolutely huge bang. I don't like this, I don't like this. I do not like this. Maybe the noise has come from the attic. The one I tried going up earlier. I really don't want to go. But I've got to check it out and have a look. Oh no. Hello? Hello? I do not like this. (banging) (breathing) That was scary as hell. That was scary as hell. I swear that someone was there. Someone was there. I don't like this. No. I don't. I don't like this. This is freaking me out. I'm just gonna have to turn my lights off. Turn both lights off. So if anybody does come in here, then, they hopefully don't see me. I really don't like this. I really wanna go. I'm not turning my light on. I don't want to be seen. I don't want to be heard. I don't want anybody to know I'm here. I'll just stay here until 7 a.m. It's getting quite close now. It's 20 passed six right now. It's getting quite close to 7 a.m. If you look at the door. If you look at the door, there's light coming from the doorway. It must be getting light outside right now. We're nearly there. We are nearly there. This is just. I'm just so happy. 40 minutes and I'm out of here. It's bright. Mornin'! It's like 100 times less creepy in the day time. What the hell. That's a big drop, that's a big drop. I am never stepping foot in an abandoned building ever again. (laughing) No way. Nothing can get me in there. I'm so tired. Wait a minute. Where's my mobile phone? (intense music)
Channel: Killem
Views: 1,591,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sleep challenge, sleeping in an abandoned building, sleep in an abandoned building, killem, haunted building, kill em spent the night, spent the night, haunted house, tom stanniland, sleeping challenge, survival challenge, abandoned building, i spent the night, house, survival, abandoned challenge, kill'em, haunted, survive, abandoned house, building, abandoned, ftw, kill em i spent the night, challenge, survive challenge, sleep, night in an abandoned building, sleeping
Id: etQHV1MdDD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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