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it's time it's been a long time for us to say that we're finally doing this box one week of just other crap like what are these boxes compared to the neogenesis this box is extremely rare this box is worth anywhere between 50 to 70 000 depending on the day and if you weren't here [ __ ] dude mitch you really just like ruin everything man more time worst time oh my god i'm so sorry wait i'll go i'll go all right now that's over with boys it's the lugia i bought this box for 35 000 over the past few weeks the first edition boxes have really kind of stagnated this neogenesis box has skyrocketed in price the one i have right here this box went for 35 000 for me but someone offered me the same box 75 000 and i turned it down i turned down because i for what [Music] why did i why did i turn down 75 000 there is a lugia in this box and if it's psa 10 there's only 41 in the world the last one sold for a hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars that's why this box is worth so much this box is so rare that the other cards don't really have a price a lot of them are years old since the last psa 10 was sold in america so it's kind of hard to calculate but what we do know is that a psa 9 type lotion sells for about 9 000 and a psa 10 type lotion or we don't even know that we don't have no idea what it sells for lugia psa 9 sells for anywhere between like 7 to 10k and a psa 10 lugia sells for 120 000 but here's the thing those are the only two cards that are really worth it almost every other card is considered worthless 100 or not worthless but maybe 100 200 it won't add up so if i do not get the lugia if i do not get the typhlosion i'm down 70 000 i am so [ __ ] nervous what what yeah i'm coming in now no okay well mitch i'm about to open the box going on i'll be i shouldn't watch nope i can't stand it watch mitch this is like a very serious i want no one near my lugia i have to watch the stream to watch you open it yes your view enjoy the ads get out wait you're actually serious you want no one in here when you want no one in here i even kicked my out of the house what the hell's wrong so we shall find out what happens today i am not talking to anybody blood name them or anyone i want no distractions for the day none when i get to lugia i don't want to even flinch i want to put it in the the top holder and just go for the next one pokeman will not get delugia it'd be a good thumbnail but it's not happening chat she's not getting the thumbnail she's not getting the [ __ ] box now island see chad island's been around the block and he saw a neogenesis unboxing recently where two lugias came out of the same box two two lugias it doesn't get any bigger than this chap everyone's cards the big the big cheese and this lugia is a lot means a lot to me are we ready okay i cannot believe i'm putting a blade to this thing no i got this [Music] oh my god it's here oh my god [ __ ] shaking the connor here we go why is it upside down shut up and here we go energy [Music] steelix uh pog u it definitely looks like a nine it might be two from the front to the back [ __ ] but i have to say chat and this is why this guy wanted this for seventy thousand dollars compared to the average bear notice how like the tops there's none of that white [ __ ] because it's been sitting it hasn't moved so actually the back looks in really good condition yes the centering is bad but there's nothing you could do about that that's just lady luck so this is the lugia yep potentially one of them someone said it's green we saw it we saw it i don't think there's a hollow in here where did your wait are you what they're saying the energy was the rare the dark energy which one was it hollow no it wasn't hollow the [ __ ] jesus don't say that yeah it was no it wasn't you're rare yep it's not hollow though you idiot dude you cannot say it's my hollow that would scare the [ __ ] you don't get how hard my heart's beating dude shut the [ __ ] up it's it's my rare that's my rare wait a minute why is this lukia backwards that has happened before i've seen that wait i mean you you got to analyze the pack i didn't analyze it box error is there anything i can think that means it has a loop yeah give me it i'm gonna open it it's really hard to open these resealed packs okay this was the one that was backwards does it have the lugia oh that dent on the back of this cart is really bad this [ __ ] merrell got shafted the other cards don't look bad but that marrow got [ __ ] cocked oh ambrose that's big oh grab it grab it grab it that's good that's great that's a good this is a big one this is one of the biggest ones yeah this is one of the biggest ones and it hasn't been sold in a while amperos baby oh my god that looks [ __ ] nice no scratch lines which is really nice i really do like ambrose a lot chad i think it's one of the better cooler looking gen 2 uh pokemon in the game i actually really do like this card a lot and oh there's a nice swirl i don't know if you guys can see that right there but there's a nice swirl and amphorae sold today for 600 no it didn't not first edition it's like 605 usd what is it so far six hundred dollars plus ten dollars shipping so 610. well oh back to your old plan lugia or bust is basically it i'm gonna i'm gonna buy them each for three thousand dollars so that way the market thinks that they're three thousand dollars each that's genius that's actually a good idea that's really smart that's actually good i'm gonna literally make my own market [ __ ] it ten more ten more shots we've got an ampharos that's worth three thousand dollars and we've got an onyx that's worth about 265 us dollars but currently has an hour left in timing vids pack number five that's a hollow be careful are you sure yeah all right it's a really good pack connor keith's saying it's a good pack if it's a good card i'm going to take that card and sleeve it and you're just putting energy on the side i'm not i'm not even taking that energy [Music] yes yes yes yes whoa let's go careful you told me to be careful you're all right yes thank you baby oh my god wait that celery looks [ __ ] good this one actually looks really good oh my god look at that centering that doesn't look bad at all i see that nice ass swirl though where do you guys see a print line chat just letting you know psa nines sell for nine thousand dollars just letting you know psa nines on this sell for nine thousand dollars oh my g i see it oh no everything else on that card was so nice there's a giant print line right here and here and here and here third hollow that the fact that we got a third hollow and it's the type lotion i'll [ __ ] take that any day of the week yeah that is nice man a lot of i do see the print lines chat it's there's three there's one all the way across two and then a really small one here they're honestly pretty faint too yeah they're very faint print lines but this is the second card i wanted though and i'm very happy with this i'm very happy it's crazy how much do you guys want me to lose though by the way it's actually just crazy giraffe this typhlosion art be worth more than i like this typography more i think this the stuff lotion is worth energy and that's a that's nice that's icon i like that card i don't know how much it is right now i tell you i have not i have not seen one of that in a long time 335 psa 10. hey good news is it's the worst hollow how many hollows is that for four hollows [ __ ] me oh this is heavy oh i just said it i just hit the loki i'm so sorry dude i have a good feeling this is it energy steelix is not garbage it's literally selling for 400 i have seven more left seven more tries it's fine look we got a typhlosion let's get the lugia come on baby just give it to me just give it to me let this be over with just let this be oh look i could give two [ __ ] let this be over with [Music] focus band all right let's do this hey that's fast this match nice to meet you dude hey now we're definitely gonna hit it let's go you're gonna hit it you're welcome hello guys so i'm here i'm here to give uh this kept the 900 viewer boost so he can an undercut didn't where's jenny drop down to 94 actually uh she's not live or she's live oh that's why i dropped down the 94. this one's heavy okay oh that was so well done this actually if this is a lucia this is so good this card centering is really nice really nice centering i pray this is the lugia cynical's good i like cyndaquil stantler and my energy [Music] is this it please feel lugia skarmory i haven't seen that forever i like that card it has wings like a lugia 950 last sold for you 2 000 one sold okay that's not bad that's a good one then six left i'm steel kiff no it's all steel type pokemon oh my god this set has always they always have ink errors that's why you saw that the errors on the other cards the ink right look at this no wait you're trolling no let me put it back in before you touch it it does have an ink mark you think it's an eye though right one you know uh if you look up the population of eights there's actually less aids than nine so the eights are technically rare remember i could have sold this box for seventy thousand dollars [Music] wait 2500 vsa10 2850 wait what your steel master there's a giant print line there there's a giant print line there there's a giant print line there this giant print line there and that's why it's high value there's so much hollow on the card that it makes it very difficult to great hide print line print line print line print line print line all my [ __ ] are you kidding me with these steals how much is it psa9 a hundred and three dollars no my water we have five more [ __ ] hollows what a waste klepha cute pokemon cute cute cute cute cute i'll take it okay okay okay i'm not gonna lie to you chat i thought that was lukia i thought it was lugia because i saw silver and i got white i got really excited i thought that was it i thought that was it i thought that was it i thought that was it i thought it was lugia that's why i dropped the card i literally i literally froze and my heart froze i thought it was like yeah oh my god chompy get the hell out of there what are you doing get out what are you doing you want to get shipped all right oh no he's he started jumping like yes conor please come in i'm so much happier when you're here i don't know i just do i like when you say it's a if it's a hollow or not a bum it's white shut the [ __ ] up it's actually white stantler cyndaquil we love seeing cynicals here i think if anything in the second generation that can sell or grow in the future it's definitely the starter pokemon i really do think the starter pokemon can grow i don't think this is a holo you [ __ ] liars that means you're all the babies i've got all the [ __ ] miss kids great we actually have all all the kids ready from school this one's heavy i actually really like seeing this oh the pikachu nice should be my energy come on come on [Music] is it hollow don't drop it mods please stop spamming the blossom value on my screen thank you four more chances at this please i just want the look here magmar crocodile i like seeing the crocodiles oh my god i think this one's a hollow kingdra that's actually a good one that should be a good one this is a good one centering a little bit fat on the top can't be mad about anything that's not a lugia yeah it's still good even ewok's laughing please man please dude three more this is another cold pack i didn't see it i'm just pretending connor you saw it you're so excited relax i'm excited i'm nervous i'm nervous i'm really fast at sleeping but holy [ __ ] dude spin a rack take your time why is conor filming me i'm filming you why is conor filming me leave it oh you okay this is it settering looks pretty good it looks like he's got a little pimple on the top left but overall not bad connor's recording me [Laughter] well you you started like sleeping i was like a little bit funny if you're like oh excited and then i did see it by the way yeah we're all in it we're all in it we were all in it oh my god three more packs i want you to open this pack what yep we're going to be rich this is it this is the one this is it this is the one chin chow do you sleep with them yeah oh these are all worth money ryan island i want you to sleep this it's a hollow centering looks pretty good oh meganium wait that's a big one that's a big one that's a big one that's a big one that's a big one it's not bad that's a big one you would have been excited yeah that was like the first or second one you'd be excited that's a good one that's a that's a good one yeah big [ __ ] 1300 psa 10 jesus christ how many i have two hollows left maya and the [ __ ] lugia they don't know the [ __ ] you're talking about this too there's a light one there's a dark one that's your lit my open one psa ten twelve thousand dollars i just told you wait a minute what oh lasso 2017 wait what yeah that's the best he is so [ __ ] zoned into lugia wait [ __ ] yeah the center looks really good well a little bit fat on the left for sure i think this is heavy it's cold is that a good thing it's cold i don't know what that means it's been cold all night i don't know what that means that it's cold yeah like a pack is cold he's not even talking about like there's nothing inside he actually this is this temperature cold i don't know what the [ __ ] that means energy mary wait what the hell are you doing [Laughter] wait connor you want to open one why didn't he sell these packs because i wanted the lugia for myself connor connor honey honey honey go connor go come on come on connor two more hollows baby i believe in you dude and it's your career hey i just want to say in the most non-weird way your nails look really good right now oh why are you laughing this one's hollow you want me to leave it this one's hollow just leave it sleeve it's leave it hard sleeve it are you being serious this is a holo do you believe me i do i cannot read i can't read him it's a holo [Music] pichu it's a holo yay it's cute did you not believe me no that was cool oh my god these print lines are disgusting dude cards chances cards after you ran over them look nicer this is disgusting i'm never buying a box again i'm never doing this all right one more pack one more hollow if there's no lugia i'm done i've lost it's game over i've lost 70 000 on a box can i finally redeem myself 11 packs not one lugia can i redeem myself and get the lugia after all this [ __ ] i have to make a decision in which one i believe is the hollow well your decision before that is do you decide or you let train pick one because he's been always [ __ ] you and letting you pick every single train you pick left or right okay all right i'm gonna open the type lotion so leave it really i don't care what connor says leave it if it's lucas leave it sorry very nice centering no scratches on it whatsoever aridos trainer bay leaf shuckle onyx cyndaquil good is that a total dial merrell [ __ ] you labia hoothoot train [Music] oh [Applause] oh my god i got the [ __ ] lukia i got the [ __ ] lucia and it's in good condition it's in really good condition but that's leaving oh my god let's go oh holy crap we got it the last the last card the last card the [ __ ] relaxed card oh my god oh my god this [ __ ] is [ __ ] bro this is a nice this [ __ ] is super [ __ ] this lugia is [ __ ] nice to i i don't lie you hear me when i [ __ ] say this actually is nice i see a very small print line right there and that's literally it it's a sudden subtle one when if you look at the it was the type lotion right here the typhlosion look at this look at the difference scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch yep this box went from like soul [ __ ] we gotta fly to psa boys we [ __ ] did it we [ __ ] it's actually a tenth contender and i'm not just saying that it is actually a 10 contender yes what a [ __ ] box baby from nothing to something real quick one missing what did you see that last pack magic what is up with this kid dude of content all of a sudden look at that last [ __ ] one dude we got it blood we got it i was freaking out it was such a [ __ ] how was it how's the card dude great i honestly great the centering there's no scratches on the side of anything whatsoever a little bit of centering to the left compared to the right but it's nothing bad and a very very very faint line right here but that's it other than that it's perfect i didn't even think it was a hollow like there's no way this is a hollow and boom it's a hollow did you guys how do i do it how do you do what how do i do it huh how do you pick the perfect packs every single time how do i do it dude i saw the i saw the lugia in there how does he have the magic to see through cards it's crazy it's this it's a funky hat ever since he started opening uh csv there's a timestamp that shows that i said it was in there before i said it's in there chat these are the two big pulls this typeflossian oh my god we got it that's gorgeous it looks more hollow than mine somehow oh they got him to freak out you know miz here's all i want dude for the next month just call me santa claus deal i mean you keep your for half of it 24 7. so you've been santa claus all year actually you know what you are pretty much santa claus to me you gift more subs than anyone else all right boys well good pokemon week good finale hey it was a good finale of pokemon week it was a good finale what thank you for doing it train thank you for calling the lugia thank you holy [ __ ] i can't believe we got it you
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 322,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GCas56r1tl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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