I Spent 24 Hours As Luffy In Roblox Haze Piece... Here's What Happened!

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in this video we are becoming Luffy inside of haze piece now I spent a huge amount of time in this game actually just pure grinding so that way I can become incredibly strong and let me just tell you my luck in this video is absolutely insane the amount of amazing drops I get fairly easily is going to amaze you so if you haven't already and you do enjoy this video please drop a quick like And subscribe it is free and it does help out the channel but let's go ahead and get started because there is is a bunch of stuff we do in this video all right let's do this it's been a while since I've played a one piece game that was just one piece stuff and I'm guessing we'll start off by just seeing if we can get a better race than human elf that's a common one I'm guessing I just have ears oh yeah I do barely my hat kind of hides them Al go ahead and claim I'm guessing an hour of times to experience for my daily thing but I do want to start the way I start all these games and that is by entering codes which I do have a few which mainly are giving me race spins but also giving me some gems experience boost look at that I have two hours of that and this one there's also one on the group but let's do some quests that way we can start leveling up and there we go okay first Quest is done we're now level eight okay there we go we're now level 10 we can do the next Quest now our bubble 15 I also have this I got a mysterious fruit okay what fruit did I get I got clear fruit literally the cheapest fruit you can get brilliant brilliant the best fruit in the game really good collection too they even have dragon and gum which I do kind of want to get gum on the bright side while holding this fruit and this guy just dropped the fuit on the ground what fruit is this it is a string fruit well thank you I'm definitely going to eat this one but thank you to the kind stranger whoa big list of abilities string bullets oh that's cool there we go level 25 now so I can go ahead and do this quest which is to kill the Bandit boss perfect now I have health and two abilities let's use it oh that's [Music] cool and O we got an eye patch our first accessory that gives me 20 stamina perfect I need more of that there you go level 90 on fruit I have a web swing I'm literally Spider-Man I just realized that yeah look at that I'm Spider-Man what the heck yeah there we go now we're level 40 so we can go to a different Island onward I hope I'm going the right way and now we're clown Town flash step trainer I can spend 25,000 Bell and level up my flash step that seems worth it I'll do that eventually okay another new ability for my fruit let's see what this does ooh that's cool and there we go level 60 so I can do the next Quest it's buggy the clown let's beat him up oh that was cool that's a great way to show him separate his body but there we go I also have 30 more points let's let's just max out this fruit there we go now we have overheat what does this do that was cool oh yes it even like whips the character I got a clown nose 100 Health perfect can I have both okay I have to choose I'd rather have the 100 Health okay there we go now we're level 90 and I'm legitimately just curious am I able to web swing my entire way over there literally spidermanning this perfect and here we are yeah this shouldn't be too difficult hey we level 100 we got a badge for that awesome and there we go we're also level 120 now hopefully this counts cuz it already appears to be low Health it did awesome and hey we got the shark blade I won't be using it too much though because I don't use swords but it has two abilities really cool sword I've always liked our long sword okay there we go level 160 anything cool here it looks like no extra NPCs here okay let's do the quest but there you go finally level 200 we have an hour of time two boost left too let's go ahead and start doing the boss the real question is is what does this boss drop he drops a lot of damage that's what he drops my goodness okay glass Cannon starting to not pay off and there we go level 250 now we can go to the next Island oh this is the diner barati orever you say it here's black leg trainer for 50,000 sure why not now we have the black leg Mele that's that's awesome here we go buy level one oh and that's for Flash step oh that's actually kind of cool for some reason I was thinking that's the double jump but I'm glad I have that either way and we have a gift okay let's see this is a legendary I think I got a fruit o let's see oh we got I think this Buddha interesting okay we'll go ahead and store that for now okay according to like most of the tier lists string which is what I have is better than budo so I'll go and keep boot it in my bag for now and there we go level 300 now we can go ahead and defeat Don G very easy fight this fuit actually does a lot of damage I'm very happy with it n and there we go my experience boost ran out but now that it's gone I'm guessing let's go ahead and buy some experience boost and I'm just buying this one cuz it's the highest value and I'll most likely use a lot of it just in general play I'm als Al going to go ahead and just buy these now that I'm spending Roo because you never know we might get something cool this also gives drop luck now we have 100% more drop raid and there we go 351 we are in log down all right there's even a fruit dealer here which we could afford a spin I'm guessing let's do it and oh that's the fruit I want we got ourselves the 2,000 Robux gum fruit there we go that was a 1% chance to get any of the legendaries and I think there's a few well awesome no regretting eating this look at that okay so we have five abilities I can afford all of them too cool so we have gomu punch which isn't too bad we got bazooka basically same thing so if I hold Gatling oh that's good and then we have the red hog which is a big punch sling shot which I think is a Mobility yeah that's the mobility okay that's good but yes great day I knew equipping a Luffy outfit would be worth something for this unlock level one boosto for 100,000 I can afford that level 350 required I have the level for that all right let's do it there we go okay oh this is this is so satisfying all right there we go level 400 like this one actually has quite a bit of range to even that last one hit yeah this was really good I'm liking this fruit oh and there we go I just realized I think I did a little bit too many quests we're at 453 now all right tall Woods we have to defeat monkey monkey stand no chance Luffy too strong really powerful that's so satisfying okay so apparently a dual swordsman spawn on let's see he's labeled as level 500 let's see if we can kill him from what I can tell this guy definitely has a lot of health and there we go awesome obtain a mysterious book maybe a collector will be interested in it and a necessory I got a green bandan this might affect your sense of direction okay it's zoro's bandana here we go I can buy this 5 V1 for 100k so there we go now we have two sword style and then I take the book holding my hand and talk to him and I can learn it for 20K so there we go I'm glad I looked that up before I left cuz there a 50% drop chance and have to wait for it to spawn too so there we go now we have the V2 my luck is off the chart so far on this video and hey there we go level 500 got a badge for that also okay there we go new Quest level 550 oh we also have a new present okay let's see what this is my first Mythic one 113 diamonds you can kind of see how long I've already played that was a lot of hours so far pretty easy boss and there we go level 600 now and here we go here's a hockey dealer 150,000 in level 600 I have the requirement let's go Ahad and buy it now I have hockey and okay second day starting it off by killing this first enemy and there we go level 650 which means we can fight the Marine Captain oh and it's Captain Morgan oh cool yeah this guy is easy oh and we got it okay we got the lava ore I can actually use this to fight a boss down over here we have the ore let's pick up this key we can then open up this door take the lava ore and put it in the cauldron and now we have the mace wielding boss and there we goes we got the mace and a coated mask and the mask is actually quite good 500 health okay there we go we are above level 7 100 but on to the next Island all right here we are I have to go up an Obby this is brilliant good thing I have this flash step level two trainer for 75,000 I'll happily take that more than enough damage okay there we go level 750 now and oo I got dropped finally I got an oversized helmet gives 45 stamina so I can't use it because I have a better one and okay there we go now level 800 on to the next Island that's not as annoying as this one cuz it's really hard to around now we're at Marine headquarters and there we go level 850 now we could fight the vice admiral yeah look at that very easy okay there we go level 900 now for the last one which is the ice Admiral hopefully we get the 5% drw boss isn't too bad though because I do way too much damage and hey there we go we got the key we got the Tremor key Al so what was that what did I just pick up what what in the world is this apparently this is a drop from a boss guys up there they go ahead and talk to you and I give you 100K and then you give me a Tremor cloak which gives me fruit damage and health so there we go 700 more Health that's actually worth it yeah that's a 25% drop chance from the thing that this key does I don't know why it was on the ground let me go ahead and buy this though and the reason why is because this boss drops the tier two of this weapon I I just want to make sure I get it cuz you have to have it for to get the drop there we go ah we didn't get it ah there we go yeah see so now I got leveled up level two and I had to own it to get the drops I'm glad I bought it and there we go we're above level 950 so that means ah looks like we're going to skypia all right let's do it more hunting quests oh got another mysterious fruit it's a clear fruit again the daily reward of a random uncommon fruit gave me the string fruit back awesome I got my two fruits back from earlier level 1,000 there we go okay there we go level 1,50 now I think I can go up here and there we go level 1,100 so now we can fight God and God is easy to kill perfect ooh and I got the drums accessory on the second boss that is also really good I think yeah don't overlaps with the cape the Cape is better and I also got the golden staff which I think is a sword yeah look at that we got God staff both of those were a 1% drop chance okay there we go 1,150 time to go to my next quest ah another trainer here we go 250,000 now we have level two buso which is even bigger it's more of my arms this should be easy okay there we go 1,2 200 1,250 all right there we go level 1,300 that means new Quest very obvious hidden wall level 1,000 only Soul kit I'll go ahead and buy it looks like we'll keep being easy okay there we go 1,350 so now we can kill the elite guards which yet again will be easy level 1,400 by the way I'm literally watching The Arc this island is from and so far it's pretty good ooh got the warden hat and it's not bad I W more stamina is better I'm guessing I'll equip it looks real Goofy on me though my goodness and hey I got a match okay what is the match for let's see a I definitely want to fight this I have to go over to I think this island a apparently I now have Max fruit interesting guessing I'll go Ahad and put the rest in the defense I have to use this on the campfire which spawns four orbs which I need to pick up here's the second here's the third and here's the fourth and need just go ahead and put these in these totems and after doing that it spawns in Ace which hopefully won't be too difficult it helps that he's stuck right now two drops he has one item which is guaranteed and there's a fruit that he drops like a 1% chance but I don't need the fruit there you go we got the pearl necklace a bunch of experience Bounty and all that but the main part is we got the pearl necklace which is actually really good the main part of it is that it gives more fruit damage and also stamina so mixing it with the cape I now have 15% more fruit damage which is amazing because I've already hit my Max okay there we go level 1,450 but time to beat up corrupt Marines and I will say from what I've seen in one piece so far the corrupt part is kind of redundant but there's still easy to kill so it's fine there we go level 1, 500 I also got a badge for that ooh just got black shades I don't think it's good enough to use though okay there we go 1,550 all right there we go level 1,600 on to the next Quest and here we are looks like we're on Fishman Island now which still has pretty weak enemies they are slowly getting stronger and stronger so it's going to get more annoying to grind because I can't let my damage up anymore 1,650 1,700 now it's time to fight the boss not bad oh we got a fork from the boss I know what this is for it's pretty rare but if you get it talk to the fork Merchant give him 50k and he'll give you a trident so there we go another sword for my collection and I just got Neptune's Crown also that's actually really good and it gives water immunity I do prefer this though and there we go level 1,750 which is a Skull Island for the next Island there we go level 1,800 and now we're level 1,850 which means a new boss pretty easy ooh I got a scroll okay what's the scroll for need to give it to a merchant I just have to find the merchant real quick oh here he is going to talk to you 75k and I got rayu now another sword cool another one for my collection and there we go level 1,900 onto the next Island which is also one of the last ones in the first SE now there's a very specific thing I want to find here but first more flash step there we go ah here it is I think this is it yes here we go Gear 2 trainer oh and I was able to lose a while back I thought I had to be on island I I could have done this forever ago dang it okay well I can unlock gear to for 100,000 money you also have to have the gum fruit but there we go I just bought myself a gear too so now whatever I press B oh that's pretty cool how do I think are my skills more powerful oh I'm faster at least so yeah Gear 2 essentially just gives me more attack and more speed so I actually run around a lot faster I mean look at that that is real nice for movement let's also go ahead and buy this there we go now there is one thing that's definitely missing yeah there we go now we look at the part that is perfect and literally everything about me now is just better yeah we're looking good and just the end I just want to go ahead and finish off this island because we might as well and there we go 1,950 Gear 2 is making this way faster and there we go level level 2,000 so now they're level 2,000 I can now fight the final boss on this island which is the one I want to end on because it is me but gear four I'm literally fighting myself right now Luffy versus Luffy who's going to win I think Luffy is personally no but like these bosses aren't that difficult I do I do so much damage it's great Luffy just didn't stand a chance I'm sorry there you go gear for Luffy has fall in the gear to Luffy purely because he got comboed but yes this as far as we're going to make it in this video cuz I've already spent a bunch of time on this video I'm not even kidding like this has taken me the better part of two separate days for me to finish to this point but we are incredibly close to the end so if you do want to see more from this game do let me know down in the comments and I might try to get gear 4 next video because you can turn into this guy but yes Gear 2 Luffy is incredibly powerful [Music] [Music]
Channel: JixxyJax
Views: 198,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, JixxyJax, Jixxy Jax, Roblox YouTubers, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Roblox Anime Games, Roblox Anime Videos, Anime Games, Roblox Naruto, Roblox One Piece, Roblox AOT, Roblox My Hero Academia, Haze Piece, Gear 2 Luffy, Gear 4 Luffy, Gear 5 Luffy, Haze Piece Gum Fruit, How to Get Gum Fruit, How to get gear 4, how to get gear 5, how to get gear 2, Noob To Pro, Haze Piece Noob To Pro
Id: iuSzZS6eK0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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