I Spent 200 Days in Minecraft ICE & FIRE DRAGONS... Here's What Happened!

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today in minecraft we set upon the journey of 200 days in high core ice and fire dragons our first 100 days was absolutely epic we went ahead and got ourselves our very own massive fire dragon this thing was insane we also took out a lot of bosses but there is still so much more to explore and discover so here it is 200 days in minecraft hardcore ice and fire here's what happened all right so let's get it it's day 101 and i swoop in on my gigantic fire dragon inferno nice and then i oof into that walk anyway there was a creeper in my home i did not like him so he is now dead i straight away then checked out my little dragon i got at the end of my first 100 days this was khaleesi yeah only 15 days old but um i was gonna make that dragon pretty epic i then checked out the dragon steel sword that i wanted to get and there that was pretty much what i was going to spend my time doing at the start of this 100 days and then got some dragon meal and decided to kill lots more animals to get more dragon meal i did have a plan this 100 days so i was gonna get to it i wanted to level up my dragon super big super fast so khaleesi started off by getting some dragon mails to level her up pretty quickly she was now 34 days old things were going good but i was tired so i went to bed so day 102 i'll be very honest was actually kind of boring i made some dragon bone and walls and then the rest of the day i basically threw stuff into lava okay so the next day my mom was off my back and now my room was super tidy so i decided to head on out because i wanted to get myself some flowers you guys really have no idea where this is going anyway yeah i picked up some yellow flowers and some roses because i like the way they smell that's a lie i wanted to get some dye so uh yeah i got the dye i then dyed my wall and i made myself some banners this is gonna be cool people just wait a second okay so i got dragon skulls and then made some epic dragon skull banners see i told you guys you gotta trust me this looks absolutely epic yo check that out in my colors yellow and red dragon banners i'm liking it now the dragons do have a slot to put banners on them that's why i made these things and i tried them out and let's be honest it looks super weird so um yeah i just put them there okay all right so let's get down to real business i picked up khaleesi he was actually a male dragon i keep on calling her she but that's just what happens anyway i get over to this little area where i have my ice forge and i set down my ice dragon straight away he starts blasting into the forge this is epic because i am now going to be able to make dragon steel i go in with some iron ingots and of course some ice dragon blood and there you have it my first ice dragon steel ingot oh my god [Music] a lot of these words are kind of hard to get off the tip of my tongue but anyway yeah i then go ahead and make my ice dragon steel sword this thing homa days is absolutely sick i go ahead and enchant it straight away i get smite four and on breaking three so this thing is pretty cool tested out in this per sheep and it's a one hit this thing deals like 27 damage it's insane so i go ahead and put away the rest of my swords because i now have this epic beast alright so now that i had the sword i was feeling a little bit adventurous the next couple of days were going to be absolutely epic i started off by going over to khaleesi checking out how he was getting on he was making me more steel ingots which was pretty sweet i then went ahead and made some glass bottles because i did have a plan to get more ice dragon blood so i could go ahead and make more of the ingots so i set out on my dragon to try and find ice dragons but the first dragon i found was a fire dragon so i mean i had to take him out so that's what i did hovering above these dragons is the best way to defeat them and that's exactly how i got this dude took him out in a couple of minutes and harvested him up to get all of his flesh and yes skull it's actually pretty dark anyway i then went ahead to go and get all of the gold from his nest and standing right beside that nest was a cyclops so i decided to test out my new sword and home my days it is good took out this guy in a couple of shots and got his legendary weapon the eye of the cyclops this thing is absolutely insane and inflicts weakness on any nearby enemies when i'm battling and holding it in my hand i then went ahead and found an ice dragon and uh yeah hovered above again and took this guy out i was really loving inferno i mean he's so powerful i was taking these dragons out with ease so straight away i went down and decided to get what i came for i got seven vials of the ice dragon blood which was pretty good for a stage three dragon i then went on to try to find more ice dragons and kept on coming across fire dragons and i did have to take those out but of course then i got distracted and decided to mine up more of the gold i was gonna need gold for the likes of armor and other stuff that i had planned in the future anyway on my travels i then found a village so decided to take the way stone these do come in handy for getting around so i then came across another fire dragon but said ah it's time to go home so on day 108 i actually enjoyed myself a lot i started off by grabbing the ice blood and some iron ingots and heading straight over to my man khaleesi my man khaleesi yep sounds super weird anyway i got the ingots and the blood into the forge to make myself some more steel i then made myself a little armor stand so i could go ahead and make my first piece of the armor these were some ice dragon steel leggings yeah so this was going to be pretty sick this armor was going to make me super tough i couldn't wait to get the full set so the next day was pretty simple i just did some tasks i got myself some more glass bottles because i was going to need more blood i then went ahead and killed lots of cows i mean lots of them anyway i used the meat then to make myself some dragon meal because i did want to upgrade my dragons it was a long day i headed to bed but things were starting to happen so like i just said things were in fact starting to happen i started off these next few days by going over to khaleesi and feeding him some of the dragon meal i had just made i realized he was a sage too and he was only 43 days old so i gave him some more and he did in fact get to stage three and now he was 50 days old i then had a look and realized that i had got a lot of this ice dragon steel so i went ahead and made a chest plate and some boots i could not wait to have the full set i enchanted it straight away and got some nice feather falling and other stuff on my boots that i was pretty happy about and then went over to the stand and put it down i just needed the helmet man this is going to be sick so i did have some time to burn waiting for the rest of the steel to smelt so i went ahead and got inferno upgraded he was now a stage five and looking absolutely huge i mean huge this dragon was insanely big anyway i headed out to explore and to see what i could find i possibly wanted to find another underground dragon to get another egg so i took a look around and i usually start off when i find a large corpse it's a good indication that there's a bigger dragon around so i went down into the caves but the first thing i found was actually a mob spawner it was a zombie mob spawner so nothing too crazy i got some nice stuff out of the chest and continued on anyway after a while i did in fact find another spawner which was pretty insane this time a spawner that i could use a skeleton spawner this was nice because i did need bones to make more dragon meals so i put down a waste stone and call this place the bone farm this is where i was going to get my excess bones to make more of that dragon meal this was a great find and i was super happy so i stayed here for a little bit slaying some skeletons anyway i headed on out because i heard something weird and then i saw this guy what this dude is insane i cannot remember what this guy is called all i know is he's huge and he's made from iron whoa i was not expecting that dude came at me absolutely hard and i wasn't doing any damage whatsoever it was only when he does this overhead swing that i could hit the back where the iron diamond sword is i should say and then i was able to in fact do some damage so after a long hard battle of him swiping and trying to take my head off i was in fact able to get in close enough and deal the final blow and take this guy out absolutely sick animation of this guy going to his knees and then dropping his weapon and his helmet a nice little bonus to the end of the day that i was not expecting but that was pretty sweet a good couple of days so the fun didn't stop there because i went out exploring more because remember i did want more of this ice blood so i came across another ice dragon and took it out absolutely super easy i mean inferno was an absolute boss so i went up to this thing to try and get the ice blood and out of nowhere another dragon came look at my hearts people i was down to two and a half it almost got me i could not believe it my 200 days could have been over right there right then i was insanely scared but from this little hole that i found in the ground i was able to take some shots at this ice dragon it wasn't for a while until inferno came over and started to help this was insane again i got hit i had to go back down i was lucky i had golden apples what inferno raged on and was able to defeat this dragon it was insane i almost died twice but i suppose it was pretty cool because i now had two ice dragons to loot that was so close and way too close for my liking but we managed to get away with it and we also managed to get more ice blood which was pretty epic gotta be honest i almost had a heart attack at this stage of the video but it was also super fun as well inferno was insanely powerful and i was super proud of her give her some chicken and some pork as a reward oh man i love this dragon okay so on day 120 i had to change the pace i mean that was an insane 10 days that i spent out there but i was back home and it was time to just settle down and get some stuff done i went straight over to khaleesi got all of the ice blood in with the iron ingots that i had just collected and headed back over to place down my new weapons that i got honestly my armor was going to be insane so it didn't need that stuff and this sword that i have is pretty crazy too so i went ahead and just made some more dragon meal and called it a night come on people i almost died a second ago i need some rest okay but it was on day 121 where i went ahead i got one of my first biggest goals done i was super excited for this day it had finally come i went over to khaleesi got more of the iced dragon steel went ahead and made this epic axe this thing was insane i also finished off my armor set by getting the helmet went straight over and enchanted that stuff which was pretty cool i also got some nice enchantments on the axe especially the fact it was silk touch this thing was pretty cool but there was i had the full set of the iced dragon steel armor popped it on and let's be honest i look like one crazy dragon slayer oh so good nice so i was feeling pretty awesome with my new weaponry and my new armor so i decided it was time to head back out and go exploring i mean this place is insane i've got some pretty cool mods in here so it was never a dull moment i went ahead and killed another one of these ice woolly mammoth the yeti things and i got its weapon i don't really know but it's pretty cool i then ended up finding a desert biome which was nice because i hadn't really found one of these before i then went down into this temple got some enchanting books nothing crazy and picked up myself some tnt i didn't notice that there was a dragon right up on the side of this mountain which i thought looked pretty epic so i decided to go and kill him because i am a dragon slayer now oh i'm so tough anyway yeah i took that guy out and decided i wanted to take everything he owned including his heart yeah this is dirk anyway i picked up all of that gold and then went down and actually found these guys now i don't know what these guys are called to build bacharach or something there's some weird name but they're basically like uh tiki tribe men and their main bosses is crazy he uses the power of the sun and like shoots me with fire even though it's nighttime he's unbelievably powerful and his little minions are so annoying look at them yeah but i killed them all i took their masks i was gonna wait till morning to go after the bus okay so i did come across these guys before in different series and i know that i can actually trade with this boss guy that's why i was saving up the gold i need five gold blocks to go ahead and trade with this dude to get his power of the sun always the minions were still punching me but they were so i had to get out of there i went back to my dragon and lo and behold there was another one waiting there to try and kill me luckily i was able to get back up onto inferno and take this guy out from above don't mess with me bro you know what i'm saying all right okay i'll be honest he almost got me because it took me a while to get back onto my dragon but we didn't kill him and i wanted to test out my new powers i was able to shoot rays of sun at cows i didn't do this yep i was basically iron man what is happening right now this was pretty sick and i realized i could go back to this dude and replenish my power anytime i wanted as it has a 20 minute cooldown pretty epic i got home and decided i wanted to put up some of my trophies yeah all those guys heads anyway i got the ender pearls i had and made some eyes of ender i realized i was super powerful look at my armor look at my weapons i think it was time to go and fight the ender dragon i could probably take him out in like two or three hits i mean i'm an absolute boss opinion all right i flew out on inferno and basically just kept going in the direction of the ender pearls and i obviously got distracted along the way had to kill some dragons this is taking a lot of time anyway i got to a point where i thought that it was but yeah i wasn't really sure i kind of was yeah throwing it up and it was breaking and going down it was this was it under here it was somewhere so i decided to go down and have a look it wasn't working then i thought it was right here in the center so i made a little well and decided to go down dig deep deep down and boom i actually found it i was buzzing all right we had it we now had to go and find the end portal i'll be honest people this took literally nearly an hour i swear it took an hour in real life time i could not find it anywhere but eventually i did oh my days it was insane how difficult this was to find anyway i realized there wasn't even one eye of ender in here so i put down the seven that i had remaining and realized i had to go and get five more all right so i finally made it back home and realized that yes i've got a lot of work to do i only had three ender pearls left and i needed five eyes of ender so i had to go back into the nether because i needed more blaze rods so that's what i did i went back in this is the first time i've been here since my 100 days video and i had no idea where the um yeah fortress was so it took me a while to find it but i eventually did i got there got myself to a blaze spawner and just chilled here for a bit killing blazes and picking up rods there's something super satisfying about like with killing these with an ice sword it's just the noises and uh i i had a lovely time doing that i must admit anyway yeah then got back down to business got some more and killed a couple of endermen as well to get more pearls but then i went back home and had a little sleepy time because that was time okay so let's just be honest here i jumped the gun last time i mean i wasn't really prepared so this time i wanted to make sure that i was super prepared for my fight with the ender dragon and getting to the end so i started off that day by making a couple of potions i then rode out on inferno to go find some villages because i wanted to go ahead and steal their way stones if i had the way stones i could get around a lot quicker and it would just make things way more efficient so i got back to the sun god put down a way stone there because i wanted to be able to replenish the powers that this guy gives me whenever i want it so that's what i did got back over to this guy touched his belly which is super weird and then he gives me the power of the sun yeah it's so weird anyway yeah i then decided to use the way stone that i just put down and head back home i mean now i was starting to get settled in i mean i was getting prepared this was good people this was good but i did need some more ender pearl so that's what i did that night i went out looking for enderman found a couple and eventually one did drop me the final pearl that i needed so i went back home and made the five eyes of ender that were going to get me to the end oh sleepy time again all right so it was day 143 and it was time to jump up on inferno and get going to get to the end portal again took me ages by the way all right this time i did in fact have a way stone to put down that means i can get back here if i want in the future so these are the item ender that i work so hard for put them down and boom you get the most satisfying noise in gaming history i don't know why i just love it so much but anyway i heated myself straight into the end i wanted to get this battle going i applied my strength potion and a fire resistance potion for absolutely no reason whatsoever i know i don't know why but it's whatever okay anyway i got up onto my dragon and started to try take out the crystals and nothing was happening i thought this fire blast was gonna make it super easy to take these things out but it wasn't working ah bro okay so i decided you know what i'm just gonna do this the old-fashioned way i put inferno back and stack going katniss aberdeen on these things and start getting some bow shots off taking them all out one by one because i'm an absolute master i'm not it actually took me a very long time and eventually um yeah i did in fact get them all but it took it took time you know i mean it did take time and i'm also lucky that i had better falling tree on my boots anyway i was having fun right now i absolutely love these battles because to be honest i didn't have much to worry about because my armor is so good man and so are my weapons it did take me some time but eventually i did take out all the terrors and it was just me and him me and the ender dragon but i did have my dragon steel sword which is absolutely perfect for this situation because he's a dragon and the sword is made from dragon steel yeah look how awesome it is yeah i mean come on with every little slash swipe and strike i took at this guy his health was going right down it also had the ice effect so it slowed him right down it was insanely easy i did finally get underneath him for the last time and struck down my final few blows and just like that he was done yeah let's go ender dragon defeated it rains down that delicious xp oh my days it is so good and you may have noticed he drops something extra this time i actually got the ender dragon wings okay this was insane i had his egg i had his wings it was an unbelievable end to the day i got back into the overworld and it spawned me right at the start this was the house that i started in in my 100 days when i got home and took a well-deserved nap all right so it's day 148 and it was a chill day i decided to get rid of my armor in this little area where i did hatch eggs before and wanted to put down the ender dragon egg i wanted to make a little display case so i went ahead and made some dye and made some stained glass because i wanted to make this look really really cool so i got to work um i made a little glass case thing i it's absolutely awful looking yeah that's that's what happened on that day all right so i rolled in today 149 with a smile on my face yeah especially looking at that little display case thing i made that thing is ridiculous all right anyway i wanted to go ahead and make myself a compass not any old compass this was nature's compass this thing was going to lead me to any biome in the map that i wanted so i hit it up for a swampland this is the area where my next challenge would lie so i got onto inferno and rolled out to try and find this big swampland i did in fact find it the next thing i needed to find was the hydra's lair this was a two-headed three-headed four-headed five-headed a massively crazy multiple-headed snake beast thing yeah i saw him and he immediately hit me with some venom straight to my face and the battle was on so i got a little bit closer start getting off some bow shots and i was having some success this was pretty cool i was liking it then um his heads just kept on growing i was able to shoot one or two of them off and then they just grew back more so i decided to get the big gun sale i jumped on inferno and start raining down fire on this dude again i was taking off his heads and two more would grow back in its place this was insane i couldn't kill him i didn't know what was happening i then read up that fire was this guy's enemy so i jumped back onto my dragon and start going at him again but nothing he was smart he kept on getting back into the water and putting himself out i couldn't kill him so i left that guy and went on to try find another i did actually find one pretty close by so i was going to try to get this guy i didn't want him to go into the water so i tried to keep him away from it i got my bow shots off then got back up onto inferno to rain down the fire but again his dude was actually smart he went into the water to try stay away from the fire it was insane how smart this guy was but i was able to get over to the other side of this little river and rain down the fire once more and eventually finally i actually did it i killed the hydra serpent he was done he was dead and i was victorious oh my days i did not think that would have taken so long but my reward was some hydra fangs these were poison tip fangs that i could go ahead and turn into arrows which was pretty nice so i grabbed some of the materials that i needed and called it a day all right i finally made it home on day 155 and i got myself some breakfast epic anyway yeah then i went ahead and made some of these arrows the hydra arrow they poison and leech life from their target sounds absolutely epic i also made a brand new dragon bone bow because i wanted to basically repair the one i already had so yeah i did that happy days i then went ahead and realized that i had a lot of dragon scales so i made some dragon scale blocks and then made some of the fire forge blocks i wasn't sure if i was gonna make myself a fire forge but i wanted to be prepared i didn't test it out the bow it didn't really do anything so i got frustrated and i chopped this guy's head off of my sword okay so honestly i actually totally forgot about these things i actually had the ender dragon's wings i never seen these before i put them on and yeah i just became the ender dragon this is ridiculous these things are absolutely insane so i wanted to check them out they worked pretty much like elite wings which was nice well then i realized it says something pretty cool that basically if i go ahead and get a dragon ahead it will give me indefinite propulsion so i could literally be a dragon hmm interesting i can become a dragon this was going to be good alright so i was feeling good i mean i was going to get the ender dragon head and become an enemy dragon i was going to be a dragon in minecraft this is so good so that's what i did i went straight back to the end to go and find an end city hopped through the portal got there and went straight to my inventory to go ahead and grab my dragon where's my dragon my dragon horn where is it i i don't see it okay don't panic i panicked i unbelievably panicked i went straight back home as fast as i could this was insane my dragon horn was missing i had no idea where it was i checked every single chest it was gone i literally lost my dragon [Music] i was panicked i looked for it i did everything i could i remembered i had fused the summoning crystal i got that out i hid it it did nothing my dragon was gone what was after happening okay people that play minecraft job edition know that sometimes crazy stuff happens but this was insane my dragon of 150 days was gone like gone gone i looked searched everywhere it was gone okay so i mean i did get pretty upset about this i had no idea what had happened but inferno my favorite dragon was no more i mean uh dude i think it was something to do with the horn being in my inventory when my inventory was full and when i clicked there something i disappeared but okay i was feeling pretty morbid and pretty down so i made an inferno a gravestone thing why is this video so dark at times anyway i took my frustration out on these cows and killed them all okay i wasn't gonna let that get me down the show must go on so i got going again i decided to make myself some more bone meal because khaleesi was now going to be my main dragon my only dragon well let's face it he was pretty sick as well i mean this guy looks absolutely huge now so i was pretty happy i went ahead and made him some more armor i used what gold and iron that i had but i did in fact get a full set of armor for khaleesi so let's be honest this dragon is pretty powerful as well as stage five with full armor i'm liking it so i'm not saying that i didn't love inferno but i mean i got over his death pretty quickly i had to move on so i grabbed my new favorite dragon khaleesi and i went out to go back to the end portal to get to an end city i wanted to get this ender dragon head so i could basically turn myself into a dragon so i got to it again i'll be at this time with a different dragon but i was gonna do it so i got back in straight away this time i did in fact have a dragon with me i put him down and got on board it was me khaleesi and the open end this was going to be way easier to find a city so i got going rolled out and before long i should think not before long i found an end city it was super easy and i was super excited so i did spend a lot of time here i had fun i grabbed the elite wings just cause i mean i wasn't gonna need them because i had the dragon wings and then i went ahead and grabbed the ender dragon head okay here's the test i have ender dragon wings i have an ender dragon head i look like the ender dragon oh my days i am the ender dragon this is absolutely insane i am actually the ender dragon in minecraft this is so good i could fly absolutely anywhere i wanted and i'll be honest this thing was insanely fast it was so good so i spent a lot of days just messing around in here taking out sugars to get their shells so i could make sugar boxes later on i explored had fun and did stuff but eventually i decided yeah i think i am going to go home so that's what i did i headed back home got back to the overworld and decided i wanted to just fly home i mean look how quickly i was able to get around i was home already this was so good that really was a fun few days and i decided to go ahead and make my little display case look a little bit nicer okay come on now that's a little bit better than i was before i finished off the few days by making myself some shucker boxes all right so those days were absolutely epic i could become a dragon whenever i wanted so there was time for a little bit of a change of pace so i decided to play with some chickens no okay i have a plan okay people i am going to make some cake so i need to get okay just relax okay i know this is a lot of effort going into this just to make a cake but i have to make a cake i also needed to make this crazy trap plant thing because i wanted to make a different type of cake okay i'm not spending like 100 days videos making cakes there is method to my madness here i do have a plan i do have a challenge that i want to do i also made some jars some of you may know where this is going some of you may not anyway i grabbed the eggs that i needed all the milk the wheat the sugar all the stuff oh yeah that was an oof by the way i threw one of the eggs that i needed and uh yeah i made a cake i promise this is going somewhere all right i just everybody calm down because i know what you guys are like you're all about to turn this video off because i'm making cakes all right just it's about to get interesting okay anyway yeah i started off this day by making some cakes all right i actually made a birthday cake because this is super lame but it's actually my real life birthday today when i'm finished in the edit on this so i knew that was gonna happen so i made a birthday cake but okay all right here's where the fun thing happens all right i put my dragon away i got on my dragon head and my dragon wings and i went out because i need to find a dark oak forest for my next task and then this happens what is what it's inferno i do what he's just sitting there i was traveling along and next thing my dragon is literally just sitting there wait how what wow i have no idea what happened but i got my dragon back i was so happy dude i'm absolutely buzzing inferno is back i better get rid of that grave before uh before he sees it yeah okay but i'm out i'm super happy okay so i did in fact have time now to head on out and find myself a dark oak forest i got onto the ground and start looking around and yeah came across this little weird glowing dude he gave me some jelly okay whatever well anyway i found an old forest and then found what i was looking for a little tiny pixie all right these things like cake that's why i was making the cake so i pop the cake down and start attracting these little things over i mean look at them they look so cool and boom i caught one in a chair okay it is kind of evil but i mean yeah i was catching these things i wanted one of each i like these little pixies there's five variants five different colors so i was gonna catch em all like i should catch em yeah okay anyway yeah there was the purple one i got that into a jar and there was a lot of these little glowy things around and then i realized they have their own little village little tree trunks turn into little pixie houses and i destroyed them okay yeah it's so so weird but i mean i wanted i want to take them home and have them as pets i caught another one you know what it makes me feel so evil but it does and yeah there's the orange one feeling pretty good now i think i have four out of the five and uh yeah i i got an ultra rare drop off uh off one of them that i killed don't tell anybody but i got pixie wings and i did have all five variants of the pixies so another mission complete i went to bed happy and feeling super evil [Music] alright so my little pixie mission was a success so i decided to make a little table here and put them all down i was their copter yeah it's kind of weird anyway yeah i wanted to go ahead and make myself the pixie wand scepter thing but i needed to get some more blaze rods so back to the nether i went took me some time but i eventually got back and was able to make this thing i needed a diamond those wings that i got and a blaze rod and it gave me the legendary weapon shoots a magic charge deals damage and makes you levitate this thing was pretty sick maybe i'll use it in my 300 days video a 300 days video maybe let me know in the comments okay so i smashed these little guys out because they were my spares and i kind of wanted them to flow around and just kind of have a have a nice time i get them some cake and i decided to make a little village outside because these things are super cute and i think they look awesome so that's what i did then i then went back inside grabbed one of the pixies in a jar and decided um yeah you're now just gonna be in a jar in this little area because it's uh yeah it makes it bright and it's kind of cool anyway i then decided to uh eat some pixie dust i don't really know why i did that but it makes me glow and levitates me which is kind of crazy and then i also ate some of the jelly that i got from those uh weird kind of glowing things and that gave me night vision um yeah this was pretty cool but a few minutes later let's just say um i didn't feel very good things start getting a bit weird i think it was time for bed okay so i did that take a couple of days to rest off after that crazy experience of eating those things now i'm just joking around basically i went on a spree to get as much meat as i could over the next few days because i wanted to level up my dragons make sure that they were both epic stage five both super strong and boat ready for any sort of a battle that could be thrown off so i then went ahead and went to the bone farm because i needed more bones to make more dragon mail okay this process is not as fast as you think it would be it took a long time but i did kill myself a lot of skeletons one eternity later yeah it it took a long time but i had got a lot of bones a lot of me and now a lot of pixie dust i don't know why i wanted this stuff so badly anyway yes so i made the dragon meal i had a lot of it now i was feeling good so i decided to go out to my two dragons feed them up boat at 125 days old and both at stage five so these things were absolutely beasts i've gotta be honest i did think about having a battle between the two of them to see who would be the winner and who would be the coolest and it'd be my favorite dragon then but you can't fight your own dragons unfortunately oh man so yeah i finished off these few days by getting another dragon horn and making sure that both my dragons were safe in the horns boat stage five boat huge boat massive and boat absolutely epic i had officially become an awesome dragon trainer i mean i always was but yeah that was just official so we are now at the business end of my 200 days and to be honest i wasn't ever really thinking of dying i wasn't fearful i wasn't scared i had an epic dragon i had epic armor i had epic weapons i was going around killing dragons for fun yeah literally that's what i was doing i was literally going around and killing dragons for fun but anyway i did find a massive biome and i did find a gigantic dead dragon corp so i start hearing things i decided to start digging down down down deeper and down and eventually i did find a nest i was right the sounds i was hearing were coming from here this is a gigantic fire dragon nest thing oh it's called underground cave nest anyway anyway yeah i took a shot at this guy and ran for my life because i knew i needed to get back onto my dragon to have a chance of defeating a stage five but that's what i did got myself out of the hole got on to khaleesi hovered above and rained down the icy terror upon this dragon and not before long i actually did it took it out a stage five female dragon harvested all the bones and everything it had and actually got myself a brand new dragon egg it was a grey fire dragon egg i was so excited super happy with my last couple of days so an epic way to finish off my 200 days would be with a brand new dragon so i made a new little platform where i could go ahead and hatch this thing i used dragon bones to make the floor i mean come on that's flexing a little bit here you know what i'm saying so yeah i eventually got this little egg down and started a fire to get this thing incubated and eventually hatched i was super happy with this and getting really really excited well then it started burning the place so i had to put down more blocks but anyway yeah that was done and i wanted to get my two boys out well one's a boy one's a girl oh they can actually be the parents to this little dragon yeah that's that's a good idea but these guys were out and ready for the birth of our brand new little friend our brand new dragon so we made it it was day 200 and i was super happy that i have survived this long so there's a dude in the discord called supreme ta and i decided to pick him for the name of this dragon i like to shout out the guys in the discord from time to time so guys if you want to do join the discord it is in the link in the description below and uh yeah make it happen come join the fam anyway that's supreme brand new little dragon this guy is epic it's gonna grow up to be a monster you can just tell by this dude he is gonna be crazy supreme my little epic dragon but guys there you have it 200 days in minecraft ice and fire dragons in hardcore mode that was absolutely epic i loved it so much that's why i came back to the 200 days straight away so smash a like rating guys subscribe if you are new to the channel let me know in the comments below what you think of these 200 days and uh yeah for now i'm just gonna ride around on once lost inferno have a good day everyone hope you enjoyed and until next time i'm out right on inferno
Channel: RoPo
Views: 336,414
Rating: 4.9145555 out of 5
Keywords: 200 days in minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft, minecraft mods, ropo, little ropo, dragon, RoPo, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, I survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, lets play minecraft, modded 100 days minecraft, dragon mod minecraft, i spent 100 days in minecraft, ice and fire mod
Id: aP65gRPsLBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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