I Spent 100 Days in the Minecraft HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON World... Here's What Happened

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[Music] today in minecraft we spend 100 days in the how to train your dragon minecraft world we have so many goals and challenges to complete we must discover every species of every different type of dragon we must be aware of the trappers who try and steal all the dragons away from birth and we must help hiccup and all the rest of the guys in every single challenge that they set us we want to become an epic dragon master so guys sit back relax hit that like button and get ready for this epic 100 days how to train your dragon adventure [Music] aight so this was it it was day one and my 100 days here in the how to train your dragon island burke was about to begin to say i was excited would be an understatement because as i looked forward i could see what looked to be hiccup and toothless this was getting real super fast i couldn't wait to talk to these guys to see what was going down so i started talking to hiko and he was just explaining that burke is a pretty crazy place to live it gets super cold but at the same time it's amazing because they have dragons he also told me if i wanted to become a dragon trainer i would have to get started today with a quick exam so i said goodbye to the guys and head straight down into the battle arena this place looks epic so hiccup joined me and he told me that i had to go ahead and train that guy say what that was a little bronco his name was pebbles and basically i had to learn how to make this guy my friend so it turns out the broncos like to eat rocks so luckily there were rocks all around the floor in this place and i could pick some up i then had to go over and feed the grunkle i wasn't really looking forward to this because i have no idea how this guy is going to react but thankfully for me he was munching down on these rocks like they were cake he absolutely loved them then he could suggest that i try ride pebbles this i wasn't too sure of but i said hey i'm here let's just get it done i jumped on top of pebbles and well he actually accepted me for a second and then tossed me straight up okay where did she go pep pebbles get get out of here whoa so eventually she actually let me write her and then it looks as if that was my first dragon then before i knew it my two favorite characters were here it was ruffnut and toughnut these two guys are absolutely crazy they were gonna teach me how to ride this beautiful beast so after a little bit of training here in the arena roughnut and toughnut set me the challenge of going out and flying my brand new dragon through these rings it was crazy i was open the air over the ocean learning how to fly on my bronco it was insane well not before long i actually got the hang of it turns out that i am going to be an epic dragon trainer eventually i got through the course and it was complete i could now fly dragons ruffnut and toughnut then welcomed me into the dragon stables this place was insane so then i began to talk to fishlegs he told me that these were in fact the dragon stables and if my dragons ever got lost that they would return here so after talking with fishlegs he actually taught me how to make pebbles sit which was a good thing because i was afraid this guy was gonna go start eating this whole entire place anyway i checked out some of the other dragons which were pretty cool nearby but then i spent the rest of the day studying my writer's handbook i wanted to make sure that i was the best dragon rider around all right so it was day two and i decided to go and talk to snotlout there's no way that i'm gonna be able to say that name without laughing in the future [Music] so it turns out snotlout was gonna well teach me how to attack whilst on my dragon i was looking forward to this so i just got going pebbles is actually extremely strong i was taking out these targets with ease okay so snotlout told me that i did well and that basically i had to go back and see hiccup now because he was waiting for me at the great hall so the best way to get around burke is obviously to fly your dragon so that's what i did me and pebbled set out to go and find hiko okay so it turns out i got a little bit of a reward there so it looks as if i was going to be busy because it seems that hiccup wanted to let me know that if i help someone they will give me a special token okay so the first person i was going to have to help was hiko he gave me this map and basically i was to complete it if i did i'm sure he would give me a reward and let me stay here as a dragon trainer in burp i also got this it's a quest log book basically it's gonna show me all the different quests i have to complete to truly become a how to train your dragon legend there were so many quests so we were gonna be busy over these 100 days but i was super excited [Music] so it was day three and my first quest was to make sure that i filled this map i knew this was going to take me a long time and i decided let's just get it done quickly i mean it was going to take days upon days but if i get this done at least i will know where i'm going throughout my 100 days so myself and pebbles set off just to acquire the location of every single piece of land throughout this whole entire map so the first region that we found was the itchy armpit region yeah i don't know who came up with these names but they're pretty epic to be honest with you it was probably rough nothing toughness and then the next area was ernest fort this place looked insane i mean it was crazy it was like one gigantic iceberg and it seems that um yeah my mom petals didn't really like it around here so we just headed on so after a while we then found valtez mountain now this place was absolutely huge and i've got to be honest it was kind of terrifying i didn't really know much about this area well i didn't know much about any area so i decided to just keep on going so then i found this place this was dragon's edge wasn't as scary as the other places that i found so far but i was looking forward to coming back here and seeing what it really was but the adventure continued i had to find every single location on this map gotta be honest that ship looks kind of sinister so i'm gonna stay away the next island i found was a place called vanaheim this place looked nice then we found dragon island this place was absolutely huge but i didn't really see much to this either i wonder is there something inside after a couple of days i ended up coming across the rookery um are the rockery not the rookery i think it says it's the rookery oh this place looked pretty bare wasn't really exciting me so after a long few days i decided to get back down to bert and just chill for a little bit i mean i knew i had a lot of quests to complete and to be honest i wasn't quite sure if i completed the quest that i just took on i mean yes my map was starting to look a bit full but there was still a lot to discover oh and dude that was a lot of effort anyway i had no idea who owned this little house for them yeah i was going in to get some rest oh finally a bed that was a long few days [Music] okay so it was the next morning and i decided to head up to the great hall i wanted to see if anyone needed my help so it turns out that ernet needed my help he said he was scouting out the perimeter and he was afraid to report that he spotted a trapper ship a trapper ship okay that does not sound good could you go and take care of it consult the big map to transcribe the location on your little map oh okay very cool oh okay so wait to go towards the school this is pretty sick so i decided to grab pebbles and go check out this trapper ship and gotta be honest not sure if i was ready for something like this but i mean if i was going to be a local legend around here i was gonna have to go check it out all right so i found the ship and it looked like it was two ships and there was men on board and they were shooting at me this was not good oh my days is this actually happening okay i went down and i hid in the water for a little bit because i knew they couldn't shoot me down here but then i had to get back open let the battle commence direct hit i smashed one of those guys all right i had to go back for more whoa okay i think i got a little bit too close that time that was insane speaking of getting close i got extremely close to this guy and i was able to take him out i was down before when i was raining down shots but i was getting hit at the same time so i had to back out of there it was a little bit too dangerous for my liking but i was taking some of these guys out i did manage to get a good spot though and i was able to take out the final catapult and a few of the remaining men but then i realized that there was one more trapper one more catapult that i had to destroy and i did it the trapper ship had been defeated my first quest was complete he and pebbles the perfect team i also found some of this grunkle iron inside this chest in the ship maybe that would come in handy for something later on i'm not sure why but then i went fishing with my grunkle and it's not really fishing it's more exploding fish with gigantic flame fireballs it's kind of fun okay so i completed my first task and i got myself the earn it token this was my first token i wanted to make sure that i was able to catch them all so i was pretty happy with getting my first one so i wanted to display this thing proudly and here it was earn its little token display case okay nice i got my first one in and it looks as if i've got oh yeah a lot to go so next it seemed that i had to go and talk to stoic and he was worried about more trappers as well all right so stoic gave me a new mission it was called the treasure take back okay i felt like this was going to be a little bit more difficult this time there were probably going to be more trappers so i wasn't sure if i was fully ready for this or not yet i kind of wanted to get back down and learn more about dragons turns out the fishlegs wanted to talk to me and i think he was going to give me some more information about more dragons okay so he just gave me a new quest and this one was pretty big he wanted me to tame seven different species of dragon oh my god i mean fishlegs that's outrageous bro if i was gonna be able to tame more dragons i had to learn more about these dragons so i went ahead and found this book that had all the information i needed i spent the next while studying everything about all the different types of dragons there was gronckles mathers zipplebacks absolutely everything monstrous nightmares this book was epic oh and a stormcloaker those guys were huge and i fury that's what i'm talking about imagine having a night fury that would be insane also there are a few other things that i have to learn in here so that's what i did over the next one [Music] well it was a new day and after learning more about different types of dragons i decided to head out and try capture some i was gonna need me i did have some fish but meat was the next priority because dragons like me yeah you guys might want to look away now no idea how that guy got over there and then this happened i spotted another i couldn't believe it this thing was majestic so i decided to try and sneak up and feed it some meat to tame my first wild dragon he came over and it seemed he liked me oh this was crazy i was gonna try and get on his back i was up but he was going absolutely insane and he dropped me off oh my days that was crazy i lost three and a half hearts i decided to try again this time i actually tamed my second dragon i now had another this was epic so for the rest of the day i decided to just explore this island i wanted to get more meat to tame more dragons and i wanted to see if i could discover anything else and yes this natter was so much faster than my grunkle so the next day i was back with fishlegs in the stables and i decided well pebbles has a name but my natter doesn't so i was gonna go ahead and name this thing i had a lot of name tags in this chest here i wasn't really sure what to name it because i usually ask you guys but i mean i think it goes without saying we've gotta call our first dragon jack and it makes sense i mean we miss jack he hasn't been around here in a while but we're still thinking of him he's still here in spirit and now he's here in dragon form sweet we got our second dragon another i also noticed that every now and then pebbles was dropping some scales i now had well 11 dragon scales i wonder could i turn this into armor man i had a lot to learn but i couldn't wait to learn it so now that i had a new dragon another i felt it was time to go and see if i could take on this next quest i had to go towards this dragon skull to see if i could find the treasure this one was gonna be dangerous okay so just like before it was another trapper ship i had to get down there and start taking these guys out the nether attack was basically a tail whip so i had to get down nice and close this was risky but it seemed to be working out really well i was taking out all of these guys all i had to do was just time my moments once again i dropped in and i was able to take out the neck catapults they were extremely dangerous to me but i was getting in and taking care of business this was epic not before long there was only one left so i got up there and absolutely destroyed these two guys my new another jack was epic turned out that the trappers had caught themselves as zippleback this was pretty epic i think this guy likes fish maybe i can tame him i ended up finding some more grunkle iron too oh this guy did like fish this was good i was going to be able to tame myself a zippleback whoa okay when i got on top again he absolutely went crazy but i think if i try one more time i may in fact be able to take him i did it i tamed a zippleback we have now got our third dragon this guy is amazing all right this guy's it's it's two dragons because it's got two heads so i was back in the stables after taking out another trapper ship i was feeling good and i decided it was time to name my new zippleback and i decided to call him bill and ben the knockout man yeah it's pretty lame but i like it so what are you gonna do well is he eating his own leg chill out bro [Music] so it turns out that that trapper ship wasn't really what i was looking for i was looking for their fortress and i had found it this is where they are storing the stolen treasure um i wasn't sure if i was ready for this i really wasn't okay the closer i got the more i realized that i unbelievably wasn't ready for this i mean there was trappers everywhere it was insane there was no way that i could take these guys out not wearing any armor or having no weapons i decided to retreat so the next day i actually went and visited govern i mean he is a blacksmith hopefully he could um help me get some armor so he actually asked me for some dragon scales and gronckle armor which i already had and he said that i actually had enough this was epic okay so he said that i could use his furnace to craft up some armor this was gonna be absolutely insanely epic i mean look at all this stuff oh my days we've got grunkle helmets i mean we've got another helmets this is insane i could make all sorts of different armor i just had to choose wisely so i needed more scale so i went back down to the guys to collect what they had dropped jack dropped me some bill and ben had actually dropped me some and i had to go back over and see if pebbles dropped me some too okay so it turns out that i had enough scales and enough iron to now make the level three journeyman armor this was made from monstrous nightmare stuff but i kind of wanted the matter one it looked a little bit cooler so i decided that's what i was gonna do i was gonna get myself a full set of this furnace was insane my goodness so thanks to gobber i had now got a full set of armor and another mission was complete time to pop this bad boy on i really was looking like an epic dragon trainer now so i finished off the day by placing my gobber token inside the display case i was starting to get good at this okay so it turns out that the map that i made was good enough for hiccup and he actually gave me a token the very next day things were going absolutely amazingly i've gotta be honest hiccup definitely had the best display case for this token oh that was looking awesome hey hiccup could i just sit in the throne just for a sec just just for a second bro no so just like that it was day 21 and i had heard that astrid needed my help and it was something to do with dragon races so i was pretty excited about this and i headed on out to try and find her so myself and jack headed out out and we did in fact find um yeah astrid we also found rough note in toughnut i think i was gonna stay away from them too because they always create trouble i was just gonna see what astrid wanted she told me that they had a dragon race coming up soon but basically a lot of the sheep escaped and we had to help and get them back all right so all i had to do was fly out and find myself some sheep and i pretty much found one straight away and um yeah i wasn't entirely sure how to pick these guys up but yeah i seem to do it pretty much straight away i then flew over and dropped them i think it went in i'm not quite sure i didn't get to see but the trapdoor had closed so i was pretty sure that i was successful with the first sheep three more to go turns out finding sheep is a lot harder than i thought it would be yeah i'm not joking it literally took me forever i couldn't find sheep anywhere okay so it turns out i was looking in the wrong areas i mean this sheep literally has a target on its back that's all i've got to do is pick up these ones at targets on their back i mean come on roppo you're better than this all right but i went over and dropped this guy straight into the green little book it was time to get number three okay i got eyes on number three i was going over to get him picked him up pretty easily this time because i was getting the hang of it he was about to go into the blue one all right rockwell you can do this good job okay we got this we got it we're gonna nail it yeah i mean he was hanging right at the edge what am i gonna do there we go we got him in okay the last sheep was on board and i just had to pop him into the red one and that's exactly what i did i got it done all four sheep were dropped into their locations i had no idea why though but it didn't matter because astrid was happy and she gave me a fresh new token and of course i went back up to the great hall to display my token in the display unit i also had stoic staring at me because i was kind of ignoring his mission um yeah i was going to continue ignoring his vision all right so after taking a little bit of a rest for a few days i decided it was time to take on another mission and it was valka who had that mission for me basically she wanted me to go get some dragon nip it was to do with feeding babies so um yeah i had to get to dragon's edge so eventually i ended up getting over to dragon's edge and i landed down because i saw a little shack with someone outside i was gonna go talk to them so this was heather and she basically said that you gotta look after your dragons which i agreed with she said that dragons love different types of food and if you feed them they will regain their health she also said that she has some dragon nip i mean it was right outside her house she could have told me i mean yeah i mean yeah it's everywhere yep jack seemed to love it jack really seemed to love it i decided to spend the day just collecting this stuff because it was probably going to come in handy in the future the next day just as i was about to leave to head back and finish this mission i noticed that there was something strange at the top of this mountain i wanted to go check it out at first it just looked like a cool little camping area but i wanted to go up even higher okay so it turned out it was just a volcano and um yeah i didn't want anything to do with a volcano because lava is hot you know lucky the hut all right i was heading back so the next day i made it back to vodka and handed over some of these delicious and wonderful dragon nips and then she gave me a token that's an egg honestly i thought it was a real dragon egg so i was kind of disappointed but she did tell me that you could use dragon nip to actually breed dragons i mean i could have an army of baby dragons that would be epic so i went up and put the little egg into valka's display case i now had completed five of the nine challenges i was going well but all this talk of little dragon babies had me thinking i think it was time to go and discover some new species all right new day and it was time for myself bill and ben the knockout man to go on the search for some new dragons finally i got my eyes on dragon island this place was absolutely huge and to be honest it looked pretty um derelict i don't know if i was gonna find any new dragons here but i then found a little harbor so decided to get down and take a look and there was someone here so this was alvin i decided to talk to him and he gave me some little tips he said that monstrous nightmares nest inside of volcanoes and that storm cutters usually end up being in snowy areas so it was good information that i got from this guy but i had to move on i really wanted to find myself some new dragon species so again i found another crazy looking dragon head at the top of this mountain but it turns out the mountain was not a mountain it was a volcano it just hadn't erupted in years there was no way i was going to survive the fall but maybe i would if i was on my dragon i was able to stop just before the volcano floor and get off my dragon man it was hot down here and there it was another dragon i had to get closer okay bill and ben we're starting to freak this guy out and i had to be super careful monstrous nightmares are super evil okay i had to try to feed this guy first feed went well he took it i was now going to have to try and ride this guy whoa okay i was up on top of him and i really didn't want him to let me fall oh my days i was straight into the lava thankfully i was able to get out but this was going to be touch and go oh man thank goodness i was able to survive but now i had to get back up there hey bill ben any chance you could come help me so eventually i got back up to this beast and decided to get on his back once more this time i really didn't want him to kill me and thankfully he didn't i was actually able to tame him i now had a monstrous nightmare oh my days this guy was crazy cool i got outside and we went for a fly i was feeling so good i had a brand new dragon this was so epic so when you think of nightmare i always think of freddy krueger and nightmare and elm street i watched that movie when i was a kid and it scared me for years so in saying that i decided to call my monstrous nightmare freddy i think it suits i think it's pretty cool welcome to the gang freddy okay he's actually scaring me [Music] alright so was the next day and i stood here staring at the empty storm cutter holdings this stable had to become full all right i decided to take a look at the book and in fact yes we were going to find a storm cutter in valka's mountain this place was pretty scary but i suppose we had to go eventually so there's no time like the present and i was back on jack because uh yeah i think this guy was my favorite let's be honest this place looks absolutely terrifying i don't know if i'm looking forward to this i saw an opening and decided to go in was this where i was gonna find the storm cutter pretty sure this was a bad move but i decided to go on foot whoa and when i got inside i could not believe my eyes this place was amazing it wasn't scary at all this was absolutely majestic it was beautiful and straight away i caught the eye of a storm and this was my chance i got up onto the storm cutter ledge and decided to sneak closer i remembered from the book that these guys like fish so he came straight over with the tongue out and stand munching on all of these fish i knew i know how to get on top but i was not looking forward to falling off so i had to try to keep him close to the edge i did he dropped me off and straight away i jumped back on i actually did it i tamed a storm cutter one of the biggest dragons here in the how to train your dragon world this guy was absolutely huge his wingspan was insane so i decided to fly this guy around to see if i could get better at handling him not before long we decided to stop and take a break i mean it was pretty cold up here and i needed to get by the fire if you guys know me you know that thor is my favorite superhero so if i have a new storm cutter dragon i mean it's always going to be called thor storms lightning stuff like that it just reminds me of thor it had to happen so yet another dragon in the stables this was store the storm cutter i was about to say store the tour cutter [Music] anyway there was a bit of buzz around burke because everybody knew that the dragon races were coming up soon and so did i i mean i had my cool matter armor but i wanted the best armor that you could get and everybody knows that that's the monstrous nightmare hammer but i actually needed to get myself some more crinkle iron so i grabbed bill in bed again and decided to head out i wanted to find more of those trapper ships to see if i can find more of the iron here we go again i had another ship and more bad guys to take out so i just swooped straight in start using my poison attack and took these guys out so not before long i was actually able to take out everything on this ship i mean this was getting easy i was a dragon rider pro these catapults didn't start a chance against me well maybe this last one did oh oh okay we got trouble we got trouble oh dylan ben the knockout man these guys were ferocious so on my search for some more grunkle iron i came across these two knuckleheads the first one was riker um yeah he basically said that i was a goodie two shoes and that he hates dragon riders i was a dragon rider the next guy was vigo he basically said that uh i should stay out of his way he said if i wanted to go where the action was it was the trapper fortress remember that place that i kind of retreated from yeah it turns out that they have a rare and powerful dragon there that i should definitely go and that this is definitely not a trap something was beginning to tell me that retreating from that fortress was a really good idea anyway when those two bozos weren't looking i went to the chests and saw that they had a lot more of this grunkle iron so now with everything i needed i headed back to gobber and used his furnace this thing was crazy i was now able to get the journeyman level 3 armor it started off with the helmet and then i got the remaining pieces ah dude it looks so good when this guy was heating up the furnace so i had my new armor and it was time to put it on i was feeling absolutely epic so with the dragon races coming up i decided it was now time to go check out what roughnut and toughness wanted to say basically i think they were going to challenge me to a race okay so i got a new mission i had to beat roughnut and tuffnut's time this was gonna be unbelievably hard so the challenge was set by ruffnut and toughnut i brought down thor and my man freddy because i wasn't sure which one was gonna be quicker but in the end i think i decided to go with thor it was time to get this race started oh my days thor get over here dude okay i was up time to get going i was first through the hoop but my goodness i didn't know how to control this guy whoa this was gonna be a tough challenge but i had to get it done okay thor was epic but i don't know if he was suited to that part of the race because it was super tight in there and yeah at this point i kind of lost and to be honest i made a mess of my first try okay so admittedly that was pretty bad um i didn't get anywhere near roughnut and tofu it's time this was going to take me a few days [Music] yes i actually did it i beat roughnut and toughnut by two seconds [Music] finally i get the respect of these two crazy twins and of course i get the token dude that was epic although it did take me like 10 days anyway i went back up to the main hall so i could display my latest token this one i was super proud of okay so as my adventure continued i was talking to fishlegs again and he said that i had five of seven dragon species tamed that means i had to find two more and i think it was time that i went looking again so i decided to grab thor and head on out so there was one island in particular that i didn't really research or look at at all so i wanted to get over there to see if i could find anything new and straight away i found this guy i mean yes it looks like a grunkle but it's not actually a grunkle i mean i presume that he likes rocks so that's what i did i took out some rocks got closer and when i did his tongue came out so i guess i was right he started munching the rocks immediately this guy loved me straight away and just like that he was tamed this dude was pretty cool i think i might catch some fish with him whoa he seems super powerful this really is an easy way to go fishing so my new dragon was the hot burpo i never really heard this guy before so i was excited to get him it's time to bring him over and show fishlegs fishtanks was super happy he said yes another one off the list six down one to go i jumped on jack and headed to the last island i was pretty sure i was gonna find the last dragon here this island was pretty crazy but straight away i noticed down within the middle of it there was some sort of a secret cave i had to go check it out when i went into the cave i realized it was just a gronckle that was here which was kind of disappointing i was expecting to find something new and i was right eventually i did find this guy oh my days he did not look like he was in the mood to mess around so i took out the fish and the meat i wasn't sure which one he was gonna like but when i took out the meat his tongue came out and he started coming towards me so i decided to try feed him and he ate everything and like always he flew up and tossed me straight off thankfully i landed pretty well and i was able to get back on straight away this time he decided that he actually liked me oh man this felt good this guy was an absolute beast i mean look at the size of a fish legs was gonna be a happy man so eventually i got home when it was time to show fishlegs our brand new rumplehorn he was so excited he told me that this guy weighed 1100 pounds i mean that is crazy and of course he then gave me his token the fish token oh yes another one complete so of course i went back up to hiccup and toothless and displayed my new token with pride it was in i only had two more to get [Music] so my man snotlout wanted to talk to me for the last 70 days and i kind of ignored him so i think it was time i wanted to see what he wanted he said he had an ultimate challenge for me said he set up some sort of flags or something and he wanted me to destroy them all he wanted me to shoot them seemed kind of weird but i needed to impress this guy so my mission for the next few days was to find all of these flags and destroy them on my new dragon okay so this is what i realized that snotlout is absolutely insane this is the first one i found i mean in the most awkward place ever but what i had to do was basically just take out all of these targets so i got to work let's see if i can do it okay so i activated the first one and this did not look like an easy task snotlout what have you done to me bro oh my days this was tough man these targets were floating up on the highest peaks of all these ice shirts and i had to try to take them all out okay one down four to go oh snotlout seriously then i found the second one this challenge was gonna take me a long time but i figured it was good practice for the inevitable big fight that i was gonna have for my last challenge and i got the third one pretty quickly maybe i was getting good at this so finally i found the fourth one it was right on the top of the volcano now i think this one was gonna be pretty difficult okay i had to get going success that was four down only one to go but i had a bit of a problem i had no idea where it was okay so honestly i searched for days upon days and could not find this final target that snotlout settled then i saw this at the top of the trees but i didn't see where the target was until i went down oh man i could not believe it it was hiding right here in the trees i was going crazy it took me days to find this thing but eventually i started the challenge and i think it was pretty easy because they were all pretty much beside each other the final one was right in the center of the leaves and i was able to take it out the challenge was complete and that meant i only had one more left it was time to get back to snotlout so the time had come i went back to snotlout to see if he had a token for me and of course he did he gave me the snug token are you kidding me it's a token called snot it's not token like slots in your all right okay whatever let's just put this away okay so the snot token went into its display case and check this out i had every single one of them complete by my man stoic we had to go to the trappers fortress and see if we could take out all the trappers once and for all and get back to treasure so i had the best armor and i had all the best dragons all i had to do now was decide which one i was going to use in the epic battle of course i was speaking thor so for a couple of days i did some training i needed to be ready for this big battle plus i didn't really want to lose it and there it was a gigantic fortress full of those crazy trappers and i had to defeat them all this was gonna be a tough one so i took out my first one straight away it was some great work i decided circling this place was the best option i had to take them out one at a time no diving in and going crazy this was going actually pretty well i had only lost two hearts on my dragon thor and i was taking out these guys with ease and another one oh man i was getting good at this these guys didn't stand a chance against me and thor what an epic combination after feeding thor some fish he was ready to get back in there and finish off the job that was amazing it then told me to go ahead and grab burke's treasure so i landed thor down got off and to be honest um i didn't see any treasure i followed this stairway down and again there wasn't really anything here i was expecting like a treasure chest of gold and diamonds and all sorts of crazy stuff but i didn't find anything until i turned this corner and there it was it was a light fury i could not believe it it's insane an actual light fury these things are so mythical so rare i could not believe my look i snuck up took out my fish and fed this guy she loved it i couldn't believe it so i decided to try jump on and see if she'd be my friend but it turned out i needed more fish oh man i had to go fishing really quickly so with three more pieces of fish i thought this was gonna be enough but again she wouldn't let me get on top of her oh no this time i finally gave her enough fish and she left me on her back she flew straight up but was going kind of crazy kicked me off i wasn't gonna give up i got back on again and this time oh my days i think she liked me i was on top she was amazing i mean look at her i could not wait to get her back and name her this dragon was insanely cool time to get out of here so it turns out that light fury was binded to me forever she had these majestic beautiful red markings to let everyone know that she was mine this thing was spectacular i loved her she was amazing i couldn't wait to get back and show the guys i brought her into fishlegs who lost his mind he couldn't believe something so beautiful was in his stables so for a couple of days i just spent it out on my brand new life fury traveling exploring and getting any other jobs that needed to be done done she was so fast it made everything so much quicker so it turns out there actually was some hidden treasure in this place and it wasn't just a dragon i had to come back because stoic gave out to me but i managed to get everything out of this treasure chest and uh yeah it was time to return it all back to stoic i was never gonna get bored of flying this light period so eventually i did get back to the great hall and the guys were absolutely astounded by my brand new light fury and something tells me that toothless was pretty excited to meet her too anyway stoic was delighted that i did in fact get the treasure back so he gave me the last token i finally had it in hand and it was time to place it into its display unit man i was getting excited to see what was gonna happen next so hiccup said that that was the last of the tokens and i exceeded all expectations he said that i was a true dragon master oh my days he said that i could bring tupas for a ride i couldn't believe it this was the best reward ever i now had a light fury and toothless like me enough that i could fly him this was crazy i was on the back of the most infamous dragon in the world oh my goodness i now had a light fury and a knife fury this was beyond epic look at me though i'm on a night fury okay so i had the plan to see if i could mate my light fury and the night fury i don't know if it was gonna work but i mean it was worth a try but unfortunately toothless wouldn't take any of these dragon dips even though they weren't going to create a dragon egg i think these two kind of liked each other and there you have it it was day 100 i couldn't believe it we actually survived 100 days into how to train your dragon world and completed so many missions but i wasn't done yet i grabbed my man jack and headed straight for the natter island i wanted to tame another matter just for one reason and one reason only i wanted to get these guys to create a brand new dragon egg it was my last challenge my last goal and i did it there it was a brand new dragon egg it looks amazing and not before long this thing was ready to hatch oh my days this was so good it cracked out of the egg and we had a brand new baby nether this thing looked amazing guys let me know in the comments below what you think i should call this little guy something cute something awesome he deserves a really cool name i really enjoyed doing this 100 days here in the how to train your dragon world guys i hope you did enjoy watching if you did smash that little like rating and subscribe if you were new let me know down in the comments below what you want to see next in my 100 days adventures but for now from me tootles and my beautiful light fury we're out peace
Channel: RoPo
Views: 444,384
Rating: 4.9143167 out of 5
Keywords: how to train your dragon, minecraft httyd, minecraft how to train your dragon, 100 days, minecraft, minecraft mods, ropo, little ropo, dragon, RoPo, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, I survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, lets play minecraft, modded 100 days minecraft, dragon mod minecraft, 100 days how to train your dragon, how to train your dragon minecraft marketplace, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, 100 days httyd
Id: ed1ZTlUm_r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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