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okay boys we gotta drop off our first moonshine case quick nobody's looking hey Daryl how you doing yep you want her in the back oh oh no oh who do we have here Mr Bull fancy sheets what day on Earth do you think you're doing on this side long time no see yeah in a long time no she will you get yourself into this time what am I doing well doing the usual I'm dropping off a case of moonshine at two o'clock in the afternoon in the middle of the day when everybody can see me of course that's what I'm doing how big I'm gonna kick you in if you're good if you're delivering moonshine I'm gonna get you in the back and we're gonna book you it's two in the afternoon Roscoe how can I be out deliver moonshine I'm just getting some gas explain to me you put gas in your in the trunk of your car is that what you do you have like a clogged fuel nozzle or something or you just decide to leave your trunk open as a spoiler because you can't figure out how aerodynamics work well no one I had a flat tire I had a flat tire we had to change you a tire don't you just give me any tires your tires look just fine they look brand new well it's got a new one on look of course we keep five stock we gotta keep the General Lee looking good well I'm calling alone a bull dookie I want to make sure you are not getting yourself some moonshine I'm gonna need to do a full inspection on this car to make sure you ain't got nothing illegal in it they want me to Pat him down yes get that man patted down I need you get a picture of that man is not carrying anything and make sure we take all that he's got cause we're gonna book this boy and we're gonna get his brother too okay Mr Duke if you have anything on you now's the best time to let me know nothing on me Enos you know me oh okay turn around I'ma check you now what the heck you supposed to fit back here roll bar is getting in the way oh wow you work out now he's he's clear he ain't got nothing on him boss nothing on me you see Roscoe anus I need you to pull me out I'm too fat okay on the count of three one two three oh now you done pulled me in with you oh hold on I mean I'll get you from the inside hold on you ready get me out of here all right good boy hey could you NCB there I need some help ful slippery I need you to go inside and get some like olive oil so we can pull them out he's stuck I don't need no olive oil my thighs aren't that big okay okay well can you at least you you grab one arm I'll grab the other arm help me pull him out yeah okay yeah yeah okay here we go come on come on come on there you go there we go there you go perfect gosh you got something on your pants there Roscoe look at your shoes your pants there oh I got it for you way too much against you and you have a track record that's longer than the line of the U.S national debt now you're getting in the back of my squad Enos how much cash you got on you how much cat what does that have to do with the fact that we're taking you into the slammer well did you pay your Towing Bill all right [Music] hey have you guys heard about American farming they say it's one of the best mobile farming games coming out soon check it out nice job Cooter thanks scooter no go go go go go go you're welcome boys we got a red light coming up you better yep there you go okay he's he's going straight sure okay did a nice job on that I got one Army is it Rosco Nina's both yeah okay I'll lose them I'll lose them they're both passenger they're both in the car yeah okay I can lose them here oh he's on me he's on me still right in front of us far [Music] hey can you can you pull over I I can't hear you I can't hear you can you pull over see me he's breaking up hold on you try talking to him well if you don't get that car over right now I swear I won't pick you into the kitchen that car I've never seen the line of day again what about your small BP Roscoe I keep not supposed to know about that find out about that oh this is a bad turn oh carefully [Music] um dispatch can we do a ditch was that what you said can we do a can we do it we gotta lose them come on he's just straight ahead we're gonna get him watch it oh we're in a tree Sheriff oh that's not good I told you to watch while we were driving I tried to tell you that there was a nest turn coming up but you weren't listening Roscoe Enos what you guys doing down the ditch where is he at where's he at I don't know but there he is right here give Cooter a call you shouldn't be too busy we'll see you boys no no no no no we'll see you boys I have a good one that's it you're fired okay we got to get some of the Moonshine cleaned up at Uncle Jesse's I know Enos from Roscoe as soon as they figure out their cop car situation are gonna be here so we're gonna get this place cleaned up probably start running okay we gotta hide the General Lee quick in the back see if we can find a spot they don't know about this exit yet but we got the perfect exit to this place park the car here in case we need to go out the back way and we should be set and last we're gonna move Uncle Jesse's tractor up in front of the gate so it's tougher for those boys to get in it'll take a while to figure out how to drive this thing all right there should be good yep right on time Roscoe and Enis these guys are gonna come search this place if I'm here or not so I better kind of guide them around and then maybe try and make an escape out back we'll see but they got nothing on me there's nothing here the heck you put this thing in gear I I don't know but I buried myself in the mud already finish I you said try it I swear for everything that he's holding I will I don't even fit my shirt I don't even get me started do you have a we need to pull my car out sure we need my car's stuck I I don't I don't even know what to do with you anymore you just keep a tractor use the tractor I don't know how to put it in gear oh I could try that you you'll drive the track you don't have to drive one of them things you drive it okay I'll try this Oh no you're plowing up the driveway I don't I oh I'm stuck okay I'm just can I ride with you sure for the second time today we're coming in hot okay open up Jesse we know you're in here the door's already open yeah I see it I see it I see it I got it what do you got Sheriff I caught him red-handed hey hey Bo what is this what is it what is what what is this thing in my hand hmm that's a joke that's a jar a Jar full of moonshine Mama uses them to can her peaches we can't go in all the time Rosco what are you talking about now here's the other thing Bo explain to me why I also see an entire six-pack case of that stuff on top of the old China cabinet looking at me you know I think if you were gonna actually try and hide stuff from us you might not want to stick it out like a dipstick Raska you said that there Ross really I don't know she's out of a gun you said that there I did not do anything we just found it and who's gonna believe you they know Jesse does this old moonshine business out here you planted that on my cabinet son of a gun I'm sorry but now now this is not jelly but we're going to take you in she of water we got you booked you're coming with me out to the car now with you I don't know that is not right that's not right this town's gonna find out about that yeah you get in the car Venus you know he's playing that it's not it's not jelly though it's illegal after the car out to the car with you well boys I'll follow the rules but that is so illegal you have direct to remain silent you are anything you say or do can affect you in the court of law you do not have the Iraq to an attorney because I will not let you have one but uh Enos would you like to read him the rest of his rights I mean we can split this job since you bone-headed can't drive a car right I'm sorry I was making a PBJ what I got the evidence I just grabbed the evidence put the evidence in the car okay got on the car in the car I'm sorry yeah put it back where it came from yes right in the car dude you got reading the rest of his rights I left him off at the attorney pot but I said he doesn't get one because I don't want him to handle okay this is so this is not right guys you guys know this is not right Roscoe expert bear out of you I really do Enis you too now I need you to put your hands behind your back yeah and under the car yeah I know how it works out of the car finally the car works yeah no you're not you're not standing in the front of the car follow the car the front of the car the hood okay ready right there there we go hands behind the backs yep oh oh perfect oh it's Daisy hey Miss Miss Daisy she said she needed a date tonight is it she does she it she yeah don't fall for that trickery we know what happened last time he got hooked up with her I'll go see what she wants don't don't worry sister in the house here we're trying to get good job Daisy we'll see you we'll see you boys did you say you need I'll be back I'll be back come on now wait [Music] oh there we go he's on the internet now you're walking oh that was knocked in cat do you hear me on the on the radio I hear you anus okay I'm still at your appointment I talked to Rosco he said not to bring us to chase you said going through town is not good I died he said to stay back Eunice just stay back you say back with Daisy now come on Enos fall over ask his orders [Music] [Music] roska I'm headed I'm headed to the town now okay we put the car in the creek that was bad on my part I'm in town where is where are you at I went down there Sean I'm gonna get you get my old Roscoe oh look who's closer to the cop car I'll get in the back for you okay Roscoe get in the back we'll give you a ride come back here you Roscoe Sarah is that you is that you oh memes [Music] okay he's this way yeah Venus come on now we're gonna get him we're gonna cuff him and we're gonna stuff them right in jail where he belongs I I guess he's this way hurry it up anus I'm I'm tired are you okay you sound different go sh I'm in a tree well boys this is gonna be the end of part one we always enjoy making these shout out to Roscoe Enis and Cooter and Daisy for helping out on this video we'll be back for part two hopefully you guys enjoyed it and hey if you did give it a thumbs up and check out older YouTube channels down below thanks for watching guys
Channel: The Squad
Views: 286,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e1c-S91TKm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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