I Spent 100 Days on a Island in Rust

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this is me and this is an island filled with bases and Unknown People one day in Russ is about one hour in real life and I'm going to try and survive the next 100 rust days on this island using only the resources this island gives me okay next 100 days is going to be spent on this island day one here we go well let's go over the rules for this challenge we cannot set foot on the mainland that's basically the Only Rule but I also have to end this 100 days complete a few challenges build a big base make some friends raid and take over the island we also have this the mainland pass this can be used one time throughout the 100 days and with this I am allowed to leave for the mainland and I can bring back one inventory of Loot and so I have to make sure that I use it correctly so many bases on this island what the [ __ ] and also just to make this even more of a challenge I don't have any BPS on This Server so this is going to be interesting for sure okay let's start I'm gonna do my first run the lighthouse Lighthouse is part of the island and so that will be my only Monument one thing I'm a bit scared of is that I didn't see any notes on my runaround of Thailand first I needed to get up a base that would keep all the loot I collected safe but for that they would need some resources so let's go with the first couple of methods I'm gonna use for this first one is of course using the Island's lighthouse second one is just farming the resources on the island which was not a lot because I ran around the entire Island and all I found was this one Stoner I can see Stone over there too no there's so many Stoners just on the other side from the mainland okay I'm pretty sure this is all the stone we have to work with for now is that actually all the nodes but luckily there were a few trees on the island and so for now that would have to do and for the third method well I managed to find something big for this challenge wait we have a boat we have a boat okay okay okay yes a boat while this might seem small this meant I would be able to explore and form the ocean but before we get too far ahead I would of course have to get up a base first I don't think you guys understand how big finding a boat on the island is guys yes I know this is not the big base I promised you that is what I could build with my limited resources and don't worry we will get to the big base later on anyways using my new boat I was able to spend some time farming the ocean my third method of getting resources and it was easily the best one so far not only because I was getting a lot of components and items that I could recycle into resources but also something that I can't quite reveal yet because it would spoil the fourth method of getting resources after a good Farm run on the ocean I headed back to the island and recycled and that is where the first day on this island ends and we say hello to day two we're officially in day two there's so little resources on this island that both really came in clutch and now we can actually get some resources using that and they too started with a new revelation that guys online now yes one of the bases was now active and he was in the process of upgrading his base meaning he would have some resources on him and I would love to befriend this guy but I need resources more than I need a friend and so I think it's time we craft up our first weapon foreign oh that is just perfect just what we needed I spent some more time in the ocean farming and as I was recycling I noticed the guy from earlier was back out working on his face and this time he had a friend hmm maybe we can get some more stuff from them I just need some Stone [Music] oh oh [Music] no no way he runs through my bush I so needed that stone man oh my God they see I continued fighting with these guys bad loss due to my lack of guns no way bro [ __ ] and unfortunately throughout these fights they figured out where I lived and they tried to raid my little one by one they might get invaded hey I'm getting ready to what the [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] why did I not cope with guns why did they come with bows I quickly managed to defend and after fighting with them some more I managed to get a few guns from them pistol and this is what I realized that they were actually very new to the game oh what a show and so after taking a bit of a beat thing they came over to talk why are you so good I don't understand I don't understand what's up with this how you so good with a boat why you got a team at me I'm over here talking oh you laughing about it I hear you I hear you're not a mic they seem pretty nice and we talked for a while how long have you been over here bro you started oh you wanted a stone yeah that's all I wanted and they seemed like really fun people yeah well I'll I'll I'll stop I'll I'll not kill you guys if you don't kill me okay and just like that we decided to become friends and so I had completed one of my challenges definitely did not think I would make a friend by fighting but here we are and as a token of our friendship they gave me some stone for my base and I gave back some of the wood I had stolen from them we have a stone base well let's just continue forming the ocean I think the rest of day 3 was spent forming the ocean and to start day four I did some upgrades to the base and here is where the fourth method of getting resources finally comes into play yes a show on my ocean Farm runs I have collected a lot of crude oil and cloth on top of all the other resources and since I don't really have any need for this I could simply sell it for stone and wood need some wood for a level one workbench oh no man bro these guys are so new to the game and someone's gonna bro they get they can get started sorry boys I need no not from the boys not from Seoul Savage yes I know and trust me I felt really bad for taking this but my friend said love it off and if I didn't take it someone else would like because with this can actually Stone up our entire base and we even have a lot of stone to spare I set up the shop selling clothing crude oil for wood and stone okay there we go we have a show hopefully that will that will start selling I then spent the rest of day four forming the island I feel like it's now the beginning part that's gonna be the hard part and as I was out here I found out that a new group on the island had come online okay so then anyway they seemed a little more experienced than my friends and so best not to mess with them just yet foreign [Music] but this isn't actually that bad with these new resources I decided to make an investment you see this boat is one of the most important items we own because you see since the fishing villages are actually part of the Mainland we can't actually buy one and so this is the only one we have and so I decided to use the resources I had gotten so far to build the little boat base it's a little scuffed but it'll do have a safe place for our boat that's the important part stay safe they spent out in the ocean and then day seven someone raided my birthdays why they didn't get anything but they were still kind of annoying but they couldn't be mad for too long because we had also made our first sale from the show oh yes [ __ ] yeah yes selling crude oil is working anyways I continued farming the ocean and then as I was recycling I noticed that the group next to Lighthouse had turned on their furnaces oh they turned on their furnaces meaning they would probably have some metal in them and so even though it was probably not the smartest thing I decided it was time to start messing with these guys and so I grabbed a gun and I headed over to jump in their compound oh SF is not dead [ __ ] I should have really left with what I got but they got greedy and I lost and well it had been a long day and so I decided to low golf [Music] you know what could go wrong well apparently you could lose everything as I woke up raided have to be kidding me man really that just sucks like this sucks a big setback for sure but nothing that will stop us we still had a lot of challenges to go through and a lot of days to complete them in the guy that traded me was named sep oh well if you've been keeping an eye on the names I've been fighting you would know that's the guy living next to Lighthouse that I tried to steal from earlier yeah this was enough for them to raid me I headed over to check out their base wait did these guys get raided as well yes in some beautiful rust Karma after they had raided me they ended up getting raided themselves and so I guess getting revenge on these guys was off the table [Music] [ __ ] yeah okay time to get back on track my friends were online and so with the help from them I was able to take back my base they emptied you out bro yeah well we have the base back at least and so day 8 9 10 and 11 were spent rebuilding I did an equal raid with my friends I continued forming the ocean and refilling my vending machine and I had basically gotten even further than before I got traded but then I took a break to go and eat and there's no way I got raided again I took a break for like five minutes the [ __ ] yep I got raided yet again but as you know we don't give up until we just laugh at the fact that they used four broke it to get into a two by two with two doors yes I might have got raided but we can at least laugh at the fact that these guys are stupid but okay let's rebuild yet again yeah I mean he's definitely not wrong this shop is most definitely the reason I've been getting raided so much but the thing is I want to build a bigger base and in order to build a bigger base I need more Stone and in order to get more Stone I need this shot I mean I'm probably gonna get raided again because of this [ __ ] shop man but luckily it was about to pay off as I made my first sale after getting raided results of stuff we sold some crude [ __ ] yeah this wouldn't be enough to fully build the main base but it would get me somewhere and since I was probably gonna get traded again I needed to use all this Stone now before that happened okay let's try and get up a main base it's going to be Scout our first loot drip is one door but I'm thinking No One's Gonna go through that right it's just a random door to nothing well yeah this half base would have to do for now after this I did a run around of the island just forming everything then it was back out into the ocean but it was slow going and if I didn't want to get traded again I needed to pick up the pace and well here is where our fifth method of getting resources comes into play the oil rage this will lead to more later on but I don't have the weapon diary to contest oil rig right now but what I can do is after someone has taken it I can just go over and pick up any leftovers and this proved to be very profitable oh don't wall yes that stone [ __ ] yeah with this I started going through the tech tree and in order to save my progression I also started hiding loot across my three bases then some new people started showing up that I hadn't seen before and so I decided to welcome them to My Island I think he saw my DB but he he thought I couldn't kill him from over there but little did he though I had slugs in there this did not make them too happy and I started door camping me and I thought this had to be the guys living up on the mountain that I hadn't seen before but it turned out that they lived on the mainland in a little two by two right off the coast of my Island and for the next few days nothing really happened I did some forming I take three down to garage door and I still didn't have a red card and so I continued running oil rig for scraps not bad well this is new oh yes oh that's actually so good and I really started feeling like I was making some serious progress but of course day 19 I went AFK for not more than one hour and it was during this time my both base and my starter base got traded by these Scouts oh are you kidding me they were the ones living in that two by two right of the coast of my Island okay now I'm upset I have yet to survive a single real life day on this island without getting raided and this just had to stop and so I took a break for two hours and when I came back it was time to come up with a plan well I am on the mainland and I think the plan I came up with was rather genius you see I still have the mainland pass which if you have forgotten is a ticket that I can use to go to the mainland and bring back to my Island one inventory of loot but the thing is I wasn't just gonna use this to form I was gonna use this to get my revenge let me fill you in on the plan first of all like usual I have my friend own rocker playing on the same server recording his very own video and so I reached out to him to ask him for help which he was more than happy to give own had a tier 3 workbench and he also had rocket launcher and Rocket DP all he needed was some silver and so I found up some silver cooked it up and headed over to raid they had done some upgrades in the time it took me to form the sulfur but don't worry I had already planned for this and that's why I formed enough silver for 32 Rockets [Music] here we go oh what oh dead how did I die oh how did I [ __ ] it I don't even have died bro is that yes oh do you still see him yeah if we lost that when you died oh my God bro what the [ __ ] that's good for you yes you know oh my bro oh Stone oh stone for you oh yes bro I first had the own transfer all the loot he wanted back to his base yeah yeah and then I grabbed my own inventory of loot then headed back to the island it had been a good trip to the mainland but it was now over to be honest I was just happy that I was able to get some sort of Revenge on these guys after getting raided so many times I really just needed this also own felt a little bad that all I got from this was one inventory and so he gave me a few guns for my troubles with all this Stone I was almost able to finish the entire main base and we were now 24 days into this and we had made some friends we had done a raid with the help of the Mainland pass and we had almost finished our base meaning we would soon only have one challenge left to complete but this last one is the hardest out of all of them it's not even close like trust me while these are the ones were pretty easy to complete this last one would be close to impossible to complete the days remaining because we have to completely take over the island and wallet off now taking over the island proved to be super easy since most bases had either gotten raided or were my friends and on day 25 the last base on the island other than my friends decayed so tune every single one except my friends is gonna be gone on this on the island I mean I'll take it honestly like I am tired of people and so the island was now completely ours and all that was left to do was build a wall around it but we had just been raided and so we was time to regain all our lost resources question is do I still have my boat yes I spent the rest of day 25 all the way to day 28 just forming the ocean and the island then they 29 my friends came back online I got traded again so I told you that [ __ ] shot bro I told you no I'm thinking I'm building a bigger basement and I also recycled everything from my farm runs day third day I managed to get my shop up and running and hopefully with this bigger base they wouldn't get raided again I still had some work to do on the base and so I really needed those resources day 31 I continued farming the ocean and I also tried counting oil big but died and so the leftovers of oil rig would have to do again and with all the scrap I was getting I could also go through most of the tier 2 Tech stream day 32 I drove one of my friends to Bandit camp in exchange for some Stone but I'm gonna be honest it was slow going my shop really wasn't making any sales and so I wanted to add some more items to be sold one of these being weapons but in order to get weapons I needed to start taking oil rigs and so at the end of day 32 I headed over to do just that but I didn't have any codes for this and so I would have to use another method where first you run through the oil rig without killing any of the scientists then you make your way to this event and now here you just wait for someone to come and take it for you [ __ ] here we go visit multiple groups fighting time to do my play are they dying I feel like they died they did die might be more though multiple both what are these guys doing man I wasn't 100 sure if people were still here and so I grabbed an inventory with loot and I headed home I de-poed and then straight back for more what the hell oil rig is on fire God damn holy look at the guns oh my God too much man mission was most definitely a success guns had been acquired be full inventories of [ __ ] and of course I also headed back to get my trusty boat I feel like we should name this boat we've had this for so long since the beginning till now we've had this boat I'm going to name you Betty the boat then I put all the guns I got from this in unusual and they didn't take long for that to start bringing in stone hey okay it's on the [ __ ] Hollow I mean every small little thing helps so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be mad about it and for the next few days nothing really happened I did another oil rig fun my weapon sold super quickly and I even opened a new shop selling components for stone and this was even more profitable than the others oh my God we're selling so much and with all these resources I continued building on the main base I did some farming around the island too but really the shops were the ones doing the heavy lifting my stone oh [ __ ] yeah oh hell yeah and before I knew it the base was done and I even set up some electricity and a turret okay we can't go much higher than this when it comes to upkeeping but it built a little bit too big of a base like kind of thinking about it that kind of in the fact that there then all that was left to do was to put down a compound around the base and so I formed up some wood now for placing down the compound hey so we now have managed to get down a compound we're actually starting to get somewhere and our base was now completely finished we're now 42 days into this and we only had one challenge left to complete Walling off the island but for the next few days nothing really that interesting happened but then day 49 I caught some people trespassing on the island and I quickly understood that these people were just here to have a look around no they were here to raid and it looked like they had their eyes set on my friend's new base and so I shot him a message in chat to give him a heads up Beth got no response he was probably just AFK I tried buying some time so that he could get back but it didn't look like he was going to be here for this and I tried my best to try and save my friends but the Raiders being six to seven deep there wasn't much I could do [Music] looks like my friend Circle and apparently be trying to stop them piss them off and not long enough to this they came to take me out as well that doesn't look good yep yep yep I am about to be raided and with this Bayside build they would be a much harder fight than my usual defenses [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] hell bro [ __ ] [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] did I I managed to kill them over and over again but it was like playing Zombies and they just kept coming at me but I wasn't about to give up and I kept trying but it was impossible to fight them now that they had control of the base oh they're so bad I can't believe I'm losing to this but I like like I can't defend after that I'm already strike my [ __ ] that's why you know but I think I was at like one person so many times too and so I just waited for the raid to be over and all of the Raiders left but one guy stayed behind to try and get further into the base get the [ __ ] out of here man and with that guy dealt with there was time to take back the base but they had done a pretty good job at grieving me luckily this guy left me with some jackhammers and so I went to work after opening up the base again I noticed that some of the Raiders were still moving loot from my friend's base this dude is still here so I thought I'd try to take some of that loot from them foreign oh my God oh hell yeah oh my God I almost threw that so much Luke Christy damn good I mean yeah I had just been raided but this loot was pretty nice and it would for sure help a lot in the future now time to take back the space and so first I needed to find the TC oh very [ __ ] yes and then it was just for me to fix up the base I put all the guns I'd gotten earlier in a shot and then my friends came back online now they had also been grieved but just like me they wanted to take back their base and so I thought I'd help them but Midway through this the Raiders came back and they did everything they could to try and stop my friends from taking back their base now I tried my best to help my friends I even gave them some explosives for this but their base was just so grief then there wasn't much we could do and so my friends decided to throw in the towel and they left the server so I finished fixing up my bags hey we are almost back we just need to pick something for again and with the guns I stole from the Raiders I was able to regain some Stone by selling them we're getting back a bit bit of stone slowly but surely but that was now completely alone on this island what started out on day one with an island filled with bases and people now day 57 it was just me and I just want to take this time to say a proper goodbye to Seoul Savage and Ignacio I had so much fun with them this wipe and I'm very sad to see them leave this way but this is rust and sometimes this is just how it goes anyways the next few days was rebuilding time I gathered all the stuff like boxes and furnaces from my friend's place and I recycled them for resources then it was back out to the ocean where I formed some barrels and I took cargo ship and with the scrap from this I take treat all the way down to explosive ammo and I use that to get rid of this door that the Raiders had left then I also crafted up some machetes and I got rid of the wall griefing as well and on day 61 our base was now completely fixed then day 63 a base popped up on the island and well we couldn't have that and so I raided it and the raid was pretty damn good [ __ ] oh wait hey this farming some people landed on the island well time to grab the a cape oh my God bro why are these guys so loaded I have no idea what these guys were doing or why they had so much loot on them but I'm not gonna question a gift when it's given to me then Day 70 I was getting something to eat so some people thought it would be a good idea to try and raid me foreign I didn't have time for stuff like this remember I still have the wall of the island and while I had managed to get quite a lot of wood just by selling stuff in my shops I was still far off having enough to wall off the island the shop was just too slow and if I only use that I wouldn't be able to do this but something you probably haven't realized with this island is that it actually has quite the Big Forest on it I for sure had no idea about this and the reason you and I haven't been able to see it is that it's just never been allowed to grow because of the people on the island but now that everyone was gone that wasn't the case anymore and so I was going to use this full rest to fund my world but in order to get the most wood out of this Forest I needed wood tease and so I spent day 74 building a farm base but I suck at farming and so I spent the next five days just planting and getting enough berries for a few pure wood teas then I just went absolutely crazy farming every single tree on this island and I crossed that all this wood into walls now for a wall not to Decay you have to place TC's next to the walls as well but I did not have enough stone for these closed off TCS and so instead I downgraded and I built these open TCS which was still a lot of stone but it might just work with this and I made it pretty far around the island but now I had to wait for this Forest to respawn which would take several days and on day 84 as I was just waiting in my base it called demolarest I did not have time for this I quickly does with the Raiders and they weren't there to play around they of course came back not being too happy with losing all these Rockets we just wanted to come back and give you a second chance that we wanted the radio again bro and to be honest I wasn't going to use these rockets and so I gave them a proposition if they gave me an inventory of stone I would give back all their explosives you see I still really needed stone for the TCS and they were halfway this trade good luck bro anyways I fixed up the base again with some of the stone then day 89 I formed the forest again I also had gotten some board from the shops and so I crafted up the walls and I continued placing them down almost there almost I was so close to being done and so I did some more weighting and nothing really happened and when the trees respawned I formed them again the last bit of wood I mean we only need like yeah like two walls but let's formed all the trees again yes it's the day 95 and we had managed to completely warm off the island completing our last challenge in the 100 days but we still had five more days to go and trust me I was gonna tough it out for these last few hours and as my last project of the wine I wanted to build a tribute to the MVP of this wife Betty the boat I ran into her on my first day on this server and without her this would not have been possible and so I figured an altar where she could rest for the rest of the wife would be the right thing to do hell yeah oh then the last five days passed and we had finally reached day 100 well it was a lot of fun but it's finally over and I mean if you made it all the way here you might as well subscribe and go and follow me over on Twitter
Channel: IOK
Views: 134,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iok, rust solo, rust pvp highlights, rust solo pvp, rust iok, rust solo serie, rust snowball, rust solo snowball, rust, rust movie, rust oil rig, rust solo raid defense, rust richest solo, rust best solo wipe, rust solo experience, rust fastest start, rust base build, rust progression, rust gameplay, rust solo vs clan, rust raid, rust 2022, rust wipeday, rust solo wipe, I Survived 100 Days on a Island in Rust
Id: U6wR6578qJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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