I Spent 100 Days as a Tardis Engineer in Minecraft (Doctor Who Modpack).

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so I've been binge watching the original doctor who recently which made me want to do 100 days as the doctor in Minecraft I found this mod pack called Taurus Engineers which adds a tardis to the game you can form a special bond with your Taurus and make it like you more as you travel but we'll get into that later first let's start with day one I get some wood you know how these videos start let's skip to the fun stuff I find a stone structure and get attacked by a Pillager I don't fight the Pillager until day two they hit hard ow that's a lot of damage I spend most of day two mining while I'm doing that I hear Stones sliding on Stone that can only be one thing the Weeping Angels I get freaked out and hide in a wall on the morning of day three I dig out and get one tap to another dimension I have to run from Raiders a lot of Raiders I find some ruins but don't find anything good before being asked to leave I fight One race I find a village I spend the night in the village the only way out of this Dimension is with a portal and in order to do that I need Limestone so I mine some up I also need diamonds to escape as I'm looking I get attacked by a Scarab which is good because with that I don't need any diamonds and I just need gold I find the gold I need I craft the Scarab I filled the portal to escape and realized I made it out of the wrong limestone I make Limestone bricks and build it again I throw the Scarab in and leave the desert Dimension I don't like sand foreign I find a village I ring the bell and hear the distant home of a Tardis in this mod pack you have to find an abandoned Tardis deep underground you can't craft them then you have to create components to make it functional again I go mining for the resources I need to make the subsystems I use a villager house as my workshop but I soon run out of space I craft an alembic this will let me make mercury bottles and circuit paste both essential parts of the TARDIS mod as I'm harvesting some crops I hear the stone sliding on Stone sound I freak out thinking there's an angel near but it's just a villager using a grindstone I gather up some leaves to make Circa paste which is really satisfying [Music] I go mining again and gather some Zion crystals these are also important in the Tardis mod I also find my first diamonds all right [Music] I find a Monster Spawner in the open I light it up but it still activates I then hear Stahl playing through the caves I craft a quantity scope I need this to make the Taurus components then I built a little house so I have space to build and store the Tardis parts I craft my first Tardis subsystem the fluid link the fluid link is needed to fuel a tardis I make my first artron capacitor I haven't slept in a while so I hear Phantoms I also haven't put a roof on my house yet so I get attacked by Phantoms I encounter a glitch where Mercury bottles won't stay in my inventory they would glitch back into the limbic just watch I put a floor and roof on my house I make a Chameleon Circuit the Chameleon Circuit is needed to change the exterior of a tardis I make a basic archon battery and a diagnostic tool the diagnostic tool tells you where your Tardis is I make a high archdron battery an interstitial antenna the antenna is needed to pick up distress signals or talk to other players if you have friends I spend a lot of time Mining and craft a tardis manual this tells me about the mod if I don't want to use the wiki I kill an Enderman and get a pearl I find more diamonds I crafted diamond pickaxe and mine obsidian okay I'm getting bored let's speed run all the interesting stuff until I find a tardis I find a cool underground structure or buried spaceship I make a stabilizer this will make traveling and the target safer if pocket watch can detect temporal anomalies the dematerialization circuit allows the tires to move and the Sonic Screwdriver is well the sonic screwdriver I use the Bell to try and Pinpoint atari's location I dig down and find a Cave System I explore the cave looking for an abandoned time ship the Bell can help find a Targets in a large area while the pocket watch is more useful when closer to a TARDIS my mouse also starts acting up and won't let me hold down right click I know the zombie just has a backpack but he looks like he has a fat ass damn boy he's sick on day 29 I find an abandoned TARDIS you can't just enter a tardis you need to gain its trust you can do this by using clocks maps and or pearls or compasses it takes 20 compasses to tame it answer my new Tardis and find a dark and run-down interior foreign [Music] engine and have a sussy Mini-Game each time thank you activate the refueling protocols but nothing happens archon units should be going up I tested this on a creative world and it works I don't know why it's not working here I craft more Atron Banks and batteries and install them and still nothing [Music] here's the Montage of stuff that happened before the Taurus was ready to travel I make another portal I get attacked by a giant mosquito killing it gives me an accurate advancement I get sucked off I make a safety box in the nether it fails um I have a regeneration mod installed that would let me regenerate like the doctor but I don't have the item yet so once I get it I'll instantly use it once I make a shield generator this will protect other subsystems if the Tardis gets damaged I take the archon batteries out of the engine and it starts refueling I guess they were hogging all the energy I changed the Taurus interior and exit the chip to wait for it to finish the change it finishes but won't let me back in this is definitely a glitch so I just spawned in another Tardis and all the subsystems I lost this time I changed the interior with no problem I spent a lot of time just messing around and troubleshooting I make the temporal Grace this gives me regeneration inside the Tardis I craft a neutronic spectrometer this will allow me to convert objects into different Tardis interiors and exteriors Ico strip mining in the nether hoping to find a fortress since I need blaze rods I hear blazes through the walls I don't find a portraits but I do find a blaze dungeon I gathered some rods I need I've entered to make a navcon this is needed to use precise coordinates when teleporting hi I plug in the navcom and go for my first flight I want to land the tires in the center of my house you have to manually accept the cords you don't just type them into a screen and press enter I put in the exact chords but don't end up where I want I later learned because my Tardis is depressed notice how it's blue on the inside if it's not in a good mood it won't go in the exact place specified I can cheer it up simply by traveling more I land right next to some cool crystals I land close to my house so I start moving everything inside the ship I unlock some new designs my diagnostic tool gets attuned to my Tardis this will now always point me to my ship I mess around with various consoles [Music] I admire different Exteriors all right foreign distressed signal I try to travel to the chords but my ship is still Moody I almost die I should have landed in that station I traveled to the tropics Dimension and my Tardis gets happier everyone needs a vacay now and again [Music] thank you I picked some flowers to convert to Circuit paste and then leave I managed to land my tires in my house I realized that modern flowers don't make sugar paste I travel again and open the door too early I get sucked out into the Vortex luckily I can find my Taurus again the phased Optics show exterior will make the tires blend into the environment [Music] I travel to a nearby pumpkin biome since I could use them in their Seas to make circuit paste I make a data Crystal on Waypoint bank so I can save locations in the TARDIS navcom I changed the interior for the last time I make an RS or ARS tablet this allows me to make my interior bigger [Music] I move all my items into the TARDIS I place the data bank and set a waypoint at my house [Music] a chapter of space and get cranked [Music] um I had no steady source of food so I traveled back to Earth and bring some chickens into my TARDIS [Music] foreign Grace also works on chickens [Music] I travel to space again and wait until I get a distress signal then I loaded into the navcom and land inside the space station this time I entered the bridge and find it full of people I steal a spacesuit and talk to the captain he says the drones have malfunctioned and started attacking the crew and asked me to destroy them the space suit isn't armor so when I get shot by a laser it hurts I choose a fight and inform the captain the problem is solved foreign this definitely doesn't count I get an object that will allow me to scan for structures in the world [Music] I ran into an old friend we go swimming we have a great time nice riding mt173 amaranth Fields Count Me In I craft some chronodine generators to combat the Weeping Angels [Music] an angel gets into my ship and I'm not talking about your mom I use the generator on it [Music] foreign [Music] damage to my ship and me can you be an angel and forget you saw this I land next to a mansion I gathered clay and craft a time you want me detector it will beep when angels are nearby the Mansion is next to a village the time you want me detector starts beeping and freaks me out turns out the Mansion is full of Angel friends [Music] hey guys don't forget to smash that like button before these guys smash the glass oh no luckily it didn't teleport me far day 69 this will be the perfect day to visit Ameren Fields right fellas the Taurus makes reaching the nether roof really easy I then travel to another Temple I go to loot the chest and I spent a lot of time mining for more Mercury I upgrade my archon capacitors and customize my sonic screwdriver I take a quick trip up to the Moon there's not much up here besides some space stations I want to travel to the world border so I set the coordinate increment to 10 000 and start the long process of clicking the X chord button [Music] um after about 10 minutes of clicking it's time to de-materialize I decide to turn off the stabilizers for this trip it's more dangerous but travel uses half a fuel in half the time after another 10 minutes of playing the Mini-Game involved I work up the nerve to activate the throttle pretty much what happens in unstabilized fight is different prompts will show up on screen and you need to press the right button to prevent bad things from happening you only have a few seconds to react so you need to memorize all the prompts bailing too many times forces the tires to materialize sooner than it should failing one prompt can lead to a death spiral too failing prompts can also damage and destroy subsystems foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] link gets destroyed and I don't have any Mercury to make a new one so I need to go find some I actually find some within 30 seconds of entering a cave I also find Stone sticking out of the snow I cautiously approach and uncover a weeping angel foreign link and continue my journey to the world border I travel 210 000 blocks out and find a renovated house I also find an angel trapped in a ravine I realized the world board is just too far so I decided to go on the long journey back home it took 23 minutes and 700 artron units to get home media would take about 54 and a half hours and 100 000 Archer and energy to reach the world border I don't have a lot of time left so I start looking into the create mod there's one thing I want to make for day 100 so I need to mine some resources and learn how to create mod Works lawn mining I get poisoned by which and then this happens foreign I make different parts for day 100. [Music] my pyramid of cuckoo clocks announces the dawn of day 100 or technically is noon but whatever [Music] foreign here's how the Regeneration mod Works since I never used it the watch turns me into a time lord and then all I have to do is die [Music] [Music] [Music] you also get a unique trait with each regeneration [Music] leave my Tartarus for the last time and the game freezes perfect ending if you enjoyed the video please consider leaving a like I do gaming challenges on this channel so subscribe if you don't want to miss them in the meantime remember to stay hydrated
Channel: Kazy Matman
Views: 140,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, doctor who, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, minecraft doctor who, minecraft tardis, doctor who tardis, 100 days doctor
Id: C_s-sATOflI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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