I Spent 10 HOURS Playing Doomfist to PROVE He's the GREATEST Tank

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because if you don't know doomfist while he's in the Maga cage can't use any of his abilities he can't punch he can't slam he can block you're just dead okay that ult is ridiculous I can't do anything as doomfist M absolutely hard counter doomfist H I can't do anything again I'm dead all I can do is block and jump doomfist isn't in the best place ever unfortunately characters like roadhog are particularly harder to deal with now I hate this freaking game doomfist is doomfist a force to be reckoned with good doomfist can just run a team down does it all come down to a skill issue unironic skill issue or is it a losing battle no matter how hard you try well today I'll be answering these questions I'm spending 10 hours playing doomfist in competitive to see if I have what it takes to rank up starting at a master 4 level and on the way learn new skills and mechanics to give me the best possible chance on reaching my goals and they say zry is dead you miss every that is so skillful I missed everybody how hard is doomfist try me well with the 68 hours of play time I have with doomfist I can tell you one thing I hate Anna so much his counters are brutal oh with the sleeps man with the freaking sleeps Anna sleeps Sombra hacks a getting hacked is just so fun rig bashes oh my gosh this brri the list goes on and now this season adding to the list magga The Rock Johnson also known as what can I say except you're let's face it you'll need a lot of practice but I'm here to tell you it's worth it oh my Lord I just know you're not serious Honestly though doomfist is so fun to play but the reality is he takes a lot of effort especially in comp games stress man a lot of work playing Doom hence why I would call myself a quickplay doomfist enjoyer so in hour one I started with quick play to warm up and to show what 68 hours of doomfist playtime can look like nice there we go bro every doomfist is Fu hard to change my mind I didn't know that it' be so hard yet for me to Rel no way myose don't know what makes me happy don't know what makes me sad I'm trigged I see around and Ponder emotions in my head I give up no matter what I do not he know I try so hard to stop by giving to every single bad Temptation wait what and I just want to feel like a good person a good person now I every single morning now I give up no matter what I do I give up I [Music] give and I just want to feel like a good person a good person when I wake every single morning now I give up Victory oh that's so satisfying finishing my first hour I played against a fair few mangas which was torture oh though there is hope I learned if time correctly you can cancel mag's Al oh I canceled [Music] it I canceled his V plus if you find yourself an aggressive doomfist player I highly recommend get yourself a life Weaver cuz it can be a lifesaver thank you that was so good oh run and on other news to my surprise I unlocked this achievement which I didn't even know existed wait I just unlocked an achievement us survival expert confidence confidence is key with doomfist I think you got to go in there like you believe you're going to win first game in comp went really well and I realized playing doomfist with Genji and Tracer makes for an amazing comp why do they see to keep coming they just kept coming what the heck I'm 260 oh here we go well I got my play of the game in my first game the game still ended up pretty close we managed to win and I got my play of the game quickly out of the way oh this I try to save you the rest of the hour went really [Music] well [Music] as doomfist I was making sure to ignore tanks and Target supports [Music] one oh my God it's not about the number of Els it's about the impact you have on the game it's about the journey agree finishing off my first promo I was very close on ranking up [Music] oh I'm mering another Doom I'm happy deat I'm not that happy anymore beginning of hour three I got doomd which was a humbling experience I will find you and I will kill you in this King's Road game I was pretty happy because the enemy had a Ryan heart and I personally find it easy to verse Ryan than any other tank H oh nice so things were looking pretty good until the Ryan decided he had enough and he went Road Hog wow he's so hard to verse he's such a bullet sponge and the Hook is so frustrating and soon after I just crumbled I had no idea what to do against a RoR dude I don't know what to do and that wasn't the only game of course I'm hacked every time I did somewhat decent with doomfist oh he was so freaking there would always be a roadhog a Sombra or a Cassidy to stop me in my tracks how long can I not use my oh I see9 which was getting really frustrating no I and at a point I was starting to lose it I got S I got out my confidence with doomfist just vanished and my lack of experience with these counters I don't know dims the play really cost me in my games I don't even know how to counter Dwayne Johnson over here you got to fight fire with with fire so I gave it this game just got 10 times louder after six losses I finally managed to win another game we did it I won a game finally beginning hour 5 I had a revelation I suck with doomfist hours 3 and four reminded me why I don't play doomfist in comp greetings I hate dealing with this counters it seems no matter what I did they were too strong okay I'm done with this game like what is that but I also knew it wasn't impossible doomfist Mains like zebra get Quake on and Isaac are a prime example of what a good doomfist play should be so in hour five it was time to learn more skills and mechanics I ended up watching One guide each about doomfist on zebras get quaked on and Isaac's channels and an additional guide on K Channel where zebra gives one tip against each hero as doomfist now there was a lot of things I already knew such as what can power up at doomfist's Gauntlet and certain movement mechanics but I did learn some interesting things such as roll outs straing with punch and how one slam can wipe all of roing balls Ms hold on I'll get rid of these in a sec now I can go in depth with a lot of these things I learned however that could be a video in itself so if you're interested on learning more I recommend checking out these channels unless let me know in the comments below if you would like me to make an in-depth guide about toist what is that but what I can tell you now are three of the biggest tips I learned whilst watching these guy first I had no idea you can cancel doomfist's punch by left clicking so simple yet so brilliant meaning if you have a powered up punch and decide to cancel it you can save it for another fight second you can get more height when canceling slam with block or punch this can help to get to higher places or do unique flanks and lastly movement now I've noticed this mechanic by accident in my games but I wasn't sure how exactly I was achieving it what how did I just do that or even when and where this mechanic would be useful but but nevertheless I wanted to learn it cuz it looked fun oh no way it's actually kind of fun look at that basically you need to hit your legs on a slanted or Edge surface and right before impact press space or jump key to Ricochet off the surface you got to press space by like at the right time I did it there's also a similar type called a diagonal punch the difference is that you don't press space bar before hitting the slanted surface you skim off it using punch alone and try to hit your legs on the Sur surface I found this to be kind of tricky you really need to know the timing on when to release the punch with some surfaces you need to use jump to get the correct height this can also be done with doomfist's head so you can do a downwards diagonal so after I practiced in some Parkour maps with my friend dark Soldier I did it and finished off my second card [Music] the difference in between I did it I did [Music] it [Music] [Music] game it's all each level feel the same know about you [Music] what a cleanse that cleanse was goated world that I got to get a good and hold it on to the wild got to [Music] get and this hold up the defense until the end my theory is I'm going to stay the same rank oh beginning hour 8 was interesting I had one of my first experiences with a hacker wait she's hacking no am I seeing things I wasn't 100% sure so I went back into the game and I think I confirmed my suspicions what yeah hacking wow wow that's ridiculous ridiculous again I could just to F your I travel a thousand miles just to fill your arms around me I in my you you when I get I could TR down mil just your eyes around me I will give my love to you [Music] I in hour8 I was trying to be more creative and less predictable with my punches to surprise my enemies holy you're fro also in this hour I learned that there's such a thing as a Reinhardt roll out what the what was what did I just witness no way no way why isn't it possible it's just not why not you stupid bastard tal visor [Music] activated they say that love is G but I never trusted when I turn it look inside there's nothing I can find in the Silence of the night when my demons come alive I hear a voice disguise telling me we're not all [Music] right you always on my [Music] mind my mind you're always on my mind [Music] oh one t you can't get enough one kiss if feel one that was a good try [Music] though can't get enough one kiss you feel my one taste you can't get oh I'm going to guess I'm going to stay the same rank like I've done for the past four times oh and now we have it after getting Master 4 four times in a row I achieved four of my goals I'm counting this clip to be my stylish skill and this clip to be my 5K but let me know if you disagree with this so doomfist's skill cealing in my opinion is infinite due to his same Mobility there are endless possibilities on how to engage a fight and it's all depending on how you use your abilities under the right circumstances watch it yes versing a road hog or a Sombra won't make it easy playing doomfist but it is possible I'm just going to have full ball a road hog I'm not going full ball oh oh maybe not predicting your enemy movement baiting dodging abilities and using the environment around you will give you the Competitive Edge I personally have a lot to improve on what I like the most was definitely community communicating with my team but I still find doomfist super fun to play very high risk High reward type of hero anyways let me know in the comments Below on what you guys think about doomfist and don't forget to like And subscribe if you want to see future content and like always I'll see you in the next one God bless all right's go nothing the map you do that often oh my [Music] [Applause] Lord
Channel: Niftty
Views: 186,708
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Id: _yz3eGpIQbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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