I Spawned 50,000 LLAMAS in Fortnite Creative Mode!

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what you see before you is a land of opportunity possibilities and possibly making fortnight and even better game that it already is I'm so excited by this welcome to for tonight's creative mode my name is Dan and I know I said that that's weird and today we're here in the X button and going straight into the brand-new fortnight creative mode which at the moment is only accessible if you have the season seven battle paws which I've already covered oh so wait it changes it's kind of in the same Lobby so if I hit solos oh that's kind of cool solo creative and then it goes to like a a building site I like it let's play start a server is do it welcome to creative your island is through the golden rifts okay this is um this is pretty sick I'm not gonna lie this is cool and I think as well if you share your worlds they kind of appear in front of all these um all these rocks and stuff for hours on the clock let's go build your own for tonight everything you do here is saved thanks bright Ballmer open your imagery to see the new creative inventory system this already sounds awesome oh my goodness I'm flying whoa okay okay this is cool this is already very cool I have a phone I have a phone r2 you copy Elle to pick up left delete let's see we can um yeah we can look r2 copy whoa oh I want the roof I want the roof oh no I didn't mean to do that I've kind of taken the roof and just uh put it here do it that's cool I love that it makes it really easy to make something you'll just copy this boom I'm now uh actually I'm stuck in here now and I at least I can fly so there is a limit to this at the bottom you can see there's a hundred thousand like things that you can max out and wait how do i how do I get the menu oh by the way yeah this is the new this is a new battle royale map everything is now covered in white snow and there's like five new locations so how sick is that whoa okay it's called the buildings and stuff and then a set pax blocks bro this is cool jump pads lawn pad ooh yes this is what we want use my island in the main menu to share enclosed setting so what I thought would be cool about this is we can make or I can make some custom maps and then that we can have like our own TDM battle Royales because you can set spawns you can set chests you can bring in Lamas you can bring in you know planes almost haven't even tried this yet how do I always X that's kind of weird let's go well you can boost it to roll right oh these are some weird controllers but this is pretty nice I like this it's good to kind of test things out this is um this is almost better than playgrounds you know oh Jesus stop stop stop it's got our control I want to get out I want to get out thank you goodbye what is the plan go it's just uh hovering in midair oh no here he comes I'm sorry plane what are you doing come back down come back down to earth please there we go nailed it there's new things as well there's like timers the scoreboards player spawns damaged rails I've seen a lot of this stuff already I'm sure you guys have to go speed boost ooh big oof weapons you can literally spawn every single weapon in the game I don't think you can spawn crossbows so anything that's in playground you can grab consumable slugs use balloons grappler literally anything add items to the chests then create a chest or llama I want to own a llama llama llama llama okay so I've added shockwaves create llama oh and then can we use the phone to copy oh this is cool oh I see you can make literally a million llamas oh my goodness reckon we could get up to the max thing with just llamas that would be insane I'm gonna try it every one is worth 20 so we could get ourselves effectively 50,000 llamas let's give it let's give it a go and see what happens this is gonna take me absolutely ages I kind of like I'm flying and then making them fool down because they have gravity most of them so we're gonna have a big pile of 50,000 llamas to check out which is gonna is gonna be kind of fun but that also means that I need to press the r2 button 50,000 times so I'll be back either when I've done this or when a fire is started because of the friction on my r2 but so close we're so close almost there are 98 thousand and already it looks insane here we go the last 1000 are being dropped in so the reason there's loads everywhere in the sky is because I'm clicking it so fast that they're duplicates you go on each other and it won't let me do anything else there must be something else we can spawn in we did it we did it and it's actually fairly stable I don't know what it looks like but I guess we're gonna go over here turn round and see what happens the frames have dropped a little bit but I thought it would be so laggy like crazy laggy okay yeah it might be a little bit laggy it's struggling now are you ready for the big reveal three two one this is what 50,000 alarms look like in fortnight whoa it kind of looks like it kind of looks like a plague like a really ODS plague whoa oh my goodness okay now it's lagging now it's like a real bad look at this there's llamas everywhere this is sick so sick I really want to get up to 999 thousand what's something that's like really small to spawn in can we drop these drop it's still on 999 - they kind of disappeared though whoa this is sick I think I think the culling is literally disappeared they're gone all right there they are can you can you see them give me them right I guess the only thing left to do is blow some of them up I don't know this is gonna take forever that wasn't too bad actually you know what we're gonna blow them up and then we'll get to some some other stuff I guess weapons weapons weapons I think the quad launcher might be better but then we can also grab ourselves this and this and do all of them or once ah you this is the craziest thing I guess we should do a quick like look around first right it looks so weird this already of the air as well yeah this is the kind of the kind of thing you can do in fortnight now I mean this is it everything we ever wanted right I'm pretty sure okay so I've had one idea to blow it up another idea is to get a quad crasher and go straight through it I don't know if that's gonna work but I really want to try it so we're gonna do that first oh my goodness it's so laggy it's so like it I'm trying to press it down and this is not working nein nein nein nein nein I wanna get out - max how do I do this I don't think we're gonna be able to get to complete max because we need how much to get a Accord crasher in here nine nine nine eight nine okay - I need something that's worth eight that's worth three oh man it's so close - max oh look there's the wrap as well on this right you guys ready I don't know if this is gonna work or even go forwards oh oh here we go here we go here we go oh my guess this is not working it just gets to a point and then just crushes itself all right explosives it is goodbye a little camels wait llamas it's not as epic as I thought I would be to be honest we don't really have that much ammo and there's 50,000 of these guys so it's just not gonna work maybe if I just keep wondering air like this it'll work it's gonna take a long time to get rid of these guys this is so dumb and that is about as far as we're gonna get it yeah these llamas are indestructible and now I I don't know how to clear the world I'm not sure what to do now I didn't think this through I didn't think this army of llamas would be this powerful options I want to uh I want it to go back to zero Oh risa Ireland this will remove everything please get rid of all the llamas I can't be doing it no more oh they're going they're going this is the only way you can defeat them it's taking a long time I literally I can move ah there's that smooth frame that I was hoping for okay they're still going where are these are they still going from the sky some of them survived Oh Oh No yeah they're gone oh thank goodness they're gone that was uh I was interesting right other stuff that you can do is spawn in these things so these things are kind of like obstacle courses almost so if we equip that and then I think you have to throw it old cheese and stuff underneath yeah you can throw it and it's like you know this show Ninja Warrior that's what this reminds me of see what I mean great good job welcome to llama warrior your world's greatest test of scaling yeah let's just play it let's see what happens here we go that did not work that worked oh my goodness oh it all the way over is that ice that's crazy what do these do okay yeah don't touch those oh it's parkour they've actually added parkour pads this is my worst nightmare why would they do this this is great though imagine like having those your friends try this out at the same time you didn't see that you didn't see that at all you have to set rules though because I don't think there's any prefab rules and if I'm missing something let's go up to here that's the wrong way let's go up to here now we're on the right way so this is kind of cool I mess that up too no no there we go that's better and icicles all the way to the end no what is this this is a bounce pad no I just suck just like in a directional arrow and we're done llama warrior completes yay trying to find other things that we haven't had before I guess they just they've just vaulted the shockwave grenade so you can still play over them here there's so many prefabs you can even build the clock tower from tilted towers it's you can literally make your your own city in this island is madness or you can just grab these and these are like little packs you can have so you can then copy and paste these so you can build wherever you want with bins toilets dust bins literally anything yeah that's what I'm talking about here's the toilets so you can literally place as many toilets as you like and as well you can turn off it dropping so you can have it so that it's just in the air and what this could make use for is give me this and you've got yourself a toilets fling a course that's what I'm talking about this is why this mode was created no I missed that could actually be really really difficult toilet park or who's up for it yes oh the King has arrived the king of the toilet parkour and look you've got literally everything that is used for every single building in fortnight so you can make your own huge cities if you have the time make your own little but battle royale maps you can have mini battle rails of your friends and because you can literally set anything you like into a chess so if I pick these three things and then create chests these will then come out of it the chest take ages to search but it does come out of it and then you just play these new weapon skins look amazing by the way look at this green shotgun you kidding me so all in all there are some pretty dumb things that you can do in fortnight now there's some pretty dumb things that you could do before but now it gets even crazier okay you thought this was just a battery all game nah this is this game is changing the world's like quite literally I thought one more thing we can try and it involves this bad boy right here and wait if I just hold on a second can I just create a course like this go straight up and just place these pads I haven't tried if these pads work on ramps yet but I'm guessing they do I'm just gonna fly okay this is so cool so this Plus this legs is a trap you should be able to do it right place place oh you can do it I didn't not mean to do that one though you can even spawn them on the sides what I did not know you could do that I think I've ruined this one I need to take this off there we go get out of here no he died I managed to die in my own world when no one else is in but I need a ton of these thank you this should be enough now we've got one quad crusher thing in the way but it should be fine why is that so loud I don't know if that's loud for you guys but my goodness this should work perfectly you ready I am I'm gonna wait what should I do with this with golf cart plane I guess quad crusher I'm just not gonna boost it and see what happens here we go let's do this oh my goodness it was it was it doesn't make you go above max speed but still oh okay this is bad this is very very bad uh whoops note to self there is an orange wall that blocks you so I'm probably keep that in mind and I know you've noticed it too but there is what looks like a 4-hour limit because remember playgrounds only has a playground sizer a one-hour limit so you need to make your build then it's gone forever but if I go to creative hub they'll send me back to where all the rifts are and it saves you can also leave your match and then come back in and your four hours will reset every time I know what this means what you can set different islands that's kind of cool it's very cool I like how they chose a different Island for it to start at - but anyway I hope you enjoyed this this was um I did not mean to do that this is a lot of fun I think this mode can allow people to create some insane Maps just thinking minecraft when you make maps and then other people can download them before and I've already said they're gonna do that to the best ones or you can just create whatever you want play whatever you want with your friends not being limited to playground mode so I hope you enjoyed this if you did it for like - some more fortnight content please make fat like that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand spanking new for more videos and I'll see you in the next one good bye [Music] posters posturing wagon candles campus so far fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,992,238
Rating: 4.7554145 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, dantdm, dantdm fortnite, fortnite dantdm, season 7, fortnite season 7, battle pass, fortnite season 7 battle pass, fortnite battle royale, fortnite creative mode, fortntie creative
Id: 1A01YcoY6Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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