Fortnite BUILD BATTLE! | Fortnite Creative Mode

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welcome to the world's first fortnight bill battle challenge the rule was very simple I have built this arena where four competitors selected from my members discord server join in the description below um where four brave competitors are given unlimited colored blocks to build a single word of my choosing within a time limit after the timer has expired the players rate each other's builds and the one with the most points after three rounds wins the opportunity to sit atop the golden throne if your hope for this new game mode then please leave a big old like and let the build battle commence welcome your but I like that you've got the new pickaxe - very nice welcome your buds to the very first dance EDM build battle challenge you guys excited use your favorite emotes to show you're excited please very exactly the same one exactly the same time right okay so if you guys are ready we're gonna do week will this a practice round or round one I think we're gonna right go round one so what I would like you to build for me for the first word you're gonna have five minutes I need you to build me a very simple house if you guys could build me a house that'd be great you have until the timer hits 3 hours and 43 minutes go ahead so we've got scold trooper starting to build some red seems to be struggling a little bit but we'll see what he comes back with always going be galaxies going big right now going for a doorway as well I like it well so we have okay this is nice too going for the old blue and brown and over got over here yep going small I think this is a good strategy right you know what I think I'm gonna give this a go as well here we go let's build a house I have had the advantage of actually being able to build this so I've got a little bit more practice he says as he builds terribly know what it's way harder than it looks see look at this I've got myself a doorway this is actually why I don't I thought I feel mean now let's check in on the competitors oh my goodness you've created the biggest pile of colors ever I like it it's his looking we also have the big house over here again very ambitious this is going slow but is you know what it's way harder than I thought it was gonna be oh no oh no you okay you doing okay you okay there buddy yeah this is uh it's just way harder than I thought it was gonna be I have I've been very mean giving them this challenge let's just delete this let's just get it out of here you have three seconds I know that's not very much of a not merit of a warden but three two one and please stop your building if you could make your way out of your red / blue doors and then follow them to the middle come up the jump pad and meet me in the middle that would be perfect and we will rate your builds thank you for your efforts hello sir how about you right okay so I had a little go of this as well and this isn't extremely and I mean an extremely difficult challenge we're missing someone so what's missing oh there you are whew thought we lost one so I think we're gonna call this a practice I'm gonna go around let's go and see everyone's builds this is nice and colorful I like it but there's a lack of door if you follow me to the next one let's see what people think I like the use of the big glowing blocks very nice has a nice space inside again lack of door which is a bit upsetting but that's fine let's move on to the next one whoa dude okay is this a diamond - this is finesse this has a tiny little door which I can't actually fit through but that's okay got windows glowing blocks this is very good I like it and then finally over here okay you actually made really good progress on this that is big and it's got a working door and that is how to my graph but that is great you know what we're gonna call this a practice this was actually really difficult so we're gonna do this for real this time okay practice round over you guys better be ready are you guys ready emot-- at me if you are ready I like this big claps yeah big nod from you a little slow clap from you as well right if you could take your places get back to you arenas my friends remember now you're allowed to do either 2d or 3d builds you are going to have five minutes - just build me a smiley face build me a smiley face please my friends this is for real this time so we're gonna be doing scores you have until the clock hits 30s you got six and a half minutes go smiley face the best smiley face you can make I should be able to do this one this time I'm gonna go yeah I think I should be able to do this I'm gonna join in just so I don't feel too mean and so that I have something to do over five minutes oh my goodness this is terrifying angry why I think we're about halfway through so let's check in on the competitors okay I like this I thought most people would go for a nice um emoji style this has got two eyeballs but that's fine for now keep going oh look at this progress I'm liking it everyone's gone very similar but it looks like we've got either a mono brow or a hack coming out here as well I will leave them do this this is working so well back to my masterpiece I'm gonna do an emoji style as well you know what the hardest bit about this is coloring in so if you want like a full face for example which is what I've told them to make the coloring in is real it really like a big challenge how's it looking not too bad is looking extremely terrifying to be honest though oh my goodness yes I'm just going to leave this one that's my little attempt way too bad right when you look at it from afar in too bad you guys have one minute remaining one minute oh you could make it so evil that's kind of cool okay my friends you have five four three two one watch I need to do my um into my llama horn if you can hear that time is up please meet me at the stage at the top thank you oh three of you here already I like your spray as well very nice now this is the way this is gonna work so we're all gonna kind of judge each other's and that's what these numbers are for so with your phone you should be able to grab a number so what you need to do is put a number which is a score between one and nine next to the builds that you haven't done if that makes sense so you should be able to provide three scores for other people while I'm looking at everyone else's so if you go and do that while I'm doing this that'd be great be fair be nice and go and score I'll add them up at the end go score each other's builds so while they're scoring we've got number one he has the he has the advantage that it's actually a yellow background which is good so it does kind of like a face I'm not sure where the double eyes come from though interesting next up this is good I like it a little bit squished potato face also very nice oh the finesse the finesse is already has a 7 as well and a 308 I was gonna say that's a very harsh 3 that is awesome and our final competitor no top-hat but a very big yellow face I'm liking this too let's see what the scores are gonna be for everyone when you guys are done come and join me here that'll be perfect Rhys everyone finish their scores we all good ok let's add them up so over here we have a 7 and we also have a 6 there's one score missing where is it oh it's down here 7 6 & 6 that's a total of 19 who's one was this yellow Zenoss yellow zeniff you got yourself 19 points that's actually really good on to the next one now this one I did like I've only just noticed you added lights in the corner as well very cool so this has a big 7 a big 8 and also another 8 so that is 23 if this is yours please sit on your smiley face hey why is any of gets himself 23 points let's move on to the next one who we got over here remember if this is yours stand on it please got a 7 a 6 and I can't find the other score seven six and five so that is I think that's 18 and this is galaxy skin good job my friend and then finally let's go over to this one this is skull trooper you've got yourself a three a three and a two so that equals eight bad luck buddy you are in last place for now but you could bring it back let me go through the school so far hold on a second we've got another intruder what just how did you do that this is slightly awkward how did you how did you get here I need to banish you actually come over here come over here I did a little entry as well what do you guys think come over here what do you think huh you like this this was my entry what do you guys think give me Anna moat to explain how you would judge this okay simple DAB nice I won't arrest you someone gave me a 9 thank you for the fat 9 another 9 oh you guys are too nice right the competitors are ready okay so everyone did a stellar performance in round 1 round 2 remember it can be 2d it could be 3d whatever you like as long as it resembles a you think of a word your word is clock if you could make me one you've got until it gets down to 12 minutes three hours and twelve minutes good luck and let your best builds be realized right now I'm gonna try it as well I think this is gonna be a difficult one but um good luck okay you know what this one is going to be difficult they gave me high scores last time so I'm feeling pretty feeling pretty confident maybe it's easier if I drop it like this there we go we're gonna have hands in the middle let's make the hands blue I mean why not yeah okay so the hardest bit of this is going to be making a circle yeah that's not that's not a circle the last time they voted benign but this time they're definitely voting me about a zero this is awful let's have a quick look from the viewing platform and see how it's going down okay nice it looks like they figured out how to paint with the blocks that's not too bad at all oh yes scold trooper unfortunately didn't get the big points last time but this is a good one I like it oh he's right in so thing as well he's feeling confident yes this is gonna be a good one guys how long do I give them again I think they've got two minutes left can I just say while we're doing this how amazing this looks this took me probably about two hours to build the arena and what they're building is really great too I'm just having creative mode in general it's just so cool if you're enjoying it smash the thumbs up do it happy greatly appreciate it looks like we've got two people finished so far oh I think we have three left a snowball fight is breaking out oh no he's crying okay time is up if you could join me up on the stage please and we will go over your builds and give them scores as well that's right he's back okay perfect good job guys so while I'm doing this bit looking around your builds if you could provide each one with a score apart from your own they'll be greatly appreciated go go my pretties go score man I love this already let's check out the field so first up we have I think that's a 12 at the top it's very difficult to do circles in this games I appreciate this this is probably the same time I chose as well very nice next up oh okay one's full of diamonds I like this I think that says dinner as well like dinner time the glowing face is impressive good creativity there next up we have a very good turn up for the books from skull trooper classic colors very similar actually and then finally our little pocket watch that's cute had some issues with destroying the stage but that's okay has everyone done their scores yep looks like everyone's done their schools give me a nod if you have that'll be great or a snowman face let's go and check these schools shall we so we're going over here first I have a terrible memory so please stand on the artwork that is yours who's gonna claim this one who's is it this is white zeniff you have yourself a three a two and a three that's a big score of eight well done my friend well done let's go on to the next one it's glowing crazy timepiece whose is this one this is galaxy okay of course it is of course it is looking beautiful you've got a seven a five and where's the final score a seven a five and an eight that is a big score you've got yourself is that twenty points seven five and eight that's a big twenty right next up I think this is skull troopers over here you've got yourself a score of four seven and six thirteen seventeen good job my friend much improvement from your first score and then finally I think this is yellows than it is that right certainly is let's count up your scores is a six a five and a three so we have got eight plus six 14 not bad right let me reset the world and then we'll get into our final round add up the scores and see who gets the six on the golden throne show you guys mine I'm gonna cry yeah F that's all Nealon respects for the lost clock yeah such sad much well right let's not be too sad you guys go and head to your colors and then I will present you with the final word a big score here could put you into first place to sit up upon the golden throne because this time your word probably a tricky one is car I would like you to build me either a 2d or a 3d car you have until I'm gonna give you seven minutes for this one until it gets to three hours on the dot ready set go give me your best cars should I try this one too I think this one I probably should yeah yeah I remember to show them this time I can't believe I forgot I'm so upset so upset you see what I'm doing here though right car tires this one's gonna be a tricky one even in 2d this one's gonna be hard but I think someone's gonna pull out the big the big guns for this and build something amazing a Lamborghini or Ferrari some kind of tank car anything oh okay I have surprised myself look at this I I really hope someone uses these blocks they're gonna pimp their car out proper there's mine there is my car that is looking beautiful if I do say so myself this time I'm not going to go and see what they're up to I wanted this to be a big reveal I think I need to work these out I need to do some maths one sec hey who's throwing that there's go this emot-- looks so weird as the fish Wow I lost track of time I lost track of time your time is up I need to do the llama belt I need to do the llama bell now it's officially up you can join me on the big stage that'll be greatly appreciated don't cry little sky trooper skull tree but whatever your name is it's gonna be okay don't throw tomatoes who was that right if you guys could deal out your fairest but your last score on each piece that isn't yours that'll be greatly appreciated judge these cars judge them go and judge them that'll be great thank you right let's check out the final round oh my goodness these guys built a bus this is this is nines all round surely he's looked as a nine drop from the sky this is insane are you kidding me he's got seats in everything absolute legend I am very impressed next up I guess we got a 2d one over here it's like a blue little car I would love a car this color that is great that's so good they have pulled out the stops for this one look at this - this is like a police car oh man that is beautiful guys you've outdone yourselves this time and then we are know I see a design floor it's done in red oh no I like the lines in the road though very good I did like to see the glowing cubes as well but this one's blown my mind a little bit my goodness right is everyone done scoring are you ready for the finale are you guys ready they look ready let's head over here let's add up some scores let's do some math together honestly this one impressed me we've got a big nine we've got a seven as well that's sick Steen that is twenty two points remember stand on your build if it is yours cuz I have a terrible memory this is why Zenit how many did I say this was 922 big 22 good job my friend what a build what a build right let's move on to the next one blue car five seven and six that gives us 18 and this one is galaxy man's car let me just double check this score don't my um my bad maths to be exposed but I'm pretty sure that's yeah that's an 18 right next up we have another blue car looks like a cop car I like it we've got a 4 a 5 and a 5 which equals 14 4 who's this ask old trooper pulled it out in the end good job buddy big 14 and then finally we have the red on red 3 6 and 2 that is a score as 11 for the yellow Zenith Reich and you guys join me in front of the the toilets of glory the golden throne where I will announce the winner we are missing someone there they are ha ha I like that you used the launch pad as it was designed okay I wish I had this bowing emot-- I need to do some quick math - bear with me if I have done this correctly then I have in reverse order in fourth we have with 39 points the scold trooper well done buddy good job you really pulled out in the end good no don't cry please please no cry you did good right next up in third position we have yellow zenith good job my friend good job third place not too shabby at all and his second position I really hope that I have calculated this correctly if not I'm a shambles am ashamed but in second place we have with 53 points the white zenith my man right here good job my friends so I would like to invite up to the golden throne the galaxy skin with 56 points sits on that throne and do your favorite emotes oh yeah on the on the current stand on the toilet please on the toilet on the toilet it doesn't count if you don't do it on the toilet there we go a motorway my friend a motorway good job well done and that's it for the first ever fortnight filled battles thank you to everyone big Gigi's good collapse please don't cry again mr. scold trooper too many tears have been shed today but I'm thank you so much for taking part in this you guys have been incredible hey smiley face [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,772,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, family friendly, fortnite, dantdm fortnite, fortnite dantdm, fortnite build battle, build battle, fortnite creative mode, fortnite creative
Id: dBPccW1Xviw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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