I snuck into a cult

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[Music] what is a cult you don't need to answer that question because I already know I joined one [Music] you saw the title of the video you're probably like oh that's an exaggeration no if you've been following my videos for the past month you know that I've been uploading a series where I went on a van trip with my friends Zara Aiden Janice and Paul before I tell you this story let's get on the same page about what a cult is first of all most Cults have one leader a person that all the money gets funneled to because most of the time when you're starting a cult it's fair to money a lot of Cults also have a doomsday Clause to it which is like hey the world's gonna end and you're on the wrong side of it so that's why a lot of Cults end up Mass unaliving themselves you probably have heard of the drinking the Kool-Aid story or the children of God or the Angels Landing but I'm not sure you've heard of the 12 tribes let me start with restarted though I have this friends named who said he had visited a cult before and I was like oh no you haven't he had a year ago me and my two friends decided to go up to Vermont for a snowboarding trip and by the time we get there it's like maybe 11 at night so we were really hungry my friend finds this one place called The Yellow Deli and they give us like free tea to start they like you know they warm stuff like oh where'd you come from blah blah blah so at this point I'm like hold up the customer service is great the food is great the decor is great where's the catch here while I was going to the bathroom I saw this restaurant had free calendars and on the calendar it said a new day is coming Join the Revolution I was like for a deli like this is a huge operation bro we're done like start asking questions we're like What do you guys do like what is this place we're called the 12 tribes of Israel we believe in yahshua when we join the community everyone changes their names so we all get Hebrew names I knew this guy was on some [ __ ] so I was like let's ask let's actually get into something interesting because I was like what is your stance on vaccines and he said it's an act of Satan the 12 tribes was founded by Albert Eugene Spriggs in 1972. it originally started because him as well as other hippies were upset that the hippie movement sucked the 12 tribes is very secretive a couple YouTubers have infiltrated it only as of recently but they hide everything about the 12 tribes Behind The Yellow Deli because the Yellow Deli is this phenomenal restaurant but the 12 tribes is the cult The Yellow Deli has over 3000 members worldwide and locations from New York all the way to Japan and Australia and 50 years later only really as of recent the 12 tribes have been making a lot of headlines headlines about child abuse headlines about hating all gay people headlines about them sacrificing 144 000 virgins but no way that couldn't be true I needed to figure it out for myself there happened to be a Yellow Deli on our way to Upstate New York when we were hunting Bigfoot and so we stopped by foreign [Music] and immediately I was like yeah this is probably a cult but I have no freaking way of knowing that for sure we took a bunch of their pan flips and materials and we ordered quite frankly the most delicious food I've ever tasted in my entire life I down that food so fast I didn't even like consider that it could be poisoned it wasn't but I'm saying like I had no cares in the world anyways that night debrief time what do you guys think of the Yellow Deli it was definitely a cult you seemed nice but it was also really scary [Applause] and then as we were about to leave New York we stopped by another Yellow Deli location they're everywhere the big secret they're hiding is like what goes on intricately like with the communities tomorrow going to this other Yellow Deli it might be our best chance at getting a sit-down interview with them at the second location we had a plan we cut open a b pillow pet and turned it into a makeshift spy camera scaffold I'll be uh the 12 tribes and you be you welcome to the 12 tribes this is a really cute pillow pet do you mean children [Laughter] yeah I think it'll work I think it will work this obviously didn't work but we tried it anyways right before we headed in a Yellow Deli employee started banging on our van window oh you ever been in the Yellow Deli no no you got to come into see our artwork we were just about to try to find somewhere to eat yeah right yeah we're in the right place come up and see us that was terrifying but despite that we headed in [Music] that was uneventful it was kind of just like good food but we got invited to come back so yeah they invited us back for dinner that night alone privately and we didn't have like any spy equipment so I Rush ordered a little spy camera like a pen that I put in my little pocket it was really shitty so we're stopping at this library to figure out what our actual plan is for tonight because we can't just go in and not have a plan to you know get the content I think it's recording right now test it and say something hey so I beat my children every day of my life and I'm virgin the plan was perfect Anthony explain what's going on all right so we're about to go into the Yellow Deli uh they invited us for dinner but they have no idea that we're going to be secretly recording I'm a bit nervous they're so nice what's gonna happen they're just getting converted one two three cushion cream okay how many of you guys are here right now three yeah yeah that's it the small talk only lasted about five minutes and then immediately we were talking about Bible verses in John chapter 10 verse 16 they're doing Compares people to sheep a lot to bring judgment to our thoughts and our desires and our motivations and to be what we think of normal human yeah wow that's pretty deep see now this is usually the part where I'd make fun of Janice for saying that's pretty deep after that guy just went on a 15 minute tangent about Judgment Day but I honestly can't think of a better response so good job Janice we're Eternal beings everyone no matter who they are they're going to be given a new body an eternal body like a man was meant to have in the beginning that was like a line of dialogue straight out of a video game but they did make a promise to us if we ever went to another Yellow Deli location they would let us stay the night you ever want to do workers stay on the farm we got lots of farms one week later right before we stayed at the most haunted house in America we got the green light we called them ahead of time and told them we were Travelers looking for a place to stay and we wanted to do work to stay and love to if you guys still have the accommodations [Music] Plymouth is the biggest yellow dog so that's like their like Hive HQ yeah I'm kind of nervous yeah also I'm like oh man we gotta work the entirety yeah and after we got our new arsenal of spy gear we were ready to go one of us can keep this and if anyone sees like the perfect place to put it just okay well it's coming [Laughter] one two three question crew immediately they split all four of us off except for Zara and Janice who would refuse to leave each other's side and I just started talking to people throughout the work day I didn't find that crazy conversation I was looking for just more of the same people talking about how vaccines were the work of the devil but to be honest I could probably find somebody saying that at like Cracker Barrel so it wasn't that crazy there was over 60 people that worked at this freaking restaurant so I just kept making my way around and asking people questions most of my day was uneventful I just ended up literally working but it's okay because everybody else ended up working too [Music] so our plan was to work at The Yellow Deli during the day and then at night we were going to get invited to their Community home it's a big house where literally all of them live they share everything and that includes money nobody gets money here it's all just going straight into the Commonwealth the whole Commonwealth thing is actually complete [ __ ] you're not making anything you don't make any money but you can't take out anything either and when you join the cult they really try to make this like sense of one identity because you lose your name you lose all your clothes you lose all your assets before we went back to the community home we were invited to a little meeting at the meeting you got to voice your own religious beliefs and personal life philosophies so I knew this was a great opportunity to try to get them to say some absolutely heinous [ __ ] and holy [ __ ] did I we don't we don't believe in ciphery but that's not a good sentence to say but after we know of people whose Grandparents were slaves and for generations and they loved it the anger that surrounded the black lives matter movement was uh powerful there was a powerful force of prejudice in Germany in the 1920s and 30s directly towards the Jewish people and politician picked up on it and took it somewhere and it became an international tragedy and we stand by our way our life of love and care for others he just compared BLM to Nazi Germany but it's okay because they stand by their life of love and care for others but let's be real this isn't too far off of like what you'd hear at like a trump rally so I wanted more and oh boy would I get it bro what the [ __ ] is going on that was the longest thing I've had in my entire life that's what I'm saying man I'm so tired just asking so why don't you guys doing today I don't care because we had two options at this point did we cut our losses and go home because this is terrifying or did we go to the Community Home of course we went to the community home at 7 pm and 7 A.M every single day they have a gathering where they praise yahshua yahshua is their Jesus in fact it is just Jesus but spelled differently dinner or nope that was the cult meeting board and this was the most insane [ __ ] I've ever seen [Music] and listen I'm not one to knock any crazy activities you know I grew up in the Catholic church we used to sing lots of weird songs and I used to have to kneel and pray but singing and dancing in a circle with a headband down talking about how uh the end days are coming is pretty scary I did see a mom and her son walk out walking down there's a kid crying and like I was hearing like whipping noises no way I was on the lookout during the Gathering about like how many parents were like bringing their kids outside and it happened like 10 times and there were kids screaming like hollering in the hallway like I kept hearing that I wasn't able to get any of this on video proof so I'm just gonna say all of this is alleged and if I get sued this is all a joke and I faked everything but in addition to that I got the final piece of evidence that I've been wanting this whole time we got a late night car ride from this dude in a white van which sounds suspicious and it is we're joining a cult what do you expect and even though he wasn't supposed to he revealed the 12 tribes his biggest secret it's hidden from most we're looking forward to Bringing about an agent Earth is totally made new and yahshua is going to come back he's going to rule the Earth do you have any idea when that will be yes amazingly enough like 48 years until the end until until the last trumpet when Yeshua arrives and what does that mean for us well for the 12 tribes we're being prepared as a bride for him that's the politically correct way of saying you're going to unalive yourself but yeah that's pretty much it that night we went to bed slept on the most uncomfortable bunk bed I've ever slept on in my entire life and I've never been so afraid of being murdered in my sleep but at least Aiden would also probably be murdered at the same time so that was comforting I guess we woke up and then we praised yahshua again and then we left because I was [ __ ] terrified I put my key in the ignition for the van and Sarah's taking a [ __ ] [Music] they're gonna kill themselves in 48 years but yeah I still get calls from them like once a month and they think I'm just some random guy but no I went in there with a bunch of spy gear and lavalier microphones so sorry guys if you're watching this but um yeah I was a little unsure if they were looking they're cool why are you being brainwashed you're being brainwashed wake up you're falling for it zap out of it all these shits I know they gave him a [ __ ] no I can write a note oh my God look at that they gave us yeah we did this okay I almost didn't upload this video because it felt like bullying almost but I have to keep reminding myself that the 12 tribes and what they're doing is like not okay it's no issue with the individual because at the end of the day most of them are just byproducts of their environment but the community itself the bigotry they hold the fear-mongering and just the general doomsday that they're building towards is not good and it's a problem with the whole right the fact that they're breeding children in the masses each girl in the community has like seven children and those kids that's all they know is this community and once you're in a cult especially born into it it's like impossible to leave and so yeah I hold no ill will towards like the individuals but more so like the whole um yeah don't join occult guys it's kind of kind of bad but um the food at The Yellow Deli is really good it is it was it was good I'm not gonna lie
Channel: anthpo
Views: 3,943,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, meme, anthpo, college, university, yellow deli, cult, 12 tribes, i snuck into a cult, the yellow deli, twelve tribes
Id: 1dC2fE6Wsyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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