I shouldn't have won this Cursed UHC...

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no how's it going guys all right so welcome back to another video okay so I'm just being completely honest I should not be recording this video I'll explain in a bit but basically I shouldn't have made this but I have so I was told like 26 minutes ago cuz it's currently 126 p.m. I should join the server I'm joining now and apparently they already started and apparently they had a mess up so they're redoing and I think they were waiting for me this entire time but I Josh literally got out of bed and we're doing this all right I'm just being real I don't know what's going on I literally just this is the first thing I've woken up to I've not eaten I have not had water I've no I had my vitamins I don't usually take them but like I don't know what's going on is this its 1.14 I'm Adam drop okay I figured that one out except the random drop is like not like the ones I play it's like every block is the same so wood is always gonna be this which I don't want dude I literally have just showing this and I'm so confused please give me something good I just need to figure out what these items are a few moments later okay for like 10 minutes I thought I was lagging but apparently grass doesn't drop anything it's not lag it literally doesn't drop anything dude this is such a weird u8c I've lost for sure I already know that oh there's a guy in chicken drops wood which is probably useful oh hi hello so I'm pretty sure teaming is off so we can't even team this is just a mess chicken chicken chicken okay I'll use it for wood but then how would even help me if I don't know how to get stone or anything PvP is on in 18 minutes this is the worst alright what is Stone job Stone drops whitewall amazing cuz I need white wall right that will help me win this you eighty I hate this I hate this thank you so much sand drops yay this is gonna help I've knocked out one useful drop so far I think I need to think above and beyond I need to go for items that people would usually not mine like sandstone and yet buttons or or this and get that away that actually yeah that's actually useful you know this is unlimited food okay right so cold drops it drops great wall why is there so much wall no one cares about wall this is so annoying please something good something why why why should I earn drop die please no hahaha get up in this so far absolutely nothing has been useful to me day - oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god please please please please please yeah you know what's so weird and the comercio HD I played I found it oh my god ow ow dude stop shaving sprint what is this I lost like so many hearts on that so annoying wait they're still final he'll is there a final he'll it was 1 min and no Mon really really nothing oh my god enchantment table and shaming table that is good that is very good so yes it wasn't all for nothing six hearts for an enchantment table worth it I don't know you decide has anyone gotten anything good nothing this doesn't even drop anything it's just oh my god it's like dude it likes me down and I lost eight more hearts oh my god it lags me down and I just I'm gonna cry it just likes me down what the heck wow I'm literally gonna die this is the worst ever I've the least amount of hearts in the whole game it really just liked me down there I died I'm too scared to go up normally I'm wasting my time everything's just off I'm getting so many buttons like this helps me and I'm not gonna get any hearts back cuz everyone wants to win themselves just get out of here please I don't want to spend another second in here lay down PvP on in 13 minutes guess what I have nothing oh my god another heart I'm sure to quit I'm just gonna quit now what's the mood a flake told me awesome what's the point your cane gives nothing how does this help me okay you know the one good thing I got stop stop stop no the one good thing I got unlimited food but we barely even lose any food give up Oh a new biome okay something useful then right someone's clearly been here Oh emeralds oh my god why I'm gonna die before pvp's even on oh yeah there are they gonna follow me they call you like that way I'm weight faster than you yeah what are you gonna do idiots bye bye you show up something amazing please show up something amazing diamonds I could really real use diamonds drop something amazing like diamonds come on bro come on no hey at least this guy still has nothing yeah me too I just take hearts of damage for no reason drop something good drop something good you don't even drop anything still absolutely nothing we're gonna hope this biome jobs diamonds please on okay I'm just gonna cry I'm honestly just gonna sit in a corner and cry watch it be like polar bears shop diamonds when you kill them I'm not even gonna attack them come on snow come on nothing maybe it's creepers okay maybe this was all a big elaborate joke that creepers drop like a stack of diamonds I think that was it I think that was just lost more hearts I just lost more I'm dead I'm what I don't even know how to heal why why why would someone make the game like this why I have two and a half hearts oh my god why was this game designed like this there's nothing good about this absolutely nothing there's no reason anyone should ever have this okay well you got some stacks of blocks just in case cuz I feel like that would be my only hope at some point shortening night time there's gonna be creepers everywhere this is 1.14 the mobs are insane yeah it's over for me GG dude GG I can't even go over there because his creepers yes all I can do now is try my luck and see if something drops anything good at this point why why hit me what hit me what was it someone just end me that's all I have to say all paper for a final heal please please dear God please thank you is my chance to reinvent myself to become something great now I need a placemark I need to do what's best for me I'm going to find out what the best items are I am going to craft them and it's going to happen cuz I've wood so anything can happen at this point don't question it find the button guys find the button behind the button can you find it hi mr. bunny do you want to drop a diet okay I feel like I've tried everything but at the same time I haven't tried because the items that I have I can remind them I didn't think about this this is actually kind of smart just technically I think you doing this right until finally I maybe get something good right hey hey maybe white will drops nothing Oh cold cold bread I don't really know why this helps me but okay are those snowballs these are snowballs I could potentially stack up and and knock people off okay I didn't think about this now I'm using my brain in snowballs okay okay quarts drops I don't even care about that and you drop that and you drop that I don't care if they actually go for my snowballs really an arrow you mean my snowballs you mean my snowballs there they are gimme gimme snow block EVPs on Oh sick it's gonna be so amazing I can't wait for Bob what the heck what the heck what the all my time what oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay they're killing me there's heal me they gave me my heart's back okay I thought I was done for sure I thought I was done no no no no no I'm still healing I'm still healing I'm still healing it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you can't stop me you can't stop me you can't stop me no one has anything I chant this why can't I open it why can't I open it oh there we go a like okay what no I need a piss are you kidding me drop something good taught me diamond Oh sand just what I needed thank you thank you I need one of those actually tiffy do you want to 1b1 no I don't have a sword you managed to get iron so no will fist fight uh no okay at least I've snowballed this guy he clearly does too are they fighting oh my god they're fighting oh this guy has a diamond sword are you joking all I can do now is just mind what I have and hope I get something amazing which I won't oh my god people are dying left and right and I'm just sitting here oh my god another dad this is so unpleasant to watch I'm here with my stupid axe and these guys are just going off oh my god he's three heart no no Ryan I used to heal if you get a kill which makes sense apples and gold it looks like everyone really knows about the snowballs which I don't think it even matters I have nothing I can do in this scenario there's there's no chance for me here like absolutely none how did you get that stuff dude this is so terrible well yeah you blend in no way stupid how did you do that Oh another one's dead looks like someone's gonna die someone died I should probably start going up I have nothing to live for at this point I literally have no items nothing good there's no reason for me to even try to go down so let's just go up shall we let's go all the way up because I have nothing I could possibly do so let's just go up shall we okay I think this is a good height maybe yeah why not this is good enough this is her I'll take it and while I'm up here on mine random blocks that could potentially help me right yeah sure why not you give me a thing you give me nothing oh wait you give me I don't care about this I don't even know how people go I earn like what did you have to do to get it let's decorate shall we let's decorate okay there are four people left four people left yes we should make a crafting table and make that cuz you know my stone ones about to run out let's just farm snowballs at this point oh these literally drop snow balls that's fine there's a guy below me yeah it's great you guys have stuff you can buy it oh well he died sick well border shrinking am I in it [Music] I think just barely hi I see you down there try throw your stupid snowballs orders coming in I'm in it I should be stop stop what are you doing okay Jesus I lost my crafting table take a water bucket oh my god someone dug what do you want to do with it go down and fight only chance you want me to go down and fight him with my stupid axe you can have a stuff fair fight wait no I like you up here this is more fun for me I'll fail the MLG and I'll die okay I'm agreeing because why not yes this is the only way of doing it so I'm going down what do I get there's some stuff okay one sec all right let's let's go through this and see what I can get through this shall we and we got that and we got that I feel bad you should have just killed me he said it's okay okay go alright I guess [Laughter]
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 708,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, i joined a cursed minecraft server, cursed minecraft server, cursed, cursed images, minecraft cursed, minecraft uhc, minecraft but, minecraft except
Id: 55gN_Wqqgz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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