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a few years ago I watched this show on Netflix which is called chefs table and there was this specific episode about this chef and this bakery in New York the name of the bakery is milk are in the video they mentioned this insane birthday cake and it's honestly the most beautiful cake I've ever seen it's got such a specific look to it it's not fully frosted on the outside it's got this little birthday cake like cookies on top it's very distinguished like you would not compare this birthday cake to a traditional fully frost and fully smooth birthday cake and that is why I fell in love with this cake also the fact that I heard that that was Taylor Swift's birthday cake it became my mission to actually try it last year before my birthday I decided to send them an email and say hey is there any way that you can send a cake to my house in London I didn't ask for anything for free all I asked was for them to make an exception and send it overseas I get a reply back from the bakery and they say but then I went on the milk bar website and I realized the recipe for the cake is in there very fitting with the look of the cake the recipe is insane it's super long it's called like eight pages to go six different recipes within the one recipe I am the first person to say I just don't have that talent even if I took three days to do this I would fail and I would probably ruin this cake for myself I really mean this I never got over this cake I never tried it and it's been something that I think about at least twice a week I would say which takes us to this right here which is the handwritten recipe for this very specific looking cake the recipe is so specific it's so complex that I became obsessed that if I didn't have a picture if I didn't watch the Netflix show would I be able to recreate that same exact cake so I rewrote the recipe myself and I sent to both of the bankers one star five star and to me this is essentially a scientifical experiment the cakes are in my house so I'm not gonna waste any more time and okay here comes the five star cake and here we've got the one star cake that by the way it's it's really flat so before we open the box and reveal or the cake looks like I wouldn't tell you what my expectations are so I'm looking at a picture of the cake and I think the most important thing is that it's not frosted on the outside it's very important for me that it also has those cake bites on top cake crumbs I think that's the name of it and of course I think we'll it is strongest like components of the cake is the fact that the birthday cake sprinkles are actually baked into the cake and not sprinkled on top I am ready I wouldn't do this I need they're about to have one of the best moments of my life or just about to be so disappointed that it's just going to be a typical day I don't think I'd damage the cake so I'm gonna do the same on the other side it's so difficult without seeing anything I almost have no idea what I'm doing now the challenge is to put back together so this right here that I'm about to show to you is one of the most famous iconic cakes in the world from a five star bakery followed only using the written recipe and also my only good shot at having Taylor Swift's birthday cake one two three that's that's really good how's that already beep I actually cried it's like it's heavy it's really heavy does this actually look really really similar and you guys don't even have the best side the best side is it's beautiful we're gonna do a close-up and like to see the side-by-side on like the actual cake and my expectation and what I got but I said that the most important thing for me is that you can see the sprinkles baked inside the cake and I'm pretty sure that's what happened because look you can see a blue one here then I also said of course we don't want it to be fully frosted it like this sides at least they've done an incredible job I need to check on which I paid for this I will I will tell me prices of the last thing and this might be the only part in which you know it wasn't quite right is the top of the cake is supposed to have those little they look like cake bulbs basically I'm gonna I'm gonna get in here with the camera and give you guys like the close-up of your lives but I can't seem to find those little balls but they spread it out as a thin layer which I guess like maybe was a specific enough in the recipe I need to check on it I feel like you guys need to close up for there's more than anything we're getting much and if I drop this I mean physically the sides of the cakes I think I feel really bad for the one star Baker I feel sturdy which is really nice and then the way they've done the piping on top it just looks so good the only thing is literally just a little cake crumbs on top I expected them to be like big obviously we have to do a side by side on kind of what we expected and kind of what we caught and honestly even though we might not be exactly the same just the way the layers have been distributed like the ratio of the frosting and the cake it's it's really similar it comes down to the top of the cake that's the only thing that I would change because I don't know if you see they've done basically a very thin layer so this is a little frosting which I'm pretty sure on the official cake that's not what he was made of I honestly couldn't have asked for more so I'm really really pleased with this I cannot wait to open the one star so this is essentially Taylor Swift's birthday cake from one of the worst rated bakeries in London this is one of the world's most visually iconic cakes ordered from a one-star bakery only using a written recipe I'll be asleep this kind of look but it looks like a it looks like a cheesecake factory cheesecake made by me I'm gonna get rid of the box so you guys appreciate this in all of its glory my favorite part is the abstract um layers on the side they really said deconstructed I also love our super even like on this side it's almost fully frosted and then surprised we've got layers also what I say to my friends when I have a mood change I'm gonna let you guys inspect the details so you can obviously decide for yourself and I'm not trying to be mean I think the price differences were huge for this cake but I will check on that once again the three most important things to me were first of all that we can see the sprinkles in the cake no second of all that we could see the layers the cake is exposed and then the frosting is not covering it and I actually don't know what's going on there this may be a positive one the cake crumbs on top like the cake pops or whatever you call it I don't even know what the official name is but in the other one they did the frosting all around and then they didn't really shape the cake crumbs maybe it's because the cake is smaller this one kind of did so it was a range like on the outside of the cake I mean it could be I think this specific bakery is probably still starting out cuz we gotta start somewhere unless I paid a lot of money for this then it's like the carrot inside of me is about to come out and ask to speak to the manager which i donnelly don't think there is a manager surprise if there's a baker we do this with a sense of humor but honestly I would no be able to do this myself like first person to admit it so I'm disappointed in the color of the sprinkles because it doesn't have that rainbow look so he looks just very pink because it's got pop rocks and then gold like wedding cake sprinkles and it just looks like recycled cake toppings let's see it from that obviously actually looks pretty good I mean like it's supposed to be here like if you see the photo of the cake it's like the difference in height is huge but I actually do think they did the amount of layers I can't really tell but I just feel like the cake didn't rise so I don't know if they followed the exact same recipe you can kinda see that the toppings it's just a little bit disappointing it will be really interesting to put them next to each other and slicing into it we're gonna finally see if they did the same amount of layers and really curious or if there's there's cake sprinkles baked in there so there we go the five star and the one star cake from milk bar I would say the biggest difference is probably the size like this one feels like the right size and like I don't even know how I think they managed to squeeze the same amount of layers maybe the frosting started to melt or something I don't even have to point it out you guys can see like this one just looks better in every possible way the only thing I would probably say that this one did was that they caught these cookie bites the same size but actually looking at this one these are pretty good as well it's just that because of the frost you can't really see it but I mean it does look better with the frosting so I did no mention the price yet the price for the original cake the milk bar cake is $55 I think for the smaller size which is kind of similar to these this one costs 75 pounds which is I think close like $90 and the one star rated cost or five thumbs which is around the same as the original $55 if you guys are shocked with the prices you have to remember that one of them is like a big bakery that produces cakes like in series these are smaller like local Baker's so they probably cost them more to get ingredients okay wait oh my god that is beautiful are you kidding me the most beautiful slice of cake and right don't you even dare falling on me for those of you interested this is kind of what the inside looks like I mean it looks really really good it cuts really nicely this this cuts really well as well wow that feels like an incredible texture I almost want to do a blind test and see if I would be able to tell which one is the winner when it comes to taste because we know the winner when it comes to luck is that one wow it's a lot darker on the inside but I mean they did bake the they did bake the cake sprinkles into it um it's just it seems really doughy it just looks really really wet like you feels wet it's almost like a I don't know if you guys can see it's kind of like roll looking it's almost like dough after we look at it the taste test it's never completely fair because you're obviously judging it on the looks so what I'm gonna do for the first time and do let me know if you guys think this is a bad or a good idea we're gonna do a blind test so we already know that visually that's the win there but the flavor even though they're one-star looks a little bit raw we've got one layer of cake and then frosting and a little cookie pie on top so this is the one star rated so I'm gonna try to get a smaller bite so I can't really tell which one is which you know it looks really similar I would think that the five star tastes better just because you know it looks very similar but I don't you never know so while I came in okay there was one here I hope you guys can see what it is right well how kind of like kind of like a soft baked cookie literally feels the same so wow this is really good it's so milky like I would have thought the winner is the I could stop guys this is really good cake like it's not this birthday that I'm that my dream is gonna come true because I can travel to New York but if you guys live in any place where you can get this cake enjoy it send this life this is oh my god it's so milky like I love the flavor of milk one of my favorite flavors in sweet food a dream a cloud of milk with rainbow sprinkles this is like I am gonna call the bakery and tell them that this is literally the greatest cake I have ever ever ever eaten like hope you enjoyed this as much as I have if you did I would really appreciate if you could subscribe to my youtube channel only do it if you enjoy my videos but if you do you know scroll down there's a subscribe button you know how it works it really does help me with this series if you don't like me and you didn't major in this video that's also totally fine like no pressure if you guys want me to do another one of this written recipes maybe I should try it with a recipe from my mom you wonder what's that give the video a like easiest way for you guys to tell me because you don't need to comment you don't need to do anything just I love you guys um I've got a lot to do now so I'll see you guys in my next video oh I've never experienced this level oh this isn't fair to all other types in the world Wow
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,242,149
Rating: 4.9037023 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, written, recipe, 1 vs. 5 star, bakery, bakeries, same recipe, no image, no photo, challenge, amateur, professional, milkbar, momofuku, christina, tossi, birthday cake, birthday, best, ever, taylor swift, baking, differences, following, reci[e, one star, five star, worst, yelp, review, reviewed, reviews, hand written, test
Id: m_RZa6k3iJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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