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not garbage my bed leg is lost like my leg he's smiling unless he's from good morning cameras well actually it's a proper example of it is a good evening it's still light outside for another hour wonderful yeah welcome back to the channel welcome back to the never crane welcome Alex Kirsten or out to Alex or who are you yeah just the guy Alex is here on the mission with three cars one two huh where is this that for where is that for there's also a three liter Coupe Z4 Yes Yes somewhere else yeah anyway uh what's the mission the mission is so each of the cars we paid 1500 pounds or under four so that was 15 that was 13. Z4 I think was 14 and then the mission was we wanted to find out which which car we could make the best the quickest at the Nurburgring so we gave ourselves a budget we're about three thousand pounds so we saw three thousand including car purchase no okay three thousand for the month not mods mods exactly okay all three cars have got uh BC racing coilovers wheels and tires nice sticky wheels and tires uh anti-roll bars front and rear what else have I got on here uh full exhaust system a map this is also map supercharged blah blah blah and the Z4 has got the BC racing coilovers full exhaust system and other bits and Bobs maybe to fix it because it was a bit broken uh yeah it's still it still was when I drove yeah so a long story short the reason why this video is on my channel because you should go check out Alex's Channel and the all the very in-depth videos and video of getting here and building the cars etc etc but the main idea was that I would drive all these three cars give my feedback which I did but when we drove the MX-5 this was for me and also well for you it was your best lap in your life you said I've buzzing so but it was so much fun I drove it and I had so much fun and then Misha drove it took over and I was just like Blown Away literally the best lap I've ever done in my life cars motorbikes anything and I wasn't even driving but seeing you hustling this little car and yeah I mean you'll see the footage but hustling a Supercar it was fantastic and so it was for me and we were talking about it we said like hey this reminds me of the video upsetting a Ferrari that wedded which me six years ago in 2017 I think yeah and I said like hey if I would publish something in my channel that would be like probably lots of views to which Alex are like yeah you can have the footage you can post it because he's probably not gonna post the full video and we might as well do that because it was fantastic so the only disclaimer is everything was filmed with Alex's setup without my traditional feed cam or speedometer cam maybe we can still see some of the speedometer but yeah but it's mostly about the emotion and the fun that we had on a lab because yes it was amazing so you guys enjoy the lap again check out Alex's Channel and videos to find out more about the car the cars the challenge and there was a lot and lots of things um yeah that went wrong and went well afterwards it's exactly absolutely just to tease you guys this car didn't have an engine this morning I had to buy an engine last night and Taylor fitted it and Against All Odds not to drive it yes I drove all the three cars so you can check out anyway enjoy the video on my channel check out the videos on Alex's Channel they're even more fun uh but yeah this was definitely fun with all the mx-5s that I've driven I might end up buying one for myself by pancake be cute for camera you're already more expensive than the MX5 so you should have been way faster GoPro she's blocking my area yes probably how about up there yeah that would be nice though okay behind us so I think yeah make sure I want you to lose that GT play oh okay what if I just go in the opposite direction as I can't oh over there the set for excellent oh go capture make sure best this is more like it Maisha yeah hope so because it's it's off is it no it was not it slowed me down in the corner it says these things yes yes good grip isn't it yes it really hangs on it does and it sounds like a race car it is going this way we are catching the gt3rs or whatever it is wow guns out yes I love it I love it he must be looking in the mirror thinking what the hell is going on yeah we're approaching high-speed sections action it's not my life good and I was elevation we have 50. anymore oh wow look at this get out of the way you've done it you've done it I did it oh yeah I cannot believe that oh my God I thought we were gonna die and you know what I wasn't disappointed behind us yes these toys are fantastic aren't they they are they're amazing I love them oh the grip is fantastic the reveal oh I've really enjoying this lap so much I think it's probably one of my favorite Maps I've done with you yeah yeah why because previous times I broke your we did yeah back to car yes good [Music] it's a break still feeling all right oh maybe he's getting off the truck oh yeah oh no the GT3 is catching up again thank you no no we got Bamboozled wow that was history our babies on the radio right go get him make sure that was the Heisman section uphill when you know the power you've already reeling him in mesha okay I'm slowing down no come on it's not that fast section for the next two kilometers she loves it we're doing 100 miles an hour going up a really steep incline horatia come on it's fine it's fine just wait for V10 or the age even if it is temperature don't worry keep a flat I got foreign aggressive I like it me too come on come on come on perfect shift carousel give me the carousel right you go in there Bishop where is he I can smell his fear oh this is so good that was nice that was optimal breaking right we can see the GT3 go get him go hunt him down no fear Misha come on he might get slowed down by traffic come on yes where is it oh he got slowed down a little bit so will we no oh that was nice get out of the way move yes very nicely done there he is why is he breaking he's smiling he's smiling unless he's promising because he's scared you were so close no Gods no glory how many more corners do we have for each other yep oh that was that was a better love story than Twilight that was fantastic I had everything in it wow it was incredible I'm so sweaty and I'll just be sitting here amazing yeah perfect you really like it that much oh so glad to hear it dude the way you can make the chassis rotate and go and go yeah it's fantastic and the emotion it's oh it's proper fun fact I'm not sure if Taylor's car can beat this but uh yeah yeah I'd be very surprised because it's it's not too firm as well it's soft enough to rotate like you said yeah yeah like the entry into I don't know Forest that was [Music] so if you had to give this a score out of 10 for a kind of 5 000 pound car track toy whatever you want to call it what do you reckon uh yeah good a good ten oh okay let's let's be honest here okay um I would say if you would have actually like uh the brakes were like losing performance slightly yeah so had they been completely modified uh that would be like close to a 10 and some other pieces but let's say eight and a half and a half I give it a good beat and a half but one thing is yeah yeah yeah but but considering the budget in mind that would be a good um [Music] 9.34 9.34 okay I will take that all day yeah and considering we threw all this stuff together in a day and a half and it still runs everything happy happy temperatures all good I will take that and this car will take me home tomorrow as well to the UK should we go say hi to the to the GT3 guy let's do it you got it our way Misha that was fantastic I loved it epic yeah I loved it good good
Channel: Misha Charoudin
Views: 323,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Misha Charoudin, Apex Nürburg, Motorsport, Vlog, Car, Cars, Automotive, Racing, Nürburg, Nürburgring, Nordschleife, Touristenfahrten, Public Session Nürburgring, Ring Taxi, Apex Taxi, Asetto Corsa, Project Cars, iRacing, Sim Racing, Autobahn, VMax, AutoTopNL
Id: hNzzwcDOA88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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