I Hacked on a Corrupt Youtuber SMP!

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I'm going to hack on a corrupt SMP where players have access to creative mode Infinite Strength three and armor you can't obtain in vanilla Minecraft while my team had none of that and in order to kill them before the server closed in 4 days they needed my help and the first hack I'll be using to do that is name tag a hack that allows you to see how far players are from you and everything they have on considering one of the players on the corrupt team was just betrayed this would be the perfect time to hunt him down and take some of the corrupt gear for ourselves where is he uh straight just straight get him he's laging hi he's peing again yeah he is full pearls again probably oh my God this is going to last forever bro it was clear that Spong had shers of pearls to keep running away and if he did the corrupt gear he had will be erased from the server forever so it was the best time to activate the next half fly hacks literally allowing you to fly at light speed 780 to 1991 want okay okay I'm on the I'm on my this no he's going to PE again he has more he has more after this armor kill him just kill him finally Jesus Christ let's go dude let's go killing Spong gave us access to Pro 10 armor and considering I was the most powerful on my team they decided to give me all of the armor and yes this is vanilla Minecraft but this doesn't compare to anything flame and Jaden had let me explain a player by the name of Jaden got access to the server owner's Minecraft account giving him and his teammate flame items that break the physics of Minecraft with their goal to ban every player not only do they have Pro 10 but sharpness 10 swords as well as items no player can ever imagine obtaining which is all said to be in a vault somewhere in the Border a th000 by a th000 and if I wanted to save my team from being banned I had to help them find the Vault the following day guys I lost every everything forgetting that the Border was closing I logged out 200 blocks out of the border so upon logging I was killed within seconds and reset to nothing meaning I lost the Pro 10 but when all hope was lost my team got the perfect it would be combat so okay Auto totem it's right there it's right there Auto totem Auto totem a hack that literally allows you to be a mortal and considering I had shulkers of totems from when we killed Spong I could potentially get the pro back set up a stasis ohasis stasis carrying up Auto totem with a stasis a Minecraft mechanic that allows any player to teleport you will ensure I don't die when I Pearl out of the border and run out of totems because the further you are out of the border the more damage you take I screenshot on Discord and allowed everyone to count so they know when to pull my stasis hoping each time I go out I get a piece of corrupt armor base has been like entire keep going just keep going oh come on grab all of it oh my gosh what do you have what do you have what do you have nothing dud absolutely wait you have so many pearls you can go for much longer yes I mean you have so many totems okay I'm ready oh [Music] my 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 27 28 29 okay no nothing again okay I got 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 oh my God pull pull pull just pull he's wasting he's wasting oh my God you that was pushing it oh my gosh bro y just wasted so it's fine you got nothing again it's he just wasted soot shoot shoot shoot shot run run flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame and Jaden ambushed us but right as I saw them I flew away without a trace and once they left I went back to get the rest of the do you have aare sh oh yeah there was Warden spawners that spawn we Destro all them 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 how am I supposed to take St 12 13 14 15 here wait I might have one that's near EMP 21 22 I got it I got it go go go go go I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it got it I got it got it all the stuff yeah I got it got it got all pro back all of the armor was back and me and my team were back on our feet I logged off for the night in the Border by the way and the next day my team quickly recuperated and I was out to find the Vault but in order to do so I would have to turn on the new hat block outline allowing you to see any specific block thousands of blocks away from you as you can see if the Vault were to be made of let's say diamond blocks I would be able to see right through this mountain and see it pairing this up with flying hacks as well as some x-ray this process becomes a lot easier but before I continue I must remind you that we're so close to 100K subscribers so subscribe to help me achieve my childhood dream I see chest it's like a lot of chest right here actually I'm going down 38 we got to go after several failed attempts and an hour later I saw something under the ground I see a lot of chest under the floor I see a lot of chest wa wait can we all wait till yeah yeah wait wait for everyone to get to it wait so is this directly under us like at this point what if it's yeah wait okay it's [Music] likeone wait just swim down no way wait there's like an elevator down this actually is oh my god dude boths giving our team access to bedrock stacks of golden apples and literal game breaking item to ens sure we leave nothing behind my team quickly starts to gather all the shers and move it to another location as we're doing so the worst possible J here here they're here flame and Jaden somehow knew we found the Vault and they weren't going to stop till they killed us we also just got info that spawn was trapped meaning if one of us dies we will be kill banned off the server because on the levels s SMP your multiplier equals your lives and when you run out your ban knowing this I turned on the next hat batfly allowing you and another player to cross the world in seconds knowing I didn't want anyone to get BN you guys he's coming to jum he's right behind you I'm in the water this way yeah sure go to the right around around the mountain maybe what or did we go through it oh my God as most may see this getaway as a success I saw it as a loss the corrupt gear we've gotten from The Vault we still couldn't get near to killing them the Vault didn't even give us what my team needed which is tons of corrupt armor and swords which we know they have what will make that change the last day of the server tomorrow the Border will be fully closed in and everyone will have to fight flame and Jaden I'm the only one with a surviving chance because of the Pro 10 I don't want to see my whole team be burned but as everything was looking bad I found something that would change everything oh what FV what wait so you have no I never used them Flames favor a book that was signed by Flame that allows me to request anything all because 6 months ago there was an event on the server posted by Flame that whoever killed his teammate got a favor from him knowing the leverage me and my team could gain from this we made up a plan of everything we needed and I joined the call with flame to ask for my favor all right uh so what are you asking I'm might have to get Jaden for this bro I don't have the pretend I agreed to let Jaden join the call for them to discuss the request and after talking we came to a fair agreement I joined the call with my team to screen share the results okay yo oh my God we now had six sets of Pro 10 Armor All the Pro 10 they had and a Shuler of pearls now we actually had a winning chance at this now all we had to do before the last day of the server tomorrow the big fight was set spawn points at height limit in the middle of the world because tomorrow the Border will be fully closed in meaning if we die we spawn in the middle and if we do we will be farmed till ban we also have to make them hidden so flam and Jaden don't find them and break them or spawn trap us there now with that I logged off for the night and was ready to finally kill flame and Jade but in order to do so I must turn on the new hat reach an autocrit allowing me to become a PVP god without even trying bro I'm definitely ready for tomorrow going to the Huddle guys quick okay we have been fighting a two week long War this is the final fight this is every little scrap of materials we can get we managed to get prox armor we manag to kill Spong with all the op gear we we we managed to do so much and now we I guarantee we will we will defeat them no matter what no matter how many lives it takes no matter how many sets it takes before this these two hours are up they are all dead the 2hour timer was set till the server officially closed meaning if we wanted to kill flame and Jaden we had to go now but the whole server wanted to have one final discussion before everything went down all right as you guys know the server has been going on for 7 months and you know we've been through a lot you know what brought me here today to even like want to do this is all because of the immortality I've never died one time on this entire server I mean it's crazy what's been happening in the last two weeks from us battling you you know us finding finding you guys guys find our vault you know it it's almost like we might have had a traitor this entire time okay I knew it it was all starting to make sense since the start of the corrupt gear Anarchy we were always found by Flame and Jaden and it turns out the person we were closest with was betraying us since the start now not only did we have to kill flame and Jaden but lettuce K as well it was now or nothing everything we did has led up to the this fight if we wanted to end the corrupt players we had to give it our all I was prepared to let out every hack no matter my consequence full Jaden's full everyone go why the lettuce K running from the Ward I'm not about to deal with that too I'm going to try rest did you just use weakness on lettuce I'm dead is lagging I can't see I just and now I'm somewhere all right nice I I hate this really I'm coming to help with Jaden I don't want wa you didn't get it was quickly becoming apparent that this battle was harder than we thought as not only did the corrupt team have unlimited potion effect effects but they had unlimited XP which was something my team desperately needed as all of our prots and armor was about to break we used every method we could to heal our armor but eventually it broke and people started to die and soon after we're banned get out of the water no most players were into hiding as they were down to their last few multipliers and it seemed to be the end for us as the corrupt team started to use items that could one tap a player meaning my hacks were useless true Did you still have that ax yeah my best my best why Drew how do you actually respond someone drew original a player that was just banned for running out of multipliers had a one tap item in his Ender Chest which he obtained from The Vault the reason he kept it so secret is because they're prohibited on the server as flame and Jaden made an agreement that they were never going to use them but since they did it was our only option you revive players we had to revive true and get it this was our last chance true okay get get a the chest where are you where are you where are you next to I have the one tap item but I have no armor so no J just killed me I had the one tap oh my what is it it's an axxe right it's an axe I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it got I got it I got it do he's here he's here oh my god dude who who just went flying me bro one I popped I popped four times pop FL [Music] for pops me as well okay two I have three more totem you got no I died I got popped I got popped I took advantage the fact that they're the ones you're hacking on and you wait wait can you drop the one tap please thing you can do is Drop The One Tap I have I have to flam and Jaden told the admins I was finally being banned after four whole days of hacking however before I left the server forever I gave the one tap to my teammate pentar so he can complete the mission we've dreamed about I give it to SP I give it to SP go down the go down the you give it to SP I give it to SP J's here you me to ban you now you can ban me P where are you P do you have armor luck you're banned which one of you has the one hit which one of you has a one hit I gave it to I'm them I'm going see up behind them I don't know they can't relase like I don't know like you're supposed to just Jen I killed Jaden I killed Jaden oh my God [Music] my
Channel: Niqhtlights
Views: 253,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Niqhtlight, levelssmp, levels smp, Niqhtlight minecraft, lifesteal smp, lifesteal, hardcore, smp, minecraft smp, Niqhtlight levels smp, I Hacked on a Youtuber SMP, 30 million blocks, Niqht Light, I searched 30M blocks, Youtuber SMP for 1 Week, Youtuber SMP, I Hacked on a SMP, Hacked for 1 week, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, Minecraft but, School SMP, i secretly hacked on my schools SMP, Corrupt youtuber SMP, I hacked on a corrupt server, Minecraft Hacks
Id: Wxbr2Qv97CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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