I saved the Farm $51,000 with this investment | Crary Wind System

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morning [Applause] [Music] oh yeah there's the thing that's coming for the gleaner so yeah we've got a query wind system so we got some guys out from prairie they're putting her on here for us yeah i'm curious how it says so price of beans is up considerably and we want to make sure we get all of them [Music] [Music] all right so we're getting our uh wind reel hooked up we're checking clearances and stuff i don't think we're gonna run it today it's actually 4 4 30 already so we're going to basically try to get some of our hardware installed and try to test it tomorrow is the plan yeah and they're always keeping tension and then you can replace the wear panel isn't that just nifty so it's always so this is controlling how much air flows going through the fan then yeah is that yeah so there's a butterfly in there that's hoping you're closing so you're wide open or so it's controlling that actuator up there okay so the people use the remote like when they're getting out working on stuff or something like that okay exactly or you're driving along in the pickup and uh somebody else is running the combine running so if you want to have the controls from there but yeah if you're out here working on it and just got the controls from he lost me at someone else running the combine so one product that crary does that i didn't even know they did they make [Applause] cutter bars so uh we actually just ordered a cutter bar and we were talking about it one of the guys said well we've got a sample of our credit bar in the truck well unfortunately our new one is sitting over here uh i made this the same style cutter bar that came with the gleaner we're gonna put that on the other mcdonnell side note we have a 50 chance of rain this afternoon and hopefully we get that or our beans are gonna they're gonna take a hit but yeah the one thing i like about their cutter bar here is it's got spring pressure on the hold down so as that wears you're still getting pressure on your cutter bar the one we're putting on our mcdonald has these rollers and it's just a completely different design and the one that's on our macdon you actually have to shim it to keep pressure on there and we we never do so that's that seems like a much better design system so right here we're going to start up the reel and run it we're not going to run the the blower system just yet we've got a little bit work to do just going to check some clearances first basically making sure all of our tines are clear and okay so there's silver tubes or tines or everyone called that's the stuff that's the channel the air is coming out to so the air is going to come out right there so on the cleaner we can turn the real steep down so the reel is at zero right now see if dad remembers how to turn it up so we got the wind system up and going but i figured we might as well do a walk through and talk about what the purpose of this wind system is and how it's going to actually make us some money so what we got going here how does this thing work so brand new wind system what do you think so far well it it it looks really cool yeah it definitely makes the the front of the combine look pretty aggressive so guys i'm jason with prairie basically here it is the wind systems installed fans on the back this is our belt drive system on the yakov laner heads we use the belt drive system which it's a nice plane system works really good just like as many of you may know our systems just pump air through these tubes push your beans up in the head you know shatter loss it's going to help your head feed better you know you're going to blow a lot of that trash and stuff away so really simple system and look forward to you getting out this harvest and trying it out so the way this thing's working though we're using this blower back here right yeah and we're so you've got your blower on the back that's being driven so here's your belt drive system you know it's being driven off your pco with your drive shaft yep you have two belts you know primary belt and then your secondary belt turning your fan and that's what's blowing you're pumping the air through those tubes pumping air through your tubes and and out the front tube which we call the manifold and right down those drop tubes and blowing the beams in the head so with your other uh systems so like a lot of people watching i mean i've seen them on larsen's channel and in millennial farmer yep yep it's a little bit different system because this is a different head different application yep yep so some of these heads you know we do use the gearbox system to get the timing and stuff or i mean the belt system to get the timing right if you do have a gear box system you're going to turn 30 percent more air okay so we say and advertise you know 200 mile an hour air out the nozzle this one will be backed off of that you're going to have enough beans you're blowing ahead but you're not going to have so much air that you're worried about blowing beans over the combine okay so so we are a little limited just by the design of this head and design just a little so one thing that's different about the adco head our reel is one piece so so with this one having a single piece reel though one problem we did have that we actually just remedied right back there was uh we were adding so much more weight to the front of it really wasn't a lot of weight but we only have two cylinders lifting up our reel yeah uh versus where if we had a two-piece reel we'd have a cylinder in the center there but we got that fixed now it looks let's just guys always ask how much weight probably on the real thousand pounds most of that's right most of us back here but we do find and on john deere system specifically we have to change those lift cylinders out oh the oem cylinders are not strong enough okay yours luckily we could turn it up a little bit and then fine worst case scenario you change out the cylinders you know it's 800 bucks yeah and away you go so yeah so do you guys have any kind of studies on what kind of savings people are saying or side by sides you know on average two bushel an acre the drier the beans of course the shorter the beans you'll hear guys and see three four five bushel maker that's possible you don't pencil off of that for your roi right you know you figure one to two bushel an acre and especially with a draper that's gonna pick better process better one to two okay and that'll that'll show you what your return is going to be is there any other applications or uses of the wind system other than bush like i thought i heard one of you talking about trying to help pick up down crop you can you know and guys some guys use it running wheat uh you know down beans you know too of course uh there's some guys that do edible beans so there are other applications that the air can be used on okay okay yes sir that is pretty exciting system for us we've been pretty curious about it for a while uh there's just not any in our neighborhood in fact this is the only one i've ever been around in person other than at a farm show so pretty pretty interesting to see how it works we've always been running macdon heads one of the reasons we like a mcdonald head we can put our reel on the ground and not cut any of the teeth off of our off of our reel just the design of a mcdonald head but caveat to that is we do lose a little bit we're not getting everything because the way that head flexes this being a flex cutter bar head we're going to follow that ground more but we were worried that we wouldn't be able to get our reel down far enough and i really think this wind system is going to bridge that gap for us pretty well yep it'll do a great job well i appreciate you guys coming out i know we've enjoyed it it's been a good week one thing about it if it stays this hot very long we'll be using this thing soon so yeah yeah but uh i hope we get some rain though i don't want to use it too soon we picked the hottest day i mean like the hottest two days to install this thing well dad promised you there'd be a breeze so you only not only did you pick the hottest days you picked the least windy days and the funny thing is i've waited for that breeze and it doesn't come like where's it at so yeah yeah it's it's uh it's about 95 and it's stale we're out of the sun uh you have a nice uh shop we could use here so yep that works perfect yeah i think i think we got it on i think we'll be trying this thing out here pretty soon we have something to actually run through it not just stubble that's right okay guys this is later in the day the prairie guys they have all went home we actually are getting some much-needed rain unfortunately we're not getting much but we will prolong life for another day but anyways i thought i would go over a couple things with this system and why we chose to do this so as you heard from the from the other guys this thing is supposed to save they're estimating one to two bushels so let's just say uh we're at the two bushel end of that spectrum we're going to run over roughly 1900 acres of soybeans this fall let's say we did them all with this head that two bushels 3800 bushel let's go with today's price this is what we closed that yesterday at our local elevator 13.56 that comes out to 51 528 dollars so that's why we're doing this so one thing i noticed anytime i get out and we have to work on our heads obviously we've not had this head in beans this head brand new i think it's ran over some wheat but every time we run or work on our mcdonald's heads the cutter bar right there at the rock guard there's always beans there i can always see them rolling off the front and normally i mean we we we're definitely losing beans off the front of our head that's why we're doing this i mean let's take that number and divide half i mean we're still saving 25 500 thousand seven hundred dollars so i mean this thing will pay for itself in half a season so that's kind of what we're thinking hopefully we're right hopefully hopefully that's how it works but i definitely see some benefits to this and like i mentioned before with the flex cutter bar i think this is going to bridge the gap what we're missing with the mcdon and what we're gaining with the with the flex cutter bar so there it is that's why we that's what we got we're almost ready for harvest this combine we are actually putting something else on the corn head we haven't done it yet so this corn head is going to get a set of yetter devastators so one thing we are going to do before we bolt any parts on we are going to put head on the combine and put the pallet of parts on the head i think we're gonna be okay with the loaded tires i think we'll be i think we'll be okay as far as weight one other thing i want to point out so a lot of people have asked me why our wire combine why the head is offset and why we didn't true that up here's why lots of people are pointing out that you can move your window frame over and then that would move the head over and all this good stuff well here's why we have to run it this way if we move this window frame and by that i mean this part this is the piece right here that is specific to the gleaner we could take this frame off put a different frame on run this head on a different combine if we wanted to but this is the gleaner window frame we cannot just simply scoot over because if we scoot it over we are cutting out the amount of grain that's going to come in from that side that's why we're right in the middle of that auger hanger maybe it wouldn't be that big of a deal but it seems to me like if we if we scoot over too far to one side we're not in the middle and we're cutting out how much is coming off one side that could start you know bunching up there that's my theory i don't know if it's correct or not but um yeah that's why but everybody thanks for watching do me a favor and thumbs up the video if you enjoyed the content leave us a comment and we'll see in the next one so this comes out we'll probably be getting ready to head to farm progress show [Music]
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 79,260
Rating: 4.978817 out of 5
Id: P-i4-jtL0to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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