I Sacrificed Everything to Get this Armor

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ever since the only set of netherite armor was released to the players the server has descended into absolute Anarchy thus I want to destroy it doing whatever it takes even if it means the entire server won't be dead however this task is a lot harder than meets the eye the player who has a full god Set is protected behind an army of minions enough gear to last seven weeks in overall the highest skill on the server we gotta find a way to like actually kill him in some way where he has no chance coincidentally just a few moments later a message was sent out concerning word of a scavenger hunt the reward being an item almost as valuable as a netherrite itself the dragon egg hold up wait if we find the egg we couldn't technically trade it to mugam who has another right for at least like a few pieces of it that's true but nothing against we get the egg though well there's only one way to find out thank you after an hour of searching we found nothing bro I still haven't found anything rumor has it a clue leading to the location of the egg resigns in the ruin of the event organizer's first battle which just so happens to be at one of his old bases which and where I don't know it doesn't look like a very good Battleground there's no compost or anything well look at those like remember in this video this is where his pants were yo that was the Second Battle I don't I don't know if it was the first one I might have been making that up hold up I'm gonna check this video it could be something luckily a video had been really showing where this fight was the problem though was finding it is we need to see if it matches up with the video oh wait look at this look at this look at this Gabby Silva faceless yeah yeah that could be it all right give me a second it's like wait go go back up go back up yeah yeah it could be that one could be that one using the seat of the server we were able to determine the exact location of this Village but after scouring the area nothing was there the only related thing we found at the base was a red hair place by the very same person we're trying to steal the netherite from we had severely underestimated how difficult finding this item would be Not only would we have to search millions of blocks but survive and see through the curtain of Tricks scheme by our enemies okay so a few days back I had visited this very same place at the time I was recording with a system that lets you re-watch your gameplay an attempt to find the missing clue in place of the bluff I booted up the file wishing for the best it's really near here it's like 200 blocks away I don't think we went there not the live bro I think we went back up to that mountain no no no we went to the nether look I told you we went back I simply couldn't give up just yet because if the dragon egg fell into the hands of the full nether I equipped players he would be unstoppable look look we're heading in the right direction please say we turn right yes yo hold up hold up is this it it is in that's it wait do you think you'll love like a sign from all the way here no they're not there that's not the clue we need the song Started there allegedly the fake clue from earlier was mistakenly similar to the real hint placed by the organizer If This Were true the egg is somewhere or there's a drought I don't really know what that means but it must be something with a desert desert after desert I had had no luck until after three hours another clue was dropped find our Island friendship Island bro I was there on day one but where it was near it was um Griffin knows of course bro no no no what were the chords of our old base our OG base was it positive negative it was the same chord in it four two seven one three one twenty five both positive yeah you think whalable knows where it is yeah of course someone someone in there too no Supermarket knows so we just gotta get there oh dude okay okay I think the Strat is just to like replay like if someone's there I I go and swoop in replay oh it's awesome oh that was a Wither skull head fine 350 350. oh this this is it this is it are you sure yeah oh that's gotta be it upon finding this island I was greeted with 14 different chests each one supposedly empty maybe there could be something in one of the chests I don't know after kicking 12 of the 14 chests I swiftly retreated from the island believing nothing was there what I didn't expect was that in one of the two chests that I had in search the clue was inside bro our luck is so bad fortunately my teammates were able to eavesdrop on what the clue was and I've sent coordinates to travel to negative two four four four one four four four wait are you sure you're going the right way it's negative and then positive yeah yeah okay now I was face to face with one of the mug of minions this imposed the great risk fight him and potentially get ambushed by an entire squad or run and lose the race to the potential lead wait if they're here that means both of the teams are on the same Trail you gotta hurry up bro bro where are you going this is mine through the wall what are you doing no because they're gonna follow me go straight go straight go straight they can't follow you now they they don't see you go straight go right to the course you're near yeah it's YouTube oh what is that the exact chords it is the exact chord okay I think they got there before they got there before was all this for nothing was this all just a waste of time that we could have been using to steal the netherrite set I don't know but I'm gonna give it one last try hey Tyrese that's a restaurant I destroyed okay I need to be down where was tyrad in this there's nothing bro there's nothing there at this point I begin questioning the legitimacy of this information until eventually a screenshot was leaked about the actual location of the a once again the race to beat mugam and his team was on oh no this might be it watch my screen I think I found it I I think I found it look look whoever found the room containing the egg first would win it was neck and neck that was until I realized that the search had already finished what is he holding it oh bro no dude now it was no longer about obtaining the egg but rather escaping alive they're all huge moving help all of them are on me the shotguns are the strike is hard remember please I'm trying say can we all relax please that's an improve when you can Dash in Pearl immediately like the Trident there's only two but to have any of them why is it not Landing go towards your Pearl no why would he do that but they're gonna follow them dude that's unfair so the trunk could actually load oh actually you're right where's you Murphy where are you still lives on the island distract him over the next few days we decided to lay low for a bit Gathering Intel about the netherite as luck would have it we managed to stumble upon muggin's base while he was offline every single villager one can need was in this base this was a valuable making machine if we could cut off the production of riches produced by this base we would have a greater chance of defeating mugam while we were regathering our possessions my teammate ended up obtaining the dragon egg as a result of a trade this was now A major advantage because on This Server there are certain op items that give you superpowers similar to the netherrite the dragon egg makes you practically Invincible Riding High on a recent success we decided to test out the power of the egg by jumping the group of players who were after us earlier [Music] is the only player who received the immortal effects from the dragon egg our team was still standing our ground as long as we took down a player we would be satisfied the only problem though was that no matter how hard we tried they would not die was there some sort of glitch protecting these players we don't know to make matters even worse mugam the player who has the full set of netherrite logged on and began traveling at Mock speeds towards the battles we only had a few moments left before we would be doomed it was only a matter of time before one side cracked and unfortunately that crack had to be me we gotta get oh no in under four seconds my entire house was depleted This truly showed who we're going up against so after rest of my team retreated we formulated another plan that would surely work so gentlemen what I suggest we do is use TNT Minecarts these items are among the strongest weapons in the game even a player in fully maxed out netherite in two tones and seven dying won't be able to survive this blast dude that's genius after experimenting with different iterations I eventually came up with a foolproof design that can kill you in under a second oh my God this is op bro that is crazy this design though requires muggum to go through another portal alone this would be impossible hence each member of our team was assigned to investigate the Loyalty of the enemy team hoping to find someone willing to betray I'm like 95 sure dominoko would like to have Magnum then are you sure I mean to be honest with our luck that five percent chance of it being a fluke is probably the reality but we might as well try wait okay don't wait can we kill you like oh maybe give you like one energy beforehand I don't know and then if you're gonna they might might as well do it now like I feel like in a few weeks it's gonna be way too late the plan is simple construct an elaborate multiplayer is designed to travel in this combobulate and unsubsecting well geared player very simple yep very simple in all seriousness dominoko and I would stage a fake killing in an obscure location this would then aggravate mugam and lead him to rush over then I'll create a strategically placed nether portal that hooks up with an entrance rigged with numerous TNT Minecart I'll simply go out the back and block it up behind me when mugam goes through the portal he will activate an observer that produces the Catalyst for the explosives thus killing him and getting the netherray armor here goes nothing oh my God yes the first couple steps went by the book all I had to do was wait until mugam arrived to get payback on and soon enough oh shoot I threw him don't leave him away so that you can like then Dash back to the another world what if they break they're not okay VW speaking of Fruit Loops there's this long-running joke that when I hit a hundred thousand Subs I'm gonna collab with fruit loops to create my own cereal snack I don't know about you but that sounds pretty funny so if you want to make that joke a reality Please Subscribe you gotta help him out no no no no I have more oh wait you're gonna go through like another another thing yeah yeah wait do you have one set up like a little side you mean yeah yeah okay you gotta make sure Morgan's swallow yeah that's too obvious that's too obvious well then he's not gonna follow me block it off block up behind you block that behind you like you're trying to like genuinely keep Bobby oh my God oh my God okay okay yeah yeah I think you win what we hadn't considered was that mugam would be suspicious and stop short of the second trap after waiting for a few minutes we concluded that he wasn't going to enter this was still our first Victory so far and now at least we know the Trap work over the next few days we began searching for the items that were keeping muggum powerful if we could determine and eliminate the source taking down mugam would be a lot easier the problem however was that these Farms were being manned at all times if we wanted the chance to eradicate the Farms we would have to strike the players first here wait let's switch out Pirates please yeah he saw you mugam's here Logan's gonna get here and also what did Rylan do bro Ryan said nothing did nothing we got it yeah he did he impersonated oh he is he's running bro I was so dumb why didn't I click he doesn't know I'm fine here logged on except this time there wasn't a portal to hide behind if we wanted the chance of survival we would need to run oh shoot [Music] I had Escape but my teammate wasn't as lucky oh bro what almost attacking me bro well actually because of our lack of gear mock Todd and I wouldn't be able to participate in combat if we wanted to save our teammate we would need to set up a clever escape and we should trap it yeah should we pull a green and go high in the sky and drop team did you see that clip I sent in the group chat the tie rod thing yeah yeah let's do that wait mogum sees me mugam sees me okay okay stall I'm I'm making the thing okay this is gonna be really risky are you at the portal at The Acacia uh yeah I'm making the Trap yeah okay so we block it off and then look here don't break those boxes he breaks the Cobblestone okay things were going to be closed every minute that passed was another chance for my teammate to die his entire life was now in my hands if this didn't work we would all be dead okay get out of it myself yeah yeah so they can't water don't don't mind don't mind get back up back up Terry let's go let's go oh [Music] that's good where are you guys headed where are you guys [Music] oh my God things were not over yet if we wanted to retain the netherite we would have to retreat and just when we thought we were safe who's here oh no way bro I'm low on pots right you run you run if I die doesn't matter you run get out of here you're just gonna pick me up should I do that get out of here bro I don't care if I die God no [Music] I'm out of there I'm not I uh get out get out I had narrowly made it out of there and shortly after I temporarily gave murphin the netherrate leggings to complete the set basking in our major victory the entire team logged on in Mid up at the base holy cow comrades we've been trying to get this netherite for three entire weeks and now we've accomplished this part of the quest but that was only half the mission unbeknownst to me this netherite was indestructible there exists a plug-in on the server that prevents the demolition of these items however with every plugin comes some flaws okay so I doubt that the code accounted for placing items into the shelter box and tossing it into the void like that's such an oddly specific sequence that no one would think of coding that but why would we want to destroy it though excuse me did bro just forget The Insider plan did feelings of selfishness overcome this player he no longer wanted to participate in destroying the armor and instead wanted to keep it all to himself knowing this wasn't what I team had formed together for I joined the call with my closest friend on the server I don't know why Murphy no longer wants to destroy the netherrite but we gotta do something about it whilst waiting to see whether murfin would remove the netherre on his own accord we decided to head over to mugam's base to infiltrate it if this were a success we would be unstoppable oh we're close this is the ocean we should actually probably put invis here because he was outside of his base if you saw that portal here let's pause speed as well should we fought everything yeah sure why not okay there's the portal above his face what what oh my God we gotta dip dude why is available here whether or not our enemies knew of our plans to eradicate the netherite it was certain that if we could wipe their Fountain of resources clean demolishing the netherite would be a lot easier let's make a retreat portal here let's go all the way should we do it on this side or the nether sign like the track oh yeah what if we did the Trap on this Saturday okay they're portals up there rustically no no no therefore though I know where it is is it one of these three it's right over here up there hide I see their names do you need help I'm not trying I'm getting something just go back to the portal go back to the portal okay okay I'm trying oh my God he's the curling cabin hold up okay go through break the portal once again it's not gonna work but oh we're on the surface I'm not okay break the portal break the portal what are the odds he's in the nether that's exactly out of sheer desperation we would need to Bluff our way out of the situation okay we have a proposition okay to be honest right to be honest we came here we weren't gonna kill you creature base or whatever right we came here we kind of wanted this to happen get to an awkward situation we want the betray ours like yeah well that's kind of jumping to the point but like you don't like how murfin took all over another like he has everything and we don't like that me and Zeus we kind of just try to stop the wrong people you're down but now murphin is crazy I want to know something you teamed with smurfing but you don't see people having like too much power to spit right when you do keep us their entire plan for this server it's like be the most powerful team deprive everyone else or to like necessarily true they're just trying to deprive everything including themselves they just took you another right that was a part of the plan to make you not have power they're planning to like get rid of another what do you want to do what do you want to like merge like an alliance or an alliance yeah I'm asking the team I'm just asking for a temporary great may be permanent depending on how things go for now temporary Alliance obviously I don't believe you guys too much but at the same time I'd rather just no one has another right than have murphin have the dragon egg and all the Netherlands like I agree with where you guys are coming from but I'm not saying I want you guys to have another right I want to destroy the netherite and the dragon egg I feel like that's the only way that's the only way to get rid of it exactly exactly although this was intended for our Escape it began sounding more and more enticing eventually We Begin questioning whether or not we should actually take our own offer the service fades in our hands at this point exactly as much as I wanted to guarantee our chances of putting an end to the netherrite something didn't feel right I've known murfin for over one and a half years in the thought of betraying him didn't sit right if we wanted to remain on good terms with both parties we would need to call it murfin and be as transparent as possible okay so you know how mock Todd and I went over to available and bug him space we ended up seeing them there like they both logged on and then we decided to talk to them we had a civilized conversation we somehow managed to convince him to team with us like fake team with mocktail tonight we'd form an alliance to take down you because we're not gonna do that though they think that yeah they think that we're basically at the point where we can do anything yeah we can manipulate them however much we want we told them that we're gonna jump you and like we discussed jumping we're fine with them and like they won't jump us but I don't know about you well I mean I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure like just a thing where you guys jumping me so just be fine it show it would show that you guys attempted it at least I just don't see what's the point going this far out in the first place when we already got the nether in the first place yet no matter how much we discuss us Murphy wasn't budging he even mentioned that I'm gonna lock it away no one understood what's going to happen either I'm even gonna put the dragon egg away we could not let this slide after everything we did to get this armor we can't just let the plans of destroying it crumble in front of our eyes as much as it pains me to say this we would have to kill Murphy and if we wanted to get the netherite from his corpse we would have to do it fast oh yeah the welcome another because like there's no border are available's right this way everything led up to this all those hours we spent taking losses everything came down to this very moment hey okay what do you guys screenshot just in case in case of well-able sites this last message you something yeah yeah bro I swear this is this is the place I die dog if Mervin chose not to enter through the rig portal but rather made his own a short distance away with our trust in the netherite would be locked if we wanted to succeed in our task only one of the two paths would have to see [Music] unfortunately it had to come to this but this is for a greater cause I'm sorry Murphy we're sorry Murphy now came time to fulfill our part of the goal so a few hours later we met at a location near the void and said our final goodbye it has to be done yeah so you have the nether right okay we're also destroying the dragon egg that is our void yeah are you really doing this oh okay good bro goodbye dragon egg goodbye dude oh my gosh okay now now we're gonna throw away the copper floppers or whatever the nether armor the only set on the server Gone Forever dude what the heck you wanna do the honors yeah okay well guys all I've got to say the new era is on top yep goodbye oh my god dude oh it is oh my God oh my God we did it also in this video here I make it impossible to enter the end dimension in Survival Minecraft if you want to see what happens half the video on screen subscribe
Channel: Suutloops
Views: 48,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, HermitCraft, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, wild update, 1.19, minecraft 1.19, minecraft curios, minecraft warden, nemesis smp, nemesis, carves, spoke, sandiction, rekrap2, base, vanishing, vanishingbase, pvp, mobs, minecraft mobs, breedingmobs, mobfarm
Id: o2dMgLCT1qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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