I ruined the Sims 4 horse ranch expansion using awful methods for success

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hey there friends how's it going the new Sims 4 expansion just came out allowing you to start a ranch and care for horses so of course that means I have a new expansion that I need to ruin I'm going in with bad intentions but I want a good result out of this I want to actually make a ranch that's profitable and functional and nice I just don't really care how many lines I have to cross to get that and joining me is the most evil Sim of all time Mr Jim Pickens we have Jim Pickens ready to start his Ranch all the way up here and wow what a plot of land to do it on honestly this Shack in the woods it kind of Suits him doesn't it wait what is this self-publish I'm trapped if you find this please help the genre children's book yeah yeah publish that personality discovered he's ambitious all right well let's get this Ranch started then the most recent book that Jim wrote has been nominated for an award no no don't award him just help him call Ranch Animal exchange I hope they don't do a background check rescue horse is much cheaper than buying horse I'll rescue one who's gonna adopt Crimson but then I realized this one is called jet pack and that's way too cool to turn down although I do kind of want to change the name I don't want to pay horse tax so I'm just going to call it man yeah so I'm getting to know each other he's like well if you're not wearing clothes I'm not wearing clothes what a horrible sight just out in the middle of the night Dismount man okay plan outfits no not for you the horse I mean man no not you like man the horse there oh that's handy I always wanted to be able to put my Sims in this position to dress them up too but it never allowed me so far I think he's looking pretty cool I'm trying to make him look like Jim Pickens I also named him Jim Pickens that way if I get caught doing anything illegal we have a scapegoat or a skate horse in this case so far my official review is I wish they made it a little bit easier to give the horses human beards okay I think my horse is done if you can even legally call it a horse anymore I want to get rid of all the hair it upsets me he's meant to be bald I guess the Weiss will do and can I get this thing off him since he looks like a human he just looks kinky now how do I get this thing off oh I can give him this little hat instead that's perfect it hides the hair damn it I can't take this thing off now it looks as though he's the human who's able to talk but I'm not allowing him foreign giving him glasses but I think I messed it up maybe I should just leave it out yeah I don't think he likes the outfit I've given him but it'll be fine there we go he's a defiant aggressive and energetic the perfect combination for a first time horse rider hopefully he's don't open your mouth it's so disturbing the game is just like okay after I did all that yeah First Impressions aren't that important right there we go now we're ready to open our Ranch sorry the other half of the outfit was too expensive we're running on a budget here call Ranch Animal exchange buy mini goats and mini sheep I'm getting three of each this is probably a terrible idea I don't know what's involved with caring for them he's just in his bedroom hogging a ghost come on take all the goats out of your pocket I don't know why he wants to release them here but it's been done now they're all just crowding him as he's trying to make breakfast I don't know how to care for them do I have to care for them I think I can hire like a ranch hand at least they actually know what they're doing Ranch Hand a hundred plus twelve an hour that's fine we'll be able to afford with all the money we get from this Ranch work every day from 7am to 7pm okay starting tomorrow I guess so I just need to be able to take care of this place for one day that's all I really don't like the way he's looking at the horse right now okay there's a load of goats loose in my home I don't know if they know how to get out and I don't know how to care for them the ranch hand has showed up but he's just kind of chilling but I think now is a good time to host our first event I can do a ranch Gathering or Ranch Animal day both it can end in a lot of money if they go well I'll do animal day because I have animals and hopefully they can pull the weight I can invite literally everyone in the neighborhood to this thing instead of just my friends I mean friend which is a Sim version of myself how depressing okay first off no children uh no police there's a lot of police yeah no police we don't want you here you got a cowboy hat you're welcome anyone with a cowboy hat is invited Santa Claus is banned we've had too many bad run-ins I'm gonna invite the vampire and the firefighter in case the vampire Goes Up in Flames because it's daytime I can get an animal tender okay I'll get I get a crumple bottom as the animal tender I don't understand if they're actually gonna come I hope they don't include a picture the ranch looks derelict have multiple mini sheep check have multiple mini goats check have multiple animal feeders to keep animals fed okay let me do this oh God what's he doing oh no he's not gonna attempt to trick is he he's showing off for everybody excellent World good thing you just clipped through the other horses or that would have been a serious injury right at the start of the party howdy introduction the best part of the DLC I invited an alien because they thought they'd get a kick out of the whole thing why are we hanging out by the trash I guess the whole Ranch is kind of trash but still oh no the goat is attacking someone why have I not trained them oh no she's talking to Jim Pickens The Horse version which is arguably just as dangerous as the real version what's this manure abortion inventory just stop it in your pockets till the party's over wait what this kid just came and took it dude that was mine it was from my pockets not you oh wait sorry I I don't know what I did there I think I just cursed you joke about body hair just trying to make it a fun time for everyone you couldn't milk for simoleons it's just milk it's just for like a bonding experience then I'm just gonna hug the ghost because that's Apparently one of my goals stop talking to them we got the goal and we don't want to socialize with them anymore surely a vampire wouldn't drink the blood of a baby goat right that's too evil why are you all just crowding in here probably because I I put the sheep in here but that was a mistake someone was in my bed this is way too crowded I need to expand on the outdoor I think what is he doing yeah everybody get a load of this I love this DLC it's my favorite it's just because of this dance teaming what is going on in here hug the ghost it'll get two requirements of our party completed everyone else is just watching Kevin dance wait you can trade the mini coats what trade four Simoleon so I can sell animals on like a black market or something oh no the Jim Pickens and man are on the loose I don't know what's happening to them we're just letting them run all over the place because that old lady didn't show up to care for my animals selfish elderly why are you calling me you're in my house you're like two feet away I was wondering if I could stay over at your place for a few days sure what has happened to this guy oh I think he was counting the sheep or something because he fell asleep that is excellent why do we have a suitcase here pick up suitcase what where did it come from I put my smoke detector on the floor by accident I know smoke Rises but that means they get a bit of extra sleep and the alarm will let me know at the last second I need to get out amazingly this event is going pretty well we're on to a silver day this is so crowded I know like social distancing isn't as popular anymore but could we do it anyway this looks really uncomfortable I'm just asleep in the bed while these two are playing with a goat in my room the last thing I needed to do was have guests watch mini animal tricks but they don't know any tricks I think they're just confused on how to like live their daily life nice they got 450 some silver that's great news that means there is profit to be made here oh you did show up to take care of the horses well thank you very much appreciate that now get off my property let's just go to sleep everywhere oh and I forgot you're not leaving are you okay I can move them outside at least it's probably a good idea can I move you outside too no all right I think the secret now is to get to know the animals better and maybe get more animals but I don't really have the money to just be buying them so I'm gonna go steal some just gonna move the suitcase someone just left their luggage here I don't know if this is Kevin just trying to move in I know what he's like and now I think it's on to stealing horses what's a good robbery hash perhaps this it's pretty close like this that's good disguise that's also pretty good after all they're all going to be seeing me at the ranch so I should hide my face and it's safer not to have eye holes I think now who has a horse already oh my neighbor Goose man hey Goose man oh wait no I'm not even in my outfit yes all right I don't think you saw me anyway no don't clean the Hooves right now all right you never clean them why would you do it now you can't even see you're gonna get kicked in the face making sure that we can Bond first wait why can I plan the horse's outfits it's not my horse oh I can just put some stuff on I guess I I'm just gonna shave his horse but it doesn't let me I can't accessorize so I think it really suits him oh yeah this horse is definitely my style and I want it time to begin the great horse Heist no it's it's not working damn it this is going to be harder than I thought ask about woohoo interests and he went to balding men who have a passion for fashion except for when it comes to pants we're definitely not close enough for me to share any preferences with you taking this opportunity to uh just have a little mud bath inside of his house I'm sure he doesn't mind I brought my own mud oh no he's not happy at all wait I'm getting worse with hygiene audience because the mud isn't it that makes sense take a bath with soaks lavender foam get that smell off the only thing he can relate to on being a Rancher is how much he smells this is inappropriate please stop dude I stink you're never gonna like me what if I just repeatedly wash my hands and brush my teeth then the thing is I must be using his toothbrush I hardly carried my own oh it's just telling me now that rescued horses will need extra attention and care may be needed I left it at home unsupervised out in the wild this guy's starting to like me I think I can make this work oh oh yeah yes it's working he's just trying to care for his animals and I keep coming over and joking about body hair a nice free manure picked that up and then go right back to flirting offer him a rose yes he loves it kissing his hands but please don't kiss gems after what he's been doing he just picked that off the ground without gloves or anything Don and Jim are both having their very first kiss you guys oh they're boyfriends now excellent this plan is working out great woohoo no it's too soon woohoo and Bush though they're leaving the house to go find a bush they're running off down the road this is only going according to plan I assure you um guys guys where you going all right then there on you know you guys have horses if you no all right okay goodbye okay they found a bush in some random road out in the middle of nowhere there's someone walking by oh no they're coming right over oh no they got distracted by this or at least pretended to be distracted by it excellent all right plan accomplished there are now cow poke dancing blocking the road it's the new tick tock Trend everyone's getting in on it please if you want to be cool do this dance on the highway I can't ask him to move in with me or at least I can't find it so I think I'll give him a gift perhaps and then just invite him over and see will he move in with me outstanding quality horse manure I hope he likes it it's sparkly for some reason I think the horse is dying okay he liked it I've been thinking about this a lot and wanted to ask if you like to live together what the other SIM asked me for once yes I'd love that wait can I just take the horse and I don't even allow him to move it why does it even why is it an option yeah seems good see you dude he's just confused like what even happened Jim Pickens will keep an eye on him so he doesn't follow me back to the ranch just pooped on the floor as a power move and left oh God he's not very confident on that horse is he it looks very dangerous all right we got a whole new horse through the ranch excellent don't really even understand how that's a thing but it is Duke is feeling a bit bored oh we need a horse toy great Duke is gonna teach me Hannah how to take care of horses because he's used to being cared for I'm buying them a big ball I know I'd enjoy that more poop put in inventory this is where I make my real money I don't really know how yet but I'm gonna stockpile it and I'm sure something will work out I can ask the horse what's wrong or I could tell it's a joke but it doesn't seem to want that thank goodness Jim Pickens speaks horse or at least he believes he can speak horse Duke is uncomfortable from feeling incredibly bored what this isn't exciting enough for you he's absolutely exhausted but we're gonna make him do this we need Duke to be happy or not he just walked off but at least Duke is having fun yeah go duke awesome four hours lost its loving owner and Don doesn't even know where bag face lives I'm gonna lock my doors I don't want them coming back again if I have another Ranch day a horses are just kind of running around confused I think I have the money to kind of fix this place up a little bit though there we go all the dead stuff replaced with good stuff and then we'll just spray on grass this is horrible for the environment it seeps into the soil and ruins it for Generations there we go now we got something going on they couldn't just put it all the grass so it would look a bit silly wouldn't it now it looks like I'm just wasting a lot of water keeping this Oasis alive I only spent a couple hundred dollars so that was worth it added a few fifty dollar lights and now we're looking pretty good I can't believe he's just willingly sleeping with the bag on this looks very peaceful this is something like a Lo-Fi background or something slight problem uh yeah it's peaceful for Lo-Fi and all but there's a thunderstorm on the day I was gonna do a ranch Dame but I I still want to go ahead with the launch of the new improved Ranch my sim is refusing to eat I've told him to eat the grilled cheese sandwich but he's just sitting there come on eat it oh my God come on I told you to eat it I know it stinks but I'm the one in control here he's trying to speak to you oh let's do a ranch gathering this time that sounds great Dawn this is to be invited just so you can visit his horse and other than that it's just an open day anyone can show up except you you're not invited I'm hiring someone as the Grill Master this time I'm gonna invest in my business also please feed me because I want to die of hunger if my sin won't eat come on man please eat for me oh it's giving me tips have a grill for making grilled food have a dance floor have nectar maker here we go nectar maker I'm guessing that's meant to be wine then oh God I spent all my money impulsively I can't even afford a grill okay no worries I am convinced this is going to do well anyway I can't afford a stereo system so I'm just bringing my stereo outside no no cow poke dance cow poke dance no come on that is the saddest cow Polk dance I've ever seen he's miserable he hates his new life it's a ranch hand he's like this is nothing like Red Dead Redemption only one person is dancing While others clap No One's Gonna believe her look at them they're all cheering her on I'm gonna light the campfire now they're all gonna have a great time by the fire and No One's Gonna Die oh god oh no I'm on fire okay all right No One's Gonna Die No One's Gonna Die I can't make any nectar I don't have any ingredients that was the worst purchase I've ever done why are you only doing this someone else stands or something right they're clearly bored if that's all they're doing I'll get a grill wait that thing only costs 200 and something dollars I assume they spent loads on it and that's why all my money was gone I'm doing this badly on the ranch those damn Ranch hands bleeding me dry I might have to fire him but then I have to take care of them myself I hope this grilled cheese counts as eating grilled food by the way although I I think you stuck the grilled cheese is never grilled something's very wrong with my game I feel like I should get a gold I know I'm not accomplishing many goals but everyone's having a great time for some reason these people act like they have never heard music before this is the first time and they're like yeah noises that sound nice stop talking to me and let me joke about body hair that's the goal stop talking to her I'm joking about body hair she's clearly uncomfortable with this joke my goal accomplished oh I got a bronze but I still got 325 dollars so it's it's not all bad I guess I think he's just forgotten how to cook he's just staring at the chopping board like what next is cooking skill is going off apparently he's just smelling The Chopping board I'm gonna die of hunger I'm gonna have to start eating the animals is that what you want from me Sims there's a storm again I can't wait for tomorrow's Ranch day but speaking of tomorrow and ranch I should fire my Ranch Hand wait I can only hire another one no I I need to pay him one last day a capitalism sucks I know you're starving to death but you've forgotten how to eat okay there's nothing I can do oh there's treasure outside what an inventory put an inventory I wonder can I actually sell this I think Duke is dying by the way at least we have that in common it's worth fifteen dollars a pack that's not bad that could keep me in the profit the radio exploded because I left it out in a storm overnight come here my Noble Steed no towards me please we're going to town to a restaurant and hopefully someone will feed me [Music] oh no he's falling off a different version of Brokeback Mountain Jim please Jim needs you the baby goat volunteers he mounts that thing and writes it into town oh he's falling off again please man why did I have to make you so difficult okay let's try this again Jim Pickens and I saw this board earlier and it said enter competition and I'm really confident on my Steed first prize is 300 all right this is how I'm gonna make my fortune skill level horse riding one recommended three just a small speed bump um agility Insurance recommended three and two and minus one and one oh it's just a few speed bombs I'm committed to this idea and it's only a hundred dollar entry fee so I could basically can't lose he got off the horse and walked to the competition instead why he left his horse at home and the horse competition is he going to start running and jumping over poles I did not Place well what horse oh you used man Pickens why would you pick man Pickens what are Duke skills Duke is probably a talented horse right oh he's standing by the board again all right let's get him something to eat stop shut up stop saying that I thought this was a pile of gold but it's just leaves the gold would have been much more helpful oh another type of gold put in inventory and then enter competition I want to see can I check Duke skills oh my God yeah Duke is just good at everything Jim Pickens can hardly sit on a horse but let's try it maybe Duke's abilities will overcome Jim's downfalls I have a really good feeling about this also put this in inventory yes go gym gym gym gym Duke's like what the [ __ ] man that was told me we did get second place even though Duke is like a show horse but still I'll take it Oh no I got bills at 460 dollars my Ranch isn't really making a lot of money all right I'm gonna head out to a restaurant and try and get some food so I don't die look at them there the horse pack what a family can I just bring my horses wherever like right into the city center I'm going to a karaoke bar with my horses this guy just shows up starving to death with three horses to a karaoke bear please feed me give me a drink I want you serve food too that's even better give me your finest currywurst he was trying to go home by the way he tried but I didn't let him no don't walk away eat it eat it now come on yes he's eating all right the hunger strike has ended God knows what he was standing up for I can't do karaoke with my horse that sucks I think forcing someone into a hot dog suit and singing with them is the next best thing why can I also edit their cat I don't really want to mess with this guy somebody looks up with this cat no it why does it keep coming up with the cat what you want me to enter a breed name I don't know idiot I have nothing to do with this cat yeah this is what I wanted this is perfect wait a second I have a ranch to be running what am I doing here just got food doesn't mean I can rest all my horses are sleeping oh no man is awake and has given me a gift can I take money from this oh damn it I can't don't judge me I I'm a shitty person okay I know like literally I'm so much I have 11 bags of it on me but I'm fed it's time to get home I need to get my horse riding skill up so that I can perform in competitions with my favorite horse Duke oh oh dude hold on let me get that for you buddy hold on let me just clean your who's there we don't want you dirty now do we change the other horse Jim Pickens just threatened the real Jim Pickens I heard a scared scream and then he ran away wait I can sell my racing trophy as well and I'll keep them for now as like plaques to my achievements on the ranch but I might have to sell them the bags of [ __ ] on the other hand might have to go I need it for bills okay I'm down to 600 and everything is fine apparently it doesn't feel fine okay I'm gonna replace that fence post and we're gonna practice can we oh I need to be mounted on a horse that makes sense otherwise he'll just go off on foot again won't he before I practice I have an excellent way to take care of the animals and make money at the same time we host a ranch animal day and then we assign this lady as the animal tender 15 open invitations to anyone who wants to come hang out on the ranch look at him running over feed the animals this is the best business scheme ever I hope she doesn't throw away all those manure piles though oh she is but I guess it's a small price to pay it's all automated after all I just get the Splash in the bond what's he doing play in water you're meant to be making the guests happy man I'll hug the smelly one so no one else has to I don't know what he's been doing but I'm already kind of stinky so it doesn't really make a difference to me I do like that you could just put open invitations and everyone comes like hang out on the ranch and watch my horses do weird stuff I think it's more of a freak Show than anything like Jim Pickens here included and Jim Pickens over there included mostly it's so handy having him as a scapegoat if anything goes down he's at the top of the business I'm just his underling well so far as the tax office is concerned it's just like I don't know why I'm telling you guys all this I've told you too much she's just running around cleaning everything is she gonna clean and feed the ghost as well she is this is the best exploit ever I'm making marshmallows I'll have to try another person to see will anyone just always show up to care for my entire Ranch I'm joking about body hair again it's a common thing on the ranch it would be in a lot of the reviews it would make things really weird talking about how the ranch owner wouldn't stop joking about body hair sorry I know you're playing with it but I kind of need money real bad so I'm just gonna milk it right now if you don't mind it's attacking the guests again why are they all crowding it must be terrified you can't even blame it range foreign all right this is gonna get me 15 simoleons little fella thank you I've done all I can for the event now I need to practice this is where the real money is I feel and Jim is definitely the bottleneck for this the horse is brilliant after rounding up Jim is saddled with regret would it be safe to say that he dislikes horse riding no we've invested too much money into this business man there's no turning back now you gotta live in denial why is he scared run inside oh cause it's the storm no you gotta feed an animal to get to the next level we need the money man we need this event to go well like everyone I'm feeding him no no oh come on I was feeding it I need more money than that come back everyone you don't get to leave she's like oh okay yeah yeah it makes sense all right all right you guys have fun out here I'm going to bed it's too dangerous for me I'm the main character Oh no I got hit Jim get inside please oh I think someone else just got hit all my bags all singed worst day ever I think someone just got hit by lightning again I it wasn't me though so we're good okay we're gonna do some more practice on the horse today I'm not even gonna pay attention to the party I'm just gonna practice the entire time and I'm gonna see if I make a profit wait there's Agatha and Agnes crumpled bottom I'll invite her sister this time see if she'll come over because if these can be profitable without my involvement that would be great but they cost a hundred dollars so let's see someone came in and was just crying in my bed and I've locked the door now so we're just stuck in here together oh thank goodness he's eating again go for an energetic ride on Duke I'm not even gonna acknowledge the guests they're gonna be so confused well I've got a bronze medal and I've done nothing so I'm gonna get the same amount as I got yesterday I'm a game Crash so I'm gonna lose all that money life can be cruel sometimes luckily I had recently saved but unfortunately I'm hosting the party a little bit early and there is a lightning storm at the moment and I'm still going out on that ride go for energetic ride I know they're going inside no no no you'll track dirt I'm one of those country ranchers that doesn't like dirt you gotta stay outside in the lightning storm oh good the sister did show up and is caring for the goats alright goodbye everyone some of you may die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make look at that for confidence he's getting good [Music] oh I think one of the guests just got wrecked sped off it looks absolutely terrifying they're just freaking out every few seconds quick introductions to the people on the farm and that'll get me to a bronze nice joke about body here real quick and we should be golden I want to get to know one of the goats enough so that it'll perform tricks for me because that one keeps popping up Jim you running inside and Terror isn't really helping The Vibes I think this celebrity has been going through my trash for some reason I hope it's not like a celebrity journalist looking for a scoop because I'm pretty sure they'd find one here where is Duke oh my God he left him out here in the middle of the Wilderness he's hungry what the hell man he keeps doing that I'll tell him to do something instead of riding his horse home he'll just walk home he loves getting his steps in now you gotta run down the canyon in a storm to wake up your horse oh we got silver excellent that's a good bit of profit for today I think we have enough of a cushion to just try and get good on the horses now you know the event is over right you're all about leave oh wait no you guys aren't actually yeah you were locked in the house okay now now you're allowed to leave no go away dude you're not leeching off me anymore okay you know how you guys are all like my closest friends and everything I was thinking we make a club called the cows and we just hang out together and we clean we fix objects we tend to guard and care for animals and Grill it's very exclusive and the hangout can just be I don't know my Ranch just because it's like convenient and stuff I just realized the Sheep is a much better name for this sort of Club okay I've started the Gathering now they should all show up what we're not following neighborhood action plans clean energy production to shut up they're charging me more in my bills I hate democracy look at them they're already cleaning excellent now I'm gonna buy a grill because if they can just like Grill and make nectar and stuff for me that would be excellent It's a cheap Grill but a grill nonetheless put in a little table there and that's all I can afford teams why are they all screaming irrational Danger from being screamed dead I mean to be fair that's really irrational like what was she doing I wish it wasn't always stormy it's kind of affecting my business but they are grilling food so I'm gonna throw a ranch Gathering gonna find these old women again can I get both no just one Agnes I think you still owe her another shift but you get to be the Grill Master meanwhile I'll be in the competition what oh I need to wait till the morning oh now I gotta hang out with these people I know I'm just hiding under the covers he's so scared there's nothing like Red Dead Redemption I'm just sleeping through the party it's too depressing anyway no one likes me because I don't have a nectar maker they can't stand me without alcohol I think I need a big cash injection here how can I do this I'm going to the equestrian center but I'm running there as usual instead of taking my horse like a normal Branch hand travel to Equestrian Center okay I'm gonna find new ways to make money I just need a temporary cash injection until I get good at riding horses then I'll make loads of money in competition it would help if he would actually start riding the horses from place to place it says best training in town but there's no one here there's no one to help me horse training that the horse doesn't need training I need training but yeah I can't afford any of this anyway stop calling me man no one wants to talk to you this is getting too real now I could probably enter a competition right we've been doing some show jumping I'm sure I'm no three but I'm definitely not a one anymore I'm a two so let's give it a go I need the cash that was my last hundred dollars I have nine dollars to my name now so yeah Ranch is going well yeah go Blaze the ranch is saved oh my God ultimate horse Championship six thousand dollars all right let's go home Duke or just run home again I do come back you know you're riding the horse home you need to get better if we're gonna win that 6 000 which we're most likely not going to oh my God I could sell Duke for 17 and a half thousand how much are you worth Jim Pickens thousand bucks all right fair enough now we just need to steal another horse and sell it for a big profit that's the next business move I still have one single goat allowed in the house he's chill though he's a good roommate we get along oh no he's on Hunger Strike again can you eat this instead no is it this seat or wise no just not in the mood to listen to me today the hell is this call Geo Council about sample what the heck is it it better be worth money all right I sent it off to a jeweler to be refined I hope that'll pay off in the meantime I'll go find a horse awkward the owner's not even home I brought Jim Pickens I don't want Duke involved in my crime wait she is there I can see her I just realized I'm Barefoot as well okay let's go with a friendly introduction I just walk into our house with a bag on my head and a sandwich in hand having never met her before so are you into men with bags on their faces how come her horse is allowed inside I want my horses inside maybe I think that's bonus is easy how does the horse go I could have sworn it just backed out of frame and then it's it's just gone but oh now it's back in here unknown caller it's him again isn't it I saw what you did last week I was there I saw everything you're in big trouble mister you're gonna have to be more specific I'm just gonna continuously joke about body hair it's gotten me pretty fast today Jim just became acquaintances with Flapjack yes this is all going according to plan yeah whatever he's doing it seems to be working she likes him now no one can resist the cult leaders charm they've kissed it's practically a done deal hey you wouldn't mind if I took your horse out for a ride with you you'd be much happier in the ranch anyway rather than wandering around your little house oh she asked again how about moving in yes I'd love that of course the horse should move in first and get settled right and then I'll come back for you in a couple of days also can you loan me twelve dollars thanks so much okay no one else saw me there and no one will be able to call me on this sell the horse immediately I install it for 18 000. why buy flapjack I hope the black market takes good care of you and he's gone all right big cash injection for the ranch fantastic news good job Jim pickenses the Duke is a prize horse but Jim Pickens is a crime horse first thing I'm buying is a nectar maker in fact I'm buying two of them and we need a dance floor lovely stuff wait I can put the dance floor in the hay that would help me a lot actually or I can move this bed out here and then an old-fashioned gramophone where they can dance Agatha your Grill Master I'm also gonna call the sheep in and give them new outfits they've earned it it always somehow turns into a cult thing this pack is going really well everyone's having a great time they're eating grilled food they've been dancing we've been joking about body hair now we just need to craft nectar oh wait yeah I need the stuff but I have money this time okay you can stop whining everyone I'm whining also I haven't washed in weeks oh God I'm not pretty good at this the amount of times he's fallen on his back today please hurry man come on stomp use those feet I'm serving them wine everyone the sink is leaking he's just awkwardly walking around trying to pour this out this house is way too small please just light the fire come on we'll get a gold if you just go light the fire okay good the guests started dancing he just doesn't want to light fire for once in his life oh I nearly caught fire okay maybe he was trying to tell me something but it doesn't matter I got gold how much money do I get for this 600 not bad I'm gonna go for an intense ride though because I feel like the real money is in horse riding but I will start a cult Gathering I mean at the Sheep Gathering here here they come I kept the cowboy hats they thought it was fitting the robe just goes straight through the horse if anyone sees this what the hell is going on some people with white cloaks summoning gnomes and frantically cleaning I think he's getting better though we're just putting in some good training while the Colts takes care of the farm they're caring for all the animals it's fantastic I've somehow managed to go into one of the toughest professions and not have to lift a finger just taking a look from his perspective for a while checking in on the calls making sure everything's okay I think he's wildly dancing which I was to wear when I went into this view yeah everything seems to be good what a terrifying life gonna install some lovely fencing I'm really jazzing the place up yes level four of horse riding skill we're getting places oh they have been making me food good I was about to give out to them Don is sleeping in my bed but then again he still thinks they're dating so I guess it doesn't matter alright white mini goat is thinking of leaving soon due to an adequate queer but it doesn't matter now because I can afford someone to work here as long as they don't hold a grudge now they're just leaving food out it's so efficient having a cold I have hired a ranch hand but just in case I'm gonna do a ranch animal day so they'll all get lots of feeding and again I won't have to put in the work we'll get Agnes in to take care of them as well and I won't even be here I'll take part in the competition all right first we're gonna do show jumping or maybe I could win the intermediate I'd get 750 dollars for that and I'm only one skill level off I think that we can do it silver medal all right I'll take it that'll do it's time to get some chickens I think you're gonna be free range they can just run wherever and an animal shed I think so woohoo with Don this is the first thing I see yeah sure why not but then purchase some llamas there we go look at that everyone will love them stop calling me you know this this is your house for a tax write-off but it's really for Jim and Don I think good job Agnes really holding the place together then we're gonna purchase some chickens I'm out come on you're meant to be cute don't attack the guests I'm feeding a man straight out of my hand it's not weird because man is actually a horse everyone's having a great time on the ranch and more importantly it's making lots of money yeah Ranch Animal day went well silver medal lots of money yep everything turned out all right although I can't help shake the feeling that there is one loose end that being flapjack's owner but I think I have a plan for that too she's gonna live in here now and then she'll never be able to tell on me and look she's so happy about it I should really get going now oh she just hasn't realized what's happening don't worry Stockholm syndrome will sink in fast enough I always do love to see a happy ending I'm just so happy to see my Sims happy thanks so much for watching you can check out more of my demented content here if you want to And subscribe if you haven't already I'd love to have you around thank you for watching bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,113,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, the sims 4 horse ranch, sims 4, sims 4 horses, the sims 4, sims 4 horse ranch gameplay, the sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 horse ranch expansion pack, sims 4 horse ranch review, horse ranch, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims, the sims 4 horses, the sims 4 expansion pack, horse ranch sims 4, call me kevin sims 4, I ruined the Sims 4 horse ranch expansion using awful methods for success
Id: aSpR57l5LHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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