Best Friend SECRETS Revealed!

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[Music] surprise what the heck yes crap yes what the heck yes what I had no idea holy crap that scared me what I didn't know this was the surprise as you can tell my daughter Jazzy is pretty excited it's been almost a year since Jazz's best friend shade moved to Scotland and she had no idea that he had just spent 14 hours traveling back to Utah to visit her and what they both don't know is that I have a secret plan to test if they're still as close as they think they are let's give them a call so how's Scotland um I think it's great um like a river got really close I hold on one sec hello Shay I see you're back at my house in Utah is that right yeah yeah it's fine we did a little surprise for Jazzy yeah I was shocked yeah ooh well I have a surprise for the two of you as well us both of us today I'm going to test you to see if you two are still as close as you were a year ago oh no oh oh no I think so hopefully I will be testing two things number one to see if you two know each other as well as you think you do and number two to see if you two will still be honest with each other about your personal lives okay oh okay we'll see how that goes depends on the questions so your first challenge will start by the front door where you'll find a surprise already all right head to the front door see what you find okay bye okay okay oh wait what socks socks why socks sock we found socks what are these for I don't know that's right well put them on and head to the backyard because that's where your first challenge begins I'm I'm scared okay socks what could that mean okay I have no idea what these socks are about I'm kind of scared what's your mom up to I have no idea this could be good or bad I'm assuming bad yeah same I I think we'll know each other still pretty well right yeah unless you're keeping things for me I'm I'm not maybe maybe I have no idea what this is happening but mother quite scared actually apparently it's like testing if we like still have that connection if we still yeah we we do we do right I mean a lar change J I don't know for you or for me um oh what is up with this tarp e there's mac and cheese I am scared I'm so confused are we going to have to step on in it with our freaking socks the hair at the end that's nasty I have no idea what's going on but hopefully it's not what I think it is I think it might be she's calling again no hi what what is this stuff for surprise in front of you are five sticky gooey and crunchy game spaces okay see I will be asking you a series of questions no not good if you choose to answer the questions honestly you do not have to move okay okay but if you don't want to answer the question you're going to have to take a step forward onto the next game Space see I'm actually going to answer all the questions and you're going to have to suffer through this but Jazzy I don't know about that I'm pretty confident I'm not no please no I don't want to socks and cherries and hair they'll like stick together whoever ends the game furthest on the board loses oh oh please that's going to be so gross just take one for the team uh-uh you can just do that okay okay are you guys ready to begin yes yes I am ready I'm not question question number one have you ever beened pulled over that's a question for you that's a question for you um no no I haven't I'll answer it I have not been pulled over guys you can't be lying it's better not be a lie cuz you seem like the kind of dude who just I've hit 100 miles an hour but nobody caught me what is your biggest insecurity okay wow oh my gosh it's really really cold it's so cool what the heck you're not just going to say it well no do you even know prob not maybe see he doesn't know me like a year ago oh I don't ask those those hard questions this water looks really nice actually who looks like you guys aren't going to share well time for the next question what's a rumor you've heard about each other oh I don't think I can say okay you go no you go first I need to think about it I don't know um well it's like I don't know there's not like really bad rumors about you cuz they're all like good you know there're just like a lot of reputation things that he's like oh he's kind so it's a rumor I'm kind cuz I'm not what no okay um that's my answer what's your answer I don't know I've never heard any rumors about you that shazzy is the worst couple actually you said that actually I can guess okay okay we both answered let's go on to the next question okay next question question number three have you ever sluck out of the house and what happened well it was for a video and I was at the Nelson but if you wouldn't count that technically not really sneaking out on my part I've snuck out we did a an illegal thing I'm not saying it but we did and then that's part of it you have to answer the question I can't ah the M cheese it goes between my toes TMI oh that's disgusting look who's winning now Shay I think this is colder better or worse than the water most definitely worse why are you playing with it with your toes you're just like wow it's grown Dilly onious all right next question if you had to kick out one member of your family who would it be it's very hard what I can't answer that question I don't want to hurt any feelings what the heck Mom I'm not going to s that okay um for me E I like really want to but I don't um I'm going to go with oh oh you shouldn't say it I can't say it I can't yeah oh ew oh this one's this one's nice actually it feels like walking on a beach in your socks you know like you like walking on the beach with your socks do you not no next question who is your YouTube Crush Shucks guys I don't know his name oh that's that's sus you don't know what name oh you want me to say it's you let's go I'm pretty sure you're pretty jealous right now let's go not a ninja kid but he does flips um Jordan matter there we go oh what Jordan matter he's like eight times my age is there a problem with that it's a celebrity crush sorry sorry I'll let you I'll let you have I I understand that it's a copout you just you just don't want to step in the I don't know his name oh they're like yellow oh that's so bad Shut up I get it stop looking at my feet you got a serious problem sh rainbow colored look it come on come look it wait sh you have to answer I don't know he's just covering up he actually like thinks I'm pretty cute say Billy eyelish ooh those cherries look delicious what I want to know what your soty crushes that's a bad disgusting but I kind of want to get out of this grossness so maybe the next question will be really hard all right next question have you ever stolen something from a sibling yes you didn't say why Mom you didn't say how or what um no I haven't you haven't like stolen a t-shirt before any of that oh yeah I've stolen Mel's flannels and her necklace I see you're wearing right now no you can't even talk these bracelets no all right have you ever cheated on test no actually yeah I cheat on my driver's test okay I I didn't I uh I I I I did not cheat on my driver's test I cheated on like one of my permit tests how did you cheat and you drove me one time um it's it's it's a computer test at your house so my cousin was there and he just help helped me out with a couple of questions are you even safe to be on the roads have I gotten in a crash twice no twice what what you a crash before Jazzy you still have to answer I answered and was it a yes or no I don't know yes okay we're going to hide all those cheese spots and I have more questions but it looks like Shay you're losing not I will not lose why don't you be more honest with me you changed I have been honest I told you I I Che 1 2 3 4 you've lied to me four times I haven't lied you have not been truthful yeah I haven't been truthful wow all right the two of you since sham to Scotland have either of you held hands with someone else Frick no no no a guys this is not this okay so so you stepping forward definitely sounds like like a yes to me what no I just don't want to get personal I have not I'll just just landay on the floor that's sad do you know oh my goodness it looks like it's all tied up you two need to start being more honest with each other if you want to get through my challenges okay y let's see if you can answer my next question I want to know if you've ever had a crush on a teacher okay never uh-uh I am going to go play out no I have not sound like no cuz my teacher's my mom you don't have a crush on your mom no not at all she's my mom you both have avoided answering four of my questions so far it's time to tell us your worst habit worst habit popping my Knuckles probably my worst habit I'd say is like I don't know if I get on my phone it's hard to get off and I'm working on it guys but I feel like a lot of teens struggle yeah for sure so if I sit down like one more one more 50 more yeah hey Shay I made some pudding for you it's got some like crummy mums with some cheese I made a cheesecake with awesome strawberry things on top it at you and at the beginning well Sarah you know I think I've been answering every question you've asked cuz you know that hair does not look wow look nice on my toes I'm just a perfect boy pretty much do you want to step in the hair sure no I really don't I'll literally answer anything to not sip in the hair Sarah where'd you get this much hair I'm scared you know I just shaved a little off of the top of Brandon while he was sleeping so that worked are you serious my brother all right I want to know what your biggest regret is and why um I don't have a whole lot of regrets I kind of just learn from things rather than regretting about it yeah I know your biggest regret what is my biggest moving away from me it wasn't my my choice but it's a big regret you still haven't answered I don't think I have any regrets not like I didn't think of right now you don't regret anything in your whole life are you perfect I'm not saying I'm perfect okay know I'm just saying that uh actually I regret getting my mom involved on something sorry Mom still love you though I regret losing my phone losing everything I lose a lot of things guys I lost my phone in the desert then my phone is snowboarding and let's hope you don't lose your best friend for not being honest with me look where we are we are equal have you been honest with me yeah I'm so honest that I hands with I honestly I honestly think that you should eat this time to tell where you are the most ticklish in my stomach prob my knees your knees yeah I go what you take have you never done this those are called thighs these are your knees right here sorry for not being speci Mythic mhm okay this next question will stump one of you okay it's going to be you by the way it's not going to be me I don't know who was the last person you made cry and why I don't it was I don't know if I can see why yes Yu oh my gosh I will not lose that is disgusting that's not I win I win W woo it looks like Jazzy wins and Shay has been a little less than honest with Jazzy since moving to Scotland Jazzy how do you feel about that really hurts me it's going to make me cry that means you're the last person I made cry so wait I'm not actually crying I'm get back there no all right it seems like the two of you both have a lot of emotions so this next challenge I have arranged to help you get your feelings out on paper oh no all right guys head to the kitchen and do not wash out your socks what trailing through the whole house I don't know what's worse having like a coat of hair like to block your juicy okay these are oh what does she have planned okay she's on the phone hello Mother what are these all right in front of you are two canvases for painting for this challenge you'll have to create a masterpiece no that's disgusting you guys both know each other very well how many years Shay I don't know oh did we meet in Hawaii or did we meet o this is embarrassing for you okay how long how long do you know yeah but you don't I'm going to give 5 years correct see what what did I say hopefully in the Last 5 Years you both have memorized what each other's faces look like is that right mhm yes mustache beard wow so with your delicious paint brushes you'll both be painting a picture of each other what paint brushes the ones in your hands no no in the end I will judge whose picture looks the most like the other person and then I will be sending you on your final and ultimate test are you ready no ready set go stand up for this oh shoot I'm failing oh stop stop okay guys I'm going to go out out I'm touching it with my hands oh my gosh oh my gosh Shay well I'm behind right now so I'm I'm committing this is going to be her hair oh my gosh ew that's gross the Fruity Pebbles will be her face whatever you're doing with that I'm sure it does not look hey it does not look anything like I imagine how is this going to work I'm literally just painting with like excess gel on here it's not working oh my gosh it stinks it stinks so bad kind of got to get used to it Shay okay I think mine's so we got the aesthetic we got the hair right here you know ew what is that hair I don't even know what that is ew oh wait thank you you're welcome my hands are sticky I can't I think I'm good I done going to win it looks beautiful guys like truly a work of art yeah yeah so you're telling me whatever is over there looks like me perfectly like you you know you actually have to paint something like the sock can't just be its head I did paint something you guys have 30 seconds to finish your paintings oh look at that genius idea guys Shay you're going down you really have to be good at something which I can not see you being good at oh just you wait just you wait 10 9 eight no no my eyes my eyes moving it's so what we got is I did a smile right here and then the two eyes and then Shay helped me out and gave me some of his hair you know gross and then we have like a little bit more hair on to the side right there oh my goodness what Jazzy that's just a giant mess here's the arms body and then here's the legs at the bottom and yeah that's my masterpiece uh Masterpiece I don't know let's see what Shay's got my turn to flex so this this is my wonderful piece of art I call it Jazz's better looking twin so we got I can see it in the camera holy crap you think I look like that the eyeballs made out of beautiful hair then her beautiful smile as you can tell and then we've got the socks pure genius if you ask ask me so there we go well I don't know if either of you really have a future in art but I do have to judge so all right despite them both being gross one of you does have to win drum roll please the winner is Jay good though look at this I think it's truly a work of art okay I think I've seen enough it's honestly not a compliment that you think I look like that okay for your final challenge each of of you will have to either sell or give away your painting to a stranger this is the ultimate test because you're going to have to prove that you really care about your painting in order to sell it so let's see how your selling skills really are I know it'll sell 100% it'll sell this is beautiful just like jazzing I don't know if anybody would want to even like take home this masterpiece cuz who wants a piece of Shay's face on their wall Jazzy you're not s like a very good friend sorry only friends like best friends could get the joke right uhhuh she's not a good salesman as you can see this is fine art made from the best polyester sock found only in the part of the world not Scotland but Utah Utah guys uh I don't think people make polyester in Utah exactly that's why it's so rare limited edition because you can't find it in Utah truly a masterpiece anyway Ready set go all right we now headed to a public place and I had I've had a change of heart I think I think this will sell you know Shay's face will sell heck yeah it will I I have faith in that you're literally twinning like you look identical to this you stole my joke the only reason why I don't think people would buy it is because it means so much to me I want it's so nice but now you're giving it away yeah a well I'm sure this one will sell you know Picasso he had the eyes and the nose in the wrong places so hopefully they just think it's a new Picasso we'll see not Picasso free painting $2 I will pay you to keep it [Music] woo oh free painting she's got a boot free painting do you want free painting I don't have than it's okay they look awesome thank you thank you people here are so nicer than Scotland do you want a free painting and then we can help these your groceries you want really okay you want painting thank you okay okay we've already like been here for 5 seconds and we're already told that we can't stand out yeah it's because you can't sell stuff on their property but but I'm not selling I'm getting giving this away for free maybe the garbage will take it gen okay well I'm going to W the parking lot see if anybody wants it free painting free painting okay so I think I see see somebody who might take it wait wait sir sir sir um I've got a couple dollars if you want to take my painting oh instead of you buy I will pay you like you just want to pay me to take your painting actually you know here you go oh wow I mean that's also a great painting uh yeah you love it money no no no no here I that's for my op oh okay okay uhhuh okay which which do you like better I think I like that one a little more I do like how this is you know you see the eyes the smile the arms the legs this is more of a portrait though focuses a little more in the features he knows what I'm talking like a Picasso like a Picasso than that's amazing thank yeah here I'll take it thank you so much yeah nice doing business with you nice to be nice to meet you have a good one well you know at the end of the day it looks like one of us is still holding the painting according to these challenges I think Shay won comment below and let me know what you think yes Jazzy uh do you have anything to say about that my painting he bribe people to take it that's not fair mine better wait actually I guess that's a compliment to me cuz that means people want to like see my face on their wall not your face yeah we'll go with that we'll go with that well you know what this is really about is is how strong our friendship is and I think we passed did we pass maybe I think we passed okay that's but you still need to tell me a couple these excuse me guys I need to get in my car can you please oh sorry yeah I you take my portrait yes eat it eat it I win well make sure to like And subscribe down below and see you later bye
Channel: Fun Squad Family
Views: 863,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun squad family, Fun Squad Family, Jazzy, Shae, Shazzy, Best Friends
Id: Le11kNjJviQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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